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"Well, charred food isn't really good for you, especially when you are healing," Red commented when she heard him mention it. "I don't think you should really be eating that. You'd be better off with something more nutritious. But, I suppose it's better than nothing if Tengu really can't cook all that well. I would suggest I cook you some things but I'm not all that great at a lot of stuff myself." She preferred to do something that was more in the baking category or at least something more sweet.

She watched a few of him movements. His tail really was cute. She wondered what it was like to have one, but it probably seemed normal for him since he always had it all his life. Then, the comment about them not finding anything about the fire. "Why do you say that?" Red questioned. "They find reasons for fires all the time. I'm sure they will find some clues to see what it was. Though, it was probably just something that happened in the kitchen or something like that." Perhaps there was a kitchen fire that caused off of it. That was very common, so it seemed like the most possible.
"I've had worse, charred is simply an inconvenience," Wolf remarked, especially when it was Winter and game was scarce and harder to find. It also gave him material to use in order to mess with Tengu whenever he wanted to, or simply needed something to do in order to distract himself from other things. "I see." Finishing both muffins with ease, he reached out to pick up another one and started to dig into it while glancing at the blonde while she continued to speak.

Swallowing the mouthful, his tail flicked to the side, "Simple, there will be nothing for them to find, it will all be too perfect and seem like nothing will be disturbed to have caused the flames in the first place." The fire had started in the wrong place to be caused by the school's breaker, and spread too close to be originated from a place like the kitchen. It also would have been reported quicker as well. "And instead of causing an investigation to go on and possibly scare people, they will declare it as an electrical or some other type of common fire." Leave it to the humans to put the sanity of the masses on a higher peg than giving them the truth.
Red listened to what Wolf was saying. He sounded like he believed that it wasn't a common fire, but why else wouldn't it be? "This is their job to figure things out. You don't seem to be giving much credit to them Wolf. Besides, fires like these happen all the time. Perhaps it was from something else then, like something that had to do with the science room." She looked over at the time, noticing it was getting later. "Oh, I really should get going now. It's getting later and I promised my parents I wouldn't be very long this morning. Well, enjoy the rest of the muffins and get more rest so that way you heal quickly." She didn't completely want to leave Wolf, but she couldn't stay all day in the bedroom with him.
Yeah, it was pretty easy for a human to believe that other humans could always see what was being hidden from them, it was a pity at just how blind and unaware they could be. Well at least most of them. "Perhaps." It was a simple answer, Wolf didn't feel like getting into some debate about whether or not humans could do their job, he was certain about the facts that where in his mind and that anything these 'professionals' found would be false. Hearing that she needed to leave, Wolf ate the remaining pieces of muffins in his hands with ease before licking his lips and stood up with a yawn. "I'll walk you half way there, staying in bed will hinder my healing." Mainly because the hybrid would start taking off his bandages.
"Oh, alright. Just be careful," Red commented when Wolf said he would take her halfway. She understood about getting some time up instead of sitting. It was good to exercise some so that he didn't get stiff. With Wolf she headed out of the room and started to head towards the entrance of the house to leave. "Now remember, if you need anything, or want to simply talk to someone other than Tengu, just give me a call. I'll probably stop by again to check on you anyway." She knew that he was staying with a friend, but she wasn't sure how much Tengu would do to help Wolf. She knew they cared about each other, but the two didn't seem like the kind who would take careful care of each other when one was healing. Besides, she wanted to make sure she helped Wolf out since he was the one who saved her and had almost died while in the process.
"I will be fine, we hybrids are built to withstand more." Wolf replied, grabbing another muffin for the road. The only downside was that it also gave them a much higher metabolism rate as well, which was especially bad when in the home of someone that couldn't cook and with himself only knowing how to cook meat, or the occasional wild vegetable, over an open flame to make sure it was safe to eat. Instead of verbally replying to the first half, the teen simply nodded after taking a bite from the muffin his tail handed to him, "I figured you likely would after everything you said at the ambulance." Opening the door, he waited for Red to walk through before following after her, closing the door behind him and then started walking. "Perhaps it would be wise for you to also talk with your friend, she likely needs it since at one point you were trapped in the burning building with no escape."
Red walked with Wolf out of the house and started down the road. "I already talked with her, but thank you for the concern," she commented as she looked over at him and gave him her usual friendly smile. She knew that Crystal had been worried about her, and their talk was last night. She had decided to stay with Red overnight since they both dealt with a terrifying moment with that fire. "We were very worried about you as well. You scared me, when you said you wouldn't come out. Don't ever say anything like that ever again, okay? I won't allow you."

The sun was shining brightly outside. It was a beautiful day outside. "I understand that you are a hybrid and so you heal a lot faster. That's good, so that you won't be in pain for very long. I'm curious though, if you don't mind me asking, how fast is fast? I mean, will you feel better in just a few days, while humans would take months to heal from what you did." It was amazing what a hybrid could do. They were incredible people.
Hearing what Red had to say, he nodded his head. "Alright," her smile being met with his typical emotionless face before the hybrid looked forward as they continued on. At least that was out of the way, or Wolf would have sent Tengu to do it since the other hybrid seemed to have a fascination with the girl. It didn't seem wise with how that idiot Lance seemed so determined that all girls should be his and no one else's, especially Red after that little altercation between himself and the spoiled brat. It had been very amusing though. Glancing back to the blonde, he was silent for a few moments before replying, "No promises."

And he could honestly not see how the girl could stop him from not doing anything, or not allowing it. She was quite smaller than him and incredibly weaker as well. "Two to three weeks at most," The hybrid replied, though that was because Wolf wouldn't be staying on one spot as he healed, it just wasn't in his blood to stay motionless for too long unless he absolutely wanted, or needed, to.
"Wow," Red said when she heard the time limit of when he would heal. "I think if it was me, I would be taking months to heal. That's really amazing Wolf." She always thought that hybrids were really interesting. They were so much better than humans. "If you don't mind me asking you, what other things are you able to do because of your hybrid status." She was very fascinated with them, in a good way.

They continued to walk. She knew he said he would go halfway and they seemed to get better to the point soon, but they still had a bit of a chance to talk. Red liked talking with Wolf, and she wanted to continued to learn more about him. She hadn't been so interested in any guy like this before.
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