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Red wasn't so sure if she would consider Wolf a peace keeper between the groups but she thought that maybe he wasn't all that bad. She made a sigh thinking about it but suddenly jumped into embarrassment when he began to speak of her hair. Her blush became more pronounce, luckily he wasn't looking at her. "Um, thank you for the compliment. It's very sweet of you." She said. "I think this is a nice side of you. But if you don't want to show people, it's your choice." She told him.
Oddly Wolf laughed, it was a unique sound that felt like a warm spring breeze. It was amusing and a bit embarrassing that he could tell she was blushing which in return caused him to turn a light shade of pink, 'C'mon Kazuto, stop this idiotic conversation at once! Stop complimenting your enemy, remember outside this little charade you two hate each other,' inside he roared fiercely, it was true if she knew who he really was she'd turn back to hate him and believe everything he said was a lie. Well, some of it was but he didn't want her to think so; "You shouldn't thank a man when he compliments a pretty girl, its an honor enough that he had a chance to," he replied, Wolf needed to wrap this up quick so she could leave and he could get cleaned up and so he'd be ready for his next class. "True, but what happened when I was a first year decided what I was going to do for me," letting out a low sigh he picked up his canvas then placed it over where it wouldn't be messed with another with his easel, he then cleaned off his brush then placed it back into the container with the others; still with his back facing her.
Red was left without words concerning his first comment. Though the talk around the school seemed to be that Red was a pretty girl, no one had ever really said it to her. It meant that her blush wasn't going to go away anytime soon. She tried to shake it off, he was just being nice. She continued to listen to him. "I agree, sometimes you can't help what happens when you're a first year. There are some things that I wish were different but you can't really help it I guess. Though I don't really know if events can decide for you who you should be." She noticed him cleaning up, it must be almost time for the next class. "I guess I should get going. The bell will probably ring soon for the next class."
"I guess it just really relies on how you view yourself and everything around you. Though a wise person once said 'A person can mold an event but an event cannot mold a person' maybe I'm starting to see the light in that quote now after talking to you," He grabbed a clean washcloth and scrubbed his face looking down at a small mirror he blocked with his body, after seeing that he finally removed all the paint residue he walked over to the laundry basket and deposited the now dirty cloth there. After here the last part of her sentence he looked up to gaze at the clock above him, "It looks like, well until next time Miss Red. I enjoyed our conversation."
"I liked talking to you too. Maybe we could another time?" She said. She was temped to ask his name, after all he knew who she was but it seemed he didn't really want her to know. After all, he said he didn't want people to see him the way he was now. "Maybe I can stop by here again sometime? Oh but you probably wouldn't want that. I'll just be going now." She said and turned away, facing the door. "Bye." She said and headed out kind of abruptly. She felt like she was asking too much of him. She made her way down the hall to her next class. Just then the bell rang for the last class to get out so once people had left she quickly went inside and took her seat. She was uneasy though unable to forget about the guy she had just talked to.
Right before Red left Wolf had almost reached out to stop her so he could reply to his question, but quickly stopped himself. When he knew she was out of range, he looked down and stared at the floor, "Sure...come back when ever you like," he mumbled to nothing but the wind. He shook his head violently then slapped his cheek snapping him from his daze, he then pulled his apron and bandana and tossed them into the laundry basket before grabbing his bag and strode out of the Art room; he was determined to forget about their conversation, it was nothing but a simple fluke caused by a coincidence. He had arrived at his classroom several minutes and entered the room, he said nothing nor did he look at anyone he just silently walked through the row to his seat then sat down. Luckily this was the last class of the day and after it he'd have his after school chore of taking care of the school's many pets, suddenly a image of Red popped into his mind and he barely succeeded in removing her from his thoughts. 'Damn it, I see today is not my day after all.'
Other students started to pile into the room, followed by a happy teacher. She headed for the board and began to write things down. Red took out her notebook and pencil, copying what she saw. Of course, they didn't have to yet but she wanted to get a head start. She suddenly dropped her pencil. She bent down and picked it up, seeing the painting in her bag. She raised herself up, thinking about the conversation she had had with the mysterious guy. He had helped her up, created such wonderful art work and...called her pretty. Red couldn't shake away the blush that Crystal pointed out once she walked in and sat beside Red.

"What's with the blush Red?" She asked.

"Well..there was this guy I just talked to." Red replied.

"What?! A guy? Tell me about it, what happened? Do you like him? You're blushing, tell me!" Crystal was making such a big deal and Red didn't want to answer her.

"It's nothing okay." And turned her attention towards the front of the class though she could get mystery guy out of her head.
Wolf couldn't focus on his English class one bit, he was absent mindedly gnawing on the back of his pencil as inside his mind he relived the conversation he had with Red. He suddenly stopped what he was doing when he felt his face begin to heat up, he faced the window and sure enough in his reflection he could tell he had turned a light shade of pink. Sadly Tuzo and Han noticed too, "Hey Wolf, what are you so pink for? Thinking of a girl are we?" Tuzo mockingly asked as he nudged his elbow against Wolf's forearm.

"It's nothing," Wolf growled then faced back towards the board but then noticed Han lean forward to also catch a look his leader's face.

"Tuzo's right Wolf, you look awfully red. Did a girl confess?" the younger minotaur brother raised an eyebrow and smirked.

"No you two dunderheads, before class I happened to buy a candy bar and just now when I took a bite a piece went down the wrong pipe," he angrily lied, it wasn't the most realistic one he could of thought of but for these idiots it would probably suffice for now.

"Oh," they looked at each other trying to figure out if it was a lie or not until they remembered it was Wolf they were talking about. Not many girls had to confidence to even approach him let alone even confess their love.
Red was in her daydream about the painter when the bell suddenly went off. What had happened? Had she really not been paying that much attention to the teacher and was focusing more on him. She shook that though off and packed her thing into her back, being careful not to ruin the picture. She smiled when thinking about it. She stood up and waited for Crystal.

"Are you going to tell me about him?" The pixie asked Red when they were walking out of the room.

Red stayed silent for a moment. "Well, I meant him in the art room. I fell and he helped me up. And we talked...and he is such a wonderful artist." She began to say to her as they were walking down the hall towards the school entrance to leave. They were passing the room Wolf was in at the time.
Tuzo and Han had already left the classroom which Wolf didn't notice as he was once again sucked into his memory of his and Red's conversation. A heard a beeps and a few seconds later he was snapped out of his day dream as he pulled out his phone then hit the dismiss button of his alarm, with a small yawn Kazuto grabbed his bag then headed out of the classroom. As soon as he stepped out the classroom he easily side stepped avoiding collision with Red and her pixie friend, he didn't look at them but did say something as they passed each other, "Pay better attention to your surroundings," he growled then slung his bad behind his back. He scratched the back of his head as he took a left then finally reached the school's backyard and placed his bag on the nearest bench as he gazed up the 'zoo'. He stretched right before he undid his lose tie, unbuttoned his shirt then threw them over on a branch to hand then slid a tank top on which hugged his body and showed off his well toned body. Walking off to the animal food shed he unlocked the shed and smirked, "Time to get started," and with that he started the long and physically demanding chore of feeding, watering and giving each animal a proper bath.
Red was too caught in explaining her meeting with the mystery man that she didn't noticed almost running into Wolf. She heard his comment, it felt slightly familiar. Of course it was, she thought to herself, he would say something like that her. She said nothing back, he was already leaving anyway. Red and Crystal headed out of the school. At this point the two had to part, they went different ways. Red headed down the road, though her mind was still stuck on him. She sighed, happily, hoping that she could talk to him again.
Wolf leaned against one of the large oaks that were scattered and wiped the sweat from his brow, sure this chore was hard work but it was another way to keep his body toned, he got to work with animals and they all loved him. After his five minute break was up he grabbed the bucket full of horse food he had balancing on a fence post beside him then walked over to the outdoor area where the horse roamed; instantly as he climbed over the fence he was instantly swarmed by the five large horses that called this place home. They butted their heads against him as they each took turns eating and tickled his face using their manes which caused Wolf to start laughing and smiling. He patted each one on the back then stroked their manes until the feed was all gone and the horses galloped off to go play, "What am I going to do about those five?" he chuckled to himself before he turned around and climbed over the fence and went back to the shed. He grabbed another bucket and filled it with new feed then turned around to examine what was around him, he still had a lot to do but he honestly didn't mind. With his other hand he grabbed a broom then started off in the direction of the next enclosure.
Red took a turn the bakery, entering the store. "Hello." She said to the employee's. She always stopped by here, she was a fan of their work, they made such good baked foods. She looked around, seeing if there was anything sweet. She had a soft spot for sweet foods. She grabbed a few things and the bread her mother asked her to get for her grandmother and paid the lady at the cash register. They were always friendly towards each other. "Bye." She said happily to them and left the store. She set out again. She would have to take the bread to her grandmother. She thought to herself, and took a turn in the direction her grandmother lived in. She began to hum a bit as she walked, the basket of baked goods in her hands.
Wolf got a cool rag and wiped his face ridding himself of the sweat, he had finally finished everything so it was time for him to head 'home'; namely the crappy natural formation of rocks he lived in the was located by a trickling stream in the nearby forest. Kazuto's parents had died when he was young and he had no other family that could take care of him, rather then spending the rest of his days stuck in a orphanage he ran away and resigned himself to live in the woods. He rung out the cloth, hung it up to dry, pulled his shirt and tie off of a branch and stuffed them into his bag before he waved bye to the animals and walked over to the sidewalk. He arrived at his usual destination then veered right into the forest the most people not dared go in, after several minutes of walking he arrived at his 'home' he tossed his bag into the cave and walked over to the stream then bent down; he dipped his hands into the water pooling it together then took a large gulp of the sweet clean water. He got another handful of water then splashed it on his neck then stood up and walked back over tot he rock formation, with a sigh he sat down with his hands resting behind his head as he looked up at the trees far above him. The truth of the matter was Wolf was on several academic scholarships and that's what allowed him to attend school, if he didn't have those he wouldn't be attending school and the rest of his days would be spent here.
Red's grandmother happened to live in an area that Red would have to go through the woods in. She didn't have much common sense so this thought didn't really bother her. She never wondered what could be in the woods. So, she began to travel through the trees covered pathway. There wasn't really any markings, she made her own path. She was still humming. The painter she was talking to in school popped back into her head. Why couldn't she stop thinking about him? She thought to herself but she wasn't really trying to hard to get him out of it either. Her humming began louder.
Wolf jumped up when he heard the sound of humming which seemed to be drawing closer to him, what was someone thinking coming to these woods; though it wasn't any of his concern but the woods could be very dangerous if you weren't used to traveling through them. Seeing he had to hide he quickly pushed his bag further into the cave then silently stalked into a nearby bush and became like a predator, camouflaged, calm, silent, and calculated. The humming was even closer now and that's when he saw it, somehow his sketchbook much have fallen out while he was pushing it and was now lying on the ground, 'Just great, hopefully whoever this person is just passes on through without seeing it. Even if they do see it they might just think its trash and continue on through,' he tried to reassure himself, if all else failed he would have to reveal himself.
Red continued to walk on while humming. Just then in the distance she noticed something on the ground. "That's odd." She said to herself and stopped humming. She headed closer to it, bending down once she had gotten to it. She picked it up into her hands, holding the basket with her wrist now. "A sketchbook?" She observed and began to open the book. She looked at the picture, her eyes widening. The drawings were like the ones she saw earlier. She took a look at them, smiling as she saw it picture. She just loved the look of them, almost forgetting of how strange it was that the book was just lying in the woods. She looked around, trying to see if there was anyone around who could have dropped it. "Hello?" She said. Why was she hopping that it would be him again?
Wolf narrowed his eyes when he saw who the source of the humming was, Red, it just had to be her. His whole plan on revealing himself just flew out the window so he quickly came up with a plan B; he was simply just going to stay quiet in the bush and wait until she left, sure he'd probably lose his sketchbook until they bumped into each other in the Art room and he was once again in his painting gear with his back toward her so she wouldn't find out. His face immediately turned red when he remembered the painting he did in his first year of school, located on the very last page to be hidden was a beautiful portrait of Red, Damn! Why didn't he tear out that picture after the incident?! Instead he had simply forgotten about her which also resulted in him forgetting about the picture too. 'Damn the stars and moon, I should've have torn that picture out the first chance I got,' he roared at himself, wait....what if he backed up a bit and acted as if he was just simply passing through and the sketchbook happened to belong to someone of his group. He racked his brain calculating the chance of it working, as he focused more on his plan and less on what Red was doing.
Red looked back down at the pictures in the book, flipping through each one. She knew it wasn't right to look at someone else's property but she enjoyed the pictures too much to stop. Each one was remarkable, definitely like the one she was given and the one mystery man was working on in the art room. It had to be his. Red's eyes suddenly widen as she got to a page in the back, was that? That was her! She blushed a deep red. Someone had drawn a portrait of her. He, had drawn a picture of her. What did that mean? Red always thought too much about things, all these thoughts going through her head. "Does this mean he likes me?" She whispered to herself, the blush not leaving her face.
Kazuto looked up when he heard Red whisper to herself and all the color in he face became extremely pale then was replaced by a dark shade of blush, he didn't mind that she looked through his sketchbook but he was ashamed that she even went through blanks pages and arrived at the portrait he had painted of her. If there was a time for him to activate his plan it was now, he slowly gained his normal though he still had a light shade of blush but he silently took a few steps backwards so when he stood up he couldn't been seen and when she heard him it would have looked like he had just arrived. He finally stood up finding a decent place then strode forward causing the bush to shake and he stopped several feet away from her with his arms crossed and a cold glare looking her way. "Hey...are you the one who stole my friend's sketchbook?" he asked in an icy tone.
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