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"Please you two, stop joking around." Red said, while blushing slightly upon hearing Tengu's comment about Wolf being thoughtful to her. "There's nothing wrong with friends being helpful to other friends." Red took a look over at Wolf, seeing his slight blush but thinking it was simply because they were embarrassing him and he didn't want to admit it. Luckily, the teacher walked in which would cause the two to stop with class starting.

Crystal sighed, seeing the teacher walk in, she was having fun and wanted to continue to see Red and Wolf blush even more. They looked so adorable with the two of them blushing in embarrassment. Though, for a moment she did think Wolf might have done something to them but Red had caused him to stop, which made Crystal even more excited. But, with the teach arriving and starting class, she couldn't do anymore.
Instead of nodding or doing anything, Wolf just let Red do the talking. She seemed a lot better at handling these two with words, he was only good with violence or intimidation. Though, thankfully, the teacher of the class walked in which meant they could breathe a sigh of relief for the time being. Not even Tengu would risk getting in some trouble for a joke to annoy or embarrass them. But of course his attention turned to the window as he prepared to ignore this lesson.

"Tch." And there was the person who ruined his and Crystal's fun, why couldn't the teach have been a little late to class? He wanted to do some more to get those two to blush and possibly bring them closer together; and maybe getting to know more about Crystal wouldn't hurt either. Taking a glance behind him Tengu saw Wolf staring out the window and let out a sigh, for doing so well in his classes the guy never paid attention to a majority of his classes; how was that even possible? With a shrug he faced the board and pulled out a notebook and pencil to take notes.
Red abruptly began to take notes of everything the teacher said as well as what was written onto the board. She always worked hard in school, to get the perfect set of grades in every class, wanting to do well. However, Crystal was the other way. She really didn't care too much, just did enough for her to pass which meant she wasn't really taking many notes. Eventually, the class had finished a few minutes before the bell would ring for the end of the day when everyone could leave. Crystal suddenly pulled something out and started ready, it looked like some kind of menu. "Hey Red, that new sweet shop has just open. We should go once we get out." She said.

Suddenly Red had turned around to face Crystal, her face light up brightly. "The new sweet shop is open now!" She replied, "Yeah, we should definitely go." Sweets, Red's downfall and Crystal knew it.

"You guys can come too if you want." Crystal said, giving a wink at Tengu.
Soon Wolf grew bored enough that his eyes slowly closed and the hybrid simply fell asleep right there. School was something he could have cared less about, why bother trying if he already knew everything they were teaching? Tengu, despite his personality and appearance, was actually a pretty diligent student and was ranked high, though he still had a few Bs in classes he could have cared less about. Once the class was over he packed everything up before turning and poking the top of Wolf's head with a sigh. "Hey, Wolf, class is over. Time to wake up from your beauty sleep. Seriously, how is a guy like you ranked high?" The crow asked while shaking his head.

Feeling the finger and hearing the annoying voice and question, Wolf's ears flicked as he raised himself up and gave his best friend a blank look. Not bothering to answer the question he grabbed his own bag and placed it on the desk.

Before Wolf had a chance to decline the offer, Tengu caught Crystal's wink and nodded his head. "I think we'll take you up on your offer." That got a snort from the man behind him, "See, even Wolf agrees."
Red looked over at their new friends, "That's great. The more the better." She said, giving them all a smile. She was just super glad to be getting her favorite things after all, but having friends there was a plus. Crystal was glad that her plan to bring the boys was working out so far. Soon enough, the sound of the bell went off and Crystal and Red got themselves out of their chairs.

"Come on then, you two." Crystal said, "Let's get going to that shop." She knew it would be a great opportunity for certain things and she was curious as to what was going to happen.
Wolf really wished Tengu had a mute button, once again the crow was throwing him into something without his approval or permission. I should make him go flying. The young man thought to himself while eyeing the other male sitting in front of him with a goofy grin. With a sigh he picked up the bag and slung it over his shoulder before standing up from his chair and pushed it in, "Very well."

Tengu shivered for a moment, meaning that Wolf had probably thought of something unpleasant for him. But the crow immediately forgot it when Crystal spoke and he nodded while picking up his bag and standing up. This was going to be interesting.
With the boys coming with them, Red and Crystal headed out of the classroom and down the hallway towards the entrance of the school to leave. They went through the doors and headed outside. They went down the sidewalk and started to walk towards the sweet shop that had just opened not too long ago. Eventually, they had gotten to it and the two girls went inside, then found a place to sit down with the guys. The two took a menu and began to look through it. "It all sounds so good." Red said as she read what was on the lists.

"I figured you would love this place." Her pixie friend replied.
Wolf and Tengu followed after the girls, Tengu being almost right behind them with a smile, Wolf was a few feet away with his usual blank expression. From the corner of his eye he saw Lancelot watching them as they left school but did or said nothing as the blonde then disappeared back into it. Tengu really needed to learn not to agree or put words into another person's mouth, when they arrived at the shop the guys took their seats as well. While Tengu grabbed a menu and opened it, Wolf just rested his chin on an open palm and looked out the window.

"Hey Wolf, want to get the lover's special?" Tengu teased while moving the menu in front of his best friend's face.
Red looked over at Wolf, he didn't seem too happy about being there and it didn't help that his friend was teasing him. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean for you to get dragged here with us. If you're not interested in being here, you don't have to stay. I wouldn't want to force you to be somewhere that you don't want to be." Red was always considerate of other people's feelings.

Crystal knew something like that would happen, but she really didn't want to have the guys leave. She wanted to push them more and see if she could get Wolf and Red to blush at each other again, but that guy was making it pretty hard to do that. He did seem to be one that wasn't really into the whole relationship thing, but neither was Red at the time. She looked over at Tengu, trying to give that look that they had to get him to stay.
Tengu noticed Crystal's look but there wasn't much he could do if Wolf decided he suddenly wanted to leave. He couldn't really force the guy to stay or else he'd probably end up flying. Though hearing what Red said next brought an idea to the crow's head while placing the menu down and leaning forward as to whisper into his best friend's hear. "Now look what you did, she's starting to feel bad for bringing you here. She probably thinks you find her annoying and rather not waste your time." With that Tengu pulled away and looked at his menu.

Wolf was half tempted to drag Tengu out of the shop and throw him into the air for his little teasing, the crow was pushing his luck today. But his ears turned in Red's direction when she began to speak and he actually listened to her; and vaguely to Tengu as he whispered. Normally he wouldn't have cared, but for some reason he felt differently when it involved the blonde. "It's fine." Looking at her, his expression seemed to soften before he grabbed a menu and began reading through it.
Hearing Wolf's response, Red's face light back up with a cheerful smile. "I'm glad." She replied, then looked through the menu again. After a few minutes a waitress came around to them, asking what they want and Red and Crystal began to order a few pieces of cakes and other sweets that Red was very fond of. Though, since there were others around she didn't want to over do it. When the group was all finished ordering the waitress went off and the four were left to each other again.

"So..." Crystal began to speak as she looked between the two boys across from them. "Do you two have any girlfriends were keeping you away from. I wouldn't want to cause you guys any trouble if she found out you were hanging out with other woman." Of course, Crystal was beginning her plans.
Wolf's ears twitched, moving down slightly as the menu hid a slight blush before it quickly disappeared upon the waitress' arrival. He simply ordered a few cupcakes and cookies while Tengu ordered several slices of cake and pie. Placing the order down and closing it, his attention moved back to the window and up towards the sky as he heard Crystal's question and his tail flicked. "I don't bother with trying to find one." It seemed pretty pointless to him and a waste of time.

Tengu closed his menu and placed the menu down, frowning when Wolf turned away from the girls to look at the window. Typical idiot, two cute girls and he'd rather look at the sky. Then it faded to be replaced with a smile as he shrugged, "Yeah, sadly, Wolf's never found the right girl to break that cold heart. And I really don't have anyone either." Then he rested his chin on a palm, "What about you two, surely there are tons of guys clamoring for your attention; found Mr. Right yet?"
Crystal let out a little laugh, "Good..." She said when she heard the two boys were single. "Oh us? No, not really. I mean, I've been out plenty of times but no one steady at least. Now, as for Red..."

"Crystal..." Red said, letting out a sigh, "Why are you even mentioning this to these guys, don't tell me your trying something again. I told you I don't want to date anyone right now, I'm focusing on my school work."

"No...Red has no one either." Crystal commented after she heard her friends response. "She doesn't bother just like your friend here." She pointed over to Wolf who was looking out the window at the time. "But, I'm hoping to change all that."
Tengu leaned back into his seat, folding both arms over his chest with an interested expression. Let the games begin. "That's very surprising, especially with how the others guys talk about you two. isn't that right Wolf?"

"Don't pay attention." Wolf replied bluntly, barely listening to the conversation but looked over at Red when she talked. Giving a nod of approval and agreement with what the blonde was saying before looking to the window again.

"I see." The crow let out a laugh while rubbing the back of his neck and sighed softly. "It seems we both have friends who are lost causes don't we?" Gently giving Wolf a nudge with his elbow; which prompted the other hybrid to smack him upside the head with his deadly tail. "Ow. But they'll change sooner or later."
Crystal watched Wolf and Tengu interact. Tengu seemed pretty easy to talk to, but it was Wolf that was being the more complicated one, if only him and Red had some kind of moment together to get them to notice each other more. He had to at least think she was cute, after all, Tengu was right when he mentioned that Red had a lot of admirers. She could recall hearing quite a bit about what the guys at the school thought of the blonde.

Red sighed, "I'd prefer not to change right now." She said politely, "Perhaps some time in the future, but not anytime soon. And, I believe Mr. Wolf agrees that it is okay for someone to not want a relationship like that at times." Just then the waitress came back with their sweets which made Red very happy as they were placed down in front of each other them. Red quickly began to eat up her cakes that she had chosen.
"You think that way, though there are quite a few number of species that can die from loneliness. Wolves and humans being the most susceptible." Tengu replied, raising a finger slightly and gesturing with it as he talked. Having these two notice anything about each other was going to be tough; they were both so freaking stubborn! "It might be wise to think about relationships a little more than you think, just incase something happens."

Hearing Tengu, Wolf's tail bristled slightly at the remark; sadly it was true, and he had known someone who died from that cause. But he wasn't weak enough to have something like that kill him, he'd only die in a fight against a worthy foe. But instead of saying anything he merely snorted and went to eat what was placed down, the fur slowly beginning to smooth itself out.
"See Red." Crystal replied, "You might want to rethink the way your thinking." Though, Red didn't pay attention to much of that anyway. Meanwhile, a few group of guys at another table nearby seemed to be looking over at Crystal and Red, the two men with the girl's not seeming to really worry the guys too much that were looking. Red was just content on eating her sweets up, which wasn't taking that long to do, of course she was still somehow very polite and pleasant while doing that.
Tengu easily noticed the other men looking this way, though he did nothing and simply starting eating his sweets while looking as non threatening as possible. This could be the perfect moment for Red to notice something about Wolf. Thankfully the hybrid was by the window so the group couldn't get a good view of him. Wolf on the other hand didn't notice them, basically ignoring any male that was weaker than him in a five mile radius unless they walked over. Eating his pie slice in record time, while still looking civil and well-mannered, he moved onto the next.
Red finished up what she had on her plates. "Will you excuse me for a moment?" Red said, getting up from her seat and starting to walk to go to the bathroom to wash her hands. Though, while she was walking she was stopped in the middle of her walk by a few of the men who were watching the group. They seemed to be talking to Red about something and Red didn't seem to be too happy about it.

Crystal looked over at it all, starting to get up. "There is goes again. Red can't get away from men like that." She replied, seeing that the guys weren't leaving her alone.
Just as Crystal began to get up, Tengu leaned forward and placed his hand on top of one of hers. "I don't think you need to interfere." He stated, motioning to his right where there was now an empty seat. The other hybrid already heading in that direction.

Glancing in that direction, Wolf had seen the guys around Red and could tell she was no pleased about it so without so much as making as noise he got up from his seat and began to walk over. A few moments later eh had arrived behind Red with both arms folded across his chest as he looked at the group with a bored expression; as if they weren't the time or effort. "Get lost."
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