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Upon noticing her comment had made Wolf blush, Red blush herself. "Oh, I'm sorry." She replied after Lance mentioned Wolf possibly liking blondes. "No, of course it would be embarrassing to hear that from someone and in front of other people too. I didn't mean to embarrass you like that, I just wanted to be honest because I felt bad for thinking about it."

Crystal still had a smile on her face, she was finding this conversation very interesting. She was starting to get ideas in her head, and most likely they weren't going to let people go through high school easily.

Suddenly Red remember something, "Wolf?...wait, we're in some classes together aren't we."
Wolf simply shook his head when Red apologized, seeing not harm in it. "Don't be, you did nothing wrong." But he sent a glare Lance's way and the heir chuckled in response and waved the hot gaze away. "I'm sure Wolf's fine with it, look, he even said it himself you don't need to apologize; he was probably even a little but happy." Before the hybrid had a chance to stop her from making herself feel down Lancelot once again interjected and that caused Wolf's blush to darken slightly and glace the other way, confirming Lace's comment about being happy about Red's comment.

Unlike Crystal, Lancelot didn't have any ideas for the two in front of him, he already knew how Red belonged with; him. Everyone in the school thought that way expect her, she never even realized the way he looked at her.

Looking over at the blonde when being addressed, his blush died down slightly and he nodded, "I believe so."
Red giggled a bit more, glad that her comment wasn't a problem and Wolf seemed to enjoy it. Red really had no idea about how Lance felt, she wasn't really into the whole relationship thing at that time anyway. She wanted to focus on her school work to make her family happy. But, she wasn't all that observant about what other people were thinking. "I think we might have to do a lot of group work, maybe we can work together." Red replied when Wolf also agreed to them being in the same class.

Crystal simply was interested in what was going on in front of her, Red actually seemed to be more interested in Wolf then she expected. Of course Red was a nice person, but she normally didn't go calling someones body parts cute out loud to the person. Since Crystal was always a bit on the mischievous side, it didn't even matter if Red really wasn't interested, the pixie wanted to do what she wanted to do.
A small smile actually graced Wolf's lips when Red giggled, looking as if he enjoyed the sound of her happiness. He could sense something coming from Lancelot but basically ignored it, most males got idiotic or like this around girls. No doubt it was something petty and Wolf either didn't feel like asking or he simply didn't want to be dragged into something completely stupid and a waste of time. Hearing Red's suggestion the young man gave her a slight nod in agreement, "Sure."

While Wolf had enjoyed the compliment, Lancelot saw nothing out of the ordinary and simply shrugged lightly. "Since you three are hitting it off well I'll be leaving." Which the heir did and a few minutes later a new person took the stop that he had been standing. "Geez, where the hell have you been Wolf? I look away for a minute and you're already gone." The young man with silver hair asked which got a sigh from Wolf; that hadn't been the plan of their meeting at all. "Red, Crystal, this is Tengu; a crow and my idiotic best friend."

"Hello there ladies." The crow turned towards them with a smile and bowed playfully.
Red and Crystal waved good bye to Lancelot as he was walking away. Before the two girls could say anything else though, Tengu had shown up looking for Wolf. Crystal looked at the hybrid crow, checking him out. "Another hottie." She whispered to her friend, which caused Red to shake her head in a no manner, knowing how her best friend was. "Hey." Crystal added.

"Hello, like Wolf just said. I'm Red and this is my friend Crystal." Red finally greeted Tengu. "It's nice to meet the both of you. I hope we can hand out some more, you all seem like really great people." Lunch was going to be ending soon, and that would mean that Red would want to being going to class. She wasn't one for skipping even though her pixie friend wouldn't mind missing some classes from time to time. But, the girl knew her best friend and decided not to get Red into that kind of stuff and would go to class with her anyway.
"Tengu, I told you I was not going through the entrance." Wolf added before Red greeted Tengu, though his ear flicked when Crystal whispered. If Tengu heard that the crow would have had a field day. Taking a glance at the look he noticed that soon it would be time for the next class, that would be gym for him so it wouldn't be that bad. "Great people?" That got Wolf and Tengu to look at each other, arching a brow slightly and sharing a silent conversation; that was the first time they had been referred to as 'people'. But the hybrid look back over at Red and nodded, "Sure, I don't see why not."

"Yeah, it'd be nice to hang out with people besides Lance and his little posse. Hell if Wolf hadn't had joined I probably would have refused." Tengu chuckled while sliding a hand into his pocket. "Plus I don't think any guy could say no to a girl's request." Wolf rolled his eyes at that one and huffed as his tail flicked. The crow draped his arm over his friend's shoulders and grinned with a teasing tone. "And maybe you'll be a good influence on old Wolf here."
"I'll try my best." Red replied when Tengu mentioned being a good influence to Wolf. The look that the two guys gave just before to each other, Red didn't really get. She knew that there were some people who were not always kind to Hybrids like them, but Red didn't seem them like that. After all, she was best friends with a pixie and people didn't like pixie's either. Everyone thought the little fairy creatures were a pain, having to deal with all their little tricks and were only out for themselves. But, Red knew better. She stood up upon hearing the lunch bell ring, telling them to head to their next class. "See you guys later." Red said.

Crystal knew what Red was like, and it didn't surprise her that the two man were slightly confused at her comment about being great 'people'. Crystal loved her friend for many reasons, and that was one of them. "Red could definitely do that, after all, she's able to tame a pixie like me." Crystal said, though Crystal wasn't completely like every other pixie even before she meant Red. "Well, we better get going but we'll be sure we're going to talk again." The pixie got up as well and started to head out of the lunch room with Red, but gave Tengu a wink just before.
Red stood up Wolf side stepped incase she was going the way he was currently blocking, "Bye."

Huh....this Red girl really was different from most girls wasn't she; though Rapunzel was the same way. It was surprising to see two girls who were fine with hybrids and very surprising to already know two that didn't fear Wolf and instead thought he was 'cute'. Taking a glance at Red and then his best friend, an idea formed in his mind. I wonder... This was definitely going to be a fun year for him, that was certain. When Red and Crystal got up to leave, the crow hybrid nodded and bowed again, cheekily, "Until next time ladies." Seeing the wink he got from Crystal, Tengu smiled a bit. "Crystal huh....she's pretty cute. Hey, Wolf, what do you think?" But suddenly he felt a tension on his collar meaning he was now being dragged.

"You're perfect for one another, I can smell that you're mischievous and will likely be up to no good soon. A pixie and a crow..." The wolf hybrid sighed while shaking his head as they left the lunch room and headed for gym. "May the gods have mercy on us all..."

"Hey! What's that supposed to mean!?"

Red and Crystal had made it to class pretty quickly after the two had left Wolf and Tengu in the lunch room. They had sat down next to each other, and had their books out ready for class...or rather at least Red had her things out. Crystal was too busy smiling at her best friend ridiculously like girls always do when they get an idea involving guys. "So, those two were pretty cute huh? You even said Wolf was yourself." The blue-haired pixie said as they were waiting for others to enter the classroom.

"Crystal...don't get any ideas. I only thought that his ears and tail brought an adorable side to him, despite his show of strength before we talked to him. And, I found the both of them very nice but that doesn't mean for you to start thinking about them like were all going to fall in love together. Besides, I already told you that I was focusing on school, I don't want a boyfriend. It will be nice to be friends though." Red replied. She thought the two guys were nice, but other then that she was still true to her word...for now anyway. The class finally started up and the conversation stopped between the two girls, though Red most likely figured it would start up again when the class finished.
Despite Tengu's constant protest and insistent struggling, it was pretty easy for Wolf to drag him into the guy's locker room to get changed. It was also quite obvious his friend was planning on doing or saying something but a the current moment he was quiet; that wasn't a good sign. As they walked out to the gym his tail proceeded to take it upon itself to whack Tengu to see if that'd knock either some sense into or out of him. That hadn't been a good idea. "So, Crystal and Red huh? They were pretty hot weren't they?" Tengu asked with a sly grin as they came towards the gum teacher.

"No comment." Was Wolf's only reply as of the moment as they came to a stop a few feet away. He could see his friend's look and snorted, "Just because she got a reaction out of me doesn't mean anything. She might be different but this isn't one of those things where we all fall in love, hybrids rarely get something like that in high school; let alone it being with a human." That was key, especially his kind, not many were fond of wolves, probably because of those damn Dire Wolves from long ago. It's a good thing they're dead or else the reputation of wolves would continue to plummet. "Okay, listen up everyone! Today we're going to play Capture the King! It's like dodge ball but only one person is dodging and the rest are throwing, your goal is to hit the king with a ball before class ends. And your King is....Kazuto Wolf!"

After that, Wolf could be see jogging past the window of Crystal and Red's rooms with several dodge balls whizzing past him. That really didn't seem to faze him as he turned around, caught one with a hand and his tail, then launched them back at his assailants. "Ow, bloody hell, Wolf lay off the power!" Tengu's voice could be heard scolding him as Wolf turned and ran, soon followed by a Tengu who now had a ball in each hand, chasing after his friend, and then followed by the rest of the class.
Unlike Red, Crystal tended to get bored during class so noticing the boys outside seemed to occupy her time. She watched as the gyms game went on, being mostly interesting in Tengu and Wolf. That Wolf sure seemed to be very strong and quick. Though Crystal was even more surprised to see her best friend look over at the window.

Red mostly focused on her notes, but seeing Wolf from the corner of her eyes made her curious so she couldn't help but look to see what was going on. It was quite impressive she though, how well he was at dodging the balls and throwing them back; she just hoped no one was really getting hurt from them. She wasn't fond of that. She was also wondering more about Wolf, she thought she had remembered hearing that he was pretty good with his grades and school work, she wanted to know if he was also as smart as how strong he was. She couldn't help but be interested, though it wasn't a fascination that Red would consider any big deal, its not like she was crushing on him like her pixie friend wanted.

As time went on, their class had ended and Red packed away her books seeing that Crystal had already done so around 15 minutes before the class even ended. They both stood up, ready to head to their other class which happen to be one that Tengu and Wolf also attended. They headed out of the room and walked down the hallway to get to the classroom. Once they were inside, they took their seats and waited. "You know, that was pretty interesting...what we saw out there and I know I saw you looking." Crystal said.

"I was just curious, nothing else. Don't get too excited and come up with some weird idea in your head." Red replied, as she was pulling out her pencil she had dropped it and it rolled across the floor.
"Damn it Wolf, would you stay still so someone easier can be the king?" Shouting Tengu lobbed another ball which completely missed its target. Why had the gym teacher made Wolf the damn king, he should have known none of them would be able to beat him. In a physical game like this that depended on your skills and instincts there was no one better than the jerk.

"Nah, what exactly would be the point? Once a new king was made they'd only be around for a few moments." It seemed pointless to Wolf, as soon as a new one was crowed they'd be beamed by Wolf. Might as well save himself the effort and stay the king for today, plus this was a chance to put all the male students in their place and show them there was someone bigger and badder than them. "The Big Bad Wolf." He mused, smirking at the thought while his tail caught a ball and lob it back while sidestepping. Feeling two sets of eyes the young hybrid glanced over to see both Crystal and Red watching them, instead of waving he simply looked back towards the group of guys rushing towards him.

Unsurprisingly, Wolf had easily won the game and had pelted each member of the group at least five times, Tengu got pelted twenty, and hadn't even broken a sweat. After cleaning up they headed to the locker room to get changed and then headed off for their next class the girls from lunch were in. Already their voices could be heard from the classroom as they approached. "Why was I the main target during your game? That's mean of you to do to your best friend." Tengu whined playfully while poking his friend's cheek with a teasing grin. "Don't give me that look, I saw them looking at us during gym."

Wolf scowled at Tengu and then snorted. "You're a delusional twit, no doubt you probably imagined them to inflate your already large ego." He remarked, taking a step into the room followed by a pouting crow.

"That's so cruel of you to ice, someone really needs to melt that icy heart of yours."
Red noticed that she had lost her pencil. Getting up, she went to retrieve her writing utensil, bending down to the ground to get it. She went to get up, looking up first but when she did she realized she was right in front of Wolf and Tengu who had entered the room and she was looking directly up at them. She smiled at them, "Oh hello." She said, she lifted herself up so she wouldn't be crawling all over the floor anymore. "Just getting my pencil." She added, showing the two boys the pencil in her hand as she blushed from a bit of embarrassment that she was crawling around on the floor in front of them.

Crystal let out a sigh, "You as clumsy as ever." She said as she saw Red loss the pencil, then watched her friend as she went to go pick it up from the floor. "Can you get anymore adorable." After all, Red was down on the floor trying to get her pencil. But, the guys walked in and well...that made Crystal wondering what was going to happen next.
The two guys stared down, Wolf slightly curious but Tengu seemed more amused than anything else. Then when she stood him, the young man's eyes followed Red and simply stared at her for a few minutes. "Hello." His tail beginning to wag slightly before dying down as Wolf reached out and gently touched her bangs. Then his hand pulled away to reveal a large dust bunny that had likely clung to her hair while she was on the floor, turning to the side he dropped it in the bin before facing her. With how it was moving had been distracting, "Sorry, what were you saying?" He asked politely with a curious look.

"Yo." Tengu replied, raising a hand before then moving off to see his seat while the other two interacted. "Wolf's got a thing for clumsy girls." He chuckled, it was a bit of a lie, he had no idea what kind of girl Wolf was into. His best friend had never once showed any interest in anyone before, the grey-eyed young man focused only on what was presently of importance in his mind.
Red watched as Wolf's hand came to her bangs and touched them, though she was confused at first she realized after the fact that he was pulling a piece of dust out of her hair. "Oh, whoops. Didn't see that. Thanks." She replied as he threw out the dust bunny. "No, I was just saying that I was trying to get my pencil." She gave Wolf a smile. "Why don't we go sit down now?" She started to head back to her seat.

Crystal overheard what Tengu said and it caught her interest. "Really?" She said to Tengu, "If you're joke is right, we might have something here." She knew Red could get quite clumsy all the time and it made her get into quite a bit of situations, some very strange. But, it didn't seem to bother the blonde and as long as that was okay, Crystal was happy.
It wasn't really worth thanking him for but he nodded, "You're welcome." Wolf supposed it wouldn't really hurt. Then he realized something, his fingers could feel the softness of Red's hair and was tingling slightly; odd. Pushing that off to the side for now, he turned his attention back to Red, "Oh." So that's why Red had been crawling around on the floor, "Okay." He headed for his own seat that was just behind Tengu's.

"Dunno." Tengu replied, leaning forward and resting his cheek on the palm of his hand. "I guess it could be possible, he's not a big fan of people but there he is, chatting away with Red without looking bored or agitated." The young man then pointed out before glancing over at her and giving the pixie a light shrug. "I suppose we could try, ol' Wolf could use a girl in his life."
Once Red was back at her chair, she took a seat down again and placed her pencil onto the table making sure that this time it wouldn't roll off. She watched as Wolf took his seat behind his crow friend Tengu who was talking to Crystal. "What are you two talking about?" Red then asked, hoping to get herself and Wolf into their conversation. It would get them to be better friends.

"And Red, she might not believe it yet, but she needs a man." Crystal replied, though whispered it as Red and Wolf was coming closer. She wanted to change the conversation before Red over heard. "I wouldn't mind a man myself." She quickly said, giving Tengu a wink as Red sat down again and suddenly asked what they were talking about. "Huh, oh just trying to get to know each other better." She said to Red.
Taking a seat, Wolf closed his eyes and leaned back with a yawn to relax seeing how they were kind of early to class. He'd blame that on Tengu with how insistent the crow had been on coming to class early; know he knew why. Though the young man didn't seem too interested in the conversation as he likely already had an idea about it, the two people talking were a pixie and an annoying crow. Do the math.

"We really have some troublesome friends." Tengu mused softly, watching as the other two now approached them before going to their seats. They'd really have to be careful with Wolf's hearing. But hearing what Crystal said next caused him to raise a brow curiously, she wasn't taken? That was pretty surprising. Though he couldn't say anything else since their friends were now here. "Yeah, since you two are getting friendly and leaving us in the cold." He teased which earned him a chop on the back of his head.
Crystal let out a little laugh, "Yeah, I mean, you two already seem so intimate with the way Wolf was touching Red's hair. Wasn't it soft." The pixie joked, she knew Wolf was a bit scary and really strong, but that was not going to stop her. She wasn't afraid to tease him, what could he really do to her with Red and Tengu there.

Red looked over at Crystal, "Crystal!" She replied, "He was just helping me get dust out of my hair. Though, I hope it was soft or I need to start buying new shampoo because the one I have now would then be lying to me." She didn't want Crystal to tease their new friends, they might get a bit upset and that would end up in a problem.
A playful smirk appeared on Tengu's lips as he spun to get Wolf in his view, causing the other hybrid to give him a warning growl. "C'mon, spill the beans buddy boy, how did her hair feel?" He teased, having his own version of a predatory glint in his eyes. "The Big Bad Wolf, actually touching a girl's hair willingly to be thoughtful, how cute."

Wolf hadn't really been paying attention to the conversation at first, that was until a few words jarred his attention. His name, hair, Red, and soft. Hearing the pixie's joke, he merely snorted and then growled slightly when Tengu turned to look at him with his disturbing little look that he was up to something. Hearing what his best friend said, Wolf took ahold of his desk and lifted it up slightly as he tested its weight. At this angle he could throw it and hit both Crystal and Tengu, the pixie would be mostly taken by surprise and uninjured but Tengu was another story. But then his eyes drifted to Red, hearing what she said and figuring that throwing the desk wasn't safe with her around he dropped it then looked away; not responding to either question. Though a light pink tint to his cheeks could just be made out.
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