Radiation Poisoning

"Great! Here." Kit said and handed Mira a piece of paper. "Ok, so fold it in half and make sure the edges are perfectly a-lined." She told her then did it herself. "See? Like this." She showed her the folded paper then set it in her lap and waited for Mira to do the same thing.
Mira folded it like she said, but it was really hard to get it right. "Ech... I guess I still need... purr-actice." She said, giggling slightly.
Tank took a piece of corrugated iron and bent it in to a big origami swan and exclaimed upon finishing it "wow still got it in me even after being mutated." he put down the swan on the ground and then said "i remember when the world use to be green and lush the swans were beautiful but aggressive birds and always use to pick on the ducks but i once saw a duck that took on a swan and pecked it and chased it away"
Kit chuckled at was Mira did and nodded. "Don't worry, as long as you keep trying your sure to get it. Try it a few more times then I'll teach you the next step." She told her. Kit heard iron being bent and turned to see it was Tank. "With strength like that you could take on a demon bear." She said, eyes wide in fear and awe. As he talked about the world before she smiled sadly, her eyes becoming distant. She looked up at the sky and made a 'hm' sound. "I remember those times. I would roll around in the grassy hills with my siblings and we'd climb trees. Me and my sister would pick flowers from the garden and bring them to mom. We always dreamed that we could fly away to see the world and often dreamed of becoming birds." She told them, tears at the brim of her eyes. She looked down, rubbing her eyes to get rid of the tears. "I can fly on my feather yet, the dream keeps me here. We all promised each other we would fly away together and until that promise is complete, I cannot take leave of this place." She added.
She looked at kit, her expression now saddening.
V had now carried the large bear carcass over to the three. V dropped it to the ground, "Big monster killed this one." It squatted next to the bear and plunged a hand into its side, then started peeling the skin off of it. "The meat is still good, it was just a few moments ago." He started to pull away chunks of meat with his fingers and eat them.
Mira shuddered. "You're not even gonna... cook it?"
Kit looked over at V then saw the bear. "Hey!" She said, smiling brightly. She ripped off some of her own meat and ate it lady like. Except, with her hands. "It's good." She announced when she finished her piece.
V chewed thoughtfully, "What is 'cook'?" It cracked the skull open with a little pressure from its thumbs, then scooped out the brains to eat. "I eat it as it is, it is good." It smiled at Kit and opened the bear's mouth offering her the tongue. There was plenty of bear to go around, and they couldn't possibly eat it all. They would either have to find a way to preserve it, or leave it to rot and get eaten by scavengers.
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Kit looked at the tongue and shook her head. "I only like the meat but thanks. Oh, and cook is when you heat it up and make it nice and tender." She explained to him. "I can show you. We just need the right things. Like wood, two rocks, and something I can put the meat on." She told him.
V tilted its head. "I think that would take too long," it turned the open mouth to Tank, offering the tender morsel to the big green man. "Tongue is meat, muscle."
Kit nodded once. "Of course it'll take time." She agreed. "But the world itself is frozen in time so it's not like were wasting any." She said, turning to look at V. She felt a sudden pain in her side and yelped. Soon, blood was staining her clothes and she stared at the wound in horror. She abruptly stood up and pulled a silver whistle from a pocket somewhere in her clothes. She took in a deep breath then blew into it. The others couldn't hear anything but Kit heard a high-pitched bird song as she blew. Soon, a large cat demon could be seen flying at them with fire on it's paws. The demon landed beside Kit and she could see the wound in it's side. "Kila!" She yelled, relief in her words. She ran to the demon but instead of hugging her she put her mouth on Kila's wound and sucked inward. When he mouth was full of blood she spat it out on the ground. Kit repeated this three times over.

This is her when she's not in demon form
She goes up to Kit's chin
She can fly thanks to the fire on her paws
When Kila gets hurt Kit gets hurt in the same spot
Kila and Kit are connected by a blood oath
Only Kila and Kit can hear the whistle
V stood up when the demon cat came into view, it held its clawed hands at its sides ready to fight the apparent monster. When Kit made it obvious it wasn't a threat to her, V jumped backwards onto the roof, crouched watching.
Kit stepped back and watched as flames covered Kila's body. When the flames died down Kila was in her original form. Now Kila went up half way between Kit's knee and ankle. Kit smiled and put her arms out. Kila leaped into her arms but winced at the pain of the wound. Kit sighed softly then turned to the others. She sat down and petted Kila.
Tank took the Toung and eat it "not to bad" Tank said to v then walked to wards the door of the inhabited house and knocked and called out "any home im looking to trade some stuff food",
(Sorry, got grounded. I'm all caught up.) Mira took a little from the arm and sniffed it. She ate the small amount and swallowed it. She spit blood on the ground in disgust "too bloody!" She exclaimed.
(It's OK)

Kit's head snapped up when she heard Mira and chuckled. "I guess we can't all like the same things." She said. Kila purred in agreent and Kit hugged her demon cat friend to her chest. The 15 year olded then set Kila down on the ground. Kila ran to the bear and Behan eating her fill.
She wiped the blood away, disgust still stained on her face. "It's so gross tasting..."
"It does taste weird at first. I agree." Kit said, nodding her head once. She looked over at Kila and chuckled lightly. "Don't eat all of it Kila." She warned her friend. Kila made a meow sound then ran back over to Kit and leaped into her lap.
It finally registered in Mira's mind that V was back on the roof. She looked up at him. "How'd you get up there so fast?" She asked a little confused.