Pokemon Diversity Reloaded

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Lian watched the spectacle with unerring eyes. Get Azurill clamored for her attention which brought her out of her idled thoughts. "Ah, Professor. Yes, I would be your next opponent." She said as she stood up.
At Robbin's response, Bee stuttered, completely lost for a way to fix what she had said. "N-No, wait! I meant-" Unfortunately, her words were wasted, as Robbin ran off, tripping down the steps on his way out, but immediately getting back up and running again. Bee sighed and rested her face in her hands for a moment. I shouldn't have said that. Why did I even say anything? She picked her head back up. It would probably be a good idea to go find him and try to explain what she was trying to say.

Before she left, she listened to what Professor Atlas had to say. "Yes sir, I'll make sure to let him know. Thank you." They'd probably be seeing him again, seeing as how they needed a badge from this Gym before they could even thin about challenging any of the others, so Bee just smiled and quickly waved bye before leaving the Gym. She stepped into the sunlight, blinking quite a few times than was probably considered normal as she tried to readjust to how bright it was out here compared to the lighting inside the Gym. Sure, she had known the sun was bright, but there was absolutely no reason for it to be this blinding outside. Not wanting to waste any time, she started down the steps, adjusting her hat as she went down so that her eyes were at least somewhat shaded.

At first, Bee couldn't think of where he would have gone, but when she thought about it logically, the answer kind of slapped her in the face. His Pokémon were hurt, so it'd make sense that he'd go to the Pokémon Center to get them healed. Duh. If her thoughts could become a person and slap her in the face, they probably would. It would at least make sense to check there first, though if he wasn't there she couldn't think of anywhere else to look. "Alright Slakoth, you're going to have to help me out when we do find Robbin, the last thing I said to him didn't turn out to be very helpful." She spoke to the sloth Pokémon as she walked down the street to the Center.

There was a bit of a crowd forming in front of the Festival Hall, and Bee didn't really think much of it until her thoughts metaphorically slapped her again. "Crap. The show." She had actually forgotten about it at the Gym, but now it was close to starting. She picked up the pace as she passed the crowd, while trying to quickly formulate a plan in the back of her mind. The Pokémon Center was in sight, and she was no closer to having an actual plan to go by than she did a few minutes ago. Really, there were only two parts of her plans that really stayed constant: apologize and remind him about the contest. Whatever, I could just make it up as I go along. But that didn't really work before. She stopped, silently debating about whether or not it was a good idea to find Robbin. What if he wanted to be alone? What if she was just trying to be an annoying older sibling for a kid she hasn't even known for a day? "I just don't know what I'm doing, Slakoth." Bee sighed and slipped her hands into her pockets, and found Treecko's Pokeball in her left one. She pulled it out, and pushed the little button so that it would expand. If the lizard Pokémon had been out of its ball, there was no doubt they'd already be in the Pokemon Center. "That's not a terrible idea, actually." She figured of all of her terrible ideas, this was one of the better ones. Treecko's Pokeball left her hand and went into the air, releasing a red stream of light that revealed the Pokémon.

"Treek!" The green lizard Pokémon looked at his trainer, immediately noticing the furry mess that was hitching a ride on her back. Bee was quick to introduce them, already aware of the time she was wasting. "Alright, Treecko, really quick: This is Slakoth. Slakoth, meet Treecko. Now that we all are on a first-name basis, I need your help, Treecko." Bee knelt down so that she was closer to her Pokémon's eye level. As unsure as Treeco was about this new Pokémon, he still listened to what his Trainer had to say. "Do you think you could go into the Pokémon Center and see if Robbin's in there? I think I might've said something that made him mad, and I'm just worried is all. All you need to do is see if he's there, and if he is just make sure he and his Pokémon are okay and- I don't know what else." She looked at Treecko, who hopefully understood what she was asking of him. The Pokémon nodded, so she hoped that meant he got it. She stood up, and started walking to the Center with Treecko following behind, only stopping to take down a flier for the talent show down from a lamp post. She rolled it up and handed it to Treecko when they reached the Pokemon Center. "Could you give this to him, too, please?" Treecko took it in one of his hands and Bee made sure he got in, then hung around outside, pacing under the tree that she ha put Slakoth in earlier.
"Don't worry Jay." Astrid looked at Jay with a firm and solid eye contact. "Researchers aren't monsters. They take care of their Pokemon as much as we do. We don't abandon or treat them horribly." She left a soft smile before Jay's phone went off. She left Jay to listen to the message while Astrid looked back her notes she took earlier. She couldn't help but listen to the message while reading over her notes. When Astrid heard the message say "My little Blue Jay", she can't help but giggle quietly. After the message finished, she put down her note right after Jay asked her about going to the festival with him. Astrid wanted to focus on the notes a bit and learn more about battling, but perhaps this could be good for Jay to get to know more people. "Sure." She smiled. Eevee also agreed with a short yell. "Eee!" The Fox Pokemon happiled cried as it followed Astrid.

She met up with Professor Atlas and spoke to her and Jay about battling. She didn't feel surprised as she already knew this information ahead of time while learning with Professor Atlas. "I was spot on. Professor Atlas taught me well." She laughed it off. Professor Atlas laughed a bit softly as Astrid was having her fun time.

"Astrid has learned alot from me the last two years, so whatever she taught you up there was similar to what I taught her about battling." The professor felt a bit proud that his assistant taught his nephew about battling and how he would need to handle it in the future should he ever be in that predicament.

"Thanks for the battle Professor. I learned alot about strategies and how to use your Pokemon effectively in battle." She smiled with honestly with her heart.

"I'm glad this battle helped you out. I know the first battle we had wasn't your best performance, but I feel you'll be good at Pokemon Battle if you train. I know you aren't one for battling for fun and glory, but you have a heart for learning more about your Pokemon and their battle effectiveness." The professor looked at Eevee, who seemed eager for battle. He seemed to have smiled, knowing that Astrid will have a assignment to learn on this journey and that he'll be waiting to hear good results at the end of the journey. He looked at Jay and remembered something. "Oh! And one more thing." The professor added to his statement to Astrid. "I know this may seem strange, but should a time where a battle is unavoidable for you and Jay, I want you to battle before Jay." He talked as he was giving Astrid a important job. "Jay isn't one for seeing his Pokemon hurt in battle, may it be from his Pokemon or others, but you have that eagerness of battling even to protect those from harm. So when there is no choice but the fight, please battle in Jay's place if you can." The professor gave Astrid a worried, yet determined look. He knows his nephew quite well and how he feels about Pokemon and their emotions. He knew Jay wouldn't fight unless it was an last effort, Astrid had that potential of fighting to protect someone and caring for those who are hurt. Atlas gave Astrid a job to protect his Nephew from anything that could even hurt him in the slightest. Astrid seemed a bit troubled by this information at first, but going back to what Jay said, perhaps this might be for the best.

"If Jay is alright with that, then I can do that no problem." Astrid said as she looks at Jay for an answer.

"Thank you Astrid." The professor smiled even bigger. "I know I can trust on you to make things right." The professor finished his conversation before moving on to his next challenger. Astrid looked back at Jay with a smile.

"Shall we go?" Her smile widened.

The chase went on for quite a long while. Alvin was exceedingly ticked off at the bird, Torchic was trying to make sure Alvin did not get hurt, and Lillipup was just having the time of its life chasing the bird. Chatot was doing a very good job of evading the group, going from tree to clifftop to tree, keeping sure to be out of the reach of the teenager. Eventually, the chase proceeded to an area with a lot of high cliffs, upon one of which the Chatot perched. The pursuers, completely exhausted from the run, collapsed on the ground, unable to keep up with the flier. "Dang bird..." Alvin muttered under his breath.

Chatot, now thinking he was safe from any threats, mocked Alvin by laughing hysterically. It taunted Alvin by shouting phrases such as "Learn to play noob!" and "Catch me if you can sucker!" all while gleefully laughing. It then put its wing on a brown object, and continued laughing...up until he saw what the object in question was, an Ursaring. Surprised, Chatot looked around, and sure enough, it had wandered far too close to some young Teddiursa. He carried on his laugh with a far more nervous tone, probably hoping that the Ursaring would catch a laughing fit as well. Unfortunately for Chatot, it was not amused, and took a swift swing at the bird, upon which he exclaimed "Shiver Me Timbers!" and tried to fly away. However, another ferocious strike from the bear struck a wing, and Chatot was forced to run along the ground.

At this point, it was Alvin's turn to laugh. He did so until he realized that the duo were heading straight for him! "Aaah!" he yelled, then he took off running along with the Chatot, having forgotten his chase earlier in lieu of running. Soon enough, Chatot ran into a cave, and Alvin, not really thinking, went in as well. The chase continued in the cave for some time, until Alvin and the Chatot reached a singular round room. Alvin's blood ran cold as ice, a dead end. And the Ursaring was right behind them. It seemed the end was nigh for both of them.

Acting on instinct, Torchic suddenly started shooting embers into the eyes of the Ursaring. This managed to stun it enough for Alvin and his Pokemon to make a break past him and head into the cave. "Phew, glad we managed to get out of that one!" Alvin said, relief washing over him. However, Torchic noticed that Chatot was not with them and came to a startling realization, Chatot must have been frozen by fear and was about to get mauled by the Ursaring. The chick stopped in its tracks, prompting Alvin to ask "What's wrong Torchic?" Torchic started chirping about something, and Alvin tried to ascertain what it was asking, before saying "You want us to help the Chatot? But he's a total jerk, he probably deserves it!" Torchic was having none of it though, and gave Alvin an angry look. Sighing, Alvin relented and said "All right, let's go..." The group went to the side to formulate a battle strategy against the Ursaring.

Meanwhile, Ursaring had recovered from the attack, and looked at Chatot with a mean smile. Chatot made a loud, audible gulp. Finally, he had made the wrong Pokemon angry at exactly the wrong time. He was resigned to his fate now, and closed his eyes to await his inevitable demise. He heard a roar from Ursaring, and cringed expecting a strike...but nothing happened. Curious, he opened his eyes, to see Lillipup tackling the Ursaring to the ground! Alvin had ordered Torchic to scratch Ursaring's foot, causing it to lift said leg in pain, allowing Lillipup to Tackle it! Amazed by this act of kindness, Chatot waited a moment before flying past Alvin at breakneck speeds. Alvin's group, satisfied with saving Chatot, started running away too before the Ursaring got up.

Ursaring chased Alvin across the cave system, and in an attempt to stall for time, Alvin threw a Pokeball at it. The ball shook once...twice...then Ursaring broke out of it and Alvin nearly had a claw to the face! He made a nervous laugh and said "Yeah I guess that was a tad idealistic." before resuming running. Lillipup was tired of running though, and smacked Ursaring with another Tackle, before being blown back by a slash from Ursaring. Eventually, they got out of the caverns, with the Ursaring right behind them. That was when Chatot flew down from a ledge above the cave and landed in front of Ursaring. It took a deep breath, before saying a random mishmash of words, only these seemed to have some kind of effect on Ursaring. A moment later, it smacked itself with its own paw. Curious, Alvin got out his Pokedex and had it look up Chatot. Chatot, the Music Note Pokemon. It mimics the cries of other Pokémon to trick them into thinking it's one of them. This way they won't attack it. More importantly to Alvin however, Chatot had a move known as Chatter, which seemed to deal damage and confuse the Ursaring. This gave the group the opportunity to escape, and all of them did so. Ursaring thought about chasing them, but seemed to think she had done a good enough job of chasing them away from her children.

Chatot followed the group until eventually they all collapsed on the ground, their exhaustion from the numerous chases catching up to them. "Wow...you guys were...great out there...phew..." Alvin said, panting. After a few minutes of rest, he looked towards the Chatot and said, still a little annoyed by his antics earlier "What are you still doing here? You can go now, I'm not gonna bother chasing you anymore." To this, the Chatot simply replied "Catch me if you can!" Alvin, not getting the hint, said "Uh, I'm not chasing you anymore, go out there and be with your friends, whomever they are." Chatot gave a sorrowful chirp at that sentence. The teenager then realized something, perhaps this Chatot had nowhere to go, and wanted to travel with him? He asked the Chatot "You...want to go with me? I could certainly use you on the team." Chatot gave a happy confirmation, making Alvin beam up in joy! With a sense of excitement at another new Pokemon, he leaped to his feet and threw a Pokeball at Chatot. One...two...three...*click!*

Alvin picked up the Pokeball and exclaimed "Yes! I have caught Chatot!" Then he looked to his companions, including his new Chatot, and said "All right, I think this is a good group to challenge the gym with...but for now, let's rest up a bit..." All four beings there then sank to the ground, finally unable to do much else but sleep and rest.
Robbin bumped his head a few more times against the Pokecenter wall before a short green figure could be seen in his peripheral vison. The boy turned his face to see Bee's gecko pokemon. "Treecko!-" Robbin's voice said with a hint of excitement as his negative thoughts began to flee. He noticed the flyer in Treecko's fingers and he took it as the lizard gave it to him. "Whatcha got here?" The purple haired kid blinked as he unrolled the flyer to reveal what he had forgotten about. "The lame-o talent show...."

At this point Robbin only had a few minutes before the contest would begin, and he wasn't sure if he felt like going anymore. The memory of Jolesa with her prideful smirk flashed into his mind and his blood began to boil. I can still make it! His mind quickly changed as he thought about defeating the conceited girl and her Spritzee. Buffy buff! Igglybuff called to Robbin from atop the front counter where Clefable awaited to give Robbin his healed pokemon back.

"Thanks chief." Robbin raised a closed fist to lay against his chest in an appreciative gesture toward Treecko. It was a gesture that his father use to give to him sometimes whenever they spent time together. In that moment, Robbin's throat stung as he lowered his head to let a single tear fall onto the tiled floor. His father seldomly acknowledged him anymore. He probably didn't even notice that Robbin had left without permission. Robbin quickly turned his head to the side and walked over slowly to retrieve his pokemon.

Robbin held Igglybuff to his side like a mini basketball and walked back to Treecko after reattaching Chespin's pokeball onto his belt. His expression was as if he was perfectly fine again, and he followed Treecko outside to be reunited with Bee. For a moment, Robbin just stood there and looked at her. He flattened his now dry hair down into his usual messy style and threw on his loose shirt before taking off the mask. His dark purple eyes met hers again and he spoke up, "Yo..."


Jay nodded with a short smile when Astrid agreed upon going to the festival. "I can tell that you've learned quite a lot." Jay said to Astrid and listened to what his uncle had to say. He wasn't sure how to take what was being communicated by his uncle, but he decided to stay silent. If unavoidable violence ever became an issue, he sees himself putting his own life on the line before he'd let a friend or any pokemon become injured. "We'll be careful." Is all he said to avoid anymore talk of danger.

"Yes, let's go." Jay replied to Astrid with a nod. The silvery blue haired guy led the way out of his uncle's gym and a question formed within his mind. "Will you challenge my uncle yourself?" He asked her as he walked outside. He was unsure of what her answer would be since she did battle her pokemon, but she didn't challenge him when they were there. Maybe she wasn't ready. Astrid and his uncle apparently battled before though, so he wondered if they'd have a rematch for experimental purposes?

They made it to the History Exhibit doors, and Jay spotted his mother on the inside. Before he entered, he noticed a poster on the outside wall. The poster was of a missing silver haired boy. "Skyler Caswell. I shared a class with him." Jay said aloud. A memory of Jay's 10 year old self flashed in his mind and he remembered when Skylar use to be teased for his deafness. The other kids would mess with him and scream teases in his ears, because he couldn't hear. Jay and a good friend began to sit with Skylar at lunch and the other kids stopped making fun of him as much when Jay was there to defend him with brave words.

Jay opened the doors to the building and walked through to meet his mother who sported a worried look upon her face. "Jay! I'm so glad that you are still in town!" Sapphia hugged her son's neck quickly and then spoke once more, "For some odd reason, my friend hasn't come yet. We've had this get together planned since last week. He's normally on time... I'm a little concerned." Sapphia looked to her watch and then adjusted a strap of her overhauls before noticing Astrid. "Oh, how rude of me! Hi there, what's your name?" Sapphia asked the red headed girl with a polite and interested smile. She was happy to see Jay with a friend, and she was even more curious since it was a girl.

"Mom, this is Astrid and Eevee." Jay introduced them with a polite tone. "Uncle Atlas is Astrid's mentor."


"Are you confident that you have trained your pokemon well enough, Lian?" Prof. Atlas asked the girl. His first challenger was clearly overconfident in his own ability and he needed to be sure that his next was better prepared. He waited for the girls answer patiently before deciding to accpet her challenge. Azurill was a baby pokemon and it seemed to have never been in a battle before. Prof. Atlas wasn't quite sure if her pokemon were ready just yet to win the badge.
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"Do not worry, Professor. We will be fine." Lian smiled at the man then nodded to the Azumarill. While the baby Pokemon was loathe to fight on the human's behalf, the chance if facing that Spinda was too good to pass up. The Pokemon bounced restlessly on the field, ready to go.
Treecko was able to find Robbin with a bit of searching. The younger trainer seemed to be hitting his head against the wall, which Treecko didn't think was a very good thing, though other than that he seemed perfectly fine. He quickly approached the kid, who immediately seemed to perk up, and did as Bee had asked him by giving him the flier. At first it didn't look like it did much, but then he thanked Treecko, and did some odd gesture, which Treecko copied, laying one of its hands over its chest. There was a moment when Robbin's mood seemed to change again, but when got back from getting his Pokémon, he seemed happy again. The lizard Pokémon waited patiently for the trainer to be ready, then left the Pokémon Center. He led the boy to Bee, and climbed up the tree so he was behind his trainer and could get a better look at the new Pokémon, Slakoth. He still wasn't quite sure what to think of it.

Meanwhile, Bee waited outside for Treecko to come back. She paced under the tree and talked to Slakoth, who was really just talking the opportunity to sleep while he clung to the trainer's back. Not that if he wasn't there she wouldn't have been talking anyway; she would've just talked to herself instead. Talking just helped for whatever reason. She didn't know why. It was just something she had noticed when. After a while, she spotted her Pokémon leave the Pokémon Center, followed by Robbin. When she looked at him, he seemed better than he was when he left the Gym. That made her feel a little better. She watched Treecko climb up the tree, then looked back at Robbin. "Hey..." The older trainer coughed before she spoke again. "Look... I'm sorry if I wasn't much help after that battle. I was trying to help, but I guess not so much, huh?" Wait, no, that probably wasn't the best thing to say. "I mean- I probably should have left you alone for a bit, and let Professor Atlas talk to you and all that. Sorry." She readjusted her hat again, and put her hands in her pockets. "So, are you still up for that contest? We should still be able to make it in time.. Unless you want me to leave you alone, then I get that, too."
"Well thanks for the show. Good luck on your other challenges Professor Atlas." Astrid waved as she leaves the building with Jay. Eevee was just right behind her as the Pokemon followed Astrid. During her travels, she wondered what kinds of new Pokemon she may encounter on her way. Her curiosity was interrupted by Jay, who asked her a question.

"As a gym battle...Probably not." Astrid smiled with an embarrassed look. "I'm not the one for fighting for glory. I'm here to learn more about Pokemon and how they respond to humans, not to become a Pokemon Champion." Astrid sighed before continuing on her answer to Jay with a grin. "But if you're talking a rematch after I complete my journey, then yes. I want to show him how much I grown after completing my journey and tell him how this journey made me into who I am in the future." She looked around the park as it was lively today with both Humans and Pokemon playing together. She wasn't one for fighting for glory and would only fight when it would interest her the most. Perhaps learning more about how others battle and learning new strategies is something Astrid would like to study so that she would find the right tactics in battle.

As she got closer to the museum, she looked at a new poster, a missing person that Jay seemed a bit interested in. She looked at it and frowned. Poor guy, I wonder what happened to him. I hope he's okay. She thought as she closely looked at the poster before going in the museum with Jay.

Inside the museum, she encountered a women hugging Jay tightly. She was Jay's mother. She looked quite surprise after looking at her. After Jay introduced her to his mother. She smiled and waved. "It's a pleasure to meet you. As Jay said, I learn under Professor Atlas to become a Pokemon Researcher. And i'll be traveling alongside your son as we journey through Epica." She told very sincere and proud. "We're going to be best buddies so don't worry about Jay too much." She laughed as she hoped to be on Jay Mother's good side.

"Eevee!" The Fox Pokemon responded with a nice way of saying hello to Jay's mother. Astrid picked up and petted the happy Eevee.

"So do you work at the museum here or just visiting an old friend?" She asked as she gets to know Jay's mother and hoping to learn more about Jay's parents and Professor Atlas' family members.
"Ok then." Prof Atlas signaled for Lian to follow him down onto the arena. He descended down the steps and took his place across from his second challenger. "Let's begin." Prof. Atlas said these words after summoning the familiar panda with her dizzy eyes from the pokeball. Da! Spinda swayed in it's usual stance and awaited for Lian's first pokemon to make it's move.


"No worries." Robbin said as he retrieved the pack of sour grape bubble gum from his pocket. He popped a piece into his mouth and then offered a piece to Bee. "Want some?" The purple haired kid was normally stingy when it came to sharing his favorite gum, but as of now he felt generous. "Ah yeah! C'mon!" Robbin ran toward the festival hall as she mentioned the show and missed the last bit of what Bee said. He glanced back to see if Bee was following and Igglybuff gave Bee a cute smiling wave as she bounced against Robbin's side as he ran.

A small crowd of people were entering into the hall with their pokemon and Jolesa could be seen kneeling down beside her fancy cream colored bag with Spritzee hovering above. Jolesa was tearing apart poffins and feeding Sqritzee the small pieces from the palm of her hand. Zee! The pink bird pokemon said with a pleased chirp. Spritzee flew a cirlce around the familiar Robbin and Bee and then returned to gain Jolesa's attention.

"Welp, I'm here." Robbin said aloud as he looked around. It didn't seem like the show was starting like it should.

"Did you hear? The contest was postponed for a bit. They're waiting on the rest of the set pieces or something." The dark blonde girl with her fairy bird called over to them. She walked over to them with a peppy step and looked over Robbin and Igglybuff. Igglybuff gave her a happy wave and the girl responded with a giggle.

"Aw great." Robbin replied with an annoyed expression. He was ready to get on with the contest. "What're those?" He asked curiously as he watched Jolesa feed a colorful block to Spritzee who twirled in delight.

"They're Pokeblocks. Please tell me you've been at least feeding your Igglybuff poffins." Jolesa understood that he had not from his clueless facial expression and continued, "Pokeblocks and Poffins help your pokemon win the contests. Without using them, you'll have a slim chance at winning." She dispensed a violet pokeblock from her case and offered one to Robbin for Igglybuff.

"Forget it-" Robbin replied after rejecting the pokeblock. "Igglybuff and I can win the stupid show without those cheat blocks. Right Bee?-"

"Attention Contestants, the wardrobe rooms are now available for costume selections." An elderly hall worker came out and announced this.


"It's great to meet you Astrid! Becoming a Researcher is exciting. I myself am working toward my certification as a Pokemon Paleontologist. I love to study fossils and I even help restore them into living pokemon. I also study archaeology on the side." Sapphia gave Astrid a pleasant smile and stepped over to offer her hand for a polite shake. "My name's Sapphia by the way. Your Eevee is very cute!" Her face sparked with happiness when Astrid said her and her son would be best buddies. Her face calmed before continuing to answer Astrid's next question, "No, but I work at the Grand museum across from the Pokecenter. I do volunteer here whenever I can though." Sapphia's face then become worried again whenever Astrid mentioned her friend. "I'm waiting on my friend Jude. He should be here by now." The navy haired mother looked down at her watch, and wondered where her friend could be. "I really wanted to show him the newest additions to the exhibit, but I suppose that can wait for now. I wonder what's keeping him?" Sapphia thought aloud and tugged lightly on her overhaul strap out of habit.

"Miner Jude? The fossil trader?" Jay asked curiously as he held tight to glass case that contained his poke egg. Sapphia nodded and then Jay spoke again, "Maybe we should stop by his shop and see what's up." Jay looked to Astrid and thought of the missing poster that he had seen of Skylar. He was now highly curious to know of Jude's whereabouts.

~~~ Litwick's Prank ~~~
[Afternoon, Forest pathway to Numera Town.]
{ Ralts, Feebas, Litwick }

"A-Ah! Litwick! Come back here!"

The voice of a young girl echoed out in the forest, as her little candle pokemon was scurrying ahead, laughing as it watched the slow girl try her best to keep up. 'Haha! I'm gonna leave you if you don't hurry!' Although she could understand that, others would simply hear: 'Litwick! Lit! Litwick!' The girl seemed to be trying her best to keep up, as she was on the path to Numera Town in hopes to participate in the Talent Show. Hopefully, it would give her more experience as a trainer, and as a coordinator. All of a sudden, her dear ralts popped out of her pokeball, looking up at the female. 'You're hopeless...' It had told her, using it's own telepathy. Even though she knew her trainer could understand it, it still found it necessary to communicate through telepathy. The ralts then looked at the litwick, her eyes glowing a bright blue colour and then lifting the litwick up, bringing it back over.

"Ralts! Ralts ralts ralts!"

She began scolding the litwick, and the trainer couldn't help but to giggle. "You two really get along, don't you?" She teased, and Ralts crossed her arms and looked to the side. "Me? Get along with this trouble maker? You're kidding!" She complained, tapping her pokeball and returning. The trainer giggled, and tapped the pokeball a bit. "Oh don't worry, I whip up some of your favourite pokeblocks and coffins once we reach Numera Town. You too Litwick, and lets not forget about Feebas." She smiled brightly, causing the litwick to maybe blush a little. "So behave, alright?" She asked, innocently, and without a word, the Litwick just nodded and returned to his pokeball like a good pokemon should.

After a little while of pondering, she was really pumped up. "Ohhh Alright! Lets get to Numera town so I can get my first ribbon!" She spoke to herself, pumping her fist into the air. She usually wouldn't do that unless she were really excited, as she always used to watch coordinators and battles against the campion, and due to being unable to make a choice, she chose both paths. "After some experience, I'm challenging the gym!" She chimed, though it was easier said than done. She was probably going to enter with Litwick or Feebas; Feebas for many reasons, for the contest. However, she would most likely let the feebas do the battling, as her Feebas was special!

She wanted to catch more pokemon as well, as she had seen a few petalil as she walked. However, for now she stuck to battling and honing her skills. She ran into a Swablu, and those seemed to have been popping up everywhere as of late. However, she did battle them, and she thought, hey, why not?

The Swablu looked at her, staring at an oran berry she held, and attempted to grab at it. 'Gimme gimme! I want it!' She heard from the Swablu, and she smiled. "Alright! I'll give it to you if you battle me? You don't have to become my pokemon, but I'll give you this berry if you win or lose, but you have to put up a fight!" She explained, and the Petilil seemed to listen well, as it agreed. It moved back, looking up at the female in a ready stance. "Alright Feebas, Time to train!" She giggled, sending the ugly fish out. The Clouded Bird was close to laughing, and the feebas seemed confused. Before it could ask, her trainer stopped her. "Don't ask, please?" And so the battle begun.

~~~ Feebas' Battle ~~~
[Moves: Splash, Dragon Pulse.]
{Moves: Peck, Roost, Sing.}

The Swablu certainly took no time in charging in, planning to get in close and use peck, which was exactly what it did. "Feebas! Use Splash once Swablu gets close!" She commanded, and Feebas did exactly that. Once Petilil was close, it began splashing violently (Yes splashed can be violent when on soil/the ground), turning into a physical attack and randomly hitting the Swablu. The Petilil quickly moved back, hopping up into the air and gaining distance in order to charge in and use peck again. She quickly picked up on this, and panicked slightly. "Ah! Feebas, stop and dodge!" She said, and feebas tried it's best to dodge. Although not suffering from the damage completely, she had sustained some, and taking Feebas' initial defence into account, she took quite a bit of damage. She bit her lip, and seeing the Swablu was so close to Feebas, there was barely any way possible it could dodge a long ranged move while in that position. She pointed up at the Swablu, aiming carefully, and smiling.

"Alright Feebas! Dragon pulse!" She smiled, pointing up at the Swablu, and the Swablu seemed confused as well. The Feebas got up, and then charged up something that looked like a dark blue pulse, shooting all the energy out at the Swablu, and thus knocking it back due to the force of the hit. After the move was performed, the Swablu fell to the ground, however it wasn't over yet. 'I'll show you strong!' It huffed, and then it sung out a tune, something that made Feebas grow drowsy... Wait a second. Wasn't that... Sing?! "Oh great..." She bit her bottom lip, looking around her surroundings to see what she could use. It was obvious that in a forest, Swablu would have the advantage.

She kept looking around as Feebas grew sleepier, and then an idea popped into her head. "Feebas! Quick! Before you fall asleep! Dragon pulse!" She commanded. Before the Feebas could fall asleep, it let out one last shock wave at the Swablu, hitting it, and thus stopping the sing. It took a while for the Feebas to recover, but it did. Feebas, all in all, was a generally weak pokemon, but she didn't care in the slightest! Feebas will grow strong and beautiful! Just like a Ducklett into a Swanna, well, probably stronger than a Swanna. "Great! You're awake! Now get over to Swablu, and use Dragon Pulse at Short range!" She commanded. Feebas was actually getting the upper hand, and she was successfully able to perform dragon pulse, knocking the unconscious Swablu.

~~~ Swablu, Do you want to join? ~~~

The female crouched down at the Petilil, pulling out the Oran Berry, and then shaking it awake so that it would find it. "Here, I promised, didn't I?" She asked, with a smile. The Swablu looked up at her, appearing to have been drawn in by her and then looked at her Pokeballs. It walked over to a Pokeball, and smiled up at her. 'If joining you means fun battles like this, then I'm 100% joining!' The Petilil chimed, hitting it's bud on the empty pokeball. Seemingly shocked at it's action, she quickly pulled out the poked, in order to find out more about it.

Swablu... Normal/Flying Type... Cotton Bird Pokemon.
Swablu has light and fluffy wings that are like cottony clouds. This Pokémon is not frightened of people. It lands on the heads of people and sits there like a cotton-fluff hat.
Ability... Own Tempo
Moves... Peck, Roost, Sing

Regestration Complete...

She stared down at her pokedex, and she couldn't help but to get even more pumped. "I can totally use Swablu in the contest!" She chimed, and so grabbing her belongings and dashing down to Numera Town, as she wanted to start the contest right now!

~~~ Numera Town! ~~~
[Afternoon, Numera Town, Numera's Festival Hall]
{ Ralts, Feebas, Litwick, Swablu }

The female seemed to have arrived, looking at her surroundings happily. She hadn't been to to many places outside of Lovewood, but she liked this already! She would have to look at the gym, the museum, the library, the lab; everything! But first, she should register for the Epica League and for the contest. "I won't lose!~" She chimed, walking around happily. She heard the announcement, and GREAT SHE WAS LATE. She began panicking, and then the ralts popped out and hit her good with a growl. 'Stop standing there like an idiot! We have to get moving!' It said, and get moving they did! Clavies picked up Ralts, dashing to the hall and registering herself. Before this, she had fed Feebas many colourful and Blue blocks. She had also fed Ralts with many Green ones and Bitter Poffins. Finally, she had fed Litwick many Red Poffins and pokeblock, knowing that it loved to look cool in front of others.

Upon entering, she had found many people in the wardrobe, and she started feeling nervous. Her ralts looked up at her, assuring her along with her Feebas. A girl bumped into her as Clavies was walking in, and she had a Pichu up and perched on her shoulder. "Hey! Watch where you're going-- EW. WHAT IS THAT?!" The girl had stopped complaining, and then directed her insult at her dear Feebas. Her face darkened, picking the ragged fish up. "Feebas is my friend.. Don't be so mean..." Clavies muttered, looking down at her Feebas. In all honesty, Feebas looked cute and pretty in her eyes. Never had she seen Feebas as ugly. The girl just rolled her eyes, petting her Pichu.

"Whatever.. Just keep that thing away from my dear Pichu! I mean, his fur has just been permed, and I don't want my sweetiekins to be infected by... that." The female stayed silent, and the Pichu seemed to agree as well. Well, she knew who she was going to enter today. "... Ralts? You can stay on the side lines today, right?" She asked, watching as the female walked away. Ralts knew better than anyone when someone was insulting her trainer, and her fellow partners. The Ralts nodded, and Clavies smiled. "Feebas... No matter what people say, you are beautiful, alright?" She assured it, although, Feebas looked kind of down. It hoped that it could evolve soon. It had been three years since the girl had started her journey, and she wanted her dear Feebas to evolve as well, to show everyone, that the ugly feebas that once was, was no longer by evolving into an elegant Milotic.

Swablu and Litwick seemed to have heard this, and Litwick decided to play a 'friendly' prank. He left his pokeball, slowly approaching the female and using it's cute appearance to fool her. The female looked down at Litwick, and cooed as it asked for a hug. "Awww you cute little thing! Come here you!" She giggled, petting it. Litwick smiled, and then blew a smog at the girl's face, then using minimize to escape. The female and the Pichu began coughing, and this pretty much ruined the girl's make up. Clavies witnessed this, and began giggling. "Litwick.. You're too much.. But I love you~" She giggled. She returned her pokemon back into their pokeballs, walking into the change room, and walking out.

She walked out wearing a cute little dress, with frills near the ends. It resembled Ralts, having a thin, green veil and a white poncho over the dress.

"We will not lose, not after those three years of preparing!"

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"Amazing! You're studying to become a Paleontologist? That's awesome. Jay, your mother is an amazing person." Her eyes lit up with joy and admiration as she learned more about Sapphia and want she does. "Eevee!" The fox Pokemon jumped in excitement as the Pokemon took the compliment that Sapphia gave to the Pokemon. She wanted to continue discussing things with her, as she mentions Jude and Jay's interest with visiting him for a bit. But then, Astrid remembered something.

"Jay, don't we have a festival to go to? Doesn't the festival start in a few minutes." She seemed a bit worried that she would miss out on the thing she seemed very interested in. Of course, she still was interested in seeing what the fossil trader had in store if he was there, but she was conflicted as to what they should do first. "I want to see the festival first, but Jude's whereabouts seems to have me a bit worried too. Jay, i'll leave the option to you, do you want to check on Jude first or see the festival? Maybe Jude is a bit late than usual so maybe if we see the festival, he'll probably be back by the time the festival is over." She wondered about what Jay would do, he might be close friends with Jude so checking on him may be a priority for him, whatever his answer is, she will follow him. Who knows, maybe they'll make it just in time for the festival to start should they decide on checking out where Jude is.
~~~ Feebas Really wants to Evolve, huh? ~~~
[Afternoon, Numera Town, Festival Hall]
{First Round Entry: Feebas}

"Feebas? I have a couple of poffins and poke block for you. Do you want some before the contest?" Clavies looked down at Feebas, and the ragged fish didn't seem to be very happy. In all honesty, she had participated in a pokemon contest in the past, and Feebas ended up having tot be laughed at by others, making her trainer look bad. However, through all that, the girl stayed positive. 'Next time! For sure!' She usually said. This was her first official contest however, since the last one was like a little show among young trainers. The Feebas turned to her trainer, and looked up at her. 'Do you think I'll ever become beautiful?' The Feebas asked, as though expecting her to say no, like everyone else.

Clavies looked down at the Feebas, and a smile formed on her face. "You might not look beautiful to other people now, but I'm sure others will see it soon." She assured the Feebas, stroking it's ragged and tattered fins. "In fact, I know so, so stop being so worried..." She giggled, petting the Feebas. She looked somewhat saddened, seeing as how conflicted her dear pokemon was. 'Please evolve soon, Feebas. Then you'll be happy..' She thought. Others in the hall were walking by and giving the Feebas dirty looks, shooting her glares and whispering about how foolish she was, for entering a pokemon like that into the contest. "You've been held back for a while now Feebas.. I'm positive that this contest will let you show the world how beautiful you are."

Clavies thought for a moment, and then an idea rang into her head. It was possible that Feebas could have learnt a new move... Maybe. Hopefully. She has been trying to think of a move that will help in contests, as splash may look cute, it just doesn't fit. "Feebas... You've seen grandma's Glaceon use ice beam, right?" She asked, and the Feebas nodded. She smiled, and then pet the top of it's head. "You've seen it so many times, maybe you can try it. It's fine if we don't pass, you'll be able to try after this too. Ignore all the people watching, I know you're beautiful~" Clavies smiled, kissing the top of it's head. The Feebas nodded, looking up at her. It wasn't going to lose, it was going to win, for her trainer.

~~~ Someone new? Who? Who? Who? ~~~

As Clavies walked out, holding her Feebas in her arms. That was when she spotted a boy with an igglybuff, who didn't appear to have been eating many poke blocks or coffins, at all really. She approached the male, holding her Feebas in her arms. "H-Hello.. Um.. Your Igglybuff.. You don't plan on entering it without a poke block or poffins... Do you?" Clavies asked softly. Sure, this was strange coming from a girl with a Feebas in her arms, but it was clear that the Feebas was well groomed, and it looked much more appealing than regular Feebas.

"If you want... I can give you some... I have a lot, really.." Clavies seemed to be hiding behind Feebas, ironically as she was the trainer. Her Ralts came out, looking up at the female and then looking up at the male to use telepathy. 'Pardon my trainer... But it's true. She's using a Feebas for Arceus' sake. But if you don't give your Igglybuff SOMETHING, you won't stand a chance.' It bluntly explained, returning to the pokeball.

@True Self
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"Oh, uh, yeah. Sure." Bee took the gum that was offered to her and carefully unwrapped it before popping it in her mouth. Hmm. Sour grape. Nice. Robbin seemed better, which was great. He didn't even seem mad at her, which really eased her nerves. "Thanks." After she mentioned the contest, the younger kid ran off, so it was safe to say he hadn't heard the last of what she had said. "Alright, let's go Treecko." She started to follow Robbin when Treecko jumped from the tree and onto Bee's shoulder, narrowly missing Slakoth and sending his trainer stumbling forward, arms flailing in an attempt to regain her balance, which she did, fortunately. Amazingly enough, Treecko managed to stay on her shoulder. "Really, Treecko? ...Nevermind." She sighed and ran after Robbin to catch up, and Treecko waved to Igglybuff.

It wasn't until they pushed through the crowd into the building that Treecko jumped off her shoulder and followed her on the ground. Bee looked down at her starter Pokémon and smirked, wanting to say something clever but nothing came to mind. So she just looked back up, only to see that Fairy-Type bird Pokémon of Jolesa's flying around before returning to its trainer, who approached them. Apparently the show had been postponed. "Well, that's lucky. We were running late." She remarked, glancing at a clock on the wall.

The discussion turned to Pokeblocks, which Robbin was certain he wouldn't need. Now, Bee would be the first to admit that she didn't know much about Pokeblocks and Poffins and all that. That was more her mom's thing, and her brother seemed to have taken an interest in it as well. Whatever she knew about the foods, she had learned by listening to those two talk whenever there was a contest going on that they were interested in. She did know that they were helpful, somehow. "Actually, I think you might want-" The announcer interrupted her, saying that the costume wardrobe was open. she waited until he was done speaking before she started talking again. "You might want a Pokeblock for Igglybuff, but that's your call. A costume, however, you should probably get. Unless you want to go with whatever you had for the Gym battle, but I'm not sure that'll work for a cute contest. I can wait out here while you find something." The trainer crossed her arms and glanced down at where Treecko was, checking to make sure her Pokémon was nearby. He was watching all the trainers and their Pokémon curiously, and he wasn't far enough away to concern her, so she left it at that. The green haired trainer looked back at Jolesa. "Where is the wardrobe, by the way?"
"U-Um.. Excuse me?"

The female had walked up to another one, and she seemed to be having trouble looking for the wardrobe. Clavies was passing by after getting changed, as she held her Feebas happily in her arms. "The change rooms are down the hall.. To the left.. Um... Are you entering with Treeko?" She looked down at the little grass type pokemon, and although Feebas would obviously be slower, she wasn't planning on dodging in the battle round. At least, she assumed that there would be. It would be interesting. Her Feebas looked down at Treeko, and then looked up at the trainer. Ugh, was there anything else that could make Feebas feel so out of place?

Feebas was surrounded by so many cute, cool, tough, smart, and beautiful pokemon, while it just stood out like a rock in a pile of gemstones. Her trainer noticed the sudden lack of self esteem, and she began patting Feebas' head. "We'll show them." She smiled, and the Feebas just weakly smiled back. Clavies turned her attention back up to the female with the Treeko, and then at the one with the Spritzee. It was adorable, which only made Feebas feel worse. She really needed Feebas to evolve soon, since it had been 3 years.

"Oh and um... That's a cool looking Treeko. Are you eating Treeko in the contest?" She asked, trying to sound cheerful. She wanted to know what Treeko had to say as well, as she could understand pokemon speech. 'I'm going to lose again.. Aren't I?' Feebas asked, and Clavies just shook her head.

Robbin thought over what he might wear as a costume whenever the wardrobe availability was announced. That's when Bee suggested that feeding Igglybuff those special snacks may actually be a good idea. "K then, maybe just- LAH!" Robbin began and then was spooked by a random voice that seemed to come out of nowhere. "What were you raised by RATTATA???" Robbin shouted toward the new girl as he flailed around to see her. Her arrival was as silent as a ninja. "UGH." The purple haired boy leaned back when the girl looked to be holding a dead fish. "The PokeCenter has a toilet if you need to flush that thing."

"I already offered him one. He doesn't want any." Jolesa said and giggled at Robbin's reaction to the girl. She eyed the new girl as she fluffed her shiny blonde hair and looked down to observe the girls pokemon. Her competition. Except she was relieved to see that the only pokemon of the girls that she found the least bit threatening was the girls Ralts. Jolesa giggled again as she judged the girls pokemon in her head.

Robbin had listened to the Ralts' telepathy and was now more convinced that he really needed those snack cheats. Igglybuff! Igglybuff gave a bright smile toward the new girl and her pokemon. She began to roll around in a playful way and bounced up to get a closer look at Feebas with a puff of her cheeks. "Yo Iggly, stay away from there! You trying to catch a disease?" The fish corpse blinked and Robbin's mouth fell agape. He now realized, after blinking himself a few times, that it was actually a living fish pokemon. "Ohh.. My B-" He apologized to the girl. "I guess I could use those Poke square things if you want me to have em?"

Jolesa turned to answer Bee's question with an innocent smile until the new girl answered before she could. The fancy girls face now bore a solid expression, but she stayed silent as if she was trying her best not to blurt out something rude. "Politeness above all else." Jolesa told herself with a hint of agitation to her voice. It was a motto that her mother had taught her.

"Welp, I'm going in." Robbin announced and looked to Bee. "You can come or wait. Either way's cool with me--" He said this in an animated way as he felt the sudden urge to pee.


"Yeah, she really is." Jay said which caused his mother to give him a loving smile and thanking Astrid. Jay returned the smile as Astrid reminded him of the festival.

"It's ok Jay. I'll stop by to check on him. You two go ahead and enjoy the festival! I'll catch up with you both later. It was nice to meet you, Astrid!" Sapphia spoke before Jay could reply. She could see that Astrid was highly interested in checking out the festival and Sapphia didn't want to bog them down with her own worry. She flashed them both a smile before leaving and exchanging goodbyes.

"Maybe we'll see Jude at the festival?" Jay suggested as he walked toward the exit. He wasn't much interested in seeing the History exhibit, because he had seen enough historical things growing up at the Grand museum. He walked out into the warm afternoon air and made his way toward the Festival site with Astrid alongside him as he held onto his mysterious egg.

On the way to the festival, Jay caught a glimpse of a purple haired kid in the distance near the Festival Hall. He was standing in front of a girl with a pink bird pokemon. Jay could only see the back of the boys head, but it looked a lot like his younger brother Robbin. Jay sped up his pace to go see who it was until a large cart shoved passed him full of decorations and stage pieces. The cart nearly caused Jay to drop his egg case, but he managed to maintain his grip on the egg before it would fall. A man in fancy attired was clearly in a hurry and shouted an apology as he rushed off to deliver what he needed to.

"That's... ok." Jay said aloud to the hurried man, but took in a slightly flustered breath. More so to the fact that his egg could have been cracked or even broken. When Jay looked back in the direction of his suspected brother, he was no longer in sight. Kids do sometimes look alike. Jay assured himself within his thoughts before continuing to walk. "Isn't that Beatrice?" Jay asked Astrid as he recognized her in the general vicinity of the contest hall. He nodded to himself in validation as he gave a second look through the glass entrance. Meanwhile in the distance, the festival site was just beginning to form a good sized crowd.

Pokemon racing lanes could be seen and the closest stand in view was a colorful stand with lots of different, deliciously flavored Poke Puffs. Tiki torches lined the racing lanes, so that they would be lit up when it became dark outside. There were several other stands as well, including a covered area where people were seen dancing. There was even a pit where trainers could practice battle their pokemon. A massive Gyrados festival puppet leaned against the nearest building awaiting to be carried around by the festival workers for fun and good spirit. A tribal designed Tentacrul puppet was already in use as little children chased around it in entertainment of the beautiful tentacles that twirled beneath it. There were also more festivities waiting to be discovered.

"Ready to check it out? Or you wanna say hey to our friend first?" Jay said to Astrid, referring to Bee. He wasn't sure himself, since she could be busy with contest preparations. Then again, she didn't look too busy.
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~~~ We'll see about that ~~~

'... I'm really that ugly.. Aren't I?'

The feebas looked up at the girl, and it didn't seem to be surprised when it was called a dead fish. Ralts looked up at her, but smiled as though to say 'You've got this. You'll blow them away!'. Feebas took a soft breath, and at the corner of it's lips, smiled. The girl then pulled out her Pokedex, looking at each pokemon carefully. Although she appeared ditzy, she wasn't stupid, and Ralts knew this better than anyone. Heck, all her pokemon knew this. She began carefully registering Spritzee, Treeko, and Igglybuff. The Spritzee would probably put up the most competition, although, she knew what Feebas would evolve into, which was why she was so confident she would win this time. "You'll dazzle, just like a Milotic. Exactly like a Milotic." The female smiled as she whispered, and it was as silent as a whismer. "A-Ah.. and sorry.. I scared you didn't I?" Clavies hung her head a little bit, and Ralts climbed back onto her shoulder.

"Don't you dare make in fun of Feebas!" Ralts huffed, and she puffed, and she WOULD blow them all down if she could. Well, they seemed to have apologized, more or less. Feebas really did want to play with the other pokemon, however she was far too ugly. Like a Magikarp in comparison to a Gyarados, this is like comparing a Feebas to a Milotic. "Don't be mean to Feebas, okay? She's not sick..." Clavies seemed a little protective over her dear Feebas as well, just like Ralts.

She let Feebas down to approach the Iggbuff, wanting to play with it. The Igglybuff however, avoided it due to trainer's orders. Unbeknownst to the other entries, she was silently judging their own pokemon as well, and found the igglybuff and treeko a no problem. At least, if Feebas evolved this time around. Clavies bowed her head, picking Feebas back up, and putting Ralts on her shoulder. "T-The contest will start soon... So um... Hurry, okay?" Clavies asked politely, but after that, her entire persona seemed to have changed for a split second. "Oh.. And try not to lose?" She asked, a hint of taunting and torment in her voice.

Ralts shivered a little bit, and pet the girl's head. Out of all her own pokemon, again, Ralts knew her best. Either because of being the pokemon that can usually sense feelings, or staying with her the longest. The Treeko, Spritzee, and Igglybuff would have felt this too however, a slight shiver crawling up the spine. Feebas on the other hand, didn't seem to fee anything. "Feebas... Lets practice what we've already gone over if we have time." The trainer smiled, looking down at the ragged fish.
[fieldbox=Wyverin | Return to Numera]
"Ah... It's been a while!" A young, dark haired boy walked towards the border of the town with his hands on his hips, stretching his back as a small metallic pokemon hovered next to him, looking at his friend. The two exchanged a glance before the boy sighed. "We'll be there soon enough, so don't tell me you're tired now! I don't want to walk alone," he huffed, continuing along the path.

The name of the young boy was Wyverin (or Wye as he so oddly prefers). He'd lived in Numera until quite recently having decided to go on a little adventure with two of his friends, Bubble (Bubba the Squirtle) and Meta. Only recently had they voted on starting to challenge gyms with a vote against from Meta, one for for each from Bubba and Wye, and thus they make their way to their old town to get the right to collect badges.

"We'll be in this route all day if you keep sulking! I can't see the expression you're thinking of but I know you're sulking!" Wye exclaimed as a cry followed his last word.


Meta felt itself being pushed to the side violently as a small pokemon rammed into it from the bushes, attacking out of nowhere. The boy's head turned as he looked at the source, seeming rather excited. "Oh! A Shroomish! Like the one Luke had, but… something seems different about it." Meta gave a disgruntled metallic noise as it glared at the bandit of a pokemon. Wye took a step closer to better inspect the red spotted pokemon. That look in his eyes… He looks like he's eager to fight. Like the look Meta has about him… Smiling Wye stepped back as Shroomish gave him a glare. "Meta, how'd you like to warm up for the gym battle?"

Seeming quite satisfied with the suggestion, Meta quickly skidded in front of his trainer, staring at the Shroomish who hopped from one short foot to another consecutively. "Start with a Zen Headbutt!" the boy said, his foot planting into the ground as Meta lunged forward with a pinkish aura around it, but the nimble little pokemon jumped right out of the way and gave it a strong blow with its limbs, sending it crashing into a tree nearby. "Euhm… Meta, you okay?" A metallic grunt was heard. "Good. Bullet Punch!" The gloating Shroomish was surprised by the sudden, strong blow that threw it back. "Don't let it get back up! Use Zen Headbutt again!" The pokemon rushed in again, just as Shroomish was about to get up, almost knocking its head against his, throwing it back with the psychic aura.

"Aha!" Wye enlarged a pokeball in his hand and tossed it forward at the dazed Shroomish, bringing it inside. The ball shifted once… twice… thrice… "Yes! We have a new friend." He rushed over and picked up the pokeball before he realized something. "Oh… Meta! Let's hurry up! We need to take him to the Pokemon Center!"

Player - Wye
Badges - 0
Pokedex – 3
Time – 0:03

Wye saved the game!

~~~ Start, Start, Start! ~~~

The female in the white dress with the green veil was patiently waiting in a chair in the waiting room with Feebas on her lap. Other trainers came by and looked at the fish in disgust, but she was silently waiting, and looked at the competition around her. That's when it hit her; She was confident she would win this! After 3 years of training and failure, with a hint of success, she was finally ready to show Feebas off to the world. She kept petting Feebas, as she could not longer make it appear any more beautiful as it already did, but she was sure that Feebas would evolve.


All she had to do, was to wait. She had to wait until her turn, and she recalled that she was the last one to go on. She found this perfect, as she could analyze the other pokemon perfectly without a problem in the world. She saw very well groomed pokemon, and all of them gave her and her Feebas dirty looks. "You'll make it." She smiled, kissing the top of Feebas' head. That was the most affection she had shown to any of her pokemon, and she always did it to tell them it was all going to be alright.

Eventually, she found the female who had the Spritzee earlier enter, however, Clavies did not really say anything. Her dress resembled that of Ralt's outfit, consisting of a long, white fabric connecting the sleeves with the dress; making it look like am emolga. Also, there was a green veil over her head, and her hair was clipped up with a red, triangular pin. Maybe she should change into something else more fitting? Maybe next time.

For now, she would just have to watch others performances and await until she was called up. Oh, this would be entertaining.
"Hm?" Bee turned to face a young girl with a Feebas, who was asking if she was entering with Treecko. "Oh, uh, no. I'm afraid not this time." She gestured to the very startled, purple-haired trainer. "My friend, Robbin is entering with his Igglybuff." At Robbin's rude remark about Feebas, she bumped him with her elbow. "Hey! Don't be rude." After the girl with the Feebas and Ralts gave them directions, Bee thanked her, and Robbin decided he'd better go find a costume. "I'll stay out here. No problem." Then everyone went their separate ways, and Bee was alone. "Well, maybe we can hang out for a bit, then start looking for a place to watch the contest, right, guys?" Slakoth yawned in response, which caused Bee to yawn before she looked down to Treecko, who seemed to be staring off in a direction. "Hey, Treecko. You okay?" The lizard Pokémon shook its head, then looked up at his trainer. "Treec!" "Alright, that's what we'll do then."

Little did she know that Treecko was going to do what he does best and disappeared. Again. It was somewhere between a stand where Bee had stopped to admire some amulets, and when she walked past children playing with a Tentacruel puppet on her way back to the Contest Hall, but he had vanished again. She had just gone through the doors when she had noticed he wasn't nearby. She buried her face in her hands for a moment before taking a quick look around. "Oh man... What am I gonna do?" Well, obviously she was going to look for the Pokémon, but there were so many people. Finding him was going to prove difficult.


Treecko had actually gone off to look for the trainer from earlier. He wandered through the group of people, eventually making his way to the contest hall. If what he had gathered from the meeting earlier was right, the Feebas would be competing, so they'd be here... Right? He followed someone through the doors, and began looking for the trainer and her Pokémon from earlier. He needed to know why he had felt that strange feeling from earlier, one that was usually reserved for when he was around the Professor's Alakazam, Alakai, and even then it was very rarely He followed some more people through another set of doors into another room, hoping that maybe following them would be helpful. (@Teomessos )
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"Yeah. It's possible he might've gotten distracted from the festival so maybe he's giving out a helping hand." Astrid spoke to Jay regarding his question about Jude. "Well, let's go. I want to enjoy the festival before I leave for the journey." She grinned as fiddled with her hands. Astrid enjoyed seeing the amount of work the committee put together to celebrate certain days. She was a bit excited that her body couldn't hide it. "Well nice meeting you Sapphia. Hope to see you after the journey!" She loudly spoke out to Sapphia as she left the museum. "Eevee!" The Fox Pokemon said it's goodbye to Saphhia as the Pokemon followed Astrid to the festival.

Astrid was thinking to herself what this festival was going to be. She's only been to a few in Epica and she always enjoyed many of the activities there that the festivals had. She considered taking notes on what she may find for the journey ahead should she find something of great importance. Her mind was distracted from Jay rushing towards the contest hall and nearly seeing Jay drop his egg. This angered Astrid a bit as the man left.

"Hey! Watch it! I know you're trying to get the festival set up, but be mindful of this man's egg." She yelled. The man seemed to be fearful and rushed even faster. Astrid ran over to Jay and checked on him and the egg. "You okay?" She asked. She looked at the egg to see if there were any damages, but it looked as if nothing happened to it. She sighed. "Sorry I got a bit carried away at yelling at someone." She returned to her sad self. She understood that Pokemon were more interested to be with than normal people. Astrid notices Bee through the window as Jay asked her the question. "Yeah you're right. Can't forget about her black hat and green hair." She smiled. But she noticed she's inside the contest hall. Is she preparing for the contest? Astrid wanted to say hi, but she didn't want to bother her in that case.

"Hold on." Astrid said to Jay's last question. She pulled out a notebook and a pen from the bookbag and cleanly torn off a piece of paper. Sitting on a chair with a book on her lap. She started writing.

Letter to Bee
Hey Bee!

Hope you are having fun. Me and Jay noticed you through the window of the Contest Hall and we weren't sure if you decided to try out for the performances or not. If you are, good luck. Me and Jay will be cheering for you. If not, we'll be at the festival. So if you do come, come and hang out for us for a bit. Hope to see you soon! <3


She folded the paper up twice and folded it nicely. She looked around for someone to deliver the message. A man who is on break seemed to have left the contest hall for a breather. Astrid ran up to the man and handed him the letter.

"You're on break right? Could you deliver this to a girl in a green hair with a black hat on? Thank you." She said. The man agreed to give it to her and returned to the contest hall to give the letter to Bee. Astrid returned to Jay with a smile on her face. "Ready when you are." She gleefully said to Jay.
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