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I'm pretty good! Enjoying the story so far. And work is going relatively ok ^^

How're you?
Fall out boy has me in a good mood. I shall give you guys a treat. <3
Great to hear. I'll beee busy today because of lot of cleaning and cooking and all. Though, the cycle hasn't ended yet. It ends Thursday.

And awesome Fox! Glad to hear you get a break.
My money was on Winter and Mizos reacting poorly. >.<
Lol sorry.

Also sorry for my posts, they're full of suck at the moment >.>
Yours was fine. :P Melting that warrior's heart, I see. Now it's just for... y'know, literally everyone else. I do hope everyone is enjoying the arc. :P I don't get to magically take control of things terribly often.
Ha, magically. Right.

I love the posts so far guys. I'll have mine up either drastically late or tomorrow afternoon.
I'm pretty good, busy with studying and the such but got the next two days off so happy dance and all that.

Oh definitely enjoying the arc Prince I'm putting up another post now.
Also I'm afraid this is acting poorly for Luro though you hit some scars I won't deny that.

Also why...why the cruelty. Not towards Luro that's fine but with Pokemon. First Grothnor and Inquisition, now Prince and Pokemon, next Fox or Winter's going to say hey I got this game here and Blu's going to chime in with another then I'll just go hibernate cause I'll be done.
I will figure out a way to turn into a bear and hibernate...with science.

Edit: Posted and all that. You forcibly made him sober Prince, you let me explore his other psyche, you have my thanks for that. I figured that wouldn't happen till they found the Black Compass.
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Posting in an hour or two :D!

Happy turkey day to all you Americans (?)! Or is this a western thing that everyone does? If so, happy turkey day to everyone!

I figured that wouldn't happen till they found the Black Compass.

I was thinking death would happen but you know, that works here too.

Also, yeah Happy late thanksgiving to you pirates that celebrate it. And if not, happy day of the week. (I think it's just Americans. Canada celebrates theirs on a different day.)

Hope everyone is doing okay today and able to enjoy food and the weekend.
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Posted, sorry for the wait :D!

Out of curiosity, what TV shows or cartoons are you guys watching atm~?

Recently I've been watching Modern Family and Daria. Blocmates introduced me to the former, it's really funny xD. Good for laughs and forgetting about all those deadlines. //shot

The latter is kind of funny too :D. It's an old cartoon.
I've been watching all the DC shows that are out.

Arrow (I'm starting the second season)

DC is doing a really good job with their shows in my opinion. I'm debating whether to add an anime to that list too.
Sorry for late posts again. Blaming Dragon Age and American Turkey Day for that, though I'm almost done with DA3 so it shouldn't be a problem after this cycle (hopefully).

My siblings and I have been watching Yu-Gi-Oh and discussing how the show makes no sense since they make up rules as they go along and laughing at the ridiculousness of the premise. We're also watching it for nostalgia's sake, and to actually find out what happens, since our parents (being fine, upstanding Christians) took issue with the whole dark magic/soul theft stuff when we were young.

Also, I got Episode 1 of Tales from the Borderlands. Awesome and hilarious. Had me and my sister laughing out loud.
Indeed it was thanksgiving and a happy late one to you all as well, and if you celebrate it on another day happy belated/early turkey day.

I've seen Modern Family it is pretty funny actually and Gorthnor I have to agree with you on Yu-Gi-Oh with the random rules and the messed up physics.
We watched it once the uncut version and Kaiba threw a card between the hammer of a keep it from shooting him.
I mean it was cool to watch but all of us just went. "Kaiba destroys basic logic apparently."

I've actually been curious about arrow since I like Green Arrow so I'm tempted.

I've mostly just been watching Anime, I did watch Married With Children and Mike and Molly but that's about it really.
Tales of the Borderlands it the telltale game, right? *w* I shall get everything taletale when it is completed //shot

*is waiting for season 3 of the walking dead game* I'm currently playing The Wolf Among Us and it's pretty cool 8D

I've never seen any of the DC shows, I need to check out more superhero stuff xD

As for Yu-Gi-Oh, I've never seen it, but when we were kids my cousins and I had cards. Our parents had issues with the whole soul thingy too so we ended up having to burn all of it xD good times. //shot

Oooh, what anime have you been watching, Mizos~?
Hi guys! It's been kind of quiet here. Everyone still kicking? Holiday break is coming soon, so yay!

I'll be busy Monday. Though, I suppose we are waiting for Prince, no? I believe he has school work, so no rush. But yeah, busy me tomorrow. That is all. Have good days and better tomorrows.
Message received and yes still alive by some miracle, can't wait for the holidays.

I'm watching Golden Time among a few others, mostly Golden Time.
Good luck with school stuff, Prince! Have fun visiting colleges, captain :D!

Dropping by to leave a heads up. This week is gonna be finals week, so you guys probably won't be seeing me around v.v I'll do my best to pop in the OOC during the evenings, but there prolly won't be a post from me till Saturday-ish.

Ugh, just ten more days of school! *Fist pump*
Well, I beat Dragon Age. I probably shouldn't have done all the sidequests first so I had something to do in between story missions. Ending is sequel-bait, but what isn't nowadays?
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