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    A site made for roleplay is way cooler we promise <3
And I guess the opposite of Corrokinesis would be Vitakinesis, since corrupting someone or something is infecting them and making them worst and vitakinesis is healing someone and making them better and taking the tainted parts of them away.
I'm really excited for when the rp starts.
@MaryGold I will go through the pages and make up a more current list for everyone.

@MadKingJai™ Corrokinesis seems to be more focused on moral/emotion corruption, rather than physical. May I suggest pacemiakinesis as an opposing?

@Hanyauku Last I remember, Etrenelle was looking for around 8-10 players. Not sure it that still stands, though.
@MaryGold I will go through the pages and make up a more current list for everyone.

@MadKingJai™ Corrokinesis seems to be more focused on moral/emotion corruption, rather than physical. May I suggest pacemiakinesis as an opposing?

@Hanyauku Last I remember, Etrenelle was looking for around 8-10 players. Not sure it that still stands, though.
Oh didn't see that cool, that works way better thanks.
Oh didn't see that cool, that works way better thanks.
You are quite welcome.

As for the taken abilities, our list is quite long. Also, I counted it up and we have around 14 people now, mods included. Not sure what Etrenelle wants, where new players are concerned. Regardless, here is the list:

Antikinesis, taken by @Takashi
Atmokinesis, taken by @chrono
Haemokinesis, Hypnokinesis, Marionetteakinesis and Mnemokinesis, taken by @Etrenelle
Hydrokinesis, taken by @angelic sparkle
Psycho-sonokinesis, taken by @IceQueen
Avikinesis and Hyalokinesis, taken by @Hanyauku
Photokinesis, Brontekinesis, Ferrokinesis and Odynkinesis, taken by @Tarieles
Corrokinesis, taken by @MadKingJai™
Umbrakinesis and Quintekinesis, taken by myself
Gyrokinesis, taken by @☆Shiro Itsuki☆
Koniokinesis, Astrakinesis and Bibliokinesis, taken by @Rag0Doll
Flyrokinesis, Seismokinesis and Telekinesis, taken by @Starlighter
Papyrokinesis, taken by @ZhongLiong
Agrokinesis, taken by @BB-Bauers

To all those I have tagged, please let us know if you are not planning to continue with this rp! That way I can make sure this list is correct. Thank you.
That's a lot of "kinesis". I'm going to search a bit and then come back with an ability.
That's a lot of "kinesis". I'm going to search a bit and then come back with an ability.

It is, lol. Typing it that many times made my fingers confused towards the end. Let me know if you need any help, and do not forget that you need to figure out the opposing ability to the one you pick.
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And I am still unsure if I can make teachers yet, as Elle hasn't been on in a while

EDIT: I did say I could help mod so I dunno
Yes, that would be much appreciated! I guess you can just PM me then?
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*crashes into the OOC chat* What what!? I'm here, did I miss anything? :P




Name: Vedette Villeneuve
Nicknames: "Vee" / V.V.
Age: 17-years-old
Date of Birth: August 30th, 1999
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Bisexual
Favorite Subject(s): English and Art
Least Favorite Subject: Sparring



Ability: Agrokinesis/Botanokinesis
Opposing: Ferrokinesis/Metallokinesis

- Specialties -

Plant Generation: "The user can generate plants, including vines, moss, fungi, and parts of the plants, such as leaves, seeds, fruits and flowers, whether by drawing them from already existing plants, or by manifesting them anywhere they want." Limitations are such that flowers and vines are much easier to generate than trees, for example. The smaller the amount of plant matter generated, the less energy it requires. Tiny things like flowers or mushrooms can be generated within the palm of her hand from her own energy; larger scale plant matter must emerge directly from the ground or from existing plants.

Botanical Communication: "The user can communicate with all forms of plant-life, including flowers, trees, fruits, vegetables, pollen, etc. either telepathically, by speaking verbally, or by touching it physically. Plants can tell the user of what happened or what is happening, help them to track someone at long distance away, etc."

Floraportation: "The user can teleport via plants, merging into element/energy and appearing anywhere else from the same element." This is the most difficult technique to master, as it requires Vedette to fully transform her own energy and literally merge with and emerge from a plant (usually a tree is easiest). Also, this teleportation only works across short distances, i.e. within a 2 to 5 mile radius, but it requires an immense amount of energy to accomplish. She's only ever used it once; it's more of a last resort thing.



Height: 5'6"
Weight: 130 lbs
Body Type: Thin and lacking in shape; broad-shouldered; lanky
Skin Color: Pale, extremely freckle-y
Hair: Medium-length, bushy, ginger
Eyes: Large, light-brown
Fashion Style: A little bit hippie-ish. She tends to wear flowy shirts, sometimes with lace, and usually earthy colors. Avoids wearing tank tops because she sunburns easily. Jeans are her go-to choice of pants, and she can often be seen wearing boots, or sometimes sneakers.
Abnormalities: None
Signature Piece: A woven bracelet like this, except the flower is real/alive, and its a white daisy.



Typing: INTP

- Personality -
Vedette is a bit of an introvert, but not excessively so. She enjoys socializing in small doses and learning about other people -- but she hates talking about herself. One might say she's modest to a fault. Unless given a reason not to, she keeps to herself and most people look right past her. To outsiders, Vedette looks like your standard loner: bookish, soft spoken, and perhaps a bit strange. However, anyone that has become friends with her knows that she is also actually quite friendly. In social situations around people she's comfortable with, Vedette is easygoing, laid-back, and sharply witty. She's rather perceptive of others' emotional needs and hates conflict, so she often feels responsible for tending to these needs -- even if it means ignoring her own. As a result, Vedette is sometimes a pushover, prone to being easily manipulated.

- Likes -
Gardening. Reading. Writing. Cooking. Taking walks.

- Dislikes -
Sweets. Loud music. Electronics. Video games. Conflict.

- Fears -
Fire. Small, enclosed spaces. Flying.

Relationships and History


- Family -
Mother - unknown
Father - unknown

Friends: TBD
Enemies: TBD

- History -
Vedette doesn't know much of anything about her origins. She was left on the front stoop of a New York City orphanage when she was just an infant. Were her parents kiasthi? No one knows, but people knew straightaway that Vedette herself was a kiasthi. The tenants of the orphanage found her on the porch, vines having broken through the stone and woven together to form a sturdy cradle, complete with a leafy overhang to protect her from the stormy weather. In her little hands, infant Vedette clutched a letter -- the only thing she was left from her birth family. It read simply, "Vedette, ma belle fleur, je t'aimerai toujours." (Or, "Vedette, my beautiful flower, I will always love you.")

Because of her apparently French heritage (and the fact that she was never adopted), she was eventually given the surname "Villeneuve" -- but no one actually knows where she came from. Otherwise, Vedette grew up relatively normally. She often enjoyed spending afternoons in Central Park, casually practicing her agrokinesis in private. An informal leader amongst the kids at the orphanage, she spent a lot of time working in the kitchens and helping out in the rooftop garden. The orphanage was lucky to have Vedette; because of her, they always had access to the freshest produce.

Although Vedette never practiced her abilities in the view of the public eye, it was still no secret to the neighborhood that she was a kiasthi. From the moment she showed up on the orphange's front stood, it was obvious, and she'd been using her powers to help the orphanage as she grew up. So even though she never publicized herself, word got around... And it eventually got around to the wrong people. One evening, as Vedette was walking home from Central Park, she was accosted by a group of strange gentlemen in a suspicious black van. She quickly realized -- whatever their exact motives or wherever they came from -- that this was a kidnapping attempt. And for the first time ever, she had to use her agrokinesis for violence. It was a close call; Vedette almost didn't make it. But after taking down a couple of the kidnappers (leaving a mess of shattered concrete and tangled vines in her wake) and running away from the rest, she had such high adrenaline that she accidentally activated a power she never knew she had before -- floraportation. (See "Kiasthetics" section.) Vedette was pressed up against a tree in hiding, praying she wouldn't be found. She wished so hard that she literally faded into the tree and disappeared, reappearing through a tree in the orphanage's backyard. She had teleported... But she hasn't been able to use this power again ever since.

After the shock of this event, Vedette climbed a vine and retreated directly to her room. She bolted her door and all her windows shut, curling up on her bed as she shook. She sat there, trying to process the night's events... when suddenly, slowly, the daisies she kept in a pot on her desk bloomed. They grew; they seemed to be reaching out to her, literally. They continued growing until one very large flower bulb hovered over Vedette's bed and finally blossomed -- and inside the flower was a letter. It was her acceptance to Faegyi Academy! (After the letter burned up, the daisy transformed into a bracelet and wrapped around her wrist.) Very confused but equally curious, Vedette slept on the letter until the next morning, at which point she approached the orphanage tenants and explained everything. Fearing for her safety and wanting Vedette to be somewhere she could be herself freely, the tenants agreed to let her go -- and she was off to school that afternoon to start a new life.

@Etrenelle I believe I'm done...? If anything is incorrect or insensible or any amount of wrong at all -- please let me know! I'll fix it asap. :D

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[STILL DEFINATELY A WIP!!! Promise I'll pretty it up later ❤]
Name: Kalina Cara Reyes
Age: 16 years old
Date of Birth: August 6th, 2000
Place of Birth: Santa Rosa, Laguna, Phillipines
Race: 2/5 Filipino, 2/5 Irish, 1/5 Spanish
Gender: Agender (Any pronouns are fine, and it seems most people would use "she".)
Sexuality: Pansexual
Favourite Subject(s): History, Art, Music
Least Favourite Subject(s): Math, specifically Calculus

Ability: Hyalokinesis, glass manipulation
Opposing Kiasthetic: [Which Kinetic Ability is their opposite?]
Specialties: [Pick 3 Specialities, give them cool down times and weaknesses. IF IT IS TOO OP I WILL TELL YOU TO CHANGE IT! They are still learning their powers so they shouldn't have anything too strong! Talk to me if you would like some help]


Height: 5'1.75" (rounds up to 5'2", sometimes even 5'3")
Weight: 54.4 kg., 120 lbs.
Body Type: Pear/Triangle
Skin Colour: Tan
Eye: Almond/Upturned, hazel
Hair: Wavy, waist-length, dark brown
Fashion Style: Kalina loves a lot of 90s and 70s fashion, but she also likes to put modern spins on those styles. (Thrift stores and online shopping always comes through.)
Abnormalities: Pierced ear lobes (standard), cartilage piercing on her left ear, occasionally wears fake facial piercings.
Signature Piece: [What is the piece of jewellery that attached itself to you? Where is it on your body?]

Type: ENFJ-A
Likes: [List 5]
Dislikes: [List 5]
Description: [Keep it simple do they like people do they not like people? You can break down their type if you would like but make sure to personalise it for your character]


[Try and make a small paragraph, if you like to keep it more mysterious that is fine but give us a little to read. How did they know they were a Kiasthi? It could have been when they were younger or older. Are their parents Kiasthi as well? Where did they find the letter? How did they receive this letter? Be creative.]
Family: [Who is a Kiasthi, who isn't a Kiasthi?]
[The friendship and enemy relationships can be added during the role play! It doesn't have to be filled out right at this moment!]


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I think I'm going to go with necromancy with it's opposite being animancy
Changing my character's power to Ergokinesis. Energy Manipulation. My new favorite power lol. Now I need to find a opposite... probably Elemental Manipulation. Or something. Still planning on getting char up soon.
I AM SO SORRY EVERYONE!!!! I have been sick in bed for the past couple of days and I haven't been able to really move around or breath even at one point. I am starting to feel better but replies will still take me a little while but please stay with me I am planning to do this RP!
That's a lot of "kinesis". I'm going to search a bit and then come back with an ability.
Hey love there is a link in the character sheet on which powers you are allowed to pick from and I will prefer for you to choose fromt hat list~ Just fyi~

You are quite welcome.

As for the taken abilities, our list is quite long. Also, I counted it up and we have around 14 people now, mods included. Not sure what Etrenelle wants, where new players are concerned. Regardless, here is the list:

Antikinesis, taken by @Takashi
Atmokinesis, taken by @chrono
Haemokinesis, Hypnokinesis, Marionetteakinesis and Mnemokinesis, taken by @Etrenelle
Hydrokinesis, taken by @angelic sparkle
Psycho-sonokinesis, taken by @IceQueen
Avikinesis and Hyalokinesis, taken by @Hanyauku
Photokinesis, Brontekinesis, Ferrokinesis and Odynkinesis, taken by @Tarieles
Corrokinesis, taken by @MadKingJai™
Umbrakinesis and Quintekinesis, taken by myself
Gyrokinesis, taken by @☆Shiro Itsuki☆
Koniokinesis, Astrakinesis and Bibliokinesis, taken by @Rag0Doll
Flyrokinesis, Seismokinesis and Telekinesis, taken by @Starlighter
Papyrokinesis, taken by @ZhongLiong
Agrokinesis, taken by @BB-Bauers

To all those I have tagged, please let us know if you are not planning to continue with this rp! That way I can make sure this list is correct. Thank you.
Omg is this an updated list? Aaaaaaaah thank you so much I will edit the list soon xxx
Cryokinesis...manipulate and generate ice
Dimensiokinesis...manipulate and create dimensions
Hallucikinesis..manipulate and create illusions
Molydbkinesis...manipulate magnetism
Necrokinesis...manipulate the dead
Oneirokinesis...manipulate dreams
Volukinesis...manipulate insects

These are what I am most interested in. I have to do some more research before I decide on one. ; 3 ;
Hey love are you planning to take all of these powers...? It is just that I dont know if I am comfortable with letting you control that many characters... It will be hard to follow which character is which when we get to the important parts.