No Way

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Bella put her knife in her pocket to show that she was- if hesitantly -on their side now. She walked up and stood next to Miles, feeling safer around him than any of the others, especially Brooke and Quinn. She found Blake interesting considering he supposedly knew her, but didn't feel like striking up a conversation. Maybe later. Sora seemed really helpful, and being Pure, she was definitely risking a lot for them. And that meant something. Pures who interacted with Unpures could be shunned, mocked, and in extreme cases, labeled Unpure themselves. She remained silent, more observant for now.

"Let's get a move on then!" Brooke ushered, walking over to Sora. There was still quite a bit of daylight left, and she was excited about what they would do next.
Miles was pleased that everyone seemed to be so excited about the changes in the rebellion's standing. He saw the girl who the young boy had called Bella approach him and stand by his side. Miles gave her a comforting smile, but once Brooke had spoken, he stood quietly. Surveying the crowd around him, he took note of everyone who was with him; Quinn, Brooke, Bella, two other girls whose names he hadn't yet taken, and the boy. That meant that the rebellion had increased from the size of just four people to eight in the space of fifteen minutes.

"Aren't we forgetting somebody?" Miles asked, as he walked in the boss' direction. "Despite everything, we owe him a lot." Once he had reached the boss, he looked straight into his eyes and, quoting the boss' own words from just ten minutes beforehand, Miles spoke in a soft yet somewhat stern tone. "I know you have grown to hate people. I know what you think of what has become of the rebellion, I know that you hate it, but that doesn't matter. Would you be willing to renounce your position as the boss and accept us as your equals? If not for us, if not even for yourself, then for the sake of the rebellion?"
The boss looked back at Miles. "No" He said loudly. "I am not trusting a Pure" He narrowed his eyes. "How can you, after all they've done to you. All they have done to the people you love. To the people you all love" With that last sentence he looked at the other people. "Quinn, don't you care what they did to your bestfriend?"


He was dead, that was all Quinn knew. He didn't know how, he didn't know by who, he was just dead. They joined the rebellion together when they were just boys of sixteen, and ten years later they still had been best friends, Quinn having the age of 26 now. He looked at his old leader. "I do care what they did to him" He swallowed thickly. "But this girl has nothing to do with that! Fuck you, trying to manipulate with the dead... You really are weak"
"Quinn is right," Miles said, raising his open right palm in the air as a way of indicating that the boss should forgive Quinn's language. "The thoughts and actions of one individual does not account for the thoughts and actions of them all."

Miles walked away, nodding at Quinn, a subtle suggestion that he should just leave 'the boss' to do whatever he wants. However, something caused Miles to stop and he turned around to face the man that he had once looked up to for guidance and support.

"It is a shame that you cannot open your mind," he told the man, with a hint of regret in his voice. "But the rebellion will move on from this setback and one day humanity will flourish again. I am sorry that you don't want to be a part of this, and I hope that you find whatever it is you are looking for in your life. Farewell."

Miles gave the boss a final long, hard look. He refused to break a smile or a frown, his face remaining as emotionless as possible, although a slip of sorrow broke through his eyes. He pivoted on the spot and walked back in the direction of those who had stood by him. Those who he now aimed to protect.
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Quinn stood up and was about to lift the boy up aswell, when he heard a sound. He turned around and saw that the boss had drawn his gun, right the moment when Miles turned for the second time to walk away. Quinn had his boss seen kill people in cold blood before, but would he really? He wasn't going to just stand here and question that. His fighting instincts took over and he kicked both legs in one go and then rammed his elbow into the old leader's face, making him fall on his back. The gun was fired somewhere in the process, but when Quinn looked around he saw that everybody was unhurt. The bullet had just gone into the sky.

Quinn quickly kicked the gun away form his boss and he saw that blood was pouring from the man's face. If Miles was going to whine about his to aggressive way of saving him, he might go and actually drown a puppy. It had just been his instincts taking over.
When Miles heard the sound of the gun clicking behind him, he froze on the spot. His eyes and face showed little fear, although he knew quite well what was happening behind him. He realised how unsurprised he was that the boss would consider putting a bullet in the back of his head. What would that hope to achieve? Miles didn't want to be the new 'Boss', he wanted to create a team which could continue without a supreme leader. A team where everyone was as much a leader as the other. A team in which they would all strive to secure the ideals that the rebellion had held when it was began. Thus, killing him meant that the others could continue without him. The boss would never be able to retake command and order them about like lab rats again. For this very reason, he said nothing. He heard the gunshot go off. He closed his eyes softly and held his breath, sure that the bullet would take his life any moment now. Time seemed to stand still. He could see Danielle's arm reaching out to him, as the others who had perished in the attack stood behind her, grinning. Her eyes glistened in the sunlight, full of life, and her smile melted his heart. The fingers at the end of her outstretched arms scarcely touched him when, almost as abruptly as she had appeared, a vortex burst in front of him and violently sucked in everything, pulling Danielle and his other friends back out of his life, and leaving behind nothing. Nothing except him. When he had released his deep breath, he opened his eyes and continued to walk away from the boss, refusing to look back at the broken shell of a once great man.
Bella let loose a small yelp of fear at the sound of the gun, jumping back away from everyone, hands over her mouth. Her eyes were wide, watching the old man fall to the ground, his face bloodied. Her heart beat fast, gaze shooting to Miles instead. When she realized he wasn't dead, she let her breath out between her fingers, face pale. She didn't know what she would have done if the bullet had pierced through Miles' skull. She could picture it, him flying forward from the force, a pool of blood forming beneath his head... She realized from how much panic had coursed through her veins that she truly depended on this man. He had not only kept his friends from imprisoning her, he had also completely taken out the corrupted group. He preached that the group shouldn't have a leader, but he was obviously looked upon as one.

Brooke had jumped in front of the other kids at the sound, immediately ready to protect them. It wad not only in her nature, but also her training. She gazed in disappointment at the boss. "Why couldn't he just come with us..." She mumbled, shaking her head.
Quinn noticed that Miles wasn't even looking back to the person who had planned on killing him. He looked down to the man and then to his elbow, that had hurt slightly. He threw the gun in the river, picked up his own and then the boy. "I'm not letting you walk." He said as he turned to the rest of the group. "Can we go? I am eager to leave and to get some food and sleep" He was still pissed off because of his ex boss trying to murder his... Was Miles a friend? The two of them never were really close... It had always been Quinn, Mark and then you had the rest. He closed his eyes in that moment. He remembered how Mark had told him not to wear sunglasses anymore, that he shouldn't be ashamed of what he was. He cursed softly and only the kid could probably hear it. Quinn never had the time to grief and it felt like the idea had finally settled in his mind. Mark was dead and he was never going to see him ever again.
Once he was sure that he was out of the boss' earshot, he slowed down his pace so that the others could catch up with him. As soon as both Quinn, who was carrying the boy, and Bella were standing on either side of him, he took a deep sigh of relief. He was alive - that was all that mattered in that very moment. Nobody had been hurt. He looked over to Quinn and smiled at him.

"Thank you for saving my life," Miles lowered his head as thoughts of death lingered in his racing mind. "I was wrong about you. You are a good man." He then averted his gaze to Bella, and strengthened his smile, but as his thoughts went back to Danielle, it slowly faded away from his face. He may have had a second chance to live but she didn't. Mark and Hank didn't. Fir... Clarise... He couldn't save them and that destroyed him inside. However, he tried to shun any feelings of regret that he was absent at the time, and was only thankful that Quinn and Brooke had survived the attack and were still here to this day. He gazed deeply into Bella's eyes, as he reaffirmed his smile, and decided to speak. "So, what's your story then?"
Brooke ushered Sora to take the lead before following the group.

Bella was slightly startled when Miles talked to her and she averted her gaze from his eyes, pulled at her hood strings. "Nothing special. I'm just a street rat." She gave a half-hearted, embarrassed laugh. Oh, so now I get to talk? She felt like spouting but held it back. He was trying to be nice and she'd play along.
Blake glanced at Miles as he was told to let Quinn help. Unlike Everyone else who seemed so willing to trust new comers, Blake wasn't. He stared at Quinn for a long moment before deciding to listen.
The outcome if he didn't was most likely far worse than if he did. He scooted forward and watched how easily Quinn had reset and wrapped his ankle. He'd probably done this many times before.
Blake wasn't aware of anything that was going on until Quinn stood abruptly, stopping the small 'thank you' bubbling in his throat. The sound of a gun loading caught his attention. His heart pounded as he watched the deranged ex-boss ready himself to kill Miles. Quinn easily disarmed him and the gun went off with an all too loud bang but the bullet found no target.
Blake couldn't keep his eyes off Quinn as he stood as if nothing happened, came over and lifted him off the ground. What were these people bionic?
Blake wrapped his arms and legs around Quinn the best he could, hiding his face in his neck. He could still feel his body shaking from his nervous nature as he clung to the only source of safety he'd gotten in nearly his whole life. As they walked, Blake seemed to remember he never thanked Quinn properly. "Thank you." His voice was soft and he didn't really expect Quinn to have heard but he felt better having said it anyways.
He had just saved two lives today, atleast he got that going for him. One was a boy who was shaking in his arms, the other was a guy that saw Quinn as a mindless idiot. Yay. Still, he knew Miles would have done the same. "it's alright" he whispered to the boy in his arms... He was really weak. And then Miles thanked him aswell, which got him surprised for a moment, he hadn't really expected that. "it was the least I could do" he said back
Blake sniffled softly. Was he crying? When had he started crying? Blake didn't know but his eyes were wet and he didn't want anyone to know.
Quite frankly he was still terrified of these people in the rebellion and the Pure girl no matter how nice she seemed. Bella hadn't remembered him and that was sort of a stab in the heart. He doubted if his own parents would remember him if they ever saw him.
Quinn's voice cut through to Blake and his tears slowly ebbed away. Maybe he wasn't so bad. He had saved him and taken care of him. Blake could be grateful for that. "I'm sorry." He mumbled softly. He wasn't quite sure what he was apologizing for thought. Maybe for crying on him, or trying to run away, maybe even for watching as his team fell apart and his leader turned on them. Perhaps for it all?
Blake peeked over Quinn's shoulder to Miles and Bella, Brooke was on the other side so he couldn't see her. He watched them talk and a small bud of hope bloomed. Maybe these people could fix everything.
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"Just a street rat, huh?" Miles asked in a joking manner, as he softly placed his right hand's thumb on the middle of his lips and tapped his forefinger on his jaw. "I was a plumber when I was your age, you know. Living off the streets would have been the ultimate adventure for me. If nothing special is what you want, my life story would completely bore you to death."
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Bella smirked. "Trying to outshine my boringness with yours? Fine, lemme hear it." She urged, desperate to get the spotlight off of her. She was growing slightly more comfortable around Miles, but still jumped when any of the others made sudden movements. "But you should know that it's not that great of an adventure.. It's hard to have fun when you're starving." She forced a laugh but it trailed off, realizing there was nothing funny about what she said.
She waved her hand "Already forgotten." Sora couldn't help the excitement building up in her. "We'll have to go in smaller groups that means I'll have to make several trips unless anyone else knows where The Willhaim Warehouse is, this way we don't attract any attention with a large group. And I think you guys could use some new clothes, it might seem a little suspicious if anyone saw you guys..., If you guys are hungry I can start getting the supplies right after everyone is there, anything you need, I'll have to be gradual in what i'm getting, can't just start buying bulks of things out of no where." Then she paused and spoke to her self "Or I could just use my allowance..." She looked up "Sorry I might be getting a bit ahead of myself but can any one here drive?"
Brooke looked at the others at Sora's final question. She had never had enough money for driving lessons, let alone a car. The Unpure side-streets were small enough that you could walk anywhere in a day so she had no use for one anyway.
"I'll stay behind for now." Brooke offered. "I think Miles and the new recruits should go first, so that they can get kind of settled in." She glanced around to see if anyone would oppose.

Bella surely wasn't against that idea. She was dying for a place to rest and eat a little bit more. She looked up at Miles, blue eyes waiting for direction.
The boy was fucking crying?! Quinn didn't really know how to handle that... "Don't cry okay? You're safe and we're going to nurse your wounds once we get there" He smiled. "And don't apologize" He added. This kid sure wasn't very mentally strong... Quinn hoped he would see change in that in the future, being in the rebellion is hard work most of the time

Quinn looked at Sora. "I can't drive a car.." He looked at Miles. "If you go first I guess you have to carry the boy. Don't worry, he's as light as a feather" He winked at Miles and then looked at the kid. "Don't worry, he's cool. Sometimes" He added teasing Miles a bit more. Maybe he shouldn't do that... but that was just Quinn his way of being nice
"But..." Blake mumbled trying to make a reason for the tears. He fell silent knowing he didn't have one. Instead he sniffled, wiping the tears from his face with the back of his hand.
Hooking his arms back around Quinn's neck, Blake looked at Sora. She was really nice, taking them all in and helping them. He glanced around to see if anyone saw and flashed Sora a small smile, sort of as a thank you.
He didn't enjoy the idea of going with Miles. The man still scared the living daylights out of him no matter how nice he was being now. Blake shook his head with a small pout. "Don't wana." He only spoke loud enough for just Quinn to hear.
"I don't want to make you fall asleep," he joked, smirking, before sighing. "At least when we get back we can cook something."

After listening to Sora and Brooke, he nodded his head. Then, Quinn suggested that he carry Blake, teasing him by joking about Blake. Miles wanted to break a small laugh but he refrained from doing so, in order to answer Sora's question. "I know how a little about driving vehicles. If you want, Brooke, you can go to the warehouse with the girls and relax. Us boys will stay behind and wait, it's the least we can do." Once he had finished, he looked at the others to see whether or not they agreed with him. He thought it would be best if the girls had a chance to get to know each other. He then turned to look at Blake, but the boy was averting his eyes from Miles, which confused him. Shaking the thought out his mind, he turned to face Sora. "How sure are you that your father won't visit the warehouse any time soon? I doubt he would take it too kindly if he walked in on a group of unpures squatting in his property."
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