Murder XX: A Night In Terror Town

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The Rambling Man made some cryptic remarks, which amused Penny. Pointing to the Rambler, he'd speak.

"I'm not going to pretend what he said makes any sense, but it's interesting."

He'd look at the others.

"Since we have no idea where we are, shall we just agree to work together? I vote we follow this bearded fellow."

Because he was thinking...


@LuckycoolHawk9 @Bomb @Josh M

"I'm being perfectly civil!"
she declared with a huff, pouting as she placed her hands to her hips. "And quit blabbering about sides, too, it's getting annoying." So she said despite having disagreed with the matter of sides in the first place. Regardless, she still didn't seem calmed by anything yet said, save for her own display of violence against Chucky. "I don't care about your stupid codenames or anything. I just wanna go home! I was in the middle of something important!" she stated, wearing a proud and self-important expression as she did. But that was shattered as Chucky again tried to insert himself into the conversation, at which point Tarlotte's rage came back in full force as she reared her leg back as though to kick the doll again. "Quiet you!-- M-meow.... mm...."


Suddenly, Tarlotte's leg returned to the ground, expression of anger shifting into that of a surprised relaxation before melting into pure bliss. Unwittingly, her head gently leaned into Kyle's touch as he gently pet her, a pleased purr parting her lips. But not of her own volition. No, she only momentarily leaned into it with that expression... Before she seemed to snap out of the pleasantry of the primal instinct, her expression morphing into shock that was followed shortly by her tensing. And then it changed to rage and embarrassment as she yanked herself away from the admittedly pleasing touch, glaring at Kyle incredulously.

"T-the hell are mew doing?!"
she squeaked, tail tucking slightly out of embarrassment as she glowered with a flustered air about her. "I-I didn't say you could touch me! Try that again and I'll k-kill you, you hear me?! M-meowwwww!" she howled, struggling to clear her mind of traces of haziness from the gesture. Damn that boy! She didn't care if he had similar feats, who the hell does that?! She was so engulfed in her embarrassed rage that she actually almost seemed to fail to notice Chucky's mockery.

Almost. His laser pointer comment made her even more outraged and flustered, and she seemed to be aiming to resume her cut-short kick if nobody stopped her. "THAT'S IT, I'M GONNA KILL YOU! I'LL CRUSH YOUR STUPID HEAD RIGHT HERE, MEOWWWWWW!!!"

@Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Gummi Bunnies @Khan of the Mardu @thatguyinthestore
Chucky just rolled his eyes at the cat girl. Due to her scream, he was ready for an attack this time, so he just ignored Tarlotte for now.

"Sorry, what was that? I couldn't hear you down there," Joker mockingly put a hand to his ear and leaned down slightly, as if he missed what Chucky had to say with a grin. He then leaned back up and shrugged, "Funnily enough, a talking cat actually did come up with the names."

@thatguyinthestore @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Midnight Maiden

"Yeah... keep talking while ya can, bitch. You'll get what's coming to ya eventually." Chucky muttered as he glared up at Joker.

"Right," was all the girl stated in reply to Joker, looking to him out of the corner of her eye. Although her frustration with the boy had begun to fade (she couldn't stay mad at him for long), she didn't let up her stern appearance. After all, she had to keep that cheeky boyfriend of hers on his toes, didn't she? Watching him sweat gave her a bit of satisfaction, and at least assured her that she still held his respect and, more importantly, his heart.

For a short moment after Chucky would introduce himself, Queen was speechless. So the creepy talking doll had a name too, huh? She should've figured. "Well, I guess knowing you have a name makes you a little less... creepy." Knowing his name now, at least Makoto could focus more on that and less on the fact that he was a doll. She sighed though. Doll or not, however, he was still a rude little guy.

When yet another cat person would approach them, Makoto placed a hand thoughtfully against her chin. "How interesting," she said to herself when she would look at him. "Do you have a name?" she asked him--not amused when she would hear Chucky laughing at the cat boy and the cat girl in the background. She shot the doll a look. Yet, moments later she found herself shooting the doll yet another look when he would call them 'pussies.' "Jeez you're rude. Could you at least try to contain yourself?"

She giggled, however, when she would hear Joker's comment about their code names. Okay, that one was funny. "He's right and, oh, you'd better move, by the way. I think Tarlotte is coming after you." Queen had no intention of stopping the cat girl from attacking him. After all, the rude little doll deserved what would happen to him.

@Midnight Maiden @thatguyinthestore @Khan of the Mardu @Gummi Bunnies

"What? I was just sayin' things like they are."
Chucky replied in a mockingly innocent tone, shrugging off her comment about Tarlotte.

@Midnight Maiden @Khan of the Mardu @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Gummi Bunnies
Chucky just rolled his eyes at the cat girl. Due to her scream, he was ready for an attack this time, so he just ignored Tarlotte for now.


"Yeah... keep talking while ya can, bitch. You'll get what's coming to ya eventually." Chucky muttered as he glared up at Joker.


"What? I was just sayin' things like they are."
Chucky replied in a mockingly innocent tone, shrugging off her comment about Tarlotte.

@Midnight Maiden @Khan of the Mardu @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Gummi Bunnies
"Just like you're about to get the punt that's been coming for you?" Joker countered with a grin, finding a bit too much glee in these shenanigans... Queen should probably put him back under her heel instead of chuckling at his antics.
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  • Bucket of Rainbows
Reactions: Klutzy Ninja Kitty
"Well, it would be a pleasure, if this were under better circumstances, but I've always made do before. Charmed," Ethan said with a nod as he took Grell's hand firmly and gave it a nice shake. To Trevor, he simply gave a sigh as he put his hands on his hips and briefly shook his head. "A whip? Can't help you there, sir," the man spoke, suppressing the urge to raise an eyebrow at someone just casually carrying a whip around, though after Sembene and Malcolm, maybe just everyone happened to carry some unorthodox, concealed weapon around.

... Though maybe Grell claiming to have a scythe was a bit up there.

They were colorful people at the very least. Not as deathly serious as the people Ethan used to associate with... along with Ethan himself. It was almost a refreshing change of pace.

Except for the weird, redheaded midget.

"Aye. My weapons are gone too. Guess whoever's behind this wants something with us, assumin' we were kidnapped or something, I reckon," he continued.

@Takumi @CrunchyCHEEZIT @Yun Lee @Anybody

Oh dear. She'd gone and done it, huh? Trevor was glaring at her now. Honestly, she was rather used to being glared at-when you worked with a fellow like William T. Spears for so long, glares became normal. And, much like Will, Trevor's icy gaze failed to freeze Grell up-in fact, it only heated her up more. Seishin's inquiry about her and Ethan taking her hand just made it worse. So much worse, in fact, that she couldn't help but tell them about herself.

"Ah, yes, my death scythe! I'm what's known as a Death God-Shinigami, Grim Reaper, so many terms for it I tend to lose count of them all! That death scythe of mine is a special weapon I use to collect the souls of the dying. It's personally customized and I would be very put out if it wound up in the wrong hands!" She huffed, crossing her arms. "I've already gone through more than enough trouble getting it back, so whoever took it had better hope I never meet them!"

Sighing, Grell tossed her hair over her shoulders and gave the three men a smile. "But where are my manners? What do you all do for a living? We may be stuck here a while, might as well get to know each other."

@CrunchyCHEEZIT @Takumi @Verite


"It's like for harvesting crops, but harvesting heads instead! Or so I'd guess from the name, but what do I know~?"

And her guess seemed to be supported by Grell's proper explanation. More or less.

Numahime Tenma had no recollection of how she'd gotten here, and the last thing she did remember was suffering a fatal wound. There was a disturbing lack of answers to the questions that most likely were shared by many of the others around her, but it was best to take one's time in getting the answers. Or so she told herself, at least. She took a look outside, getting a good view full of nothing.

"Aw, not a soul out there. Guess we'll have to make do with each other! Numahime here, though looks like that'll be a mouthful for some of you!"

Introducing herself in a carefree manner, Numahime rested her hand on her hip and put on a girlish smile before speaking again to answer Grell. Even if the woman hadn't really addressed her necessarily with her question.

"I don't really work or anything. I'm just a young girl after all, so I just hang out in a nice little village."

She giggled a little after giving her answer, even though her answer amounted to nothing.

@CrunchyCHEEZIT @Takumi @Verite @Yun Lee


"What the fuck?"

Trevor had no words for Grell's explanation. He was honestly quite conflicted on a number of things - was he really that drunk? Or is this woman just that batshit insane? Should he consider her a threat. . .or is this woman just THAT batshit insane? It didn't stop Trevor from giving her another suspect side-eye. If everyone's weapons are gone, then maybe this won't be difficult. But, the family bestiary never lied.

Does that even matter, though?

"Well, we're not in binds yet, we got a fair chance of figuring all of this out. Until that moment comes. . ." Trevor mused to Ethan, letting him come to his own conclusion. When the topic of life came up, Trevor just sniffed and turned his back on the group, watching the window.

@Verite @Yun Lee @Kaykay @Takumi @Whomst
"Ah, yes, my death scythe! I'm what's known as a Death God-Shinigami, Grim Reaper, so many terms for it I tend to lose count of them all! That death scythe of mine is a special weapon I use to collect the souls of the dying. It's personally customized and I would be very put out if it wound up in the wrong hands!" She huffed, crossing her arms. "I've already gone through more than enough trouble getting it back, so whoever took it had better hope I never meet them!"

Sighing, Grell tossed her hair over her shoulders and gave the three men a smile. "But where are my manners? What do you all do for a living? We may be stuck here a while, might as well get to know each other."

"It's like for harvesting crops, but harvesting heads instead! Or so I'd guess from the name, but what do I know~?"

And her guess seemed to be supported by Grell's proper explanation. More or less.

Numahime Tenma had no recollection of how she'd gotten here, and the last thing she did remember was suffering a fatal wound. There was a disturbing lack of answers to the questions that most likely were shared by many of the others around her, but it was best to take one's time in getting the answers. Or so she told herself, at least. She took a look outside, getting a good view full of nothing.

"Aw, not a soul out there. Guess we'll have to make do with each other! Numahime here, though looks like that'll be a mouthful for some of you!"

Introducing herself in a carefree manner, Numahime rested her hand on her hip and put on a girlish smile before speaking again to answer Grell. Even if the woman hadn't really addressed her necessarily with her question.

"I don't really work or anything. I'm just a young girl after all, so I just hang out in a nice little village."

She giggled a little after giving her answer, even though her answer amounted to nothing.​


Ethan didn't really have anything to say to Grell initially, believing her to have had a fit of madness for a bit, talking of random words like "Grim Reaper" and Shin... uh, gummy something? Sounded oriental. The man didn't really get this talk of souls and such; he honestly couldn't tell if she was having a random breakdown, or if there was some degree of truth to her words. After all, after meeting the Dragon himself, and seeing what that man was capable of, if one could even call him a man, who knew what anyone was capable of now?

And that was a thing Ethan hadn't considered before. The power of darkness and its influence on this place. Certainly, the man felt a dark aura, for a lack of better words, envelop this ghost town. He could practically smell death in this place, a sensation that almost threatened to give him shivers in his spine.

But he'd cheated death before. And he'd do it twenty times more if he had to.

Not because he had any particular reason to live, but because he didn't have any particular reason to die.

Ethan silently raised an eyebrow when a strange-looking girl, who also gave off some oriental vibe (he pegged her to be a Chinawoman... or girl, rather) who later introduced herself as Numa... something. Numahime? Indeed, as she contested, that was quite the mouthful, but he'd manage. Trevor's words were not lost on Ethan, the man giving a brief nod of acknowledgement toward them as he pursed his lips. Once everyone had gathered their bearings, as well as the blonde American girl over there who seemed to want to take charge of the merry men gathered here, a plan was sure to hatch soon enough, right?

As for Grell's questions? The man found himself at a pause, clearing his throat uncomfortably, before speaking, producing words as he went along, practically off the top of his head. "I... do odd jobs," he said curtly, before eventually deciding to elaborate a bit, "Used to work for a circus. Then after that, I... I suppose you could say I did some... private investigations. Now?" He shrugged, "It's complicated."

Still... Numahime claimed to be from a village? A curious statement indeed. He didn't recall going anywhere near some place like that, but then again, he didn't really recall being anywhere near Chinagirls. Or...

"Hey, kid. Where are you even from? I reckon that all sorts of people from around were dragged here by someone, but you... seem like someone who's not from around here. Unless I took a real wrong turn in Oxford," he said, turning toward Numahime briefly.

@Kaykay @Yun Lee @Takumi @CrunchyCHEEZIT @Jeremi
"No, just finding humor in a doll trying to act tough when it looks like the family dog took him to town," Makoto should really get Akira to behave, or else there would be no ends to these shenanigans.
"Still standing, ain't I?" Chucky asked to Joker with a smirk. These insults weren't getting to him, mainly because Chucky knew that as soon he got his hands on a knife of some sort, he'd be skinning that cat first, then going for Joker.

@Khan of the Mardu @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Midnight Maiden @Gummi Bunnies
Theo was silent as he looked over at the pokemon. " I'm going to be around this station for now if you need me. I want to check on the others to make sure they are okay." Lie. Lie. He honestly didn't care, but the more people who trusted him, the easier it would be to manipulate them later. He approached Yuri. " What are you reading?" He asked.

@Minerva @Bomb
Theo Raeken

Theo simply ignored the glare imparted on him by the other man. He had noticed it, but he was so used to being glared that it was commonplace. As he looked over at the man, he mumbled under his breath. " Great, another show-off who loves metaphors and attention." He turned back to Yuri and glanced back at Penny to see if there was anyone else who was hiding or be quiet. Never underestimate the silent.

@Josh M @Minerva @Darkseide @Bomb @Others
There was something about that girl there that reminded him a lot of... a certain individual. He wasn't sure what that individual was doing now, but he needed to return home and finish the plan. Then, the savior would be pleased with him. He thought about this individual, and Unknown wasn't sure if she was going to be the one to take the bait, or be like the others and dismiss him. He had failed Mint Eye many times before with this 'plan', so surely no one would hold it against him if he were to bring more disciples back home. He looked at those who had gathered. A lot of them seemed weak-minded, so they would be perfect as targets. But first, he needed to test the waters...


"It looks like no one knows, that's a shame. All I know is that this isn't 'Paradise'." He chuckled. "Maybe I have sinned and I am being punished."

"What's a pretty girl like you doing here in a world of sin?"

@Minerva @literallyanybodypls
Yuri looked up from her book at Theo. "Oh, it's called The Portrait of Markov." she said calmly. "It's a really good book. It's about a prison camp that forms a religious cult and it..."she stopped herself. "I almost spoiled it like I did to Aaron-Kun..." she said. She saw another person approach. "I don't know." she said politely.
"You see? She gets it!" Grell shot a mischievious smile in Nurahime's direction. "Just a normal girl, hmm? I don't know if I believe that, if you're familiar with my profession." To Ethan she'd also smile. "Ah, a private investigator? How fun! I love a good mystery...though unfortunately my profession makes them hard to come by."

@CrunchyCHEEZIT @Kaykay @Verite @Takumi
"No, just finding humor in a doll trying to act tough when it looks like the family dog took him to town," Makoto should really get Akira to behave, or else there would be no ends to these shenanigans.
While this was somewhat amusing, Makoto could see that Joker was starting to take things a bit too far. "Joker, I think you've said quite enough," she chided softly, but firmly. Her word was warning enough to remind him that he shouldn't get carried away. If he didn't listen, well, she could always tighten his leash. : |

@Khan of the Mardu @thatguyinthestore @Midnight Maiden @Gummi Bunnies

"Wait... there are two'a you freaks?" Chucky asked as he glanced between Kyle and Tarlotte. Were his eyes deceiving him? Were there not one, but two humanoid cat creatures?


"HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Oh, that's fuckin' rich!!! Waitwaitwait!! Does anyone have one of those laser pointer things? Let's see if they'll both chase the dot! HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!"


"Nice neckbeard."

@Gummi Bunnies @Josh M @Midnight Maiden @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Khan of the Mardu


"I'm being perfectly civil!"
she declared with a huff, pouting as she placed her hands to her hips. "And quit blabbering about sides, too, it's getting annoying." So she said despite having disagreed with the matter of sides in the first place. Regardless, she still didn't seem calmed by anything yet said, save for her own display of violence against Chucky. "I don't care about your stupid codenames or anything. I just wanna go home! I was in the middle of something important!" she stated, wearing a proud and self-important expression as she did. But that was shattered as Chucky again tried to insert himself into the conversation, at which point Tarlotte's rage came back in full force as she reared her leg back as though to kick the doll again. "Quiet you!-- M-meow.... mm...."


Suddenly, Tarlotte's leg returned to the ground, expression of anger shifting into that of a surprised relaxation before melting into pure bliss. Unwittingly, her head gently leaned into Kyle's touch as he gently pet her, a pleased purr parting her lips. But not of her own volition. No, she only momentarily leaned into it with that expression... Before she seemed to snap out of the pleasantry of the primal instinct, her expression morphing into shock that was followed shortly by her tensing. And then it changed to rage and embarrassment as she yanked herself away from the admittedly pleasing touch, glaring at Kyle incredulously.

"T-the hell are mew doing?!"
she squeaked, tail tucking slightly out of embarrassment as she glowered with a flustered air about her. "I-I didn't say you could touch me! Try that again and I'll k-kill you, you hear me?! M-meowwwww!" she howled, struggling to clear her mind of traces of haziness from the gesture. Damn that boy! She didn't care if he had similar feats, who the hell does that?! She was so engulfed in her embarrassed rage that she actually almost seemed to fail to notice Chucky's mockery.

Almost. His laser pointer comment made her even more outraged and flustered, and she seemed to be aiming to resume her cut-short kick if nobody stopped her. "THAT'S IT, I'M GONNA KILL YOU! I'LL CRUSH YOUR STUPID HEAD RIGHT HERE, MEOWWWWWW!!!"

@Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Gummi Bunnies @Khan of the Mardu @thatguyinthestore

"Sorry, what was that? I couldn't hear you down there," Joker mockingly put a hand to his ear and leaned down slightly, as if he missed what Chucky had to say with a grin. He then leaned back up and shrugged, "Funnily enough, a talking cat actually did come up with the names."

@thatguyinthestore @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Midnight Maiden

"Right," was all the girl stated in reply to Joker, looking to him out of the corner of her eye. Although her frustration with the boy had begun to fade (she couldn't stay mad at him for long), she didn't let up her stern appearance. After all, she had to keep that cheeky boyfriend of hers on his toes, didn't she? Watching him sweat gave her a bit of satisfaction, and at least assured her that she still held his respect and, more importantly, his heart.​

For a short moment after Chucky would introduce himself, Queen was speechless. So the creepy talking doll had a name too, huh? She should've figured. "Well, I guess knowing you have a name makes you a little less... creepy." Knowing his name now, at least Makoto could focus more on that and less on the fact that he was a doll. She sighed though. Doll or not, however, he was still a rude little guy.

When yet another cat person would approach them, Makoto placed a hand thoughtfully against her chin. "How interesting," she said to herself when she would look at him. "Do you have a name?" she asked him--not amused when she would hear Chucky laughing at the cat boy and the cat girl in the background. She shot the doll a look. Yet, moments later she found herself shooting the doll yet another look when he would call them 'pussies.' "Jeez you're rude. Could you at least try to contain yourself?"

She giggled, however, when she would hear Joker's comment about their code names. Okay, that one was funny. "He's right and, oh, you'd better move, by the way. I think Tarlotte is coming after you." Queen had no intention of stopping the cat girl from attacking him. After all, the rude little doll deserved what would happen to him.

@Midnight Maiden @thatguyinthestore @Khan of the Mardu @Gummi Bunnies

Chucky just rolled his eyes at the cat girl. Due to her scream, he was ready for an attack this time, so he just ignored Tarlotte for now.


"Yeah... keep talking while ya can, bitch. You'll get what's coming to ya eventually." Chucky muttered as he glared up at Joker.


"What? I was just sayin' things like they are."
Chucky replied in a mockingly innocent tone, shrugging off her comment about Tarlotte.

@Midnight Maiden @Khan of the Mardu @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Gummi Bunnies

"Just like you're about to get the punt that's been coming for you?" Joker countered with a grin, finding a bit too much glee in these shenanigans... Queen should probably put him back under her heel instead of chuckling at his antics.

"You think I give a fuck about a stupid kick? What are ya, fuckin braindead?" Chucky asked, finding a bit of humor in this as well.

@Khan of the Mardu @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Midnight Maiden @Gummi Bunnies

"No, just finding humor in a doll trying to act tough when it looks like the family dog took him to town," Makoto should really get Akira to behave, or else there would be no ends to these shenanigans.

Huh? But you appeared so content with it. Unless... I didn't do so for the right spot. ❞
Kyle was confused at the other's reaction. She was so content, so relaxed by his gentle brushing... and then she was suddenly angered and annoyed by a sincere action. Was there something he was missing? He couldn't put his finger on it, but he overheard another's apparent amusement on the similar features that he and Tarlotte shared in appearance.

❝ A... laser pointer? What in the world is that? A spell that points beams in a singular direction? Why would anyone chase that? ❞
As he tilted his head in misguided confusion, Kyle noticed that Tarlotte was more than ready to punt the animate doll. Usually magically animated dolls were friendly, this one wasn't. Strange. Was the properties of the supernatural different than in Wonderland? Either way, he didn't like seeing a fellow cat-person being upset, especially on how his "petting" didn't help her too well. Perhaps...


❝ Hold on for a sec, we could pass time by kicking this unpleasant doll back and forth... If you are in a need to vent, we can make it enjoyable at the least. ❞
Kyle's rather pleasant smile could say otherwise on what he was thinking.

@Midnight Maiden @thatguyinthestore @Khan of the Mardu @Klutzy Ninja Kitty
Theo Raeken

Theo simply ignored the glare imparted on him by the other man. He had noticed it, but he was so used to being glared that it was commonplace. As he looked over at the man, he mumbled under his breath. " Great, another show-off who loves metaphors and attention." He turned back to Yuri and glanced back at Penny to see if there was anyone else who was hiding or be quiet. Never underestimate the silent.

@Josh M @Minerva @Darkseide @Bomb @Others
Yuri looked up from her book at Theo. "Oh, it's called The Portrait of Markov." she said calmly. "It's a really good book. It's about a prison camp that forms a religious cult and it..."she stopped herself. "I almost spoiled it like I did to Aaron-Kun..." she said. She saw another person approach. "I don't know." she said politely.


"Ah~ so you're lost like the rest of us. I see. Haha, don't worry. I'm really good at protecting people, just stick with me." He was a recruiter, and people like him needed to be charismatic, right? The girl he was talking to seemed to be in a whole world of her own, so Unknown assumed that this one would be a bit easier to convince to come with him. Or, when he finds a way back home. For now, it would be best if he were to stick with the others. He only had a gun and a knife for protection but those had been taken away from him. It would be disappointing for everyone if he were to just... die here.

It would be easier if Ray was the one talking to her, but there was nothing he could do that Unknown couldn't do better, heh.

But what did it mean exactly to be 'charming'? He could at least try. Didn't the savior used to do this to greet people? He took the maiden by the hand, and gently pressed his lips onto the soft skin of the back of her hand.


"I am... Unknown, yes. Please call me Unknown. What about you, pretty girl?"
At this moment he finally took notice of Theo, as if he had been invisible during the entire exchange with Yuri. "Who are you?" he asked, cautiously. The white haired man looked at the stranger, than back at the girl. "Partners?"

@Minerva @LuckycoolHawk9 @anyonearound​
While this was somewhat amusing, Makoto could see that Joker was starting to take things a bit too far. "Joker, I think you've said quite enough," she chided softly, but firmly. Her word was warning enough to remind him that he shouldn't get carried away. If he didn't listen, well, she could always tighten his leash. : |

@Khan of the Mardu @thatguyinthestore @Midnight Maiden @Gummi Bunnies

Huh? But you appeared so content with it. Unless... I didn't do so for the right spot. ❞
Kyle was confused at the other's reaction. She was so content, so relaxed by his gentle brushing... and then she was suddenly angered and annoyed by a sincere action. Was there something he was missing? He couldn't put his finger on it, but he overheard another's apparent amusement on the similar features that he and Tarlotte shared in appearance.

❝ A... laser pointer? What in the world is that? A spell that points beams in a singular direction? Why would anyone chase that? ❞
As he tilted his head in misguided confusion, Kyle noticed that Tarlotte was more than ready to punt the animate doll. Usually magically animated dolls were friendly, this one wasn't. Strange. Was the properties of the supernatural different than in Wonderland? Either way, he didn't like seeing a fellow cat-person being upset, especially on how his "petting" didn't help her too well. Perhaps...


❝ Hold on for a sec, we could pass time by kicking this unpleasant doll back and forth... If you are in a need to vent, we can make it enjoyable at the least. ❞
Kyle's rather pleasant smile could say otherwise on what he was thinking.

@Midnight Maiden @thatguyinthestore @Khan of the Mardu @Klutzy Ninja Kitty
"R-Right..." Joker wasn't about to go against Queen's words on this, a nervous droplet of sweat running down his head comically. Thankfully, the amusement factor had started to die away already, and so he didn't have much reason to keep picking at Chucky... though he also had no reason to step in to protect him. As Tarlotte and Kyle began their punting session, he thus turned back to his lover with a curious expression, "In any case... perhaps we ought to follow the others outside? We could always use more scouting to find the means of escape."
"Right," was all the girl stated in reply to Joker, looking to him out of the corner of her eye. Although her frustration with the boy had begun to fade (she couldn't stay mad at him for long), she didn't let up her stern appearance. After all, she had to keep that cheeky boyfriend of hers on his toes, didn't she? Watching him sweat gave her a bit of satisfaction, and at least assured her that she still held his respect and, more importantly, his heart.​

For a short moment after Chucky would introduce himself, Queen was speechless. So the creepy talking doll had a name too, huh? She should've figured. "Well, I guess knowing you have a name makes you a little less... creepy." Knowing his name now, at least Makoto could focus more on that and less on the fact that he was a doll. She sighed though. Doll or not, however, he was still a rude little guy.

When yet another cat person would approach them, Makoto placed a hand thoughtfully against her chin. "How interesting," she said to herself when she would look at him. "Do you have a name?" she asked him--not amused when she would hear Chucky laughing at the cat boy and the cat girl in the background. She shot the doll a look. Yet, moments later she found herself shooting the doll yet another look when he would call them 'pussies.' "Jeez you're rude. Could you at least try to contain yourself?"

She giggled, however, when she would hear Joker's comment about their code names. Okay, that one was funny. "He's right and, oh, you'd better move, by the way. I think Tarlotte is coming after you." Queen had no intention of stopping the cat girl from attacking him. After all, the rude little doll deserved what would happen to him.

@Midnight Maiden @thatguyinthestore @Khan of the Mardu @Gummi Bunnies
Chucky just rolled his eyes at the cat girl. Due to her scream, he was ready for an attack this time, so he just ignored Tarlotte for now.


"Yeah... keep talking while ya can, bitch. You'll get what's coming to ya eventually." Chucky muttered as he glared up at Joker.


"What? I was just sayin' things like they are."
Chucky replied in a mockingly innocent tone, shrugging off her comment about Tarlotte.

@Midnight Maiden @Khan of the Mardu @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Gummi Bunnies

Huh? But you appeared so content with it. Unless... I didn't do so for the right spot. ❞
Kyle was confused at the other's reaction. She was so content, so relaxed by his gentle brushing... and then she was suddenly angered and annoyed by a sincere action. Was there something he was missing? He couldn't put his finger on it, but he overheard another's apparent amusement on the similar features that he and Tarlotte shared in appearance.

❝ A... laser pointer? What in the world is that? A spell that points beams in a singular direction? Why would anyone chase that? ❞
As he tilted his head in misguided confusion, Kyle noticed that Tarlotte was more than ready to punt the animate doll. Usually magically animated dolls were friendly, this one wasn't. Strange. Was the properties of the supernatural different than in Wonderland? Either way, he didn't like seeing a fellow cat-person being upset, especially on how his "petting" didn't help her too well. Perhaps...


❝ Hold on for a sec, we could pass time by kicking this unpleasant doll back and forth... If you are in a need to vent, we can make it enjoyable at the least. ❞
Kyle's rather pleasant smile could say otherwise on what he was thinking.

@Midnight Maiden @thatguyinthestore @Khan of the Mardu @Klutzy Ninja Kitty


she roared, fervently waving her arms and stomping in an outraged fit as the embarrassment of what had happened coupled with Kyle's further commentary on it fueled her. The blush on her face only seemed to deepen, further accentuated by her golden eyes and green hair framing her pale face. "I-I'd never be content because of something so stupid like that! What do you think I am, anyways?! Some kind of animal? I swear, i-if you don't shut up and drop it I'll-- ...I'll, um...." she trailed off, conviction slowly fading as a mildly confused expression came about her. Biting her lip, she looked away, glancing around aimlessly as she tried to recall just what she had been about to say. "I'll...."


Ugh. Whatever. Before Kyle could even make his suggestion, she had gone to again kick Chucky, tip of her boot going right for the doll's side. It was only after the move was executed that she glanced to Kyle again, still scowling even when he made his suggestion. What was up with that dumb smile of his, anyways? Was he mocking her??? She'd wipe that smile right off his face-

Wait. Kicking the doll back and forth? Hellooooo- No, wait, what was she thinking? "I'm not kicking anything with you! I don't need mew're help, meow! And I don't need to vent either!" she hissed, oblivious to Akira and Makoto's potential exiting of the building. She was fixated wholly on her aggravation with the treatment she was getting from this boy.

@Gummi Bunnnies @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Khan of the Mardu @thatguyinthestore
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Huh? But you appeared so content with it. Unless... I didn't do so for the right spot. ❞
Kyle was confused at the other's reaction. She was so content, so relaxed by his gentle brushing... and then she was suddenly angered and annoyed by a sincere action. Was there something he was missing? He couldn't put his finger on it, but he overheard another's apparent amusement on the similar features that he and Tarlotte shared in appearance.

❝ A... laser pointer? What in the world is that? A spell that points beams in a singular direction? Why would anyone chase that? ❞
As he tilted his head in misguided confusion, Kyle noticed that Tarlotte was more than ready to punt the animate doll. Usually magically animated dolls were friendly, this one wasn't. Strange. Was the properties of the supernatural different than in Wonderland? Either way, he didn't like seeing a fellow cat-person being upset, especially on how his "petting" didn't help her too well. Perhaps...


❝ Hold on for a sec, we could pass time by kicking this unpleasant doll back and forth... If you are in a need to vent, we can make it enjoyable at the least. ❞
Kyle's rather pleasant smile could say otherwise on what he was thinking.

@Midnight Maiden @thatguyinthestore @Khan of the Mardu @Klutzy Ninja Kitty
"R-Right..." Joker wasn't about to go against Queen's words on this, a nervous droplet of sweat running down his head comically. Thankfully, the amusement factor had started to die away already, and so he didn't have much reason to keep picking at Chucky... though he also had no reason to step in to protect him. As Tarlotte and Kyle began their punting session, he thus turned back to his lover with a curious expression, "In any case... perhaps we ought to follow the others outside? We could always use more scouting to find the means of escape."


she roared, fervently waving her arms and stomping in an outraged fit as the embarrassment of what had happened coupled with Kyle's further commentary on it fueled her. The blush on her face only seemed to deepen, further accentuated by her golden eyes and green hair framing her pale face. "I-I'd never be content because of something so stupid like that! What do you think I am, anyways?! Some kind of animal? I swear, i-if you don't shut up and drop it I'll-- ...I'll, um...." she trailed off, conviction slowly fading as a mildly confused expression came about her. Biting her lip, she looked away, glancing around aimlessly as she tried to recall just what she had been about to say. "I'll...."


Ugh. Whatever. Before Kyle could even make his suggestion, she had gone to again kick Chucky, tip of her boot going right for the doll's side. It was only after the move was executed that she glanced to Kyle again, still scowling even when he made his suggestion. What was up with that dumb smile of his, anyways? Was he mocking her??? She'd wipe that smile right off his face-

Wait. Kicking the doll back and forth? Hellooooo- No, wait, what was she thinking? "I'm not kicking anything with you! I don't need mew're help, meow! And I don't need to vent either!" she hissed, oblivious to Akira and Makoto's potential exiting of the building. She was fixated wholly on her aggravation with the treatment she was getting from this boy.

@Gummi Bunnnies @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Khan of the Mardu @thatguyinthestore

"While I agree that the doll is highly unpleasant, is it really necessary to suggest such a thing? Could we not, perhaps, just ignore it?" Queen offered, letting out a sigh afterwards. But, then again, maybe it was silly of her to suggest they leave the doll alone when she wasn't even about to stop them from punting Chucky around if they wanted to.

But it didn't seem as if Tarlotte wanted to anyhow.

"Anyhow, I'm with Joker. Right now, it would be wise to step outside and scout out our area more--or to at least speak more with some of the others. We should gather as much information as possible," she stated, supporting his idea. Somehow, Makoto had a feeling that individuals such as Tarlotte or even Chucky weren't really going to care, but it was still worth a try.

@Khan of the Mardu @Midnight Maiden @thatguyinthestore @Gummi Bunnies
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While this was somewhat amusing, Makoto could see that Joker was starting to take things a bit too far. "Joker, I think you've said quite enough," she chided softly, but firmly. Her word was warning enough to remind him that he shouldn't get carried away. If he didn't listen, well, she could always tighten his leash. : |

@Khan of the Mardu @thatguyinthestore @Midnight Maiden @Gummi Bunnies
"R-Right..." Joker wasn't about to go against Queen's words on this, a nervous droplet of sweat running down his head comically. Thankfully, the amusement factor had started to die away already, and so he didn't have much reason to keep picking at Chucky... though he also had no reason to step in to protect him. As Tarlotte and Kyle began their punting session, he thus turned back to his lover with a curious expression, "In any case... perhaps we ought to follow the others outside? We could always use more scouting to find the means of escape."


"Heh... guess we know who wears the pants in your relationship." Chucky said to Joker with a smirk when Makoto decided to boss him around. The doll simply stepped out of the way of Tarlotte's other kick, having expected it from a mile away.

Huh? But you appeared so content with it. Unless... I didn't do so for the right spot. ❞ Kyle was confused at the other's reaction. She was so content, so relaxed by his gentle brushing... and then she was suddenly angered and annoyed by a sincere action. Was there something he was missing? He couldn't put his finger on it, but he overheard another's apparent amusement on the similar features that he and Tarlotte shared in appearance.

❝ A... laser pointer? What in the world is that? A spell that points beams in a singular direction? Why would anyone chase that? ❞ As he tilted his head in misguided confusion, Kyle noticed that Tarlotte was more than ready to punt the animate doll. Usually magically animated dolls were friendly, this one wasn't. Strange. Was the properties of the supernatural different than in Wonderland? Either way, he didn't like seeing a fellow cat-person being upset, especially on how his "petting" didn't help her too well. Perhaps...


❝ Hold on for a sec, we could pass time by kicking this unpleasant doll back and forth... If you are in a need to vent, we can make it enjoyable at the least. ❞ Kyle's rather pleasant smile could say otherwise on what he was thinking.

@Midnight Maiden @thatguyinthestore @Khan of the Mardu @Klutzy Ninja Kitty

"FUCK YOU!!!" Chucky shouted when Kyle suggested that they kick him around like a soccer ball. Just because it didn't exactly do any damage to him didn't mean that Chucky enjoyed being kicked around.

It was then that the doll overheard Joker suggest that he and Makoto head outside, to which Chucky grinned in thought for a moment.


"Yeah... outside sounds just peachy." Chucky said as a sinister smirk curled on his lips. There could probably be some sort of weapon out there. Or even some dumbass people that he could kill with his bare hands.

Or, if Chucky was really lucky, both.

@Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Khan of the Mardu @Midnight Maiden @Gummi Bunnies

Oh dear. She'd gone and done it, huh? Trevor was glaring at her now. Honestly, she was rather used to being glared at-when you worked with a fellow like William T. Spears for so long, glares became normal. And, much like Will, Trevor's icy gaze failed to freeze Grell up-in fact, it only heated her up more. Seishin's inquiry about her and Ethan taking her hand just made it worse. So much worse, in fact, that she couldn't help but tell them about herself.

"Ah, yes, my death scythe! I'm what's known as a Death God-Shinigami, Grim Reaper, so many terms for it I tend to lose count of them all! That death scythe of mine is a special weapon I use to collect the souls of the dying. It's personally customized and I would be very put out if it wound up in the wrong hands!" She huffed, crossing her arms. "I've already gone through more than enough trouble getting it back, so whoever took it had better hope I never meet them!"

Sighing, Grell tossed her hair over her shoulders and gave the three men a smile. "But where are my manners? What do you all do for a living? We may be stuck here a while, might as well get to know each other."

@CrunchyCHEEZIT @Takumi @Verite


"It's like for harvesting crops, but harvesting heads instead! Or so I'd guess from the name, but what do I know~?"

And her guess seemed to be supported by Grell's proper explanation. More or less.

Numahime Tenma had no recollection of how she'd gotten here, and the last thing she did remember was suffering a fatal wound. There was a disturbing lack of answers to the questions that most likely were shared by many of the others around her, but it was best to take one's time in getting the answers. Or so she told herself, at least. She took a look outside, getting a good view full of nothing.

"Aw, not a soul out there. Guess we'll have to make do with each other! Numahime here, though looks like that'll be a mouthful for some of you!"

Introducing herself in a carefree manner, Numahime rested her hand on her hip and put on a girlish smile before speaking again to answer Grell. Even if the woman hadn't really addressed her necessarily with her question.

"I don't really work or anything. I'm just a young girl after all, so I just hang out in a nice little village."

She giggled a little after giving her answer, even though her answer amounted to nothing.

@CrunchyCHEEZIT @Takumi @Verite @Yun Lee
View attachment 147727

"What the fuck?"

Trevor had no words for Grell's explanation. He was honestly quite conflicted on a number of things - was he really that drunk? Or is this woman just that batshit insane? Should he consider her a threat. . .or is this woman just THAT batshit insane? It didn't stop Trevor from giving her another suspect side-eye. If everyone's weapons are gone, then maybe this won't be difficult. But, the family bestiary never lied.

Does that even matter, though?

"Well, we're not in binds yet, we got a fair chance of figuring all of this out. Until that moment comes. . ." Trevor mused to Ethan, letting him come to his own conclusion. When the topic of life came up, Trevor just sniffed and turned his back on the group, watching the window.

@Verite @Yun Lee @Kaykay @Takumi @Whomst



Ethan didn't really have anything to say to Grell initially, believing her to have had a fit of madness for a bit, talking of random words like "Grim Reaper" and Shin... uh, gummy something? Sounded oriental. The man didn't really get this talk of souls and such; he honestly couldn't tell if she was having a random breakdown, or if there was some degree of truth to her words. After all, after meeting the Dragon himself, and seeing what that man was capable of, if one could even call him a man, who knew what anyone was capable of now?

And that was a thing Ethan hadn't considered before. The power of darkness and its influence on this place. Certainly, the man felt a dark aura, for a lack of better words, envelop this ghost town. He could practically smell death in this place, a sensation that almost threatened to give him shivers in his spine.

But he'd cheated death before. And he'd do it twenty times more if he had to.

Not because he had any particular reason to live, but because he didn't have any particular reason to die.

Ethan silently raised an eyebrow when a strange-looking girl, who also gave off some oriental vibe (he pegged her to be a Chinawoman... or girl, rather) who later introduced herself as Numa... something. Numahime? Indeed, as she contested, that was quite the mouthful, but he'd manage. Trevor's words were not lost on Ethan, the man giving a brief nod of acknowledgement toward them as he pursed his lips. Once everyone had gathered their bearings, as well as the blonde American girl over there who seemed to want to take charge of the merry men gathered here, a plan was sure to hatch soon enough, right?

As for Grell's questions? The man found himself at a pause, clearing his throat uncomfortably, before speaking, producing words as he went along, practically off the top of his head. "I... do odd jobs," he said curtly, before eventually deciding to elaborate a bit, "Used to work for a circus. Then after that, I... I suppose you could say I did some... private investigations. Now?" He shrugged, "It's complicated."

Still... Numahime claimed to be from a village? A curious statement indeed. He didn't recall going anywhere near some place like that, but then again, he didn't really recall being anywhere near Chinagirls. Or...

"Hey, kid. Where are you even from? I reckon that all sorts of people from around were dragged here by someone, but you... seem like someone who's not from around here. Unless I took a real wrong turn in Oxford," he said, turning toward Numahime briefly.

@Kaykay @Yun Lee @Takumi @CrunchyCHEEZIT @Jeremi

"Ah, I see.." Seishin responded towards Grell's explanation of her death scythe. When the topic of jobs came up, the Jinrou's gaze flickered elsewhere.

"I'm Seishin Muroi, a novelist, and a traveler I suppose." he responded simply.

"Hm, a interesting." he mused to himself then. A Grim Reaper, supposedly standing before him? Another bit of irony for the former monk.

@Yun Lee @CrunchyCHEEZIT @Verite @Kaykay
"Ooh, a novelist! You don't really look the type to write erotic romances...what type of books do you specialize in?"

Hearing Seishin call her interesting, Grell couldn't help but be flattered. She knew it was true, but it was alwayd fun to hear.

@Takumi @Kaykay @Verite @CrunchyCHEEZIT


Ethan didn't really have anything to say to Grell initially, believing her to have had a fit of madness for a bit, talking of random words like "Grim Reaper" and Shin... uh, gummy something? Sounded oriental. The man didn't really get this talk of souls and such; he honestly couldn't tell if she was having a random breakdown, or if there was some degree of truth to her words. After all, after meeting the Dragon himself, and seeing what that man was capable of, if one could even call him a man, who knew what anyone was capable of now?

And that was a thing Ethan hadn't considered before. The power of darkness and its influence on this place. Certainly, the man felt a dark aura, for a lack of better words, envelop this ghost town. He could practically smell death in this place, a sensation that almost threatened to give him shivers in his spine.

But he'd cheated death before. And he'd do it twenty times more if he had to.

Not because he had any particular reason to live, but because he didn't have any particular reason to die.

Ethan silently raised an eyebrow when a strange-looking girl, who also gave off some oriental vibe (he pegged her to be a Chinawoman... or girl, rather) who later introduced herself as Numa... something. Numahime? Indeed, as she contested, that was quite the mouthful, but he'd manage. Trevor's words were not lost on Ethan, the man giving a brief nod of acknowledgement toward them as he pursed his lips. Once everyone had gathered their bearings, as well as the blonde American girl over there who seemed to want to take charge of the merry men gathered here, a plan was sure to hatch soon enough, right?

As for Grell's questions? The man found himself at a pause, clearing his throat uncomfortably, before speaking, producing words as he went along, practically off the top of his head. "I... do odd jobs," he said curtly, before eventually deciding to elaborate a bit, "Used to work for a circus. Then after that, I... I suppose you could say I did some... private investigations. Now?" He shrugged, "It's complicated."

Still... Numahime claimed to be from a village? A curious statement indeed. He didn't recall going anywhere near some place like that, but then again, he didn't really recall being anywhere near Chinagirls. Or...

"Hey, kid. Where are you even from? I reckon that all sorts of people from around were dragged here by someone, but you... seem like someone who's not from around here. Unless I took a real wrong turn in Oxford," he said, turning toward Numahime briefly.

@Kaykay @Yun Lee @Takumi @CrunchyCHEEZIT @Jeremi

"Mugenkanadzuki." Retaining her smile, the demon answered him with a name even more vexing than her own. Though it was not a village that existed in Ethan's own world. "Oxford? Haha, you really must have taken a wrong turn! Or maybe I did. Who knows? Maybe I've been kidnapped by someone bad. Scary, scary."

"You see? She gets it!" Grell shot a mischievious smile in Nurahime's direction. "Just a normal girl, hmm? I don't know if I believe that, if you're familiar with my profession." To Ethan she'd also smile. "Ah, a private investigator? How fun! I love a good mystery...though unfortunately my profession makes them hard to come by."

@CrunchyCHEEZIT @Kaykay @Verite @Takumi

"Aw, did I get found out?" Numahime replied with obviously feigned distress in her voice. "It's gotta be our little secret though~"

@CrunchyCHEEZIT @Yun Lee @Verite @Takumi