Murder XIX: Trouble in Paradise

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Spider-Man shivered above the ground below, the net digging indentions in his suit and bruises into his body. "Oh G-God..." He was beginning to miss his rooftop nap every second he stayed on this island, and now getting wrapped up in a cuddly version of Saw was especially making him miss it.

He looked around at the others, suspended in the nets. There was no way out of here, and the Spider knew it.
"So, how's it hanging with you guys? What, too soon?"

He took quick notice of Yato's pick, eagerly hoping he was right so they could get out of this mess.

Spider-Man shivered above the ground below, the net digging indentions in his suit and bruises into his body. "Oh G-God..." He was beginning to miss his rooftop nap every second he stayed on this island, and now getting wrapped up in a cuddly version of Saw was especially making him miss it.

He looked around at the others, suspended in the nets. There was no way out of here, and the Spider knew it.
"So, how's it hanging with you guys? What, too soon?"

He took quick notice of Yato's pick, eagerly hoping he was right so they could get out of this mess.

Shantae silently glared at Peter for that pun.

Shantae silently glared at Peter for that pun.


Spider-Man shivered above the ground below, the net digging indentions in his suit and bruises into his body. "Oh G-God..." He was beginning to miss his rooftop nap every second he stayed on this island, and now getting wrapped up in a cuddly version of Saw was especially making him miss it.

He looked around at the others, suspended in the nets. There was no way out of here, and the Spider knew it.
"So, how's it hanging with you guys? What, too soon?"

He took quick notice of Yato's pick, eagerly hoping he was right so they could get out of this mess.


"Nice pun kid. Way to make this near death experience a lot less near death-y We can't afford to have people getting.... caught up in the moment"
Tony chuckled, leaning back in his net like a hammock. Things were out of his hands now- out of everyone's hands. Who lived and who died was going to be determined on probability the popularity- 2 things that were not in his side. There was no point in letting the little things get to him tough; Tony had a plan either way

Presuming he couldn't reach the ground in his turn, or he was raised back up before afterwards, we would end up being one of the last people in the air; nobody would choose life for him- heck, the genie night even choose death for him- so he was on his own. Right now, Tony knew that his survival would dictated by the last roll- whether or not somebody else got lucky enough to save themselves or save him in the final round. Until then, it was just a matter of waiting.

Begging for mercy wouldn't help things. Hell, he really wasn't about to apologise to save his own skin either. He was going to do quite the opposite, in fact...

"Hey, Rita"
Tony called down from his perch
"What's the view like from like from end?"
@LuckycoolHawk9 @Yun Lee @Kentucky
Rita Hanson

Rita made a note to look over at who she was pointing at and she nodded. She was surprised to see that he could hear her, but she hadn't thought it was sound proof. She looked over at him. " I'm Rita," she replied back to Yusuke.

Ugh, that meant Tony could talk to her. One of the last people she wanted to talk too. She just ignored him and turned to Alesha. " You hear something?" She asked, making a point that she wasn't going to respond to Tony.

@Cromartie Sarkissian @Khan of the Mardu @Mari @thatguyinthestore
Rita Hanson

Rita made a note to look over at who she was pointing at and she nodded. She was surprised to see that he could hear her, but she hadn't thought it was sound proof. She looked over at him. " I'm Rita," she replied back to Yusuke.

Ugh, that meant Tony could talk to her. One of the last people she wanted to talk too. She just ignored him and turned to Alesha. " You hear something?" She asked, making a point that she wasn't going to respond to Tony.

@Cromartie Sarkissian @Khan of the Mardu @Mari @thatguyinthestore

Yamashiro was still anxiously watching and waiting on what would happen next, though she was not personally involved she had interest in observing the event. She noticed who was speaking, and hearing the girl's comment Yamashiro dutifully answered:

"It was the man lying back in the net that seemed to be speaking."

@Cromartie Sarkissian @Khan of the Mardu @LuckycoolHawk9 @thatguyinthestore
  • Bucket of Rainbows
  • Nice Execution!
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Spider-Man shivered above the ground below, the net digging indentions in his suit and bruises into his body. "Oh G-God..." He was beginning to miss his rooftop nap every second he stayed on this island, and now getting wrapped up in a cuddly version of Saw was especially making him miss it.

He looked around at the others, suspended in the nets. There was no way out of here, and the Spider knew it.
"So, how's it hanging with you guys? What, too soon?"

He took quick notice of Yato's pick, eagerly hoping he was right so they could get out of this mess.


Rita Hanson

Rita made a note to look over at who she was pointing at and she nodded. She was surprised to see that he could hear her, but she hadn't thought it was sound proof. She looked over at him. " I'm Rita," she replied back to Yusuke.

Ugh, that meant Tony could talk to her. One of the last people she wanted to talk too. She just ignored him and turned to Alesha. " You hear something?" She asked, making a point that she wasn't going to respond to Tony.

@Cromartie Sarkissian @Khan of the Mardu @Mari @thatguyinthestore
Yamashiro was still anxiously watching and waiting on what would happen next, though she was not personally involved she had interest in observing the event. She noticed who was speaking, and hearing the girl's comment Yamashiro dutifully answered:

"It was the man lying back in the net that seemed to be speaking."

@Cromartie Sarkissian @Khan of the Mardu @LuckycoolHawk9 @thatguyinthestore
"It's a pleasure to meet you, Rita-san. Let us hope this single encounter shall not be our last," Yusuke replied, honestly wishing he could think of more to talk about. But, right now, his mind was drawing a blank. He felt even less inspired than he had earlier when trying to draw Alesha. Although, that was only to be expected while being entrapped in a net, waiting to see whether or not he might die.

"I did hear something," Yusuke replied, not really good at catching sarcasm. "That man was speaking to you just as Yamashiro-san stated," he added before furrowing his brows. "I can't say I'm a fan of joking around at a time like this though." Sure, Yusuke had joked around a bit during his adventures in the metaverse, but he never chose to joke during poorly timed situations where his life was in danger.

@Yun Lee @Khan of the Mardu @thatguyinthestore @LuckycoolHawk9 @Kentucky @Mari
Rita Hanson

Rita hoped that at least one of them understood that she was ignoring him and didn't really want a response as it was a rhetorical question that was not meant to be answered either. She was silent for a moment when Yamashiro answered her question honestly.

She didn't glare, but looked over at the woman with a sigh to show she knew that, but was purposefully ignoring him. She also glanced at Yusuke to make the same point.

@Mari @Khan of the Mardu @thatguyinthestore @Cromartie Sarkissian @Klutzy Ninja Kitty
"Protecting your friend, are you? Let's hope for her sake you succeed." Yuriko picked up the container she'd held earlier, which was essentially an upside-down cup with a twist-off bottom, which had a small slit. Removing the bottom, she placed a tiny wooden sword inside, closed it, and shook. You would all recognize it as the sound from before.


The container hit the floor, bottom down, and Yuriko twisted the cup off. Those nearby would see that the blade was up-Hiyori had received life.

"Correct, Yato. Congratulations." Yato and Hiyori's nets would slowly descend to the ground. They would still be caught in them, in case one of them was sent back into the air.

"As Hiyori is now on the ground, the next turn will go to Hina."

@Takumi @Archmage Jeremiah @Cromartie Sarkissian @Midnight Maiden @Gummi Bunnies @Verite @Jeremi @thatguyinthestore @Minerva @Kaykay @Mason Moretti @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @J A Y F R OM T H E 6 I X @Otto @Kentucky @Crow @York
Rita Hanson

Rita breathed a sigh of relief. It looked like two people she knew were safe. Yato and Hiyori. At least for now. That was good. She hoped that they weren't lifted up in the air again- hopefully. " Hopefully, they remain safe. This is going to be difficult to watch," Rita admitted.

@Khan of the Mardu @thatguyinthestore @Mari @Safe zone
Shantae silently glared at Peter for that pun.

"Nice pun kid. Way to make this near death experience a lot less near death-y We can't afford to have people getting.... caught up in the moment"
Tony chuckled, leaning back in his net like a hammock. Things were out of his hands now- out of everyone's hands. Who lived and who died was going to be determined on probability the popularity- 2 things that were not in his side. There was no point in letting the little things get to him tough; Tony had a plan either way

Presuming he couldn't reach the ground in his turn, or he was raised back up before afterwards, we would end up being one of the last people in the air; nobody would choose life for him- heck, the genie night even choose death for him- so he was on his own. Right now, Tony knew that his survival would dictated by the last roll- whether or not somebody else got lucky enough to save themselves or save him in the final round. Until then, it was just a matter of waiting.

Begging for mercy wouldn't help things. Hell, he really wasn't about to apologise to save his own skin either. He was going to do quite the opposite, in fact...

"Hey, Rita"
Tony called down from his perch
"What's the view like from like from end?"
@LuckycoolHawk9 @Yun Lee @Kentucky
"Protecting your friend, are you? Let's hope for her sake you succeed." Yuriko picked up the container she'd held earlier, which was essentially an upside-down cup with a twist-off bottom, which had a small slit. Removing the bottom, she placed a tiny wooden sword inside, closed it, and shook. You would all recognize it as the sound from before.


The container hit the floor, bottom down, and Yuriko twisted the cup off. Those nearby would see that the blade was up-Hiyori had received life.

"Correct, Yato. Congratulations." Yato and Hiyori's nets would slowly descend to the ground. They would still be caught in them, in case one of them was sent back into the air.

"As Hiyori is now on the ground, the next turn will go to Hina."

@Takumi @Archmage Jeremiah @Cromartie Sarkissian @Midnight Maiden @Gummi Bunnies @Verite @Jeremi @thatguyinthestore @Minerva @Kaykay @Mason Moretti @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @J A Y F R OM T H E 6 I X @Otto @Kentucky @Crow @York

Spider-Man looked back at Shantae, shrugging. "Right, sorry." He murmured apologetically, guilt washing over him. He supposed things just slipped out of his mouth; and it didn't appear to be appreciated, especially in a sense that these people were already mourning... somebody. Whoever that happened to be, Peter wasn't exactly sure of.

Stark appeared to have appreciated his joke. Spider-Man pointed at him.
"Oh, nice one Mr. Stark. I uh, I hope we all net a win this time around." He could practically hear the "ba dum tss" in his head.

As the two survivors dropped, Peter felt relief wash over him. They had made it; but who would be the one? He looked at his constrictions, wondering if there was any way out of here. A way to cut the net, a way to escape... but he had no powers. He had nothing to help him. Peter gripped the net, breaths leaving him.

The next girl was up.

@Cromartie Sarkissian @thatguyinthestore
Rita Hanson

Rita hoped that at least one of them understood that she was ignoring him and didn't really want a response as it was a rhetorical question that was not meant to be answered either. She was silent for a moment when Yamashiro answered her question honestly.

She didn't glare, but looked over at the woman with a sigh to show she knew that, but was purposefully ignoring him. She also glanced at Yusuke to make the same point.

@Mari @Khan of the Mardu @thatguyinthestore @Cromartie Sarkissian @Klutzy Ninja Kitty

"Protecting your friend, are you? Let's hope for her sake you succeed." Yuriko picked up the container she'd held earlier, which was essentially an upside-down cup with a twist-off bottom, which had a small slit. Removing the bottom, she placed a tiny wooden sword inside, closed it, and shook. You would all recognize it as the sound from before.


The container hit the floor, bottom down, and Yuriko twisted the cup off. Those nearby would see that the blade was up-Hiyori had received life.

"Correct, Yato. Congratulations." Yato and Hiyori's nets would slowly descend to the ground. They would still be caught in them, in case one of them was sent back into the air.

"As Hiyori is now on the ground, the next turn will go to Hina."

@Takumi @Archmage Jeremiah @Cromartie Sarkissian @Midnight Maiden @Gummi Bunnies @Verite @Jeremi @thatguyinthestore @Minerva @Kaykay @Mason Moretti @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @J A Y F R OM T H E 6 I X @Otto @Kentucky @Crow @York

Rita Hanson

Rita breathed a sigh of relief. It looked like two people she knew were safe. Yato and Hiyori. At least for now. That was good. She hoped that they weren't lifted up in the air again- hopefully. " Hopefully, they remain safe. This is going to be difficult to watch," Rita admitted.

@Khan of the Mardu @thatguyinthestore @Mari @Safe zone
"What's that look for? I don't understand," Yusuke replied, oblivious as to why Rita had been staring. The boy was honestly naive to subtle hints and situations that were not spoken straight forward. It was just one of the many things his sensei had neglected to teach him about while he was growing up, and he was too distracted to catch onto them on his own.

When the two people would not die, Yusuke took a breath of relief. He could only hope the others, himself included, would end up just as lucky. "It's already been difficult and there hasn't been much to watch yet," Yusuke commented to Rita before slightly adjusting his position in the net. He was uncomfortable and honestly hoped this would be over as quickly as possible.

@Yun Lee @LuckycoolHawk9 @Everyone​
Rita Hanson

" It's nothing. I just rather not talk to him. He's already getting under my skin. Yeah, it is." she admitted. She sighed, hoping that Peter would make it. Though she hated his actions, she didn't want to see Tony die underneath. She had noticed his nose was even more broken. Focusing on that was going to be interesting. " I know I broke a little... but what else hit him?" She asked, mostly to herself and the others safe. Maybe one of them had seen. She was surprised that the punch had broken his nose.... it had never broken Phil the numerous times she had done it.

@Khan of the Mardu @Mari @thatguyinthestore @Safe Zone

@Klutzy Ninja Kitty
Rita Hanson

" It's nothing. I just rather not talk to him. He's already getting under my skin. Yeah, it is." she admitted. She sighed, hoping that Peter would make it. Though she hated his actions, she didn't want to see Tony die underneath. She had noticed his nose was even more broken. Focusing on that was going to be interesting. " I know I broke a little... but what else hit him?" She asked, mostly to herself and the others safe. Maybe one of them had seen. She was surprised that the punch had broken his nose.... it had never broken Phil the numerous times she had done it.

@Khan of the Mardu @Mari @thatguyinthestore @Safe Zone

@Klutzy Ninja Kitty
"I see," Yusuke simply replied when Rita stated that she didn't want to talk with him. It was a respectful wish, honestly. He quieted afterwards, not answering the question she would answer herself. Instead, he pulled his sketchbook out of his pocket, now curled from being rolled up. He attempted to straighten it up before opening it to glance at his sketch of Alesha. "We'll make it out of this," he mumbled before speaking louder to the others. "Rita-san, or anyone else, what are your plans after we escape this game?" he questioned, mostly to keep his own spirits up.

@Yun Lee @LuckycoolHawk9 @thatguyinthestore @Khan of the Mardu @Mari @Anyone​
"I see. Very well. For their hard work, the winners of immunity are Alesha and Yamashiro." The faint glow would leave everyone but those two, who would glow as strongly as Rita. The three would float onto the raised platform, safely out of the way of the game.

"Congratulations, you three. You've earned your places here. Adding onto that, Talon and The Doctor both have an advantage that they can use in this game. Make sure you use it wisely, as it can change everything."

"Cut the shit, Yuriko."


Yumeko's voice had an edge unheard of at any other point in time. "What is this game?"

The side of Yuriko's face twitched, but she managed to maintain composure. "W-Why, Yumeko…you of all people should know that-"

"Don't you remember? My memory is shit. All I know is that you've sunk lower than ever before. Let's get this over with. Now."

Yuriko gulped, face slightly contorted into a pained expression, as if reliving some sort of past trauma.


Paradise Game #1: Life or Death (Modified Version)

Premise: Players will be suspended in nets above the ground, and try to get to the ground. How they do this will be to compete or cooperate with the others through a series of gambles. The game will end when all but one person is on the ground.

On Your Turn: When its your turn, you select another player, and say whether you predict they live or die. This means that you predict that the wooden sword in the container will be blade up (life), or blade down (death), and you're betting the life of you and another person.

-If you choose death and the blade is down, you win and are on the ground, while the person you named is in the air.
-However, if you choose death and the blade is up, you are in the air, and the person you named is on the ground.
-If you choose life and the blade is up, both you and the person you named are on the ground.
-However, if you choose life and the blade is down, both you and the person you named are in the air.

The game will continue until only one person is in the air. Once one person is in the air, the game is over and that person is the loser.

Advantage: Those with an advantage get three times to reverse an outcome. For example: Say Talon predicted Shantae would get death, but the result is blade up, or life. Talon can reverse the outcome so that the blade did go down, and he would be on the ground instead of Shantae. Another example: Say two people chose life but ended up with the blade down, or death. Even if he's not one of the two involved, Talon could reverse that outcome and give thosw two other players life.

Additional Notes:
-You may not name yourself. You must name another person.
-Do not name anyone who has not posted in chapter one. They are at risk of an inactivity kill, and would most likely not play the game.
-You may name anyone in the game at any time, even if they are on the ground. No one is safe until the game is over.


Upon finishing with the rules, Yuriko, now more relaxed, would snap her fingers. Everyone participating would be caught in a net and hoisted twenty feet into the air. "The first turn will be decided randomly. After that, turns will be decided two ways: if they are still in the air, whoever was named will go next. If whoever was named is on the ground, someone else will be randomly selected."

"G-Good luck!" Luigi weakly shouted. Bowser merely rolled his eyes.

"Without further ado…the first up is Yato."

@Takumi @Archmage Jeremiah @Cromartie Sarkissian @Midnight Maiden @Gummi Bunnies @Verite @Jeremi @thatguyinthestore @Minerva @Kaykay @Mason Moretti @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @J A Y F R OM T H E 6 I X @Otto @Kentucky @Crow @York

"And here I thought we were going to do some actual work."
The Doctor said bemused as he tried to make the net be more hammock like. "Fifty fifty guess work is sure very tiresome for my brain." He mocked yawned and started swinging side to side. "Just wake me up when it's my turn will you?"


"... Things somehow don't always seem easy, do they?

The Helghast Colonel, Mael Radec hissed through his mask.


Yamashiro heard the reply; she was not aware of what went on between Rita and the man below, but understood why some people would not get along well. She remembered both being at the cafe when she first arrived there, it was full of violence and anger and both of them were there at the time.

The other one, Yusuke, asked a question about plans after the game. Was this excursion, away from her fleet, to be considered a game of some kind? She wondered in her mind about that, but then her thoughts focused back on the question.

"After this game, I anticipate preparing for my next operation with the fleet. But also, when I have some free time I would like to share the stories of this game with my sister, Fusou."

Already, she could imagine her older sister listening in disbelief about the stories of using a FLUDD, and improvising rocks and Ernesti as her aircraft in battle.

@Klutzy Ninja Kitty @LuckycoolHawk9 @thatguyinthestore @Khan of the Mardu

"... Things somehow don't always seem easy, do they?

The Helghast Colonel, Mael Radec hissed through his mask.


"Oh I don't know..." The Doctor responded with a grin. "I don't mind hanging around like this for a change. It's actually quite nice!"

"Oh I don't know..." The Doctor responded with a grin. "I don't mind hanging around like this for a change. It's actually quite nice!"

Bowser scoffed at the doctor's comment despite the fact that he wasn't even hanging there.

"Quit tryin' tah act all tough, twerp. Me 'n you both know that yer just as scared as the rest'a these bozos." The Koopa said, obviously taking the doctor's comment as some act of courageousness.

Shantae, who heard Bowser from her own net, gritted her teeth as she glared at the Koopa.
"Oh just hush! You'd be scared too if you were trapped in one of these nets!" The half-genie shouted angrily. She was just about fed up with Bowser's attitude at this point.

Bowser just rolled his eyes in response.
"Ya, but I ain't trapped in one'a them nets, am I?"

Shantae averted Bowser's gaze for a moment when he said this. "Well n-no but--"

"But nothin'. Now shut yer trap." Bowser interrupted, earning nothing more than a groan from Shantae.

@Jeremi @dark @Yun Lee @Kaykay @LuckycoolHawk9 @Crow @Verite @York @Gummi Bunnies @Archmage Jeremiah @whoever
"Oh I don't know..." The Doctor responded with a grin. "I don't mind hanging around like this for a change. It's actually quite nice!"


Bowser scoffed at the doctor's comment despite the fact that he wasn't even hanging there.

"Quit tryin' tah act all tough, twerp. Me 'n you both know that yer just as scared as the rest'a these bozos." The Koopa said, obviously taking the doctor's comment as some act of courageousness.

Shantae, who heard Bowser from her own net, gritted her teeth as she glared at the Koopa.
"Oh just hush! You'd be scared too if you were trapped in one of these nets!" The half-genie shouted angrily. She was just about fed up with Bowser's attitude at this point.

Bowser just rolled his eyes in response.
"Ya, but I ain't trapped in one'a them nets, am I?"

Shantae averted Bowser's gaze for a moment when he said this. "Well n-no but--"

"But nothin'. Now shut yer trap." Bowser interrupted, earning nothing more than a groan from Shantae.

@Jeremi @dark @Yun Lee @Kaykay @LuckycoolHawk9 @Crow @Verite @York @Gummi Bunnies @Archmage Jeremiah @whoever


If Radec could raise a eyebrow under his mask, he probably would of at that moment and started to laugh almost creepily.

"Being scared is for the weak."


If Radec could raise a eyebrow under his mask, he probably would of at that moment and started to laugh almost creepily.

"Being scared is for the weak."

Bowser simply rolled his eyes and scoffed at Radec's comment.

"Then yer probably the weakest one here, seein' as yer too scared to show yer own face." Bowser said, obviously not amused by his pathetic attempt to look tough. His so called "creepy laughter" only made Bowser see him as more of a joke.


It did a good job at scaring Luigi though.

@dark @Jeremi @whoever