Murder XIX: Trouble in Paradise

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Ritsuka took a sip of her Coke after opening the can. Refreshing! She was interrupted in her music listening to someone asking her and reaching across her seatmate. She removed an earpiece. "What's up?" She asked the person.

@York @Yun Lee
"All these people... they wouldn't happen to be Princes and Princesses, would they?" Now while the question was indeed strange, it seemed the girl was being honest and was merely confused as to what was going on. "See, last thing I remember to now, it's just not making sense..." Kusanagi then turned to watch Mary tend to everyone's needs. "That is more impressive than fighting a dragon." Her attention was slowly, but surely turned back to the girl as she placed her hands on her head and groaned. "Ugh... This isn't making any sense to me."

@Minerva @Others

Uu... what I remember? ❞
Maria thought long and hard about what she was up to before this. She looked like she was struggling to piece everything together, but she got a bit of an idea on what happened for her. ❝ I was having a tea party with my best friend Beatrice and my other bestest friend Sakutarou... but I can't remember anything else. Uuu... ❞

@Yun Lee @Archmage Jeremiah @thatguyinthestore
"Why would I accuse you of taking it if I had it? Do you see a hat on this head? If not for the clothes on my back, I'd be bare-naked!" Risky asked back, and huffed, "No. The answer's no-...oh, hold on..." The pirate queen raised a finger in request, and reached into her macabre top...


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...and pulled out a lockpick. Upon realizing what it was, Risky Boots went from appearing happily surprised, to utterly disappointed within the span of a second. "A flimsy lockpick. I could fashion one of these in my sleep, but..." she sighed and pocketed it away again, "it's something,"


"But who is this little sweetling?~"
she wondered aloud, in an uncharacteristically kind tone, as she bent down over her chair to come closer to Maria's eye-level, "Hmm?~ What's your name?"

@thatguyinthestore @Gummi Bunnies
"You looked confused when I said your stuff was gone, is all." Shantae said with a shrug, watching as she pulled out a lockpick.

"I mean... if there are any locked doors around, that could come in handy." Shantae said, and although her comment might have sounded sarcastic, it was really meant to be taken seriously. Despite the fact that her and Risky Boots were enemies, the half-genie wasn't about to be rude to her.

At least, not unless she was mad. Which she wasn't.

When Maria spoke of how she too didn't know what happened before she ended up on the plane, Shantae cupped her chin in thought.
"Hmm... that really is weird. That no one can remember what they were doing before they came here, I mean. It's like whoever kidnapped us didn't wa-"

Before Shantae could finish her thought, Risky had taken it upon herself to lean over the seat and look at Maria. Instead of saying anything about this, though, Shantae awkwardly sat there and waited on the girl to introduce herself.

@Archmage Jeremiah @Gummi Bunnies @Yun Lee
Talon | Prologue

General Du Couteau's disappearance came as a shock to all Noxians, especially to Talon. He simply vanished without a trace. No clues, no evidence, no nothing. Search parties were amassed, but none were successful.

In spite of his superiors commanding him not to, Talon took matters into his own hands. He left Noxus and began searching everywhere on Runeterra in order to find the one man worthy of his respect. Although he was an agent of the Noxian High Command, Talon had pledged his service, not to Noxus, but to Du Couteau, the only man who was literally superior to him.

In the months following Du Couteau's disappearance, new evidence was discovered that led many Noxians to believe that the general had been slain by a Demacian agent. The identity of this Demacian was unknown.

When Talon returned to Noxus after following nothing but red herrings, he was notified of the discovery. He snapped and immediately marched toward Demacia, filled with the desire to avenge Du Couteau. However, before he could leave Noxus' walls, an ambush team set up by Grand General Swain attempted to capture Talon so that he couldn't leave again. Of course, most of them were no match for him, but he wasn't there to fight. He needed to leave, and leave he did.

He responded by using his Shadow Assault ability, throwing blades in all directions. His ambushers dodged and parried them with relative ease. However, while his pursuers were preoccupied, Talon had seemingly vanished into thin air.

Now officially exiled from Noxus, Talon dedicated his life to assassinating the skilled warriors of Demacia, hoping to find one that claimed to be Du Couteau's killer.

A clearly exhausted messenger sprinted into one of the tents of a Demacian military camp. He said in between breaths,

"Sir!... an intruder... has broken... through the perimeter!"

"What? Just one?" The sergeant asked, putting his hand on the sheath of his sword.

"They… they killed a whole company of men in an instant! We have to-"
A trio of triangular spinning knives flew through the air and sawed through his back before he fell to the ground in agony. The sergeant drew his sword and ran out of the tent, ready to confront the Demacian butcher.

Readying his blade, Talon watched as the sergeant rushed out of his tent.

Just a little closer...

He leaped into the air and was mere inches away from plunging his blade into the sergeant's back.


"Show yourse-!"

Suddenly... everything was dark.

Talon suddenly woke up in a chair. He looked around, deeply confused.

What...? Where am I?

He scanned his surroundings and discovered that the layout of his proximity looked like the inside of an odd house, but when he looked through a window, he noticed that he was flying at hundreds of miles per hour! He deduced that he was in some kind of... flying house. Such a thing would be impossible to construct, he thought.

As he examined the rest of his surroundings, many more unfamiliar things (and people) caught his eye. His expression of confusion soon turned to awe, but then to anger. How was he apprehended so easily?
Rita Hanson

Rita took the sticky bun and bit into it once it had been brought over to her and she placed her pen in her dairy for now. She looked over at Talon. " So, what's your name?" She asked her actual quiet seatmate.
His thoughts were interrupted when Rita asked for his name. He gave her a weird look before ignoring her completely and rising up from his seat. He looked for his blades, but alas, they were gone. All of them. Even the ones on his cape, and the ones hidden throughout his person. His anger turned to seething rage. His eyes were set on the 'flight attendant', who looked like a witch. She must be the one responsible for this.


"You think you can capture me, take my blades, and expect no retaliation?!"

Talon rushed forward and threw a punch at I-No's face.
@LuckycoolHawk9 @Yun Lee @CrunchyCHEEZIT @others
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Talon's punch would land, all right-though he ended up punching Kars instead of I-No. Wait...that couldn't be right! She and Kars had literally been standing in each others' spots just one second ago.

"Well, aren't you a rowdy one?" She smiled, but in her eyes was pure malice. "Be a good boy and Sit. Down. Now." Not only would Talon find himself sitting down in his original seat, but so would everyone else.


Peter wouldn't find anything to resemble Captain Jack, save for a few bottles of beer (one empty) and a Penthouse magazine. However, a flush could be heard from a bathroom connected to the cockpit, and the door flew open with whistling heard inside.

"Sit. Down. Now."

Before either could get a look at this 'pilot' of theirs, they were suddenly in their seats. Everyone would find their seatbelts on, and impossible to take off.

"I didn't want it to come to this, but your dear friend over there gave me no choice." I-No sighed. "I'm going to get a drink, then start the video. All you naughty children are on time-out until then."

Mary found herself planted in seat F5, next to Nagihiko. "Oh, great."

"Ah, an artist?" Yumeko looked to Mary. "You'd be a lovely model, Mary!"

"What?! D-Don't go volunteering me for things!" She crossed her arms. "...but I won't say no..."

I-No blew Yusuke a kiss, then turned to Kars, giggling as his punch failed. "Oh yeah, that was downright hilarious. You're a regular Jerry Lewis." I-No's smile soon grew humorless. "And like I'd tell you anything. Why don't you be a good boy and take a seat? Maybe try out that new mortality of yours?" She looked around. "That goes for all of you. The intro video is going on in five minutes-sit down!"

The statement did reach Kars as soon as it left her lips. That, and the taunting attitude coming from a human, was almost enough to make the Pillar Man burst into an incoherent rage. His eyes visibly widened and, most likely to the pleasure of I-No, the all-powerful being looked genuinely shocked at his newfound weakness. This was an insult to over one-hundred millennia worth of planning. . .yet, the last statement prevented such rage to culminate to anything concrete.

Tch. As much as I abhor the concept. . .it seems as though my immunity to the sunlight is only because of this. . .downgrade I've received. Though I stand higher than the rest of these fools, I need not exert myself in something that will truly get myself killed. . .I don't even know what this is quite yet.


Kars will not find himself caught off guard so easily! My singular goal is to kill Joseph Joestar, and nothing will stop me from achieving this!

. . .and before that, eradicating the scum that thought to contain me in this 'vacation'. They'll all be dead before this is over.

It was almost humorous if it wasn't so annoying. It seemed as though Kars was given a second chance with the appearance of this plane, but at a cost of his abilities. He'd have to revert to the ways of thinking before he attained the power of the Red Stone. Caution and patience will be the key. The large man snickered after cooling himself off.


"Mmhmhm, fine, girl! Humor me with whatever you have to offer in this cute little trip, and I'll let you all live for couple more days," he said, before ---


The ancient seemed to respond to the witch's trick with a coy smile, his hand being thrown upwards and catching Talon's wrist, holding his fist a few inches away from his face. "Ha-haha. . .yes, more like this." Kars sneered before forcefully tossing the man out of his way. He would conveniently land into his seat, as dictated by I-No. Kars then sauntered over to his own seat and slipped into it. He seems quite. . .flexible for a seven foot walking mass of muscle. He'd sit in his seat proper, folding his leg upon his knee and crossing his arms, glaring over the sea of peasants in the plane. He didn't notice the seatbelts lock. Or, maybe he did, and doesn't care.

But, man, these people look disgusting.

@LuckycoolHawk9 @Yun Lee @Otto @thatguyinthestore @Verite @Kaykay @anybody down 2 rp.​
Rita Hanson

Rita didn't understand what sort of flight she was on- but she really didn't like what Talon had did. " Did you really think punching the flight attendant was a good idea? Like besides the assault charges, it seems this flight is nice," Rita said. Rita opened a new page in her diary.

Indeterminate time.

Some asshole tried to punch the flight attendant.

We are all now strapped in. How do I get myself into these situations?

" So, are you going to tell me your name now or are you going to do something else stupid?" Talon very much reminded her of Phil. Another man who had no impulse control and was destructive to everyone around him.

@Otto @dark @Yun Lee
"All these people... they wouldn't happen to be Princes and Princesses, would they?" Now while the question was indeed strange, it seemed the girl was being honest and was merely confused as to what was going on. "See, last thing I remember to now, it's just not making sense..." Kusanagi then turned to watch Mary tend to everyone's needs. "That is more impressive than fighting a dragon." Her attention was slowly, but surely turned back to the girl as she placed her hands on her head and groaned. "Ugh... This isn't making any sense to me."

@Minerva @Others

"Princes and Princesses? I don't think I understand." Ritsuka said to the girl. She knew of historical ones, but this seemed... different. Like they weren't talking about that kind.

Talon's punch would land, all right-though he ended up punching Kars instead of I-No. Wait...that couldn't be right! She and Kars had literally been standing in each others' spots just one second ago.

"Well, aren't you a rowdy one?" She smiled, but in her eyes was pure malice. "Be a good boy and Sit. Down. Now." Not only would Talon find himself sitting down in his original seat, but so would everyone else.


Peter wouldn't find anything to resemble Captain Jack, save for a few bottles of beer (one empty) and a Penthouse magazine. However, a flush could be heard from a bathroom connected to the cockpit, and the door flew open with whistling heard inside.

"Sit. Down. Now."

Before either could get a look at this 'pilot' of theirs, they were suddenly in their seats. Everyone would find their seatbelts on, and impossible to take off.

"I didn't want it to come to this, but your dear friend over there gave me no choice." I-No sighed. "I'm going to get a drink, then start the video. All you naughty children are on time-out until then."

Mary found herself planted in seat F5, next to Nagihiko. "Oh, great."


Then, they all got sent back to their seats, so there was never an opportunity to reply. No matter, she would ask after the flight landed. Ritsuka just took a sip of her Coke.

"Why would I accuse you of taking it if I had it? Do you see a hat on this head? If not for the clothes on my back, I'd be bare-naked!" Risky asked back, and huffed, "No. The answer's no-...oh, hold on..." The pirate queen raised a finger in request, and reached into her macabre top...


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...and pulled out a lockpick. Upon realizing what it was, Risky Boots went from appearing happily surprised, to utterly disappointed within the span of a second. "A flimsy lockpick. I could fashion one of these in my sleep, but..." she sighed and pocketed it away again, "it's something,"


"But who is this little sweetling?~"
she wondered aloud, in an uncharacteristically kind tone, as she bent down over her chair to come closer to Maria's eye-level, "Hmm?~ What's your name?"

@thatguyinthestore @Gummi Bunnies

"You looked confused when I said your stuff was gone, is all." Shantae said with a shrug, watching as she pulled out a lockpick.

"I mean... if there are any locked doors around, that could come in handy." Shantae said, and although her comment might have sounded sarcastic, it was really meant to be taken seriously. Despite the fact that her and Risky Boots were enemies, the half-genie wasn't about to be rude to her.

At least, not unless she was mad. Which she wasn't.

When Maria spoke of how she too didn't know what happened before she ended up on the plane, Shantae cupped her chin in thought.
"Hmm... that really is weird. That no one can remember what they were doing before they came here, I mean. It's like whoever kidnapped us didn't wa-"

Before Shantae could finish her thought, Risky had taken it upon herself to lean over the seat and look at Maria. Instead of saying anything about this, though, Shantae awkwardly sat there and waited on the girl to introduce herself.

@Archmage Jeremiah @Gummi Bunnies @Yun Lee

Talon's punch would land, all right-though he ended up punching Kars instead of I-No. Wait...that couldn't be right! She and Kars had literally been standing in each others' spots just one second ago.

"Well, aren't you a rowdy one?" She smiled, but in her eyes was pure malice. "Be a good boy and Sit. Down. Now." Not only would Talon find himself sitting down in his original seat, but so would everyone else.


Peter wouldn't find anything to resemble Captain Jack, save for a few bottles of beer (one empty) and a Penthouse magazine. However, a flush could be heard from a bathroom connected to the cockpit, and the door flew open with whistling heard inside.

"Sit. Down. Now."

Before either could get a look at this 'pilot' of theirs, they were suddenly in their seats. Everyone would find their seatbelts on, and impossible to take off.

"I didn't want it to come to this, but your dear friend over there gave me no choice." I-No sighed. "I'm going to get a drink, then start the video. All you naughty children are on time-out until then."

Mary found herself planted in seat F5, next to Nagihiko. "Oh, great."


My name's Maria! Uu! ❞
Maria didn't seem to mind introducing herself to more people. It was fun. Just like how she first met her very first friends... Though the introductions wouldn't last long with how they were suddenly strapped to their assigned seats with no apparent way of removing the seatbelts until later. Surely this was the power of magic at play here!


❝ Uu... when do we get off? Uu uu... Mama's waiting for me. ❞
The girl was confused to why the magic being used here was... different compared to the pleasant magic she adored. And now she was wondering when she'll be able to see her mom.

@thatguyinthestore @Archmage Jeremiah
"If I'm well known, I can't...won't be forgotten, and I can have a shrine of my own, which is why I even do the odd jobs and grant wishes, oh and slay giant beings called Ayakashi. A god with no shrine isn't much. I dunno about this Isle Delfino, but maybe we'll find out?" Yato shrugged. It didn't seem so odd speaking casually about this stuff. He couldn't help but wonder where Yukine was, and sadly couldn't remember if the boy was doing something important and wasn't with him. Groaning softly he looked out the window with a pout, grumbling to himself about blondes running off and being rascals or something along those lines.

Talon's punch would land, all right-though he ended up punching Kars instead of I-No. Wait...that couldn't be right! She and Kars had literally been standing in each others' spots just one second ago.

"Well, aren't you a rowdy one?" She smiled, but in her eyes was pure malice. "Be a good boy and Sit. Down. Now." Not only would Talon find himself sitting down in his original seat, but so would everyone else.


Peter wouldn't find anything to resemble Captain Jack, save for a few bottles of beer (one empty) and a Penthouse magazine. However, a flush could be heard from a bathroom connected to the cockpit, and the door flew open with whistling heard inside.

"Sit. Down. Now."

Before either could get a look at this 'pilot' of theirs, they were suddenly in their seats. Everyone would find their seatbelts on, and impossible to take off.

"I didn't want it to come to this, but your dear friend over there gave me no choice." I-No sighed. "I'm going to get a drink, then start the video. All you naughty children are on time-out until then."

Mary found herself planted in seat F5, next to Nagihiko. "Oh, great."



"Ayakashi?" Ernesti Echevalier's eyes widened. "Just the name sounds intimidating and awesome! Wonder if Ikaruga and I can wreck some of them one of these days... it'd be great if they posed more of a challenge than the Demon Beasts of my world..."

"Well Yato, it's impossible to be forgotten as long as you're alive. Even then, surely you've made some memories with others that are hard to forget."

Good, bad and embarassing alike, so they say. Mostly embarassing, for most people.

Just then, all were sealed to their seats by their seatbelts. Their impossible-to-remove seatbelts. Ernesti decided to remain calm during this whole matter, for panicking was not his forte.

@Takumi @Yun Lee
Talon's punch would land, all right-though he ended up punching Kars instead of I-No. Wait...that couldn't be right! She and Kars had literally been standing in each others' spots just one second ago.

"Well, aren't you a rowdy one?" She smiled, but in her eyes was pure malice. "Be a good boy and Sit. Down. Now." Not only would Talon find himself sitting down in his original seat, but so would everyone else.


Peter wouldn't find anything to resemble Captain Jack, save for a few bottles of beer (one empty) and a Penthouse magazine. However, a flush could be heard from a bathroom connected to the cockpit, and the door flew open with whistling heard inside.

"Sit. Down. Now."

Before either could get a look at this 'pilot' of theirs, they were suddenly in their seats. Everyone would find their seatbelts on, and impossible to take off.

"I didn't want it to come to this, but your dear friend over there gave me no choice." I-No sighed. "I'm going to get a drink, then start the video. All you naughty children are on time-out until then."

Mary found herself planted in seat F5, next to Nagihiko. "Oh, great."

"Tell me, Yusuke. Are there always troublemakers like that man causing trouble on planes for other passengers? If so, I wonder how this method of travel remains viable."

@Klutzy Ninja Kitty
"Princes and Princesses? I don't think I understand." Ritsuka said to the girl. She knew of historical ones, but this seemed... different. Like they weren't talking about that kind.

Then, they all got sent back to their seats, so there was never an opportunity to reply. No matter, she would ask after the flight landed. Ritsuka just took a sip of her Coke.

"Neither do I. What you got over there?" Kusanagi asked after a short pout. "I want- Eep!" Kusanagi held her hands out as if to brace herself and then felt her body to make sure she still had her parts and pieces. She was then silent, there was not much else to do other than be so at the moment, the one lady who seemed to be the reason she was transported to her seat was very grumpy for whatever reason and Kusanagi didn't want to incur her wrath on the plane. The seatbelt strapping itself in was not fun and she did not like being in the very back where she couldn't see anything.

Upset and confused she looked to the person seated next to her: Tony Stark. He looked like a corporate guy, Kusunagi hated corporate guys. She then looked to the window. "Stupid Kura-chan, stupid plane, stupid lady... stupid!" She complained as she stared out the window, completely agitated.

@York @Cromartie Sarkissian
Talon's punch would land, all right-though he ended up punching Kars instead of I-No. Wait...that couldn't be right! She and Kars had literally been standing in each others' spots just one second ago.

"Well, aren't you a rowdy one?" She smiled, but in her eyes was pure malice. "Be a good boy and Sit. Down. Now." Not only would Talon find himself sitting down in his original seat, but so would everyone else.


Peter wouldn't find anything to resemble Captain Jack, save for a few bottles of beer (one empty) and a Penthouse magazine. However, a flush could be heard from a bathroom connected to the cockpit, and the door flew open with whistling heard inside.

"Sit. Down. Now."

Before either could get a look at this 'pilot' of theirs, they were suddenly in their seats. Everyone would find their seatbelts on, and impossible to take off.

"I didn't want it to come to this, but your dear friend over there gave me no choice." I-No sighed. "I'm going to get a drink, then start the video. All you naughty children are on time-out until then."

Mary found herself planted in seat F5, next to Nagihiko. "Oh, great."


When Nagihiko would try to get up, he would find out that it would fail. With all the commotion going on, it's not much of a surprise. He then turns to see someone sitting next to him, "Excuse me miss, would you happen to have any idea as to what is going on?" He would ask her in a polite tone.

@Yun Lee

"Ayakashi?" Ernesti Echevalier's eyes widened. "Just the name sounds intimidating and awesome! Wonder if Ikaruga and I can wreck some of them one of these days... it'd be great if they posed more of a challenge than the Demon Beasts of my world..."

"Well Yato, it's impossible to be forgotten as long as you're alive. Even then, surely you've made some memories with others that are hard to forget."

Good, bad and embarassing alike, so they say. Mostly embarassing, for most people.

Just then, all were sealed to their seats by their seatbelts. Their impossible-to-remove seatbelts. Ernesti decided to remain calm during this whole matter, for panicking was not his forte.

@Takumi @Yun Lee

"Ayakashi can only be seen by gods, animals, and the Regalia, or Shinki, that help us gods fight them....and my friend, but she has a condition, kind of." Yato explained, but chuckled at Ernesti's enthusiasm.

"And...that's very true, there's someone who I've met that said she'd never forget me.." he smiled, then looked down when the seatbelts clicked into place, kind of killing the mood.

Well, he may as well relax, leaning back the god sighed. Ernesti's words bounced around here and there, making him want to work harder for those he had, especially her...

@Crow @Yun Lee

My name's Maria! Uu! ❞
Maria didn't seem to mind introducing herself to more people. It was fun. Just like how she first met her very first friends... Though the introductions wouldn't last long with how they were suddenly strapped to their assigned seats with no apparent way of removing the seatbelts until later. Surely this was the power of magic at play here!


❝ Uu... when do we get off? Uu uu... Mama's waiting for me. ❞
The girl was confused to why the magic being used here was... different compared to the pleasant magic she adored. And now she was wondering when she'll be able to see her mom.

@thatguyinthestore @Archmage Jeremiah
"We'll find your mom as soon as we get off." Shantae said down to Maria in an attempt to reassure the girl. Shantae hadn't known her for that long, and honestly wasn't really too attached to her yet, but her sense of morality and good will pretty much forced her to help this poor girl out.

Speaking of which...

The statement did reach Kars as soon as it left her lips. That, and the taunting attitude coming from a human, was almost enough to make the Pillar Man burst into an incoherent rage. His eyes visibly widened and, most likely to the pleasure of I-No, the all-powerful being looked genuinely shocked at his newfound weakness. This was an insult to over one-hundred millennia worth of planning. . .yet, the last statement prevented such rage to culminate to anything concrete.
Tch. As much as I abhor the concept. . .it seems as though my immunity to the sunlight is only because of this. . .downgrade I've received. Though I stand higher than the rest of these fools, I need not exert myself in something that will truly get myself killed. . .I don't even know what this is quite yet.


Kars will not find himself caught off guard so easily! My singular goal is to kill Joseph Joestar, and nothing will stop me from achieving this!

. . .and before that, eradicating the scum that thought to contain me in this 'vacation'. They'll all be dead before this is over.

It was almost humorous if it wasn't so annoying. It seemed as though Kars was given a second chance with the appearance of this plane, but at a cost of his abilities. He'd have to revert to the ways of thinking before he attained the power of the Red Stone. Caution and patience will be the key. The large man snickered after cooling himself off.


"Mmhmhm, fine, girl! Humor me with whatever you have to offer in this cute little trip, and I'll let you all live for couple more days," he said, before ---


The ancient seemed to respond to the witch's trick with a coy smile, his hand being thrown upwards and catching Talon's wrist, holding his fist a few inches away from his face. "Ha-haha. . .yes, more like this." Kars sneered before forcefully tossing the man out of his way. He would conveniently land into his seat, as dictated by I-No. Kars then sauntered over to his own seat and slipped into it. He seems quite. . .flexible for a seven foot walking mass of muscle. He'd sit in his seat proper, folding his leg upon his knee and crossing his arms, glaring over the sea of peasants in the plane. He didn't notice the seatbelts lock. Or, maybe he did, and doesn't care.

But, man, these people look disgusting.

@LuckycoolHawk9 @Yun Lee @Otto @thatguyinthestore @Verite @Kaykay @anybody down 2 rp.

Despite the fact that Talon and Kars were both on another end of the plane, they still managed to catch the attention of the half-genie hero, who was less than pleased with their tomfoolery.


"Can both of you knuckleheads knock that off?! There are children here for crying out loud!" Shantae shouted to the both of them from across the plane. Not even Risky tried fighting Shantae! All she did was yell a lot.

Kinda like what Shantae was doing right now, actually.

@CrunchyCHEEZIT @Otto @Gummi Bunnies @Archmage Jeremiah @Yun Lee

"Let's Fly, Let's Fly Away"

(Sign-ups can be found here.)

You wake up to the pleasant, but fairly loud, sound of a chime. You feel your head pounding faintly, as if being pulled out of a dream midway through. Despite it, a voice manages to reach through to your mind, clear as day.

"Goooood afternoon passengers, this is your buddy and pilot, Captain Jack speaking! Welcome to Air Delfino, the luxury airline that goes straight to-you guessed it-Isle Delfino! We should be ready to land in a few minutes, and I'll play a little introductory video for you when you need to buckle up. But for now, just go ahead and relax-feel free to get up and walk around, too. Restless Leg Syndrome is a bi-ouch!" Captain Jack pulls away from the mic, and begins a heated discussion with someone. After a few seconds, he returns. "...sorry about that. Our, uh, lovely flight attendant just alerted me that apparently, I'm not allowed to swear while on the clock. Talk about the pot calling the kettle black...
Oh-speaking of, feel free to press that button on the armrest if you want anything-and I do mean anything-from her. Jack out!"

By the time Captain Jack's announcement finished, you would find yourself fully awake, and with a better idea of your surroundings. For those of you who are familiar with airlines, you would recognize this as first class. Any one of you unfamiliar would find yourself in a rather high-tech room, where a glance out the window would reveal that you were thousands of feet in the air, over an endless blue ocean in a bright cloudless sky.

Your accommodations are quite luxurious. The chair you find yourself in is comfortable, with a remote control that lets you adjust firmness and softness, lean back or forward, raise or lower a footrest, and even give you a massage. You have a personal fan to cool you off, and a newspaper and some magazines to enjoy. There's also an HD TV in front of you, with channels 0-19 you can try out. 19, however, is currently unavailable. There is also a radio built into your chair that you can tinker with, headphones included. And, just as Captain Jack said, a big red button to call the flight attendant is right there.

In the back are restrooms, in the front is the cockpit. There are three rows of seats, with seats arranged in twos, but not all of them are filled up. Seating arrangements are as follows:

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A1: Yusuke
B1: Alesha
C1: Yumeko
F1: Kars
G1: Peter Parker
H1: The Doctor
A2: Ritsuka
B2: Ami
C2: Rita
F2: Talon
G2: Radec
H2: Hina
A3: Gon
B3: Starlow
C3: Risky
F3: Froppy
G3: Ernesti
H3: Yato
A4: All Might
B4: Luigi
C4: Shantae
F4: Maria
G4: Honoka
H4: Blake
A5: Kusunagi
B5: Tony Stark
C5: Nagihiko Fujisaki
F5: ???
G5: ???
H5: ???

You find that you are currently without equipment and powers, and on top of that, you have no recollection of how you got here. The last thing you can remember before waking up is becoming very, very drowsy and falling asleep. Now that you're awake, however, you can watch TV, listen to music, read, chat with your fellow passengers, or try to talk to your captain or flight attendant. After all...Jack never told you what Isle Delfino even is, did he?


@Archmage Jeremiah as Risky Boots (Shantae)
@Bucky as Honoka Kousaka (Love Live!)
@Cromartie Sarkissian as Tony Stark (The Superior Iron Man)
@Crow as Ernesti Echavalier (Knights & Magic)
@CrunchyCHEEZIT as Kars (Jojo's Bizarre Adventure)
@dark as Colonel Mael Radec (Killzone)
@Glostechk as Tsuyu Asui (Boku no Hero Academia)
@Gummi Bunnies as Maria Ushiromiya (Umineko no Naku Koro ni
@J A Y F R OM T H E 6 I X as Toshinori Yagi (Boku no Hero Academia)
@Jeremi as The Fourth Doctor (Doctor Who)
@Kaykay as Hina (Hinamatsuri)
@Kentucky as Peter Parker (The Amazing Spiderman)
@Klutzy Ninja Kitty as Yusuke Kitagawa (Persona 5)
@Leon Moretti as Nagihiko Fujisaki (Shugo Chara!)
@LuckycoolHawk9 as Rita Hanson (Groundhog Day: The Musical)
@Mason Moretti as Starlow (Mario and Luigi series)
@Midnight Maiden as Blake Belladonna (RWBY)
@Minerva as Ritsuka Fujimura (Fate/Grand Order)
@Otto as Talon (League of Legends)
@ShiroKiyoshi as Kusanagi (Phantom of the Kill)
@Takumi as Yato (Noragami)
@thatguyinthestore as Shantae (Shantae)
@The Myrmidon as Alesha, Who Smiles at Death (Magic: the Gathering)
@Verite as Gon Freeces (Hunter X Hunter)
@York as Ami Kawashima (Toradora!)
@Yun Lee as Yumeko Jabami (Kakegurui)​

Maria is now distracted by the TV. Most of the bickering between Shantae and Risky flew right over her head.

@thatguyinthestore @Archmage Jeremiah @others
Talon's punch would land, all right-though he ended up punching Kars instead of I-No. Wait...that couldn't be right! She and Kars had literally been standing in each others' spots just one second ago.

"Well, aren't you a rowdy one?" She smiled, but in her eyes was pure malice. "Be a good boy and Sit. Down. Now." Not only would Talon find himself sitting down in his original seat, but so would everyone else.


Peter wouldn't find anything to resemble Captain Jack, save for a few bottles of beer (one empty) and a Penthouse magazine. However, a flush could be heard from a bathroom connected to the cockpit, and the door flew open with whistling heard inside.

"Sit. Down. Now."

Before either could get a look at this 'pilot' of theirs, they were suddenly in their seats. Everyone would find their seatbelts on, and impossible to take off.

"I didn't want it to come to this, but your dear friend over there gave me no choice." I-No sighed. "I'm going to get a drink, then start the video. All you naughty children are on time-out until then."

Mary found herself planted in seat F5, next to Nagihiko. "Oh, great."

"Princes and Princesses? I don't think I understand." Ritsuka said to the girl. She knew of historical ones, but this seemed... different. Like they weren't talking about that kind.

Then, they all got sent back to their seats, so there was never an opportunity to reply. No matter, she would ask after the flight landed. Ritsuka just took a sip of her Coke.

"Neither do I. What you got over there?" Kusanagi asked after a short pout. "I want- Eep!" Kusanagi held her hands out as if to brace herself and then felt her body to make sure she still had her parts and pieces. She was then silent, there was not much else to do other than be so at the moment, the one lady who seemed to be the reason she was transported to her seat was very grumpy for whatever reason and Kusanagi didn't want to incur her wrath on the plane. The seatbelt strapping itself in was not fun and she did not like being in the very back where she couldn't see anything.

Upset and confused she looked to the person seated next to her: Tony Stark. He looked like a corporate guy, Kusunagi hated corporate guys. She then looked to the window. "Stupid Kura-chan, stupid plane, stupid lady... stupid!" She complained as she stared out the window, completely agitated.

@York @Cromartie Sarkissian
Ami Kawashima - Prologue: Stuck in a Can

It had been a good while since Ami had visited Ohashi High School... As she had taken a near full time job as a model since then. Perhaps she wished to try and leave her feelings for Ryuuji behind in the process; she knew better than to pursue him, seeing that his heart was already set on someone else from the very beginning.


Yet here she was, sitting in her usual spot between two vending machines... As if she were hoping Ryuuji, or anyone else might wander around, but... Why would they? Everyone she had known had graduated, after all.

Perhaps old habbits just die hard... But nonetheless, she spent the time she had alone here brooding. It had been a good, long while since she had caught a break, minus various plane rides, and her precious hours of rest she got between photo shoots, or the filming of some stupid commercial. She had almost gotten used to not having time to herself alltogether, but fortunately... Even a model such as her got a few holidays here and there, and... Funny enough, she was wasting this one away just sitting on the floor between vending machines, rather than doing anything even remotely productive...

Yet, what happened to her next seemed to have escaped her memory; the last thing she remembered, was dozing off at some point, her weariness of both her body and her mind finally catching up with her.


She awoke to a rather loud, blaring sound of a TV being turned on somewhere behind her... And instinctively, she picked up the nearest object to her (an empty plastic cup) and threw it towards Maria, before shooting up and suddenly shouting out in frustration.


"I'm trying to sleep! Put on some headphones will you-... ...!" She shouted in annoyance, getting up from her seat, before she suddenly trailed off, realizing where she was.

Somehow, she was on a plane, with a bunch of passengers she didn't recognize; was this some sort of modeling event? Was her visit to Ohashi Highschool just a dream? In either case though, she quickly realized she had acted rather rashly, immediately realizing her mistake in acting so rashly.

So, in a hasty attempt to make amends, she donned a more polite expression, quickly sitting down as she attempted to keep her voice level this time... Despite having been awoken from her beauty sleep, with no memory of how she got here and all, except maybe booking a flight.


"Ah... I mean... I'm Ami Kawashima. Who are you?" She asked, appearing to be trying to pretend her little outburst from before didn't happen at all.

It was then that the bathroom doors at the front of the plane whooshed open, without any time for anyone to catch a glimpse of the captain... Before their seatbelts suddenly clicked tight around everyone, securing their seats. Looks like someone had done something to make the captain angry, and it became harder and harder for Ami to maintai her composure, as she fruitlessly struggled against her seatbelt, trying to be as subtle as possible about attempting to remove it. She didn't really like it when such things were too tight around her....

@Minerva @ShiroKiyoshi @Gummi Bunnies @Archmage Jeremiah @thatguyinthestore
Talon's punch would land, all right-though he ended up punching Kars instead of I-No. Wait...that couldn't be right! She and Kars had literally been standing in each others' spots just one second ago.

"Well, aren't you a rowdy one?" She smiled, but in her eyes was pure malice. "Be a good boy and Sit. Down. Now." Not only would Talon find himself sitting down in his original seat, but so would everyone else.


Peter wouldn't find anything to resemble Captain Jack, save for a few bottles of beer (one empty) and a Penthouse magazine. However, a flush could be heard from a bathroom connected to the cockpit, and the door flew open with whistling heard inside.

"Sit. Down. Now."

Before either could get a look at this 'pilot' of theirs, they were suddenly in their seats. Everyone would find their seatbelts on, and impossible to take off.

"I didn't want it to come to this, but your dear friend over there gave me no choice." I-No sighed. "I'm going to get a drink, then start the video. All you naughty children are on time-out until then."

Mary found herself planted in seat F5, next to Nagihiko. "Oh, great."


Risky Boots blinked upon being snapped back into her seat in an instant, like she were a cartoon who had missed too many frames of animation. Listening to I-No's words, the lady-pirate rolled her eyes and exaggerated a loud groan before propping her head up in her hands.


"Great. Now I know who Hypno Baron would be if he were a patronizing control-freak harpy...and the slightest bit competent with magic," Risky droned on, "Did I seriously get pulled away from single-handedly conquering Sequin Land to be force-fed in-flight movies and stale airline food? Davy Jones help me..." With a deep, seething breath, Risky lifted her head up again and peered over her shoulder at Maria and Shantae, still sat behind her. "Take notes, Maria. This is a prime example of what not to be as a villain,"


"Be unabashed! Be direct! Be cruel!"
Risky preached to the young girl, "Not like this walking talking striptease - blech!" she feigned an expression of disgust, while simultaneously grinning in I-No's direction.

@Gummi Bunnies @Yun Lee

"We'll find your mom as soon as we get off." Shantae said down to Maria in an attempt to reassure the girl. Shantae hadn't known her for that long, and honestly wasn't really too attached to her yet, but her sense of morality and good will pretty much forced her to help this poor girl out.

Speaking of which...

Despite the fact that Talon and Kars were both on another end of the plane, they still managed to catch the attention of the half-genie hero, who was less than pleased with their tomfoolery.


"Can both of you knuckleheads knock that off?! There are children here for crying out loud!" Shantae shouted to the both of them from across the plane. Not even Risky tried fighting Shantae! All she did was yell a lot.

Kinda like what Shantae was doing right now, actually.

@CrunchyCHEEZIT @Otto @Gummi Bunnies @Archmage Jeremiah @Yun Lee

Ami Kawashima - Prologue: Stuck in a Can

It had been a good while since Ami had visited Ohashi High School... As she had taken a near full time job as a model since then. Perhaps she wished to try and leave her feelings for Ryuuji behind in the process; she knew better than to pursue him, seeing that his heart was already set on someone else from the very beginning.


Yet here she was, sitting in her usual spot between two vending machines... As if she were hoping Ryuuji, or anyone else might wander around, but... Why would they? Everyone she had known had graduated, after all.

Perhaps old habbits just die hard... But nonetheless, she spent the time she had alone here brooding. It had been a good, long while since she had caught a break, minus various plane rides, and her precious hours of rest she got between photo shoots, or the filming of some stupid commercial. She had almost gotten used to not having time to herself alltogether, but fortunately... Even a model such as her got a few holidays here and there, and... Funny enough, she was wasting this one away just sitting on the floor between vending machines, rather than doing anything even remotely productive...

Yet, what happened to her next seemed to have escaped her memory; the last thing she remembered, was dozing off at some point, her weariness of both her body and her mind finally catching up with her.


She awoke to a rather loud, blaring sound of a TV being turned on somewhere behind her... And instinctively, she picked up the nearest object to her (an empty plastic cup) and threw it towards Maria, before shooting up and suddenly shouting out in frustration.


"I'm trying to sleep! Put on some headphones will you-... ...!" She shouted in annoyance, getting up from her seat, before she suddenly trailed off, realizing where she was.

Somehow, she was on a plane, with a bunch of passengers she didn't recognize; was this some sort of modeling event? Was her visit to Ohashi Highschool just a dream? In either case though, she quickly realized she had acted rather rashly, immediately realizing her mistake in acting so rashly.

So, in a hasty attempt to make amends, she donned a more polite expression, quickly sitting down as she attempted to keep her voice level this time... Despite having been awoken from her beauty sleep, with no memory of how she got here and all, except maybe booking a flight.


"Ah... I mean... I'm Ami Kawashima. Who are you?" She asked, appearing to be trying to pretend her little outburst from before didn't happen at all.

It was then that the bathroom doors at the front of the plane whooshed open, without any time for anyone to catch a glimpse of the captain... Before their seatbelts suddenly clicked tight around everyone, securing their seats. Looks like someone had done something to make the captain angry, and it became harder and harder for Ami to maintai her composure, as she fruitlessly struggled against her seatbelt, trying to be as subtle as possible about attempting to remove it. She didn't really like it when such things were too tight around her....

@Minerva @ShiroKiyoshi @Gummi Bunnies @Archmage Jeremiah @thatguyinthestore
These people sure are rowdy.

Not only was Kusanagi stuck with someone she didn't like, she was short, had the window seat, a seat belt that kept her butt planted in her seat, and bored. With so much going on around her, she felt left out in her position and tried to peer through the seats to see what was going on. She knew that there were several arguments taking place and she heard someone toss something, but other than that she couldn't make anything out.

I can't wait 'til we arrive wherever. I need to find my artifact before I get a lecture from Masamune... Today couldn't get worse.
Risky Boots blinked upon being snapped back into her seat in an instant, like she were a cartoon who had missed too many frames of animation. Listening to I-No's words, the lady-pirate rolled her eyes and exaggerated a loud groan before propping her head up in her hands.

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"Great. Now I know who Hypno Baron would be if he were a patronizing control-freak harpy...and the slightest bit competent with magic," Risky droned on, "Did I seriously get pulled away from single-handedly conquering Sequin Land to be force-fed in-flight movies and stale airline food? Davy Jones help me..." With a deep, seething breath, Risky lifted her head up again and peered over her shoulder at Maria and Shantae, still sat behind her. "Take notes, Maria. This is a prime example of what not to be as a villain,"

View attachment 144926

"Be unabashed! Be direct! Be cruel!"
Risky preached to the young girl, "Not like this walking talking striptease - blech!" she feigned an expression of disgust, while simultaneously grinning in I-No's direction.

@Gummi Bunnies @Yun Lee

Shantae tried to swat Risky Boots away with her hands before she could corrupt Maria further.

@Archmage Jeremiah @Gummi Bunnies
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"We'll find your mom as soon as we get off." Shantae said down to Maria in an attempt to reassure the girl. Shantae hadn't known her for that long, and honestly wasn't really too attached to her yet, but her sense of morality and good will pretty much forced her to help this poor girl out.

Speaking of which...

Despite the fact that Talon and Kars were both on another end of the plane, they still managed to catch the attention of the half-genie hero, who was less than pleased with their tomfoolery.


"Can both of you knuckleheads knock that off?! There are children here for crying out loud!" Shantae shouted to the both of them from across the plane. Not even Risky tried fighting Shantae! All she did was yell a lot.

Kinda like what Shantae was doing right now, actually.

@CrunchyCHEEZIT @Otto @Gummi Bunnies @Archmage Jeremiah @Yun Lee

The half-genie seemed to amuse the Pillar Man, who crossed his arms and formed a sly smirk.


"Oh, I know. I'm looking at one."

Her hair is quite admirable though.

"Mmhmhm, fine, girl! Humor me with whatever you have to offer in this cute little trip, and I'll let you all live for couple more days," he said, before ---


The ancient seemed to respond to the witch's trick with a coy smile, his hand being thrown upwards and catching Talon's wrist, holding his fist a few inches away from his face. "Ha-haha. . .yes, more like this." Kars sneered before forcefully tossing the man out of his way. He would conveniently land into his seat, as dictated by I-No. Kars then sauntered over to his own seat and slipped into it. He seems quite. . .flexible for a seven foot walking mass of muscle. He'd sit in his seat proper, folding his leg upon his knee and crossing his arms, glaring over the sea of peasants in the plane. He didn't notice the seatbelts lock. Or, maybe he did, and doesn't care.

@LuckycoolHawk9 @Yun Lee @Otto @thatguyinthestore @Verite @Kaykay @anybody down 2 rp.​


Talon's eyes dilated and his composure broke when reality was distorted. Before he knew it, his attack was blocked and he found himself tossed aside. He tried to regain his balance, but he felt as if some greater power prevented him from doing so. He stumbled into his seat and felt the belt lock him in.

"Well, aren't you a rowdy one?" She smiled, but in her eyes was pure malice. "Be a good boy and Sit. Down. Now."
Despite being mostly powerless against I-No, he chuckled for a moment. She reminded him of LeBlanc.

"Without your pathetic magic, I could kill you in an instant..."

Relaxing in his chair, he refused to recognize how dire his predicament was.

As soon as this thing lands... I'll make a run for it. Then, I'll find a blade or four, and then we'll see who has the last laugh...

Rita Hanson

Rita didn't understand what sort of flight she was on- but she really didn't like what Talon had did. " Did you really think punching the flight attendant was a good idea? Like besides the assault charges, it seems this flight is nice," Rita said. Rita opened a new page in her diary.

"That...witch... is no attendant. I've seen their kind before. They act all kind and generous, but next thing you know, you're either dead or wish you were."

Apparently, Rita thought the flight was nice, which was the complete opposite of what Talon thought.

"Hmph. This place is a prison."

" So, are you going to tell me your name now or are you going to do something else stupid?" Talon very much reminded her of Phil. Another man who had no impulse control and was destructive to everyone around him.
After being asked for the 2nd time, Talon sighed and furrowed his eyebrows.

"My name's Talon. Are you always this annoying? Nevermind, don't answer that. I don't want to hear your voice any longer..."

Despite the fact that Talon and Kars were both on another end of the plane, they still managed to catch the attention of the half-genie hero, who was less than pleased with their tomfoolery.

"Can both of you knuckleheads knock that off?! There are children here for crying out loud!" Shantae shouted to the both of them from across the plane. Not even Risky tried fighting Shantae! All she did was yell a lot.

Kinda like what Shantae was doing right now, actually.
Talon looked at Shantae with an annoyed glare and raised his voice.

"Yeah, so? When I was a kid, I had to fight to survive! If anything, I'm a role model..."

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