Murder XIX: Trouble in Paradise

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Rita Hanson

Rita wasn't sure what to say to his phrasing of the word witch. " Well, she seemed fine before you pissed her off. I mean- what exactly was your plan?"

Rita was very curious about the rationale of the man, seeing as he reminded her a lot of Phil and that was bad.

I mean, we are flying a dozen feet in the air. I don't think jumping would have helped."

Rita made note of all of his gestures and wondered if he was going to finally supply his name.

" Well, my name is Rita. Also to answer your question- I am making conversation. Talking to people is a whole lot better than bottling your emotions." Rita wasn't about to shut up now. She had a high tolerance for assholes, and that was exactly how this guy was acting.

@Otto @Yun Lee
Ami Kawashima - Prologue: Stuck in a Can

It had been a good while since Ami had visited Ohashi High School... As she had taken a near full time job as a model since then. Perhaps she wished to try and leave her feelings for Ryuuji behind in the process; she knew better than to pursue him, seeing that his heart was already set on someone else from the very beginning.


Yet here she was, sitting in her usual spot between two vending machines... As if she were hoping Ryuuji, or anyone else might wander around, but... Why would they? Everyone she had known had graduated, after all.

Perhaps old habbits just die hard... But nonetheless, she spent the time she had alone here brooding. It had been a good, long while since she had caught a break, minus various plane rides, and her precious hours of rest she got between photo shoots, or the filming of some stupid commercial. She had almost gotten used to not having time to herself alltogether, but fortunately... Even a model such as her got a few holidays here and there, and... Funny enough, she was wasting this one away just sitting on the floor between vending machines, rather than doing anything even remotely productive...

Yet, what happened to her next seemed to have escaped her memory; the last thing she remembered, was dozing off at some point, her weariness of both her body and her mind finally catching up with her.


She awoke to a rather loud, blaring sound of a TV being turned on somewhere behind her... And instinctively, she picked up the nearest object to her (an empty plastic cup) and threw it towards Maria, before shooting up and suddenly shouting out in frustration.


"I'm trying to sleep! Put on some headphones will you-... ...!" She shouted in annoyance, getting up from her seat, before she suddenly trailed off, realizing where she was.

Somehow, she was on a plane, with a bunch of passengers she didn't recognize; was this some sort of modeling event? Was her visit to Ohashi Highschool just a dream? In either case though, she quickly realized she had acted rather rashly, immediately realizing her mistake in acting so rashly.

So, in a hasty attempt to make amends, she donned a more polite expression, quickly sitting down as she attempted to keep her voice level this time... Despite having been awoken from her beauty sleep, with no memory of how she got here and all, except maybe booking a flight.


"Ah... I mean... I'm Ami Kawashima. Who are you?" She asked, appearing to be trying to pretend her little outburst from before didn't happen at all.

It was then that the bathroom doors at the front of the plane whooshed open, without any time for anyone to catch a glimpse of the captain... Before their seatbelts suddenly clicked tight around everyone, securing their seats. Looks like someone had done something to make the captain angry, and it became harder and harder for Ami to maintai her composure, as she fruitlessly struggled against her seatbelt, trying to be as subtle as possible about attempting to remove it. She didn't really like it when such things were too tight around her....

@Minerva @ShiroKiyoshi @Gummi Bunnies @Archmage Jeremiah @thatguyinthestore

Ritsuka was next to the girl who was having an outburst, and even through her headphones she could hear it. It nearly made her spill Coke all over her Chaldea uniform. When she calmed down, Ritsuka took them off. She would be polite, because politeness can get you places. "Nice to meet you, Miss Kamashima. I'm Ritsuka Fujimura." She introduced herself and offered her hand.

@York @Yun Lee @Anyone
"Ah, an artist?" Yumeko looked to Mary. "You'd be a lovely model, Mary!"

"What?! D-Don't go volunteering me for things!" She crossed her arms. "...but I won't say no..."

I-No blew Yusuke a kiss, then turned to Kars, giggling as his punch failed. "Oh yeah, that was downright hilarious. You're a regular Jerry Lewis." I-No's smile soon grew humorless. "And like I'd tell you anything. Why don't you be a good boy and take a seat? Maybe try out that new mortality of yours?" She looked around. "That goes for all of you. The intro video is going on in five minutes-sit down!"

The young man seemed to be quite the excitable one with the right stimulus. A simple scroll of paper and he was beaming with pride as if he had slain his first dragon and would receive his true name soon, much like her clansmen did. There was something... heartwarming about it, to see a little joy in someone despite the circumstances. Perhaps it almost like a reminder that fortune would still favor them if they remained brave?

"I did give you my word, did I not? I will not refuse your request, young Yusuke," A slight up turn of her lips was the only visible sign of this turn of events pleasing her, but Alesha was quite overjoyed within her heart that Yusuke admired as he did. Though she had proven to her clan that she was the person she knew herself to be, the validation of an outsider who admired her was a welcome change. "I must admit, I have never done this... modeling as you call it. To me, only that you wish to record my image is enough to please me and that your passion is in..."

@Yun Lee @Klutzy Ninja Kitty

Talon's punch would land, all right-though he ended up punching Kars instead of I-No. Wait...that couldn't be right! She and Kars had literally been standing in each others' spots just one second ago.

"Well, aren't you a rowdy one?" She smiled, but in her eyes was pure malice. "Be a good boy and Sit. Down. Now." Not only would Talon find himself sitting down in his original seat, but so would everyone else.


Peter wouldn't find anything to resemble Captain Jack, save for a few bottles of beer (one empty) and a Penthouse magazine. However, a flush could be heard from a bathroom connected to the cockpit, and the door flew open with whistling heard inside.

"Sit. Down. Now."

Before either could get a look at this 'pilot' of theirs, they were suddenly in their seats. Everyone would find their seatbelts on, and impossible to take off.

"I didn't want it to come to this, but your dear friend over there gave me no choice." I-No sighed. "I'm going to get a drink, then start the video. All you naughty children are on time-out until then."

Mary found herself planted in seat F5, next to Nagihiko. "Oh, great."


"Tell me, Yusuke. Are there always troublemakers like that man causing trouble on planes for other passengers? If so, I wonder how this method of travel remains viable."

@Klutzy Ninja Kitty

Yusuke held out his fingers once again, forming them into the shape of a rectangle. He peered through his fingers once more, this time at Mary, nodding slightly when I-No would suggest her for a model. He paid absolutely no mind to the kiss that she blew him, the act going right over his oblivious head. "I have to agree. You would make a rather satisfactory model. You could even consider it your way of making up for the fact that you were unable to help me locate my missing sketchbook." Although some may have considered the artist's comment a dry joke, the boy was actually serious.

Returning his gaze back to Alesha, the male nodded. "How kind! It fills me with joy to see that you're so willing to pose for my art. I'll try not to let you down, Alesha-san," he stated, flipping open the sketchbook and grasping one of of his pencils in his hand. Before he could retain any amount of focus to even press the tip of his pencil against the paper, however, he caught wind of the individuals who had begun to fight. He watched as they would get not only themselves, but everyone else in trouble as well. He let out a sigh, staring down flatly at the seatbelt that was now restraining him.


"How rude. We've done nothing wrong. Why should we be punished for this too? It's going to be harder to draw in these conditions," he muttered to himself before glancing at Alesha once more. "Believe it or not, yes, there have been plenty of odd incidents on airplanes where I come from. I've not witnessed anything violent myself, however, I did end up flying to another location due to a storm interfering with my planned flight once. Not that I'm complaining..." A small smile tugged at his lips as he recalled the memory. Because his flight had changed, he ended up getting to go to Hawaii with his friends instead. It had been a blessing in disguise.

"Now then, I'm going to try and start this drawing," Yusuke finally said, straightening his back in his seat. "You may sit naturally as you usually would. While I would typically suggest a pose or even that you remove your clothing, I find it nigh impossible that you would be able to do such a thing while these belts restrain us."

And with that, Yusuke began drawing, entering his zone of focus.

@Khan of the Mardu @Yun Lee @Whoever​
The half-genie seemed to amuse the Pillar Man, who crossed his arms and formed a sly smirk.


"Oh, I know. I'm looking at one."

Her hair is quite admirable though.


Talon's eyes dilated and his composure broke when reality was distorted. Before he knew it, his attack was blocked and he found himself tossed aside. He tried to regain his balance, but he felt as if some greater power prevented him from doing so. He stumbled into his seat and felt the belt lock him in.

Despite being mostly powerless against I-No, he chuckled for a moment. She reminded him of LeBlanc.

"Without your pathetic magic, I could kill you in an instant..."

Relaxing in his chair, he refused to recognize how dire his predicament was.

As soon as this thing lands... I'll make a run for it. Then, I'll find a blade or four, and then we'll see who has the last laugh...

"That...witch... is no attendant. I've seen their kind before. They act all kind and generous, but next thing you know, you're poisoned."

Apparently, Rita thought the flight was nice, which was the complete opposite of what Talon thought.

"This place is a prison."

After being asked for the 2nd time, Talon sighed and furrowed his eyebrows.

"My name's Talon. Are you always this annoying? Nevermind, don't answer that. I don't want to hear your voice any longer..."

Talon looked at Shantae with an annoyed glare and raised his voice.

"Yeah, so? When I was a kid, I had to fight to survive! If anything, I'm a role model..."

"You" Shantae struggled to get her words out, as she was so worked up that she couldn't even think of a proper name to call Kars. Instead, she focused on Talon, who also responded around this point. "It doesn't matter how you grew up, children or no children, you shouldn't be fighting on an airplane in the first place!" She shouted to Talon. Right when she said this, Risky Boots spoke up again, causing Shantae to turn to her in annoyance.
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"Oh grow up, twerp," Risky mocked, "you're surrounded by fighters, just like yourself; some far worse than me, I suspect. Maria's going to learn how to fight from one of them, so why not from the devil you know? Ho ho ho.~"

@thatguyinthestore @Gummi Bunnies
"Yeah, there may be plenty of fighters here, but that doesn't mean that they should start random fights on the plane." Shantae responded to Risky, though she was no longer yelling due to the fact that Risky was within a much closer proximity than Talon and Kars. "Also, I think it'd be better if Maria learned how to fight from me. I always end up beating you in the end, after all." The half-genie said with a smug smile which formed on the corner of her mouth.


Yusuke held out his fingers once again, forming them into the shape of a rectangle. He peered through his fingers once more, this time at Mary, nodding slightly when I-No would suggest her for a model. He paid absolutely no mind to the kiss that she blew him, the act going right over his oblivious head. "I have to agree. You would make a rather satisfactory model. You could even consider it your way of making up for the fact that you were unable to help me locate my missing sketchbook." Although some may have considered the artist's comment a dry joke, the boy was actually serious.

Returning his gaze back to Alesha, the male nodded. "How kind! It fills me with joy to see that you're so willing to pose for my art. I'll try not to let you down, Alesha-san," he stated, flipping open the sketchbook and grasping one of of his pencils in his hand. Before he could retain any amount of focus to even press the tip of his pencil against the paper, however, he caught wind of the individuals who had begun to fight. He watched as they would get not only themselves, but everyone else in trouble as well. He let out a sigh, staring down flatly at the seatbelt that was now restraining him.


"How rude. We've done nothing wrong. Why should we be punished for this too? It's going to be harder to draw in these conditions," he muttered to himself before glancing at Alesha once more. "Believe it or not, yes, there have been plenty of odd incidents on airplanes where I come from. I've not witnessed anything violent myself, however, I did end up flying to another location due to a storm interfering with my planned flight once. Not that I'm complaining..." A small smile tugged at his lips as he recalled the memory. Because his flight had changed, he ended up getting to go to Hawaii with his friends instead. It had been a blessing in disguise.

"Now then, I'm going to try and start this drawing," Yusuke finally said, straightening his back in his seat. "You may sit naturally as you usually would. While I would typically suggest a pose or even that you remove your clothing, I find it nigh impossible that you would be able to do such a thing while these belts restrain us."

And with that, Yusuke began drawing, entering his zone of focus.

@Khan of the Mardu @Yun Lee @Whoever​
In all honesty, Luigi almost screamed when he was suddenly thrust back into his seat, and he did let out a small shrill when the seatbelt suddenly fastened and he was unable to remove it. Though, the only two things that stopped him was that he didn't want to look like a wimp, and he also heard someone around him talking. After taking a look at the person sitting beside him, he decided it wasn't best to talk to him. Mainly because that guy intimidated the crap out of Luigi.

Instead, Luigi focused his attention on a man near him who appeared to have an interest in drawing. "Uhh... excuse me!" Luigi said with a jittery wave in an attempt to get Yusuke's attention. "Sorry to-a interrupt, but I couldn't help but hear that you liked to draw?" Luigi asked in an attempt to make conversation with Yusuke.

@Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Khan of the Mardu

Yusuke held out his fingers once again, forming them into the shape of a rectangle. He peered through his fingers once more, this time at Mary, nodding slightly when I-No would suggest her for a model. He paid absolutely no mind to the kiss that she blew him, the act going right over his oblivious head. "I have to agree. You would make a rather satisfactory model. You could even consider it your way of making up for the fact that you were unable to help me locate my missing sketchbook." Although some may have considered the artist's comment a dry joke, the boy was actually serious.

Returning his gaze back to Alesha, the male nodded. "How kind! It fills me with joy to see that you're so willing to pose for my art. I'll try not to let you down, Alesha-san," he stated, flipping open the sketchbook and grasping one of of his pencils in his hand. Before he could retain any amount of focus to even press the tip of his pencil against the paper, however, he caught wind of the individuals who had begun to fight. He watched as they would get not only themselves, but everyone else in trouble as well. He let out a sigh, staring down flatly at the seatbelt that was now restraining him.


"How rude. We've done nothing wrong. Why should we be punished for this too? It's going to be harder to draw in these conditions," he muttered to himself before glancing at Alesha once more. "Believe it or not, yes, there have been plenty of odd incidents on airplanes where I come from. I've not witnessed anything violent myself, however, I did end up flying to another location due to a storm interfering with my planned flight once. Not that I'm complaining..." A small smile tugged at his lips as he recalled the memory. Because his flight had changed, he ended up getting to go to Hawaii with his friends instead. It had been a blessing in disguise.

"Now then, I'm going to try and start this drawing," Yusuke finally said, straightening his back in his seat. "You may sit naturally as you usually would. While I would typically suggest a pose or even that you remove your clothing, I find it nigh impossible that you would be able to do such a thing while these belts restrain us."

And with that, Yusuke began drawing, entering his zone of focus.

@Khan of the Mardu @Yun Lee @Whoever​
"Quite ridiculous, yes. I understand the need for safety, but among my people, only the troublemaker would be punished..." Alesha sighed while resting her head against her hand as her elbow supported it on the armrest, a rather annoyed expression on her lips. The only softening of her features that took place were because of the instructions given by Yusuke, nodding before leaning back to relax, "Alright, I will try my best, my friend. It would be best to not allow the mistakes of others ruin your craftmanship."

With their indefinite stay in the seats now, the khan would allow her new companion to set to work in peace. Her breathing slowed as her eyes closed, her expression relaxing as she tried to clear her mind for a little while. There was no need for sleep at the moment in her mind, and she did not aim to do so - instead, she was quietly slipping into an almost meditative state, thinking in her mind over the current situation in peace. These moments of quiet thought to herself were often crucial before the time of battle, allowing her to devise a few final orders to give her men to secure victory before losing herself to the bloodlust of combat - and it would help Yusuke draw a natural portrait as many who saw her like this all stated that, next to her moments of passion in battle, she looked the most at peace while simply contemplating.

@Khan of the Mardu @Yun Lee
Peter froze when he heard the stern voice bellowing towards him. It hit him like a bag of ice slapping across his back; and even stranger, he got no sense of the impending danger of whoever it was.

And then he was back in his seat, the belt flying over his shoulder and abdomen, strapped him in tight and well. "Uh, I think this is some blatant disregard for the customer's well being! I mean, you can't just..." He grunted, pulling on the seat belt. "...just teleport us around like that!" Upon realizing there would be no tearing off this seatbelt, he threw his head back onto his seat and groaned. "This isn't happening, this isn't happening, this isn't happening..." He muttered under his breath.

But this was happening, and there was nothing Peter could do to deny that. He supposed if anything, he could try the TV. He turned it to Channel 14, sighing.

@Yun Lee @Jeremi @Whoever
In all honesty, Luigi almost screamed when he was suddenly thrust back into his seat, and he did let out a small shrill when the seatbelt suddenly fastened and he was unable to remove it. Though, the only two things that stopped him was that he didn't want to look like a wimp, and he also heard someone around him talking. After taking a look at the person sitting beside him, he decided it wasn't best to talk to him. Mainly because that guy intimidated the crap out of Luigi.

Instead, Luigi focused his attention on a man near him who appeared to have an interest in drawing. "Uhh... excuse me!" Luigi said with a jittery wave in an attempt to get Yusuke's attention. "Sorry to-a interrupt, but I couldn't help but hear that you liked to draw?" Luigi asked in an attempt to make conversation with Yusuke.

@Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Khan of the Mardu

"Quite ridiculous, yes. I understand the need for safety, but among my people, only the troublemaker would be punished..." Alesha sighed while resting her head against her hand as her elbow supported it on the armrest, a rather annoyed expression on her lips. The only softening of her features that took place were because of the instructions given by Yusuke, nodding before leaning back to relax, "Alright, I will try my best, my friend. It would be best to not allow the mistakes of others ruin your craftmanship."

With their indefinite stay in the seats now, the khan would allow her new companion to set to work in peace. Her breathing slowed as her eyes closed, her expression relaxing as she tried to clear her mind for a little while. There was no need for sleep at the moment in her mind, and she did not aim to do so - instead, she was quietly slipping into an almost meditative state, thinking in her mind over the current situation in peace. These moments of quiet thought to herself were often crucial before the time of battle, allowing her to devise a few final orders to give her men to secure victory before losing herself to the bloodlust of combat - and it would help Yusuke draw a natural portrait as many who saw her like this all stated that, next to her moments of passion in battle, she looked the most at peace while simply contemplating.

@Khan of the Mardu @Yun Lee
Once the boy started drawing, he heard not a single thing outside of the sound of graphite dragging along his paper. It wouldn't have even mattered if there had been an explosion on the plane. He still would've been as focused as ever. He didn't reply to Alesha or even Luigi when he arrived, focusing only on Alesha's aesthetics and creating the best possible composition on his paper.


"Ah... yes... Hmm... Wait... No... Mmm, no, that's not right."

The young artist furrowed his brows, after a moment tearing the piece of paper from his sketchbook and crumbling it into a ball. He dropped it on the floor and put his head in his hands afterwards. "It's... no good. I fear I still have this ridiculous artist's block. I just... haven't been able to eradicate it lately. How can this be? It's never been this bad before, not even after I moved out of Sens-- I mean, Madarame's house..."

After talking to himself, he glanced up to look between Alesha and Luigi, blinking once.

"Sorry, did either of you say anything?"

@Khan of the Mardu @thatguyinthestore @Yun Lee
  • Love
Reactions: Mason Moretti
"You" Shantae struggled to get her words out, as she was so worked up that she couldn't even think of a proper name to call Kars. Instead, she focused on Talon, who also responded around this point. "It doesn't matter how you grew up, children or no children, you shouldn't be fighting on an airplane in the first place!" She shouted to Talon. Right when she said this, Risky Boots spoke up again, causing Shantae to turn to her in annoyance.

"Yeah, there may be plenty of fighters here, but that doesn't mean that they should start random fights on the plane." Shantae responded to Risky, though she was no longer yelling due to the fact that Risky was within a much closer proximity than Talon and Kars. "Also, I think it'd be better if Maria learned how to fight from me. I always end up beating you in the end, after all." The half-genie said with a smug smile which formed on the corner of her mouth.


"I concede that you do successfully foil me at every turn through chance victories..." Risky began matter-of-factly, then leaned in to quiet her voice, "but children are cruel, Shantae; and I'm very in-touch with my inner child. Ho ho ho ho~..." she cackled quietly.

@thatguyinthestore @Gummi Bunnies
"Neither do I. What you got over there?" Kusanagi asked after a short pout. "I want- Eep!" Kusanagi held her hands out as if to brace herself and then felt her body to make sure she still had her parts and pieces. She was then silent, there was not much else to do other than be so at the moment, the one lady who seemed to be the reason she was transported to her seat was very grumpy for whatever reason and Kusanagi didn't want to incur her wrath on the plane. The seatbelt strapping itself in was not fun and she did not like being in the very back where she couldn't see anything.

Upset and confused she looked to the person seated next to her: Tony Stark. He looked like a corporate guy, Kusunagi hated corporate guys. She then looked to the window. "Stupid Kura-chan, stupid plane, stupid lady... stupid!" She complained as she stared out the window, completely agitated.

@York @Cromartie Sarkissian
"Hey Hey Hey" Tony muttered to himself, stroking his goatee and drawing his eyes away from the million-dollar view that sat right outside their window. That peaceful blue abyss seemed to stretch on forever. Once you're outside that metal box, all it is is mile upon mile of Sun, surf, and sand. How he envied to the be able to soar over it all, feeling the wind on its nose and the clouds under its wing...

Note to Future Tony: Take a quick joy ride somewhere nice when you get home. You've earned it

"Quit your complaining! It could be way worse! You're getting a free trip to what I can only presume it some beautiful Latin Island-- albeit on a touch-too-economy-vessel for my liking- and- and this is a big and- you get to sit next to Tony Stark"
The billionaire tipped down towards the end of his nose "What's it gonna be? An autograph? A selfie? I can just tell today is your lucky day"
Peter would get to see this video:

"If I knew, I'd tell you," Mary told Nagihiko. She tried to pull her seatbelt off, or at least wiggle out of it, but she was stuck.

I-No returned, wine in hand, smiling at the group. Leaning on the doorway she swirled her wine around in the glass. "So...are we ready to behave?"


"Yumeko! She literally has us trapped in our seats!"

"But even so...we've been so rude for no reason. Anyone would be angry!"

I-No smiled. "Your friend is a little sweetie, Mary. You could learn from that." Mary grumbled, but I-No ignored her. "Well then, I'll go ahead and start that video."

I-No was about to leave when Risky's comments reached her ears. Stopping in the threshhold to the cockpit, I-No marely stood, her back facing the group, silently listening to all the conversations around. After a few moments, she spoke.

"The Devil, huh..." She glanced behind, staring at Risky. "What if I told you I could bring him here? After all, you're making my powers that much stronger. All of you." She turned around, looking at them all triumphantly. "Keep fueling me. Your irritation, your confusion, your fear...none of you can imagine how good it feels. And trust me, he'll feel it, too." She turned back and walked into the cockpit.

The only real sound anyone could hear was some shuffling around, until you heard a man's voice. "No! Please! C'mon, I-No, we can talk this out!"

"Sorry, Jack, but they gave me no choice." I-No then walked out, in a completely different outfit, complete with a guitar. She slammed the door to the cockpit so hard the thing jammed, and you could hear a string of muttered curses from the other side and the frantic attempts of the man to open the door.


"I tried to be nice, you know. Us red witches try so fucking hard to please our guests. Be good hostesses, you know? I tried to give you everything you wanted, even give you a little video to let you all get acquainted with the tropical paradise that you don't even deserve to enjoy, and yet you ungrateful little shits repay be by trying to attack me, then mock me behind my back!"

Just then, the door swung open, and a man emerged. From his voice, you could tell this was Captain Jack.


"I-No, seriously! Take it easy! We really don't have to get him involved! How about we just stick to the original plan, huh? Show them that crappy video, land this baby nice and easy-"

"Jack, shut the fuck up!" Without even looking behind her, I-No would strum on her guitar. Jack would be enveloped by a cloud of blue and black energy, and just seconds later, both he and the cloud would be gone without a trace.

"Wait...isn't he the one flying the plane?!"

"Oh please, that boy couldn't even get a paper airplane to fly! You've been on autopilot this whole damn time! But you know what? I think it's time for a little turbulence!"


She began playing her guitar, powerful chords that resonated throughout the cabin. So loud and powerful, the sheer force of the sound waves caused the plane to shake as if an earthquake managed to find them all high up in the air, even going so far as to spin in circles-and no, there weren't any barf bags . The lights went off, but the sheer electricity off I-No's guitar kept lights flowing, constantly flashing in yellows and greens.

"B-But wait!" Yumeko gasped. "If the electricity is off..."

In the back, Mary struggled to get her seatbelt off. "No! No!!!" She looked around. "We're gonna crash!!!!"

Sure enough, everyone was trapped, seatbelts stuck tight, and the plane started taking a nosedive. All anyone could do was scream and try to brace for what had to be an inevitable death, the last thing they heard being the mad wailings on I-No's guitar.


You would wake up to a bright light in your face. Could this be the afterlife? The great beyond? Opening your eyes, you would realize this is not the case. Instead, you find yourself awake on some sort of rocky white ground, under the brightest sunlight you've ever felt. Instantly you're hit by just how hot it is, the heat engulfing you. Miraculously, that seems to be the only thing that bothers you-you feel no pain whatsoever. Which is behind you sits the airplane, a complete wreck. Luckily everyone seems to be accounted for.

"Mary? Where are you?"

Or not. As Yumeko seems to realize, Mary Saotome is missing. Maybe you can try looking in the wreckage? Or looking around to figure out where you are. Through the heatwaves, you can make out some figures nearby...maybe they can help you.

@Archmage Jeremiah as Risky Boots (Shantae)
@Bucky as Honoka Kousaka (Love Live!)
@Cromartie Sarkissian as Tony Stark (The Superior Iron Man)
@Crow as Ernesti Echavalier (Knights & Magic)
@CrunchyCHEEZIT as Kars (Jojo's Bizarre Adventure)
@dark as Colonel Mael Radec (Killzone)
@Glostechk as Tsuyu Asui (Boku no Hero Academia)
@Gummi Bunnies as Maria Ushiromiya (Umineko no Naku Koro ni
@J A Y F R OM T H E 6 I X as Toshinori Yagi (Boku no Hero Academia)
@Jeremi as The Fourth Doctor (Doctor Who)
@Kaykay as Hina (Hinamatsuri)
@Kentucky as Peter Parker (The Amazing Spiderman)
@Klutzy Ninja Kitty as Yusuke Kitagawa (Persona 5)
@Leon Moretti as Nagihiko Fujisaki (Shugo Chara!)
@LuckycoolHawk9 as Rita Hanson (Groundhog Day: The Musical)
@Mason Moretti as Starlow (Mario and Luigi series)
@Midnight Maiden as Hiyori Iki (Noragami)
@Minerva as Ritsuka Fujimura (Fate/Grand Order)
@Otto as Talon (League of Legends)
@ShiroKiyoshi as Kusanagi (Phantom of the Kill)
@Takumi as Yato (Noragami)
@thatguyinthestore as Shantae (Shantae)
@Khan of the Mardu as Alesha, Who Smiles at Death (Magic: the Gathering)
@Verite as Gon Freeces (Hunter X Hunter)
@York as Ami Kawashima (Toradora!)
@Yun Lee as Yumeko Jabami (Kakegurui)​
Peter would get to see this video:

"If I knew, I'd tell you," Mary told Nagihiko. She tried to pull her seatbelt off, or at least wiggle out of it, but she was stuck.

I-No returned, wine in hand, smiling at the group. Leaning on the doorway she swirled her wine around in the glass. "So...are we ready to behave?"


"Yumeko! She literally has us trapped in our seats!"

"But even so...we've been so rude for no reason. Anyone would be angry!"

I-No smiled. "Your friend is a little sweetie, Mary. You could learn from that." Mary grumbled, but I-No ignored her. "Well then, I'll go ahead and start that video."

I-No was about to leave when Risky's comments reached her ears. Stopping in the threshhold to the cockpit, I-No marely stood, her back facing the group, silently listening to all the conversations around. After a few moments, she spoke.

"The Devil, huh..." She glanced behind, staring at Risky. "What if I told you I could bring him here? After all, you're making my powers that much stronger. All of you." She turned around, looking at them all triumphantly. "Keep fueling me. Your irritation, your confusion, your fear...none of you can imagine how good it feels. And trust me, he'll feel it, too." She turned back and walked into the cockpit.

The only real sound anyone could hear was some shuffling around, until you heard a man's voice. "No! Please! C'mon, I-No, we can talk this out!"

"Sorry, Jack, but they gave me no choice." I-No then walked out, in a completely different outfit, complete with a guitar. She slammed the door to the cockpit so hard the thing jammed, and you could hear a string of muttered curses from the other side and the frantic attempts of the man to open the door.


"I tried to be nice, you know. Us red witches try so fucking hard to please our guests. Be good hostesses, you know? I tried to give you everything you wanted, even give you a little video to let you all get acquainted with the tropical paradise that you don't even deserve to enjoy, and yet you ungrateful little shits repay be by trying to attack me, then mock me behind my back!"

Just then, the door swung open, and a man emerged. From his voice, you could tell this was Captain Jack.

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"I-No, seriously! Take it easy! We really don't have to get him involved! How about we just stick to the original plan, huh? Show them that crappy video, land this baby nice and easy-"

"Jack, shut the fuck up!" Without even looking behind her, I-No would strum on her guitar. Jack would be enveloped by a cloud of blue and black energy, and just seconds later, both he and the cloud would be gone without a trace.

"Wait...isn't he the one flying the plane?!"

"Oh please, that boy couldn't even get a paper airplane to fly! You've been on autopilot this whole damn time! But you know what? I think it's time for a little turbulence!"


She began playing her guitar, powerful chords that resonated throughout the cabin. So loud and powerful, the sheer force of the sound waves caused the plane to shake as if an earthquake managed to find them all high up in the air, even going so far as to spin in circles-and no, there weren't any barf bags . The lights went off, but the sheer electricity off I-No's guitar kept lights flowing, constantly flashing in yellows and greens.

"B-But wait!" Yumeko gasped. "If the electricity is off..."

In the back, Mary struggled to get her seatbelt off. "No! No!!!" She looked around. "We're gonna crash!!!!"

Sure enough, everyone was trapped, seatbelts stuck tight, and the plane started taking a nosedive. All anyone could do was scream and try to brace for what had to be an inevitable death, the last thing they heard being the mad wailings on I-No's guitar.


You would wake up to a bright light in your face. Could this be the afterlife? The great beyond? Opening your eyes, you would realize this is not the case. Instead, you find yourself awake on some sort of rocky white ground, under the brightest sunlight you've ever felt. Instantly you're hit by just how hot it is, the heat engulfing you. Miraculously, that seems to be the only thing that bothers you-you feel no pain whatsoever. Which is behind you sits the airplane, a complete wreck. Luckily everyone seems to be accounted for.

"Mary? Where are you?"

Or not. As Yumeko seems to realize, Mary Saotome is missing. Maybe you can try looking in the wreckage? Or looking around to figure out where you are. Through the heatwaves, you can make out some figures nearby...maybe they can help you.

@Archmage Jeremiah as Risky Boots (Shantae)
@Bucky as Honoka Kousaka (Love Live!)
@Cromartie Sarkissian as Tony Stark (The Superior Iron Man)
@Crow as Ernesti Echavalier (Knights & Magic)
@CrunchyCHEEZIT as Kars (Jojo's Bizarre Adventure)
@dark as Colonel Mael Radec (Killzone)
@Glostechk as Tsuyu Asui (Boku no Hero Academia)
@Gummi Bunnies as Maria Ushiromiya (Umineko no Naku Koro ni
@J A Y F R OM T H E 6 I X as Toshinori Yagi (Boku no Hero Academia)
@Jeremi as The Fourth Doctor (Doctor Who)
@Kaykay as Hina (Hinamatsuri)
@Kentucky as Peter Parker (The Amazing Spiderman)
@Klutzy Ninja Kitty as Yusuke Kitagawa (Persona 5)
@Leon Moretti as Nagihiko Fujisaki (Shugo Chara!)
@LuckycoolHawk9 as Rita Hanson (Groundhog Day: The Musical)
@Mason Moretti as Starlow (Mario and Luigi series)
@Midnight Maiden as Hiyori Iki (Noragami)
@Minerva as Ritsuka Fujimura (Fate/Grand Order)
@Otto as Talon (League of Legends)
@ShiroKiyoshi as Kusanagi (Phantom of the Kill)
@Takumi as Yato (Noragami)
@thatguyinthestore as Shantae (Shantae)
@Khan of the Mardu as Alesha, Who Smiles at Death (Magic: the Gathering)
@Verite as Gon Freeces (Hunter X Hunter)
@York as Ami Kawashima (Toradora!)
@Yun Lee as Yumeko Jabami (Kakegurui)​

Ernesti Echevalier stood up, taking in the smell of the crashed plane.


"It's beautiful... and fragrant... to think that even a broken machine has its fair share of charm..."

Ernesti Echevalier was utterly seduced by the crashed plane, to the point of forgetting that he was in the plane crash and miraculously made it out with no injuries.

Someone better snap him out of it.

@Takumi @Mason Moretti @Leon Moretti @York @Yun Lee @thatguyinthestore @etcetcetc​
Inside the cockpit, The Doctor would find...nobody. The room was completely empty. The controls seemed to be all right, set to autopilot...but where was Captain Jack? If The Doctor was looking for a good mystery, it looks like he just found one.



"Tch! 'Woman'?! My name is Mary, so you better-gulp!" Mary froze in horror as she realized just who was talking to her. What the Hell? Was this guy some sort of giant?!

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"Oh!" Yumeko popped up right beside Kars. "I see you've met my seatmate, Mary! What's your name, sir? I'm Yumeko!"

"Y-Yumeko..." Did she not realize how scary this guy was?!

Apparently not.


"I forgot to tell you Mary-that uniform is so cute! How did you get this job? Don't you come from a prominent family?"

"H-Hold on!" Mary put her hands up, taking a step back from everyone. "Give me a second, will you?! First of all, you're on an airplane. Second of all, no, I have no idea where we're going. All I know is that I got a job as a flight attendant, lost a game of cards during takeoff, and that's it." She put her hands to her temples. "I...I can't remember much else. It's weird! And I have no idea where your sketchbook is."

"Eh? Can't remember? Do you have amnesia?"

"No-nothing like that. At least, I don't think so...I know who I am, who you are, going to school...but when I try to think about why I got this job, or anything about mind goes blank. It makes no sense!"

@The Myrmidon @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @CrunchyCHEEZIT @thatguyinthestore

"Wonderful!" The Doctor exclaimed at the sight of no pilot. "It appears we have no pilot!"

Peter Parker woke up.


He could distinctly remember the sensation of succumbing to sleep before had emerged onto the plane; just moments before he had been resting on the roof of a slum apartment in Queens, head sat on his hands as he stared up at the blue sky, wispy clouds floating on. Now, he noticed, he only had to look to his side to spy the clouds.

Past the man sitting next to him was the window, only a glass pane between them and the outside air. Peter blinked underneath his mask, then grabbed at his wrists, as they felt... empty. Sure enough, there were no web shooters attached, and he groaned. Great... what's a spider without webs? He thought, rubbing at his head. Then, the intercom blared.

He listened attentively to Captain Jack's speech, crossing his arms and tossing a leg up so its ankle rested on the other's knee. Spider-Man let things happen, considering pushing the button but noticing his seat's partner doing it for him.

After the man and the attendant had conversed, the man had taken off. Peter looked down at the magazine, squinting at the rockers sitting on the front. He never was much of a music magazine fan. Thus, he took chase after his compatriot, following him into the cockpit. "You look like you know what you're doing, so I guess I'll-" He stopped himself before he could continue. There was not a soul in the cockpit.

"What?" Was all he could utter. Nobody. No Captain Jack, no co-pilot. Nothing. Just Peter and the other man. "Huh. Well, isn't this something else."

@Jeremi @Yun Lee


"That's a good eye you got there!"
The Doctor beamed. "I know exactly what I'm doing!" He then looked over the empty cockpit again. "Too bad some people have no clue what they're doing. No clue at all!"

Peter continued his investigation of the cockpit, sliding down into the pilot's seat and looking over the dashboard. "You think the pilot's a ghost? That would be rad." He spoke from behind the mask, talking to the man who had entered before him. "Uh, do you know how to fly a commercial airliner? Just in case." He glanced over the various knobs and buttons, then to the sides of the chair, looking for any semblance of a clue to the disappearance of dear Captain Jack.

@Jeremi @Yun Lee

"Don't be silly!" The Doctor exclaimed. "Ghosts are corporeal apparitions! How could a ghost fly a plane? Unless of course a ghost had a strong enough will to become corporeal...or perhaps we are dealing with a poltergeist! An apparition inside the airplane!" The Doctor sounded very giddy as he considered all of the theories ha was setting forth. Then he heard a flush. "Or he was just using a private bathroom!" Before they could get a look however they'd suddenly find themselves back in their seats.​

Talon's punch would land, all right-though he ended up punching Kars instead of I-No. Wait...that couldn't be right! She and Kars had literally been standing in each others' spots just one second ago.

"Well, aren't you a rowdy one?" She smiled, but in her eyes was pure malice. "Be a good boy and Sit. Down. Now." Not only would Talon find himself sitting down in his original seat, but so would everyone else.


Peter wouldn't find anything to resemble Captain Jack, save for a few bottles of beer (one empty) and a Penthouse magazine. However, a flush could be heard from a bathroom connected to the cockpit, and the door flew open with whistling heard inside.

"Sit. Down. Now."

Before either could get a look at this 'pilot' of theirs, they were suddenly in their seats. Everyone would find their seatbelts on, and impossible to take off.

"I didn't want it to come to this, but your dear friend over there gave me no choice." I-No sighed. "I'm going to get a drink, then start the video. All you naughty children are on time-out until then."

Mary found herself planted in seat F5, next to Nagihiko. "Oh, great."


He looked over to his masked sit buddy. "Spatial teleportation! This only gets better and better. Sorry I haven't introduced myself I am the Doctor, could I perhaps interest you in a jelly baby?" With a grin he handed out his paper bag towards Peter. "And you don't have to worry! I'm here after all!"

Peter would get to see this video:

"If I knew, I'd tell you," Mary told Nagihiko. She tried to pull her seatbelt off, or at least wiggle out of it, but she was stuck.

I-No returned, wine in hand, smiling at the group. Leaning on the doorway she swirled her wine around in the glass. "So...are we ready to behave?"


"Yumeko! She literally has us trapped in our seats!"

"But even so...we've been so rude for no reason. Anyone would be angry!"

I-No smiled. "Your friend is a little sweetie, Mary. You could learn from that." Mary grumbled, but I-No ignored her. "Well then, I'll go ahead and start that video."

I-No was about to leave when Risky's comments reached her ears. Stopping in the threshhold to the cockpit, I-No marely stood, her back facing the group, silently listening to all the conversations around. After a few moments, she spoke.

"The Devil, huh..." She glanced behind, staring at Risky. "What if I told you I could bring him here? After all, you're making my powers that much stronger. All of you." She turned around, looking at them all triumphantly. "Keep fueling me. Your irritation, your confusion, your fear...none of you can imagine how good it feels. And trust me, he'll feel it, too." She turned back and walked into the cockpit.

The only real sound anyone could hear was some shuffling around, until you heard a man's voice. "No! Please! C'mon, I-No, we can talk this out!"

"Sorry, Jack, but they gave me no choice." I-No then walked out, in a completely different outfit, complete with a guitar. She slammed the door to the cockpit so hard the thing jammed, and you could hear a string of muttered curses from the other side and the frantic attempts of the man to open the door.


"I tried to be nice, you know. Us red witches try so fucking hard to please our guests. Be good hostesses, you know? I tried to give you everything you wanted, even give you a little video to let you all get acquainted with the tropical paradise that you don't even deserve to enjoy, and yet you ungrateful little shits repay be by trying to attack me, then mock me behind my back!"

Just then, the door swung open, and a man emerged. From his voice, you could tell this was Captain Jack.

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"I-No, seriously! Take it easy! We really don't have to get him involved! How about we just stick to the original plan, huh? Show them that crappy video, land this baby nice and easy-"

"Jack, shut the fuck up!" Without even looking behind her, I-No would strum on her guitar. Jack would be enveloped by a cloud of blue and black energy, and just seconds later, both he and the cloud would be gone without a trace.

"Wait...isn't he the one flying the plane?!"

"Oh please, that boy couldn't even get a paper airplane to fly! You've been on autopilot this whole damn time! But you know what? I think it's time for a little turbulence!"


She began playing her guitar, powerful chords that resonated throughout the cabin. So loud and powerful, the sheer force of the sound waves caused the plane to shake as if an earthquake managed to find them all high up in the air, even going so far as to spin in circles-and no, there weren't any barf bags . The lights went off, but the sheer electricity off I-No's guitar kept lights flowing, constantly flashing in yellows and greens.

"B-But wait!" Yumeko gasped. "If the electricity is off..."

In the back, Mary struggled to get her seatbelt off. "No! No!!!" She looked around. "We're gonna crash!!!!"

Sure enough, everyone was trapped, seatbelts stuck tight, and the plane started taking a nosedive. All anyone could do was scream and try to brace for what had to be an inevitable death, the last thing they heard being the mad wailings on I-No's guitar.


You would wake up to a bright light in your face. Could this be the afterlife? The great beyond? Opening your eyes, you would realize this is not the case. Instead, you find yourself awake on some sort of rocky white ground, under the brightest sunlight you've ever felt. Instantly you're hit by just how hot it is, the heat engulfing you. Miraculously, that seems to be the only thing that bothers you-you feel no pain whatsoever. Which is behind you sits the airplane, a complete wreck. Luckily everyone seems to be accounted for.

"Mary? Where are you?"

Or not. As Yumeko seems to realize, Mary Saotome is missing. Maybe you can try looking in the wreckage? Or looking around to figure out where you are. Through the heatwaves, you can make out some figures nearby...maybe they can help you.

@Archmage Jeremiah as Risky Boots (Shantae)
@Bucky as Honoka Kousaka (Love Live!)
@Cromartie Sarkissian as Tony Stark (The Superior Iron Man)
@Crow as Ernesti Echavalier (Knights & Magic)
@CrunchyCHEEZIT as Kars (Jojo's Bizarre Adventure)
@dark as Colonel Mael Radec (Killzone)
@Glostechk as Tsuyu Asui (Boku no Hero Academia)
@Gummi Bunnies as Maria Ushiromiya (Umineko no Naku Koro ni
@J A Y F R OM T H E 6 I X as Toshinori Yagi (Boku no Hero Academia)
@Jeremi as The Fourth Doctor (Doctor Who)
@Kaykay as Hina (Hinamatsuri)
@Kentucky as Peter Parker (The Amazing Spiderman)
@Klutzy Ninja Kitty as Yusuke Kitagawa (Persona 5)
@Leon Moretti as Nagihiko Fujisaki (Shugo Chara!)
@LuckycoolHawk9 as Rita Hanson (Groundhog Day: The Musical)
@Mason Moretti as Starlow (Mario and Luigi series)
@Midnight Maiden as Hiyori Iki (Noragami)
@Minerva as Ritsuka Fujimura (Fate/Grand Order)
@Otto as Talon (League of Legends)
@ShiroKiyoshi as Kusanagi (Phantom of the Kill)
@Takumi as Yato (Noragami)
@thatguyinthestore as Shantae (Shantae)
@Khan of the Mardu as Alesha, Who Smiles at Death (Magic: the Gathering)
@Verite as Gon Freeces (Hunter X Hunter)
@York as Ami Kawashima (Toradora!)
@Yun Lee as Yumeko Jabami (Kakegurui)​


"Well...that could've certainly gone differently."
The Doctor finally responded when they found themselves on an island. He got up from the sand and dusted himself off. "It would appear that to no fault of my own that we have crashed landed! I hope everyone's okay? It did end up as quite a bumpy ride." Not waiting for a response noticing the figures in the distance the Doctor made his way towards them. "Excuse me! We have stumbled into a spot of trouble and I wonder if you can lend us a hand?" He shouted to the figures.​

@Yun Lee @Kentucky @AnyoneInterested
You would wake up to a bright light in your face. Could this be the afterlife? The great beyond? Opening your eyes, you would realize this is not the case. Instead, you find yourself awake on some sort of rocky white ground, under the brightest sunlight you've ever felt. Instantly you're hit by just how hot it is, the heat engulfing you. Miraculously, that seems to be the only thing that bothers you-you feel no pain whatsoever. Which is behind you sits the airplane, a complete wreck. Luckily everyone seems to be accounted for.

"Mary? Where are you?"

Or not. As Yumeko seems to realize, Mary Saotome is missing. Maybe you can try looking in the wreckage? Or looking around to figure out where you are. Through the heatwaves, you can make out some figures nearby...maybe they can help you.​


Well, all that happened. Everyone suddenly started freaking out (and by everyone, mostly just the witch known as I-No, it seemed), and before Gon knew it, the plane suddenly crashed and killed them all! ... Except it didn't. Everyone was fine by some miracle. It was almost as though he and everyone else were teleported out, considering the lack of any notable injuries on anyone, fortunately.

Still, it didn't seem that all was completely well, when one of the girls on the plane called out for her friend, who was apparently nowhere in sight. Still, he was sure that she was fine... Right?

Well, in any case, it seemed that help was fast on the way, judging from the figures in the distance. One could only assume that they made a rather crude landing onto the so-called Isle Delfino, and surely people would be rushing to their aide now!

"Oiii! We could use some help over here!" Gon called out to the figures alongside the Doctor, waving his arm about as he also began to make his way toward them.

@Yun Lee @Jeremi
As Gon and The Doctor approached the figures, they would notice that they were rather...odd in appearance.

Noting their distress, one walked up to the two. "Why, what seems to be the problem?"

@Jeremi @Verite
Peter would get to see this video:

"If I knew, I'd tell you," Mary told Nagihiko. She tried to pull her seatbelt off, or at least wiggle out of it, but she was stuck.

I-No returned, wine in hand, smiling at the group. Leaning on the doorway she swirled her wine around in the glass. "So...are we ready to behave?"


"Yumeko! She literally has us trapped in our seats!"

"But even so...we've been so rude for no reason. Anyone would be angry!"

I-No smiled. "Your friend is a little sweetie, Mary. You could learn from that." Mary grumbled, but I-No ignored her. "Well then, I'll go ahead and start that video."

I-No was about to leave when Risky's comments reached her ears. Stopping in the threshhold to the cockpit, I-No marely stood, her back facing the group, silently listening to all the conversations around. After a few moments, she spoke.

"The Devil, huh..." She glanced behind, staring at Risky. "What if I told you I could bring him here? After all, you're making my powers that much stronger. All of you." She turned around, looking at them all triumphantly. "Keep fueling me. Your irritation, your confusion, your fear...none of you can imagine how good it feels. And trust me, he'll feel it, too." She turned back and walked into the cockpit.

The only real sound anyone could hear was some shuffling around, until you heard a man's voice. "No! Please! C'mon, I-No, we can talk this out!"

"Sorry, Jack, but they gave me no choice." I-No then walked out, in a completely different outfit, complete with a guitar. She slammed the door to the cockpit so hard the thing jammed, and you could hear a string of muttered curses from the other side and the frantic attempts of the man to open the door.


"I tried to be nice, you know. Us red witches try so fucking hard to please our guests. Be good hostesses, you know? I tried to give you everything you wanted, even give you a little video to let you all get acquainted with the tropical paradise that you don't even deserve to enjoy, and yet you ungrateful little shits repay be by trying to attack me, then mock me behind my back!"

Just then, the door swung open, and a man emerged. From his voice, you could tell this was Captain Jack.

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"I-No, seriously! Take it easy! We really don't have to get him involved! How about we just stick to the original plan, huh? Show them that crappy video, land this baby nice and easy-"

"Jack, shut the fuck up!" Without even looking behind her, I-No would strum on her guitar. Jack would be enveloped by a cloud of blue and black energy, and just seconds later, both he and the cloud would be gone without a trace.

"Wait...isn't he the one flying the plane?!"

"Oh please, that boy couldn't even get a paper airplane to fly! You've been on autopilot this whole damn time! But you know what? I think it's time for a little turbulence!"


She began playing her guitar, powerful chords that resonated throughout the cabin. So loud and powerful, the sheer force of the sound waves caused the plane to shake as if an earthquake managed to find them all high up in the air, even going so far as to spin in circles-and no, there weren't any barf bags . The lights went off, but the sheer electricity off I-No's guitar kept lights flowing, constantly flashing in yellows and greens.

"B-But wait!" Yumeko gasped. "If the electricity is off..."

In the back, Mary struggled to get her seatbelt off. "No! No!!!" She looked around. "We're gonna crash!!!!"

Sure enough, everyone was trapped, seatbelts stuck tight, and the plane started taking a nosedive. All anyone could do was scream and try to brace for what had to be an inevitable death, the last thing they heard being the mad wailings on I-No's guitar.


You would wake up to a bright light in your face. Could this be the afterlife? The great beyond? Opening your eyes, you would realize this is not the case. Instead, you find yourself awake on some sort of rocky white ground, under the brightest sunlight you've ever felt. Instantly you're hit by just how hot it is, the heat engulfing you. Miraculously, that seems to be the only thing that bothers you-you feel no pain whatsoever. Which is behind you sits the airplane, a complete wreck. Luckily everyone seems to be accounted for.

"Mary? Where are you?"

Or not. As Yumeko seems to realize, Mary Saotome is missing. Maybe you can try looking in the wreckage? Or looking around to figure out where you are. Through the heatwaves, you can make out some figures nearby...maybe they can help you.

@Archmage Jeremiah as Risky Boots (Shantae)
@Bucky as Honoka Kousaka (Love Live!)
@Cromartie Sarkissian as Tony Stark (The Superior Iron Man)
@Crow as Ernesti Echavalier (Knights & Magic)
@CrunchyCHEEZIT as Kars (Jojo's Bizarre Adventure)
@dark as Colonel Mael Radec (Killzone)
@Glostechk as Tsuyu Asui (Boku no Hero Academia)
@Gummi Bunnies as Maria Ushiromiya (Umineko no Naku Koro ni
@J A Y F R OM T H E 6 I X as Toshinori Yagi (Boku no Hero Academia)
@Jeremi as The Fourth Doctor (Doctor Who)
@Kaykay as Hina (Hinamatsuri)
@Kentucky as Peter Parker (The Amazing Spiderman)
@Klutzy Ninja Kitty as Yusuke Kitagawa (Persona 5)
@Leon Moretti as Nagihiko Fujisaki (Shugo Chara!)
@LuckycoolHawk9 as Rita Hanson (Groundhog Day: The Musical)
@Mason Moretti as Starlow (Mario and Luigi series)
@Midnight Maiden as Hiyori Iki (Noragami)
@Minerva as Ritsuka Fujimura (Fate/Grand Order)
@Otto as Talon (League of Legends)
@ShiroKiyoshi as Kusanagi (Phantom of the Kill)
@Takumi as Yato (Noragami)
@thatguyinthestore as Shantae (Shantae)
@Khan of the Mardu as Alesha, Who Smiles at Death (Magic: the Gathering)
@Verite as Gon Freeces (Hunter X Hunter)
@York as Ami Kawashima (Toradora!)
@Yun Lee as Yumeko Jabami (Kakegurui)​
All Might awoke, having unable to react swiftly enough to defuse the situation. "Ah, my goodness, where are we now?" He asked, rubbing his head. He noted how everyone was safe even though the crash looked to be more than fatal. Standing quickly, he began to wave about, trying to make sure everyone kept calm and organized.

"Now be careful everyone!" He said aloud and with heroic bravado. "We don't know where we are so it's best to stick together to keep anyone from getting lost! If anyone is in need of assistance, feel free to let me know. A hero is always willing to help, after all!"
After saying this, the hero decided to look around. Seeing as other were calling to the figures, All Might decided to scan the wreckage for anything odd or to see if anyone was trapped in there.
@Yun Lee

As Gon and The Doctor approached the figures, they would notice that they were rather...odd in appearance.

Noting their distress, one walked up to the two. "Why, what seems to be the problem?"

@Jeremi @Verite

"Oh, our plane crashed."
The Doctor responded rather casually pointing towards the wreckage. "I wonder if you can spare us a few helping hands, we've seemingly misplaced one of the people we were traveling with as well."

@Yun Lee @Verite
Peter looked at the TV, scoffing. "Uh, no thanks." He flipped it off quickly, before turning to the man talking behind him.

"Wonderful!" The Doctor exclaimed at the sight of no pilot. "It appears we have no pilot!"


"That's a good eye you got there!"
The Doctor beamed. "I know exactly what I'm doing!" He then looked over the empty cockpit again. "Too bad some people have no clue what they're doing. No clue at all!"

"Don't be silly!" The Doctor exclaimed. "Ghosts are corporeal apparitions! How could a ghost fly a plane? Unless of course a ghost had a strong enough will to become corporeal...or perhaps we are dealing with a poltergeist! An apparition inside the airplane!" The Doctor sounded very giddy as he considered all of the theories ha was setting forth. Then he heard a flush. "Or he was just using a private bathroom!" Before they could get a look however they'd suddenly find themselves back in their seats.​

He looked over to his masked sit buddy. "Spatial teleportation! This only gets better and better. Sorry I haven't introduced myself I am the Doctor, could I perhaps interest you in a jelly baby?" With a grin he handed out his paper bag towards Peter. "And you don't have to worry! I'm here after all!"


"Well...that could've certainly gone differently."
The Doctor finally responded when they found themselves on an island. He got up from the sand and dusted himself off. "It would appear that to no fault of my own that we have crashed landed! I hope everyone's okay? It did end up as quite a bumpy ride." Not waiting for a response noticing the figures in the distance the Doctor made his way towards them. "Excuse me! We have stumbled into a spot of trouble and I wonder if you can lend us a hand?" He shouted to the figures.​

@Yun Lee @Kentucky @AnyoneInterested

Peter nodded to the man, taking one of the Jelly Babies and observing it in between his index and middle fingers. "I'm, uh, I'm Spider-Man. Thanks for the... Jelly Baby, you said?" He looked down at it, pulling up the chin of his mask.and plopping it into his mouth. He brought the mask back down over him. "Wow, that's the most delicious newborn I've ever eaten. Too far?" He smacked his lips on the gummy, before...

They had crashed. He knew that they crashed. It was such a violent jerky motion, him going from the plane to suddenly being on the beach, he wasn't quite sure where he was. But he became certain that it was Isle Delfino. Spider-Man pulled himself together, walking to the Doctor and a young boy. "Sorry I'm late. Had some engine trouble." Peter dusted off grains of sand still attached to his legs, grinning underneath the mask.

And then the natives approached.

They were in fact quite peculiar creatures; and Peter recoiled a bit when he saw them. But even though they were ugly, they seemed like some friendly ugly creatures. So what could go wrong? Peter jabbed a thumb through the air at the Doctor, who he had begun to like as the day continued, nodding. "Yeah, what he said."

@Yun Lee @Jeremi @Verite
As Gon and The Doctor approached the figures, they would notice that they were rather...odd in appearance.

Noting their distress, one walked up to the two. "Why, what seems to be the problem?"

@Jeremi @Verite
As the plane's lights shut off, Luigi kicked into high gear and, like any rational person would do, started shaking profusely. Now, the plumber was already on the verge of screaming and/or crying, so when he heard that the plane would crash, accompanied by the fact that the plane itself started to descend, he started doing just that.


"AHHHHHHHHHHH! We're all going to-a die! This is the end! Goodbye Mario! Goodbye Mushroom Kingdom! Goodbye Daisy! Goodbye Toad! Goodbye--" Before the plumber could finish his goodbyes, the plane suddenly crashed against the ground!

When Luigi finally emerged from the wreckage, he immediately fell to his knees and started weeping.
"This is it! I'm-a really dead, aren't I? And I never got to tell Mario good--huh?" It didn't take long for Luigi to notice that Gon,The Doctor, and Peter were talking to a strange, yet recognizable figure.

A Pianta! This meant that they weren't dead after all! Far from, in fact.
No, this meant that they had actually landed on Isle Delfino! They just had a bit of a... rough landing, is all.

Deciding that he shouldn't waste anymore time moping about, Luigi wiped the tears from his eyes with his sleeve and approached the small group talking to the Pianta.

"Guys, this is a Pianta."
Luigi said, sounding happy, or even relieved. "They're the natives here on Isle Delfino." He stated before turning to the Pianta himself. "Hey Mr. Pianta! As you can see, our plane kinda... crash landed. But that's okay, because we at least all made it here in one piece! I'm Luigi, Mario's brother." Luigi said, hoping that adding on that last part would earn him and everyone else some kind of 'special treatment.' Yknow, since Mario saved them from Bowser before and all.

Maybe they'd get one of those luxury hotel rooms at Hotel Delfino? The ones with the King Sized beds and those fancy hand soaps!

@Yun Lee @Kentucky @Jeremi @Verite @whoever