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Gary also walked in hearing this.

"Maybe you're being overprotective. He won't be able to grow up like this."

@Mari @Lizzy @Infinatis

"...Yeah, maybe I am." The blonde never thought of it that way honestly.

A bond? Yukio went to her bed and laid down, but was curious about this bond. "This bond you share," she asked Yukine, "what does it do? Perhaps you share thoughts between the two of you, or is it something else?" She had a similar bond, but it was different, not with a specific person, but with... the future as her mutant abilities showed her.


"Well," he sat up, lowering his shirt collar a bit so that the symbol on his left collar bone was shown, "I was dead, a pure spirit that Yato found and made into his weapon. A regalia, also known as a Shinki. I'm supposed to protect him and help him be able to fight when needed. I was also told that we help each other grow in a way..." He explained, looking at the symbol.

A minute or two later, Yato knocked on the door.

@Mari @Bomb @Infinatis

(Idk if the door was open or not??)
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Cecil stepped out of his cabin into the night, and decided to walk around the camp for a bit.

@york @Anybody
Well, there was some faint sounds of gunfire coming from the forest, but, nothing else for the time being of any interest...​
Well, there was some faint sounds of gunfire coming from the forest, but, nothing else for the time being of any interest...​

Cecil drew Light Bringer, and ran into the forest.
I'm going to go to my cabin. Hopefully that killer won't follow me. Said Canada before walking to his cabin where Bill was waiting for him. Bill just ignored Canada, reading some books in an unreadable language. Canada went to write in his journal before going to bed.
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Oh yes, like the Neopolitan ice cream she's apparently naming herself after. If it wasn't obvious enough by her color scheme already, Neo looked like she laughed a bit at the assumption, which was indeed correct. Well, no laughs actually came from her, because she's purposefully mute and shit.

It's good to communicate with another person, things have been stressful for many here. I'm taking it as you like to be near the water, since I found you here... and that the nightly atmosphere does make a difference with the environment of the beachshore.

Well, she was going to write "talk" instead of "communicate," but of course, she didn't talk to begin with. Neo figured that she might as well get to know the people here, just so she isn't the odd one out and possibly looked down upon as the killer. Neo was just too good to even be a killer around here. :P


"Well... It's just that the beach is a good spot if you just want to think." Alisa said, she looked a little surprised at Neo's observation.​
Blinking at the response that the pioneer gave him, Beowulf had an idea of what was going to come next. Looking over his shoulders at the young girl he had brought along with him, he'd motion for her to find somewhere safe. Partly because he didn't even want to risk her getting hurt while he fought whatever creature popped up and it'd be hard to fight with her sitting on his shoulders. "I'll settle this real quick and then come and get you. I just don't want this bozo slicing you with that sword of his." Providing Rika followed his request, he'd turn to face the warrior.

From what had been said this time, Beowulf felt some sympathy. He was previously a pretty good warrior who had just fallen off the tracks and became some kind of wanderer who had lost his way in life. Beowulf had always desired to wrestle. It was the perfect outlet of his admiration to fight. The rush of adrenaline coursing through his veins. It felt exhilarating and Beowulf loved every second of it. Almost as much as he loved hyping up the crowd with his moves in the ring. Their cheers motivated him to do better. But even more so it brought him back to his first real major fight. The one that had set him on the path to seeking a career in wrestling. It was deep within the forests of the Canopy Kingdom and Beowulf was much younger. He had been looking for something to test his skills out on and there he was.


The Alpha Male of a nearby pack of wolves. His hide was evidence enough of all the battles he had suffered while holding that position. There were scars adorning the wolf's body and as if detecting what Beowulf sought, the wolf bared it's fangs and snarled. Beowulf acknowledged the snarl as he knew it's true intent. It was a challenge to fight and so fight he would! Until only one was left! Rushing forward, he'd quickly lean to the side as the wolf snapped at him narrowly missing getting a good chunk of his shoulder torn out. Slamming his knee down on the ground, Beowulf sought to wrap his strong forearms around the neck of the wolf.

Beowulf knew he couldn't let this go on for long or risk drawing the rest of the pack while he was drained of his strength. He had to end it and so just as quickly as the battle had started, Beowulf's battle roar and the wolf's howl filled the night sky as Beowulf suplexed the wolf and a shuddering crack was heard. Removing his arms, Beowulf looked over the body.

Even in death the alpha male radiated with intimidation and that was enough to earn Beowulf's respect. Gently grasping the wolf's body, Beowulf made his way off. He would make use of the wolf's body in a fashion that respected it and allowed it to live on with Beowulf. This wasn't the only example of Beowulf finding a worthy opponent. No, that was Grendel the Gigan. The match was promoted as a way of showing humanity that the Gigans weren't invincible and of course Beowulf triumphed. But he had never fought such a hard match and he doubted he would ever find someone as worthy an opponent as Gigan. But this warrior seemed close enough. Drawing the Hurting, Beowulf looked over the warrior.



"..Huh?! Grendel??" He could have sworn that he had heard, well even if it hadn't been the case and Beowulf was just losing his marbles, it didn't stop the smile from spreading on his face. "You're right again, partner. I don't know who this guy was in life but if it's a honorable fight he wants then I'll give him one to remember. Let's go!"

As the warrior charged, Beowulf lashed out with his chair, intent on blocking all of the attempted slashes. If successful, he'd seek to go on the offensive as he let loose a flurry of swings at the warrior with The Hurting.

@york @Gummi Bunnies

"... be careful," Rika mumbled as she was let off of the man's shoulders, running off to hide behind a tree. Well, she'll be safe at least during the whole fight.
@york @TheSpringwoodSlasher
Cecil drew Light Bringer, and ran into the forest.
Cecil ran across the scene of the fight just as the armor clad warrior managed to hit Beowulf once, the thrusting motion of his slice managing to go through a gap in the chair; for a moment Beowulf could feel a little energy draining from him before the warrior jumped backwards. His blade glowed purple momentarily as he was peppered by bullets from Sami, in one swift motion, he swung his weapon, not caring for the damage he was taking; his armor cracked a little. A purple projectile of some sort of energy rushed towards Sami, his intended target; it looked like it would cause some massive damage if it were to hit home.
"That sounds like trouble."

He said casually, looking up at the sound of the gunfire.


He went back to taking inventory of all the items in the warehouse.

@york @Whatever the fook all y'all call yerselves now. JFC, pick a name and stick with it so mah old man ass can be on point. Changing mo names then underwear, gdi.
@Unlimited RP Works @TheSpringwoodSlasher

Well, it looks like there were a few spare dishes and utensils in an open box, however, the rest of the items were obscured by the boxes which they were contained in... And there sure were alot of them.

"Yup... Pretty much." Zhenya seemed to be spacing out just a little.​
"Hey, are you alright?" He asked, tilting his head and leaning in a bit towards her curiously.

"Well... anyway, I gotta ask you... You wouldn't happen to know anything about the recent murder, would you?"

May as well get straight to the point before sticking around any longer.

Cecil ran across the scene of the fight just as the armor clad warrior managed to hit Beowulf once, the thrusting motion of his slice managing to go through a gap in the chair; for a moment Beowulf could feel a little energy draining from him before the warrior jumped backwards. His blade glowed purple momentarily as he was peppered by bullets from Sami, in one swift motion, he swung his weapon, not caring for the damage he was taking; his armor cracked a little. A purple projectile of some sort of energy rushed towards Sami, his intended target; it looked like it would cause some massive damage if it were to hit home.

"Holy!" Cecil shouted. He tried to cast the highly damaging White magic spell at the warrior. He ran in, and attacked it with Lightbringer as well.
Cecil ran across the scene of the fight just as the armor clad warrior managed to hit Beowulf once, the thrusting motion of his slice managing to go through a gap in the chair; for a moment Beowulf could feel a little energy draining from him before the warrior jumped backwards. His blade glowed purple momentarily as he was peppered by bullets from Sami, in one swift motion, he swung his weapon, not caring for the damage he was taking; his armor cracked a little. A purple projectile of some sort of energy rushed towards Sami, his intended target; it looked like it would cause some massive damage if it were to hit home.
Sami just simply stood her ground, shooting at the projectile.

"Everyone, be careful!"

@forest fighters
"I'm sure it's something to do with the forest again. The last time a group made their way out there a fight commenced. It was also at the same time that I regained the use of manipulating my sand. But since then the power to do so has come and gone. I believe it comes back in combat situations though I could be mistaken. In any case it's not like I'm defenseless." He'd say as he'd pull out a kunai and continued patrolling around the warehouse. He'd leave the inspection of the boxes up to Marcone. Gaara wanted to see if he could get to the root of the problem and try find whatever was causing that unnerving feeling he had felt before when the two of them first entered here.

"I can't believe I'd ever be in a position to say it but are you scared, Gaara?" Shukaku asked as he was clearly just trying to get a rise out of the ninja.

"No. I'm just being pro-active. The quicker I find whatever may be lurking in here with us, the sooner I can kill it and it'll be one less concern."

"..Fair enough, I suppose."

Back in the forest, Beowulf winced as the sword managed to get through the opening in The Hurting. Damn, chairs and their structural flaws! But wow, he had no idea what kind of stuff this guy had enchanting his sword but must have been really powerful stuff. After just getting a slight jab with the blade, Beowulf felt like he'd gone a couple of rounds without any breaks in between. Well that and the whole bleeding aspect. As that specific part of his vest began to turn dark with the stain of blood, Beowulf only became far more encouraged to keep on fighting.

"Y-You think a little blood scares me? Hah! I've been to the doctor so many times it's almost a joke! But that's the life of a wrestler. Sometimes you take some nasty falls. But some folks just can't take the heat and get out of the kitchen. I'm different from all those guys and you want to know why? It's because.." Beowulf watched as the purple wave was sent towards Sami and so he'd seek to leap infront of it while holding The Hurting out infront of him like a shield.

"I own that kitchen! Now show me what you're really made of! I'll take everything you've got and give it back a hundred fold!" Beowulf chided as he prepared to try and tank the attack as best as he could. Although he had a feeling it wouldn't really be that easy!

@york @Gummi Bunnies @Bomb @Unlimited RP Works.
Yellow ran towards the forest , planning to relax a bit.

Bill heard gunshots and looked at his "associate". Hold on, Frosty. Said the triangle before going where the gunshots were heard. He then saw the giant warrior in the woods. Okay, lemmie see... Said Bill as he thought of the weapons he had in reserve. AHA! Said the dream demon before getting out the oribtars he had traded for in the Kid Icarus world. The orbitar then lauched fire onto the warrior.


@york @The Silver Paladin @Others
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..."Do you hear something from the forest?" Gary asked the others.

@Mari @Infinatis @Lizzy

"Yeah...maybe someone is fighting another monster?" Yukine replied as Yato poked his head in the room.

"Any of you seen Beowulf? He's my cabin mate and he's not in our cabin..." Yato spoke up.

@Bomb @Mari
"Yeah...maybe someone is fighting another monster?" Yukine replied as Yato poked his head in the room.

"Any of you seen Beowulf? He's my cabin mate and he's not in our cabin..." Yato spoke up.

@Bomb @Mari
"Hmm.. I don't know... Maybe he's just bragging about his moves." Gary joked.

@Mari @Lizzy
"Hmm.. I don't know... Maybe he's just bragging about his moves." Gary joked.

@Mari @Lizzy

"Could be...or he could be wandering." The god muttered.

"He could be in the forest, there seems to be some commotion in there." Yukine said with a shrug.

"Probably another monster...speaking of monsters, think any phantoms are here?" Yato asked the blonde.

"I doubt it, we would've definitely seen at least one by now if there were..." Yukine said aloud.

@Bomb @Mari
Karol nodded eagerly. "Yeah... we should." Crossing his arms, he swallowed nervously. "Just... how do we get back to camp from here? I don't want to go back alone... n-not because I'm scared! I just... you heard that announcement, right? We should stick together at least until we can get back to the cabins."


Karol took a deep breath, steadying his legs. He reached through his bag and pulled out a large broadsword, feeling more confident with the weapon clasped in his hands. With Ulyana reminding Karol of Nan, he didn't bother telling her he'd protect her to save face. "Why is this forest so spooky at night anyway?"


"Uh... Well I dunno... It's like we're in a whole new world now all of a sudden..." Ulyana said, it looked like she had suddenly become aware of how dark it was in the forest, but, soon enough, she regained her confidence.

"But don't you fear! I'll get us out of here!" she said triumphantly, starting to lead Carol through the forest... It looks like she didn't notice the inintentional rhyme her words ended up having rhymed.

Soon enough, they arrived at the canteen... It looked like Ulyana had lead them out after all, though, they had ended up in a different place than they had started...

"Well... It's just that the beach is a good spot if you just want to think." Alisa said, she looked a little surprised at Neo's observation.​

True. It's been a while since I've gotten the time to think like this in a peaceful way. Now come to think of it, you're all surprised suddenly.

Oh yeah, Neo's pretty damn good with pointing stuff out like this. Even if she literally wrote down on whatever she wanted to say and stuff.

"Could be...or he could be wandering." The god muttered.

"He could be in the forest, there seems to be some commotion in there." Yukine said with a shrug.

"Probably another monster...speaking of monsters, think any phantoms are here?" Yato asked the blonde.

"I doubt it, we would've definitely seen at least one by now if there were..." Yukine said aloud.

@Bomb @Mari
"But really... what's up with this camp? If there were monsters, wouldn't it have been shut down already? Or is someone trying to take down this place?" Gary said.

"Everything about this is weird..."


@Mari @Lizzy
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