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The person appeared to try to stand up, but bashed her head on the piano as a result, making a resonating *thunk* sound.
View attachment 78477
"Ouch!" She cried, crawling out from under the piano abruptly, rubbing her head a little "I'm good don't worry; I just dropped part of my music sheet!" she said, holding up the corresponding piece of paper she held in one hand. "I was just about to sing a song! But I can't play the guitar and sing at the same time!" she rambled; hoo boy, it appeared that this girl was quite talkative to put it lightly.​

"E-Excuse me... I wanna try out playing the guitar!" Sukuna happened to pick up one of the guitars that was in the Music Club room,"Um... but I don't know how to play it..."

@york @Verite @The Silver Paladin @Kaykay
The person appeared to try to stand up, but bashed her head on the piano as a result, making a resonating *thunk* sound.
View attachment 78477
"Ouch!" She cried, crawling out from under the piano abruptly, rubbing her head a little "I'm good don't worry; I just dropped part of my music sheet!" she said, holding up the corresponding piece of paper she held in one hand. "I was just about to sing a song! But I can't play the guitar and sing at the same time!" she rambled; hoo boy, it appeared that this girl was quite talkative to put it lightly.​

Yellow closed her eyes as she bonked her head.

"Oops, sorry," she apologized for surprising the girl.

"I see...are you the one who was playing piano before?"

@york @Gummi Bunnies @The Silver Paladin @Verite
"You're pretty calm and chipper, aren't ya? Never figured Mr Mafia for a cook and certainly not right in the place where somebody just died pretty recently..." She glanced at her wrist, tapping an imaginary watch. "Very very recently! Very dark, very morbid of you...to sing a song and hum and dance and cook the food..." Her face lit up with a bright grin. "I like it! Whatcha making, gramps?"

@Unlimited RP Works @york @Canteen guys and gals
"A little macabre, but I figured I'd leave it for the ones who want to play detective. Apple?"

He held out a slice just recently coated with the sugar and cinnamon with his fingers as he turned and smirked at the other.

"And just familiarizing myself with the kitchen. Enjoying yourself?"

@york @ShadowPrime @Canteen People.
View attachment 78478
Slavya smiled as she saw Hajime again "I've had a good run... How was your morning today?" she asked, looking up from the sink briefly; it looked like she was in a better mood today.​

"Oh, it's been fine so far. I gave Olga the evidence we collected along with my notes, and Bell and me were going to get some breakfast after this," Hajime explained with a smile, "You want to come along with us?"
Bell smiles a little to himself as he pours the sugar from the cup into a pouch on his belt and washes the cup out, before taking a sip of the water "Hmmm...a little sweet, I guess I didn't clean all the sugar out..." he shrugs to himself as he continues to drink, before offering the cup to Hajime "Thirsty?"

@The Tactician
@Washstand folks
Hajime nodded and took it the cup, rinsing it out before taking a drink from it, "Thanks, Bell. Hey, after we're done with breakfast, could you help me with my sword?" He gestured to the blade that now sat in a belt loop, ready to be used in battle. Though first I need some training with it. Plus, it would be good to find a sheath for it... "You wouldn't also know any way to make a cheap sheath for it as well, would you?"

@york @DapperDogman
"I... see," he replied with a nod. Huh. Interesting. She seemed a bit eccentric, but not overly for his taste, which was... quite an accomplishment actually. Or maybe he was simply just becoming more tolerant of people.

"Well... I've seen someone do it before, so I imagine you can do it if you practice hard enough. It's just a matter of... uh, balancing your focus and concentration between the two things or something," he said. And he was right. He had seen someone do both. In a goddamn bunny girl outfit no less. That goddamn Haruhi.

"Still... seems like a pretty small club. Are you just the only one in at the moment, or what?"

@york @The Silver Paladin @Kaykay @Gummi Bunnies

"E-Excuse me... I wanna try out playing the guitar!" Sukuna happened to pick up one of the guitars that was in the Music Club room,"Um... but I don't know how to play it..."

@york @Verite @The Silver Paladin @Kaykay

Yellow closed her eyes as she bonked her head.

"Oops, sorry," she apologized for surprising the girl.

"I see...are you the one who was playing piano before?"

@york @Gummi Bunnies @The Silver Paladin @Verite
Miku smile (uniform).png
"Yes to all three questions! I'd love to have people to play instruments with!" She exclaimed, smiling gleefully as she headed over to hand a guitar to Sukuna. "Oh! And take this too! I've got my part memorized!" she said gleefully, it looked like she was preparing to sing... The notes themselves seemed simple; a few advancing notes repeating after a while, even for a beginner, they should be manageable...​
Cecil looked a bit embarrassed. "I'm sorry if we startled you." He smiled. "You can do it. I have a friend who could. It's not all that hard."
Yellow closed her eyes as she bonked her head.

"Oops, sorry," she apologized for surprising the girl.

"I see...are you the one who was playing piano before?"

@york @Gummi Bunnies @The Silver Paladin @Verite
View attachment 78480
"Yes to all three questions! I'd love to have people to play instruments with!" She exclaimed, heading over to hand a guitar to Sukuna. "Oh! And take this too! I've got my part memorized!" she said gleefully, it looked like she was preparing to sing... The notes themselves seemed simple; a few advancing notes repeating after a while, even for a beginner, they should be manageable...​
"Uh... huh. I see," Kyon nodded as the girl spoke, "Have fun with that."

He wasn't about to embarrass himself like this. Kyon had little to no musical skill at all, so there was that.

"Who are you anyway? Are you like, the head of the music club?"

@york @Kaykay @The Silver Paladin @Gummi Bunnies
Karol slowly turned his head to the side, having only noticed now what sat next to him. His body began to shake, and a cold sweat broke out across his forehead. He licked his lips as he tried to find something to say inside his head, but all he could see inside his head was this sand monster's gaze upon him. "G-Gaara...?" he croaked, pushing his chair back slightly so that his feet touched the ground. He cautiously reached back to plant a hand into his bag, but then the monster spoke, and Karol froze as if he'd been turned to stone. He stared with his eyes wide open, even as the creature shattered to reveal Gaara.


"I'm... I'm fine." Karol most certainly didn't look fine, but he didn't want to alarm his new friend. An overwhelming sense of pity overtook Karol at the thought of that thing being inside Gaara. It was only right for Brave Vesperia to do something about this, but it was beyond anything Karol had expertise with. Perhaps if Rita were here, she would know a way...

But no, Rita wasn't here, and Karol was alone. He only had himself to rely on in all of this. He had to protect Gaara, Beowulf, and everyone else, even they were all super strong.

"Really, he didn't hurt me, and neither did Idoun." He looked away once others started coming into the canteen. Karol offered a smile to Gary, even if he had not caught the man's name. The others seemed drawn to the kitchen, which now looked like an area that was blocked off to them. That must have happened while Karol slept, for the boy didn't remember anything odd occurring the evening before. "I guess I just had some bad dreams, so seeing that... freaked me out a little. But it's okay! It just means I have to stay more... uh, vigilant, right? We're gonna find out who hurt that man, and then Brave Vesperia will deliver the justice they deserve."

Karol beamed, putting his hands on his hips. "So, Gaara, what do you think we should do? Should we... oh, should we interrogate people? That's how detectives work!"

@Bomb @TheBlueBurch @ShadowPrime @Unlimited RP Works @Canteen Crew​

"Oh! Sure! It's this way..." Yulia said, leading Bell to a hollowed out tree; it looked like she had managed to create a quite comfortable sleeping space there, and... Despite how small it was, tehre was, just barely, room for two.
Round 2
Day 2
Bell, whether or not he decided to sleep with Yulia, the strange cat-girl (and not in THAT way o.o), he would find himself waking up in Cabin 1 this morning, and what's more is, he hand an half-empty cup of sugar in his hand.

Shiki, would wake up in Cabin 22, not remembering how she got there... However, a few bugs crawling on the floor may lead to some answers; after all, cabin 23 just happened to be occupied by the two camp pranksters (and troublemakers)...
Whether everyone was hanging out in the canteen, or, going about their own business, they all found themselves waking up in their designated cabins, or, if they hadn't actually picked one yet, fallen straight asleep on the ground somewhere.

The sound of a bell however, summoned everyone, regardless of where they were to the square; it looked like Olga had her mind set on what to do.

"Today, we vote on who we suspect the killer was..." Olga began, she looked a bit more refreshed today now that she had a good night's sleep, she hesitated a little before speaking again "We'll... Search the person with the most votes for any suspicious items... And lock them in the admin-building for the night... Just to be safe." she said, it seemed there was nothing that could change her mind about this decision. Though, one thing was for sure; if there were any killers around, there would be something on them at the very least, that would link to their dark deeds. "Remember... Pioneers, stay safe; there are a few amongst you who will look into the suspects; we'll announce any usefull results from the speakers." Olga said, she paused for one last moment before she spoke "Anyways... That concludes our line-up for today! You're all dmismissed, Pioneers!".

It looks like everyone is free to roam around once more; there were various locations open on the map.

Note on area names on the map:
Scene = Stage
WC = Watercloset (washstands and bathroom)
Football + Volleyball + Badminton and stuff = Recreational area
"Kitchen-dining hall" = Canteen
Boat-house = Pier

Locations of Interest:
Canteen - Well, it's early morning, if you're in the mood, maybe you'd like to grab a bite to eat?
Club House - Perhaps you could see what's going on in there?
Washstands - If you feel like washing up, now's your chance! Some supplies including "tooth powder", a toothbrush of sorts, a cup, and a towel.
Music Club - If you're the musical type, maybe you'd like to check this place out?
Library - The place might have something new on it's shelves today... Who knows.
Infirmary - If you need any medical assistance, this is the place to go!

Remember: Bold and underline your choices!


Please remember to submit votes to Olga Dmitrievna by bolding and underlining the sentence in which it is contained!

Camp Arrivals (Cast):
Played by:
@york Name: Ruby Rose (NPC) canon: RWBY Status: Alive Role: Unknown
Played by: @york Name: Sophie (NPC) canon: Cry of Fear Status: Alive Role: Unknown
Played by: @Mighty Roman Name: N (NPC) canon: Pokemon Black & White 1/2 Status: Alive Role: Unknown
Played by: @BarrenThin Name: Tallion (Gravewalker) canon: Middle-earth; Shadow of Mordor Status: Alive Role: Unknown
Played by: @The Tactician Name: Hajime Hinata canon: Dangaronpa 2; Goodbye Despair Status: Alive Role: Unknown
Played by: @Krieg Name: Krieg the Psycho Canon of Origin: Borderlands 2 Status: Alive Role: Unknown
Played by: @TheBlueBurch Name: Gaara Canon of Origin: Naruto & Name: Beowulf Cannon: Skullgirls (Duo) Status: Alive Role: Unknown
Played by: @Raven Name: Wednesday Adams Canon of Origin: The Addams Family Status: Alive Role: Unknown
Played by: @DapperDogman Name: Bell Cranel Canon of Origin: Is it wrong to try to pick up girls in a dungeon? Status: Alive Role: Unknown
Played by: @Verite Name: Kyon canon: The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya Status: Alive Role: Unknown
Played by: @Mari Name: Yukio Canon of Origin: Marvel Universe Status: Alive Role: Unknown
Played by: @ResistingTheEnlightened Name: Captain Ronald Speirs Canon of Origin: Band of Brothers & Name: George Luz Cannon: Band of Brothers (Duo) Status: Alive Role: Unknown
Played by: @Bomb Name: Kang Hee-Gun Canon of Origin: Running Man Status: Alive Role: Unknown
Played by: @Klutzy Ninja Kitty Name: Ryoko Asakura Canon of Origin: The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya Status: Alive Role: Unknown
Played by: @CrunchyCHEEZIT Name: The Scout Canon of Origin: Team Fortress 2 Status: Alive Role: Unknown
Played by: @FireDrake150 Name: Claire Farron (Lightning) Canon of Origin: Final Fantasy Status: Alive Role: Unknown
Played by: @OrlandoBloomers Name: Shiki Ryougi Canon of Origin: Type-Moon Status: Alive Role: Unknown
Played by: @Wedge Antilles Name: Alex Summers Canon of Origin: Marvel Cinematic Universe Status: Alive Role: Unknown
Played by: @Korra Name: Katara Canon of Origin: Avatar: The last airbender Status: Alive Role: Unknown
Played by: @The Silver Paladin Name: Cecil Harvey Canon of Origin: Final Fantasy Status: Alive Role: Unknown
Played by: @Kaykay Name: Yellow de Tokiwa Grove Canon of Origin: Pokemon Adventures Status: Alive Role: Unknown
Played by: @Gummi Bunnies Name: Neo Canon of Origin: RWBY & Name: Sukuna Shinmyoumaru Canon of Origin: Touhou (Duo) Status: Alive Role: Unknown
Played by: @ShadowPrime Name: Jinx Canon of Origin: League of Legends Status: Alive Role: Unknown
Played by: @Jeremi Name: Ori Valadier Canon of Origin: Under Night In-Birth & Name: TOHSAKA Canon of Origin: Type Moon (Duo) Status: Alive Role: Unknown
Played by: @ProxyMoron Name: Tsukimi Kurishita Canon of Origin: Princess JellyFish Status: Alive Role: Unknown
Played by: @Schnee Corp Lawyer Name: Blake Belladonna Canon of Origin: RWBY Status: Alive Role: Unknown
Played by: @Infinatis Name: Bill Cipher Canon of Origin: Gravity Falls Name: Canada Canon of Origin: Hetalia (Duo) Status: Alive Role: Unknown
Played by: @Josh M Name: Hank Venture Canon of Origin: The Venture Bros Status: Alive Role: Unknown
Played by: @Atomyk Name: Karol Capel Canon of Origin: Tales of Vesperia Status: Alive Role: Unknown
Played by: @Meira Name: Anima & Name: Asahina Samidare Canon of Origin(both characters): Lucifer and The Biscuit Hammer (Duo) Status: Alive Role: Unknown
Played by: @Rock Knight Name: Idoun Canon of Origin: Fire Emblen: The Binding Blade Status: Alive Role: Unknown
Played by: @Siontalk Name: Haruka Kokonose Canon of Origin: Kagerou Project Status: Alive Role: Unknown
Played by: @Lizzy Name: Yatogomi & Name: Yukine Canons of Origin: Noragami (Duo) Status: Alive Role: Unknown
Played by: @Unlimited RP Works Name: Johnny Marcone Canon of Origin: The Dresden Files Status: Alive Role: Unknown
(Roles are revealed after death...)
Played by: @york Name: Semyon (NPC) Canon: Everlasting Summer Status: Dead Role: Survivor
Played by: @Gummi Bunnies Camp Resident: Rika (NPC) Status: Dead? Role: Survivor

"Wuh...?" Orie had no recollection of how she had ended up back in her bed. She also didn't know why the woman called TOHSAKA was sleeping in the other bed inside the cabin. She didn't care to waken the witch and would delicately slid off the bed unto the floor.

However the signal of the bell would wake TOHSAKA. "Money is the lubricant of li-! Huh?" She'd look around confused before spotting Orie next to the door. "And just what have you been doing to me?"

"Oh I-I can assure you I'm as confused as you are, but it appears we are cabin mates now. That's...nice. Anyway we should see what the commotion was about." TOHSAKA would puff in disapproval but joined Orie to the square all the same.

After the announcement Orie would have headed towards the canteen where hopefully Shiki and Blake would meet up with her.

@OrlandoBloomers @Schnee Corp Lawyer

TOHSAKA meanwhile would have spotted Kyon among the group, he had become a bit of a pet project of hers and with a Cheshire cat grin on her lips she would have swaggered after him to the music club stepping in just as Kyon addressed some girl with long blue anime hair.

"I... see," he replied with a nod. Huh. Interesting. She seemed a bit eccentric, but not overly for his taste, which was... quite an accomplishment actually. Or maybe he was simply just becoming more tolerant of people.

"Well... I've seen someone do it before, so I imagine you can do it if you practice hard enough. It's just a matter of... uh, balancing your focus and concentration between the two things or something," he said. And he was right. He had seen someone do both. In a goddamn bunny girl outfit no less. That goddamn Haruhi.

"Still... seems like a pretty small club. Are you just the only one in at the moment, or what?"

@york @The Silver Paladin @Kaykay @Gummi Bunnies

"What do we have here?" She replied stepping inside. "A little get together for the musically inclined, hmm? I never learned to play but I bet I could play a mean flute."

"Oh, it's been fine so far. I gave Olga the evidence we collected along with my notes, and Bell and me were going to get some breakfast after this," Hajime explained with a smile, "You want to come along with us?"

Hajime nodded and took it the cup, rinsing it out before taking a drink from it, "Thanks, Bell. Hey, after we're done with breakfast, could you help me with my sword?" He gestured to the blade that now sat in a belt loop, ready to be used in battle. Though first I need some training with it. Plus, it would be good to find a sheath for it... "You wouldn't also know any way to make a cheap sheath for it as well, would you?"

@york @DapperDogman
"Oh...Sheaths are quite simple, honestly, We'll get something together for you soon enough...as for training...I'm no Aiz Wallenstien, but I know my way around a blade" he smiles a little and nods "Sure, I'll do what I can to teach you"

@The Tactician
Karol slowly turned his head to the side, having only noticed now what sat next to him. His body began to shake, and a cold sweat broke out across his forehead. He licked his lips as he tried to find something to say inside his head, but all he could see inside his head was this sand monster's gaze upon him. "G-Gaara...?" he croaked, pushing his chair back slightly so that his feet touched the ground. He cautiously reached back to plant a hand into his bag, but then the monster spoke, and Karol froze as if he'd been turned to stone. He stared with his eyes wide open, even as the creature shattered to reveal Gaara.


"I'm... I'm fine." Karol most certainly didn't look fine, but he didn't want to alarm his new friend. An overwhelming sense of pity overtook Karol at the thought of that thing being inside Gaara. It was only right for Brave Vesperia to do something about this, but it was beyond anything Karol had expertise with. Perhaps if Rita were here, she would know a way...

But no, Rita was not here, and Karol was alone. He only had himself to rely on in all of this. He had to protect Gaara, Beowulf, and everyone else, even they were all super strong.

"Really, he didn't hurt me, and neither did Idoun." He looked away once others started coming into the canteen. Karol offered a smile to Gary, even if he had not caught the man's name. The others seemed drawn to the kitchen, which now looked like an area that was blocked off to them. That musthave happened while Karol slept, for the boy didn't remember anything odd occurring the evening before. "I guess I just had some bad dreams, so seeing that... freaked me out a little. But it's okay! It just means I have to stay more... uh, vigilant, right? We're gonna find out who hurt that man, and then Brave Vesperia will deliver the justice they deserve."

Karol beamed, putting his hands on his hips. "So, Gaara, what do you think we should do? Should we... oh, should we interrogate people? That's how detectives work!"

@Bomb @TheBlueBurch @ShadowPrime @Unlimited RP Works @Canteen Crew​

"I guess, but you really think we can find who the spy is?"

@Atomyk @TheBlueBurch @ShadowPrime @Unlimited RP Works @The canteen room​
"A little macabre, but I figured I'd leave it for the ones who want to play detective. Apple?"

He held out a slice just recently coated with the sugar and cinnamon with his fingers as he turned and smirked at the other.

"And just familiarizing myself with the kitchen. Enjoying yourself?"

@york @ShadowPrime @Canteen People.
"Like I said, I like it! Don't ever let anyone stop ya from doing the stuff you enjoy, I say. You apparently enjoy cooking with the stench of death in the air and that suits me just fine. My pursuits are just more...visual and visceral. Which means no I ain't enjoying myself except for yesterday when I got to indulge my hobby." She frowned, grabbing an apple nevertheless and taking a bite. "It's wike, we jwust can't take control of our fates, y'know?" She questioned with her mouth full.

@Unlimited RP Works @Atomyk @TheBlueBurch @Bomb
View attachment 78480
"Yes to all three questions! I'd love to have people to play instruments with!" She exclaimed, smiling gleefully as she headed over to hand a guitar to Sukuna. "Oh! And take this too! I've got my part memorized!" she said gleefully, it looked like she was preparing to sing... The notes themselves seemed simple; a few advancing notes repeating after a while, even for a beginner, they should be manageable...​

Yellow hadn't read a note of music in her life, nor had she played any instrument, so she was in a worse spot than even a beginner.

Fortunately, she seemed to be asking Sukuna to play, and not herself. She sighed in relief.

"Sorry, I don't play any instruments, but I'd love to listen!"
"Uh... huh. I see," Kyon nodded as the girl spoke, "Have fun with that."

He wasn't about to embarrass himself like this. Kyon had little to no musical skill at all, so there was that.

"Who are you anyway? Are you like, the head of the music club?"

@york @Kaykay @The Silver Paladin @Gummi Bunnies

"Well, considering she's the only one here, I think so."

@york @The Silver Paladin @Gummi Bunnies @york
Yukine sat down next to Karol, having arrived at the canteen to get something to eat as well, Yato sitting next to the blonde.

"Mm, morning children." Yato greeted with a yawn. Strands of hair sticking up here and there.

@Atomyk @TheBlueBurch @Bomb
View attachment 78480
"Yes to all three questions! I'd love to have people to play instruments with!" She exclaimed, smiling gleefully as she headed over to hand a guitar to Sukuna. "Oh! And take this too! I've got my part memorized!" she said gleefully, it looked like she was preparing to sing... The notes themselves seemed simple; a few advancing notes repeating after a while, even for a beginner, they should be manageable...​

"Oh okay! This should be fun! And my friends back home can finally play their music with me~" Sukuna smiled as she took the guitar into her hands. Well, she'll learn sooner or later, since she was just a beginner after all.

@york @The Silver Paladin @Kaykay @Verite @Jeremi @Music Club​
View attachment 78480
"Yes to all three questions! I'd love to have people to play instruments with!" She exclaimed, smiling gleefully as she headed over to hand a guitar to Sukuna. "Oh! And take this too! I've got my part memorized!" she said gleefully, it looked like she was preparing to sing... The notes themselves seemed simple; a few advancing notes repeating after a while, even for a beginner, they should be manageable...​

"Oh hey! I figured I'd find my wifeys here!" Red said, randomly popping out of nowhere.

@york @The Silver Paladin @Kaykay @Verite @Jeremi @Gummi Bunnies @Music Club​
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"Oh...Sheaths are quite simple, honestly, We'll get something together for you soon enough...as for training...I'm no Aiz Wallenstien, but I know my way around a blade" he smiles a little and nods "Sure, I'll do what I can to teach you"

@The Tactician

"Great, maybe we can use part of the Reactional Area! There should be some space there where we can practice without risking anyone else," It seemed the idea of actually learning to use a sword had improved Hajime's mood greatly if his quick exclamations were any indication.

@york @DapperDogman
"Like I said, I like it! Don't ever let anyone stop ya from doing the stuff you enjoy, I say. You apparently enjoy cooking with the stench of death in the air and that suits me just fine. My pursuits are just more...visual and visceral. Which means no I ain't enjoying myself except for yesterday when I got to indulge my hobby." She frowned, grabbing an apple nevertheless and taking a bite. "It's wike, we jwust can't take control of our fates, y'know?" She questioned with her mouth full.

@Unlimited RP Works @Atomyk @TheBlueBurch @Bomb
"Chew slowly. The taste lingers more effectively."

He replied as he went back to chopping up more apples. As he did so, he finished a pan and spoke.

"Put this out by the counter please? Lets give these gentlemen and ladies some light refreshment. As it is, I wanted to ask. Who do you think is killing everyone?"

He then put the knife aside for an apple core remover, working as he flicked a glance at the cookie dough he had left as he added idly.

"And for what reasons?"

@ShadowPrime @york @Canteen People
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