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Miku seemed to be off in dreamland or something as she spoke "Yeah... Pretty much." she said in response to Kyon's comment then her eyes snapped open and she spoke again "Right! Let's do this!" she said, looking towards Sukuna, thinking for a moment before she added "On Three... One... Two..." Miku moved back a little as she got herself ready "Three!" she said, then, she began to sing.

She was a natural when it came to singing it seemed; despite the lyrics being in a different language entirely, it was still clear she was really good at this... It was no wonder she was in the music club; regardless of how well Sukuna played, it seemed that Miku managed to match her tempo pretty easily.​

"That was pretty nice! You've been here practicing for a long time right?"

@york @Jeremi @Gummi Bunnies @Verite @Kaykay @The Silver Paladin
"Hee hee hee. Let's not split hairs here. There are no innocents around these parts. There are, however, shades of responsibility! 50 shades of them, you understand? Comprehend? I never hid what I like to do, who I am...and I was even in my cabin when all this stuff went down. But you, you...little old you. You were here apparently. Cooking, no less! The mafia guy with an interest in the culinary arts? Forgive me for being skeptical. Just seems like an act to meeeeeeeee." She sing songed.

"Some false perception to hide behind. The friendly cook! Blood for ketchup! They'd never see it coming!" She held her fingers together, forming a snapshot square to border the guy's face. "Click click! If I had a camera..." She shrugged, grabbing a cookie.

@york @Unlimited RP Works @TheBlueBurch @Atomyk @Lizzy
"Don't be so plebeian. You use blood for BBQ and certain fried dishes."

He shared casually, examining a massive cleaver along its edge as he frowned.

"Hmph. You'd think the prior owners would care more about the state of this place."

He shook his head and went to grab equipment to clean and sharpen them as he pulled up a chair and went to to work.

@york @ShadowPrime @Atomyk @Lizzy @Whoever Else in the Canteen
Though Yellow had no musical prowess, clapping to the beat was simple enough, so that's what she did.

Once they finished, her rhythmic clapping changed to applause.

"Hey! You're really good!"

"Chu!" It seemed Chuchu agreed.

@york @The Silver Paladin @Gummi Bunnies @Bomb
Oh, boy. Here comes the weirdo brigade. Miss TOHSAKA and another little girl who kept going on and on about... wifeys. For some, that might come off as cute, but personally, Kyon found himself a bit uncomfortable with the notion. Then again, knowing the company that he usually hung out with, maybe it wasn't entirely his fault.

Still, he was admittedly impressed by Miku's musical talent, watching silently as she performed.

"... Huh. Not bad," he complimented with a small whistle.

@york @Jeremi @Bomb @Gummi Bunnies @Kaykay @The Silver Paladin

"That was fun!" Sukuna smiled once they finished up. She enjoyed the experience, even if it felt a bit simple.

@york @Jeremi @Bomb @Verite @Kaykay @The Silver Paladin

"That was pretty nice! You've been here practicing for a long time right?"

@york @Jeremi @Gummi Bunnies @Verite @Kaykay @The Silver Paladin

"Aww thanks... It sure was fun!" She said, giggling a little, then, she realized something "Oh! I forgot to introduce myself; I'm Miku!" she said, stopping for a moment. "I mean, no-one believes that's my actual name, but it's true!" she continued, starting to ramble again.​
Shiki never told this to anybody, but her favorite part of the entire day was the instant directly after waking up in the morning.

For those fleeting few moments, she was nothingness. Her mind, still in the process of rebooting, remembered nothing of who she was, where she was, or what she was doing. The previous day, the day before her; it was all simply... emptiness, like a tape with nothing recorded. She wasn't Ryougi Shiki. Ryougi Shiki didn't exist. She was just a girl waking up in a warm bed, alone and without a care in the world... no burdens to bear, no conscience to nag. She was a void. A boundary of emptiness.

Then came her least favorite part of the day.

The part where she remembered.

She remembered that she was Ryougi Shiki. Or, at least, that this was what all the documents and public records told her. She remembered that she had murdered, and slaughtered, and the distinction between the two. She remembered that she was alone in more than just the sense of being on her own in a room, and that there were some things others would consider fundamentals in life that she could never, would never, have.

And she remembered that she saw death.


Most people looked at something as innocuous as a lily and saw something sweet, and beautiful.

Shiki saw a corpse.

One that hadn't realized it was a corpse yet. At the heart of all life, there was mortality; and the "gift" to see those faults highlighted was something she wouldn't have wished upon her worst enemy. She cursed these odious Eyes and everything they represented... she would've taken the opportunity to destroy them when she had the chance, were it not so wasteful.

... She really wasn't a morning person, to say the least.

Especially when she couldn't remember going to sleep; particularly not in this cabin. How did she get here? And what was with the bugs?

They didn't necessarily bother her; she'd slept in worse places. But with circumstances as they were, well... it paid to be suspicious. Especially as she couldn't actually recall if Blake and Orie had gone for her proposal or not. In a blur, her knife was whipped out from underneath her pillow and jabbed into the wooden floorboards, impaling one of the insects as it scuttled about with pinpoint precision. She held it up to the light, watching its legs frantically kicking as it fruitlessly tried to hold on to the life draining away from it. Her expression never budged an inch, grim and impassive even as she watched the creature die on the tip of her blade.

"...Hh. Did that little punk...?"

She snorted, shaking her head a bit as she threw the covers off herself and climbed out of bed. Whatever. She could take a joke, even if it was stupid. And she did kick them out of their cabin, she supposed.

With a yawn, she slipped into her yukata, left her leather jacket on a nearby chair, and quietly left the room, stepping over the bugs without a care and shielding her eyes as she gazed upwards against the glare of the sun. So. Her first night at Camp Sovionok.

And her last, if she could help it.

With her usual look of undiluted determination, she set off into the camp. She wasn't really going anywhere in particular; there were places she wanted to investigate, but she reasoned it was better done at night. For now, she supposed she'd just go find Blake and nonchalantly follow her lead; the two of them could meet up with Orie and work out some course of action. She was fine with letting someone else take the reigns, honestly; just tell her what she needed to kill.

@york @Schnee Corp Lawyer @Jeremi
  • Bucket of Rainbows
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Olga appeared to have been reading a copy of "Gone with the Wind" when Neo arrived, quickly putting it down, looking just slightly sheepish as she spoke "Oh! Hi! Did you want something?" she asked, looking at Neo in an inquiring manner.​

With the pen and paper she had with her, Neo quickly wrote up a little request.

May I examine the Pioneer uniform that was found earlier today?


"Aww thanks... It sure was fun!" She said, giggling a little, then, she realized something "Oh! I forgot to introduce myself; I'm Miku!" she said, stopping for a moment. "I mean, no-one believes that's my actual name, but it's true!" she continued, starting to ramble again.​

"Hehe, nice to meet you, Miku! I'm Yellow!" she introduced herself. Perhaps her name was even harder to believe, given it was just a color.


"Oh, and this is Chuchu!" Yellow said, picking up her pikachu.

The trainer fell silent for a little while and closed her eyes.

"Chuchu had fun listening to you, too!"

@Bomb @Verite @Gummi Bunnies @The Silver Paladin @york
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"Don't be so plebeian. You use blood for BBQ and certain fried dishes."

He shared casually, examining a massive cleaver along its edge as he frowned.

"Hmph. You'd think the prior owners would care more about the state of this place."

He shook his head and went to grab equipment to clean and sharpen them as he pulled up a chair and went to to work.

@york @ShadowPrime @Atomyk @Lizzy @Whoever Else in the Canteen

"Hehehehehehehehe. I'll be real real sure to keep that in mind. BBQ and the fried stuff. May never know when that comes in handy. Maybe when it's my turn to kill someone in the morbid kitchen of the macabre!" She snickered in amusement at her joke, grabbing another two cookies as she chowed down, spinning in her seat. "The Murder camp, in full swing. I wonder..." She looked out over the rest of the people here. Who would, could, should...be next? If nothing else, she could amuse herself with guessing.

A more...final game. Ring around the rosie, with extra blood.

@Unlimited RP Works @Atomyk @TheBlueBurch @Canteen Crew​

"The kid? She probably needs psychiatric help herself."

Shiki bounced back at her with a calm smirk, seemingly unfazed by whatever coded insult Blake was insinuating. Fine. She'd clearly left too poor an impression for this to be anything more than a shaky alliance of circumstance, but she wasn't here to make friends anyway; she never needed them before now, and she wasn't about to start.

Even so... she couldn't help but feel the tiniest twinge of disappointment somewhere deep within her. She liked Blake's sass, if not her sentimentality.

The smirk faded, replaced by her customary grim expression as she crossed her arms.

"And I don't need the dark, I'm plenty mysterious by myself. But that's not the point. We--"


Shiki was so done.

Following a brief period of silence that was tense enough to grate cheese with, the kimono-clad heiress flicked her gaze away from Orie and continued with what she'd been saying, as though the nun wasn't even there. She could tag along if she wanted, she guessed. How bad could a nun be?

"The murders are a farce. Someone is distracting us... and taunting us. Am I really the only one who sees it?"

She jerked a thumb in the direction of the collapsed refrigerator. The loss of life was too bad, but what grabbed her attention the most about the crime scene was the note recovered from the body... and the message it entailed.

"Break the cycle." It could mean any number of things, but for now I'm guessing it's saying Death isn't finished with this merry little summer camp just yet. The slaughter will continue, and for each victim, the same bunch of misfits will step forward to play amateur detective hour, aimlessly pointing fingers and making accusations until they're all dead or they stumble upon the one who stalks us; whichever comes first. With every victim, a routine. A perpetuating cycle."

She paused momentarily for effect, glancing between Blake and Orie with a dark look.

"All while the ones responsible for us being here watch... and laugh. There's no doubt these deaths are their handiwork; but they're using patsies. Muddling the waters with lesser thralls while they swim above it all, unnoticed and unimpeded... Tch."

There came a derisive scoff, Shiki tilting her head back before she continued.

"Cowards! They think we're all fools, or something. That we'll run around like headless chickens, clucking about these murders while they cackle and plot and do other stereotypical things in the meantime... well, I propose otherwise. There's a path to them, somewhere in this camp. I'll find it. Find the ones who brought us here. Then, even if they're a God..."


"...I'll kill them."

Somehow, it was hard to doubt the sheer conviction in her tone.

"...But I might need help."

She added more quietly, her eyes fading from the dazzlingly beautiful (in the same sense as some of the deadliest species of flowers were also beautiful) shade of magenta-blue as she looked back at Blake. And Orie, she guessed. :|

"So... what I'm asking, is..." she hesitated, as if this was a difficult thing for her to do. "...to put my trust in you. And to receive the same in turn."

She waited expectantly, as though finished, before she realized just how stilted that sounded and coughed, hastily making an addition.

"Like... you two have my back, and I'll have yours. Ah, both of you," she ran a hand through her hair, obviously struggling with her phrasing a little here. how to talk like human???? "That we do whatever it is we do with... an understanding. You both seem decent, and I think I have enough sense not to pick the elusive killer when I ask to buddy up like this..."

She trailed off again. Agh, she was no good at this nonsense. If only Mikiya were here.

"Also... who the hell are you, anyway?"

That was directed, rather coarsely, at Orie. She had seen her around the place, and gotten enough of a vibe from her to know (or at least think) she wasn't a killer, but... she still had no idea who this woman was.

@Jeremi @Schnee Corp Lawyer
"You're plenty something alright" Blake responded breezily, before she raised her eyebrow as the strange sleeping girl from before approached. She gave her a quiet wave since apparently some force was throwing them together regardless as she listened quietly to Shiki, ears twitching slightly in the bow but no other response until the knife wielder and Orie had both said their piece

She closed her eyes for a moment to gather her thoughts, before she nodded and cracked them back open to lock eyes with Shiki's for a moment.


"I don't think I trust you"

She kept her stare hard for a few moments before continuing.


The faunus' mouth quirked into a small smirk as she talked. "But you're the only one who's done something besides play inside the system. Even if its just making you look like Dennis the Menace after puberty and a sex change instead of someone fighting a dimensional terror, I do see what you're trying to do. And the fact that you're even bothering, instead of just playing along like everyone else..." Blake shrugged. "I don't see why you would bother. So, with that in mind..."

The faunus took a slight breath before warily extending her hand towards Shiki. Blake liked to think she'd been better about trusting people after meeting her team, JNPR, and Sun, but a few of those walls had been hastily re-erected after the whole 'ripped from her own reality' bit. "...Whether I trust you as a person or not is irrelevant to the fact that we both want out of here, and seem to be the only people willing to do it outside of playing ring around the bloody roses with whoever set this all up. I just have one condition." she added with a small concerned frown. "The other girl from my world. I don't know if she'd be the right person to get involved with us in case things go wrong but just... if you two could watch her back too, I'd... I'd be grateful. She... has a lot of people back home that depend on her." She half mumbled, far less sure in asking a favor than explaining her logic.

However that was answered, Blake shrugged and frowned as she thought.

"As to what we do, well... it looks like its not us that's been targeted, so far anyways. Two of the campers already here are dead now. But for some reason, none of the leaders or staff have done, well... anything about it. They seem content to just continue on with their lives as if two people hadn't just passed away."

Wow. Saying it out loud actually kind of pissed Blake off, and she couldn't help the small growl on her face as she rubbed at her forehead. "So we do something preemptive. Something to, if not protect these guys entirely, at least make the killers job more difficult. We may have to ruffle a few feathers in the process but-" a pointed look as Shiki as Blake's voice shifted into a sarcastic drawl "-I have a feeling that won't be too much of a problem"

Blake quietly explained part of her plan to the other two before she yawned. "Hopefully nothing happens before I get a few hours of rest though. I really don't want to be any less than my best when dealing with a murderous time and space twister for some reason" she said, before just wandering off with a final wave to her new allies. "I'm in cabin 19, pretty close to both of you. We should set a rotation for keeping one of us up at all times, but I'm just dibsing the first crash"

And she just walked off brooking no argument there :|

@OrlandoBloomers @Jeremi @a nun, a ninja, and a psychopath walk into a bar...


Blake woke up.


*Fifteen minutes of dealing with a terrifying case of bedhead later*

Blake was still in the process of waking up, the all nighter taking its toll on her sleep schedule very apparently as she too went to the canteen first to prepare for what she intended to do today


"I'm wondering if you're still upset over us bumping into each other..." Hajime replied with a sigh, "Though, whether it was my fault or yours, I am sorry for it."

@york @DapperDogman

"Psh, it was nothing... I just needed to get somewhere." She said, it seemed she had no trace of that irritation that had been on her face yesterday.​
"... You do know that sounds super suspicious, right?" Karol offered Ulyana a sceptical look, unhappy with her response. She didn't even bother being subtle about keeping secrets.


Karol absolutely hated bugs, and if this girl had some hidden away, he would have liked to know where they were so that he could avoid them. He still had his bug spray on hand in case she did come at him with an insect. Er... not that possible bug attacks were the issue here. "You can't just, like, give us a hint where you were? Playing pranks on people is not a nice thing to do, you know! What if someone got hurt...? I mean, someone did get hurt, so..." Karol trailed off, looking down at his feet. His excitement had died a little once he remembered what really was at stake here.

"Ugh, so just try and work with me here."

@york @TheBlueBurch @Bomb @Lizzy @Canteen​

"Gee, you're starting to sound like Olga Dmitrievna!" She whined, it looked like Ulyana was getting a bit irritated... It looks like it isn't as easy as one would expect to get even the basic amount of information from her.​

"Psh, it was nothing... I just needed to get somewhere." She said, it seemed she had no trace of that irritation that had been on her face yesterday.​

"Must have been something big to have you as steamed as you were..." Hajime responded before smiling, "Oh, and I'm Hajime. What's your name?"​
"You're plenty something alright" Blake responded breezily, before she raised her eyebrow as the strange sleeping girl from before approached. She gave her a quiet wave since apparently some force was throwing them together regardless as she listened quietly to Shiki, ears twitching slightly in the bow but no other response until the knife wielder and Orie had both said their piece

She closed her eyes for a moment to gather her thoughts, before she nodded and cracked them back open to lock eyes with Shiki's for a moment.


"I don't think I trust you"

She kept her stare hard for a few moments before continuing.


The faunus' mouth quirked into a small smirk as she talked. "But you're the only one who's done something besides play inside the system. Even if its just making you look like Dennis the Menace after puberty and a sex change instead of someone fighting a dimensional terror, I do see what you're trying to do. And the fact that you're even bothering, instead of just playing along like everyone else..." Blake shrugged. "I don't see why you would bother. So, with that in mind..."

The faunus took a slight breath before warily extending her hand towards Shiki. Blake liked to think she'd been better about trusting people after meeting her team, JNPR, and Sun, but a few of those walls had been hastily re-erected after the whole 'ripped from her own reality' bit. "...Whether I trust you as a person or not is irrelevant to the fact that we both want out of here, and seem to be the only people willing to do it outside of playing ring around the bloody roses with whoever set this all up. I just have one condition." she added with a small concerned frown. "The other girl from my world. I don't know if she'd be the right person to get involved with us in case things go wrong but just... if you two could watch her back too, I'd... I'd be grateful. She... has a lot of people back home that depend on her." She half mumbled, far less sure in asking a favor than explaining her logic.

However that was answered, Blake shrugged and frowned as she thought.

"As to what we do, well... it looks like its not us that's been targeted, so far anyways. Two of the campers already here are dead now. But for some reason, none of the leaders or staff have done, well... anything about it. They seem content to just continue on with their lives as if two people hadn't just passed away."

Wow. Saying it out loud actually kind of pissed Blake off, and she couldn't help the small growl on her face as she rubbed at her forehead. "So we do something preemptive. Something to, if not protect these guys entirely, at least make the killers job more difficult. We may have to ruffle a few feathers in the process but-" a pointed look as Shiki as Blake's voice shifted into a sarcastic drawl "-I have a feeling that won't be too much of a problem"

Blake quietly explained part of her plan to the other two before she yawned. "Hopefully nothing happens before I get a few hours of rest though. I really don't want to be any less than my best when dealing with a murderous time and space twister for some reason" she said, before just wandering off with a final wave to her new allies. "I'm in cabin 19, pretty close to both of you. We should set a rotation for keeping one of us up at all times, but I'm just dibsing the first crash"

And she just walked off brooking no argument there :|

@OrlandoBloomers @Jeremi @a nun, a ninja, and a psychopath walk into a bar...


Blake woke up.


*Fifteen minutes of dealing with a terrifying case of bedhead later*

Blake was still in the process of waking up, the all nighter taking its toll on her sleep schedule very apparently as she too went to the canteen first to prepare for what she intended to do today


Orie had already taken a seat in the canteen when she spotted Blake walking in. "Good morning, Blake." She called over to the faunus from her seat. "Did you have a good nights sleep? ...Despite the circumstances of how we actually ended up in our beds." She added.

@york @Schnee Corp Lawyer

"What are you so worked up about?" She said in a bit of a... Cocky manner, it looked like she was interested, but, still trying to sound tough... At the very least, she wasn't mad anymore.​
"Er...excuse me?" Bell mutters, looking up "What do you mean, Hajime's not worked up at all...perhaps you're mistaken..." he mutters, glancing between the pair, oblivious that this woman was seemingly trying to force herself onto Hajime

@The Tactician

With the pen and paper she had with her, Neo quickly wrote up a little request.

May I examine the Pioneer uniform that was found earlier today?


"Oh! I have it right here!" Olga said, handing her the uniform... If one were to look closely, they could see there were a few purple hairs on it, probably from Lena, but, upon closer inspection, there was some black substance latching onto one of the strands, and one could swear they saw a little red on it.​

"Aww thanks... It sure was fun!" She said, giggling a little, then, she realized something "Oh! I forgot to introduce myself; I'm Miku!" she said, stopping for a moment. "I mean, no-one believes that's my actual name, but it's true!" she continued, starting to ramble again.​

Yukio came along a bit late, though she heard some of the blue haired girl's singing, and her name. "Miku?", she asked. "You must be a singer who is quite adept at cosplay. Like those who go to Comiket in Tokyo twice every year."

@york @Jeremi @Gummi Bunnies @Verite @Kaykay @The Silver Paladin @Bomb
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"You're plenty something alright" Blake responded breezily, before she raised her eyebrow as the strange sleeping girl from before approached. She gave her a quiet wave since apparently some force was throwing them together regardless as she listened quietly to Shiki, ears twitching slightly in the bow but no other response until the knife wielder and Orie had both said their piece

She closed her eyes for a moment to gather her thoughts, before she nodded and cracked them back open to lock eyes with Shiki's for a moment.


"I don't think I trust you"

She kept her stare hard for a few moments before continuing.


The faunus' mouth quirked into a small smirk as she talked. "But you're the only one who's done something besides play inside the system. Even if its just making you look like Dennis the Menace after puberty and a sex change instead of someone fighting a dimensional terror, I do see what you're trying to do. And the fact that you're even bothering, instead of just playing along like everyone else..." Blake shrugged. "I don't see why you would bother. So, with that in mind..."

The faunus took a slight breath before warily extending her hand towards Shiki. Blake liked to think she'd been better about trusting people after meeting her team, JNPR, and Sun, but a few of those walls had been hastily re-erected after the whole 'ripped from her own reality' bit. "...Whether I trust you as a person or not is irrelevant to the fact that we both want out of here, and seem to be the only people willing to do it outside of playing ring around the bloody roses with whoever set this all up. I just have one condition." she added with a small concerned frown. "The other girl from my world. I don't know if she'd be the right person to get involved with us in case things go wrong but just... if you two could watch her back too, I'd... I'd be grateful. She... has a lot of people back home that depend on her." She half mumbled, far less sure in asking a favor than explaining her logic.

However that was answered, Blake shrugged and frowned as she thought.

"As to what we do, well... it looks like its not us that's been targeted, so far anyways. Two of the campers already here are dead now. But for some reason, none of the leaders or staff have done, well... anything about it. They seem content to just continue on with their lives as if two people hadn't just passed away."

Wow. Saying it out loud actually kind of pissed Blake off, and she couldn't help the small growl on her face as she rubbed at her forehead. "So we do something preemptive. Something to, if not protect these guys entirely, at least make the killers job more difficult. We may have to ruffle a few feathers in the process but-" a pointed look as Shiki as Blake's voice shifted into a sarcastic drawl "-I have a feeling that won't be too much of a problem"

Blake quietly explained part of her plan to the other two before she yawned. "Hopefully nothing happens before I get a few hours of rest though. I really don't want to be any less than my best when dealing with a murderous time and space twister for some reason" she said, before just wandering off with a final wave to her new allies. "I'm in cabin 19, pretty close to both of you. We should set a rotation for keeping one of us up at all times, but I'm just dibsing the first crash"

And she just walked off brooking no argument there :|

@OrlandoBloomers @Jeremi @a nun, a ninja, and a psychopath walk into a bar...


Blake woke up.


*Fifteen minutes of dealing with a terrifying case of bedhead later*

Blake was still in the process of waking up, the all nighter taking its toll on her sleep schedule very apparently as she too went to the canteen first to prepare for what she intended to do today

@Schnee Corp Lawyer @The other canteen goes
It looked like two people had just recently arrived; Sophie, and, well, Ruby Rose, it looked like Ruby was already looking around for some ice-cream, or cookies, or, well, any sweets in as many places as she could. Sophie lagged behind a little, a more thoughtfull look on her face.​
@Schnee Corp Lawyer @The other canteen goes
It looked like two people had just recently arrived; Sophie, and, well, Ruby Rose, it looked like Ruby was already looking around for some ice-cream, or cookies, or, well, any sweets in as many places as she could. Sophie lagged behind a little, a more thoughtfull look on her face.​

Deciding he needed to cast his vote soon, Hajime put one down for Lena.

@DapperDogman @york
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"Must have been something big to have you as steamed as you were..." Hajime responded before smiling, "Oh, and I'm Hajime. What's your name?"​
"Er...excuse me?" Bell mutters, looking up "What do you mean, Hajime's not worked up at all...perhaps you're mistaken..." he mutters, glancing between the pair, oblivious that this woman was seemingly trying to force herself onto Hajime

@The Tactician

"Don't mind it... the names Alisa by the way." Alisa said, though Bell's comment seemed to have struck a nerve just then, because her expression changed.

"What? He just looked a bit worked up, that's all." She said... Oh dear, talk about a short temper.
Blake was still rubbing some of the sleep out of her eyes when she trudged into the canteen, but it didn't take much to notice the red omen of the oncoming sugar storm that was Ruby. The faunus smirked, meandering by and muttering under her breath to her leader. "Careful. Someone might tell Yang how many sweets you had before breakfast when we get back."

It was a toothless threat, but teasing Ruby was almost as good as coffee sometimes for waking herself up.

She actually did get the coffee though =w=

eventually she ended up at Orie's table with a plate of eggs and said coffee, giving her a silent nod of acknowledgement and a firm shake of her head at the idea of any sort of good sleep before digging into her breakfast and flicking open her scroll to pick up where she last left off reading.

@york @Jeremi @canteen bros and sistahs
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