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Hajime sighed as he followed Kyon, "That's just Sukuna and Yellow..."​
"Yes! The spooky ghost got you!" Sukuna snickered as she heard Kyon flipping out. Guess she was 2spooky4him.

Though, she calmed down from her pranking behavior to hear that there were people inside the canteen. Oh... so that's what they were waiting outside for.

@Verite @The Tactician @york @TheBlueBurch @Raven @Jeremi
Yellow laughed as Kyon freaked out to the spooky ghosts.

"Sorry, Kyon, Hajime! Sukuna just wanted to have some fun, I think."

She took off the bedsheet and folded it up, tucking it away for now. She looked around, and it seemed they were at a canteen.

"What're we doing here?"

@york @Gummi Bunnies @The Tactician @Verite @Bomb @TheBlueBurch @Canteen group​

"Oh, uh... I just thought you guys might want some food... And maybe I'm looking for a cute girl I met," Hajime added that last part quickly and quietly, not wanting Yellow to hear him.

@Gummi Bunnies @york @Bomb @Verite @TheBlueBurch
Placing both of his hands to either side of his head, Kyon's voice sounded as if he was talking from a mile away. Mainly because Shukaku was growing tired of all these people trying to get all cozy and friendly with Gaara. That could lead to him getting ideas and maybe even figuring out a way to get rid of him and the tailed beast simply couldn't have that. However, while he could cause Gaara extreme mental anguish with headaches and all around just making him into a generally unpleasant person to be around, he couldn't actually force Gaara to walk away.

Didn't mean he couldn't make Gaara's life even more of a living hell than it already was. Within the mental plain that was Gaara's mind, Gaara appeared in his youth cradling his beloved teddy bear close to him. He sat on the ledge of a building overlooking the whole of the Sand Village.


"..You know for as glad as I am to have you, Teddy? I really wish I had my mommy back. She'd know how to make me feel better. I've been feeling so sad lately." Kid!Gaara confided into the stuffed bear which of course didn't respond. But that was okay with Gaara. He felt somewhat better knowing Teddy would be there for him. "I know my daddy's the leader of the Sand Village but even he couldn't save mommy. I..I just wish there was something more I could have done for her, Teddy."

Teddy remained silent was the usual for a teddy bear. Gaara sighed and hugged the stuffed bear close to his chest. It wasn't exactly the best night Gaara ever had but then every night seemed colder without his mother there to embrace him.

Or so it appeared anyhow as footsteps could have been heard from behind Gaara. Rising to his feet, he continued to hold Teddy close to him as sand began to flare up around him defensively.

"Who's there!? I-I'll attack if I have to! Don't think I won't!"

"Now, is that any way to speak to your mother?" The voice questioned but Gaara couldn't mistake it. Even if it had been back when he was still an infant and his mother was giving her dying breaths, he could still recognize her voice and upon moving closer, he noticed that it was indeed his mother. Rushing towards her as tears welled up in his eyes, he leaped into her arms as she hugged him.

"Mommy! I thought you were gone! I thought you left me all alone!"

"I'd never leave you alone, Gaara! Even if I'm not with you physically, I live on through the sand you carry with you. I'll always be there to protect you, my son."

As the two smiled at each other, Gaara gasped in fear and shock as his mother began to turn into sand and fall apart. Falling to his knees the young boy grasped at the sand, his control over the waterworks having been lost as tears ran freely down his face. "Mommy?! Mommy come back!"

"Afraid you'll never be able to hold mommy dearest in your arms again, kid. But then again why do you need her? Or hell, why do you need that Karol brat? Kid would trip over his own shoelaces if he had them and let here you are going out of your way to protect him and get the sympathy party. What? Scared you'll slip up and fall asleep?"

'Teddy' taunted as it turned it's head to stare at Kid!Gaara as the Sand Village faded away leaving them in the familar black void of Gaara's mind. Throwing the bear aside, it began to grow larger and shift into a being Gaara only knew too well.

Shukaku, the one Tailed Beast.

"I've tried and I've tried to be reasonable with you, Gaara. But you just don't seem to get the picture. This isn't entirely your body. It's mine too and the sooner you start taking my decisions into account and forget all this kindness crap, then you'll really start living. Course that's what I thought you wanted. To have a purpose to exist."


"It is what I want. To fill the void that mother left when she.."

"When she what? Gave up her life to protect you? That not good enough for you? She's the key structure in your Uiltmate Defense and you're gonna shed some tears because she can't pat you on the head and tell you how much of a good boy you've been? I'm sickened. You're running out of chances, Gaara. Either you make a decision or I will." He'd say as he reached towards Gaara with a massive claw and in the real world, twelve year old Gaara shot up in his seat.

"AHHH! I'm..Sorry. It's just that most people see me as nothing more than a freak. It's why people have tried to kill me, label me as an outcast because they don't understand, and it's why I-I get back at them. It's to help me feel like I have a reason for being here. But I was telling the truth when I said I doubt you could help me. You won't be able to get rid of him."

He'd say as he propped his forearms onto the table and looked up at Kyon and Karol. "Before I was even born, the leader of my village and my father sealed a demon within me. I've had to fend off attempts on my life since I was six years old. Nobody's ever been able to get closeto me and I've preferred it that way. People only act nice so they can get in close and attack me. But you and Karol seem different. You don't seem like you'll attack me. No, you seem genuine in your actions. It's something I cannot understand."

@york @Kaykay @The Tactician @Verite @TheBlueBurch @Gummi Bunnies @Atomyk
Karol smiled a bit nervously at Yato calling Yukine a cat. Were cats really known to be grumps? Having not been around many cats growing up, Karol just thought they were cute sometimes. Frankly, when he thought of cats, he couldn't help but imagine that one ridiculous get-up Rita had worn once... Huh, maybe cats really were known to be grumps! He supposed that made Gaara a bit of a cat as well, considering how grumpy he was. If Yukine was really as grumpy as Yato said, maybe being friends with Gaara wasn't such an impossibility.

"Wait..." It wasn't until they reached the canteen that Karol really picked up on Yato being referred to as a god. He paused at the entrance and looked up at him in awe. "What do you mean... a god? Are you telling me...?" No way... no way! Maybe that really did make Anima an angel! Karol looked inside for a moment to see if he could spot the woman, but instead his sight immediately home din on Gaara, who was sitting by himself inside. Karol's excitement grew, his fear of the darkness surrounding them suddenly forgotten.


"You gotta tell Gaara too, we're all friends, okay?" Karol rushed inside, moving to take a seat across from the redheaded boy. Karol grinned at him widely. "There's so much we need to talk about! Yato is a god and Anima might be an angel and you're actually super strong, Gaara!"

@TheBlueBurch @Lizzy @Mari
Oh, boy.

Damn kids.

"I... see. Just don't do that again," he sighed to Yellow and Sukuna. What was he going to do?

And then a wild Karol would appear. And some two other guys whose names would elude Kyon. Yukine and something else? Yukine and Yato? Bah.


But still, oh, boy. Another kid. It really did feel like a camp here. Some of these people seemed to fit right in a Boy Scouts camp, and Kyon could almost imagine himself and Hajime as counselors or something like that.

The young man raised an eyebrow as Gaara spoke about his past, scratching his head after a while.

"Uh... you lost me after demons and villages, buuut I managed to catch the last part," Kyon responded to the boy, "I don't even have any means to attack me. I imagine if I even tried, you'd knock me out the window in seconds, so even if I didn't like you, I just wouldn't mess with you... which I understand is supposed to be how you wanted to present yourself so you wouldn't get hurt or something?"

Man, now he wished he'd paid more attention in Psychology class. Didn't they have a term for this?

"But anyway, that's beside the point. Just... look, I don't really have a reason to fake being nice or anything. I just act like myself because... how else am I supposed to act? I'm not the kind of person who looks for reality by fabricating it. As long as it's within reason, I'll do what I think is best. Alright, kid?" He asked, giving Gaara a brief pat on the shoulder, "Is that enough for an answer?"

Oop. Looks like the others went into the kitchen while he was blabbering on. Oh, well. He can just hope that Hajime and the others would come back with some food or something. 'Cause it wasn't until he walked into the canteen that he realized how hungry he was.

Did I even eat anything today? Augh...

@TheBlueBurch @Atomyk
@People Headed Towards The Kitchen
It would seem that the rustling noise was coming from a storage closet nearby, one could just barely catch the glimpse of a brown cat-tail from here.​

"Oh, a kitty," Rika lightly laughed, thinking that it wasn't that big of a deal any more. Not being near a cat before, Rika wondered if it was okay to come near the storage closet to pluck the kitty cat out.

@ppl in the kitchen​

"S-Slavya!" Hajime shouted before remembering he was indoors, a sheepish feeling coming over him. Grabbing a sandwich and bowl of grapes from the food area, he walked over to the blonde Pioneer with a smile, "You mind if I sit here?"

@york @Gummi Bunnies @Verite @DapperDogman

Slavya looked up, smiling as she nodded "Sure! I don't mind!" she said, moving her arms a little so there would be a bit more room... She looked thoughtfull as she continued to eat, apparantly pondering about something absent mindedly.​

Slavya looked up, smiling as she nodded "Sure! I don't mind!" she said, moving her arms a little so there would be a bit more room... She looked thoughtfull as she continued to eat, apparantly pondering about something absent mindedly.​

"Thank, Slavya," He set his plate down while balancing his sword against the table before sitting down. Taking the time to pop a grape into his minute and enjoy the sweetness, he tilted his head when he noticed her thoughtful expression, "Something on your mind? It's not the incident that happened, is it?"​
"But a minor god is still a god. That's really cool!" Karol was finding a whole lot of things around here cool. He was almost worried he'd start to find it all boring eventually. Karol really didn't like that idea much. He felt that life was about learning new things and becoming a stronger person all the time. He'd hate for it all to become... usual; Tired; Boring. Hopefully he wouldn't be trapped here that long, though something told him he would have to at least get used to this place...

He turned to Gaara again, listening intently for the moment. His excitement died down once he understood the other boy was having a moment of internal crisis. It weirdly reminded Karol of the times he himself had doubted himself and the relationships he'd shared with the others, which just made him feel really uncomfortable for the moment. He leaned back in his seat and stared ahead as he tried to find the right words to say, but he couldn't manage to think of anything at all. Even as Kyon spoke before him, Karol could only stare blankly at Gaara.

Clearing his throat, he did manage one thing to say--


"... You don't seem freaky to me. Not now."

@TheBlueBurch @Verite @Lizzy @Mari
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"Oh, a kitty," Rika lightly laughed, thinking that it wasn't that big of a deal any more. Not being near a cat before, Rika wondered if it was okay to come near the storage closet to pluck the kitty cat out.

@ppl in the kitchen​
"Do I sense... a neko?"


@york @Gummi Bunnies @kitchen guys​
@Kitchen Folks

Yup, it was indeed a neko as Red has suspected, in fact, she may look familiar to a few select individuals. "Oh! I was just getting some sugar." She said, after she had calmed down a little, it looked like she had indeed taken a handfull of sugar from an untied bag nearby.
@Kitchen Folks

Yup, it was indeed a neko as Red has suspected, in fact, she may look familiar to a few select individuals. "Oh! I was just getting some sugar." She said, after she had calmed down a little, it looked like she had indeed taken a handfull of sugar from an untied bag nearby.

At this time of night, Hajime ain't questioning shit. Trying to solve random ass murders does that to you.

He waved at Yulia from the main dining area, "Hi again, Yulia, welcome to camp."

@york @Verite @Gummi Bunnies @Dapeprdogman​
@Kitchen Folks

Yup, it was indeed a neko as Red has suspected, in fact, she may look familiar to a few select individuals. "Oh! I was just getting some sugar." She said, after she had calmed down a little, it looked like she had indeed taken a handfull of sugar from an untied bag nearby.

"Oh hey. I don't see why you need to get sugar like that, but it's fine."

@york @The Tactician @Gummi Bunnies @Verite
"But a minor god is still a god. That's really cool!" Karol was finding a whole lot of things around here cool. He was almost worried he'd start to find it all boring eventually. Karol really didn't like that idea much. He felt that life was about learning new things and becoming a stronger person all the time. He'd hate for it all to become... usual; Tired; Boring. Hopefully he wouldn't be trapped here that long, though something told him he would have to at least get used to this place...

He turned to Gaara again, listening intently for the moment. His excitement died down once he understood the other boy was having a moment of internal crisis. It weirdly reminded Karol of the times he himself had doubted himself and the relationships he'd shared with the others, which just made him feel really uncomfortable for the moment. He leaned back in his seat and stared ahead as he tried to find the right words to say, but he couldn't manage to think of anything at all. Even as Kyon spoke before him, Karol could only stare blankly at Gaara.

Clearing his throat, he did manage one thing to say--


"... You don't seem freaky to me. Not now."

@TheBlueBurch @Verite @Lizzy @Mari

Yukine had went to get some food, not getting too much or too little. He noticed Katara and Alex. He glanced over to Yato and saw that he was interacting with Karol and his friends for now, so the amber eyed blonde sat with the water bender and the other male.

"Hey." He greeted.

@Atomyk @Verite @Mari @TheBlueBurch @Korra @Wedge Antilles
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"Do I sense... a neko?"


@york @Gummi Bunnies @kitchen guys​
@Kitchen Folks

Yup, it was indeed a neko as Red has suspected, in fact, she may look familiar to a few select individuals. "Oh! I was just getting some sugar." She said, after she had calmed down a little, it looked like she had indeed taken a handfull of sugar from an untied bag nearby.

"Oh, okay. I'm sure that the counselors wouldn't mind that someone was taking sugar out of all things..."

Tears ran down Gaara's face as he didn't have the mental fortitude at the moment to try and hold them back. Both Kyon and Karol tried so hard to comfort him and to get close to him. All these years Gaara brutally murdered any person foolish enough to try and befriend the sand ninja and while it'd take a while for him to get over the whole 'don't murder anyone' aspect, it was finally starting to dawn on him that these two didn't mind that Shukaku was sealed within him. To them he was just another boy if quite a bit weird.

At that moment sand seeped out of Gaara's gourd and pushed Karol closer to Gaara as the sand ninja wrapped his arms around him and gave a hug.

"You don't hate me like all the others do. I'm unsure of how to react to all of this. But I-I suppose the proper reaction would to be grateful. You two are the first friends I've ever made." He'd sniffle as he wiped at his eyes. "I apologize for being as rough with you as I was. You forgive me, yes..?" It was clear by Gaara's smiled that it did seem partly forced. Mostly due to him either smiling because he was about to kill his opponent or do something equally as sadistic. But this was a smile born out of joy.

Meanwhile, Beowulf was chilling outside of the canteen. He had followed the group back to camp after the brawl down in the forest. He was both proud of Gaara for overcoming his coldness to actually fight among the others and for Karol actually getting through the sand ninja's hard outer shell. If he could consider them both students of his, then he was quite the proud teacher.

@Atomyk @Verite
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"Thank, Slavya," He set his plate down while balancing his sword against the table before sitting down. Taking the time to pop a grape into his minute and enjoy the sweetness, he tilted his head when he noticed her thoughtful expression, "Something on your mind? It's not the incident that happened, is it?"​

At this time of night, Hajime ain't questioning shit. Trying to solve random ass murders does that to you.

He waved at Yulia from the main dining area, "Hi again, Yulia, welcome to camp."

@york @Verite @Gummi Bunnies @Dapeprdogman​

Slavya laughed a little, perhaps to ease the tension a little "Oh? Well, I was just wondering about that Shiki girl... That's all." she said, cocking her head to one side... When Hajime acknowledged Yulia's presence though, Slavya turned around, only to see a glimps of a brown tail tucking itself outside of the window; Yulia had already scampered off, leaving a small trail of sugar behind. "Yulia?" She said, looking a bit puzzled.

"Well, that was interesting," Rika smiled, but one could hear a snapping noise, as if a supporting wire to something in the kitchen had become disconnected all of a sudden. Though, Rika didn't seem to notice.

"So, I wonder what to eat before going to bed..." the little girl mumbles, thinking about it for a second.

@anybody still in the kitchen​

Slavya laughed a little, perhaps to ease the tension a little "Oh? Well, I was just wondering about that Shiki girl... That's all." she said, cocking her head to one side... When Hajime acknowledged Yulia's presence though, Slavya turned around, only to see a glimps of a brown tail tucking itself outside of the window; Yulia had already scampered off, leaving a small trail of sugar behind. "Yulia?" She said, looking a bit puzzled.

"Oh, guess she already ran off," Hajime rubbed the back of his neck, trying to think of how to explain things, "We met her in the woods and she helped us in trying to find evidence regarding the incident. She's... I guess a wild child? She doesn't seem to have a home, so I told her she could come to the camp to live," He shrugged before returning to the earlier subject, "Anyways, Shiki..."

"I really don't know what to say about her actions. I think she's just as confused as me about how we got here and just as frustrated, so I can understand her feelings..." Hajime sighed as he leaned back, "But she didn't need to push you. You were just trying to help her. I guess that's my thoughts on it."

"How about you, what do you think?"

@york @Verite @Gummi Bunnies @Kaykay @DapperDogman
Asakura chuckled. But, whether she chuckled because she genuinely thought Hank was funny or just thought his comments were idiotic was unable to be seen. "Sure, why not? But if you can't become Batman, with those sorts of skills you could likely become any kind of hero you want." She smiled. "I wouldn't just limit your options."

The bluenette paused after a moment, paying notice to the announcement that rang out over the camp. So, someone had died and she wasn't the cause of it? The thought was amusing. With her luck, Kyon probably thought she was the killer anyhow...


Frowning, Asakura said, "Did you hear that? Someone was killed. I wonder who did it?" She sighed. "And whoever it is, I hope they don't come after us..."

If they knew what was good for them, they certainly wouldn't go after Ryoko Asakura. They would most certainly suffer if they did. Asakura wouldn't play any games with them. She'd take out her knife and be on them in an instant.
@Josh M


People being killed wasn't new to Hank. Super villains and such have attacked him his whole life, death happens. However, he did seemed worried, more for his female friend's sake.

@Klutzy Ninja Kitty
@Kitchen Folks

Yup, it was indeed a neko as Red has suspected, in fact, she may look familiar to a few select individuals. "Oh! I was just getting some sugar." She said, after she had calmed down a little, it looked like she had indeed taken a handfull of sugar from an untied bag nearby.
Bell's eyes widened slightly "A-A prum?" he asks as he recalls the species from where he was from "Wh-What are you..." he pauses as he remembers her getting sugar and stops to think for a second "What are you using the sugar for? Won't it keep you awake if you eat it this late?"

Nice save, champ...real slick

@york @The Tactician @Kitchen Folk
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Tears ran down Gaara's face as he didn't have the mental fortitude at the moment to try and hold them back. Both Kyon and Karol tried so hard to comfort him and to get close to him. All these years Gaara brutally murdered any person foolish enough to try and befriend the sand ninja and while it'd take a while for him to get over the whole 'don't murder anyone' aspect, it was finally starting to dawn on him that these two didn't mind that Shukaku was sealed within him. To them he was just another boy if quite a bit weird.

At that moment sand seeped out of Gaara's gourd and pushed Karol closer to Gaara as the sand ninja wrapped his arms around him and gave a hug.

"You don't hate me like all the others do. I'm unsure of how to react to all of this. But I-I suppose the proper reaction would to be grateful. You two are the first friends I've ever made." He'd sniffle as he wiped at his eyes. "I apologize for being as rough with you as I was. You forgive me, yes..?" It was clear by Gaara's smiled that it did seem partly forced. Mostly due to him either smiling because he was about to kill his opponent or do something equally as sadistic. But this was a smile born out of joy.

Meanwhile, Beowulf was chilling outside of the canteen. He had followed the group back to camp after the brawl down in the forest. He was both proud of Gaara for overcoming his coldness to actually fight among the others and for Karol actually getting through the sand ninja's hard outer shell. If he could consider them both students of his, then he was quite the proud teacher.

@Atomyk @Verite

Ah... oh, jeez. The kid's crying. But at least they were... happy tears?

This was kinda awkward. What does he do in a situation like this? He didn't exactly wanna come off as indifferent to their supposedly newly formed friendship. Ah... hell. The only experience he had dealing with kids was limited to only his little sister, who was just about cheery all the damn time with seemingly no problems of her own.


"Look, you're a good kid."

If not a little creepy.

"Just be yourself."

As long as it's not creepy.

With that being said, he'd briefly pat Gaara on the head, before sitting down with a sigh. Man, today has been exhausting.

@Atomyk @TheBlueBurch
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"Oh, guess she already ran off," Hajime rubbed the back of his neck, trying to think of how to explain things, "We met her in the woods and she helped us in trying to find evidence regarding the incident. She's... I guess a wild child? She doesn't seem to have a home, so I told her she could come to the camp to live," He shrugged before returning to the earlier subject, "Anyways, Shiki..."

"I really don't know what to say about her actions. I think she's just as confused as me about how we got here and just as frustrated, so I can understand her feelings..." Hajime sighed as he leaned back, "But she didn't need to push you. You were just trying to help her. I guess that's my thoughts on it."

"How about you, what do you think?"

@york @Verite @Gummi Bunnies @Kaykay @DapperDogman

"Well... I don't know... Things have been going... Strangely these days..." Slavya said, that thoughtfull expression remained on her face.​
Bell's eyes widened slightly "A-A prum?" he asks as he recalls the species from where he was from "Wh-What are you..." he pauses as he remembers her getting sugar and stops to think for a second "What are you using the sugar for? Won't it keep you awake if you eat it this late?"

Nice save, champ...real slick

@york @The Tactician @Kitchen Folk
Unfortunately, the girl was gone, though, she seemed to have left behind a distinct trail of sugar.

"Well... I don't know... Things have been going... Strangely these days..." Slavya said, that thoughtfull expression remained on her face.​

Unfortunately, the girl was gone, though, she seemed to have left behind a distinct trail of sugar.

"Yeah, first my big group shows up here without any idea how we got here... Then the incident with Smeyon... It's just like the last time I ended up on a trip like this." Except there's no bears, thankfully. Maybe Junko doesn't have anything to do with this. "Well, at least there's one good about this whole thing," He directed a sweet grin her way, obviously showing he meant, "I met some great people here, including you, Slavya."​
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