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-Was the only response that Shiki got to the yo-yo comment before the gates finally swung open and Blake quietly dropped out of the the tree-


Was... was that...?


Blake was across the ground separating them in a flash, her head swimming with all sorts of questions that couldn't decide which order to come out of her mouth as she skidded to a halt in front of her leader(?) and just kind of... stared for a few seconds as her brain caught up.

"...That is you, right?" she finally settled on, wincing slightly at the loudness of Krieg nearby.

@york @OrlandoBloomers @Krieg @all the people I missed who were next to these people


"Another one...?" Shiki mused in mock exasperation, as though spying her second roach in as many minutes. She let Ruby's arm go after a moment, a bit annoyed that the kid and her associate didn't seem to know anything useful. "Where are her ears?"

None of this sat well with her. She hardly knew a thing about anyone here as it was, but for a duo to step off the bus at a different time from everyone else... and for it to be someone one of their number knew, to boot... it seemed just a little too convenient for her tastes.

And for Pete's sake, where the hell were the people who actually knew a single thing about why they were here?! All these camp counselors and their ilk seemed about as airheaded as the stereotype painted them. It occurred to her that she might've just been irritable because she wanted to kill something already. If this was the old Shiki, the one who fell into the void and never came back out, she probably would've just picked a target at random and waited for the opportune moment to strike, but... her ethics now demanded she only kill things that threatened the existence of others. Things that deserved it. It was a limited existence, finding purpose in life through death but being unable to kill all but 1% of things, because of something as banal as humanity and compassion.


"Blaaake!" Ruby shouted, she looked pretty ecstatic to say the least to see Blake suddenly hop down from a tree, dashing towards her quickly, and hugging Blake... After a moment, what Blake was actually saying registered with her "Heh... Of course it's me Blakey!" she said, giggling a little.​

"... And what's wrong with her?", she continued in the same questioning, bitingly sarcastic tone, placing one hand on her hip and running the other through her hair as she observed the scene with mild disapproval.
The question apparently came from mid hug as Blake's own dash met Ruby's head on, the ensuing attackle hug almost knocking Blake off her feet as let out a small 'oof!' in surprise that was followed by a breathless giggle as she returned the hug with a tight squeeze. Her eyes drifted shut as she took a deep breath, and the tenseness in her shoulders slowly faded along with the ensuing exhale as she held her teammate close.

Theraputic wonders that a hug from one of the Rose-Xiao Long sisters could provide aside, the simple fact that one of her teammates was here with her turned this whole mess from a daunting, terrifying, and confusing task to get home to... well, a daunting, terrifying and confusing task to get home still, but with one of the few people she'd willingly opened her doors to ever since she'd become dissillusioned with both the White Fang and humanity.

After a few more seconds of just absorbing the emotional warmth of the hug, she took another breath and separated slightly (or at least tried anyways), a small frown on her face as she regarded her leader. "Why didn't you tell me that you were having the same dreams I was-"


Unless she wasn't.

Like mentioned earlier, Blake was quick witted when she wanted to be. Ruby would of had no reason to keep it secret if she was having the same problem Blake was, and if everyone had the same dreams before ending up here, and they were pulled from multiple worlds... there was a chance, and probably a good one, that this wasn't even the same Ruby from her own world.

After a few more seconds of thought, she decided that didn't matter. Just because it wasn't her Ruby, didn't mean it wasn't Ruby Rose, one of the kindest and bravest students at Beacon. Barring some serious twists in the world that this Ruby was from, there wasn't any reason to trust her less.

All this serious thinking aside, Sophie's nervous wave and hello was a sharp jolt of a reminder that Blake had just turned into an emotional, huggy, and maybe slightly teary eyed mess in front of all the others that had stayed back. Not going to do wonders for her intimidating demeanor, and she quickly broke the hug with a small cough and gave Sophie a short nod of greeting as she stared her down with mild suspicion.

"Are you a friend of Ruby's?"

@york @whoever else be near the hugfest



How disappointing. The way she carried herself in the tree had made Shiki wonder if this Blake was another person capable enough to be considered reliable, along with the old man; but she was apparently just another dorky, emotional kid. A shame.

Shrugging it off, she narrowed her eyes and cocked her head to the side before speaking again, tone even more flatly deadpan than ever.

"I don't like them. Either of them. People don't just appear on buses that aren't running," she cautioned, turning to leave the cuddle puddle to their own devices. "The fact that there are inconsistencies even though you two seem to know each other is reason enough not to trust her; any number of things could be different between your world and hers. She's not the girl you know... so don't go getting too comfy."

That cynical bit of advice delivered, she turned and strode through the camp gates herself. She wasn't high on the idea of retreading the same ground as the others did, so she opted to poke around the camp facilities by herself to see what she could find. She didn't need directions; she was surprisingly accustomed to just wandering around until she found something of interest to her.

@york @Schnee Corp Lawyer @*boulevard of broken dreams playing in distance*​
She smirked and rufflled Ruby's hair with a small shake of her head. "Don't worry about it. I've got a feeling it wouldn't have mattered either way. And really?" She asked in turn to Sophie as she affixed the other girl with an analytical stare for a few seconds...

...before she slowly nodded. If she was a friend of Ruby's, chances are she was ok. "I'll look forward to seeing you there then when we get out of... whatever this is. So" she said as she crossed her arms and glanced at the gate. "I guess we don't have much of a choice but to head in."

If she was being completely honest, while this whole situation still sucked at least a small part of her wanted to finally see what was behind the stupid gate she'd spent weeks dreaming about

Wait when the f**k did the murderous ice cream brat get here ಠ_ಠ


"Another one...?" Shiki mused in mock exasperation, as though spying her second roach in as many minutes. She let Ruby's arm go after a moment, a bit annoyed that the kid and her associate didn't seem to know anything useful. "Where are her ears?"

None of this sat well with her. She hardly knew a thing about anyone here as it was, but for a duo to step off the bus at a different time from everyone else... and for it to be someone one of their number knew, to boot... it seemed just a little too convenient for her tastes.

And for Pete's sake, where the hell were the people who actually knew a single thing about why they were here?! All these camp counselors and their ilk seemed about as airheaded as the stereotype painted them. It occurred to her that she might've just been irritable because she wanted to kill something already. If this was the old Shiki, the one who fell into the void and never came back out, she probably would've just picked a target at random and waited for the opportune moment to strike, but... her ethics now demanded she only kill things that threatened the existence of others. Things that deserved it. It was a limited existence, finding purpose in life through death but being unable to kill all but 1% of things, because of something as banal as humanity and compassion.


"... And what's wrong with her?", she continued in the same questioning, bitingly sarcastic tone, placing one hand on her hip and running the other through her hair as she observed the scene with mild disapproval.



How disappointing. The way she carried herself in the tree had made Shiki wonder if this Blake was another person capable enough to be considered reliable, along with the old man; but she was apparently just another dorky, emotional kid. A shame.

Shrugging it off, she narrowed her eyes and cocked her head to the side before speaking again, tone even more flatly deadpan than ever.

"I don't like them. Either of them. People don't just appear on buses that aren't running," she cautioned, turning to leave the cuddle puddle to their own devices. "The fact that there are inconsistencies even though you two seem to know each other is reason enough not to trust her; any number of things could be different between your world and hers. She's not the girl you know... so don't go getting too comfy."

That cynical bit of advice delivered, she turned and strode through the camp gates herself. She wasn't high on the idea of retreading the same ground as the others did, so she opted to poke around the camp facilities by herself to see what she could find. She didn't need directions; she was surprisingly accustomed to just wandering around until she found something of interest to her.

@york @Schnee Corp Lawyer @*boulevard of broken dreams playing in distance*​
Ruby nodded, smiling a little, she about to say something, then she noticed Neo head through the gates "Hey! We can enter!" she exclaimed, rushing to the entrance quickly, Sophie tagged along behind, waiting a little for Blake as she looked it over "We should probably get a map..." she murmured thoughtfully... She looked a little disappointed to see that there werent maps laying around near the entrance.​
It appeared that a good portion of the people were gathered at Cabin 17's doorstep, bombarding the young looking camp leader with questions, would you like to join them?

@Cabin 17 folks

Olga paused for a moment, looking a little confused "Has everyone gone crazy?" she said, a perplexed look crossing her face... It appears that the young camp leader had no idea what the talk about time travel and different dimensions are, as if they had all just lifed on the same planet that she was right now all their lives. After a moment, she shook her head "Nevermind that... You all need to pick cabins!" she declared before any more questions could be asked, it was hard to tell if she was feigning ignorance, or if she was truly confused, but, the latter seemed more likely. She dug around in her pockets, eventually handing everyone that had gathered here a map "Remember, once you pick a cabin, you're stuck with it! There's not enough room for everyone to live alone, so, pick a partner! Or find one in one of the cabins!" she explained. She paused for a moment to let it sink in "Now, off you go, Pioneers!" she declared, waving her hands a little in a melodramatic fashion, more or less dismissing everyone nearby.
NOTE: The cabins with "heads" on them are occupied! But you can still bunk with ones that have only one (head) occupant! Makre sure to indicate clearly which cabins your characters will be living in so I can add their head icons in there!

Dammit, she doesn't believe us... Hajime sighed before turning away from Olga, "Come on, Kyon. Let's go grab a cabin together so we don't get stuck with anyone insane." He gave Yellow a nod as he walked past her. "Yellow, maybe you and Sukuna can bunk together?" With that, Hajime began heading to Cabin 27, far from the lower numbered cabins that the others would probably chose.

@Verite @Jeremi @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Kaykay @Gummi Bunnies @Raven @Meira @york @Bomb @TheBlueBurch @Josh M
"The thing about us gods is, once you make a wish, there's no refunds." Yato said with a chuckle.

@Wedge Antilles @Korra @Mighty Roman

Alex looked at Yato with a weird expression on his face. "Really?", he said. Okay, those are two nickels he was never going to see again, he thought.


It appeared that a good portion of the people were gathered at Cabin 17's doorstep, bombarding the young looking camp leader with questions, would you like to join them?

@Cabin 17 folks

Olga paused for a moment, looking a little confused "Has everyone gone crazy?" she said, a perplexed look crossing her face... It appears that the young camp leader had no idea what the talk about time travel and different dimensions are, as if they had all just lifed on the same planet that she was right now all their lives. After a moment, she shook her head "Nevermind that... You all need to pick cabins!" she declared before any more questions could be asked, it was hard to tell if she was feigning ignorance, or if she was truly confused, but, the latter seemed more likely. She dug around in her pockets, eventually handing everyone that had gathered here a map "Remember, once you pick a cabin, you're stuck with it! There's not enough room for everyone to live alone, so, pick a partner! Or find one in one of the cabins!" she explained. She paused for a moment to let it sink in "Now, off you go, Pioneers!" she declared, waving her hands a little in a melodramatic fashion, more or less dismissing everyone nearby.
NOTE: The cabins with "heads" on them are occupied! But you can still bunk with ones that have only one (head) occupant! Makre sure to indicate clearly which cabins your characters will be living in so I can add their head icons in there!

"Cabins?", Alex said. He looked at Katara, and smiled. "Uh, if it's alright for a guy and girl to be together, can Katara and I stay in number 16?"

@york @Korra
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It appeared that a good portion of the people were gathered at Cabin 17's doorstep, bombarding the young looking camp leader with questions, would you like to join them?

@Cabin 17 folks

Olga paused for a moment, looking a little confused "Has everyone gone crazy?" she said, a perplexed look crossing her face... It appears that the young camp leader had no idea what the talk about time travel and different dimensions are, as if they had all just lifed on the same planet that she was right now all their lives. After a moment, she shook her head "Nevermind that... You all need to pick cabins!" she declared before any more questions could be asked, it was hard to tell if she was feigning ignorance, or if she was truly confused, but, the latter seemed more likely. She dug around in her pockets, eventually handing everyone that had gathered here a map "Remember, once you pick a cabin, you're stuck with it! There's not enough room for everyone to live alone, so, pick a partner! Or find one in one of the cabins!" she explained. She paused for a moment to let it sink in "Now, off you go, Pioneers!" she declared, waving her hands a little in a melodramatic fashion, more or less dismissing everyone nearby.
NOTE: The cabins with "heads" on them are occupied! But you can still bunk with ones that have only one (head) occupant! Makre sure to indicate clearly which cabins your characters will be living in so I can add their head icons in there!
Wednesday looked at the map then the others. "I don't know about you but I have my eyes on 13 or 6." She stated enjoying the thought of what both numbers could be seen as. Then she began to walk she was ify on 13 but perhaps those already there weren't that annoying and perky.

@york @The Silver Paladin @Others
Alex looked at Yato with a weird expression on his face. "Really?", he said. Okay, those are two nickels he was never going to see again, he thought.


"Cabins?", Alex said. He looked at Katara, and smiled. "Uh, if it's alright for a guy and girl to be together, can Katara and I stay in number 16?"

@york @Korra

"Yes! Of course... Just don't try anything... Funny." Olga said, it appeared that she was a bit strict about "funny" things like that going on in this camp but that doesn't mean you can't actually try it... As long as you don't let Olga catch wind of it.
Wednesday looked at the map then the others. "I don't know about you but I have my eyes on 13 or 6." She stated enjoying the thought of what both numbers could be seen as. Then she began to walk she was ify on 13 but perhaps those already there weren't that annoying and perky.

@york @The Silver Paladin @Others
Cabin 13 was full, so, that would narrow Wednesday's options down to Cabin 6.​
  • Useful
Reactions: Raven


"Another one...?" Shiki mused in mock exasperation, as though spying her second roach in as many minutes. She let Ruby's arm go after a moment, a bit annoyed that the kid and her associate didn't seem to know anything useful. "Where are her ears?"

None of this sat well with her. She hardly knew a thing about anyone here as it was, but for a duo to step off the bus at a different time from everyone else... and for it to be someone one of their number knew, to boot... it seemed just a little too convenient for her tastes.

And for Pete's sake, where the hell were the people who actually knew a single thing about why they were here?! All these camp counselors and their ilk seemed about as airheaded as the stereotype painted them. It occurred to her that she might've just been irritable because she wanted to kill something already. If this was the old Shiki, the one who fell into the void and never came back out, she probably would've just picked a target at random and waited for the opportune moment to strike, but... her ethics now demanded she only kill things that threatened the existence of others. Things that deserved it. It was a limited existence, finding purpose in life through death but being unable to kill all but 1% of things, because of something as banal as humanity and compassion.


"... And what's wrong with her?", she continued in the same questioning, bitingly sarcastic tone, placing one hand on her hip and running the other through her hair as she observed the scene with mild disapproval.



How disappointing. The way she carried herself in the tree had made Shiki wonder if this Blake was another person capable enough to be considered reliable, along with the old man; but she was apparently just another dorky, emotional kid. A shame.

Shrugging it off, she narrowed her eyes and cocked her head to the side before speaking again, tone even more flatly deadpan than ever.

"I don't like them. Either of them. People don't just appear on buses that aren't running," she cautioned, turning to leave the cuddle puddle to their own devices. "The fact that there are inconsistencies even though you two seem to know each other is reason enough not to trust her; any number of things could be different between your world and hers. She's not the girl you know... so don't go getting too comfy."

That cynical bit of advice delivered, she turned and strode through the camp gates herself. She wasn't high on the idea of retreading the same ground as the others did, so she opted to poke around the camp facilities by herself to see what she could find. She didn't need directions; she was surprisingly accustomed to just wandering around until she found something of interest to her.

@york @Schnee Corp Lawyer @*boulevard of broken dreams playing in distance*​

"People also don't just appear on a bus to Russia that they don't remember riding, yet strangely here we are" Came Blake's equally sarcastic and admittedly more biting retort.

Not that Shiki's words didn't have merit, but asking Blake not to trust Ruby was akin to asking her to cut off her own hand. She huffed and glanced over to the other two before walking into the camp. Not really sure where to go from there once she did but they weren't going to get anywhere just standing around outside the gates

@OrlandoBloomers @york @f**k yo broken road​

Dammit, she doesn't believe us... Hajime sighed before turning away from Olga, "Come on, Kyon. Let's go grab a cabin together so we don't get stuck with anyone insane." He gave Yellow a nod as he walked past her. "Yellow, maybe you and Sukuna can bunk together?" With that, Hajime began heading to Cabin 27, far from the lower numbered cabins that the others would probably chose.

@Verite @Jeremi @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Kaykay @Gummi Bunnies @Raven @Meira @york @Bomb @TheBlueBurch @Josh M
"I wouldn't mind that," Yellow answered, "But I'd like to wait for her first, to make sure she's okay with it." For now, Yellow was still waiting around cabin 17.

@Verite @Jeremi @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Gummi Bunnies @Raven @Meira @york @Bomb @TheBlueBurch @Josh M
"Hm. Cabins huh?...I'll take 15 then." Yato said.

"14 for me." Yukine said. Sure, Yato was somewhat annoying and he needed a brake from the god of calamity but if they needed to fight at some point Yukine needed to be close by just in case after all.

@Wedge Antilles @Korra @Mighty Roman @york
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There didn't seem to be anywhere to go but inside the gate, so Karol happily followed the others into the camp. He patted his bag with content as he went, as if needing to remind himself he still had it every so often. Of course, he certainly did need it, and Karol would have been quite lost without it. He wouldn't be able live up to anyone's expectations if he didn't have the bodhi blastia engraved on it, and for that reason alone it was incredibly valuable. Besides, Rita would kill him if he lost a blastia, even if they were on the verge of making them all go away.

"I'll... I don't need you to stand behind me, b-but it'll certainly help! Hehe... we'll be a team!"

Karol found himself marvelling at the camp once they passed through the gate. It all looked rather beautiful under the sun's rays. It reminded Karol of Halure, of the bright blue skies and the foliage that almost seemed magical. There didn't seem to be a cherry tree in sight, but maybe that was for the best. Karol didn't have the greatest memories of that tree, no matter how beautiful it was nowadays. Still, the image of Estelle curing it had been a sight to see...

When the club-houses came into sight, Karol became a bit entranced by them. He ignored the two girls that appeared for now, wandering over to one of the building's doors. He gazed idly upon the sign by the entrance, scowling as he tried to read the words laid out before him. He held a hand up and rubbed his palm over the words, as if that would magically transform them into a language he understood. Karol was actually aware of the few languages that he believed were spoken on Terca Lumireis, so it was incredibly odd to him that the words didn't at least suggest a language he knew of. Was this an ancient language he was dealing with? Oh, man, if only Rita were here to see this...

He was drawn back toward the group's conversation when one of the girls screamed out in horror. He looked disgusted himself once he saw the grasshopper, not being a big fan of bugs. Actually, that was understatement, Karol completely hated them! He reached into his bag to make sure he still had his trusty bug spray. He pulled it out now and walked back to join Beowulf, but that was when Gaara decided to be a total stinkbrain and be rude to Karol's friend. Not that they had really known each other that long, but Beowulf had already taught him so much in so little time! They had to look out for each other, even against mean ol' scary kids.


"H-Hey! Hold up!" Karol stalked after Gaara, holding out his bug spray as if he intended to use it as a weapon. "What's with you? No one likes a scary grump! You should say sorry to my friend... He's Beowulf, okay? He deserves more respect than that!"

Karol thought he would be more scared standing up to Gaara, but he knew he was in the right here! Karol would never back down from someone trying to hurt his friends. The boy held his free hand in the air, pointing it toward the sky.


@york @TheBlueBurch @Verite @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Jeremi
Gaara had been making his way off to try and find a cabin to seclude himself in when he was approached by Karol. "You. You're that boy from earlier. The one who wouldn't stop with that incessant whining that annoyed me to no end. I was stopped before I did my worst to you. But here you stand acting as if you can order me around. With a can of all things. You really want to make me apologize to that buffoon? I'd like to see you try."

Gaara said as he began to unstrap the gourd from his back and laid it on the ground next to him before grabbing whatever stray kunais or shuriken he may have had on his person and depositing it off to the side as well. He'd then ball his hands up into fists and spread his feet apart. As far as he could tell, the others were all too distracted speaking with the new woman to pay him and the boy any mind. Not to mention this would be over relatively quickly.

"I'll agree to apologize. But on one condition. You get me to submit. I noticed you speaking and watching that idiot make an even bigger fool of himself. I wonder if he taught you anything to help you in a bare handed fight." Once Karol agreed to his terms or even if he didn't, Gaara nodded and suddenly his face lit up in a crazed fashion again.


"Help me feel alive again!" He'd screech before attempting to just cut through all the bs and sock Karol right in the face to send the other kid stumbling back. This boy didn't seem like he'd pose much of a challenge if any at all and this was a nice way to get out his anger and frustration. On such an annoying brat to boot, damn that howling!


"..Uh, right." Beowulf said at the strange girl's response to him scolding Gaara. Deciding that all Gaara needed was time to try and work out whatever was clearly bugging him, Beowulf made his way back to the group that was speaking to Olga. After hearing the mention of having to pick out cabins, Beowulf squinted his eyes. "Uh, well I haven't had to do something like this since I was a kid." Not that Beowulf considered himself old or anything. Far from it! He was still in his prime, tip-top shape he'd even go as far to say! Why if he had a re-match with Grendel right now, Beowulf would take him down again in no time flat!

But still sleeping in a cabin with a bunch of people that Beowulf didn't really know probably shouldn't have bothered him that much. He shared a locker room with plenty of guys in the wrestling business that had been buried so hard Beowulf forgot they even existed half the time! Still, which number to pick. That was the question, indeed. All the while being completely oblivious to the fact that both Gaara and Karol had walked off to pick a fight with each other over Gaara refusing to issue an apology to Beowulf. Had Beowulf been aware, he would have been damn proud of Karol for standing up what he believed in!

@york @Klutzy Ninja Kitty
It appeared that a good portion of the people were gathered at Cabin 17's doorstep, bombarding the young looking camp leader with questions, would you like to join them?

@Cabin 17 folks

Olga paused for a moment, looking a little confused "Has everyone gone crazy?" she said, a perplexed look crossing her face... It appears that the young camp leader had no idea what the talk about time travel and different dimensions are, as if they had all just lifed on the same planet that she was right now all their lives. After a moment, she shook her head "Nevermind that... You all need to pick cabins!" she declared before any more questions could be asked, it was hard to tell if she was feigning ignorance, or if she was truly confused, but, the latter seemed more likely. She dug around in her pockets, eventually handing everyone that had gathered here a map "Remember, once you pick a cabin, you're stuck with it! There's not enough room for everyone to live alone, so, pick a partner! Or find one in one of the cabins!" she explained. She paused for a moment to let it sink in "Now, off you go, Pioneers!" she declared, waving her hands a little in a melodramatic fashion, more or less dismissing everyone nearby.
NOTE: The cabins with "heads" on them are occupied! But you can still bunk with ones that have only one (head) occupant! Makre sure to indicate clearly which cabins your characters will be living in so I can add their head icons in there!
"Aigoo..." Gary just said in response.

Other then that, Gary wondered what was a good place.

"I'll take Cabin 4, if that's ok, Miss Olga."

@york @idk, others
Speirs was annoyed by this, and tried hiding it but rather raised his voice. What in hell did the Pioneer mean when "Pick a cabin" Was said? As He entered the cabin, His voice would raise in an annoyed tone as he looked at the woman before speaking up. "What in hell do you mean, pick a cabin!? First off, who the hell are you!? And what the hell is Luz and I doing here!? You could be shot for kidnapping an Army Officer!" His voice raised, his Thompson somewhat held up in a more offensive state as he awaited her answer.


Luz's face on the other hand arose with surprise, not expecting this as he also entered the cabin. But instead of being hostile like Speirs was (Since Speirs was a highly aggressive person), he simply stayed at the door of the entrance before turning his head at Neo. "D'you here this shit? Sounds like we're gonna be stuck in this Commie prison for awhile." He sighed, brushed his hair as he threw the half finished cigarette off to the side. "Well, in any case, whaddya say? Wanna be partners in'a bunk?" He asked curiously, an eyebrow raised at Neo in question.

@york @Gummi Bunnies
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Dammit, she doesn't believe us... Hajime sighed before turning away from Olga, "Come on, Kyon. Let's go grab a cabin together so we don't get stuck with anyone insane." He gave Yellow a nod as he walked past her. "Yellow, maybe you and Sukuna can bunk together?" With that, Hajime began heading to Cabin 27, far from the lower numbered cabins that the others would probably chose.

@Verite @Jeremi @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Kaykay @Gummi Bunnies @Raven @Meira @york @Bomb @TheBlueBurch @Josh M
"I wouldn't mind that," Yellow answered, "But I'd like to wait for her first, to make sure she's okay with it." For now, Yellow was still waiting around cabin 17.

@Verite @Jeremi @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Gummi Bunnies @Raven @Meira @york @Bomb @TheBlueBurch @Josh M
While they were waiting for Sukuna... well, for some reason a bowl that looked similar to Sukuna's 'bowl' hat happened to be... er, moving on it's own near Cabin 17. Was there something under it? Wait... and was that Sukuna's Miracle Mallet being dragged along by whatever was under that bowl? This was probably super weird for whoever was witnessing this.

@The Tactician @Kaykay @others because so many tags.​


"Another one...?" Shiki mused in mock exasperation, as though spying her second roach in as many minutes. She let Ruby's arm go after a moment, a bit annoyed that the kid and her associate didn't seem to know anything useful. "Where are her ears?"

None of this sat well with her. She hardly knew a thing about anyone here as it was, but for a duo to step off the bus at a different time from everyone else... and for it to be someone one of their number knew, to boot... it seemed just a little too convenient for her tastes.

And for Pete's sake, where the hell were the people who actually knew a single thing about why they were here?! All these camp counselors and their ilk seemed about as airheaded as the stereotype painted them. It occurred to her that she might've just been irritable because she wanted to kill something already. If this was the old Shiki, the one who fell into the void and never came back out, she probably would've just picked a target at random and waited for the opportune moment to strike, but... her ethics now demanded she only kill things that threatened the existence of others. Things that deserved it. It was a limited existence, finding purpose in life through death but being unable to kill all but 1% of things, because of something as banal as humanity and compassion.


"... And what's wrong with her?", she continued in the same questioning, bitingly sarcastic tone, placing one hand on her hip and running the other through her hair as she observed the scene with mild disapproval.



How disappointing. The way she carried herself in the tree had made Shiki wonder if this Blake was another person capable enough to be considered reliable, along with the old man; but she was apparently just another dorky, emotional kid. A shame.

Shrugging it off, she narrowed her eyes and cocked her head to the side before speaking again, tone even more flatly deadpan than ever.

"I don't like them. Either of them. People don't just appear on buses that aren't running," she cautioned, turning to leave the cuddle puddle to their own devices. "The fact that there are inconsistencies even though you two seem to know each other is reason enough not to trust her; any number of things could be different between your world and hers. She's not the girl you know... so don't go getting too comfy."

That cynical bit of advice delivered, she turned and strode through the camp gates herself. She wasn't high on the idea of retreading the same ground as the others did, so she opted to poke around the camp facilities by herself to see what she could find. She didn't need directions; she was surprisingly accustomed to just wandering around until she found something of interest to her.

@york @Schnee Corp Lawyer @*boulevard of broken dreams playing in distance*​

"People also don't just appear on a bus to Russia that they don't remember riding, yet strangely here we are" Came Blake's equally sarcastic and admittedly more biting retort.

Not that Shiki's words didn't have merit, but asking Blake not to trust Ruby was akin to asking her to cut off her own hand. She huffed and glanced over to the other two before walking into the camp. Not really sure where to go from there once she did but they weren't going to get anywhere just standing around outside the gates

@OrlandoBloomers @york @f**k yo broken road​
Ruby had already headed off, remembering what that girl said about going to Cabin 17. Though, she stopped a little "Uh... Which way were the cabins again?" she said, scratching her head a little. Sophie frowned as she tried to recall this "Down the path... Through the square... Then... Take a left?" she said, that seemed about right, but, who knows... They'd at least get somewhere... Right?


Eventually, Shiki stumbled across a Pier of some sort, and, Slavya was there too, she looked a bit tired as she dipped her feet in the water, she turned around and stood up, smiling a little as she noticed her approaching.

"Hey! Wrong way." She said, laughing softly as she spoke "It's easier to navigate using a map you know." she added, looking towards Shiki, it seemed she had gone the exact opposite direction of Cabin 17, and not neccesarily on purpose either.

Ruby had already headed off, remembering what that girl said about going to Cabin 17. Though, she stopped a little "Uh... Which way were the cabins again?" she said, scratching her head a little. Sophie frowned as she tried to recall this "Down the path... Through the square... Then... Take a left?" she said, that seemed about right, but, who knows... They'd at least get somewhere... Right?


Eventually, Shiki stumbled across a Pier of some sort, and, Slavya was there too, she looked a bit tired as she dipped her feet in the water, she turned around and stood up, smiling a little as she noticed her approaching.

"Hey! Wrong way." She said, laughing softly as she spoke "It's easier to navigate using a map you know." she added, looking towards Shiki, it seemed she had gone the exact opposite direction of Cabin 17, and not neccesarily on purpose either.

Blake nodded and followed along as Ruby dashed off, only to smirk slightly as she immediately screeched to halt and asked her question.

When Sophie spoke up, she shrugged and glanced back to Ruby? "Well? You heard her, fearless leader. Lead on."

Blake wanted to hang back a little anyways. Now she had to keep watch not just on herself but also on Ruby and her new friend, who Blake wasn't sure she was sensing an aura off of.

This is why she never went to camp
Wednesday began to head for cabin 6.

@Gummi Bunnies

Welp, cabin 6 was a rather standard cabin, much like Olga's, but, there appeared to be one other resident already... So, it would be the polite thing to do to knock on the door, but, would Wednesday bother with that?​
Wednesday looked at the map then the others. "I don't know about you but I have my eyes on 13 or 6." She stated enjoying the thought of what both numbers could be seen as. Then she began to walk she was ify on 13 but perhaps those already there weren't that annoying and perky.

@york @The Silver Paladin @Others

"What?" Cecil said turning to the girl. "Take any cabin you want. It's your decision, not mine." Cecil sat back for a moment., and adjusted his scarf/cape. He looked at his map, and thought of Namingway, when he began a map selling business. Cecil stuck Light Bringer into the ground, and looked at the environment around, seeing if he could spot any other landmarks.


@Mari @FireDrake150 @anybody ((waiting for you, Fire! We're in round one already!))
Katara didn't really wish to answer the male with green hair question... Well not yet she looked to him and smiled "ask me that later okay?" She asked before the announcement of cabins was what caught her attention. Now she had the chance to share a cabin with Alex. " I'm not sure if we should share a cabin but I'm not really up for being alone here" she said to Alex finding his moves very subtle. If he was making a move on her it was noticeable. The brunette turned when she heard Yato and Yukine were going to other dorms "we will see you both later right?" She asked

@Wedge Antilles @Lizzy @Mighty Roman
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