• So many newbies lately! Here is a very important PSA about one of our most vital content policies! Read it even if you are an ancient member!
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"What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I'll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I've been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I'm the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You're fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that's just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little "clever" comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn't, you didn't, and now you're paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You're fucking dead, kiddo." And with that he kept silent.​

That was pretty much how it translated in Marcone's head as he sighed out, got up and ignoring Speirs for now, smiled down at Ruby as he said politely.

"If you'll excuse me. I apologize for the unpleasantness. I'll lead him away to rant somewhere else away from you two. And Miss Blake?"

He glanced up at her and though she may not want to hear it, he smiled nevertheless and nodded in approval at her actions earlier.

Anyone who'd do that without fail for their friend was someone to respect.

It was almost nostalgic as he turned around to walk away from the two.

And as he passed by Speirs, he said simply the following, with all the cultured distaste he was capable of.


It was about all he was willing to deign on such an obvious idiot without regard or responsibility for his actions to effect those around him.

In his organization, Speirs would already be pig food by now for it and putting the nuisance out of his mind, he strode off towards the square.

@york @Schnee Corp Lawyer @ResistingTheEnlightened

"Well, I'm sure things will turn out alright in the end! I mean... That's how it always is back at Beacon!" Ruby said, leaning against the treetrunk a little as she stared off at the city in the distance once more... If one looked carefully at the buildings, one would notice one poking out that almost resembled Beacon Academy... And a few antenna that looked out of place here and there, like there were multiple worlds trying to co-exist in that spot at once...​


Slavya followed suit, looking to have calmed down relatively quickly "Well... I hope Olga gets back soon..." she said, looking just a bit worried.​


"Maybe we could send letters to one another? You have an address, right?" Olga asked, it looked like she did still want to contact him despite this piece of information.​

There were actually a few books available this time around, however, it was uncertain how far into the past these books may have been written...​

The wounds on the body indeed confirmed that the victim had passed away from a case of suicide... It was unfortunate that was the case, but, at least it wasn't another traitor kill...

Unfortunately, bullets weren't working in this scenario, the entire scuffle was sort of... Nullified to say the least; ammunition wasn't being spent, nor was the effects of his shots doing anything, however, Marcone would find that he could not really harm his opponent either, so, in a way... This was turning out to be a minor stalemate.

Mid-Round Update
No bell rang this time, instead, the speakers crackled again, Olga was speaking through them once more "It looks like Jynx got the most votes this time... She'll be searched shortly by Violet, but, just to be safe, she'll be locked up in the admin building as well for now." there was a pause for a moment before the announcement continued. "Remember, we're leaving tomorrow morning! So pack all that you need before we go! We won't be coming back for a while... Until this situation is resolved at least." Olga sounded a little sad as she spoke, but, in the end... It was the truth.

Night 5

As usual, there were a few options:

A) Stay where you are, or keep exploring the camp, in either case... There's not much ground left to cover, but, perhaps there would be more clues laying about? Or, at least something that might hint at something aorund?

B) Explore the forest, there's not much ground left to cover, but, these mysterious pioneers wandering the area may still have something left to say... They seem to know something about this camp after all...

C) Visit the prisoners, have a friendly discussion, maybe seek some medical attention from the nurse, or break up the fight going on? Who knows...

Remember to bold and underline your choice...

PS: Prepare to wrap up any events with characters before this round concludes, which is the day after tomorrow...
Camp Arrivals (Cast):
Played by:
@yorkName: Ruby Rose (NPC) canon: RWBY Status: Alive Role: Unknown
Played by: @york Name: Sophie (NPC) canon: Cry of Fear Status: Alive Role: Unknown
Played by: @Mighty Roman Name: N (NPC) canon: Pokemon Black & White 1/2 Status: Alive Role: Unknown
Played by: @BarrenThin Name: Tallion (Gravewalker) canon: Middle-earth; Shadow of Mordor Status: Alive Role: Unknown
Played by: @TheBlueBurch Name: Gaara Canon of Origin: Naruto & Name: Beowulf Cannon: Skullgirls (Duo) Status: Alive Role: Unknown
Played by: @Raven Name: Wednesday Adams Canon of Origin: The Addams Family Status: Alive Role: Unknown
Played by: @DapperDogman Name: Bell Cranel Canon of Origin: Is it wrong to try to pick up girls in a dungeon? Status: Alive Role: Unknown
Played by: @Verite Name: Kyon canon: The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya Status: Alive Role: Unknown
Played by: @Mari Name: Yukio Canon of Origin: Marvel Universe Status: Alive Role: Unknown
Played by: @ResistingTheEnlightened Name: Captain Ronald Speirs Canon of Origin: Band of Brothers & Name: George Luz Cannon: Band of Brothers (Duo) Status: Alive Role: Unknown
Played by: @Bomb Name: Kang Hee-Gun Canon of Origin: Running Man Status: Alive Role: Unknown
Played by: @Klutzy Ninja Kitty Name: Ryoko Asakura Canon of Origin: The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya Status: Alive Role: Unknown
Played by: @CrunchyCHEEZIT Name: The Scout Canon of Origin: Team Fortress 2 Status: Alive Role: Unknown
Played by: @FireDrake150 Name: Claire Farron (Lightning) Canon of Origin: Final Fantasy Status: Alive Role: Unknown
Played by: @Wedge Antilles Name: Alex Summers Canon of Origin: Marvel Cinematic Universe Status: Alive Role: Unknown
Played by: @Korra Name: Katara Canon of Origin: Avatar: The last airbender Status: Alive Role: Unknown
Played by: @The Silver Paladin Name: Cecil Harvey Canon of Origin: Final Fantasy Status: Alive Role: Unknown
Played by: @Kaykay Name: Yellow de Tokiwa Grove Canon of Origin: Pokemon Adventures Status: Alive Role: Unknown
Played by: @Gummi Bunnies Name: Neo Canon of Origin: RWBY & Name: Sukuna Shinmyoumaru Canon of Origin: Touhou (Duo) Status: Alive Role: Unknown
Played by: @ShadowPrime Name: Jinx Canon of Origin: League of Legends Status: Alive Role: Unknown
Played by: @Jeremi Name: Ori Valadier Canon of Origin: Under Night In-Birth & Name: TOHSAKA Canon of Origin: Type Moon (Duo) Status: Alive Role: Unknown
Played by: @ProxyMoronName: Tsukimi Kurishita Canon of Origin: Princess JellyFish Status: Alive Role: Unknown
Played by: @Schnee Corp Lawyer Name: Blake Belladonna Canon of Origin: RWBY Status: Alive Role: Unknown
Played by: @Infinatis Name: Bill Cipher Canon of Origin: Gravity Falls Name: Canada Canon of Origin: Hetalia (Duo) Status: Alive Role: Unknown
Played by: @Atomyk Name: Karol Capel Canon of Origin: Tales of Vesperia Status: Alive Role: Unknown
Played by: @Meira Name: Anima & Name: Asahina Samidare Canon of Origin(both characters): Lucifer and The Biscuit Hammer (Duo) Status: Alive Role: Unknown
Played by: @Rock Knight Name: Idoun Canon of Origin: Fire Emblen: The Binding Blade Status: Alive Role: Unknown
Played by: @siontalk Name: Haruka Kokonose Canon of Origin: Kagerou Project Status: Alive Role: Unknown
Played by: @Lizzy Name: Yatogomi & Name: Yukine Canons of Origin: Noragami (Duo) Status: Alive Role: Unknown
Played by: @OrlandoBloomers Name: Shiki Ryougi Canon of Origin: Type-Moon Status: Alive Role: Traitor
Played by: @Unlimited RP Works Name: Johnny Marcone Canon of Origin: The Dresden Files Status: Alive Role: Unknown
Played by: @KriegName: Krieg the Psycho Canon of Origin: Borderlands 2 Status: Revived Role: Survivor
Played by: @The Tactician Name: Hajime Hinata canon: Dangaronpa 2; Goodbye Despair Status: Revived Role: Survivor
Played by: @yorkName: Semyon (NPC) canon: Everlasting Summer Status: Revived Role: Survivor
(Roles are revealed after death...)
Played by: @Gummi Bunnies Camp Resident: Rika (NPC) Status: Dead? Role: Survivor
Played by: @Josh MName: Hank Venture Canon of Origin: The Venture Bros Status: Dead Role: Chosen
Played by: @york Camp Resident: Lena (NPC) Status: Dead Role: Ex-Traitor (Vessel)

Cecil went back to his cabin to gather the stuff he left there. He packed it up, and put it in his inventory. He shook his head. "It's not right. Even if it was suicide, she shouldn't have died. What she did was a lot like what I did. She deserved a chance like me. She didn't deserve death." Cecil finished packing, and sighed. "Throw away your bloodstained past." Echoed in his head. He remained in the camp and went to sit and read again. He needed some time to clear his head.

Bell shrugs and points a thumb to Luz for a moment "It can't be any more dangerous then him shooting at that other dude when he's standing near innocent kids" he mutters, watchinf Marcone deal with the issue again

"At least I'm sure she would have tried to control herself and not risk killing two Innocent girls"

The more he spoke, the more clear it was Bell had faith in two things, Shiki's willpower, and his own skills

Because if the former was misplaced, the latter would have to be firm, if both were misplaced, he'd doomed an innocent to die, ans had failed his job as an adventurer

"Beside, it's here with her other knife, out of her reach for now. She'll have it when she's released" he pats Yulia on the head softly and smiles

Ruby had the feeling if a certain white haired boy were about, Marcone would have had soms competition to hsrm Luz first

@york @TheSpringwoodSlasher @C.T. @ResistingTheEnlightened

"Well... I guess that's true..." Yulia said, smiling a little, though, her expression fell a bit as she noticed the still ongoing fight between Marcone and Speirs, in fact, it looked like she caught wind of the strange likeness to Speirs words and a once popular internet copypasta... It was odd that someone like her would even know of such a thing...​
"If you'll excuse me. I apologize for the unpleasantness. I'll lead him away to rant somewhere else away from you two. And Miss Blake?"

He glanced up at her and though she may not want to hear it, he smiled nevertheless and nodded in approval at her actions earlier.
Marcone got a very particular finger tossed up in his direction where Ruby couldn't see it. What, there was something about deceptively dangerous 40 something year old men with grey hair and scary eyes that rubbed her the wrong way. For some reason :|
  • Bucket of Rainbows
Reactions: Ringmaster
Mid-Round Update
No bell rang this time, instead, the speakers crackled again, Olga was speaking through them once more "It looks like Jynx got the most votes this time... She'll be searched shortly by Violet, but, just to be safe, she'll be locked up in the admin building as well for now." there was a pause for a moment before the announcement continued. "Remember, we're leaving tomorrow morning! So pack all that you need before we go! We won't be coming back for a while... Until this situation is resolved at least." Olga sounded a little sad as she spoke, but, in the end... It was the truth.
"Heh heh. You hear that? Guess that makes us cellmates, Shiki Boo-Boo. The obvious ones!" She smiled, as sincere as she could be. "Not that you're going to talk to me, are you? Silent killer, hmm? Pity, since you were talking so much before." She shrugged, looking over at Violet. "Looks like you caught me. Congrats." She nodded in semi-serious praise. "You did what many Piltover people back home thought to be impossible. You caught the uncatchable Jinx. It's lessened of course, since this whole place is cheating...but nevertheless!" She started clapping.


"Bravo." She unslung Pow-Pow from across her back and laid him down gently, quickly followed by her shock pistol and a quick embedding of the massive sword she had retrieved, placing it firmly in the ground like a lame King Arthur fanfic as she held her hands high up in the air. "You caught Jinx! Beat the loose cannon at her own game. Or did you? Hee hee hee. Guess we'll find out?" She remarked, waiting patiently for the whole searching thing to go on before she lowered her arms. Yeah, she could have tried to resist but no bombs or bullets makes that option much harder. Plus, she knew she was innocent(at least of these killings) and just sitting this one out would give her the chance to at least witness the colossal fuckery the people who had voted for her had done. And also especially getting to see the end game of all this.

She danced her way into the cell, a spring in her step and wild amusement etched on her face.


"Hey Pow-Pow, Shocky, Chrysamere...you think they'll manage to get their heads together and find out who's really guilty? Besides Dull Eye Caterpillar over here."

"Odds put it at 11 to 2." Pow-Pow replied matter of factly.

"Nope!" Shocky said electrifyingly.

"I know even less about these people than you do, I can't hazard a guess." The sword retorted. "But they are leaving tomorrow, so...time is not on their side."

"My thoughts exactly!" She exclaimed without explaining who she was referring to. "Oh well. Just tell everyone not to die screaming without me! It could make for a helluva movie."

@york @OrlandoBloomers
What a massive pain this was.

But it was also a pain that had to be resolved, or else no closure would be found.

With that in mind, Kyon headed to the forest. There's just something odd about this whole thing, and if he could get to the bottom of it, perhaps he could uncover the secret of this world. This situation. And maybe then, he'd be able to find a way out of this mess, but then again... Well, one step at a time.

@york @Kaykay @The Tactician @Forest peeps​

TOHSAKA would've sauntered after Kyon whoever else was heading towards the forest.

@york @Kaykay @The Tactician @Verite
"It probably appeared when the announcement was made", Yukio guessed as they got started, and walked towards the city.


"We should probably try to look for signs of the others going this way too. Footprints, or trash left on the path." She spoke as she looked for those signs. "If we are the only ones who actually try going to the city, we might want to call Yato up."

@Lizzy @york

"Yeah." Yukine replied with a nod.


"Well, I'm sure things will turn out alright in the end! I mean... That's how it always is back at Beacon!" Ruby said, leaning against the treetrunk a little as she stared off at the city in the distance once more... If one looked carefully at the buildings, one would notice one poking out that almost resembled Beacon Academy... And a few antenna that looked out of place here and there, like there were multiple worlds trying to co-exist in that spot at once...​


Slavya followed suit, looking to have calmed down relatively quickly "Well... I hope Olga gets back soon..." she said, looking just a bit worried.​


"Maybe we could send letters to one another? You have an address, right?" Olga asked, it looked like she did still want to contact him despite this piece of information.​

There were actually a few books available this time around, however, it was uncertain how far into the past these books may have been written...​

The wounds on the body indeed confirmed that the victim had passed away from a case of suicide... It was unfortunate that was the case, but, at least it wasn't another traitor kill...

Unfortunately, bullets weren't working in this scenario, the entire scuffle was sort of... Nullified to say the least; ammunition wasn't being spent, nor was the effects of his shots doing anything, however, Marcone would find that he could not really harm his opponent either, so, in a way... This was turning out to be a minor stalemate.

Mid-Round Update
No bell rang this time, instead, the speakers crackled again, Olga was speaking through them once more "It looks like Jynx got the most votes this time... She'll be searched shortly by Violet, but, just to be safe, she'll be locked up in the admin building as well for now." there was a pause for a moment before the announcement continued. "Remember, we're leaving tomorrow morning! So pack all that you need before we go! We won't be coming back for a while... Until this situation is resolved at least." Olga sounded a little sad as she spoke, but, in the end... It was the truth.

Night 5

As usual, there were a few options:

A) Stay where you are, or keep exploring the camp, in either case... There's not much ground left to cover, but, perhaps there would be more clues laying about? Or, at least something that might hint at something aorund?

B) Explore the forest, there's not much ground left to cover, but, these mysterious pioneers wandering the area may still have something left to say... They seem to know something about this camp after all...

C) Visit the prisoners, have a friendly discussion, maybe seek some medical attention from the nurse, or break up the fight going on? Who knows...

Remember to bold and underline your choice...

PS: Prepare to wrap up any events with characters before this round concludes, which is the day after tomorrow...
Camp Arrivals (Cast):
Played by:
@yorkName: Ruby Rose (NPC) canon: RWBY Status: Alive Role: Unknown
Played by: @york Name: Sophie (NPC) canon: Cry of Fear Status: Alive Role: Unknown
Played by: @Mighty Roman Name: N (NPC) canon: Pokemon Black & White 1/2 Status: Alive Role: Unknown
Played by: @BarrenThin Name: Tallion (Gravewalker) canon: Middle-earth; Shadow of Mordor Status: Alive Role: Unknown
Played by: @TheBlueBurch Name: Gaara Canon of Origin: Naruto & Name: Beowulf Cannon: Skullgirls (Duo) Status: Alive Role: Unknown
Played by: @Raven Name: Wednesday Adams Canon of Origin: The Addams Family Status: Alive Role: Unknown
Played by: @DapperDogman Name: Bell Cranel Canon of Origin: Is it wrong to try to pick up girls in a dungeon? Status: Alive Role: Unknown
Played by: @Verite Name: Kyon canon: The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya Status: Alive Role: Unknown
Played by: @Mari Name: Yukio Canon of Origin: Marvel Universe Status: Alive Role: Unknown
Played by: @ResistingTheEnlightened Name: Captain Ronald Speirs Canon of Origin: Band of Brothers & Name: George Luz Cannon: Band of Brothers (Duo) Status: Alive Role: Unknown
Played by: @Bomb Name: Kang Hee-Gun Canon of Origin: Running Man Status: Alive Role: Unknown
Played by: @Klutzy Ninja Kitty Name: Ryoko Asakura Canon of Origin: The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya Status: Alive Role: Unknown
Played by: @CrunchyCHEEZIT Name: The Scout Canon of Origin: Team Fortress 2 Status: Alive Role: Unknown
Played by: @FireDrake150 Name: Claire Farron (Lightning) Canon of Origin: Final Fantasy Status: Alive Role: Unknown
Played by: @Wedge Antilles Name: Alex Summers Canon of Origin: Marvel Cinematic Universe Status: Alive Role: Unknown
Played by: @Korra Name: Katara Canon of Origin: Avatar: The last airbender Status: Alive Role: Unknown
Played by: @The Silver Paladin Name: Cecil Harvey Canon of Origin: Final Fantasy Status: Alive Role: Unknown
Played by: @Kaykay Name: Yellow de Tokiwa Grove Canon of Origin: Pokemon Adventures Status: Alive Role: Unknown
Played by: @Gummi Bunnies Name: Neo Canon of Origin: RWBY & Name: Sukuna Shinmyoumaru Canon of Origin: Touhou (Duo) Status: Alive Role: Unknown
Played by: @ShadowPrime Name: Jinx Canon of Origin: League of Legends Status: Alive Role: Unknown
Played by: @Jeremi Name: Ori Valadier Canon of Origin: Under Night In-Birth & Name: TOHSAKA Canon of Origin: Type Moon (Duo) Status: Alive Role: Unknown
Played by: @ProxyMoronName: Tsukimi Kurishita Canon of Origin: Princess JellyFish Status: Alive Role: Unknown
Played by: @Schnee Corp Lawyer Name: Blake Belladonna Canon of Origin: RWBY Status: Alive Role: Unknown
Played by: @Infinatis Name: Bill Cipher Canon of Origin: Gravity Falls Name: Canada Canon of Origin: Hetalia (Duo) Status: Alive Role: Unknown
Played by: @Atomyk Name: Karol Capel Canon of Origin: Tales of Vesperia Status: Alive Role: Unknown
Played by: @Meira Name: Anima & Name: Asahina Samidare Canon of Origin(both characters): Lucifer and The Biscuit Hammer (Duo) Status: Alive Role: Unknown
Played by: @Rock Knight Name: Idoun Canon of Origin: Fire Emblen: The Binding Blade Status: Alive Role: Unknown
Played by: @siontalk Name: Haruka Kokonose Canon of Origin: Kagerou Project Status: Alive Role: Unknown
Played by: @Lizzy Name: Yatogomi & Name: Yukine Canons of Origin: Noragami (Duo) Status: Alive Role: Unknown
Played by: @OrlandoBloomers Name: Shiki Ryougi Canon of Origin: Type-Moon Status: Alive Role: Traitor
Played by: @Unlimited RP Works Name: Johnny Marcone Canon of Origin: The Dresden Files Status: Alive Role: Unknown
Played by: @KriegName: Krieg the Psycho Canon of Origin: Borderlands 2 Status: Revived Role: Survivor
Played by: @The Tactician Name: Hajime Hinata canon: Dangaronpa 2; Goodbye Despair Status: Revived Role: Survivor
Played by: @yorkName: Semyon (NPC) canon: Everlasting Summer Status: Revived Role: Survivor
(Roles are revealed after death...)
Played by: @Gummi Bunnies Camp Resident: Rika (NPC) Status: Dead? Role: Survivor
Played by: @Josh MName: Hank Venture Canon of Origin: The Venture Bros Status: Dead Role: Chosen
Played by: @york Camp Resident: Lena (NPC) Status: Dead Role: Ex-Traitor (Vessel)

Yukine noticed it suddenly becoming dark and frowned lightly. He stopped walking and turned his head to the entrance of the forest. He noticed familiar blue eyes that seemed to glow into the dark that belonged to a certain god in a track outfit and a stupid "fluffy fluff scarf". Said god was sitting on the branch of one of the trees, swinging his legs back and forth idly from where he sat. Strands of hair stuck up here and there; being the only clue to his earlier nap.

"Found him." Yukine said to Yukio.

That was pretty much how it translated in Marcone's head as he sighed out, got up and ignoring Speirs for now, smiled down at Ruby as he said politely.

"If you'll excuse me. I apologize for the unpleasantness. I'll lead him away to rant somewhere else away from you two. And Miss Blake?"

He glanced up at her and though she may not want to hear it, he smiled nevertheless and nodded in approval at her actions earlier.

Anyone who'd do that without fail for their friend was someone to respect.

It was almost nostalgic as he turned around to walk away from the two.

And as he passed by Speirs, he said simply the following, with all the cultured distaste he was capable of.


It was about all he was willing to deign on such an obvious idiot without regard or responsibility for his actions to effect those around him.

In his organization, Speirs would already be pig food by now for it and putting the nuisance out of his mind, he strode off towards the square.

@york @Schnee Corp Lawyer @ResistingTheEnlightened

Speirs returned to Olga, Luz, and Violet. "How you doing Luz?"

Luz simply gave an a simple answer. "Bad. Like shit. Feels painful."

Oh. Well. Speirs stared at him, patted his shoulder and stared at him. "Don't worry. You're okay."

...That was fascinating actually. The knife quivering in midair, the bullets paused before him akin to the Matrix. Were he less mature, Marcone would have made a quip about that.

As he wasn't, he'd make a mental note of it as he moved to retrieve his knife and his wooden carving project.

"Now that's interesting. Looks as though you have some use still. If only inadvertently. Still, while I might have been able to forgive and forget your laughable attempt to shoot me?"

His gaze hardened as he spoke.

"You lost control and you didn't care who died so long as I was. I'll remember that, soldier."

And turning around he approached Ruby in time to hear the following.

And in a tone far more softer and sincere, unlike his attempts to charm the nurse for information, Marcone spoke to Ruby.

"I am so, very sorry for that. I find the harming of young people such as yourself....Distasteful."

In his organization, he had a word for people who did that to kids. Drug dealers or insane serial killers or vampires.

Target practice. No tolerance, that was his style.

@york @ResistingTheEnlightened @Schnee Corp Lawyer
"..." She shook her head with a slight smirk she couldn't help. "I don't understand how you do it Ruby-"


Blake still felt miserable. She'd have been content to just sit here in this tree with Ruby and her friend till this mess was over and she could hopefully, by some miraculous grace of whatever cruel god had pulled them to this awful camp, finally go home. All she wanted was some peace and to not deal with whatever horror the camp taunted them with next.

And then these two idiots showed up. Again with the alpha posturing, just like before. Except this time they'd brought their guns and knives.

And opened fire.

On Ruby, one of the few people in the world Blake had ever trusted in her life.

In a camp where it wasn't even a sure thing that her leader's aura would be able to protect her.

Needless to say, whatever aura that occasionally protected them from harm saved both Marcone's and Spiers life since it turned out Ruby was fine, because in a burst of speed and a use of her semblance that literally had Blake appearing in between the two she had one of her blades up to each of their throats, amber almost aglow with barely restrained malice as she growled like the panther she resembled as she muttered quietly.

"Take your alpha male bullshit away from me and my friends or you're going to wake up tomorrow with a slit throat. And that's only assuming you can outrun me from this gate."

She let that sink in for a few seconds before she lowered her weapons and slowly walked away with one more warning glance thrown their way before she quietly hopped back into the tree and just sat their quietly for a second before she wrapped Ruby up with a one armed hug and a very tired sigh.

"I really hope you're right fearless leader. I really hope you're right."

@ResistingTheEnlightened @Doctor Smartass @york
Marcone got a very particular finger tossed up in his direction where Ruby couldn't see it. What, there was something about deceptively dangerous 40 something year old men with grey hair and scary eyes that rubbed her the wrong way. For some reason :|
"Of course I am! I mean... We've thwarted a huge Grimm invasion! I'm sure this'll be a piece of cake!" Ruby said excitedly "I mean, we'll fight our way out if we have to! Like... Liiike... This!"

Ruby proceeded to make choping motions with her hands, attempting some sort of karate esque pose, even making sound effects... Though after a while, she got ahold of herself again "Heh... Well maybe not like in the movies... But, you get what I mean!" she said, grinning sheepishly.
Last edited:
"It's time to go?" Gary said. He looked a bit relieved that this "trip" was coming to a close.

He decided to visit the prisoners.

@york @OrlandoBloomers @shadowprime
@york @OrlandoBloomers @shadowprime @ResistingTheEnlightened @Everyone visiting the prisoners

Welp, for those who have juse arrived, they'd catch sight of an... Dispute between Speirs and Marcone concluding and some "pep talk" starring Ruby... The place was bustling with activity, more than one would expect, other conversations were going on, both between the prisoners and the peopel who had just dropped by.​
"Of course I am! I mean... We've thwarted a huge Grimm invasion! I'm sure this'll be a piece of cake!" Ruby said excitedly "I mean, we'll fight our way out! Like... Liiike... This!"

Ruby proceeded to make choping motions with her hands, attempting some sort of karate esque pose, even making sound effects... Though after a while, she got ahold of herself again "Heh... Well maybe not like in the movies... But, you get what I mean!" she said, grinning sheepishly.
"I don't think we can punch time and space travel in the face." The faunus returned mildly, though with far less venom than she had for Marcone and Speirs as she sighed and leaned back against the tree and closed her eyes. "...But I guess with any luck we'll be able to punch whoever did this in the face at least."
After checking the library for some history books and looking at one about the victorian era russia, they decided to head head to the clubhouse to see if anyone's there.

Welp, the usual team was there; Shurik and Electronik... One must say; Shurik seemed like he was in much better shape after yesterday, though, the two were working extra hard on the robot today, this was their last day here after all... Electronik looked up "Hey! Are you here to join the club?" he called out upon noticing the new arrivals.​

After leaving the note on Olga's door, Hajime sighed as he was suddenly left with no real tasks to complete. Most people at camp would be happy for free time, but... I can't the feeling that I should be doing something more important... "Hey, Slavya, you keep searching for Olga. I need to go check something in the woods," Giving her a trusting smile, he headed off, once again to the forest.

Finally time to leave, was it? This camp had been...quite the experience, and not a good one. People fighting, blowing things up, and dying. Suicide, murder, and freak accidents, this camp had it all. Yellow gathered her few belongings from the cabin and headed to the forest, planning to relax until they could leave.

What a massive pain this was.
But it was also a pain that had to be resolved, or else no closure would be found.
With that in mind, Kyon headed to the forest. There's just something odd about this whole thing, and if he could get to the bottom of it, perhaps he could uncover the secret of this world. This situation. And maybe then, he'd be able to find a way out of this mess, but then again... Well, one step at a time.
@york @Kaykay @The Tactician @Forest peeps
TOHSAKA would've sauntered after Kyon whoever else was heading towards the forest.

@york @Kaykay @The Tactician @Verite

The forest was eerily silent tonight, but, the sound of footsteps told them that there was someone around... Probably one of the Pioneers or something, though, something gave the travelers a feeling that there wasn't a fight waiting for them, but, instead, just an encounter of some sort.
@york @OrlandoBloomers @shadowprime @ResistingTheEnlightened @Everyone visiting the prisoners

Welp, for those who have juse arrived, they'd catch sight of an... Dispute between Speirs and Marcone concluding and some "pep talk" starring Ruby... The place was bustling with activity, more than one would expect, other conversations were going on, both between the prisoners and the peopel who had just dropped by.​
"...What's going on here?" Gary asked the others, as he just arrived.

@C.T. @OrlandoBloomers @york @ResistingTheEnlightened

The forest was eerily silent tonight, but, the sound of footsteps told them that there was someone around... Probably one of the Pioneers or something, though, something gave the travelers a feeling that there wasn't a fight waiting for them, but, instead, just an encounter of some sort.

Hajime followed the footsteps, hoping to meet whoever was waiting within the forest.

@Verite @york @Kaykay @Jeremi

The forest was eerily silent tonight, but, the sound of footsteps told them that there was someone around... Probably one of the Pioneers or something, though, something gave the travelers a feeling that there wasn't a fight waiting for them, but, instead, just an encounter of some sort.
I already regret this decision.

Kyon tensed up as soon as he heard the foreign footsteps, remaining quiet, before sighing. He was glad he was doing all this weird stuff while he was a young teenager, because if he was an old man, he'd already have added to the body count of this fiasco of a camp from a heart attack.

@Jeremi @york @The Tactician @Kaykay

"Well, I'm sure things will turn out alright in the end! I mean... That's how it always is back at Beacon!" Ruby said, leaning against the treetrunk a little as she stared off at the city in the distance once more... If one looked carefully at the buildings, one would notice one poking out that almost resembled Beacon Academy... And a few antenna that looked out of place here and there, like there were multiple worlds trying to co-exist in that spot at once...​


Slavya followed suit, looking to have calmed down relatively quickly "Well... I hope Olga gets back soon..." she said, looking just a bit worried.​


"Maybe we could send letters to one another? You have an address, right?" Olga asked, it looked like she did still want to contact him despite this piece of information.​

There were actually a few books available this time around, however, it was uncertain how far into the past these books may have been written...​

The wounds on the body indeed confirmed that the victim had passed away from a case of suicide... It was unfortunate that was the case, but, at least it wasn't another traitor kill...

Unfortunately, bullets weren't working in this scenario, the entire scuffle was sort of... Nullified to say the least; ammunition wasn't being spent, nor was the effects of his shots doing anything, however, Marcone would find that he could not really harm his opponent either, so, in a way... This was turning out to be a minor stalemate.

Mid-Round Update
No bell rang this time, instead, the speakers crackled again, Olga was speaking through them once more "It looks like Jynx got the most votes this time... She'll be searched shortly by Violet, but, just to be safe, she'll be locked up in the admin building as well for now." there was a pause for a moment before the announcement continued. "Remember, we're leaving tomorrow morning! So pack all that you need before we go! We won't be coming back for a while... Until this situation is resolved at least." Olga sounded a little sad as she spoke, but, in the end... It was the truth.

Night 5

As usual, there were a few options:

A) Stay where you are, or keep exploring the camp, in either case... There's not much ground left to cover, but, perhaps there would be more clues laying about? Or, at least something that might hint at something aorund?

B) Explore the forest, there's not much ground left to cover, but, these mysterious pioneers wandering the area may still have something left to say... They seem to know something about this camp after all...

C) Visit the prisoners, have a friendly discussion, maybe seek some medical attention from the nurse, or break up the fight going on? Who knows...

Remember to bold and underline your choice...

PS: Prepare to wrap up any events with characters before this round concludes, which is the day after tomorrow...
Camp Arrivals (Cast):
Played by:
@yorkName: Ruby Rose (NPC) canon: RWBY Status: Alive Role: Unknown
Played by: @york Name: Sophie (NPC) canon: Cry of Fear Status: Alive Role: Unknown
Played by: @Mighty Roman Name: N (NPC) canon: Pokemon Black & White 1/2 Status: Alive Role: Unknown
Played by: @BarrenThin Name: Tallion (Gravewalker) canon: Middle-earth; Shadow of Mordor Status: Alive Role: Unknown
Played by: @TheBlueBurch Name: Gaara Canon of Origin: Naruto & Name: Beowulf Cannon: Skullgirls (Duo) Status: Alive Role: Unknown
Played by: @Raven Name: Wednesday Adams Canon of Origin: The Addams Family Status: Alive Role: Unknown
Played by: @DapperDogman Name: Bell Cranel Canon of Origin: Is it wrong to try to pick up girls in a dungeon? Status: Alive Role: Unknown
Played by: @Verite Name: Kyon canon: The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya Status: Alive Role: Unknown
Played by: @Mari Name: Yukio Canon of Origin: Marvel Universe Status: Alive Role: Unknown
Played by: @ResistingTheEnlightened Name: Captain Ronald Speirs Canon of Origin: Band of Brothers & Name: George Luz Cannon: Band of Brothers (Duo) Status: Alive Role: Unknown
Played by: @Bomb Name: Kang Hee-Gun Canon of Origin: Running Man Status: Alive Role: Unknown
Played by: @Klutzy Ninja Kitty Name: Ryoko Asakura Canon of Origin: The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya Status: Alive Role: Unknown
Played by: @CrunchyCHEEZIT Name: The Scout Canon of Origin: Team Fortress 2 Status: Alive Role: Unknown
Played by: @FireDrake150 Name: Claire Farron (Lightning) Canon of Origin: Final Fantasy Status: Alive Role: Unknown
Played by: @Wedge Antilles Name: Alex Summers Canon of Origin: Marvel Cinematic Universe Status: Alive Role: Unknown
Played by: @Korra Name: Katara Canon of Origin: Avatar: The last airbender Status: Alive Role: Unknown
Played by: @The Silver Paladin Name: Cecil Harvey Canon of Origin: Final Fantasy Status: Alive Role: Unknown
Played by: @Kaykay Name: Yellow de Tokiwa Grove Canon of Origin: Pokemon Adventures Status: Alive Role: Unknown
Played by: @Gummi Bunnies Name: Neo Canon of Origin: RWBY & Name: Sukuna Shinmyoumaru Canon of Origin: Touhou (Duo) Status: Alive Role: Unknown
Played by: @ShadowPrime Name: Jinx Canon of Origin: League of Legends Status: Alive Role: Unknown
Played by: @Jeremi Name: Ori Valadier Canon of Origin: Under Night In-Birth & Name: TOHSAKA Canon of Origin: Type Moon (Duo) Status: Alive Role: Unknown
Played by: @ProxyMoronName: Tsukimi Kurishita Canon of Origin: Princess JellyFish Status: Alive Role: Unknown
Played by: @Schnee Corp Lawyer Name: Blake Belladonna Canon of Origin: RWBY Status: Alive Role: Unknown
Played by: @Infinatis Name: Bill Cipher Canon of Origin: Gravity Falls Name: Canada Canon of Origin: Hetalia (Duo) Status: Alive Role: Unknown
Played by: @Atomyk Name: Karol Capel Canon of Origin: Tales of Vesperia Status: Alive Role: Unknown
Played by: @Meira Name: Anima & Name: Asahina Samidare Canon of Origin(both characters): Lucifer and The Biscuit Hammer (Duo) Status: Alive Role: Unknown
Played by: @Rock Knight Name: Idoun Canon of Origin: Fire Emblen: The Binding Blade Status: Alive Role: Unknown
Played by: @siontalk Name: Haruka Kokonose Canon of Origin: Kagerou Project Status: Alive Role: Unknown
Played by: @Lizzy Name: Yatogomi & Name: Yukine Canons of Origin: Noragami (Duo) Status: Alive Role: Unknown
Played by: @OrlandoBloomers Name: Shiki Ryougi Canon of Origin: Type-Moon Status: Alive Role: Traitor
Played by: @Unlimited RP Works Name: Johnny Marcone Canon of Origin: The Dresden Files Status: Alive Role: Unknown
Played by: @KriegName: Krieg the Psycho Canon of Origin: Borderlands 2 Status: Revived Role: Survivor
Played by: @The Tactician Name: Hajime Hinata canon: Dangaronpa 2; Goodbye Despair Status: Revived Role: Survivor
Played by: @yorkName: Semyon (NPC) canon: Everlasting Summer Status: Revived Role: Survivor
(Roles are revealed after death...)
Played by: @Gummi Bunnies Camp Resident: Rika (NPC) Status: Dead? Role: Survivor
Played by: @Josh MName: Hank Venture Canon of Origin: The Venture Bros Status: Dead Role: Chosen
Played by: @york Camp Resident: Lena (NPC) Status: Dead Role: Ex-Traitor (Vessel)

"Well.. Sort of. I have an APO. Army Post Office. It's kinda where we get our mail.. I thought of living in Montana. After the war. After everything..." He sighed, rubbing his head. "W-What is yours?" He asked, taking out a notepad and pen before handing it to her.

Cecil went back to his cabin to gather the stuff he left there. He packed it up, and put it in his inventory. He shook his head. "It's not right. Even if it was suicide, she shouldn't have died. What she did was a lot like what I did. She deserved a chance like me. She didn't deserve death." Cecil finished packing, and sighed. "Throw away your bloodstained past." Echoed in his head. He remained in the camp and went to sit and read again. He needed some time to clear his head.


"You okay there?" Miku asked, she had popped out of nowhere, like these camp residents seem to have a habbit of doing.​

Welp, the usual team was there; Shurik and Electronik... One must say; Shurik seemed like he was in much better shape after yesterday, though, the two were working extra hard on the robot today, this was their last day here after all... Electronik looked up "Hey! Are you here to join the club?" he called out upon noticing the new arrivals.​

Canada saw all the electronics.What kind of club is it. A computer club. Asked Canada to Shurick and Electronik. Oh hey! You're the guy that went all schizo last night! Said Bill, snapping to Shurick
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"I don't think we can punch time and space travel in the face." The faunus returned mildly, though with far less venom than she had for Marcone and Speirs as she sighed and leaned back against the tree and closed her eyes. "...But I guess with any luck we'll be able to punch whoever did this in the face at least."

"I'm sure we will!" Ruby said excitedly, a look of childish glee crossing his face "If I ever see the mastermind behind all this, I'll make good on that!" she added, looking rather confident about meeting the strange force that was behind it all...​
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