• So many newbies lately! Here is a very important PSA about one of our most vital content policies! Read it even if you are an ancient member!
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"It was just an idea. I thought you meant to allow her to mourn in private." Cecil said. "You need to clarify your statements. I'm sorry."

Need to clarify your statements? He's the one who can't understand. I can't tell if he's actually sorry or if he's being sarcastic... "The message was pretty clear to us," Hajime responded before heading to Olga's cabin. As he went, he pulled one of his notebooks out of his bag and tore a piece of paper out, "This should do." Writing as he went, he soon had a ready note to tape to her cabin door.​
The key never pierced Luz's neck. Bummer. It's like his skin was made of rubber.

@OrlandoBloomers @ResistingTheEnlightened @york @Doctor Smartass
It was a good thing rubber was completely impervious to a sharp object when impaled with enough force.

Oh, wait. :|

By the body of the suicide victim, Marcone would be examing her,

Just enough to confirm as he smirked and turned away to pack up and head for the gates. He had everything he needed.

@OrlandoBloomers @ResistingTheEnlightened @york @Bomb
Unseen, his back to Shiki Marcone opened his eyes as he listened to her words, so very tired and worn out as she shared what she went through. Marcones reaction to it all, this unhelpful spiel to anyone seeking out the traitor?

Marcone smiled.

Everything was falling right into place, one after the other. He turned to politely give her thanks- And then he heard the following.

"Hey you.. Mister Chicago, y'mind holding the door just a crack bit open so I can hold the asshole?" He asked in both a playful and serious manner as he readied himself at the door. "Let's go! I don't have all day!" He yelled into the door to order her to walk forward.

His face showed nothing but mild scrutiny as he assessed the man before smiling politely.

"Certainly. One moment."

And striding to the door, he unlocked the cell from the inside and politely stepped aside, the skeleton key in hand as he circled around to allow the other to enter and ensure he remained in Luz's blind spot.

All so he could do the following as without warning, he slammed his fist into the spinal cord of Luz, using the skeleton key as a shiv to twist and inflict pain before kicking his knee out from behind in the following move, to drive the latter to one knee, all to put him in position to slam his head as hard as the mafia boss could initiate into the bars. A brutal, cold array of moves all calculated as a chess grandmaster as he slowly, hand on the back of the others head if he succeeded in a crushing grip twisted the key in the spine as he spoke coldly.

"You utter and complete moron. Though I suspect it was too much to ask for brains from one in your position. Presumably it entered into a suicide pact with your sense. Take a good, long look at her. Do you really believe someone like her killed those people of her own free will? Or was even aware of it till now? How many more do you suppose might have followed in her footsteps prior. Two or three? A dozen?"

He turned the key once more in the spine, letting the pain directly jammed into the nerves answer for himself as he said idly.

"Don't answer that. All I need is for you to listen and listen well. This suicidal young lady may very well have done the deed. By her own hands and admission, she might very well be everything she claims to be."

He then looked up, at where Shiki was rolled up as he smirked.

"But shes not a murderer. Not here. Merely a pawn of whoever is thinking to make fools of ALL of us."

He smirked and without regard, slid the skeleton key out and slammed Luz's head against the bars once more for good measure as he rose up and adjusted his tie.

"And I for one, find that highly distasteful. As for you young lady, much as you may long for death? As of now, you prove more valuable alive then dead. For those still trapped here, those who wish to go home and for this gentlemen I just had a little talk with. Had he followed up? I would have killed him myself."

It was a gentlemans way after all as he locked her cell door and smirked.

"Think about it for a bit. And enjoy your meal."

And turning, he strode out and away off to move a few more pieces.

@OrlandoBloomers @ResistingTheEnlightened @york
Luz got it pretty bad, but he was determined to not fall for his trickery. As he felt the punch to his spine, he would fall back, crawling forward as to avoid being hit once more, before throwing himself onto his back to give a forward kick onto Marcone's chest. "I don't give a fucking damn who the hell you are, but you ain't coming outta this one alive, you fucking traitor!" He slid on his behind back against a wall before taking out the Colt .45, sliding the chamber back after a few moments before releasing a few rounds from the pistol. "F-Fuck you!" He said, before stopping the firing of the pistols.

It was at that crucial moment that Speirs heard the sound of gunfiring, or semi-automatic gunfire. "Luz! Luz, goddamn it!" He begun to ran to the administration building, unbeknownst that Marcone had already left the building. Speirs kept the Thompson pointed up before he ran to grab Luz. "Luz. Luz, hey, you alright there?" He looked at the nurse, that Violet, before calling her over "Get over here, medic! Goddamn it, medic!" He grabbed Luz up from the floor before bringing him up to a chair. "Luz, who the hell did this? Give me a goddamn answer, who did this!?" After he received his answer, he would look for whomever it was that did something such as this.

Luz could only speak in paused speeches of pain, as he groaned out an answer. "I-I don't know.. Fuck!.. I d-don't know!.. S-Some big guy.. Some b-big fuckin' philo-s-sophical dude!.. Chicago m-mob, I think!.." It was all he could say before he would receive treatment from Violet, as Speirs went out to look for Luz's attempted assassinator.

Luz got it pretty bad, but he was determined to not fall for his trickery. As he felt the punch to his spine, he would fall back, crawling forward as to avoid being hit-​

Whether it was falling backwards or crawling forward, either was a very bad idea if he wanted to get out of it to the extent Marcone put him through.

As the former meant he'd go right into Marcones foot for the back of his knee.

The latter just meant he did Marcones work for him to drive him to the ground.

Both with predictable results to cancel out any chance of retaliation with the careful application of pain initiated.

It explained his random shooting though, with Marcone long gone and by the gates as he waited, he cocked his head and smirked slightly before moving back to his relaxed state.

It was at that crucial moment that Speirs heard the sound of gunfiring, or semi-automatic gunfire. "Luz! Luz, goddamn it!" He begun to ran to the administration building, unbeknownst that Marcone had already left the building. Speirs kept the Thompson pointed up before he ran to grab Luz. "Luz. Luz, hey, you alright there?" He looked at the nurse, that Violet, before calling her over "Get over here, medic! Goddamn it, medic!" He grabbed Luz up from the floor before bringing him up to a chair. "Luz, who the hell did this? Give me a goddamn answer, who did this!?" After he received his answer, he would look for whomever it was that did something such as this.

Luz could only speak in paused speeches of pain, as he groaned out an answer. "I-I don't know.. Fuck!.. I d-don't know!.. S-Some big guy.. Some b-big fuckin' philo-s-sophical dude!.. Chicago m-mob, I think!.." It was all he could say before he would receive treatment from Violet, as Speirs went out to look for Luz's attempted assassinator.


He was whittling by the gate, waiting with Blake and Ruby Rose as his bad hands deftly carved out a piece of wood in an idle manner to pass the time, before noticing Speir as he approached.

A beat passed....And Marcone suddenly smiled.

"Aha. We meet again. Hows the throat?"

A little reminder to him what happened last time he tried to pick a fight.

@york @Schnee Corp Lawyer @ResistingTheEnlightened
"I wonder when it got here." Yukine said in his curiosity toward the city.

"I think some of the others might have headed that way while a few stayed behind." He added in a more thoughtful tone. He honestly didn't expect to see a city until him and Yato ended up back home in Japan.


"Or possibly, we got here to the city", Yukio wondered, while looking at it. She thought about Yukine's suggestion. "If they headed that way, perhaps we should follow them then", she added. "I will keep my phone ready, in case we should call Yato. Or, if we might need him."

The appearance of this mysterious city was probably a good sign, but it could hold unexpected dangers, so she was determined to keep a steady watch on things if they indeed decided to go towards the city. "Should we start walking that way then?", she asked.

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Whether it was falling backwards or crawling forward, either was a very bad idea if he wanted to get out of it to the extent Marcone put him through.

As the former meant he'd go right into Marcones foot for the back of his knee.

The latter just meant he did Marcones work for him to drive him to the ground.

Both with predictable results to cancel out any chance of retaliation with the careful application of pain initiated.

It explained his random shooting though, with Marcone long gone and by the gates as he waited, he cocked his head and smirked slightly before moving back to his relaxed state.

He was whittling by the gate, waiting with Blake and Ruby Rose as his bad hands deftly carved out a piece of wood in an idle manner to pass the time, before noticing Speir as he approached.

A beat passed....And Marcone suddenly smiled.

"Aha. We meet again. Hows the throat?"

A little reminder to him what happened last time he tried to pick a fight.

@york @Schnee Corp Lawyer @ResistingTheEnlightened
"Fuck You."

  • Nice Execution!
Reactions: Mari
"Or possibly, we got here to the city", Yukio wondered, while looking at it. She thought about Yukine's suggestion. "If they headed that way, perhaps we should follow them then", she added. "I will keep my phone ready, in case we should call Yato. Or, if we might need him."

The appearance of this mysterious city was probably a good sign, but it could hold unexpected dangers, so she was determined to keep a steady watch on things if they indeed decided to go towards the city. "Should we start walking that way then?", she asked.


"Yeah, might as well." Yukine said as the two made their way to the direction of the city. He put his hands in his pants pockets as they walked.

"I wonder when it got there." He said aloud as the two walked side by side.

"Fuck You."

Wow. The angry soldier he beat up wanted to shoot him.

Who could have ever forseen that?

Oh wait. He did.

He sidestepped the shot, about to deliver some sick burns when he noticed what had happened.

He was standing before Ruby when the shot came.

And in his attempt to dodge, it put the girl right in the idiots sights when he fired.

Marcone for the first time here, saw red. No talking, not anymore.

He was just gonna kick Speirs ass till it was level with his ears.

NOBODY did that to a child in front of him, and without any fancy tricks of spinning or the like, Marcone showed just why and how he was the first suspect when someone like Kreig died from a knife wound.

And the knife in hand along with the whittled wood flew in two separate paths, the wood for the face of Speirs with intent to smash into his nose, obscuring his view and taking up his range of vision.

All to obscure the path of the knife as it flew right for Speirs elbow of the arm supporting the gun, Marcone smirking as he remembered an old trick shot he once made under different circumstances. Upside down, in the dark and hard enough to slice through a thick rope to save his allies of circumstances. Good times. Besides the obvious implications of a blade in the elbow, Marcone's move had another aspect to it.

Disabling the arm meant disabling the gun for a moment.

And it was all he needed, dashing forward and up close as his hand came down to hammer the blade still in the elbow, to make his arm spasm and give Marcone his opportunity to slam his heel down at the side of Speir's knee. This time, with a serious attempt to break it.

All followed with him ripping the gun away and performing an open palm smash to the nose, with intent to break it and clothesline him down to the ground.

Ended by him pulling out the knife of his elbow without so much as caring for the damage it'd cause as he pressed it to Speirs eye.

He didn't get to his position on good looks alone.

"....And here we are again. How disappointing soldier."

@ResistingTheEnlightened @york @Schnee Corp Lawyer
"Yeah, might as well." Yukine said as the two made their way to the direction of the city. He put his hands in his pants pockets as they walked.

"I wonder when it got there." He said aloud as the two walked side by side.


"It probably appeared when the announcement was made", Yukio guessed as they got started, and walked towards the city.


"We should probably try to look for signs of the others going this way too. Footprints, or trash left on the path." She spoke as she looked for those signs. "If we are the only ones who actually try going to the city, we might want to call Yato up."

@Lizzy @york
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Not being the first time Hank was murdered, Hank dust himself off. He didn't seem too bothered by it

"Hey , umm, Lena what's shakin'?"


"I don't know... Where are we?" Lena said, she looked a little confused herself, however, the room shook a little, indicating they should probably not stay here for long...​
Blake almost jumped out of the tree in surprise when Ruby suddenly appeared in a blur of rosepetals next to her on the branch. but after she caught her breath she blinked and let out a small huff and a smile as she shrugged.

"Honestly. Not great. At all. This whole mess has been a string of bad decisions for me and I'm honestly just hoping I can survive long enough to get home at this point" she said quietly


"Well, I'm sure things will turn out alright in the end! I mean... That's how it always is back at Beacon!" Ruby said, leaning against the treetrunk a little as she stared off at the city in the distance once more... If one looked carefully at the buildings, one would notice one poking out that almost resembled Beacon Academy... And a few antenna that looked out of place here and there, like there were multiple worlds trying to co-exist in that spot at once...​
"It was just an idea. I thought you meant to allow her to mourn in private." Cecil said. "You need to clarify your statements. I'm sorry."

Need to clarify your statements? He's the one who can't understand. I can't tell if he's actually sorry or if he's being sarcastic... "The message was pretty clear to us," Hajime responded before heading to Olga's cabin. As he went, he pulled one of his notebooks out of his bag and tore a piece of paper out, "This should do." Writing as he went, he soon had a ready note to tape to her cabin door.​

Slavya followed suit, looking to have calmed down relatively quickly "Well... I hope Olga gets back soon..." she said, looking just a bit worried.​
Speirs could only stare at her for a moment without a word. He would simply smile, before speaking again, noting her flustered state as he brushed her chin with his finger. "I have.. I cannot. It won't be.. Possible.." He tried to be a bit more easier with Olga before he spoke up again. "I won't be.. In the country, again." Speirs then looked down again before sighing. "I just.. Wanted to let you know. Before this semester was over." He said finally.


"Maybe we could send letters to one another? You have an address, right?" Olga asked, it looked like she did still want to contact him despite this piece of information.​
Bill illuminated the room. They then went to the History Section to see if they had anything on the camp.
There were actually a few books available this time around, however, it was uncertain how far into the past these books may have been written...​
It was a good thing rubber was completely impervious to a sharp object when impaled with enough force.

Oh, wait. :|

By the body of the suicide victim, Marcone would be examing her,

Just enough to confirm as he smirked and turned away to pack up and head for the gates. He had everything he needed.

@OrlandoBloomers @ResistingTheEnlightened @york @Bomb
The wounds on the body indeed confirmed that the victim had passed away from a case of suicide... It was unfortunate that was the case, but, at least it wasn't another traitor kill...
"Fuck You."

Unfortunately, bullets weren't working in this scenario, the entire scuffle was sort of... Nullified to say the least; ammunition wasn't being spent, nor was the effects of his shots doing anything, however, Marcone would find that he could not really harm his opponent either, so, in a way... This was turning out to be a minor stalemate.

Mid-Round Update
No bell rang this time, instead, the speakers crackled again, Olga was speaking through them once more "It looks like Jynx got the most votes this time... She'll be searched shortly by Violet, but, just to be safe, she'll be locked up in the admin building as well for now." there was a pause for a moment before the announcement continued. "Remember, we're leaving tomorrow morning! So pack all that you need before we go! We won't be coming back for a while... Until this situation is resolved at least." Olga sounded a little sad as she spoke, but, in the end... It was the truth.

Night 5

As usual, there were a few options:

A) Stay where you are, or keep exploring the camp, in either case... There's not much ground left to cover, but, perhaps there would be more clues laying about? Or, at least something that might hint at something aorund?

B) Explore the forest, there's not much ground left to cover, but, these mysterious pioneers wandering the area may still have something left to say... They seem to know something about this camp after all...

C) Visit the prisoners, have a friendly discussion, maybe seek some medical attention from the nurse, or break up the fight going on? Who knows...

Remember to bold and underline your choice...

PS: Prepare to wrap up any events with characters before this round concludes, which is the day after tomorrow...
Camp Arrivals (Cast):
Played by:
@yorkName: Ruby Rose (NPC) canon: RWBY Status: Alive Role: Unknown
Played by: @york Name: Sophie (NPC) canon: Cry of Fear Status: Alive Role: Unknown
Played by: @Mighty Roman Name: N (NPC) canon: Pokemon Black & White 1/2 Status: Alive Role: Unknown
Played by: @BarrenThin Name: Tallion (Gravewalker) canon: Middle-earth; Shadow of Mordor Status: Alive Role: Unknown
Played by: @TheBlueBurch Name: Gaara Canon of Origin: Naruto & Name: Beowulf Cannon: Skullgirls (Duo) Status: Alive Role: Unknown
Played by: @Raven Name: Wednesday Adams Canon of Origin: The Addams Family Status: Alive Role: Unknown
Played by: @DapperDogman Name: Bell Cranel Canon of Origin: Is it wrong to try to pick up girls in a dungeon? Status: Alive Role: Unknown
Played by: @Verite Name: Kyon canon: The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya Status: Alive Role: Unknown
Played by: @Mari Name: Yukio Canon of Origin: Marvel Universe Status: Alive Role: Unknown
Played by: @ResistingTheEnlightened Name: Captain Ronald Speirs Canon of Origin: Band of Brothers & Name: George Luz Cannon: Band of Brothers (Duo) Status: Alive Role: Unknown
Played by: @Bomb Name: Kang Hee-Gun Canon of Origin: Running Man Status: Alive Role: Unknown
Played by: @Klutzy Ninja Kitty Name: Ryoko Asakura Canon of Origin: The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya Status: Alive Role: Unknown
Played by: @CrunchyCHEEZIT Name: The Scout Canon of Origin: Team Fortress 2 Status: Alive Role: Unknown
Played by: @FireDrake150 Name: Claire Farron (Lightning) Canon of Origin: Final Fantasy Status: Alive Role: Unknown
Played by: @Wedge Antilles Name: Alex Summers Canon of Origin: Marvel Cinematic Universe Status: Alive Role: Unknown
Played by: @Korra Name: Katara Canon of Origin: Avatar: The last airbender Status: Alive Role: Unknown
Played by: @The Silver Paladin Name: Cecil Harvey Canon of Origin: Final Fantasy Status: Alive Role: Unknown
Played by: @Kaykay Name: Yellow de Tokiwa Grove Canon of Origin: Pokemon Adventures Status: Alive Role: Unknown
Played by: @Gummi Bunnies Name: Neo Canon of Origin: RWBY & Name: Sukuna Shinmyoumaru Canon of Origin: Touhou (Duo) Status: Alive Role: Unknown
Played by: @ShadowPrime Name: Jinx Canon of Origin: League of Legends Status: Alive Role: Unknown
Played by: @Jeremi Name: Ori Valadier Canon of Origin: Under Night In-Birth & Name: TOHSAKA Canon of Origin: Type Moon (Duo) Status: Alive Role: Unknown
Played by: @ProxyMoronName: Tsukimi Kurishita Canon of Origin: Princess JellyFish Status: Alive Role: Unknown
Played by: @Schnee Corp Lawyer Name: Blake Belladonna Canon of Origin: RWBY Status: Alive Role: Unknown
Played by: @Infinatis Name: Bill Cipher Canon of Origin: Gravity Falls Name: Canada Canon of Origin: Hetalia (Duo) Status: Alive Role: Unknown
Played by: @Atomyk Name: Karol Capel Canon of Origin: Tales of Vesperia Status: Alive Role: Unknown
Played by: @Meira Name: Anima & Name: Asahina Samidare Canon of Origin(both characters): Lucifer and The Biscuit Hammer (Duo) Status: Alive Role: Unknown
Played by: @Rock Knight Name: Idoun Canon of Origin: Fire Emblen: The Binding Blade Status: Alive Role: Unknown
Played by: @siontalk Name: Haruka Kokonose Canon of Origin: Kagerou Project Status: Alive Role: Unknown
Played by: @Lizzy Name: Yatogomi & Name: Yukine Canons of Origin: Noragami (Duo) Status: Alive Role: Unknown
Played by: @OrlandoBloomers Name: Shiki Ryougi Canon of Origin: Type-Moon Status: Alive Role: Traitor
Played by: @Unlimited RP Works Name: Johnny Marcone Canon of Origin: The Dresden Files Status: Alive Role: Unknown
Played by: @KriegName: Krieg the Psycho Canon of Origin: Borderlands 2 Status: Revived Role: Survivor
Played by: @The Tactician Name: Hajime Hinata canon: Dangaronpa 2; Goodbye Despair Status: Revived Role: Survivor
Played by: @yorkName: Semyon (NPC) canon: Everlasting Summer Status: Revived Role: Survivor
(Roles are revealed after death...)
Played by: @Gummi Bunnies Camp Resident: Rika (NPC) Status: Dead? Role: Survivor
Played by: @Josh MName: Hank Venture Canon of Origin: The Venture Bros Status: Dead Role: Chosen
Played by: @york Camp Resident: Lena (NPC) Status: Dead Role: Ex-Traitor (Vessel)

Last edited:
  • Nice Execution!
Reactions: C.T.

"Are you sure arming her right now is a good idea?" Yulia asked, she looked a little surprised, but, wasn't completely objecting yet.​
Bell shrugs and points a thumb to Luz for a moment "It can't be any more dangerous then him shooting at that other dude when he's standing near innocent kids" he mutters, watchinf Marcone deal with the issue again

"At least I'm sure she would have tried to control herself and not risk killing two Innocent girls"

The more he spoke, the more clear it was Bell had faith in two things, Shiki's willpower, and his own skills

Because if the former was misplaced, the latter would have to be firm, if both were misplaced, he'd doomed an innocent to die, ans had failed his job as an adventurer

"Beside, it's here with her other knife, out of her reach for now. She'll have it when she's released" he pats Yulia on the head softly and smiles

Ruby had the feeling if a certain white haired boy were about, Marcone would have had soms competition to hsrm Luz first

@york @TheSpringwoodSlasher @C.T. @ResistingTheEnlightened

"Well, I'm sure things will turn out alright in the end! I mean... That's how it always is back at Beacon!" Ruby said, leaning against the treetrunk a little as she stared off at the city in the distance once more... If one looked carefully at the buildings, one would notice one poking out that almost resembled Beacon Academy... And a few antenna that looked out of place here and there, like there were multiple worlds trying to co-exist in that spot at once...​



"Maybe we could send letters to one another? You have an address, right?" Olga asked, it looked like she did still want to contact him despite this piece of information.​

There were actually a few books available this time around, however, it was uncertain how far into the past these books may have been written...​

The wounds on the body indeed confirmed that the victim had passed away from a case of suicide... It was unfortunate that was the case, but, at least it wasn't another traitor kill...

Unfortunately, bullets weren't working in this scenario, the entire scuffle was sort of... Nullified to say the least; ammunition wasn't being spent, nor was the effects of his shots doing anything, however, Marcone would find that he could not really harm his opponent either, so, in a way... This was turning out to be a minor stalemate.

Mid-Round Update
No bell rang this time, instead, the speakers crackled again, Olga was speaking through them once more "It looks like Jynx got the most votes this time... She'll be searched shortly by Violet, but, just to be safe, she'll be locked up in the admin building as well for now." there was a pause for a moment before the announcement continued. "Remember, we're leaving tomorrow morning! So pack all that you need before we go! We won't be coming back for a while... Until this situation is resolved at least." Olga sounded a little sad as she spoke, but, in the end... It was the truth.

Night 5

As usual, there were a few options:

A) Stay where you are, or keep exploring the camp, in either case... There's not much ground left to cover, but, perhaps there would be more clues laying about? Or, at least something that might hint at something aorund?

B) Explore the forest, there's not much ground left to cover, but, these mysterious pioneers wandering the area may still have something left to say... They seem to know something about this camp after all...

C) Visit the prisoners, have a friendly discussion, maybe seek some medical attention from the nurse, or break up the fight going on? Who knows...

Remember to bold and underline your choice...

PS: Prepare to wrap up any events with characters before this round concludes, which is the day after tomorrow...
Camp Arrivals (Cast):
Played by:
@yorkName: Ruby Rose (NPC) canon: RWBY Status: Alive Role: Unknown
Played by: @york Name: Sophie (NPC) canon: Cry of Fear Status: Alive Role: Unknown
Played by: @Mighty Roman Name: N (NPC) canon: Pokemon Black & White 1/2 Status: Alive Role: Unknown
Played by: @BarrenThin Name: Tallion (Gravewalker) canon: Middle-earth; Shadow of Mordor Status: Alive Role: Unknown
Played by: @TheBlueBurch Name: Gaara Canon of Origin: Naruto & Name: Beowulf Cannon: Skullgirls (Duo) Status: Alive Role: Unknown
Played by: @Raven Name: Wednesday Adams Canon of Origin: The Addams Family Status: Alive Role: Unknown
Played by: @DapperDogman Name: Bell Cranel Canon of Origin: Is it wrong to try to pick up girls in a dungeon? Status: Alive Role: Unknown
Played by: @Verite Name: Kyon canon: The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya Status: Alive Role: Unknown
Played by: @Mari Name: Yukio Canon of Origin: Marvel Universe Status: Alive Role: Unknown
Played by: @ResistingTheEnlightened Name: Captain Ronald Speirs Canon of Origin: Band of Brothers & Name: George Luz Cannon: Band of Brothers (Duo) Status: Alive Role: Unknown
Played by: @Bomb Name: Kang Hee-Gun Canon of Origin: Running Man Status: Alive Role: Unknown
Played by: @Klutzy Ninja Kitty Name: Ryoko Asakura Canon of Origin: The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya Status: Alive Role: Unknown
Played by: @CrunchyCHEEZIT Name: The Scout Canon of Origin: Team Fortress 2 Status: Alive Role: Unknown
Played by: @FireDrake150 Name: Claire Farron (Lightning) Canon of Origin: Final Fantasy Status: Alive Role: Unknown
Played by: @Wedge Antilles Name: Alex Summers Canon of Origin: Marvel Cinematic Universe Status: Alive Role: Unknown
Played by: @Korra Name: Katara Canon of Origin: Avatar: The last airbender Status: Alive Role: Unknown
Played by: @The Silver Paladin Name: Cecil Harvey Canon of Origin: Final Fantasy Status: Alive Role: Unknown
Played by: @Kaykay Name: Yellow de Tokiwa Grove Canon of Origin: Pokemon Adventures Status: Alive Role: Unknown
Played by: @Gummi Bunnies Name: Neo Canon of Origin: RWBY & Name: Sukuna Shinmyoumaru Canon of Origin: Touhou (Duo) Status: Alive Role: Unknown
Played by: @ShadowPrime Name: Jinx Canon of Origin: League of Legends Status: Alive Role: Unknown
Played by: @Jeremi Name: Ori Valadier Canon of Origin: Under Night In-Birth & Name: TOHSAKA Canon of Origin: Type Moon (Duo) Status: Alive Role: Unknown
Played by: @ProxyMoronName: Tsukimi Kurishita Canon of Origin: Princess JellyFish Status: Alive Role: Unknown
Played by: @Schnee Corp Lawyer Name: Blake Belladonna Canon of Origin: RWBY Status: Alive Role: Unknown
Played by: @Infinatis Name: Bill Cipher Canon of Origin: Gravity Falls Name: Canada Canon of Origin: Hetalia (Duo) Status: Alive Role: Unknown
Played by: @Atomyk Name: Karol Capel Canon of Origin: Tales of Vesperia Status: Alive Role: Unknown
Played by: @Meira Name: Anima & Name: Asahina Samidare Canon of Origin(both characters): Lucifer and The Biscuit Hammer (Duo) Status: Alive Role: Unknown
Played by: @Rock Knight Name: Idoun Canon of Origin: Fire Emblen: The Binding Blade Status: Alive Role: Unknown
Played by: @siontalk Name: Haruka Kokonose Canon of Origin: Kagerou Project Status: Alive Role: Unknown
Played by: @Lizzy Name: Yatogomi & Name: Yukine Canons of Origin: Noragami (Duo) Status: Alive Role: Unknown
Played by: @OrlandoBloomers Name: Shiki Ryougi Canon of Origin: Type-Moon Status: Alive Role: Traitor
Played by: @Unlimited RP Works Name: Johnny Marcone Canon of Origin: The Dresden Files Status: Alive Role: Unknown
Played by: @KriegName: Krieg the Psycho Canon of Origin: Borderlands 2 Status: Revived Role: Survivor
Played by: @The Tactician Name: Hajime Hinata canon: Dangaronpa 2; Goodbye Despair Status: Revived Role: Survivor
Played by: @yorkName: Semyon (NPC) canon: Everlasting Summer Status: Revived Role: Survivor
(Roles are revealed after death...)
Played by: @Gummi Bunnies Camp Resident: Rika (NPC) Status: Dead? Role: Survivor
Played by: @Josh MName: Hank Venture Canon of Origin: The Venture Bros Status: Dead Role: Chosen
Played by: @york Camp Resident: Lena (NPC) Status: Dead Role: Ex-Traitor (Vessel)

After checking the library for some history books and looking at one about the victorian era russia, they decided to head head to the clubhouse to see if anyone's there.
Unfortunately, bullets weren't working in this scenario, the entire scuffle was sort of... Nullified to say the least; ammunition wasn't being spent, nor was the effects of his shots doing anything, however, Marcone would find that he could not really harm his opponent either, so, in a way... This was turning out to be a minor stalemate.

...That was fascinating actually. The knife quivering in midair, the bullets paused before him akin to the Matrix. Were he less mature, Marcone would have made a quip about that.

As he wasn't, he'd make a mental note of it as he moved to retrieve his knife and his wooden carving project.

"Now that's interesting. Looks as though you have some use still. If only inadvertently. Still, while I might have been able to forgive and forget your laughable attempt to shoot me?"

His gaze hardened as he spoke.

"You lost control and you didn't care who died so long as I was. I'll remember that, soldier."

And turning around he approached Ruby in time to hear the following.


"Well, I'm sure things will turn out alright in the end! I mean... That's how it always is back at Beacon!" Ruby said, leaning against the treetrunk a little as she stared off at the city in the distance once more... If one looked carefully at the buildings, one would notice one poking out that almost resembled Beacon Academy... And a few antenna that looked out of place here and there, like there were multiple worlds trying to co-exist in that spot at once...​

And in a tone far more softer and sincere, unlike his attempts to charm the nurse for information, Marcone spoke to Ruby.

"I am so, very sorry for that. I find the harming of young people such as yourself....Distasteful."

In his organization, he had a word for people who did that to kids. Drug dealers or insane serial killers or vampires.

Target practice. No tolerance, that was his style.

@york @ResistingTheEnlightened @Schnee Corp Lawyer
"Well, I'm sure things will turn out alright in the end! I mean... That's how it always is back at Beacon!"
"..." She shook her head with a slight smirk she couldn't help. "I don't understand how you do it Ruby-"
"Fuck You."

Wow. The angry soldier he beat up wanted to shoot him.

Who could have ever forseen that?

Oh wait. He did.

He sidestepped the shot, about to deliver some sick burns when he noticed what had happened.

He was standing before Ruby when the shot came.

And in his attempt to dodge, it put the girl right in the idiots sights when he fired.

Marcone for the first time here, saw red. No talking, not anymore.

He was just gonna kick Speirs ass till it was level with his ears.

NOBODY did that to a child in front of him, and without any fancy tricks of spinning or the like, Marcone showed just why and how he was the first suspect when someone like Kreig died from a knife wound.

And the knife in hand along with the whittled wood flew in two separate paths, the wood for the face of Speirs with intent to smash into his nose, obscuring his view and taking up his range of vision.

All to obscure the path of the knife as it flew right for Speirs elbow of the arm supporting the gun, Marcone smirking as he remembered an old trick shot he once made under different circumstances. Upside down, in the dark and hard enough to slice through a thick rope to save his allies of circumstances. Good times. Besides the obvious implications of a blade in the elbow, Marcone's move had another aspect to it.

Disabling the arm meant disabling the gun for a moment.

And it was all he needed, dashing forward and up close as his hand came down to hammer the blade still in the elbow, to make his arm spasm and give Marcone his opportunity to slam his heel down at the side of Speir's knee. This time, with a serious attempt to break it.

All followed with him ripping the gun away and performing an open palm smash to the nose, with intent to break it and clothesline him down to the ground.

Ended by him pulling out the knife of his elbow without so much as caring for the damage it'd cause as he pressed it to Speirs eye.

He didn't get to his position on good looks alone.

"....And here we are again. How disappointing soldier."

@ResistingTheEnlightened @york @Schnee Corp Lawyer

Blake still felt miserable. She'd have been content to just sit here in this tree with Ruby and her friend till this mess was over and she could hopefully, by some miraculous grace of whatever cruel god had pulled them to this awful camp, finally go home. All she wanted was some peace and to not deal with whatever horror the camp taunted them with next.

And then these two idiots showed up. Again with the alpha posturing, just like before. Except this time they'd brought their guns and knives.

And opened fire.

On Ruby, one of the few people in the world Blake had ever trusted in her life.

In a camp where it wasn't even a sure thing that her leader's aura would be able to protect her.

Needless to say, whatever aura that occasionally protected them from harm saved both Marcone's and Spiers life since it turned out Ruby was fine, because in a burst of speed and a use of her semblance that literally had Blake appearing in between the two, she had one of her blades up to each of their throats, amber almost aglow with barely restrained malice as she growled like the panther she resembled as she muttered quietly.

"Take your alpha male bullshit away from me and my friends or you're going to wake up tomorrow with a slit throat. And that's only assuming you can outrun me from this gate."

She let that sink in for a few seconds before she lowered her weapons and slowly walked away with one more warning glance thrown their way before she quietly hopped back into the tree and just sat their quietly for a second before she wrapped Ruby up with a one armed hug and a very tired sigh.

"I really hope you're right fearless leader. I really hope you're right."

@ResistingTheEnlightened @Doctor Smartass @york
Last edited:

"Well, I'm sure things will turn out alright in the end! I mean... That's how it always is back at Beacon!" Ruby said, leaning against the treetrunk a little as she stared off at the city in the distance once more... If one looked carefully at the buildings, one would notice one poking out that almost resembled Beacon Academy... And a few antenna that looked out of place here and there, like there were multiple worlds trying to co-exist in that spot at once...​



"Maybe we could send letters to one another? You have an address, right?" Olga asked, it looked like she did still want to contact him despite this piece of information.​

There were actually a few books available this time around, however, it was uncertain how far into the past these books may have been written...​

The wounds on the body indeed confirmed that the victim had passed away from a case of suicide... It was unfortunate that was the case, but, at least it wasn't another traitor kill...

Unfortunately, bullets weren't working in this scenario, the entire scuffle was sort of... Nullified to say the least; ammunition wasn't being spent, nor was the effects of his shots doing anything, however, Marcone would find that he could not really harm his opponent either, so, in a way... This was turning out to be a minor stalemate.

Mid-Round Update
No bell rang this time, instead, the speakers crackled again, Olga was speaking through them once more "It looks like Jynx got the most votes this time... She'll be searched shortly by Violet, but, just to be safe, she'll be locked up in the admin building as well for now." there was a pause for a moment before the announcement continued. "Remember, we're leaving tomorrow morning! So pack all that you need before we go! We won't be coming back for a while... Until this situation is resolved at least." Olga sounded a little sad as she spoke, but, in the end... It was the truth.

Night 5

As usual, there were a few options:

A) Stay where you are, or keep exploring the camp, in either case... There's not much ground left to cover, but, perhaps there would be more clues laying about? Or, at least something that might hint at something aorund?

B) Explore the forest, there's not much ground left to cover, but, these mysterious pioneers wandering the area may still have something left to say... They seem to know something about this camp after all...

C) Visit the prisoners, have a friendly discussion, maybe seek some medical attention from the nurse, or break up the fight going on? Who knows...

Remember to bold and underline your choice...

PS: Prepare to wrap up any events with characters before this round concludes, which is the day after tomorrow...
Camp Arrivals (Cast):
Played by:
@yorkName: Ruby Rose (NPC) canon: RWBY Status: Alive Role: Unknown
Played by: @york Name: Sophie (NPC) canon: Cry of Fear Status: Alive Role: Unknown
Played by: @Mighty Roman Name: N (NPC) canon: Pokemon Black & White 1/2 Status: Alive Role: Unknown
Played by: @BarrenThin Name: Tallion (Gravewalker) canon: Middle-earth; Shadow of Mordor Status: Alive Role: Unknown
Played by: @TheBlueBurch Name: Gaara Canon of Origin: Naruto & Name: Beowulf Cannon: Skullgirls (Duo) Status: Alive Role: Unknown
Played by: @Raven Name: Wednesday Adams Canon of Origin: The Addams Family Status: Alive Role: Unknown
Played by: @DapperDogman Name: Bell Cranel Canon of Origin: Is it wrong to try to pick up girls in a dungeon? Status: Alive Role: Unknown
Played by: @Verite Name: Kyon canon: The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya Status: Alive Role: Unknown
Played by: @Mari Name: Yukio Canon of Origin: Marvel Universe Status: Alive Role: Unknown
Played by: @ResistingTheEnlightened Name: Captain Ronald Speirs Canon of Origin: Band of Brothers & Name: George Luz Cannon: Band of Brothers (Duo) Status: Alive Role: Unknown
Played by: @Bomb Name: Kang Hee-Gun Canon of Origin: Running Man Status: Alive Role: Unknown
Played by: @Klutzy Ninja Kitty Name: Ryoko Asakura Canon of Origin: The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya Status: Alive Role: Unknown
Played by: @CrunchyCHEEZIT Name: The Scout Canon of Origin: Team Fortress 2 Status: Alive Role: Unknown
Played by: @FireDrake150 Name: Claire Farron (Lightning) Canon of Origin: Final Fantasy Status: Alive Role: Unknown
Played by: @Wedge Antilles Name: Alex Summers Canon of Origin: Marvel Cinematic Universe Status: Alive Role: Unknown
Played by: @Korra Name: Katara Canon of Origin: Avatar: The last airbender Status: Alive Role: Unknown
Played by: @The Silver Paladin Name: Cecil Harvey Canon of Origin: Final Fantasy Status: Alive Role: Unknown
Played by: @Kaykay Name: Yellow de Tokiwa Grove Canon of Origin: Pokemon Adventures Status: Alive Role: Unknown
Played by: @Gummi Bunnies Name: Neo Canon of Origin: RWBY & Name: Sukuna Shinmyoumaru Canon of Origin: Touhou (Duo) Status: Alive Role: Unknown
Played by: @ShadowPrime Name: Jinx Canon of Origin: League of Legends Status: Alive Role: Unknown
Played by: @Jeremi Name: Ori Valadier Canon of Origin: Under Night In-Birth & Name: TOHSAKA Canon of Origin: Type Moon (Duo) Status: Alive Role: Unknown
Played by: @ProxyMoronName: Tsukimi Kurishita Canon of Origin: Princess JellyFish Status: Alive Role: Unknown
Played by: @Schnee Corp Lawyer Name: Blake Belladonna Canon of Origin: RWBY Status: Alive Role: Unknown
Played by: @Infinatis Name: Bill Cipher Canon of Origin: Gravity Falls Name: Canada Canon of Origin: Hetalia (Duo) Status: Alive Role: Unknown
Played by: @Atomyk Name: Karol Capel Canon of Origin: Tales of Vesperia Status: Alive Role: Unknown
Played by: @Meira Name: Anima & Name: Asahina Samidare Canon of Origin(both characters): Lucifer and The Biscuit Hammer (Duo) Status: Alive Role: Unknown
Played by: @Rock Knight Name: Idoun Canon of Origin: Fire Emblen: The Binding Blade Status: Alive Role: Unknown
Played by: @siontalk Name: Haruka Kokonose Canon of Origin: Kagerou Project Status: Alive Role: Unknown
Played by: @Lizzy Name: Yatogomi & Name: Yukine Canons of Origin: Noragami (Duo) Status: Alive Role: Unknown
Played by: @OrlandoBloomers Name: Shiki Ryougi Canon of Origin: Type-Moon Status: Alive Role: Traitor
Played by: @Unlimited RP Works Name: Johnny Marcone Canon of Origin: The Dresden Files Status: Alive Role: Unknown
Played by: @KriegName: Krieg the Psycho Canon of Origin: Borderlands 2 Status: Revived Role: Survivor
Played by: @The Tactician Name: Hajime Hinata canon: Dangaronpa 2; Goodbye Despair Status: Revived Role: Survivor
Played by: @yorkName: Semyon (NPC) canon: Everlasting Summer Status: Revived Role: Survivor
(Roles are revealed after death...)
Played by: @Gummi Bunnies Camp Resident: Rika (NPC) Status: Dead? Role: Survivor
Played by: @Josh MName: Hank Venture Canon of Origin: The Venture Bros Status: Dead Role: Chosen
Played by: @york Camp Resident: Lena (NPC) Status: Dead Role: Ex-Traitor (Vessel)

"It's time to go?" Gary said. He looked a bit relieved that this "trip" was coming to a close.

He decided to visit the prisoners.

@york @OrlandoBloomers @shadowprime​

"Well, I'm sure things will turn out alright in the end! I mean... That's how it always is back at Beacon!" Ruby said, leaning against the treetrunk a little as she stared off at the city in the distance once more... If one looked carefully at the buildings, one would notice one poking out that almost resembled Beacon Academy... And a few antenna that looked out of place here and there, like there were multiple worlds trying to co-exist in that spot at once...​


Slavya followed suit, looking to have calmed down relatively quickly "Well... I hope Olga gets back soon..." she said, looking just a bit worried.​


"Maybe we could send letters to one another? You have an address, right?" Olga asked, it looked like she did still want to contact him despite this piece of information.​

There were actually a few books available this time around, however, it was uncertain how far into the past these books may have been written...​

The wounds on the body indeed confirmed that the victim had passed away from a case of suicide... It was unfortunate that was the case, but, at least it wasn't another traitor kill...

Unfortunately, bullets weren't working in this scenario, the entire scuffle was sort of... Nullified to say the least; ammunition wasn't being spent, nor was the effects of his shots doing anything, however, Marcone would find that he could not really harm his opponent either, so, in a way... This was turning out to be a minor stalemate.

Mid-Round Update
No bell rang this time, instead, the speakers crackled again, Olga was speaking through them once more "It looks like Jynx got the most votes this time... She'll be searched shortly by Violet, but, just to be safe, she'll be locked up in the admin building as well for now." there was a pause for a moment before the announcement continued. "Remember, we're leaving tomorrow morning! So pack all that you need before we go! We won't be coming back for a while... Until this situation is resolved at least." Olga sounded a little sad as she spoke, but, in the end... It was the truth.

Night 5

As usual, there were a few options:

A) Stay where you are, or keep exploring the camp, in either case... There's not much ground left to cover, but, perhaps there would be more clues laying about? Or, at least something that might hint at something aorund?

B) Explore the forest, there's not much ground left to cover, but, these mysterious pioneers wandering the area may still have something left to say... They seem to know something about this camp after all...

C) Visit the prisoners, have a friendly discussion, maybe seek some medical attention from the nurse, or break up the fight going on? Who knows...

Remember to bold and underline your choice...

PS: Prepare to wrap up any events with characters before this round concludes, which is the day after tomorrow...
Camp Arrivals (Cast):
Played by:
@yorkName: Ruby Rose (NPC) canon: RWBY Status: Alive Role: Unknown
Played by: @york Name: Sophie (NPC) canon: Cry of Fear Status: Alive Role: Unknown
Played by: @Mighty Roman Name: N (NPC) canon: Pokemon Black & White 1/2 Status: Alive Role: Unknown
Played by: @BarrenThin Name: Tallion (Gravewalker) canon: Middle-earth; Shadow of Mordor Status: Alive Role: Unknown
Played by: @TheBlueBurch Name: Gaara Canon of Origin: Naruto & Name: Beowulf Cannon: Skullgirls (Duo) Status: Alive Role: Unknown
Played by: @Raven Name: Wednesday Adams Canon of Origin: The Addams Family Status: Alive Role: Unknown
Played by: @DapperDogman Name: Bell Cranel Canon of Origin: Is it wrong to try to pick up girls in a dungeon? Status: Alive Role: Unknown
Played by: @Verite Name: Kyon canon: The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya Status: Alive Role: Unknown
Played by: @Mari Name: Yukio Canon of Origin: Marvel Universe Status: Alive Role: Unknown
Played by: @ResistingTheEnlightened Name: Captain Ronald Speirs Canon of Origin: Band of Brothers & Name: George Luz Cannon: Band of Brothers (Duo) Status: Alive Role: Unknown
Played by: @Bomb Name: Kang Hee-Gun Canon of Origin: Running Man Status: Alive Role: Unknown
Played by: @Klutzy Ninja Kitty Name: Ryoko Asakura Canon of Origin: The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya Status: Alive Role: Unknown
Played by: @CrunchyCHEEZIT Name: The Scout Canon of Origin: Team Fortress 2 Status: Alive Role: Unknown
Played by: @FireDrake150 Name: Claire Farron (Lightning) Canon of Origin: Final Fantasy Status: Alive Role: Unknown
Played by: @Wedge Antilles Name: Alex Summers Canon of Origin: Marvel Cinematic Universe Status: Alive Role: Unknown
Played by: @Korra Name: Katara Canon of Origin: Avatar: The last airbender Status: Alive Role: Unknown
Played by: @The Silver Paladin Name: Cecil Harvey Canon of Origin: Final Fantasy Status: Alive Role: Unknown
Played by: @Kaykay Name: Yellow de Tokiwa Grove Canon of Origin: Pokemon Adventures Status: Alive Role: Unknown
Played by: @Gummi Bunnies Name: Neo Canon of Origin: RWBY & Name: Sukuna Shinmyoumaru Canon of Origin: Touhou (Duo) Status: Alive Role: Unknown
Played by: @ShadowPrime Name: Jinx Canon of Origin: League of Legends Status: Alive Role: Unknown
Played by: @Jeremi Name: Ori Valadier Canon of Origin: Under Night In-Birth & Name: TOHSAKA Canon of Origin: Type Moon (Duo) Status: Alive Role: Unknown
Played by: @ProxyMoronName: Tsukimi Kurishita Canon of Origin: Princess JellyFish Status: Alive Role: Unknown
Played by: @Schnee Corp Lawyer Name: Blake Belladonna Canon of Origin: RWBY Status: Alive Role: Unknown
Played by: @Infinatis Name: Bill Cipher Canon of Origin: Gravity Falls Name: Canada Canon of Origin: Hetalia (Duo) Status: Alive Role: Unknown
Played by: @Atomyk Name: Karol Capel Canon of Origin: Tales of Vesperia Status: Alive Role: Unknown
Played by: @Meira Name: Anima & Name: Asahina Samidare Canon of Origin(both characters): Lucifer and The Biscuit Hammer (Duo) Status: Alive Role: Unknown
Played by: @Rock Knight Name: Idoun Canon of Origin: Fire Emblen: The Binding Blade Status: Alive Role: Unknown
Played by: @siontalk Name: Haruka Kokonose Canon of Origin: Kagerou Project Status: Alive Role: Unknown
Played by: @Lizzy Name: Yatogomi & Name: Yukine Canons of Origin: Noragami (Duo) Status: Alive Role: Unknown
Played by: @OrlandoBloomers Name: Shiki Ryougi Canon of Origin: Type-Moon Status: Alive Role: Traitor
Played by: @Unlimited RP Works Name: Johnny Marcone Canon of Origin: The Dresden Files Status: Alive Role: Unknown
Played by: @KriegName: Krieg the Psycho Canon of Origin: Borderlands 2 Status: Revived Role: Survivor
Played by: @The Tactician Name: Hajime Hinata canon: Dangaronpa 2; Goodbye Despair Status: Revived Role: Survivor
Played by: @yorkName: Semyon (NPC) canon: Everlasting Summer Status: Revived Role: Survivor
(Roles are revealed after death...)
Played by: @Gummi Bunnies Camp Resident: Rika (NPC) Status: Dead? Role: Survivor
Played by: @Josh MName: Hank Venture Canon of Origin: The Venture Bros Status: Dead Role: Chosen
Played by: @york Camp Resident: Lena (NPC) Status: Dead Role: Ex-Traitor (Vessel)


After leaving the note on Olga's door, Hajime sighed as he was suddenly left with no real tasks to complete. Most people at camp would be happy for free time, but... I can't the feeling that I should be doing something more important... "Hey, Slavya, you keep searching for Olga. I need to go check something in the woods," Giving her a trusting smile, he headed off, once again to the forest.


"Well, I'm sure things will turn out alright in the end! I mean... That's how it always is back at Beacon!" Ruby said, leaning against the treetrunk a little as she stared off at the city in the distance once more... If one looked carefully at the buildings, one would notice one poking out that almost resembled Beacon Academy... And a few antenna that looked out of place here and there, like there were multiple worlds trying to co-exist in that spot at once...​


Slavya followed suit, looking to have calmed down relatively quickly "Well... I hope Olga gets back soon..." she said, looking just a bit worried.​


"Maybe we could send letters to one another? You have an address, right?" Olga asked, it looked like she did still want to contact him despite this piece of information.​

There were actually a few books available this time around, however, it was uncertain how far into the past these books may have been written...​

The wounds on the body indeed confirmed that the victim had passed away from a case of suicide... It was unfortunate that was the case, but, at least it wasn't another traitor kill...

Unfortunately, bullets weren't working in this scenario, the entire scuffle was sort of... Nullified to say the least; ammunition wasn't being spent, nor was the effects of his shots doing anything, however, Marcone would find that he could not really harm his opponent either, so, in a way... This was turning out to be a minor stalemate.

Mid-Round Update
No bell rang this time, instead, the speakers crackled again, Olga was speaking through them once more "It looks like Jynx got the most votes this time... She'll be searched shortly by Violet, but, just to be safe, she'll be locked up in the admin building as well for now." there was a pause for a moment before the announcement continued. "Remember, we're leaving tomorrow morning! So pack all that you need before we go! We won't be coming back for a while... Until this situation is resolved at least." Olga sounded a little sad as she spoke, but, in the end... It was the truth.

Night 5

As usual, there were a few options:

A) Stay where you are, or keep exploring the camp, in either case... There's not much ground left to cover, but, perhaps there would be more clues laying about? Or, at least something that might hint at something aorund?

B) Explore the forest, there's not much ground left to cover, but, these mysterious pioneers wandering the area may still have something left to say... They seem to know something about this camp after all...

C) Visit the prisoners, have a friendly discussion, maybe seek some medical attention from the nurse, or break up the fight going on? Who knows...

Remember to bold and underline your choice...

PS: Prepare to wrap up any events with characters before this round concludes, which is the day after tomorrow...
Camp Arrivals (Cast):
Played by:
@yorkName: Ruby Rose (NPC) canon: RWBY Status: Alive Role: Unknown
Played by: @york Name: Sophie (NPC) canon: Cry of Fear Status: Alive Role: Unknown
Played by: @Mighty Roman Name: N (NPC) canon: Pokemon Black & White 1/2 Status: Alive Role: Unknown
Played by: @BarrenThin Name: Tallion (Gravewalker) canon: Middle-earth; Shadow of Mordor Status: Alive Role: Unknown
Played by: @TheBlueBurch Name: Gaara Canon of Origin: Naruto & Name: Beowulf Cannon: Skullgirls (Duo) Status: Alive Role: Unknown
Played by: @Raven Name: Wednesday Adams Canon of Origin: The Addams Family Status: Alive Role: Unknown
Played by: @DapperDogman Name: Bell Cranel Canon of Origin: Is it wrong to try to pick up girls in a dungeon? Status: Alive Role: Unknown
Played by: @Verite Name: Kyon canon: The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya Status: Alive Role: Unknown
Played by: @Mari Name: Yukio Canon of Origin: Marvel Universe Status: Alive Role: Unknown
Played by: @ResistingTheEnlightened Name: Captain Ronald Speirs Canon of Origin: Band of Brothers & Name: George Luz Cannon: Band of Brothers (Duo) Status: Alive Role: Unknown
Played by: @Bomb Name: Kang Hee-Gun Canon of Origin: Running Man Status: Alive Role: Unknown
Played by: @Klutzy Ninja Kitty Name: Ryoko Asakura Canon of Origin: The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya Status: Alive Role: Unknown
Played by: @CrunchyCHEEZIT Name: The Scout Canon of Origin: Team Fortress 2 Status: Alive Role: Unknown
Played by: @FireDrake150 Name: Claire Farron (Lightning) Canon of Origin: Final Fantasy Status: Alive Role: Unknown
Played by: @Wedge Antilles Name: Alex Summers Canon of Origin: Marvel Cinematic Universe Status: Alive Role: Unknown
Played by: @Korra Name: Katara Canon of Origin: Avatar: The last airbender Status: Alive Role: Unknown
Played by: @The Silver Paladin Name: Cecil Harvey Canon of Origin: Final Fantasy Status: Alive Role: Unknown
Played by: @Kaykay Name: Yellow de Tokiwa Grove Canon of Origin: Pokemon Adventures Status: Alive Role: Unknown
Played by: @Gummi Bunnies Name: Neo Canon of Origin: RWBY & Name: Sukuna Shinmyoumaru Canon of Origin: Touhou (Duo) Status: Alive Role: Unknown
Played by: @ShadowPrime Name: Jinx Canon of Origin: League of Legends Status: Alive Role: Unknown
Played by: @Jeremi Name: Ori Valadier Canon of Origin: Under Night In-Birth & Name: TOHSAKA Canon of Origin: Type Moon (Duo) Status: Alive Role: Unknown
Played by: @ProxyMoronName: Tsukimi Kurishita Canon of Origin: Princess JellyFish Status: Alive Role: Unknown
Played by: @Schnee Corp Lawyer Name: Blake Belladonna Canon of Origin: RWBY Status: Alive Role: Unknown
Played by: @Infinatis Name: Bill Cipher Canon of Origin: Gravity Falls Name: Canada Canon of Origin: Hetalia (Duo) Status: Alive Role: Unknown
Played by: @Atomyk Name: Karol Capel Canon of Origin: Tales of Vesperia Status: Alive Role: Unknown
Played by: @Meira Name: Anima & Name: Asahina Samidare Canon of Origin(both characters): Lucifer and The Biscuit Hammer (Duo) Status: Alive Role: Unknown
Played by: @Rock Knight Name: Idoun Canon of Origin: Fire Emblen: The Binding Blade Status: Alive Role: Unknown
Played by: @siontalk Name: Haruka Kokonose Canon of Origin: Kagerou Project Status: Alive Role: Unknown
Played by: @Lizzy Name: Yatogomi & Name: Yukine Canons of Origin: Noragami (Duo) Status: Alive Role: Unknown
Played by: @OrlandoBloomers Name: Shiki Ryougi Canon of Origin: Type-Moon Status: Alive Role: Traitor
Played by: @Unlimited RP Works Name: Johnny Marcone Canon of Origin: The Dresden Files Status: Alive Role: Unknown
Played by: @KriegName: Krieg the Psycho Canon of Origin: Borderlands 2 Status: Revived Role: Survivor
Played by: @The Tactician Name: Hajime Hinata canon: Dangaronpa 2; Goodbye Despair Status: Revived Role: Survivor
Played by: @yorkName: Semyon (NPC) canon: Everlasting Summer Status: Revived Role: Survivor
(Roles are revealed after death...)
Played by: @Gummi Bunnies Camp Resident: Rika (NPC) Status: Dead? Role: Survivor
Played by: @Josh MName: Hank Venture Canon of Origin: The Venture Bros Status: Dead Role: Chosen
Played by: @york Camp Resident: Lena (NPC) Status: Dead Role: Ex-Traitor (Vessel)

Finally time to leave, was it? This camp had been...quite the experience, and not a good one. People fighting, blowing things up, and dying. Suicide, murder, and freak accidents, this camp had it all. Yellow gathered her few belongings from the cabin and headed to the forest, planning to relax until they could leave.

...That was fascinating actually. The knife quivering in midair, the bullets paused before him akin to the Matrix. Were he less mature, Marcone would have made a quip about that.

As he wasn't, he'd make a mental note of it as he moved to retrieve his knife and his wooden carving project.

"Now that's interesting. Looks as though you have some use still. If only inadvertently. Still, while I might have been able to forgive and forget your laughable attempt to shoot me?"

His gaze hardened as he spoke.

"You lost control and you didn't care who died so long as I was. I'll remember that, soldier."

And turning around he approached Ruby in time to hear the following.

And in a tone far more softer and sincere, unlike his attempts to charm the nurse for information, Marcone spoke to Ruby.

"I am so, very sorry for that. I find the harming of young people such as yourself....Distasteful."

In his organization, he had a word for people who did that to kids. Drug dealers or insane serial killers or vampires.

Target practice. No tolerance, that was his style.

@york @ResistingTheEnlightened @Schnee Corp Lawyer

"You want to talk to me about Losing Control? You almost killed my man. You almost killed me. I don't give a damn if you are the president or the King of England. If you fucking dare come up to me and my man, if you come to fucking hurt us, I will not hesitate to fire an entire load into your thick headed skull, you piece of shit. And secondly, who the fuck says I lost control and didn't care who died? I damn well care, but it was out of your stupidity to kill one of my men that you moved to the side to get her killed. So Fuck you, and don't give her the itty bitty bullshit of 'I am so sorry madame, I love kids, I have some at home who I love so dearly' Because I damn well will show you an entire spent magazine of a Thompson into your body, you shitstain." At the moment, Speirs is angry, and he was damn well sure he was close to using Set 3 (Which he hoped he would not have to use) To kill an inconsiderate son of a bitch. The Thompson kept pointed at him as he retrieved the bullets caught in mid air, placing them into the magazine. "You might see me as I am right now, but you don't want to see me when I unleash more than what I am." And with that he kept silent.​

Mid-Round Update
No bell rang this time, instead, the speakers crackled again, Olga was speaking through them once more "It looks like Jynx got the most votes this time... She'll be searched shortly by Violet, but, just to be safe, she'll be locked up in the admin building as well for now." there was a pause for a moment before the announcement continued. "Remember, we're leaving tomorrow morning! So pack all that you need before we go! We won't be coming back for a while... Until this situation is resolved at least." Olga sounded a little sad as she spoke, but, in the end... It was the truth.

Night 5

As usual, there were a few options:

A) Stay where you are, or keep exploring the camp, in either case... There's not much ground left to cover, but, perhaps there would be more clues laying about? Or, at least something that might hint at something aorund?

B) Explore the forest, there's not much ground left to cover, but, these mysterious pioneers wandering the area may still have something left to say... They seem to know something about this camp after all...

C) Visit the prisoners, have a friendly discussion, maybe seek some medical attention from the nurse, or break up the fight going on? Who knows...

Remember to bold and underline your choice...

PS: Prepare to wrap up any events with characters before this round concludes, which is the day after tomorrow...
Camp Arrivals (Cast):
Played by:
@yorkName: Ruby Rose (NPC) canon: RWBY Status: Alive Role: Unknown
Played by: @york Name: Sophie (NPC) canon: Cry of Fear Status: Alive Role: Unknown
Played by: @Mighty Roman Name: N (NPC) canon: Pokemon Black & White 1/2 Status: Alive Role: Unknown
Played by: @BarrenThin Name: Tallion (Gravewalker) canon: Middle-earth; Shadow of Mordor Status: Alive Role: Unknown
Played by: @TheBlueBurch Name: Gaara Canon of Origin: Naruto & Name: Beowulf Cannon: Skullgirls (Duo) Status: Alive Role: Unknown
Played by: @Raven Name: Wednesday Adams Canon of Origin: The Addams Family Status: Alive Role: Unknown
Played by: @DapperDogman Name: Bell Cranel Canon of Origin: Is it wrong to try to pick up girls in a dungeon? Status: Alive Role: Unknown
Played by: @Verite Name: Kyon canon: The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya Status: Alive Role: Unknown
Played by: @Mari Name: Yukio Canon of Origin: Marvel Universe Status: Alive Role: Unknown
Played by: @ResistingTheEnlightened Name: Captain Ronald Speirs Canon of Origin: Band of Brothers & Name: George Luz Cannon: Band of Brothers (Duo) Status: Alive Role: Unknown
Played by: @Bomb Name: Kang Hee-Gun Canon of Origin: Running Man Status: Alive Role: Unknown
Played by: @Klutzy Ninja Kitty Name: Ryoko Asakura Canon of Origin: The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya Status: Alive Role: Unknown
Played by: @CrunchyCHEEZIT Name: The Scout Canon of Origin: Team Fortress 2 Status: Alive Role: Unknown
Played by: @FireDrake150 Name: Claire Farron (Lightning) Canon of Origin: Final Fantasy Status: Alive Role: Unknown
Played by: @Wedge Antilles Name: Alex Summers Canon of Origin: Marvel Cinematic Universe Status: Alive Role: Unknown
Played by: @Korra Name: Katara Canon of Origin: Avatar: The last airbender Status: Alive Role: Unknown
Played by: @The Silver Paladin Name: Cecil Harvey Canon of Origin: Final Fantasy Status: Alive Role: Unknown
Played by: @Kaykay Name: Yellow de Tokiwa Grove Canon of Origin: Pokemon Adventures Status: Alive Role: Unknown
Played by: @Gummi Bunnies Name: Neo Canon of Origin: RWBY & Name: Sukuna Shinmyoumaru Canon of Origin: Touhou (Duo) Status: Alive Role: Unknown
Played by: @ShadowPrime Name: Jinx Canon of Origin: League of Legends Status: Alive Role: Unknown
Played by: @Jeremi Name: Ori Valadier Canon of Origin: Under Night In-Birth & Name: TOHSAKA Canon of Origin: Type Moon (Duo) Status: Alive Role: Unknown
Played by: @ProxyMoronName: Tsukimi Kurishita Canon of Origin: Princess JellyFish Status: Alive Role: Unknown
Played by: @Schnee Corp Lawyer Name: Blake Belladonna Canon of Origin: RWBY Status: Alive Role: Unknown
Played by: @Infinatis Name: Bill Cipher Canon of Origin: Gravity Falls Name: Canada Canon of Origin: Hetalia (Duo) Status: Alive Role: Unknown
Played by: @Atomyk Name: Karol Capel Canon of Origin: Tales of Vesperia Status: Alive Role: Unknown
Played by: @Meira Name: Anima & Name: Asahina Samidare Canon of Origin(both characters): Lucifer and The Biscuit Hammer (Duo) Status: Alive Role: Unknown
Played by: @Rock Knight Name: Idoun Canon of Origin: Fire Emblen: The Binding Blade Status: Alive Role: Unknown
Played by: @siontalk Name: Haruka Kokonose Canon of Origin: Kagerou Project Status: Alive Role: Unknown
Played by: @Lizzy Name: Yatogomi & Name: Yukine Canons of Origin: Noragami (Duo) Status: Alive Role: Unknown
Played by: @OrlandoBloomers Name: Shiki Ryougi Canon of Origin: Type-Moon Status: Alive Role: Traitor
Played by: @Unlimited RP Works Name: Johnny Marcone Canon of Origin: The Dresden Files Status: Alive Role: Unknown
Played by: @KriegName: Krieg the Psycho Canon of Origin: Borderlands 2 Status: Revived Role: Survivor
Played by: @The Tactician Name: Hajime Hinata canon: Dangaronpa 2; Goodbye Despair Status: Revived Role: Survivor
Played by: @yorkName: Semyon (NPC) canon: Everlasting Summer Status: Revived Role: Survivor
(Roles are revealed after death...)
Played by: @Gummi Bunnies Camp Resident: Rika (NPC) Status: Dead? Role: Survivor
Played by: @Josh MName: Hank Venture Canon of Origin: The Venture Bros Status: Dead Role: Chosen
Played by: @york Camp Resident: Lena (NPC) Status: Dead Role: Ex-Traitor (Vessel)
What a massive pain this was.

But it was also a pain that had to be resolved, or else no closure would be found.

With that in mind, Kyon headed to the forest. There's just something odd about this whole thing, and if he could get to the bottom of it, perhaps he could uncover the secret of this world. This situation. And maybe then, he'd be able to find a way out of this mess, but then again... Well, one step at a time.

@york @Kaykay @The Tactician @Forest peeps​
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