Murder Series Award Show III [Non-Canon]

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Sparing a sheepish smile in Weiss' direction, Ilona would bow her head afterwards. "Sorry again! Truthfully, I do run into things on occasion when I'm feeling a bit emotional so this isn't a surprising turn of events, milady."

Ilona perked up a bit though, actually happy to see Weiss. Despite the shitty way this white-haired young woman had treated her during Civil War, Ilona still admired her for one reason or another. Probably just because she was too damn nice. : |

"But, might I say, you look absolutely lovely on this fine day, Lady Weiss! 'Tis wonderful to see you once again! Praise the sun you seem to be doing well! How is Miss Ruby? I do hope her classes are treating her well."

Of course, Ilona rambled along using the loud voice she often did when filled with excitement. It actually took her a moment before she realized Weiss was still scolding Ryan. Ilona frowned and glanced at her, oblivious as to who this was. After not having seen Ryan for nearly seven years now, she honestly didn't recognize her.

"Lady Weiss, she does seem to be sorry. Mayhaps you can forgive her?" she questioned, tilting her head innocently.

@Midnight Maiden @Mason Moretti
Mason's heart forbid him from leaving Ilona be when she was clearly distressed. He pursued quickly behind her. He called her name, but his voice was lost in the chorus of eccentric boys of beasties. Even as he warned her, "Watch out for Weiss," his voice fell upon deaf ears. He winced as the blonde princess and the snow white heiress collided. Mason found himself with a group of girls whose occupations were running into each other.

"With all respect I have for you, Weiss," Mason said with little respect for her, "I'm on Ilona's side here. You don't need to be bullying this poor girl like this." As he spoke, he stood halfway behind Ilona, almost using her as a defense. A bead of sweat, wishing for little confrontation, dripped down his brow.

Despite his experience in the Secretariat, his demeanor remained green. He lacked the commanding presence fit for a diplomat like Robin. He was glad to not have his superior in sight.

He also gently whispered into Ilona's ear, "Perhaps, Lady Ilona, you want to use an inside voice? We are at a public event."
@Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Midnight Maiden

"Oh, don't waste my time. I don't need to hear any apologies," Weiss chided, sternly. "Just... Make sure it doesn't happen again," she concluded firmly, idly brushing herself off. Luckily, no harm had been done to her dress, tailored specifically for the occasion... And she was in a good mood, so it couldn't hurt too much to let Ilona off the hook this once. But, of course, just as she was about to inquire as to why Ilona was feeling 'a bit emotional', the blonde did something that lead to Weiss sweatdropping, looking less than amused. Not that this wasn't common, of course.

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"...Erm, thank you?" Weiss muttered, almost automatically taking a small step back. Even after she had bumped into her, Ilona hadn't exactly moved a comfortable distance away yet, so the Heiress decided to take initiative herself. Shaking it off, though, she straightened and cleared her throat, continuing a bit more comfortably. "...Likewise. It has been a while, hasn't it?" she uttered, thoughtfully, briefly losing her train off thought. "..Ahem. Ruby's been well. There have certainly been a handful of times she's slacked off, but I'm always certain to keep her on track, and--... Would you keep it down? There's no need to speak so loudly. We're hardly a few feet apart and yet you address me as though it's miles," she scolded, Ilona's volume making her lose her train of thought again.

Of course, that apparently led to Weiss, herself being called out for her treatment of Ryan. Which, led to her eyebrows furrowing, one hand finding it's way to her hip while her other sarcastically moved to her chest in mock surprise.


"Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't realize warning someone to watch where they're going so as to avoid hurting themselves- or others -was considered bullying. In that case, you have my most sincere apologies, miss...--" Weiss sarcastically remarked, only trailing off as she realized, she still didn't know miss average, blonde and oblivious's name.


Slowly looking up, said blonde flashed a warm, bright smile, suddenly seeming all the happier. "Oh, it's okay. You don't have to apologize," she assured, hastily, finally ceasing to rock on her heels. The response earned a loud groan from Weiss, who facepalmed and shook her head, though Ryan didn't seem to pay it much mind. Idly, one hand raised up, brushing a single stray lock of blonde hair out of her face before moving to smooth her white and gold dress, which, oddly, seemed to have some sort of flower in a small pocket on her chest. But the flower wasn't the odd piece, at least, not without further examination. It was wilted, looking as though it were barely still held together. Almost like it were years old, only a few of presumably once many petals remaining. Regardless, she continued to speak. "Oh, and sorry, I guess I didn't introduce myself... I'm--"


Blinking unnaturally bright green eyes briefly, the female tilted her head, smile brightening further upon hearing something Mason said. "...I'm sorry, did you just say Ilona?" she inquired with genuine curiosity, letting out a momentary laugh as she looked to Ilona. "Is that your name? If so, that's pretty ironic... When I was little, I had a friend named Ilona, too. I used to... call.... her....."

Suddenly, the words trailed off, Ryan simply staring at Ilona with her mouth falling open. This earned a single raised brow from Weiss, who waved a hand in front of Ryan's face. "Um, hello? You could at least introduce yoursel--"

"L... L-Lona....?"

It was a bare whisper. A disbelieving, astonished one, filled with a mix of hope and shock only highlighted by her facial expressions and the newfound tone her words took. "...I-is that really you?"

@Mason Moretti @Klutzy Ninja Kitty
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"Fufu- yes, she must have felt absolutely dreadful without myself at her side. But worry not, little Kyouko-"
The giggling mage continued her squeezes with gently whispered 'honk-honks' into the detective's ear before the hand on her chest moved its way up, pressing the tip of its index against the underside of the lavender haired girl's chin.

"-I've finally returned to take you back home with me when this pesky event is done with."

After a moment of scratching his skull in thought, Grim huffed, and inquired, "Really, I'm graspin' at straws here! Who is dis guy?"

"An alien with an inflated ego," Mandy scoffed, and casually kicked Zim in the side on her way to the concession stands. Grim hurried to rejoin her side, but not before passing Zim an awkward smile and shrug. Once he caught up however, Mandy had purchased a pair of churros and was already making her way back into the auditorium proper.

"You're right, dat boy sure does seem ta think highly of 'imself," Grim commented, to which Mandy replied, "You're one to talk," with an amused grunt. The walking talking pile of bones very quickly took offense, and scoffed, "An' just whatcha mean by dat, girl?"

"I mean, you hold alot of pride for someone who doesn't do his job well," Mandy explained,

"I'm great at my-!" "Do you recall what happened when you came to reap Mr. Snuggles, Grim?" interrupted Mandy, without needing to raise her voice as she took a bite out of her churro and sat herself down. The reaper in question subsequently took a seat next to the devilish girl, and answered saying "I woulda killed 'im just fine if it weren't for your nasty tricks!"

"Yes, because I - a little girl in elementary school - stopped the very embodiment of death itself from killing a hamster," bluntly stated Mandy. In light of this shameful truth, Grim's shoulders slouched and his angry frown turned depressed, "Churro me," he requested with a defeated sigh. Mandy silently obliged, and handed him the extra churro, without so much as a smug grin. Grim's life was sad enough already, and in that she took unmatched joy.


"What are we even here for?!" Grim pondered aloud.

@thatguyinthestore @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @The Myrmidon
As Genji's name was brought up, the witch's face was hit with wave of sadness. However standing firm, Wanda would handle the question with grace.

"No. Genji is not here with me, with us. Genji has passed on."

@Crow @Sen @Hana @Verite @Yun Lee


"Yes, I'm perfectly fine."


"No, I'm not fine at all."

Speak of the devil, and she shall appear.

@Crow @Josh M @DBZ7 @Yun Lee


"Fufu- yes, she must have felt absolutely dreadful without myself at her side. But worry not, little Kyouko-"
The giggling mage continued her squeezes with gently whispered 'honk-honks' into the detective's ear before the hand on her chest moved its way up, pressing the tip of its index against the underside of the lavender haired girl's chin.

"-I've finally returned to take you back home with me when this pesky event is done with."



"Genji's dead..." Nono slightly sobs, before rubbing her tears away. Tears still flowed, drip by drip. "Genji was a pretty great person... Genji... looked over Morikubo back in that Monokuma event... like a father figure... Morikubo appreciated the time she had with Genji, and sort of wish she could spend more... M... Morikubo is sorry she couldn't attend his funeral to say a few parting words...

Morikubo will miss
Genji of the Shimada
Send him my regards."

Nono's little moment was then interrupted by the gastly-looking Tharja reeling in to Kyoko.


"Th- that's Kyoko-san's stalker! ... um... Morikubo forgot her name..." Nono said, her eyes still slightly red and wet.

@Verite @Josh M @Yun Lee

"Fufu- yes, she must have felt absolutely dreadful without myself at her side. But worry not, little Kyouko-"
The giggling mage continued her squeezes with gently whispered 'honk-honks' into the detective's ear before the hand on her chest moved its way up, pressing the tip of its index against the underside of the lavender haired girl's chin.

"-I've finally returned to take you back home with me when this pesky event is done with."



What the heck was Meteo witnessing, and why is Meteo here in the first place?

As for Deemo and the girl...

"Deemo... you're squishy as always..."

Deemo would hear a familiar voice, and the familiar feeling of being squeezed.

If he were to look around, he would notice that his fellow Little Girl was nearby as well.​

@Bomb @Gummi Bunnies @Crow

"May I ask... who are you?" The girl said, not recalling any of the events that occured during the Murder Games.

Mason's heart forbid him from leaving Ilona be when she was clearly distressed. He pursued quickly behind her. He called her name, but his voice was lost in the chorus of eccentric boys of beasties. Even as he warned her, "Watch out for Weiss," his voice fell upon deaf ears. He winced as the blonde princess and the snow white heiress collided. Mason found himself with a group of girls whose occupations were running into each other.

"With all respect I have for you, Weiss," Mason said with little respect for her, "I'm on Ilona's side here. You don't need to be bullying this poor girl like this." As he spoke, he stood halfway behind Ilona, almost using her as a defense. A bead of sweat, wishing for little confrontation, dripped down his brow.

Despite his experience in the Secretariat, his demeanor remained green. He lacked the commanding presence fit for a diplomat like Robin. He was glad to not have his superior in sight.

He also gently whispered into Ilona's ear, "Perhaps, Lady Ilona, you want to use an inside voice? We are at a public event."
@Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Midnight Maiden

"Oh, don't waste my time. I don't need to hear any apologies," Weiss chided, sternly. "Just... Make sure it doesn't happen again," she concluded firmly, idly brushing herself off. Luckily, no harm had been done to her dress, tailored specifically for the occasion... And she was in a good mood, so it couldn't hurt too much to let Ilona off the hook this once. But, of course, just as she was about to inquire as to why Ilona was feeling 'a bit emotional', the blonde did something that lead to Weiss sweatdropping, looking less than amused. Not that this wasn't common, of course.

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"...Erm, thank you?" Weiss muttered, almost automatically taking a small step back. Even after she had bumped into her, Ilona hadn't exactly moved a comfortable distance away yet, so the Heiress decided to take initiative herself. Shaking it off, though, she straightened and cleared her throat, continuing a bit more comfortably. "...Likewise. It has been a while, hasn't it?" she uttered, thoughtfully, briefly losing her train off thought. "..Ahem. Ruby's been well. There have certainly been a handful of times she's slacked off, but I'm always certain to keep her on track, and--... Would you keep it down? There's no need to speak so loudly. We're hardly a few feet apart and yet you address me as though it's miles," she scolded, Ilona's volume making her lose her train of thought again.

Of course, that apparently led to Weiss, herself being called out for her treatment of Ryan. Which, led to her eyebrows furrowing, one hand finding it's way to her hip while her other sarcastically moved to her chest in mock surprise.

View attachment 133549

"Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't realize warning someone to watch where they're going so as to avoid hurting themselves- or others -was considered bullying. In that case, you have my most sincere apologies, miss...--" Weiss sarcastically remarked, only trailing off as she realized, she still didn't know miss average, blonde and oblivious's name.


Slowly looking up, said blonde flashed a warm, bright smile, suddenly seeming all the happier. "Oh, it's okay. You don't have to apologize," she assured, hastily, finally ceasing to rock on her heels. The response earned a loud groan from Weiss, who facepalmed and shook her head, though Ryan didn't seem to pay it much mind. Idly, one hand raised up, brushing a single stray lock of blonde hair out of her face before moving to smooth her white and gold dress, which, oddly, seemed to have some sort of flower in a small pocket on her chest. But the flower wasn't the odd piece, at least, not without further examination. It was wilted, looking as though it were barely still held together. Almost like it were years old, only a few of presumably once many petals remaining. Regardless, she continued to speak. "Oh, and sorry, I guess I didn't introduce myself... I'm--"


Blinking unnaturally bright green eyes briefly, the female tilted her head, smile brightening further upon hearing something Mason said. "...I'm sorry, did you just say Ilona?" she inquired with genuine curiosity, letting out a momentary laugh as she looked to Ilona. "Is that your name? If so, that's pretty ironic... When I was little, I had a friend named Ilona, too. I used to... call.... her....."

Suddenly, the words trailed off, Ryan simply staring at Ilona with her mouth falling open. This earned a single raised brow from Weiss, who waved a hand in front of Ryan's face. "Um, hello? You could at least introduce yoursel--"

"L... L-Lona....?"

It was a bare whisper. A disbelieving, astonished one, filled with a mix of hope and shock only highlighted by her facial expressions and the newfound tone her words took. "...I-is that really you?"

@Mason Moretti @Klutzy Ninja Kitty
While waiting for Weiss to reply, Ilona would side-glance to Mason as he arrived next to her. She offered him a small smile, glad he actually had followed after her. She was surprised, however, when he would whisper in her ear and suggest that she should lower her voice.


"Huh!? Am I really being that loud!?"

It wouldn't take a reply from Mason, but instead Weiss to affirm to Ilona that this was true. The girl smiled sheepishly, rubbing the back of her head with a smile on her lips.

"Ah, I see. Sorry."

Holding the sheepish smile on her lips Ilona would continue to speak. She spoke quieter this time, but it didn't stop her from rambling. "It's lovely to hear Miss Ruby is doing well. Sorry again for talking so loud. Since so many of us are here already, it would be most wonderful if she were to arrive! Might I say, the two of you would look adorable dancing together, Lady Weiss~? Again, sorry for talking so loud before. It's just nice to see old friends. Hee hee."

It had been nice to see Sir Mason and Lady Weiss, among others. Who else would show up next? Part of her truly hoped Miss Ruby, Sir Zidane, and Sir Shiki would appear as well.

Little did she know, however, that she was actually about to reunite with someone very special to her.


When Ryan would question her identity, Ilona nodded. "Why yes, my name is Ilona! While I used to cling to the title of princess, I am more a Lady of Time these days. What might your name be, Miss?" Smiling curiously, Ilona would tilt her head when the other young woman seemed to recognize her. "If you had a friend named Ilona, have we met before then? Hm, I suppose you do seem familiar... I can't seem to recall the last time someone has called me Lona. Mayhaps when I was a child?"

Although it hadn't clicked in Ilona's mind just who this individual was, the girl found herself thinking hard on the matter now, trying to recall just who this person was to her...

@Midnight Maiden @Mason Moretti
  • Love
Reactions: Mason Moretti
After a moment of scratching his skull in thought, Grim huffed, and inquired, "Really, I'm graspin' at straws here! Who is dis guy?"

"An alien with an inflated ego," Mandy scoffed, and casually kicked Zim in the side on her way to the concession stands. Grim hurried to rejoin her side, but not before passing Zim an awkward smile and shrug. Once he caught up however, Mandy had purchased a pair of churros and was already making her way back into the auditorium proper.

"You're right, dat boy sure does seem ta think highly of 'imself," Grim commented, to which Mandy replied, "You're one to talk," with an amused grunt. The walking talking pile of bones very quickly took offense, and scoffed, "An' just whatcha mean by dat, girl?"

"I mean, you hold alot of pride for someone who doesn't do his job well," Mandy explained,

"I'm great at my-!" "Do you recall what happened when you came to reap Mr. Snuggles, Grim?" interrupted Mandy, without needing to raise her voice as she took a bite out of her churro and sat herself down. The reaper in question subsequently took a seat next to the devilish girl, and answered saying "I woulda killed 'im just fine if it weren't for your nasty tricks!"

"Yes, because I - a little girl in elementary school - stopped the very embodiment of death itself from killing a hamster," bluntly stated Mandy. In light of this shameful truth, Grim's shoulders slouched and his angry frown turned depressed, "Churro me," he requested with a defeated sigh. Mandy silently obliged, and handed him the extra churro, without so much as a smug grin. Grim's life was sad enough already, and in that she took unmatched joy.


"What are we even here for?!" Grim pondered aloud.

@thatguyinthestore @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @The Myrmidon
"GAAAAH!" Zim yelped as he was kicked in the side by the oddly strong little girl. He stayed on the ground and wailed in pain as his eyes began to water from the pain, for now at least. Meanwhile there was still Gir who was still on his head. He began to spin around when he finally saw the concession stand out of his cute little blue eyes. Grinning widely behind the dog costume, Gir stood up and ran over to the food like a kid hyped up on sugar. When he got over there Gir mistook Grim for some type of cashier or something, to which Gir looked up at him and smiled.


"I'll have some tacos, and some burritos, and some waffles, and some pizza, and some hotdogs, and some pancakes, and some-" The list continued on for a while as Gir named all types of different food, snacks, candies, and even drinks.

@Archmage Jeremiah

"Fufu- yes, she must have felt absolutely dreadful without myself at her side. But worry not, little Kyouko-"
The giggling mage continued her squeezes with gently whispered 'honk-honks' into the detective's ear before the hand on her chest moved its way up, pressing the tip of its index against the underside of the lavender haired girl's chin.

"-I've finally returned to take you back home with me when this pesky event is done with."


"Genji's dead..." Nono slightly sobs, before rubbing her tears away. Tears still flowed, drip by drip. "Genji was a pretty great person... Genji... looked over Morikubo back in that Monokuma event... like a father figure... Morikubo appreciated the time she had with Genji, and sort of wish she could spend more... M... Morikubo is sorry she couldn't attend his funeral to say a few parting words...

Morikubo will miss
Genji of the Shimada
Send him my regards."

Nono's little moment was then interrupted by the gastly-looking Tharja reeling in to Kyoko.


"Th- that's Kyoko-san's stalker! ... um... Morikubo forgot her name..." Nono said, her eyes still slightly red and wet.

@Verite @Josh M @Yun Lee

"It's alright, it's alright. She's harmless... I think," Kyoko said, pursing her lip as she attempted to retain her composure, which was easier said than done, even for someone like her.

"Just... Please get off me, Tharja. You're influencing the minds of children here."

@DBZ7 @Josh M @Yun Lee @Crow
Jason grabbed the glass and pressed his lips against the outer edges of it before taking a shot of the scotch.

"Ungh..." Jason muttered before looking back up at Mabel. "Yeah... sorry for being rude. You look a bit young to be a bartender, is all. Since we're already talking... what's your name?" Jason asked as he attempted to make small talk with the odd bartender. He noticed her wink as well, but he paid no attention to it. He wasn't that drunk yet.

@Midnight Maiden


Noticing that Mabel was trying to change the subject, he ignored her question.

"Don't play games with me, woman. I know a mage when I see one. What perplexes me most is that you can move people with your mind. I've never seen anybody with that power."

"Ahh, straight to the point, boys? I can appreciate such sentiments," the murderous seductress mused, clicking her tongue as she casually leaned on the counter, resting her chin on her hand with a sly grin as she regarded both Twisted Fate and Jason. After observing them a long few moments, she spoke once more with amusement. "I suppose I'll start with.... You," she mused, pointing a single slim finger towards Jason. "After all, it's only polite I introduce myself first, no? It'd be simply unjust, spewing my secrets before so much as uttering my title to you gentlemen. And in such a public place, too... Yes, that would be awfully immoral of me," she tsked, playfully.

Briefly straightening, standing tall and proud, the maiden bowed with a flourish of her hand, practically purring out her next words, already smooth voice going even silkier as she spoke her introduction. "Mabel Gleeful, at your service. And if I'm to be a good hostess, well... Feel free to request any of your desires of me, and I'll do my best to oblige."

What she didn't mention was that if there was anything she wanted of them? They'd damn well do it, too.

@Otto @C.T. @thatguyinthestore

"I don't see the need to~ This battle suit has always felt so comfy to me after all of the time traveling through time!"

Esper sounded especially proud of this one trait. He always found the act of changing attire every day to be tedious, and he always found this piece of attire to be comfy and efficient for his deeds. So why not? At this point, people should know that this was normal of him.

@Bomb @Crow



Hideo would take a moment from being patted on the back to hold his breath, and then apparently puking over to the floor in front of him. Well, this happened around the same time that Zim was walking over to him. Well.. at least the lad hasn't fainted yet despite all of the alcohol he was consuming at this rate.

@The Myrmidon @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @thatguyinthestore


"Oh god, I-I can explain!"

Blake panicked, hoping that Senna wasn't taking this the complete wrong idea. It wasn't even a serious flirt, just an opener to a chat or something. Just as it would get worse on his end...


"Um, Blake, you still have to answer my questions! It's like you're a different person. Not that I expected you here... but weren't you dating some other girl from our neighborhood or something? Eliza, wasn't it?"

Just the questions coming out of his little sister's mouth surprised him, both from the fact that he never seen her talk out like this and that she was saying that he was dating some girl beforehand.

"R-Rin! You should know I wasn't dating anyone... well, until recently, but I wasn't expecting you to be here either! Honest! Besides, I don't know about this Eliza girl that much, sis!"

Assessing the situation, Lapis was starting to get aware that maybe this wasn't the greatest place to be questioning his brother on certain topics with all of these people around.

"Say... Senna? I think that's what your name is, judging from the other people here, mind if I get my brother's mind straight here?"

@Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Midnight Maiden @thatguyinthestore @Hana


"... actually, mind holding this for me?"

Hideo would casually toss his near empty beer bottle over his shoulder to whoever was around, overhearing Aran's statement. Something about it put Hideo's drunk mind into motion, and while he just puked mere minutes before... it was time...


"... Well well well, I was expecting an outburst like that, Aran. Shouldn't you think twice that you're speaking disgraceful things about I, the rightful god above all, and my gracious presence?"

Strangely, Hideo would pick up this god complex whenever he was drunk, and considering how wasted he was earlier when the show hasn't started. This wasn't bound to end well.

@thatguyinthestore @Yun Lee

Meanwhile... somewhere in the crowd.


"Djeeta, I know what I said, but I'm pretty sure we're not allowed to go into the bar," Gran said.


"Come on, we might even meet Roman! He still owes me," Djeeta responds.

"Djeeta," Gran sighs.

"Well, I do need to drown my sorrows after my horrible Gacha Rolls," Djeeta says.


"Alucard, Hakuei" Cagliostro says, attempting to snap them out of their trance, "don't think too deep about it. I know I didn't."

@Sen @Hana


"Well as can be, I suppose. The going is tough, but... Well, someone has to do the heavy lifting, I suppose," Kyoko shrugged in response to Morikubo, before Honda eventually showed up, making his presence very much known.

"Indeed, it has been some time, hasn't it? But I suppose reunions wouldn't be all that special if we did meet up often anyway."

Brilliant detective skills at work.


"I suppose between the samurai and that eccentric Zinnia woman as well, that must be... at least a notable portion of the cast of Murder XIV: Monokuma's Awakening already here by now."


Between the weird random switching from speaking Japanese to... Japanese, at least when Genji was around, maybe the random "trademark" wasn't that weird after all.

Personally, Kyoko was glad that at the very least, the "weirdest" entity from that event wasn't around. That feminine individual who would remain nameless, whose calling card haunted the young woman's very soul to this day.

"Honk honk."

@Yun Lee @Crow

Keaton's ears stood up as he listened to Mirei.....before soon enough his tail would begin to wag.


"Wow Mirei! Have you been working on that since we last saw you...?" Keaton spoke happily before the wolfskin happened to pick out a scent in the crowd. Wolfskin naturally had enhanced sense so it didn't take long for him to pick up on the scent of a familiar sea witch.

"Heya! Wada's here!!!" The wolfskin happily said as he ran off towards the scent. Well today was a good day after all.

@Sen @Hana @Yun Lee @Crimson Spartan


"I've seen a lot of weird and strange events in my short life, but an award show for games of murder? It make take the Cake."

Bewitching as her name implied, The Scarlet Witch made her presence known. Giggling softly, She gave her friend Kyoko a smirk, before turning her attention to Honda. It was always a joy to see him, and the witch's face showed it.

"Oh, Honda! Congratulations are in order , it seems! By the look of these nominations, you're a very popular man it seems."

@Yun Lee @Verite

"Idol work can be a challenge sometimes, but Morikubo has lots of friends she can rely on... Monokuma's Awakening made Morikubo feel a little more confident in a lot of things... even though it was very tragic at times... how has your work been, Honda-san?"

Kyoko looked a little dazed from Nono's perspective.

"Kyoko-san, are you alright?"

Nono notices someone.

"Wanda? If you're here, then Genji is also-"

@Yun Lee @Verite @Josh M

"Well, I guess you could say that," Mirei says. "I got a brand new voice! And used it to sing a brand new song with my unit."

Mirei pops a CD Cover which depicted a photograph of her with 2 other girls that you might see in the crowd, along with a noticeable stylized large word 'ⱯNSWER' with the smaller stylized words 'Individuals'.

Mirei then turns to see Wadanohara.

"Wadanohara! Over here!"

@Sen @Hana @Yun Lee @Crimson Spartan


Wadanohara wasn't sure where to begin, but had noticed familiar faces. Nier and Vanille...? Hadn't Nier perished in Rapture?

She noticed a certain wolfskin running towards her and blinked.



The petite witch smiled a bit upon noticing familiar fluffy ears and a bushy tail.

"If you're here... Mirei-chan and Kana-chan must be here too. How have you been... And can I pet your ears again?"

So fluffy... Must fight urge to ruffle, Wadda...

@Sen @Crimson Spartan @Crow

As the couple and Cagliostro gathered together, a familiar face appeared.

"Guess I know some people here besides Lucio,"


Sitting against the wall, looking rather spiffy, Clark did not seem amussed to be here, however, he did seem happy to see some familiar faces. However, Clark was no dummy. His an Alucard's relation was... rocky, and Clark honestly was no fan Cagliostro. At least the Princess seemed fine with Clark. Pausing briefly, the man of look at the Dhampire and the Princess.

"So, by the hand holding, I guess you two are a couple now? "

As Genji's name was brought up, the witch's face was hit with wave of sadness. However standing firm, Wanda would handle the question with grace.

"No. Genji is not here with me, with us. Genji has passed on."

@Crow @Sen @Hana @Verite @Yun Lee


"Genji's dead..." Nono slightly sobs, before rubbing her tears away. Tears still flowed, drip by drip. "Genji was a pretty great person... Genji... looked over Morikubo back in that Monokuma event... like a father figure... Morikubo appreciated the time she had with Genji, and sort of wish she could spend more... M... Morikubo is sorry she couldn't attend his funeral to say a few parting words...

Morikubo will miss
Genji of the Shimada
Send him my regards."

Nono's little moment was then interrupted by the gastly-looking Tharja reeling in to Kyoko.


"Th- that's Kyoko-san's stalker! ... um... Morikubo forgot her name..." Nono said, her eyes still slightly red and wet.

@Verite @Josh M @Yun Lee

"Well, well, well! A god, eh?! Listen to that, Trevor! The boy thinks he's a god!!" Aran burst into a fit of cackling. "The only thing you are is patron saint of useless backstabbers what let redheads walk all over you! And this one's about to!!"

Aran rushed up to Hideo, ready to fight. "Clearly my wits weren't enough of a thrashing back in Gravity Falls!! So have a literal thrashing!!!" With that, Aran sent a punch right for Hideo's face.

@thatguyinthestore @Gummi Bunnies


"Mirei! Your voice is so pretty!" Ty Lee clapped at the sound, then waved at the two new arrivals. "Keaton! Wada! Hey you guys!!" She wondered if that freaky robot would be back. Her hand twinged just thinking about it.

@Crow @Sen @Hana @Crimson Spartan


"Yeah, familiar faces all over! Speaking of...I wonder if..."

And there she was! Honda beamed at his dear friend from Bright Falls, glad to see her. "Wanda!!!! Thank you! Same to you-it's an honor to be nominated for so much alongside you!"

Hearing the accursed "Honk Honk" again sent a chill down Honda's spine, but it was forgotten as he heard the sad news of Genji. Wanda had written a letter saying he'd been in a coma... "So...he never woke. I'm extremely sorry to hear that. He was a good man, and I know you were close."

@Verite @Crow @Josh M​

"May I ask... who are you?" The girl said, not recalling any of the events that occured during the Murder Games.



"Hoshi... Shouko... fuhihi... surely you remember me... I remember you... but not your name... you never said it, my friend... fuhihi..."


"You called me Producer, that's Add, that's also Add, and that's Deemo- oh wait you definitely didn't forget Deemo."

@Bomb @Gummi Bunnies

View attachment 133553


What the heck was Meteo witnessing, and why is Meteo here in the first place?

"Meteo! Over here!"

Meteo would hear a familiar voice.


"It's me!"

While waiting for Weiss to reply, Ilona would side-glance to Mason as he arrived next to her. She offered him a small smile, glad he actually had followed after her. She was surprised, however, when he would whisper in her ear and suggest that she should lower her voice.


"Huh!? Am I really being that loud!?"

"Yep, you sure are."

Lo and behold, the guest of honor had arrived. Shiki Tohno stood behind Ilona in a fancy suit, one hand casually pocketed while the other clutching a bouquet of sunflowers, which was promptly held out to Ilona once she'd take notice of Shiki.

"You know, they say sunflowers symbolize warmth and happiness, much like the sun itself. Fitting in a great many senses, no?"

Shiki cleared his throat, before tugging at his collar.

"Did I... interrupt something?"

@Mason Moretti @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Midnight Maiden
The woman did nothing of the sort, holding onto Kyouko's chin from behind. At the mention of the children, Tharja gave the detective's head a slight tilt to face her own, a look of curiosity on the mage's face.


"Is that, dear Kyouko? Well by all means, allow them all to watch and observe how the adults express their affections. It's only indicative of a healthy household, after all. Fufufu~"

Appearing just as suddenly as she decided to disappear, a certain redhead eyed a certain sharply dressed Shiki, already doing mental calculations for the cost of his suit.


"Locked and Loaded."

Like a snake, the woman moved her way to rub against the young man from behind, her hands greedily sinking into his front pockets for no nefarious reasons.

"Shiki, love! Did ya miss me? I bet you did! So much to catch up on! Like talking about the cost of your suit over a bottle of vodka!"


"Ahh, straight to the point, boys? I can appreciate such sentiments," the murderous seductress mused, clicking her tongue as she casually leaned on the counter, resting her chin on her hand with a sly grin as she regarded both Twisted Fate and Jason. After observing them a long few moments, she spoke once more with amusement. "I suppose I'll start with.... You," she mused, pointing a single slim finger towards Jason. "After all, it's only polite I introduce myself first, no? It'd be simply unjust, spewing my secrets before so much as uttering my title to you gentlemen. And in such a public place, too... Yes, that would be awfully immoral of me," she tsked, playfully.

Briefly straightening, standing tall and proud, the maiden bowed with a flourish of her hand, practically purring out her next words, already smooth voice going even silkier as she spoke her introduction. "Mabel Gleeful, at your service. And if I'm to be a good hostess, well... Feel free to request any of your desires of me, and I'll do my best to oblige."

What she didn't mention was that if there was anything she wanted of them? They'd damn well do it, too.

@Otto @C.T. @thatguyinthestore
"Jason Todd." The Knight said before taking another shot of his scotch. He didn't usually talk to people like this, especially ones he didn't know, but this girl was... different. He didn't know exactly what it was... but it was just something about her that made him wanna talk to her. Maybe it was the alcohol talking. "So uhhh, Mabel. Where you from?" Jason asked as he tried to start some type of conversation with the girl.


"Well, well, well! A god, eh?! Listen to that, Trevor! The boy thinks he's a god!!" Aran burst into a fit of cackling. "The only thing you are is patron saint of useless backstabbers what let redheads walk all over you! And this one's about to!!"

Aran rushed up to Hideo, ready to fight. "Clearly my wits weren't enough of a thrashing back in Gravity Falls!! So have a literal thrashing!!!" With that, Aran sent a punch right for Hideo's face.

@thatguyinthestore @Gummi Bunnies


"Mirei! Your voice is so pretty!" Ty Lee clapped at the sound, then waved at the two new arrivals. "Keaton! Wada! Hey you guys!!" She wondered if that freaky robot would be back. Her hand twinged just thinking about it.

@Crow @Sen @Hana @Crimson Spartan


"Yeah, familiar faces all over! Speaking of...I wonder if..."

And there she was! Honda beamed at his dear friend from Bright Falls, glad to see her. "Wanda!!!! Thank you! Same to you-it's an honor to be nominated for so much alongside you!"

Hearing the accursed "Honk Honk" again sent a chill down Honda's spine, but it was forgotten as he heard the sad news of Genji. Wanda had written a letter saying he'd been in a coma... "So...he never woke. I'm extremely sorry to hear that. He was a good man, and I know you were close."

@Verite @Crow @Josh M
Trevor sighed and shook his head, which was accompanied by a few tongue clicks, whenever Hideo started going on about how he was a "god" or whatever the hell he was on about.

"-Sigh- Yup, it's just as I suspected. Classic case of a 'messiah complex.' It pains me, but I think we're gonna have to put this poor boy out of his misery. He's honestly doing more harm than good at this point." Trevor said with a frown before approaching Hideo. "This is for your own good." Trevor said with another sigh before trying to headbutt Hideo directly in the nose.

@Gummi Bunnies @Yun Lee
Just then, a group entered. In this group were...quite a few colorful people to say the least.


"We're late..." the blonde spoke bluntly.


"Well, we're here though, and it doesn't look like we missed much right Cheza?" an auburn haired boy familiar to some would reply, the lavender haired young woman standing beside him nodded as she looked at the amount of people present.


"Yeah yeah whatever, I'm just here for the damn booze." Michiko scoffed while Hatchin just sighed, some things just never changed. She may have been a bit older now but between the two of them Michiko still acted like a kid and Hatchin herself was still more mature.

Azura, who had joined them remained quiet, mostly because after being with this group for only a few minutes she had no words.

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The girls tightened their holds around their respective targets, applying their own unique methods of persuasion.

"There is nothing to be shy over, my hardy little detective. Do not fret; I shall take you away to a much more private setting once this frivolous event is over and done with."

"D'awww, no need to be like that, Shiki! But if vodka's too strong of a poison for you, let's just catch up over a bit of wine~!"

Harper made a "pfft" sound with her lips and leaned her elbow on Senna's shoulder.

"Nah, you're just too good for him." Said Harper, still maintaining the same flirtatious tone of voice. And as Harper was doing all this, a song began to play over the speakers.

"Oh dude! I love this song!" Harper declared with a wide ass grin. As the song was still in its early stages, Harper turned to Senna and held out a hand to her. "Yo Senna, you know how to dance?" The punk asked.

@Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Blakebetterstopharper:0

Senna let out a small sigh when Harper would yet again assure her that she was 'too good for him.' She wouldn't reply, but instead shrug her shoulders. The girl's amber eyes then began to look around the room, actually hunting for a location where she could find some ice-cream to snack on. Before she could accomplish said task, however, Senna would hear Harper ask her to dance.

Opening her mouth to turn her down, Senna would close it upon seeing how excited Harper looked. She couldn't exactly say no to someone who looked that happy, could she? Senna instead forced a small smile and nodded.


"Haha, okay, I do know how to dance a little. Let's dance!" she exclaimed, extending her hand to Harper.

@thatguyinthestore @Gummi Bunnies
Marco was taken away when RGB described what he had gone through. His adventure had been nothing like that. Sure there were some strange people there, but nothing like what the talking television monitor had described.

"That's horrible. I don't think that I would have been able to make it through something like that, at least not on my own." The teen said. He was being completely honest with him here. Even in all of his adventures with Star no one had actually died. He had yet to run into anyone from the train ride, which Marco didn't know if he should take as a bad thing or not. "Well at least you made some friends." Marco was somewhat of an optimist so he was trying to look at the glass half full here.

When RGB politely declined the nacho, Marco simply shrugged and shoved another handful in his mouth. Once he swallowed the group of cheesy and salty triangle food, Marco looked to RGB yet again. "I hope you don't mind me asking this. But were you like made in a factory by people or... y'know how does this work?"

Truth be told? He was glad Marco wasn't a part of his little escapade. Without thinking, one hand went to his chest, where a tear in his shirt and a stab through the chest had yet to fully close. There were enough children in all that. He could remember the twins all too well. And for certain, he wouldn't wish such a thing unto Hero--Even if the more logical part of his head said he really shouldn't be so attached.

Didn't he have this argument with himself back then, too? Some things never really changed, RGB found.

The question did take him aback a bit, but his color-bar mouth became a bit of a smile. Well, he certainly didn't mind talking about himself! Certainly more fun than dealing in all those sad things.

"Made in a factory? Ah, not so simple, my dear boy. I have a lot of...Oddities," A chuckle left him, and he began pulling up the cuff of both his jacket and his shirt. "For example, if I pull this up here, you'll find..."


"I have nothing up my sleeve!"

He sounded so pleased with that joke. RGB's sense of humor, like his aesthetic tastes, were rather...Antiquated.

[ @thatguyinthestore ]​
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