Murder Series Award Show III [Non-Canon]

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"Another otherworldly place again?"

At least it didn't seem like she got into another captive situation like the last time. Hakuei blinked at the multitude of people swarming the room, before noticing certain characters.

So some of them were also probably here...

"Perhaps my friends are here..."

Cutting through the crowd, Hakuei went to look.

Somewhere else in the room, a blue-clad witch sweatdropped.


"I wish I was more surprised or worried but this happens enough times to me already that the novelty wore off."

She hoped her familiars weren't freaking out after she disappeared at the dinner. In front of them.

@Sen @Crow @Crimson Spartan


"Kana!" Startled at first, Mirei exclaims as she sees Kana. "You almost scared me there! How have you been?"

She looks at Ty Lee as well.

"Oh, they better come! Glad to see that you could make it too, Ty Lee! I can't wait for everyone else to get here! This is going to be pretty great! My friends, Nono and Shouko, are... kind of doing their own thing now."

Mirei realises something.

"Ah! There's something I want you all to see- or rather- hear! Notice something new?"

Mirei would start to demonstrate her new voice.


@Sen @Hana @Crow @Yun Lee @Crimson Spartan

"Morikubo isn't bothered... Morikubo's friends Mirei and Shouko are here. They're talking to their other friends, just like Morikubo is. So, you're doing well at your job? So is Morikubo..."

"Wa-wa- Honda-san?" Nono was a little startled. "It's been a while..."​

"Sorry if Shouko was bothering you..."

Esper would recognise this voice! The mysterious, self-insertish aura, the fine business suit...


"... Add. I don't see you wearing a suit. No time to rent one?"

@Bomb @Gummi Bunnies
Keaton's ears stood up as he listened to Mirei.....before soon enough his tail would begin to wag.


"Wow Mirei! Have you been working on that since we last saw you...?" Keaton spoke happily before the wolfskin happened to pick out a scent in the crowd. Wolfskin naturally had enhanced sense so it didn't take long for him to pick up on the scent of a familiar sea witch.

"Heya! Wada's here!!!" The wolfskin happily said as he ran off towards the scent. Well today was a good day after all.

@Sen @Hana @Yun Lee @Crimson Spartan

"Worm baby?" Zinnia questioned, a spark of anger appearing in her eyes. Quickly, she mistook Zim's attempt to act like a normal human as a threat. "Hey, who are you calling a baby?! You better watch who you're talking to, you miserable little garbador," the young woman would say, clenching one of her fists and waving it into the air. Apparently, the dragon tamer was in a bit of a feisty mood. : |

@thatguyinthestore @The Myrmidon @Gummi Bunnies

Ilona's hand trembled slightly, a look of gratitude on her face before she would even take the letter from Mason. After grasping it, but before reading it, the girl would smile again. "I-- Thank you so much. After the Civil War Incident, I told all of my friends they could write to me, but not a single one did. It warms my heart to see that you cared."

Although none of her other friends had sent her anything, Ilona didn't exactly have room to complain. She was just as guilty. Ilona could have sent the letters she wrote to her friends, but she never did.

Opening the letter finally, Ilona would quickly read it over. She laughed a couple times, her eyes sparkling as she read, but after she finished a frown covered her lips.


"This is-- Writing this was so nice of you. Forgive me, I'm most certainly not as good a friend as you are. I... wrote you a letter too, but I tore it up. I was trying to detach from all my friends. I felt the need to pull away from people who I would probably... never see again."

Feeling tears form in her eyes, Ilona turned away from Mason. She didn't want him to see her cry. He was a dear friend whom she most certainly didn't want to force her burdens upon.

"E-Excuse me, I'll be right back," Ilona told him, quickly walking off. She wiped her eyes with her sleeve and took a deep breath, hoping to composer herself. As she walked, however, the blonde didn't watch where she was going and would run into Weiss, right after she had already been run into by someone else!

"Eeek! Lady Weiss! M-My apologies! I didn't see you!" she exclaimed, floundering with her words.

@Mason Moretti (Mason is welcome to follow her if you want. : 3 ) @Midnight Maiden

Mason's heart forbid him from leaving Ilona be when she was clearly distressed. He pursued quickly behind her. He called her name, but his voice was lost in the chorus of eccentric boys of beasties. Even as he warned her, "Watch out for Weiss," his voice fell upon deaf ears. He winced as the blonde princess and the snow white heiress collided. Mason found himself with a group of girls whose occupations were running into each other.
"'Sorry'? Sorry hardly means anything. You have eyes, why don't you-- Ack, hey!!" Weiss had begun to chew Ryan out, only to be walked right into again. Fuming, she huffed, glaring at both girls with obvious annoyance. "Ugh, two blonde ditzes. You two might as well be related," she huffed, crossing her arms with a glare that only eventually softened, a small sigh parting her lips. "...But I suppose I should expect as much from you, at this point. It's good to see you again... I guess," she muttered, at least attempting to be kind. But her gaze sharpened again as it turned to Ryan, a glare presented from her icy blue eyes. "You, on the other hand.."

Ryan, admittedly looking even more sheepish than before, shrank into herself at the scolding. "I said I was sorry..." She almost seemed like a kicked puppy, shuffling her feet sheepishly. She seemed oblivious to Ilona's identity, too caught up in her embarrassment.

@Klutzy Ninja Kitty


Sparing a sheepish smile in Weiss' direction, Ilona would bow her head afterwards. "Sorry again! Truthfully, I do run into things on occasion when I'm feeling a bit emotional so this isn't a surprising turn of events, milady."

Ilona perked up a bit though, actually happy to see Weiss. Despite the shitty way this white-haired young woman had treated her during Civil War, Ilona still admired her for one reason or another. Probably just because she was too damn nice. : |

"But, might I say, you look absolutely lovely on this fine day, Lady Weiss! 'Tis wonderful to see you once again! Praise the sun you seem to be doing well! How is Miss Ruby? I do hope her classes are treating her well."

Of course, Ilona rambled along using the loud voice she often did when filled with excitement. It actually took her a moment before she realized Weiss was still scolding Ryan. Ilona frowned and glanced at her, oblivious as to who this was. After not having seen Ryan for nearly seven years now, she honestly didn't recognize her.

"Lady Weiss, she does seem to be sorry. Mayhaps you can forgive her?" she questioned, tilting her head innocently.

@Midnight Maiden @Mason Moretti

"With all respect I have for you, Weiss," Mason said with little respect for her, "I'm on Ilona's side here. You don't need to be bullying this poor girl like this." As he spoke, he stood halfway behind Ilona, almost using her as a defense. A bead of sweat, wishing for little confrontation, dripped down his brow.

Despite his experience in the Secretariat, his demeanor remained green. He lacked the commanding presence fit for a diplomat like Robin. He was glad to not have his superior in sight.

He also gently whispered into Ilona's ear, "Perhaps, Lady Ilona, you want to use an inside voice? We are at a public event."
@Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Midnight Maiden
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"Marco Diaz." The teen in the red hoodie said a bit hesitantly. It wasn't that he didn't trust him, well not entirely, it was just that he didn't see talking TVs too often. For all he knew this could be one of Ludo's minions after him.

"Yeah I got an invitation to here." He said before taking a handful of nachos and stuffing them in his mouth. "Last time I got an invitation too, though. Some weird train ride on Christmas Eve or something." He said. Remembering that event made him smile. Not because of what had happened during it, but because of what had happened after.


It was Christmas day at the Diaz house. The night before had been... interesting. Some train ride with some interesting people. Though Marco had fallen asleep about half way through and missed about half of it. He ended up just waking up in his bed the next morning like nothing had happened. He had been awoken to the sounds of his best friend/girlfriend jumping on his bed and shaking him.

"MARCO!! GET UP!!! IT'S CHRISTMAS!" She yelled, still jumping on his bed trying to wake up the lazy safe kid.

"Ugh... Star it's six in the morning." Marco said in an extremely exasperated tone. Star didn't care about the time, so she grabbed the boy out of bed and dragged him out of the room. "Woah!" He yelped as he suddenly fell out his bed and landed face first on the floor. Star was sporting a red Santa themed gown and what looked like a cheap reindeer antler hat, except it had two stars instead of antlers. It looked as if she had been up for hours. Hell, knowing Star, she was probably up all night. Marco simply stood up and brushed himself off as he stretched out with a loud yawn. "Well, I'm up now." The teen said in a somewhat annoyed tone. Marco quickly grabbed a red hoodie out of his closet and slipped it over his head. He then took a Santa hat off his dresser and put it on. As soon as he did this, Star grabbed him by the hand and pulled him down the stairs and into the living room.

When they got in the living room area, Star immediately made her way over to the presents and started bouncing like a little girl.

"I wanna open presents, Marco!" She said frantically as she tried to grab one, but found herself being pulled back by something. A quick turn of her head revealed that Marco was holding her back with a bit of a chuckle.

"We can't open presents yet, Star. We gotta wait until my parents get up." Marco said with a chuckle. Star simply sighed and nodded before her eyes had fallen on something else. Marco cocked a brow and wondered what it was before he found out what it was

It was mistletoe.

"What's that?" Asked the blonde princess as she pointed up at it. "Why is that plant hanging from the ceiling?"

"Well.... it's..... well you see..." Marco said as he began to nervously scratch the back of his neck. "That's called uh... mistletoe. When two people stand over it they have to... well they have to-" He was getting choked up on his own words and didn't know how to say this. He wanted to say it, hell he was dating Star so he didn't see why he wouldn't say it. Was it those safe kid genes kicking in? He was fine with kissing Jackie when they dated. Well it was probably because, in all honesty, Marco's relationship with Star's was different than with Jackie's. Jackie was always that cool cute girl in Marco's class. Star was different though. She was his best friend. She had been his best friend for what felt like his entire life.

"They have to what?" Star asked as she patiently waited for his answer.

"They have to... kiss." Marco said sheepishly. He looked over to Star, who began to blush as well. "Yeah, well we don't have to if you want I mean it's not like it's a law or any-"


Star gave him a quick kiss on the cheek amidst all of Marco's rambling, which shut him up real fast. Marco simply plopped down on the couch along with Star, who just nestled up him and laid her head on his shoulder with a warm smile. Marco just placed his arm around Star's shoulder before pulling her closer.

"I love you Star." Marco said suddenly during all the snuggling.

"Awwww... I love you too Marco!" She said as she smiled brightly into his eyes.

The two remained on the couch for what felt like hours.

End of Flashback

"Anyways... yeah I got an invitation to this thing too." Marco said with a shrug. He then looked up to RGB and held out a nacho. "Want one?" He asked as he tried to be polite.

@Lissamel @icanshiptoo
"A train ride? At Christmastime? Seems you've had a remarkably better venture than I...Dragged me into a forest, dropped me rather rudely, brought me on a wild goose chase...People died...Got mocked...Dragged behind on a minecart...Not to mention forced into dreaming for quite a while, most uncomfortable..."


"...Though I can't claim I didn't make some friends or anything. Quite an adventure, really. Didn't think they'd take me away so soon."

Ah, nostalgia. A smothering thing, it was. He couldn't claim to hate it (people always did call him a rather old-fashioned sort of chap), but in terms of the whole 'incident'...Well, let's just say there were some memories he could do without. Suppose anyone from that 'incident' was here? No, no. Silly, he supposed. And if there were it wasn't as though they'd remember him--In true RGB fashion, he supposed he wasn't too important at all.

...Then again, someone forgetting the walking telly was equally preposterous, wasn't it?

RGB took a moment to stare at the food offered to him. The colors magenta and yellow began to drip from his mouth. What was it? Certainly nothing that looked particularly appetizing. Not to mention his lack of a proper mouth. He coughed (which sounded a bit like a burst of television static) and made a shooing motion with one hand. "Ah...Not hungry. Keep it."

[ @thatguyinthestore ]​

"So this is the Awards Show, huh?" Bibi would come in, strangely without Zidane.

Also, he was holding a bag of... something.

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"A train ride? At Christmastime? Seems you've had a remarkably better venture than I...Dragged me into a forest, dropped me rather rudely, brought me on a wild goose chase...People died...Got mocked...Dragged behind on a minecart...Not to mention forced into dreaming for quite a while, most uncomfortable..."


"...Though I can't claim I didn't make some friends or anything. Quite an adventure, really. Didn't think they'd take me away so soon."

Ah, nostalgia. A smothering thing, it was. He couldn't claim to hate it (people always did call him a rather old-fashioned sort of chap), but in terms of the whole 'incident'...Well, let's just say there were some memories he could do without. Suppose anyone from that 'incident' was here? No, no. Silly, he supposed. And if there were it wasn't as though they'd remember him--In true RGB fashion, he supposed he wasn't too important at all.

...Then again, someone forgetting the walking telly was equally preposterous, wasn't it?

RGB took a moment to stare at the food offered to him. The colors magenta and yellow began to drip from his mouth. What was it? Certainly nothing that looked particularly appetizing. Not to mention his lack of a proper mouth. He coughed (which sounded a bit like a burst of television static) and made a shooing motion with one hand. "Ah...Not hungry. Keep it."

[ @thatguyinthestore ]​
Marco was taken away when RGB described what he had gone through. His adventure had been nothing like that. Sure there were some strange people there, but nothing like what the talking television monitor had described.

"That's horrible. I don't think that I would have been able to make it through something like that, at least not on my own." The teen said. He was being completely honest with him here. Even in all of his adventures with Star no one had actually died. He had yet to run into anyone from the train ride, which Marco didn't know if he should take as a bad thing or not. "Well at least you made some friends." Marco was somewhat of an optimist so he was trying to look at the glass half full here.

When RGB politely declined the nacho, Marco simply shrugged and shoved another handful in his mouth. Once he swallowed the group of cheesy and salty triangle food, Marco looked to RGB yet again. "I hope you don't mind me asking this. But were you like made in a factory by people or... y'know how does this work?"

Well. Considering the rather entertaining drunken freakshows that were Aran and Trevor had flighted off, getting up to a ridiculous, imbecilic performance(if one could even call it that), Mabel let her full attention fall to her remaining customers. Who, seemed much more sane and sober. Less entertaining, at the moment, but perhaps they'd prove amusing enough.


Of course, Twisted Fates question was met with a grin and a wink. Most people didn't catch onto her abilities, but it didn't matter. "I'm afraid I don't know what you mean, dear. Now, as I inquired before... Is there anything I can do for you? If so, do try to make up your mind while I tend to my other customers."

That said, with a flourish she turned, hair swishing behind her as she tended to fetching 'her strongest' for Qrow with little care or effort. Within a few moments, she had the drink served up, placed before Qrow with a practiced hand. "There you are. Enjoy."

@C.T. @Otto
"I'll have some more scotch, single malt, speyside, no ice." Todd said before sliding his shot glass over to Reverse Mabel. After examining her over a bit, Jason cocked a brow. "Wait... aren't you like fifteen?" He asked. Of course Jason was only a tad drunk, so his vision was blurred ever so slightly.

@Midnight Maiden

"Well as can be, I suppose. The going is tough, but... Well, someone has to do the heavy lifting, I suppose," Kyoko shrugged in response to Morikubo, before Honda eventually showed up, making his presence very much known.

"Indeed, it has been some time, hasn't it? But I suppose reunions wouldn't be all that special if we did meet up often anyway."

Brilliant detective skills at work.


"I suppose between the samurai and that eccentric Zinnia woman as well, that must be... at least a notable portion of the cast of Murder XIV: Monokuma's Awakening already here by now."


Between the weird random switching from speaking Japanese to... Japanese, at least when Genji was around, maybe the random "trademark" wasn't that weird after all.

Personally, Kyoko was glad that at the very least, the "weirdest" entity from that event wasn't around. That feminine individual who would remain nameless, whose calling card haunted the young woman's very soul to this day.

"Honk honk."

@Yun Lee @Crow


"I've seen a lot of weird and strange events in my short life, but an award show for games of murder? It make take the Cake."

Bewitching as her name implied, The Scarlet Witch made her presence known. Giggling softly, She gave her friend Kyoko a smirk, before turning her attention to Honda. It was always a joy to see him, and the witch's face showed it.

"Oh, Honda! Congratulations are in order , it seems! By the look of these nominations, you're a very popular man it seems."

@Yun Lee @Verite

"Lady Senna and Lady Setsuna?"

Well, it wasn't quite a surprise. Hakuei had already seen Doremi and Jabbers somewhere around the room, and as she cut through the spacious area, the princess had to blink at the spectacle she found.

"... And Sir Blake," the princess belatedly added, chancing a look at the male's... Captivity at the hands of one irate shinigami. She glanced at Harper, and then at Senna, and then at the man in the middle. Off to the side, Setsuna looked calm as ever to Hakuei's eyes.

It was rather obvious, even to romantically inexperienced people, what situation this was.

@Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Midnight Maiden @Gummi Bunnies @thatguyinthestore

As Lapis rambled on about... Other women that, apparently, Blake was affiliated with - Hakuei just stared.

She didn't really know Blake and Senna that well despite having bled and sweat with them during that time, but...

"I see how it is. I hope that Blake-san will 'get his mind straight' soon." Because of her motherly nature, the princess was radiating a fair amount of disappointment and disapproval, even without having to say anything.

Shaking her head, she turned to smile at Senna.


"It is good to see you and -" She caught Setsuna's eye, the girl standing off to the side and observing - "Lady Setsuna again, Lady Senna. You look well."

The princess cast a look around the crowded room.

"Perhaps you have seen Alucard around?"

@Sen @Midnight Maiden @Crow @Gummi Bunnies @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @thatguyinthestore

Setsuna, apparently not entirely having been expecting she'd be called upon, glanced to Hakuei as she was addressed. For a long moment, she was silent, staring with a brief uncertainty of what she should say, before she finally gave a slow nod and a verbal response. "...It is a pleasure to see you once more as well. Hakuei," she spoke, steady and calm as ever. Or, well, perhaps 'as ever' wasn't the right phrasing. Even she had her lows, such as her breakdown upon their all-joined reawakening.

But that aside, it looked like Hakuei had moved on anyways.

@Hana @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Gummi Bunnies @thatguyinthestore
"I'll have some more scotch, single malt, speyside, no ice." Todd said before sliding his shot glass over to Reverse Mabel. After examining her over a bit, Jason cocked a brow. "Wait... aren't you like fifteen?" He asked. Of course Jason was only a tad drunk, so his vision was blurred ever so slightly.

@Midnight Maiden


"Hm?" the seductress briefly paused in her movements to fetch Lucifer's request, glancing at Jason with a raised brow with a briefly serious expression. But, eventually, her charming grin made it's way back to take it's place... But not before a playful pout formed on her lips as she set Lucifer's drink before him, simultaneously speaking to Jason as she, in turn, prepared his order. "How rude, assuming a woman's age.. But ah, well. I suppose I should expect such disrespectful customers in such a setting, hm?" she mused as she finished topping off his drink. But as she turned back to face him and hand it over, there was that smirk again.

"...But if you must know, you'll have to shoot higher. I can assure you with confidence I'm perfectly legal."

And for luck as she finally set the drink down, she winked.

Oh gosh.

@thatguyinthestore @Otto @C.T. @LuckycoolHawk9 @Barbois​

Setsuna, apparently not entirely having been expecting she'd be called upon, glanced to Hakuei as she was addressed. For a long moment, she was silent, staring with a brief uncertainty of what she should say, before she finally gave a slow nod and a verbal response. "...It is a pleasure to see you once more as well. Hakuei," she spoke, steady and calm as ever. Or, well, perhaps 'as ever' wasn't the right phrasing. Even she had her lows, such as her breakdown upon their all-joined reawakening.

But that aside, it looked like Hakuei had moved on anyways.

@Hana @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Gummi Bunnies @thatguyinthestore


"Hm?" the seductress briefly paused in her movements to fetch Lucifer's request, glancing at Jason with a raised brow with a briefly serious expression. But, eventually, her charming grin made it's way back to take it's place... But not before a playful pout formed on her lips as she set Lucifer's drink before him, simultaneously speaking to Jason as she, in turn, prepared his order. "How rude, assuming a woman's age.. But ah, well. I suppose I should expect such disrespectful customers in such a setting, hm?" she mused as she finished topping off his drink. But as she turned back to face him and hand it over, there was that smirk again.

"...But if you must know, you'll have to shoot higher. I can assure you with confidence I'm perfectly legal."

And for luck as she finally set the drink down, she winked.

Oh gosh.

@thatguyinthestore @Otto @C.T. @LuckycoolHawk9 @Barbois​
Jason grabbed the glass and pressed his lips against the outer edges of it before taking a shot of the scotch.

"Ungh..." Jason muttered before looking back up at Mabel. "Yeah... sorry for being rude. You look a bit young to be a bartender, is all. Since we're already talking... what's your name?" Jason asked as he attempted to make small talk with the odd bartender. He noticed her wink as well, but he paid no attention to it. He wasn't that drunk yet.

@Midnight Maiden
Jason nodded in agreement with Twisted Fate's statement before taking a shot of his drink.
"Yeah... well luckily I had a drinking problem long before that Murder Game. How've you been since then, anyways?" The Arkham Knight asked, just trying to make small talk.
"I've been doin' alright. Lately, I've been catchin' up with some of my partners-in-crime. I gave everyone a scare after bein' gone for so long. It's uncharacteristic of me to be captured for a long period of time. I always escape within hours, at most. Malcolm thought I was dead."

He chuckled.

"I do have a habit of comin' back from the dead, I guess."

He was referring to how often he would cheat death, or twist his fate.
@Midnight Maiden

Of course, Twisted Fates question was met with a grin and a wink. Most people didn't catch onto her abilities, but it didn't matter. "I'm afraid I don't know what you mean, dear. Now, as I inquired before... Is there anything I can do for you? If so, do try to make up your mind while I tend to my other customers."​

Noticing that Mabel was trying to change the subject, he ignored her question.

"Don't play games with me, woman. I know a mage when I see one. What perplexes me most is that you can move people with your mind. I've never seen anybody with that power."
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Harper smirked as she kept her arms crossed. The punk would step towards Senna and shrug.

"Well who needs him, right? You're pretty cute yourself." Harper said before lightly punching her on the shoulder. She also gave her a slightly flirtatious smirk as she placed on hand on her hip and leaned to the side a bit.

@Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Harper'sgonnastealyogirlblakeooooooooooo

"Riiiight. Well, I'll be dragging Blake away for a bit of time. Excuse us."

Lapis didn't seem that amused at the fact that Harper just knee'd him in the groin, taking this chance to practically drag the in-pain Blake away from the group. She gave out a sigh before continuing her words only to him.

"Seriously, I need you to start cooperating with me, Blake. You're not like yourself at all. How am I going to explain this to Eliza, out of all people?"

Just as she mentioned that name again, Blake would immediately shake his head in disagreement, as if Lapis was the one with the wrong info.


"Eh? I really think you're getting things mixed up here. I know that before I disappeared and all, I sorta took peeks and saw Eliza with some other guy. Besides, she would only give me passing glances in the hallway and on the streets. Maybe I should be confused too... considering that for some reason I don't remember you having that crystal piece being on your cheek and the fact that you're acting much more rash than before is starting to weird me out... What else are you trying to ask me anyways?"

Blake said his genuine response of absolute confusion, clearing up whatever thoughts Lapis had towards him. But in return, it was her turn to be confused.


"... Disappeared? But you never really disappeared on me and Nel... unless..."

While Blake had no idea, Lapis started to get a sense on what was going on. It had to be a different alternative dimension Blake. She's been through a couple of Murder Games to know this by now.

@Klutzy Ninja Kitty @thatguyinthestore @others​
A rather bummed out Senna would find herself surprised when Harper would actually flirt with her. While she probably would've been flattered on most occasions, it was hard for the soul reaper to seem at all interested in such things after what had happened with Blake.


"Oh, um, thanks for the compliment. I'm pretty cute, yeah."

Senna frowned.

"But... not cute enough, I guess..."

I always knew Blake was a flirt, but a cheater too? I've had a lot of bad things happen in my life. I wanted... for him to be the one good thing in my life. But I guess not.


"...I need some ice-cream."

@thatguyinthestore @Gummi Bunnies
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"This sure is a lively place!"

Upon their arrival to the auditorium, Vanille gushed with excitement as she observed the events that were occurring around the two. She gave a soft giggle as they walked side by side. Vanille never knew what award shows were, but considering that Nier was going, she happily tagged along. She wanted to enjoy spending time with the one she loved.

"It will be nice to catch up with the others!" Vanille chirped with a bright grin. She gave Nier's hand a gentle squeeze and soon exclaimed "Hey!" as she saw who Nier was awkwardly waving to. The Oerbian waved at them with her free hand.

@Gummi Bunnies @The Myrmidon @C.T.
i'm sorry idk how to write anymore D:

"Eh... I think they're well tied into their conversation. Maybe... we can... well, try again with talking to them later."

Nier smiled a bit, noticing that Jesse and Gwen were a bit busy with talking to each other by now. It was rather relieving that he would get some time before truly talking to those that his Replicant had made contact with, it saves him the headache in figuring out on how to take on these acts in his Replicant's shoes. On that part, he would scan the area to see if there were any other familiar faces for him and Vanille to talk to... except...

One can hear some nibbling nearby.


It's Gnar with a cookie!

@Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Midnight Maiden @thatguyinthestore @Hana @Gummi Bunnies
Cue Gnar coming up near Lapis' leg and cuddling : 3

@Gummi Bunnies @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @thatguyinthestore


He wasn't sure why, but seeing some critter with a cookie just set things off for him. Guiding his eyes away from that, he was hoping that Vanille didn't notice his momentary pause. Though, Nier definitely heard the annoyed voice of his Replicant in his head.

@MarMar @Bomb
Zim waved her off with a scoff.

"Zim does not have to put up with this mockery!" He said. As if on some type of que, Gir fell from the ceiling and landed on his head right between the two.

"HI LADY!" Gir waved to Zinnia as he remained upside down and on his head.

@Klutzy Ninja Kitty

"I don't have to put up with your mockery either. I am a dragon master," Zinnia replied, sticking her tongue out at Zim afterwards. Before she could say anything else, however, she would be distracted by Gir falling from the ceiling. Aster, who was hiding behind Zinnia's legs, would wander out and wave to Gir.

"Murr," Aster said happily, offering Gir a cheese cube she had taken off one of the many serving platters within the room.

@thatguyinthestore @The Myrmidon
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A rather bummed out Senna would find herself surprised when Harper would actually flirt with her. While she probably would've been flattered on most occasions, it was hard for the soul reaper to seem at all interested in such things after what had happened with Blake.


"Oh, um, thanks for the compliment. I'm pretty cute, yeah."

Senna frowned.

"But... not cute enough, I guess..."

I always knew Blake was a flirt, but a cheater too? I've had a lot of bad things happen in my life. I wanted... for him to be the one good thing in my life. But I guess not.


"...I need some ice-cream."

@thatguyinthestore @Gummi Bunnies
Harper made a "pfft" sound with her lips and leaned her elbow on Senna's shoulder.

"Nah, you're just too good for him." Said Harper, still maintaining the same flirtatious tone of voice. And as Harper was doing all this, a song began to play over the speakers.

"Oh dude! I love this song!" Harper declared with a wide ass grin. As the song was still in its early stages, Harper turned to Senna and held out a hand to her. "Yo Senna, you know how to dance?" The punk asked.

@Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Blakebetterstopharper:0

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"I don't have to put up with your mockery either. I am a dragon master," Zinnia replied, sticking her tongue out at Zim afterwards. Before she could say anything else, however, she would be distracted by Gir falling from the ceiling. Aster, who was hiding behind Zinnia's legs, would wander out and wave to Gir.

"Murr," Aster said happily, offering Gir a cheese cube she had taken off one of the many serving platters within the room.

@thatguyinthestore @The Myrmidon
"I do not care about your mastery of your inferior dragons." Zim said as he clenched his fist. God, this girl was making the Dib monkey look good.

On the other hand Gir would be captivated by the sight of free food. "Ooooh! Cheese!" Gir exclaimed before reaching out and grabbing the cheese cube. He then shoved it in his mouth and swallowed it in one bite, all whilst remaining upside down.

@Klutzy Ninja Kitty

"Well as can be, I suppose. The going is tough, but... Well, someone has to do the heavy lifting, I suppose," Kyoko shrugged in response to Morikubo, before Honda eventually showed up, making his presence very much known.

"Indeed, it has been some time, hasn't it? But I suppose reunions wouldn't be all that special if we did meet up often anyway."

Brilliant detective skills at work.


"I suppose between the samurai and that eccentric Zinnia woman as well, that must be... at least a notable portion of the cast of Murder XIV: Monokuma's Awakening already here by now."


Between the weird random switching from speaking Japanese to... Japanese, at least when Genji was around, maybe the random "trademark" wasn't that weird after all.

Personally, Kyoko was glad that at the very least, the "weirdest" entity from that event wasn't around. That feminine individual who would remain nameless, whose calling card haunted the young woman's very soul to this day.

"Honk honk."

@Yun Lee @Crow

"I've seen a lot of weird and strange events in my short life, but an award show for games of murder? It make take the Cake."

Bewitching as her name implied, The Scarlet Witch made her presence known. Giggling softly, She gave her friend Kyoko a smirk, before turning her attention to Honda. It was always a joy to see him, and the witch's face showed it.

"Oh, Honda! Congratulations are in order , it seems! By the look of these nominations, you're a very popular man it seems."

@Yun Lee @Verite

"Idol work can be a challenge sometimes, but Morikubo has lots of friends she can rely on... Monokuma's Awakening made Morikubo feel a little more confident in a lot of things... even though it was very tragic at times... how has your work been, Honda-san?"

Kyoko looked a little dazed from Nono's perspective.

"Kyoko-san, are you alright?"

Nono notices someone.

"Wanda? If you're here, then Genji is also-"

@Yun Lee @Verite @Josh M

Keaton's ears stood up as he listened to Mirei.....before soon enough his tail would begin to wag.


"Wow Mirei! Have you been working on that since we last saw you...?" Keaton spoke happily before the wolfskin happened to pick out a scent in the crowd. Wolfskin naturally had enhanced sense so it didn't take long for him to pick up on the scent of a familiar sea witch.

"Heya! Wada's here!!!" The wolfskin happily said as he ran off towards the scent. Well today was a good day after all.

@Sen @Hana @Yun Lee @Crimson Spartan

"Well, I guess you could say that," Mirei says. "I got a brand new voice! And used it to sing a brand new song with my unit."

Mirei pops a CD Cover which depicted a photograph of her with 2 other girls that you might see in the crowd, along with a noticeable stylized large word 'ⱯNSWER' with the smaller stylized words 'Individuals'.

Mirei then turns to see Wadanohara.

"Wadanohara! Over here!"

@Sen @Hana @Yun Lee @Crimson Spartan
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Keaton's ears stood up as he listened to Mirei.....before soon enough his tail would begin to wag.


"Wow Mirei! Have you been working on that since we last saw you...?" Keaton spoke happily before the wolfskin happened to pick out a scent in the crowd. Wolfskin naturally had enhanced sense so it didn't take long for him to pick up on the scent of a familiar sea witch.

"Heya! Wada's here!!!" The wolfskin happily said as he ran off towards the scent. Well today was a good day after all.

@Sen @Hana @Yun Lee @Crimson Spartan

Wadanohara wasn't sure where to begin, but had noticed familiar faces. Nier and Vanille...? Hadn't Nier perished in Rapture?

She noticed a certain wolfskin running towards her and blinked.



The petite witch smiled a bit upon noticing familiar fluffy ears and a bushy tail.

"If you're here... Mirei-chan and Kana-chan must be here too. How have you been... And can I pet your ears again?"

So fluffy... Must fight urge to ruffle, Wadda...

@Sen @Crimson Spartan @Crow
There was no warning. No sound of incoming, clacking heels against the floor. No room for people to spot or greet her. And certainly no sound from the woman herself.

All there was were a pair of hardly clothed, slender arms moving around Kyouko's form. One of those familiar limbs moved its hand to the detective's chest whilst the other was already going for her rear. With eerily identifiable squeezes, the hextress made her presence known directly behind the detective, one of Tharja's few and favored targets.


"Now I know you called for me. I even heard you say the magic words to summon me, little Kyouko." The words were hushed and accompanied with a smile, as it was clear that Tharja had no shame for her location. In fact, she cared extremely little for whoever else was around.


Upon hearing a nostalgic-sounding laugh, Hakuei spun around to locate the source of the sound. She caught sight of the girl alchemist, looking as young and lively as always, though... Did Cagliostro look a little different or was it a trick of the light? The girl's electric smile was still very much the same.

"Cagliostro -"


"It's good to see you here - how have you been?"

Well, Hakuei didn't quite know what to make of this apparently being an event for awards, though she had noticed earlier the different tables for food and even a place for drink around the place. The people around them were either happily chatting or... Getting rowdy. She suspected it was because of the free-flowing liquor here.

@Sen @Crow

"Perhaps it was for the incident where we all met and fought alongside each other?" Hakuei suggested, tilting her head quizzically. She couldn't really see any other reason why so many people from different worlds were gathered together.

She turned to Cagliostro with a smile.

"I would not be surprised if you two get awarded. You're both remarkable in your own rights."

@Crow @Sen

"Apparently, we're awarded based on our 'performance' in 'Roleplays'... or at least, that's what Gran and Djeeta say. Their explanation as to what this ceremony was sounded too esoteric for me, but a theory is better than none... something about 'we're all fictitious characters' or something, and how our 'actors' are awarded for their 'acting'. Based on this, the 'story' would be something like the dilemma we were in back then."

When Hakuei complimented her, Cagliostro smiles. "I know which three awards I'm getting~ teehee~."

@Sen @Hana
As the couple and Cagliostro gathered together, a familiar face appeared.

"Guess I know some people here besides Lucio,"


Sitting against the wall, looking rather spiffy, Clark did not seem amussed to be here, however, he did seem happy to see some familiar faces. However, Clark was no dummy. His an Alucard's relation was... rocky, and Clark honestly was no fan Cagliostro. At least the Princess seemed fine with Clark. Pausing briefly, the man of look at the Dhampire and the Princess.

"So, by the hand holding, I guess you two are a couple now? "

As Genji's name was brought up, the witch's face was hit with wave of sadness. However standing firm, Wanda would handle the question with grace.

"No. Genji is not here with me, with us. Genji has passed on."

@Crow @Sen @Hana @Verite @Yun Lee

Kyoko looked a little dazed from Nono's perspective.

"Kyoko-san, are you alright?"

"Yes, I'm perfectly fine."
All there was were a pair of hardly clothed, slender arms moving around Kyouko's form. One of those familiar limbs moved its hand to the detective's chest whilst the other was already going for her rear. With eerily identifiable squeezes, the hextress made her presence known directly behind the detective, one of Tharja's few and favored targets.


"Now I know you called for me. I even heard you say the magic words to summon me, little Kyouko." The words were hushed and accompanied with a smile, as it was clear that Tharja had no shame for her location. In fact, she cared extremely little for whoever else was around.


"No, I'm not fine at all."

Speak of the devil, and she shall appear.

@Crow @Josh M @DBZ7 @Yun Lee
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