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"Well if that's the case." Howlett motioned towards the portal. "You run in first, and if it's safe everyone else follows. Sound like a plan?"

"Whoa!" Danielle looked on surprise as GE materialized in front of the gathered group. "I'm pretty I'm not from your world, and I can see it just fine."

"A jack of all trades then." Selene was certainly someone to look out for. Telepathy was already a problematic power, but with everything else added up she'd prove to be a real power house.

"What a tease." Danielle responded to DIO. "Well I have this shield and the powers my mom and dad left me, but maybe I'll keep it a secret too, up until Selene over their plucks it out of my brain." She made a note to start training on mental defenses once this whole thing was solved.

@Kaykay @penguin055 @CrunchyCHEEZIT @LuckycoolHawk9 @Josh M @Atomyk @Gummi Bunnies @york @BarrenThin @RightStructure

Sonic nodded, giving Howlett a thumbs up and a smile.

"Sounds like a plan to me!"

@Kaykay @penguin055 @CrunchyCHEEZIT @LuckycoolHawk9 @Josh M @Atomyk @Gummi Bunnies @Jeremi @BarrenThin @RightStructure
"Well if that's the case." Howlett motioned towards the portal. "You run in first, and if it's safe everyone else follows. Sound like a plan?"

"Whoa!" Danielle looked on surprise as GE materialized in front of the gathered group. "I'm pretty I'm not from your world, and I can see it just fine."

"A jack of all trades then." Selene was certainly someone to look out for. Telepathy was already a problematic power, but with everything else added up she'd prove to be a real power house.

"What a tease." Danielle responded to DIO. "Well I have this shield and the powers my mom and dad left me, but maybe I'll keep it a secret too, up until Selene over their plucks it out of my brain." She made a note to start training on mental defenses once this whole thing was solved.

@Kaykay @penguin055 @CrunchyCHEEZIT @LuckycoolHawk9 @Josh M @Atomyk @Gummi Bunnies @york @BarrenThin @RightStructure

Dio tilted his head to the side in mock confusion. "Plucked straight from your brain?" He'd heard Selene mention mind reading, so it didn't come as any sort of surprise. He fully expected that she was in his head right now.

Isn't that right, Selene? Are you trying to find the secret of my powers to use them against me? If you want it, I'll give it to you.

The already grey world turned a shade greyer, as time stopped. He sauntered over to the woman, hand on his hip, so that he stood behind her. "Time has stopped. Two seconds have passed. Only time will tell if you are as inferior to me as I believe you are, I suppose. Perhaps you will prove your worth to me beyond meaningless posturing before I dispose of you. Perhaps not."

"Time has begun to move again."

In the span of an instant for everyone else, Dio appeared behind Selene. It was his turn to whisper into her ear. "lf you want to know more about me, all you have to do is ask." He was laying the hypnotic effect of his voice very heavily, and, though he didn't expect it to work, it carried an oddly seductive draw to it. After all, what was the harm in attempting to procure a useful thrall?

@Kaykay @penguin055 @CrunchyCHEEZIT @LuckycoolHawk9 @Josh M @Atomyk @Gummi Bunnies @york @Jeremi @RightStructure​
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Shichika looked up, as if to think about the answer to the question posed to him, before shrugging his shoulders. "Well, I used to. A father and a sister. But then I had to kill them both. Mostly to prove I managed to surpass him when it was my old man, and then to bring an end to her suffering and wickedness when it came to my sister," he said casually, as though thinking little of what he was easily revealing to a total stranger.



"In any case, I suppose your most logical action now then would be to just try harder. I wouldn't know if your family's around here though, because I don't even know where here is," he continued, placing his hands on his hips with a sigh, "That Maniwani back there talked of a... dispearment in time across worlds. I didn't really get that though, but I'm going with it since there's no other option; we're in a big rip in time. That would explain... a few things," Shichika murmured (he meant to say displacement earlier but didn't really know what the word meant either way), glancing briefly at his doppelganger, before blinking.

"Oh, I forgot to introduce myself. I'm Shichika. Shichika Yasuri. Cheerio," he said with a wave.

@Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Sen
Aw, that poor kid... Biting her lip with visible concern, and sneaking a glare off to the side at Wes- and Schichika at that -when she was sure Yoichi wasn't looking, Rui hurriedly outstretched a hand to the boy that appeared to be about her age. "Here... Let me help you up," she offered, giving a pleasant smile through her concern. Though, she did pout at his words briefly, shaking her head, though Wes was personally relieved by Yoichi's words. "...Don't spout that nonsense. You took that much harsher, and Wes is the one that ran into you," she scolded. Though, she seemed to soften again at his next words.

"...Your family?"

Blinking owlishly, she did her best to shake it off. Thoughts of her own parents- long since gone --and her grandparents. But fortunately, she still had Wes here, who'd come to be like a little brother to her. This boy... "Well, I'm sure we can help you find your family. We're all trying to find our ways home, right? Surely we can help you find yours, too! ..." There was a pause, as she whirled to face Wes. "As soon as you apologize," she snapped, tapping her foot impatiently before pointing at Schichika as well. "And you, too, for that matter! Is that really how you comfort someone in distress?? Shee--!"




"...Yeah, whatever," Wes muttered under his breath with a scowl. Briefly sighing, well aware this wouldn't get anywhere, he looked down at Yoichi. Had the boy not already gotten up- alone, or with Rui's help -he would reluctantly outstretch his hand. "Sorry, I guess."

@Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Verite

"Did someone call me?" A nearly identical man stuck his head from behind the other Shichika, only for his face to fall into an expression of disappointment. "Oh, right. Wrong... one..."

"This is going to take some time to get used to...."


"I hate to break it to you, Past Shichika-dono... but take some time to get used to it."

@Verite @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Midnight Maiden
When Shichika would reply, explaining the details of his family, Yoichi's eyes would widen slightly. The boy wasn't one to judge, however, and had heard of many messed up situations thanks to the cruel reality of his own world.


"That sounds... rough," was all the boy could manage to say, rubbing the back of his head nervously.

"As much as I wish you weren't, I think you're right; I'm starting to feel like my family isn't here." He frowned, looking to Shichika with sad, puppy eyes. "This is bizarre. I never meant to end up in a time rip. Ohhh, I hope my squad is okay without me. Um, Shichika-kun, was it? Maybe you could--"

The boy cut himself off, surprised suddenly by the presence of another individual who looked exactly like Shichika. "Oh wow, you have a twin?! I could've swore you only said something about a father and a sister..."

Glancing to Yui, the boy would smile sheepishly. "Aw, thanks," he said, taking her hand so that she could help him stand up. "You really don't have to make them apologize to me though. I really am fine. I'm just more worried about my family than anything..."

Yoichi would sweetly smile at Wes, nevertheless, grateful when the male would apologize. "It's in the past. I'd be happy if we could be friends, in fact. My name is Yoichi," he said, for Wes, Shichika, and the others to hear. He would extend his hand to Wes afterwards, offering to shake his hand since he hadn't used his help to stand up. To everyone he would then say, "I like the idea of us working together to find our way back to our homes. I'm more used to working with a team anyhow."

@Midnight Maiden @Verite @Sen
The Zora princess took the device and gazed at its screen with joy. Seeing the picture of herself proved that she held a place in Link's heart. Her smile was renewed with each new picture, although she winced at the ones which put Link in danger.

She thought to herself, "He's the same Link I knew one hundred years ago. He hasn't changed, and even in losing my memory he hadn't forgotten me."

And then Mipha stumbled upon a rather unique self-portrait captured by the hero. Here he was, posing inside Vah Ruta, wearing the Zora Armor.

The.. Zora Armor...

Blush rushed to her face as emotions tool over faster than she could prepare a facade for. Stumbling over her words, she said, "Link, you don't happen to know what Zora Armor represents in my culture, do you?"

She shot a glance at Sidon, as if to warn him not to tell, but she was ignorant of the fact that the secret had been revealed even before Link entered Vah Ruta.
@Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Bomb @Crow
Eventually Deadpool had woken up, opening his eyes to notice Ben gathered a crowd since he had went to sleep. Though it seemed none of them noticed he had woken up yet, and noticing that the Elf boy had his own camera out Deadpool decided to quietly pull out his own and take an upwards picture of the group, with the camera flashing just as he hollered "Group Photo! Say Lasagna!".

After which he stood up, dusting himself off before saying "Figured we should get a momento before whatever big bad's behind this comes out to play... Uh... Whoever you guys are?".

@Crow @Bomb @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Mason Moretti
"How do I look?" Ben asks as he peers over to look at the photograph.

"Skree-ee-ee!" Buddy follow's Ben's actions, seeing if he was in the photograph.

@Bomb @Gwazi Magnum @Mason Moretti @Klutzy Ninja Kitty
When Ben would go to see the picture he would simply see...


And Deadpool shook his head saying "This Camera runs on Snagit and a Shitposter. I ain't got the money to upgrade to Photoshop and a Professional".

@Bomb @Gwazi Magnum @Mason Moretti @Klutzy Ninja Kitty
Link couldn't help but beam at the cheerful expression Mipha would have on her face after viewing the picture on his slate. He would then let out a small laugh upon seeing her various expressions in response to the many pictures he had taken on his journey. Her last expression being that of a blush, however, surprised the blond. He glanced at the picture that caused her reaction just in time for her to ask him if he knew what Zora armor meant.

Opening his mouth to actually say something, Link would close it again shortly afterwards. A flustered feeling would flutter in his stomach, and a blush would cover his cheeks. The boy nodded. He did, in fact, know what Zora armor meant. It was a special set of armor that Zora women gave to the men they intended to marry. Sometime after Mipha's passing, Mipha's father gave Link a set of Zora armor that had been made to his exact measurements.

In other words, Mipha had been hoping she and Link would be married someday.

If he wanted to, the boy had a good enough non-romantic excuse as to why he wore her armor. He needed the armor's help in order to climb waterfalls and traverse the Divine Beast Vah Ruta. Still, he would've partly been lying if he said that had been the only reason why he wore the armor.


"I... wore it in your honor," Link would say, turning just in time for Deadpool to snap a picture of the group he was standing with. The blush still on his cheeks, it would most assuredly show up in the picture. He glanced at the picture when Deadpool would show it to them, a look of wonder in his eyes. He tugged on Mipha's arm and gestured to the picture, seeming excited.

Wow! I didn't know anything other than the Sheikah slate could take pictures!

@Mason Moretti @Bomb @Crow @Gwazi Magnum
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Staring lonely at the father and his son, Selene almost looked uncomfortable to those looking at her. Selene slowly cover her self with her cloak, hiding her body. Moving her self to Giorno, Selene eye met with his. It was a smug look, or a plotting glance. It was a look of reassurance, however, Selene lowered herself to the boy's ears.

"You need to stay away from him, my dear Giorno. I know you don't trusgt me, but please heed my warn.

Was this a ploy? or was the Black Queen looking out for him?

" While I can understand wanting to know whatever is capable of, and trust me, I do, you don't honestly expect me to share everything I am capable of. While I am not worried at all about this situation, I've played poker before, child. you always keep your cards close to your chest. I will tell you, I can do many things. From Fire control, reading people's minds, magical spells, and demon's being summon to heed my every word, among much more, I have many skills. "

However, here eyes turned to DIO, smiling devilishly.

"I am, however, no vampire. While I do need other's life force to keep myself alive, I, the daughter the moon, for one enjoys the sun's caress! I have no need to hide myself like a rat under filth. I go where and do what I please."

@Kaykay @penguin055 @thatguyinthestore @LuckycoolHawk9 @CrunchyCHEEZIT @Atomyk @Gummi Bunnies @Jeremi @BarrenThin @RightStructure
"You're not one? A pity. I almost respected you, for a moment." His eyes drilled into Selene, then focused back in on Danielle with a sort of hungry look. "I lend you my mind, and my physical might... As long as you all prove useful, anyways. I'm afraid I must side with Selene on speaking about my abilities. You'll see them, in time." He got quiet for a second when Selene started talking to Giorno. If he could hear a heartbeat through the ground, he could hear her whispering. Why was she warning Giorno about him? Why should Dio care about him any more than anyone else here?

Dio paused, then chuckled. The sound carried an oddly melodical, yet manic quality. That's why he felt this odd draw to the boy. A menacing grin spread over his face. "Very impressive, Giorno; very impressive. There truly is another superior being here, then! Perhaps you will be of greater use than these others." His smile faded, replaced by a slight frown. "Perhaps you 'showed your hand too early,' however. Be more careful."

@Kaykay @penguin055 @CrunchyCHEEZIT @LuckycoolHawk9 @Josh M @Atomyk @Gummi Bunnies @york @Jeremi @RightStructure​
"Well if that's the case." Howlett motioned towards the portal. "You run in first, and if it's safe everyone else follows. Sound like a plan?"

"Whoa!" Danielle looked on surprise as GE materialized in front of the gathered group. "I'm pretty I'm not from your world, and I can see it just fine."

"A jack of all trades then." Selene was certainly someone to look out for. Telepathy was already a problematic power, but with everything else added up she'd prove to be a real power house.

"What a tease." Danielle responded to DIO. "Well I have this shield and the powers my mom and dad left me, but maybe I'll keep it a secret too, up until Selene over their plucks it out of my brain." She made a note to start training on mental defenses once this whole thing was solved.

@Kaykay @penguin055 @CrunchyCHEEZIT @LuckycoolHawk9 @Josh M @Atomyk @Gummi Bunnies @york @BarrenThin @RightStructure

Dio tilted his head to the side in mock confusion. "Plucked straight from your brain?" He'd heard Serene mention mind reading, so it didn't come as any sort of surprise. He fully expected that she was in his head right now.

Isn't that right, Selene? Are you trying to find the secret of my powers to use them against me? If you want it, I'll give it to you.

The already grey world turned a shade greyer, as time stopped. He sauntered over to the woman, hand on his hip, so that he . "Time has stopped. Two seconds have passed. Only time will tell if you are as inferior to me as I believe you are, I suppose. Perhaps you will prove your worth to me beyond meaningless posturing before I dispose of you. Perhaps not."

"Time has begun to move again."

In the span of an instant for everyone else, Dio appeared behind Selene. It was his turn to whisper into her ear. "lf you want to know more about me, all you have to do is ask. have to do is ask." He was laying the hypnotic effect of his voice very heavily, and, though he didn't expect it to work, it carried an oddly seductive draw to it. After all, what was the harm in attempting to procure a useful thrall?

@Kaykay @penguin055 @CrunchyCHEEZIT @LuckycoolHawk9 @Josh M @Atomyk @Gummi Bunnies @york @Jeremi @RightStructure​
Gold Experience seemed to linger in the air for a moment before vanishing with a flash. Giorno adjusted his hair, looking at DIO with a calm, almost careless glance. "Playing my cards too early? Why wouldn't I play my cards...if I knew I had the winning hand?"


"I believe in my own strength."

Giorno wasn't one to bluff or make empty threats. It was clear in his tone of voice and adamant glare that Giorno Giovanna knew exactly what he was capable of and wasn't afraid to put others in their place is they step out of line. Perhaps that's why he felt so fearless exposing his Stand to an area filled with potential users. Though, Danielle's comment made Giorno turn his head and arch a brow.


"Huh? You...can see it? Of everyone here, I didn't take you for a Stand user."

The captain appeared to be a person of inner strength. She wouldn't need a Stand to lay down the law, and for that Giorno felt a strange kind of respect for her words, even though he's only known her for such a short time. Her attitude earlier towards Selene made it clear she was a 'good person'.

It makes Giorno wonder what she did to be pulled into this mess.

"You won't have to worry about Stands, Captain. It's too complicated to explain right now--" Giorno was about to finish his sentence before he heard Selene's words crawl into his ear. Looking over Danielle's shoulder at DIO, Giorno's face hardened slightly as he took in the witch's words. Well, she was correct, Giorno didn't trust her at all, but for a split second he felt like she was...telling the truth?

Of all things Giorno pursues, truth is the pinnacle of his dreams. So is she simply telling Giorno to back away from her new prey....or does she know more about the father than the son?

"I know what I'm doing--"

Then, the buzzing came again. A brief ripple through the air, like something just broke.


Giorno's eyes widened when he found that DIO wasn't standing in the same place just a second ago. Spinning around, he found him standing right behind Selene. Giorno tried not to question how DIO did it, but rather, he gave Selene a knowing smirk.

"Well, simply asking does make all the difference...signora."


Perhaps family bonding is what Giorno really needed to get his mind off of everything.

@Kaykay @penguin055 @BarrenThin @LuckycoolHawk9 @Josh M @Atomyk @Gummi Bunnies @york @Jeremi @RightStructure

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"That sounds... rough," was all the boy could manage to say, rubbing the back of his head nervously.
"As much as I wish you weren't, I think you're right; I'm starting to feel like my family isn't here." He frowned, looking to Shichika with sad, puppy eyes. "This is bizarre. I never meant to end up in a time rip. Ohhh, I hope my squad is okay without me. Um, Shichika-kun, was it? Maybe you could--"

The boy cut himself off, surprised suddenly by the presence of another individual who looked exactly like Shichika. "Oh wow, you have a twin?! I could've swore you only said something about a father and a sister..."

"Did someone call me?" A nearly identical man stuck his head from behind the other Shichika, only for his face to fall into an expression of disappointment. "Oh, right. Wrong... one..."

"This is going to take some time to get used to...."


"I hate to break it to you, Past Shichika-dono... but take some time to get used to it."

@Verite @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Midnight Maiden
"Oh, him? No, he's not my twin. He's just me."


"I'm him."


"I'm Shichika and he's Shichika too, but don't worry about it too much. Even I don't really understand it all that well," the swordsman spoke, idly rubbing the back of his head.​
Yoichi would sweetly smile at Wes, nevertheless, grateful when the male would apologize. "It's in the past. I'd be happy if we could be friends, in fact. My name is Yoichi," he said, for Wes, Shichika, and the others to hear. He would extend his hand to Wes afterwards, offering to shake his hand since he hadn't used his help to stand up. To everyone he would then say, "I like the idea of us working together to find our way back to our homes. I'm more used to working with a team anyhow."

"A team, huh..." Shichika murmured to himself, glancing briefly at his doppelganger and Togame, before back at Yoichi again. He clasped his hands together, thinking on that notion. "Hm... Well, I suppose it isn't like I have much of a choice. I'm not used to traveling with this amount of people, but... If you also are in a need to get back home, along with everyone else here as well presumably, I guess it's for the best."

Indeed, the notion of traveling with such a large group, let alone with anyone at all, was something he tended to avoid (not that he could avoid the one person following him back home, Princess Hitei) after his experiences, but perhaps that was what it meant to be "human." Shichika was new to this sort of thing, being more of a person rather than a sword, and though it could hurt, more than he could possibly believe and more often than he could comprehend if the reappearance of Togame before him was any indication, it was part of the experience.

... Not that Shichika was having any thoughts as profound as that. At least, not actively. Most of it instead had to do with his resolve to act as a sword, if not for those for around him, then for himself.

Wasn't that what she would have wanted from him?

Maybe. But this was something he had to do for himself.

"I'll... try my best not to forget your name, Yayoi-kun. And you too... Uh, West and Ruth."

Great start. He even pointed at Rui when he said "West" and pointed at Wes when saying "Ruth."

@Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Sen @Midnight Maiden
Link couldn't help but beam at the cheerful expression Mipha would have on her face after viewing the picture on his slate. He would then let out a small laugh upon seeing her various expressions in response to the many pictures he had taken on his journey. Her last expression being that of a blush, however, surprised the blond. He glanced at the picture that caused her reaction just in time for her to ask him if he knew what Zora armor meant.

Opening his mouth to actually say something, Link would close it again shortly afterwards. A flustered feeling would flutter in his stomach, and a blush would cover his cheeks. The boy nodded. He did, in fact, know what Zora armor meant. It was a special set of armor that Zora women gave to the men they intended to marry. Sometime after Mipha's passing, Mipha's father gave Link a set of Zora armor that had been made to his exact measurements.

In other words, Mipha had been hoping she and Link would be married someday.

If he wanted to, the boy had a good enough non-romantic excuse as to why he wore her armor. He needed the armor's help in order to climb waterfalls and traverse the Divine Beast Vah Ruta. Still, he would've partly been lying if he said that had been the only reason why he wore the armor.


"I... wore it in your honor," Link would say, turning just in time for Deadpool to snap a picture of the group he was standing with. The blush still on his cheeks, it would most assuredly show up in the picture. He glanced at the picture when Deadpool would show it to them, a look of wonder in his eyes. He tugged on Mipha's arm and gestured to the picture, seeming excited.

Wow! I didn't know anything other than the Sheikah slate could take pictures!

@Mason Moretti @Bomb @Crow @Gwazi Magnum

Mipha's blush matched that of Link's, but for now her heart was satisfied. She smiled for the picture.

She was surprised by the amount of excitement Link held for the camera Deadpool used. Was this some odd fascination that all Hylians shared? She had known Hylian to make much in the way of imagery, from paintings to stained glass to pottery to tapestries. Perhaps the idea of capturing an image is ingrained within all Hylians.

She looked at the picture of herself, Link, her brother, Ben, and Buddy. She couldn't help but notice that something seemed... off.

"Perhaps more than the Shiekah discovered the ability to make instant paintings, although the Shiekah appeared to have perfected it. Do you think that these moments are worth preserving in your Shiekah Slate?"

Mipha asks this while handing Link back the slate. The camera rune was already open and ready to be used.

She shifted as close as she could while handing him the slate and whispered, "You did wear the Zora Armor well. I'm glad it fit. I just hope it protected you and aided you well."
@Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Bomb @Crow @Gwazi Magnum
tick, tock, tick, tock, tick, tock, tick, tock, tick, tock, tick, tock, tick, tock, tick, tock, tick, tock, tick, tock, tick, tock...

The sound of a distant clock droning on and on was beginning to drive Blaze mad, and persisted; echoing endlessly inside her head long after she had followed Sonic on his path away from the portal. The constant noise, paired with the colourless surroundings, sent her mind awhirl strange memories; inconsistent memories. And upon asking the Sol Emeralds for help, they fell silent.

_Blaze 9.png

(It might just be my nervous energy getting to me...but I cannot shake the feeling that I've been here before,) Blaze sighed and shook her head.

"Look Sonic, I'm as much of an adventure as the next guy but walking through that portal is another unknown. Maybe behind that one we'll find a tribe of murderous cannibals? Dunno if you want to meet any of those unprepared."
"The man is right, you know, Sonic," Blaze added, after silently observing Sonic's conversation with Howlett for some time, "Genesis Portals are highly unpredictable. If we do succeed in opening it and step through, we could cross paths with Silver again, or even..."

_Blaze 6.png

"...what was his name...that blue bomber we encountered. Do you remember him?" the princess thought aloud, trying to jog her jumbled up memory.

@thatguyinthestore @Jeremi

@CrunchyCHEEZIT @Kaykay @penguin055 @BarrenThin @LuckycoolHawk9 @Josh M @Atomyk @Gummi Bunnies @Right_Structure
JD stood back and let the others do their thing. Once again an outsider looking in, but that was just fine. He just met some of the...people here after all.

Taking a moment to search himself he was disappointed to find that he didn't have any cigarettes on him. Huffing in irritation he gave up. Running a hand through his hair he pursed his lips. He had no cigarettes, so it wasn't the end of the world. He had a gun, which could possibly help defend himself, and he was craving a fix in the form of a slushie. Damn his luck.

Eyes glazed over as he stared at the blank void in front of him, that ticking noise continuing before becoming something akin to a high pitched ringing he addressed Ben, although he sounded a bit distracted.

"Ben right? What were you doing before you got here?" he asked. He needed something to keep him occupied, before he started thinking about home and the things he's done.

@Crow @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Mason Moretti @Gwazi Magnum @Bomb @anybody I missed
tick, tock, tick, tock, tick, tock, tick, tock, tick, tock, tick, tock, tick, tock, tick, tock, tick, tock, tick, tock, tick, tock...

The sound of a distant clock droning on and on was beginning to drive Blaze mad, and persisted; echoing endlessly inside her head long after she had followed Sonic on his path away from the portal. The constant noise, paired with the colourless surroundings, sent her mind awhirl strange memories; inconsistent memories. And upon asking the Sol Emeralds for help, they fell silent.

View attachment 134462

(It might just be my nervous energy getting to me...but I cannot shake the feeling that I've been here before,) Blaze sighed and shook her head.

"The man is right, you know, Sonic," Blaze added, after silently observing Sonic's conversation with Howlett for some time, "Genesis Portals are highly unpredictable. If we do succeed in opening it and step through, we could cross paths with Silver again, or even..."

View attachment 134464

"...what was his name...that blue bomber we encountered. Do you remember him?" the princess thought aloud, trying to jog her jumbled up memory.

@thatguyinthestore @Jeremi

@CrunchyCHEEZIT @Kaykay @penguin055 @BarrenThin @LuckycoolHawk9 @Josh M @Atomyk @Gummi Bunnies @Right_Structure

"I wouldn't mind running into Silver again. Him and I are cool now, anyways." Sonic said with a grin. "And you know me Blaze. I'm always looking for a good fight!"


The hedgehog grew silent for a moment, trying to see if he could recall the "Blue Bomber" that Blaze was referring to. After a good thirty seconds or so, Sonic simply shook his head.

"Nope. Can't say that I do."

@Archmage Jeremiah @Jeremi

@CrunchyCHEEZIT @Kaykay @penguin055 @BarrenThin @LuckycoolHawk9 @Josh M @Atomyk @Gummi Bunnies @Right_Structure
JD stood back and let the others do their thing. Once again an outsider looking in, but that was just fine. He just met some of the...people here after all.

Taking a moment to search himself he was disappointed to find that he didn't have any cigarettes on him. Huffing in irritation he gave up. Running a hand through his hair he pursed his lips. He had no cigarettes, so it wasn't the end of the world. He had a gun, which could possibly help defend himself, and he was craving a fix in the form of a slushie. Damn his luck.

Eyes glazed over as he stared at the blank void in front of him, that ticking noise continuing before becoming something akin to a high pitched ringing he addressed Ben, although he sounded a bit distracted.

"Ben right? What were you doing before you got here?" he asked. He needed something to keep him occupied, before he started thinking about home and the things he's done.

@Crow @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Mason Moretti @Gwazi Magnum @Bomb @anybody I missed

"I'm not sure if I'm the right person to ask, mainly because of how I got here," Ben starts to explain. "An old friend of mine, sort of sent me here to run errands. I didn't exactly go here against my will. He didn't give me much information to work with, in case I mess with the fabric of time and space, which I only did like, one time before. No big deal."

Ben begins to explain.


"I was at home, playing videogames with my good pal Buddy when I got a distress signal from my Omnitrix, stuff about odd portals and wormholes appearing all over Earth. My friend showed up to help me get to the bottom of this - by teleporting me here, and I guess this is the bottom, or the path to the bottom, anyways."

When Ben would go to see the picture he would simply see...


And Deadpool shook his head saying "This Camera runs on Snagit and a Shitposter. I ain't got the money to upgrade to Photoshop and a Professional".

@Bomb @Gwazi Magnum @Mason Moretti @Klutzy Ninja Kitty
When Shichika would reply, explaining the details of his family, Yoichi's eyes would widen slightly. The boy wasn't one to judge, however, and had heard of many messed up situations thanks to the cruel reality of his own world.


"That sounds... rough,"
was all the boy could manage to say, rubbing the back of his head nervously.

"As much as I wish you weren't, I think you're right; I'm starting to feel like my family isn't here." He frowned, looking to Shichika with sad, puppy eyes. "This is bizarre. I never meant to end up in a time rip. Ohhh, I hope my squad is okay without me. Um, Shichika-kun, was it? Maybe you could--"

The boy cut himself off, surprised suddenly by the presence of another individual who looked exactly like Shichika. "Oh wow, you have a twin?! I could've swore you only said something about a father and a sister..."

Glancing to Yui, the boy would smile sheepishly. "Aw, thanks," he said, taking her hand so that she could help him stand up. "You really don't have to make them apologize to me though. I really am fine. I'm just more worried about my family than anything..."

Yoichi would sweetly smile at Wes, nevertheless, grateful when the male would apologize. "It's in the past. I'd be happy if we could be friends, in fact. My name is Yoichi," he said, for Wes, Shichika, and the others to hear. He would extend his hand to Wes afterwards, offering to shake his hand since he hadn't used his help to stand up. To everyone he would then say, "I like the idea of us working together to find our way back to our homes. I'm more used to working with a team anyhow."

@Midnight Maiden @Verite @Sen

Link couldn't help but beam at the cheerful expression Mipha would have on her face after viewing the picture on his slate. He would then let out a small laugh upon seeing her various expressions in response to the many pictures he had taken on his journey. Her last expression being that of a blush, however, surprised the blond. He glanced at the picture that caused her reaction just in time for her to ask him if he knew what Zora armor meant.

Opening his mouth to actually say something, Link would close it again shortly afterwards. A flustered feeling would flutter in his stomach, and a blush would cover his cheeks. The boy nodded. He did, in fact, know what Zora armor meant. It was a special set of armor that Zora women gave to the men they intended to marry. Sometime after Mipha's passing, Mipha's father gave Link a set of Zora armor that had been made to his exact measurements.

In other words, Mipha had been hoping she and Link would be married someday.

If he wanted to, the boy had a good enough non-romantic excuse as to why he wore her armor. He needed the armor's help in order to climb waterfalls and traverse the Divine Beast Vah Ruta. Still, he would've partly been lying if he said that had been the only reason why he wore the armor.


"I... wore it in your honor," Link would say, turning just in time for Deadpool to snap a picture of the group he was standing with. The blush still on his cheeks, it would most assuredly show up in the picture. He glanced at the picture when Deadpool would show it to them, a look of wonder in his eyes. He tugged on Mipha's arm and gestured to the picture, seeming excited.

Wow! I didn't know anything other than the Sheikah slate could take pictures!

@Mason Moretti @Bomb @Crow @Gwazi Magnum
Mipha's blush matched that of Link's, but for now her heart was satisfied. She smiled for the picture.

She was surprised by the amount of excitement Link held for the camera Deadpool used. Was this some odd fascination that all Hylians shared? She had known Hylian to make much in the way of imagery, from paintings to stained glass to pottery to tapestries. Perhaps the idea of capturing an image is ingrained within all Hylians.

She looked at the picture of herself, Link, her brother, Ben, and Buddy. She couldn't help but notice that something seemed... off.

"Perhaps more than the Shiekah discovered the ability to make instant paintings, although the Shiekah appeared to have perfected it. Do you think that these moments are worth preserving in your Shiekah Slate?"

Mipha asks this while handing Link back the slate. The camera rune was already open and ready to be used.

She shifted as close as she could while handing him the slate and whispered, "You did wear the Zora Armor well. I'm glad it fit. I just hope it protected you and aided you well."
@Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Bomb @Crow @Gwazi Magnum
Looking at the photo, Sidon thought to himself...

...that he looked somewhat weird in this picture.

But he shrugged it off, and marveled at the fact that there was another way to take pictures.

"Amazing! What's this device called?"

@Gwazi Magnum @Crow @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Mason Moretti @others​
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"I'm not sure if I'm the right person to ask, mainly because of how I got here," Ben starts to explain. "An old friend of mine, sort of sent me here to run errands. I didn't exactly go here against my will. He didn't give me much information to work with, in case I mess with the fabric of time and space, which I only did like, one time before. No big deal."

Ben begins to explain.


"I was at home, playing videogames with my good pal Buddy when I got a distress signal from my Omnitrix, stuff about odd portals and wormholes appearing all over Earth. My friend showed up to help me get to the bottom of this - by teleporting me here, and I guess this is the bottom, or the path to the bottom, anyways."


JD looked at Buddy, wherever the Eevee was at the moment. He wasn't sure how the fox like creature could play videogames, but that wasn't to inportant.

"I won't question how." he decided to reply.

"I guess you being sent here explains why you don't seem bothered at all." JD sighed, wishing he could be a bit more calmer about the situation on the inside.

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JD looked at Buddy, wherever the Eevee was at the moment. He wasn't sure how the fox like creature could play videogames, but that wasn't to inportant.

"I won't question how." he decided to reply.

"I guess you being sent here explains why you don't seem bothered at all." JD sighed, wishing he could be a bit more calmer about the situation on the inside.


"I've been through weirder, anyways," Ben says, "don't know if I can say the same thing once we get through that portal."

Connor was about to hand the map over for Sonic to see, but it seemed that Dorian had already explained everything. He shrugged it off and took his bag and put the map in the bag along with the rest of the note ( that he hopefully successfully transcribed) along with whatever spare paper he had ( if the effort was successful). He took a deep breath and decided to walk towards the blue light. He might as well see what it was all about. "Well, I doubt that I am getting there." He paused when he saw the strange teenager with an Eevee? What the hell? Why was there something from those lame games Asher try to get him to play? He approached Ben. " Is that an eevee?" He asked.


@Archmage Jeremiah @Jeremi

@CrunchyCHEEZIT @Kaykay @penguin055 @BarrenThin @LuckycoolHawk9 @Josh M @Atomyk @Gummi Bunnies @thatguyinthestore@Right_Structure
Connor was about to hand the map over for Sonic to see, but it seemed that Dorian had already explained everything. He shrugged it off and took his bag and put the map in the bag along with the rest of the note ( that he hopefully successfully transcribed) along with whatever spare paper he had ( if the effort was successful). He took a deep breath and decided to walk towards the blue light. He might as well see what it was all about. "Well, I doubt that I am getting there." He paused when he saw the strange teenager with an Eevee? What the hell? Why was there something from those lame games Asher try to get him to play? He approached Ben. " Is that an eevee?" He asked.


@Archmage Jeremiah @Jeremi

@CrunchyCHEEZIT @Kaykay @penguin055 @BarrenThin @LuckycoolHawk9 @Josh M @Atomyk @Gummi Bunnies @thatguyinthestore@Right_Structure

"A whatnow?" Ben, while confused, was very clear and aware that Connor spoke of Buddy.

Buddy simply responds with a positive "Skree-ee-ee," signifying a 'yes'.

@LuckycoolHawk9 @Lissamel @Midnight Maiden @Nater Taters
" Eevee, it is the official name of the fox-like creature you are holding in your arms," he simply replied.

Connor assumed that the noise that the creature made was his confirmation.

@Crow @Lissamel @Midnight Maiden @Nater Taters

"...Just play penetrator from the Days of Just
Got it down 'til it makes the ground break beneath the waves that rush
A quest for the weak taken under by the way you bust
Give away the game
Medical cream wings of Angel Dust..."

It felt so good.

A rush of adrenaline and substance kicked Constanza in her brain, feeling herself drift into a void. Her forehead grew sweaty with anticipation, breathing hastening as an uneasy laugh escaped the veteran's lips. Static and images danced around her, the sight of women dancing, guns firing and amorphous blobs of the most elementary of shapes undergoing traumatic transformations. Screams and laughs alike combined in a cacophony of madness, Angel Dust tapping into a brain already beyond reasoning.

Standing by herself, the young Hispanic gazed around, her fellow gang members sprawled on the creaking wooden floor of the headquarters. Some of them were puking, some were laughing and some were crying. The dangerous game always changed with each play, each experience randomly generated by the dust and the brain. By the time she fully felt control, Constanza felt only a twisted, sickening satisfaction into the horrid descent of losing it all.

Her world turning black and white, a veteran trapped in her own grave, lapping at the dirt piling around her.



A sudden flare of light erupted from a shorten shotgun, a young woman wearing a black hoodie, ghostly saggy trousers and white flattop cap approaching the group that surrounded some billboard-object. From the void, the darkly dressed criminal emerged, the barrel of her shotgun steaming with smoke. Having pumped a shell into the billboard or object, or whatever stood there, the deranged addict of crime and drugs alike halted her advance.

"Fuck are y'all...?"

Constanza simply spoke, cocking the pump of her Serbu Super-Shorty, the unhinged woman not taking any bullshit or companionship from these strangers. Let them bond, laugh, cry, love and hate one another; for the Texan, she could give less of a shit.

@Kaykay @penguin055 @CrunchyCHEEZIT @LuckycoolHawk9 @Josh M @Atomyk @Gummi Bunnies @Jeremi @BarrenThin@RightStructure @thatguyinthestore

" Eevee, it is the official name of the fox-like creature you are holding in your arms," he simply replied.

Connor assumed that the noise that the creature made was his confirmation.

@Crow @Lissamel @Midnight Maiden @Nater Taters

"Oooh, so that's an Eevee," Ben says. He remembers Deadpool briefly mentioning the name 'Eevee'. "I guess I still have a lot to learn about Buddy over here. Don't I, pal?"

"Skree-ee-ee!" Buddy squeals in response.

@Crow @LuckycoolHawk9 @Lissamel @Midnight Maiden @Nater Taters
Connor tried his best to not sound condescending... too bad he failed miserably. " Yes, that is an Eevee, I am going to guess he doesn't naturally exist where you come from."

It was kind of like the woman who had vanished on him.

"Oooh, so that's an Eevee," Ben says. He remembers Deadpool briefly mentioning the name 'Eevee'. "I guess I still have a lot to learn about Buddy over here. Don't I, pal?"

"Skree-ee-ee!" Buddy squeals in response.

@Crow @LuckycoolHawk9 @Lissamel @Midnight Maiden @Nater Taters

@Midnight Maiden

Zarya had been busy tinkering with her particle cannon when it seemed her group headed over to a strange, blue portal. Zarya finished her tinkering and looked up and noticed she was by herself. She frowned as she stood to her feet and noticed the group nearby. She lumbered over and noticed Buddy was in the arms of a newcomer, once again, it was a kid, but a fairly older kid. Zarya could'nt help but smirk at the scene in front of her.

"It seems like that...Pokemon has taking a liking to you comrade, consider that a good thing." She stopped in front of Ben and extended her hand to him.

"I don't think we've meet before, but seeing as we'll probably be working together, it's probably best we actually know each other's names, I'm Zarya." She said
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