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Eygon of Carim @Left Place
@MetalNova @Takumi
"You're gonna fall."
Eygon stopped cleaning the lamp and looked over his shoulder.

"...Do you seriously think I'm that clumsy?"

The bench made creaking noises. He quickly stepped off of the bench and turned around.


Luckily, he had finished removing the dust from the lamp when he stepped off of the bench. If he stood on that bench for any longer, it might have broken down.
For now, she went to take a closer look at the pendant.
Azuma seemed to be examining the pendant. Before he could inquire about it, Shion approached. Eygon spoke to the young adult in his typical condescending manner.

"You've decided to leave the herd, have you? How very quaint. Here I was thinking that you were all worthless sheep..."

By, 'herd', he was referring to the clusters of people at the other locations of interest. Eygon didn't notice that Shion was a new arrival, however. Shion had chosen to investigate the left structures before going elsewhere, effectively invalidating Eygon's hasty assumption.
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It had been 10 years since Frisk had freed all of the monsters from the Underground; they have since grown to be a fine young adult, as well as the ambassador of monsterkind. Chara, a ghost child who stuck by Frisk's side since they first fell all those years ago, was sitting in the attic of their home, looking at old photographs. In one of them, a couple of goat-like monsters were smiling brightly.

* ...I miss you guys so much...I wish the ambassador would let me see you. Who cares if you've "moved on" or whatever.

They put the photo down, wiping away the tears that have started forming.

* I have a physical form now...I can talk to you, and hug you...we could be a family again...even if...even if Asriel isn't here anymore.

They continue to sit there and seemingly dissociates, spacing out and staring at the photos. Not long after however, they snap back to reality, and toss the pictures away into a pile of junk behind them.

* Pfft, yeah right...as if that'll ever happen~!

Standing up, Chara looks around the attic then turns their attention to the hatch on the ground leading to the living room of the house. It's not locked...not like a lock could stop them anyway, being a ghost and all. They head over to the hatch and crouch down next to it, placing an ear to the ground and listening intensively. Three voices...yeah, it's definitely them. Chara already knew that though, as it's the reason why they're hiding in the attic in the first place. Sitting back up, they ponder on what they should do now.

* Hmmm...it's probably going to be a while before they leave...maybe I'll take a nap in the meantime.

In a corner of the attic there is a small, neatly kept bed. A perfect size for the 12 year old ghost child. They stand up and walk over to the bed, laying down on top of it and closing their eyes; not bothering to go under the covers. Then slowly...they start drifting off to sleep...


...Until suddenly, they found themself being hurled through some sort of space! Luckily, they were able to steady themself. Being a ghost definitely had its quirks. They were unsure how long they've been in this strange space, and had no idea where they were going...if they were even going anywhere. It's hard to tell, seeing as whichever direction they looked, they only saw an infinite sea of pitch black nothingness. Eventually...they came to a sudden stop, faceplanting into the cold, hard surface of...where is this?

* Well...that certainly could have gone better...

Standing up and peering around, they notice that they're not the only one here, as other people's voices can be heard from the left, right, and infront of them. Looking to the left, they can make out what appears to be a bench. There was also some sort of pole with light emanating from the top. Probably a lamppost. Noticing three other people near the structures, Chara decided to head over.


@left structure @york @Otto @MetalNova @Takumi
  • Bucket of Rainbows
Reactions: Husk
"Damn, guess kids really are moving away from the classics... next thing you'll know, no one'll remember who Jean-Claude Van Damme was."

Cage cocked a brow at the strange creature who stood before him, trying to make sense of its cat-like appearance before shrugging and taking it in stride with a smile. Not like he hadn't seen weirder people running around before. D'Vorah still gave him the heebee-jeebees. "Well, if you've got any idea of how to make it work, you mind sharing it, kid?" The actor responded before giving her a thumbs-up, "Seems like you've at least got an idea of what's going on, so at the moment, you're our best means of getting home."

Blaze was quite happily surprised to see her confidence be recognized; happy enough to flash Johnny a rare smile before moving on.

_Blaze 15.png

"Thank you. I do have experience with the matter...and suffice to say, it doesn't look pretty. But surely, you need not hear it from me. The ground we walk upon holds no shape, no colour, no texture. Nor does the sky, for as far as the eye can see," Blaze eagerly elaborated.

_Blaze 9.png

"I know the signs all too well. We've found ourselves trapped within a space in-between worlds; or where two worlds collapsed into one another; with no way-"

_Blaze 18.png

Yet suddenly in a dim flash of light, six prismatic gems appeared around their guardian, and floated towards the flickering blue light. "The Sol Emeralds are...?" Blaze gasped in shock, and watched as the Emeralds orbited around the blue light; their energies tugging on it, trying to stretch it out with six invisible hands, "They are...trying to open it? But it's no use. Without the seventh, they cannot properly channel their energy, and too much of it is lost," the princess continued, "At the very least, we now know this is our exit,"
With that, he turned and looked at the other areas, a pondering expression on his mug. Now, if he was in Outrealm and came upon a door in Kotal Kahn's palace that couldn't be opened... "You think one of those structures nearby have something to do with it?" He asked the cat-woman abruptly, "Seems like they would at least have a way of opening this thing from this side, and messing with those things seems the likely way to do it."

@The Myrmidon @Midnight Maiden @Takumi @thatguyinthestore @Yang Lee @Yun Lee @Voidwarrior @york @Blue_Light
Blaze glanced in the direction of both structures in question, and took a brief moment to consider Cage's words.

_Blaze 6.png

"Hmmm...you may be onto something. Those structures appear to be the only remnants left of whatever worlds met their end here, so perhaps they are something of significance," Blaze admitted, "But which shall we investigate first?"

"Oh, and, call me Blaze; Blaze the Cat,"

@The Myrmidon @Midnight Maiden @york

@thatguyinthestore @Yang Lee @Yun Lee @Lissamel @Voidwarrior @Takumi @Blue_Light

Unfortunately, it seemed that the holy, while it worked, did not seem to light up the area very much at all... However, it was less to do with the spell, more to do with the thick darkness that seemed to choke this void.

Perhaps there was another way to lift it?​
Prologue-Out of the Frying Pan, into the Fryer

It wasn't as if this experience was a new one to Noembelu. She had felt something similar before, long ago. She didn't like to think of that time much at all, but she couldn't help it, considering how familiar the feeling was.

As she opened her eyes, she noticed one difference. She wasn't in a white room. It was an odd room, instead. Black and gray...something out of a weird dream. She also wasn't restrained either-she remembered how tight the straps had been, holding her as Little Eagle had cried, screamed, begged to go home, begged for it to all stop. But it never stopped, and eventually Little Eagle stopped screaming.

That very moment, Noembelu was born.

Noembelu was not a person like Little Eagle had been. Little Eagle had been a very sweet girl. Quiet. Calm. Active. She could run faster and climb higher than anyone in her tribe. She grew vegetables that could taste amazing, and could tell with a single sniff what spices would be perfect to add to food. Little Eagle had hopes amd dreams and ambitions and was full of happiness and love and optimism.

Noembelu had none of that. Noembelu was, to put it simply, a demon. She inhabited Little Eagle's body, keeping Little Eagle locked away from everyone. That joy, love, happiness, all of that died the day Little Eagle did. Noembelu was a killing machine, answering only to Lord Bison. There was never a question of his commands. Little Eagle had questioned. "Why? Why are you doing this?" Those questions had always gone unanswered. Noembelu always did as she was told, and never asked why.

She knew it upset him that Little Eagle was dead. She had tried telling him so. Every time, anyone called her Little Eagle, she had to tell them, "Little Eagle is dead. I'm Noembelu." The other girls, they could all move on easier. They were themselves again. Noembelu envied them, really. But what could she do? She had yet to atone for anything she'd done, any lives she'd taken. That was why she was still Noembelu. She couldn't be Little Eagle anymore, after all she'd done.

In the end, that was her undoing. They told her to go meet Karin Kanzuki. Noembelu never asked why, she just went. She got on a plane to Japan and was about to meet Karin before suddenly being pulled away-just like Little Eagle had been all those years ago.

And now she was awake, staring right at someone she'd mistreated. She didn't even know his name, all she knew was that he was someone she'd attacked. And they were here together.

"Oh, thank God! Little Eagle! I was worried I wouldn't get dinner-um, that you were hurt."



"My name is Noembelu."

"Uh...okay then." He looked around. "Any idea where we are, Noembelu?"


"Great." He sighed. "Well, we gotta get you back soon, or Lady Karin will put me out on the street. Heck, we-hey! Where you goin'?!"

Noembelu started walking away, to look around. She would approach a blonde girl who looked rational. And quiet. "Do you know where we are?" She asked.
@Minerva @LuckycoolHawk9


"Just my luck." Of course, the girl he's to protect up and walks away! Could this day get worse? Birdie hoped not.

But wait! What was that, off to the distance. Was it his imagination, or was it...

"PORTUGUESE SWEET BREAD!!!" And some blue...badger was trying to nab it! Hell no! Birdie used his chains to pull the 'sweet bread' to him, away from Sonic. "OI! Hands off, Badger!!"

@Yang Lee @thatguyinthestore @Archmage Jeremiah
Seeing it not have the intended effect, Rosa wouldn't attempt to cast Holy again. She bowed her head slightly. She saw Noembelu approach, and she looked up. "No, I don't know where we are. I'm sorry." She straightened herself up. "I'm Rosa, queen of Baron." She introduced herself.

@LuckycoolHawk9 @anyone
The first to come to the orb was a lavender colored creature covered in fur, this was, of course, Blaze, "Now um, hi there. I have no idea what a 'badnik'...or what a nik is period, I promise I'm quite a good core!"

Before anything else could be spoken, a fast ball of blue came crashing towards his direction, "Oh, no! No! Somebody help meeee!"

@thatguyinthestore @Archmage Jeremiah @Yun Lee
Oh shit. Sonic saw what was really happening here and backed off of the poor robot.

"Oh geez! Sorry man, I thought you were one of Eggman's mindless drones for a second. What's your name, anyways?" Sonic asked with a friendly and welcoming smile.

"PORTUGUESE SWEET BREAD!!!" And some blue...badger was trying to nab it! Hell no! Birdie used his chains to pull the 'sweet bread' to him, away from Sonic. "OI! Hands off, Badger!!"

@Yang Lee @thatguyinthestore @Archmage Jeremiah

Whenever Sonic was through dealing with Wheatley, he turned to Birdie. Whenever Birdie called him a badger, Sonic let out an annoyed sigh before facepalming so hard that his hand might as well have went through his face.

"Ugh.... okay listen. I'm not a badger, or a rat, or a needlemouse, or whatever other rodent you can think of. I'm a hedgehog. Got it?"

@Yun Lee @Yang Lee @Archmage Jeremiah @The Myrmidon @Lissamel @Light Crew​
Last Breaths in the Wild

The darkest age in Hyrule's history was about to come to a close. As she stood atop her mighty Divine Beast, Vah Ruta, Mipha gazed down across the landscape below. To her right she saw her kingdom. She knew that her brother was there, standing guard, taking good care of the Zora people. She trusted her brother, yet still she worried.

Not for Prince Sidon of the Zora, but for the Hylian Champion Link. She shifted her gaze towards Hyrule Castle. She may not have been able to see him with her own eyes, but she knew Link would soon head into the castle and take on the Calamity Ganon. She offered a quick prayer to the goddesses, then set a hand on the Divine Beast her spirit stood upon.


"Link, it is time to fight Calamity Ganon. Vah Ruta and I are here for you. We shall help in your fight, and I hope that my grace shall keep you protected no matter what may come. Link..."

"I love you," she wished to add, but kept in her own heart, "so please come out of this fight alive. Your courage is strong. Just don't let it blind your path."

Back at Zora's Domain, Sidon would stand on the bridge leading to Zora's Domain, along with the other Zoras, staring in the direction of Hyrule Castle as well.


"Go for it, Link! We are all rooting for you!" Sidon would yell out into the rain as he and the other Zoras would cheer out for Link.

Maybe except Muzu, who offered a silent prayer instead.​

Standing before Lady Impa of Kakariko Village, Champian Link would declare he had freed the Divine Beasts, weakening Ganon. A look of hope glimmered in the elder's eyes as she looked upon the lad, urging him to finish his mission once and for all.

"Though Ganon's power is weak, I do not know how much longer the princess will be able to hold out. You should have everything you need, Link. The princess... our Zelda... I leave her life in your hands."


"I won't fail," Link replied, his voice strong and full of resolve. The old woman would nod in reply, seeming confident in the boy, but worried all the same.

"Even with the blessings of the Divine Beasts on your side, you must be careful. Calamity Ganon will be well protected. Be prepared for anything!"

Nodding, Link departed from the woman's home, making his made his way out into the world after mounting his horse. He started on the path for Hyrule Castle, cracking his companions reins with a spirited vigor. The sooner he made it to the castle and stopped Ganon, the sooner he could free the princess-- no, everyone.

The cool winds of night tossed Link's sandy blond hair back as he felt his horse gallop down the dirt path, his hooves kicking up dirt. Other than the heavy breathing of his horse, the champion would hear nothing but the sounds of crickets chirping in the wide open fields.

His journey would take him over Kakariko Bridge, past Dueling Peaks Stable, over Big Twin Bridge, and finally past Dueling Peaks. When he would reach a wide open field and finally be able to see Hyrule Castle in the distance, however, things changed.

His blue eyes narrowing, the champion found himself distracted by a rather familiar, yet frustrating sight he would often see in Hyrule: the blood moon. As it began to rise in the sky, his eyes drifted from his path. Unfocused, he wouldn't realize his horse was about to jolt upward and whinny in distress. Before Link could even try to sooth him, the horse would toss Link off its back. The boy tumbled onto the ground afterwards, grunting as he would reach up to wipe some dirt off his face.

What just happened?

Standing up, the hero drew his Master Sword from his back, quietly searching through the darkness for a threat in the distance.

Unfortunately, a threat would never present itself.

Instead, Link would find himself stricken with a nauseatingly overwhelming dizziness. He groaned, reaching up to touch the side of his head, unable to comprehend what was causing this. He wouldn't stop the sensation and eventually his vision would fade to darkness as he fell unconscious.​

The sight of the blood moon worried Mipha, but she knew that Link had survived many blood moons before. She had watched Link fight hundreds of Calamity Ganon's forces. She felt confident in his abilities.

However, this night was different from the others. The blood moon did not simply respawn monsters and disappear. The moon held its eerie red glow for much longer than a normal night.

Suddenly, Mipha was shocked to find no more presence of Link's spirit. As hard as her heart searched, she found no sign of Link. The Hylian Champion had vanished, and this has truly struck fear into her heart. The hero could not disappear once again.

"Vah Ruta, charge!" Mipha commanded the beast in the direction of the missing Link. The Divine Beast began groaning and producing it's trumpet call. Step by step, the beast moved forward. Eventually, by miracle of Shiekah technology, it climbed down from its mountaintop perch. Vah Ruta began travelling west, towards Hyrule Castle, no doubt drawing the attention of the Zora Prince gazing upon the castle.

The beast charged and charged, pointed towards Hyrule Castle, yet once they became close its pilot vanished. From Mipha's view, the world had gone dark.​

As Sidon stared in anticipation towards the castle, he caught notice of the Divine Beast through the heavy rain, which was making its way towards the castle.

"Is that the Divine Beast Vah Ruta?" "Is it heading for the castle?" "What's going on?" The various murmurs overwhelm the crowd, and Sidon had grown worried for Link, as he had no idea on what was happening. To investigate this, Sidon dived from top of the bridge down all the way to the lake below it, and once done so, he started to swim at an accelerating rate, racing towards Hyrule.

"I'm coming to aid you, Link!"

And as he drew closer and closer, Sidon eventually blacks out too.​

Sometime later, Link would awaken. Surrounded by the blackness and disoriented, the boy would stumble to his feet with a look of confusion on his face. Unsure where he was, it would take him a moment to remember where he had been before blacking out; the blond had been on his way to Hyrule Castle to take on Calamity Ganon.

But this place didn't look like the castle. No, this place didn't even look like anywhere in Hyrule at all. So what what was going on exactly?

The first thought that came to Link's mind was that Ganon had something to do with this. Perhaps this place was an illusion created by his enemy, a last resort to prevent Link from stopping him.

While that thought made sense, one thing was out of place: the people around him. He saw other individuals who didn't look like minions of Ganon or even Hyrulians.

Something was very wrong. Although Link didn't know what it was, he intended to find out. He needed to get back home and finish his duty.​

When Sidon came to, all he saw was darkness, but not the kind of darkness he knew, but some kind of dark space.

Getting up, he looked around, and saw a couple of other people, weirdly varied from what he saw, that had apparently made their way somehow. One person he took note of was Link, who he had not expected. Excited, he ran up to him, and grabbed him by his hand to shake.

"Link! It's great to see you! How goes your journey?!" Sidon was overly ecstatic, despite their current location.​

Sidon's naturally excited voice roused Mipha from the black void of unconsciousness. As she rose to wakefulness, she noticed an odd sensation. A sensation she had not felt for over a century had resurfaced. Smooth scales covered her body, a body which once more held flesh and blood, and delivered the sense of touch to her consciousness. She could feel reality once more, whatever reality this dark space brought.

Once more, by some miracle, she had returned to life.

"Sidon... Link..."

Her voice was hoarse, unused for such a long time. Yet still, through cracking and softness, the sweet cadence of her voice poured through, "This is most certainly a joyous occasion. I have returned to life, and you both remain alive. The goddesses have given us another chance, but..."

Mipha groped around in the darkness while her eyes adjusted. To her surprise, her hands found the cool metal of the Lightscale Trident. She used it as a staff to pull herself to her feet and have a look around, noticing the three structures surrounding them.

"...it seems as if we are not in Hyrule anymore. We must find a way home."

Collab With @Klutzy Ninja Kitty and @Bomb
The first to come to the orb was a lavender colored creature covered in fur, this was, of course, Blaze, "Now um, hi there. I have no idea what a 'badnik'...or what a nik is period, I promise I'm quite a good core!"

Before anything else could be spoken, a fast ball of blue came crashing towards his direction, "Oh, no! No! Somebody help meeee!"

@thatguyinthestore @Archmage Jeremiah @Yun Lee

Seeing it not have the intended effect, Rosa wouldn't attempt to cast Holy again. She bowed her head slightly. She saw Noembelu approach, and she looked up. "No, I don't know where we are. I'm sorry." She straightened herself up. "I'm Rosa, queen of Baron." She introduced herself.

@LuckycoolHawk9 @anyone

Oh shit. Sonic saw what was really happening here and backed off of the poor robot.

"Oh geez! Sorry man, I thought you were one of Eggman's mindless drones for a second. What's your name, anyways?" Sonic asked with a friendly and welcoming smile.

Whenever Sonic was through dealing with Wheatley, he turned to Birdie. Whenever Birdie called him a badger, Sonic let out an annoyed sigh before facepalming so hard that his hand might as well have went through his face.

"Ugh.... okay listen. I'm not a badger, or a rat, or a needlemouse, or whatever other rodent you can think of. I'm a hedgehog. Got it?"

@Yun Lee @Yang Lee @Archmage Jeremiah @The Myrmidon @Lissamel @Light Crew​

"Noembelu. No need to apologize." Noembelu looked around the void, noticing people milling about around objects. "Where is Baron?"
@Minerva @LuckycoolHawk9


"I don't give two shits what you are, hands off my bread!" Birdie held Wheatley in his arms, inspecting him. "Oi...where's the bread?!"
@Yang Lee @thatguyinthestore @Archmage Jeremiah

Blaze was quite happily surprised to see her confidence be recognized; happy enough to flash Johnny a rare smile before moving on.

View attachment 134018

"Thank you. I do have experience with the matter...and suffice to say, it doesn't look pretty. But surely, you need not hear it from me. The ground we walk upon holds no shape, no colour, no texture. Nor does the sky, for as far as the eye can see," Blaze eagerly elaborated.

View attachment 134023

"I know the signs all too well. We've found ourselves trapped within a space in-between worlds; or where two worlds collapsed into one another; with no way-"

View attachment 134026

Yet suddenly in a dim flash of light, six prismatic gems appeared around their guardian, and floated towards the flickering blue light. "The Sol Emeralds are...?" Blaze gasped in shock, and watched as the Emeralds orbited around the blue light; their energies tugging on it, trying to stretch it out with six invisible hands, "They are...trying to open it? But it's no use. Without the seventh, they cannot properly channel their energy, and too much of it is lost," the princess continued, "At the very least, we now know this is our exit,"

Blaze glanced in the direction of both structures in question, and took a brief moment to consider Cage's words.

View attachment 134028

"Hmmm...you may be onto something. Those structures appear to be the only remnants left of whatever worlds met their end here, so perhaps they are something of significance," Blaze admitted, "But which shall we investigate first?"

"Oh, and, call me Blaze; Blaze the Cat,"

@The Myrmidon @Midnight Maiden @york

@thatguyinthestore @Yang Lee @Yun Lee @Lissamel @Voidwarrior @Takumi @Blue_Light

"So you are a cat?" Johnny responded with a smile before nodding, glad to have some sort of answer for what exactly she was, "Anyways, like I said, name's Johnny Cage, kid." He then turned thoughtful for a moment before scowling, "Where two worlds collapsed, huh...? Sounds like Mortal Kombat isn't just limited to Earthrealm and Outworld, and it can go a lot worse than what happened there..." Sometimes, the martial artist really felt his age catching up with him, and the times he remembered the tournament from over twenty years beforehand was when he felt the most ancient. To think that he had been a guardian for that long, that Liu Kang and Kitana had been wraiths all that time... that he had met Sonya then instead of now when their marriage was coming back together.

After a sigh of exhaustion, the actor went back to smiling that cheesy grin of his as he began to walk towards the structure on the left, waving a hand for Blaze and the others to follow, "Come on, lets forget the portal for a little bit. Not like it's going to open if we just sit on our ass around it."

@Yun Lee @Yang Lee @Archmage Jeremiah @The Myrmidon @Lissamel @Light Crew​
"Noembelu. No need to apologize." Noembelu looked around the void, noticing people milling about around objects. "Where is Baron?"
@Minerva @LuckycoolHawk9


"I don't give two shits what you are, hands off my bread!" Birdie held Wheatley in his arms, inspecting him. "Oi...where's the bread?!"
@Yang Lee @thatguyinthestore @Archmage Jeremiah

"Uhm... that's not bread. That's a robot. And I already apologized to it." Sonic said with yet another sigh before attempting to crack another smile. "Look, I think we got off on the wrong foot." The hedgehog said before extending a hand to Birdie for a handshake. "I'm Sonic! Sonic the Hedgehog."

@Yun Lee
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Last Breaths in the Wild

The darkest age in Hyrule's history was about to come to a close. As she stood atop her mighty Divine Beast, Vah Ruta, Mipha gazed down across the landscape below. To her right she saw her kingdom. She knew that her brother was there, standing guard, taking good care of the Zora people. She trusted her brother, yet still she worried.

Not for Prince Sidon of the Zora, but for the Hylian Champion Link. She shifted her gaze towards Hyrule Castle. She may not have been able to see him with her own eyes, but she knew Link would soon head into the castle and take on the Calamity Ganon. She offered a quick prayer to the goddesses, then set a hand on the Divine Beast her spirit stood upon.


"Link, it is time to fight Calamity Ganon. Vah Ruta and I are here for you. We shall help in your fight, and I hope that my grace shall keep you protected no matter what may come. Link..."

"I love you," she wished to add, but kept in her own heart, "so please come out of this fight alive. Your courage is strong. Just don't let it blind your path."

Back at Zora's Domain, Sidon would stand on the bridge leading to Zora's Domain, along with the other Zoras, staring in the direction of Hyrule Castle as well.


"Go for it, Link! We are all rooting for you!" Sidon would yell out into the rain as he and the other Zoras would cheer out for Link.

Maybe except Muzu, who offered a silent prayer instead.​

Standing before Lady Impa of Kakariko Village, Champian Link would declare he had freed the Divine Beasts, weakening Ganon. A look of hope glimmered in the elder's eyes as she looked upon the lad, urging him to finish his mission once and for all.

"Though Ganon's power is weak, I do not know how much longer the princess will be able to hold out. You should have everything you need, Link. The princess... our Zelda... I leave her life in your hands."


"I won't fail," Link replied, his voice strong and full of resolve. The old woman would nod in reply, seeming confident in the boy, but worried all the same.

"Even with the blessings of the Divine Beasts on your side, you must be careful. Calamity Ganon will be well protected. Be prepared for anything!"

Nodding, Link departed from the woman's home, making his made his way out into the world after mounting his horse. He started on the path for Hyrule Castle, cracking his companions reins with a spirited vigor. The sooner he made it to the castle and stopped Ganon, the sooner he could free the princess-- no, everyone.

The cool winds of night tossed Link's sandy blond hair back as he felt his horse gallop down the dirt path, his hooves kicking up dirt. Other than the heavy breathing of his horse, the champion would hear nothing but the sounds of crickets chirping in the wide open fields.

His journey would take him over Kakariko Bridge, past Dueling Peaks Stable, over Big Twin Bridge, and finally past Dueling Peaks. When he would reach a wide open field and finally be able to see Hyrule Castle in the distance, however, things changed.

His blue eyes narrowing, the champion found himself distracted by a rather familiar, yet frustrating sight he would often see in Hyrule: the blood moon. As it began to rise in the sky, his eyes drifted from his path. Unfocused, he wouldn't realize his horse was about to jolt upward and whinny in distress. Before Link could even try to sooth him, the horse would toss Link off its back. The boy tumbled onto the ground afterwards, grunting as he would reach up to wipe some dirt off his face.

What just happened?

Standing up, the hero drew his Master Sword from his back, quietly searching through the darkness for a threat in the distance.

Unfortunately, a threat would never present itself.

Instead, Link would find himself stricken with a nauseatingly overwhelming dizziness. He groaned, reaching up to touch the side of his head, unable to comprehend what was causing this. He wouldn't stop the sensation and eventually his vision would fade to darkness as he fell unconscious.​

The sight of the blood moon worried Mipha, but she knew that Link had survived many blood moons before. She had watched Link fight hundreds of Calamity Ganon's forces. She felt confident in his abilities.

However, this night was different from the others. The blood moon did not simply respawn monsters and disappear. The moon held its eerie red glow for much longer than a normal night.

Suddenly, Mipha was shocked to find no more presence of Link's spirit. As hard as her heart searched, she found no sign of Link. The Hylian Champion had vanished, and this has truly struck fear into her heart. The hero could not disappear once again.

"Vah Ruta, charge!" Mipha commanded the beast in the direction of the missing Link. The Divine Beast began groaning and producing it's trumpet call. Step by step, the beast moved forward. Eventually, by miracle of Shiekah technology, it climbed down from its mountaintop perch. Vah Ruta began travelling west, towards Hyrule Castle, no doubt drawing the attention of the Zora Prince gazing upon the castle.

The beast charged and charged, pointed towards Hyrule Castle, yet once they became close its pilot vanished. From Mipha's view, the world had gone dark.​

As Sidon stared in anticipation towards the castle, he caught notice of the Divine Beast through the heavy rain, which was making its way towards the castle.

"Is that the Divine Beast Vah Ruta?" "Is it heading for the castle?" "What's going on?" The various murmurs overwhelm the crowd, and Sidon had grown worried for Link, as he had no idea on what was happening. To investigate this, Sidon dived from top of the bridge down all the way to the lake below it, and once done so, he started to swim at an accelerating rate, racing towards Hyrule.

"I'm coming to aid you, Link!"

And as he drew closer and closer, Sidon eventually blacks out too.​

Sometime later, Link would awaken. Surrounded by the blackness and disoriented, the boy would stumble to his feet with a look of confusion on his face. Unsure where he was, it would take him a moment to remember where he had been before blacking out; the blond had been on his way to Hyrule Castle to take on Calamity Ganon.

But this place didn't look like the castle. No, this place didn't even look like anywhere in Hyrule at all. So what what was going on exactly?

The first thought that came to Link's mind was that Ganon had something to do with this. Perhaps this place was an illusion created by his enemy, a last resort to prevent Link from stopping him.

While that thought made sense, one thing was out of place: the people around him. He saw other individuals who didn't look like minions of Ganon or even Hyrulians.

Something was very wrong. Although Link didn't know what it was, he intended to find out. He needed to get back home and finish his duty.​

When Sidon came to, all he saw was darkness, but not the kind of darkness he knew, but some kind of dark space.

Getting up, he looked around, and saw a couple of other people, weirdly varied from what he saw, that had apparently made their way somehow. One person he took note of was Link, who he had not expected. Excited, he ran up to him, and grabbed him by his hand to shake.

"Link! It's great to see you! How goes your journey?!" Sidon was overly ecstatic, despite their current location.​

Sidon's naturally excited voice roused Mipha from the black void of unconsciousness. As she rose to wakefulness, she noticed an odd sensation. A sensation she had not felt for over a century had resurfaced. Smooth scales covered her body, a body which once more held flesh and blood, and delivered the sense of touch to her consciousness. She could feel reality once more, whatever reality this dark space brought.

Once more, by some miracle, she had returned to life.

"Sidon... Link..."

Her voice was hoarse, unused for such a long time. Yet still, through cracking and softness, the sweet cadence of her voice poured through, "This is most certainly a joyous occasion. I have returned to life, and you both remain alive. The goddesses have given us another chance, but..."

Mipha groped around in the darkness while her eyes adjusted. To her surprise, her hands found the cool metal of the Lightscale Trident. She used it as a staff to pull herself to her feet and have a look around, noticing the three structures surrounding them.

"...it seems as if we are not in Hyrule anymore. We must find a way home."

Collab With @Klutzy Ninja Kitty and @Bomb

Scan Complete.

A greenish-yellow light flashed over Sidon and Mipha while an automated voice spoke those words. These were the first words that the trio would hear. When they turned to the source of the voice, they would notice that the light and voice originated from a watch-like construct.

The one who wielded it - Ben Tennyson.

"New alien huh? Sweet! Wonder what this guy can do- but now's not a good time. Oh, speaking of time," Ben turns to Deadpool, "it's 2:15pm, back at my home anyways. We're dealing with time-related issues so I doubt this is accurate."

Ben would approach Sidon, Mipha and the Hero Link.


"Sorry if that startled you. The Omnitrix tends to do that a lot these days... gets a little annoying sometimes," Ben says to the trio, before preparing to shake their hands. "My name's Ben, Ben Tennyson."


@Gwazi Magnum @Bomb @Mason Moretti @Klutzy Ninja Kitty
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It was almost beginning to feel like the crowd from before were just migrating over here now. It was a bit of an uproar, but not the least bit as bad as the streets of Minrathos could be. Still, all who happened to wander by in their stupor seemed to be in the same state of confusion, so it was probably long past due to do as A2 asked and light the lamp. Really, it was so simple, and perhaps then they could actually get a move on.

... Except, someone had been so kind to do it before Dorian could even make the effort, leaving him out of making any sort of grand display.


"Before you know it, we'll be having to light a series of lamps in a patterned order, just you wait." Dorian didn't even bother to hide his pouting expression.

@Kaykay @penguin055 @CrunchyCHEEZIT @LuckycoolHawk9 @Josh M @Jeremi @Gummi Bunnies @york @RightStructure

"I certainly hope not."

Seisa turned her head for a moment while still holding the lamp.
"I believe that they are trustworthy people, considering that they are all in the same situation, and conspiring against one another would only lead to them sinking the boat they stand on."

"Am I correct?"
"I believe in your ability to judge others' character."

She didn't seem too interested in actually asserting her trustworthiness, or lack thereof. Though at least she didn't seem combative or anything.
Channeling fire to her hand, Selene could help but giggle at Dorian's expression. What could she say? She liked his flare. Walking to the lamp, she ignored the little girl and her "killing art" as she turned back to Dorian as she was going to lite the lamp.
"Now Dorian, let's put things in perspective. It could be worse. It could be a series "pressure plates" that we all need to stand. Now that would be a pain."
Selene was never a fan of those. It felt for that was the main gimmick for most temples for two whole centuries.
@Kaykay @penguin055 @CrunchyCHEEZIT @LuckycoolHawk9 @Atomyk @Jeremi @Gummi Bunnies @york @RightStructure
While Seisa hardly minded being ignored given she'd already done the same to them earlier, she didn't exactly want fire thrown anywhere near her direction by some unknown when she was already lighting it herself.


"Thank you for your assistance, though it is completely unnecessary at this point."

@CrunchyCHEEZIT @penguin055 @Atomyk @LuckycoolHawk9 @Josh M @Jeremi @Gummi Bunnies @york @RightStructure​
Spacial Rend

"The two beings wished, and from them, matter came to be. The three living things wished, and from them, spirit came to be. The world created, the Original One took to unyielding sleep..."

Serena closed the book. Shadows from the campfire crackled around her face as she smiled, looking back up at her friends. "That's what the book says, anyway!"

"Nice story," Came Ash's reply as he slightly leaned back on his hands. "Kinda reminds me of this region I went to a long time ago. I think it's one of their myths. About Arceus, and Dialga, Palkia..."

"Ooooh, man!" The smallest of the group gave a childish sort of huff, crossing her arms. Her cheeks puffed out, face going into a pout. "You always get to go on such cool adventures, Ash! When do I get to go to new places!?"

"W-well, Bonnie, we have been traveling all over the Kalos region--"

"Oh--That doesn't count, and you know it! I wanna go to new regions, like Ash does!"

Ash couldn't help but laugh a bit at Bonnie's insistence, and he shook his head. "It is lots of fun! But I have to keep leaving my friends behind, too. Misty, Max, Dawn, Brock, Cilan..." With a small cry of pika-pika!, Ash's Pikachu hopped up onto his shoulder, snuggling against his cheek in an attempt to comfort him. That made him smile, reaching up and petting between Pikachu's ears. "But hey, I always have you, Pikachu! Isn't that right?"


Everybody sort of laughed, and then all was quiet again. It really was getting pretty late. The group's other Pokemon--Bunnelby, Dedenne, Chespin, Fennekin, the rest--Were all curled up in a little pile. Bonnie let out a yawn, and her older brother, Clemont, reached out and affectionately ruffled her hair. "C'mon, Bonnie, let's get you to bed."

"Awww, but I'm not even sleeeeeepy!"

"Hey, come on!" Serena tucked the book under her arm, walking up beside Bonnie before coming down onto her haunches to be at eye level with the child. "You can share my tent tonight! I might just have some extra sweets for you~"

The promise of late-night snacks made Bonnie's eyes shine, and she hopped up, gleefully nodding. She bid Dedenne goodnight before following Serena back to her tent, barely hearing her brother's cry of "D-don't eat too many!", so wrapped up in her joy. Clemont let out a bit of a sigh, shoulders falling. Just like her. Always ignoring him. He stood up, pausing to rock on his feet and stretch before turning away from the campsite and the tents.

Ash let out a yawn of his own, rubbing at his face before he stood up too, pausing with a small 'hm' as he noticed Clemont. "Hey, Clemont? Aren't you going to bed too?"

"Huh?" He turned around, slightly startled, before letting out an embarrassed laugh. "No, not yet. I wanted to do some tune-ups on my latest invention before I show it to all of you tomorrow. This time, it won't explode, I promise!"

That made Ash laugh in slight disbelief. An invention of Clemont's that didn't explode? He'd believe that when he won a Pokemon league. "Well, good luck!" He said, waving before turning around and going into his own tent.

Now alone, Clemont let out a breath. He walked a bit away from the campsite (in case anyone were to wake up--He didn't want anyone getting sneak peeks at his latest invention!) before sitting back down on the ground. He took off his backpack and opened it, rifling through until he came up with his latest invention: The Astonishing Clemont Project-Your-Memories-Onto-The-Wall Helmet! It read and translated the electrical impulses in the brain, plus minute psychic energies, in order to make a physical picture of any memory the wearer had! But it had to work for more than a couple minutes! He put his backpack back on, poking out his tongue a bit as he observed the helmet from every possible angle. No, that part looked tight enough...And that was all screwed on...Not to mention that, and...



Clemont reached a hand up, rubbing his eyes. Something was stinging at his vision. His body felt heavy. He adjusted his glasses, looking around...The ground didn't feel like ground, it felt like clay...His heart fluttered. W-was another Malamar nearby!? He didn't really trust Malamar anymore, not since...But he couldn't see any. Then again, he...He wasn't so sure how much he could see...

The invention fell from his hands.

Clemont, too, was falling.


When he came to, he had the numb taste of sleep in his mouth. "...Oh, boy..." He mumbled before opening his eyes. This...Wasn't the campsite. Or anywhere near it for that matter. This was a structureless mass of gray. Gray, and a lot of voices he didn't know, and many people he could see. Clemont swallowed hard, adjusting his glasses, rising to his feet...And visibly afraid.


"Wh-where am I...?"

Bad. Bad, bad, bad. He wasn't sure how he got here, much less where here was. Nobody looked familiar, either--At least when Ash told the story about the mirror dimension in the Reflection Cave, he said that there were versions of himself, and Bonnie, and Serena, and even Team Rocket too. This had to be something entirely new...And with his Pokemon still asleep at the campsite, Clemont was suddenly feeling very defenseless.

...Or maybe there was one thing familiar, if he was hearing right. Something near that blue light. It was just some distance away, not too far. Maybe then he could see what was going on around here...If he was hearing right, anyway.

"H-hey, don't le-leave me all alone over there..." He said, sounding rather pathetic as he hurried to catch up with them.

Some gym leader he was. Defenseless and scared.

[ @Crow @Midnight Maiden @The Myrmidon @thatguyinthestore @Yang Lee @Takumi @Voidwarrior @Yun Lee @york @anybody else I happened to miss @Blue LIGHT ]​

"Skree-ee-ee!" Buddy smiles in delight as he was being petted by the visor-donning human. It appeared that this human was not as cold as he seemed, as his hands felt warm.

"Skree-ee-eee!" The little Eevee pointed to his human companion with a smile - a boy donning green and sporting clean-cut brunette hair.

"Skree?" Buddy's actions were interrupted by a very panicky bespectacled human approaching him and the visor-donning human. This bespectacled human gave a feeling of harmlessness, maybe a little too harmless, one might say.

@Lissamel @Midnight Maiden


Wes was momentarily distracted from his affectionate and gentle display by the abrupt approach of a young, pathetic-looking blonde boy that seemed more suited for some kindergarten science fair ad than a field of complete darkness, broken only by a few dim light sources. Of course, as he rose to his feet and regarded the boy with once again harsh eyes, Rui seemed to inch closer to him again with some worry before noticing the Eevee and becoming entranced. "Awww... Where'd this little guy come from?" she asked, immediately going to shower the Pokemon with affection, before something seemed to occur to her, and she shot Wes a look over her shoulder.


"...Wes, you didn't--..."

"Of course not," Wes snapped, preemptively, scowling at what he knew Rui was about to inquire of him. Which, only led to the girl's features softening with a small, regretful sigh. "...Look, I'm sorry, Wes... I didn't mean--" Once again, she wasn't allowed to finish her sentence to the end, Wes abruptly addressing the new kid with a serious tone. "Any clue how you got here, kid?" With a somewhat sorrowful look, Rui let out another sigh, absentmindedly petting the Eevee and staring off at nothing in particular as she did.

@Lissamel @Crow
Kara looked around the enclosure and decided who she should interact. Despite the somewhat dim lighting, she could at least mostly make out faces. She also could hear fine. " Hello, Rosa. I'm Kara Danvers. I'm a reporter- well, ex-reporter." Kara did wonder what or where Baron was, but someone beat her to the punchline. " Do you think we should go investigate anything around here?" She asked.

@Minerva @Yun Lee

Connor arched an eyebrow, getting more and more confused by each passing thing that happened. A woman set a lamp on fire. Another man had used- what the hell was this place? " So, do you any of us know where we are? I'm Connor Walsh," he said, running his hand through his hair, hoping someone answered him.

@CrunchyCHEEZIT @penguin055 @Atomyk @Kaykay @Josh M @Jeremi @Gummi Bunnies @york @RightStructure
"So you are a cat?" Johnny responded with a smile before nodding, glad to have some sort of answer for what exactly she was, "Anyways, like I said, name's Johnny Cage, kid." He then turned thoughtful for a moment before scowling, "Where two worlds collapsed, huh...? Sounds like Mortal Kombat isn't just limited to Earthrealm and Outworld, and it can go a lot worse than what happened there..." Sometimes, the martial artist really felt his age catching up with him, and the times he remembered the tournament from over twenty years beforehand was when he felt the most ancient. To think that he had been a guardian for that long, that Liu Kang and Kitana had been wraiths all that time... that he had met Sonya then instead of now when their marriage was coming back together.

After a sigh of exhaustion, the actor went back to smiling that cheesy grin of his as he began to walk towards the structure on the left, waving a hand for Blaze and the others to follow, "Come on, lets forget the portal for a little bit. Not like it's going to open if we just sit on our ass around it."

@Yun Lee @Yang Lee @Archmage Jeremiah @The Myrmidon @Lissamel @Light Crew​

"Uhm... that's not bread. That's a robot. And I already apologized to it." Sonic said with yet another sigh before attempting to crack another smile. "Look, I think we got off on the wrong foot." The hedgehog said before extending a hand to Birdie for a handshake. "I'm Sonic! Sonic the Hedgehog. And you are?"

@Yun Lee
Blaze nodded, and followed close behind Johnny as he strolled towards the leftmost structure.

_Blaze 4.png

"Well I must say, it's good to meet someone so proactive as you, Johnny Cage. With your help, we should make it out of this mess in no time at all. The Sol Emeralds and I thank you," she said with a respectful bow of her head. Turning the other way and raising her voice, she shouted "Sonic, I'm leaving to investigate the nearby ruins! Stay safe!"

@The Myrmidon @york @thatguyinthestore

@Yang Lee @Yun Lee @Lissamel @Voidwarrior @Takumi @Blue_Light​

"Skree-ee-ee!" Buddy smiles in delight as he was being petted by the visor-donning human. It appeared that this human was not as cold as he seemed, as his hands felt warm.

"Skree-ee-eee!" The little Eevee pointed to his human companion with a smile - a boy donning green and sporting clean-cut brunette hair.

"Skree?" Buddy's actions were interrupted by a very panicky bespectacled human approaching him and the visor-donning human. This bespectacled human gave a feeling of harmlessness, maybe a little too harmless, one might say.

@Lissamel @Midnight Maiden


Wes was momentarily distracted from his affectionate and gentle display by the abrupt approach of a young, pathetic-looking blonde boy that seemed more suited for some kindergarten science fair ad than a field of complete darkness, broken only by a few dim light sources. Of course, as he rose to his feet and regarded the boy with once again harsh eyes, Rui seemed to inch closer to him again with some worry before noticing the Eevee and becoming entranced. "Awww... Where'd this little guy come from?" she asked, immediately going to shower the Pokemon with affection, before something seemed to occur to her, and she shot Wes a look over her shoulder.


"...Wes, you didn't--..."

"Of course not," Wes snapped, preemptively, scowling at what he knew Rui was about to inquire of him. Which, only led to the girl's features softening with a small, regretful sigh. "...Look, I'm sorry, Wes... I didn't mean--" Once again, she wasn't allowed to finish her sentence to the end, Wes abruptly addressing the new kid with a serious tone. "Any clue how you got here, kid?" With a somewhat sorrowful look, Rui let out another sigh, absentmindedly petting the Eevee and staring off at nothing in particular as she did.

@Lissamel @Crow
"...Is that an Eevee?"

Eevee weren't exactly the most common thing in the Kalos region. Maybe they were more common here? Clemont paused to catch his breath before looking at the Pokemon with an interested smile. Was it her Eevee? If it was, he really was glad to see at least something familiar. This place had Pokemon trainers! Maybe they would even know the way back home! ...Hopefully this place wasn't too far away...

His line of almost positive thinking was stopped when a very harsh-looking male addressed him. Urk. Hopefully he wasn't about to be challenged to a battle while defenseless. He didn't want to white out here.

"U-um, well...Actually..."


"...I'm just about as lost as you must be. But, um, maybe if you can help me get back to Lumiose City, I could find the way back from my gym...I'd gl-gladly help you back, too, if you need that."

Clemont swallowed, taking a step back. This guy was not helping to ease his nerves. B-besides, he wasn't that young! He was totally someone worthy of respect. ...Despite lacking a track record to prove that claim.

[ @Midnight Maiden @Crow ]​
Blaze nodded, and followed close behind Johnny as he strolled towards the leftmost structure.

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"Well I must say, it's good to meet someone so proactive as you, Johnny Cage. With your help, we should make it out of this mess in no time at all. The Sol Emeralds and I thank you," she said with a respectful bow of her head. Turning the other way and raising her voice, she shouted "Sonic, I'm leaving to investigate the nearby ruins! Stay safe!"

@The Myrmidon @york @thatguyinthestore

@Yang Lee @Yun Lee @Lissamel @Voidwarrior @Takumi @Blue_Light​
Sonic's ears suddenly perked up upon the mention of the ruins. He was honestly getting awfully bored at this point. Standing in an endless void with virtually nothing to do does get tedious after a bit, after all.

"Hey sorry to cut things short guys, but I'm getting bored just standing here and talking. You two can come with, if ya want." Sonic would look down at Wheatley and shrug. "Well I mean it's not like you don't really have a choice in the matter, little guy." Sonic would run over to Blaze and Johnny after saying this, managing to catch up with the duo in a matter of seconds.


"You really thought that I'd miss an invitation to party like this?" The blue rodent mused before looking up at Johnny with a slight brow quirk. "Oh and I see you've been making some friends." Sonic said before facing Johnny as he continued to run backwards. "Name's Sonic!" He said with a grin as he extended a hand to the actor.

@The Myrmidon @Archmage Jeremiah @Yun Lee @Yang Lee @anyoneelse
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"If there's anything I've learned, there's a really big difference between my mom's recently-bought China and the fabric of time and space," Ben comments. "Well, something tells me that we're going to team up, one way or another, so I'll say this in advanced - good to have you on the team... uh... what did you say your name was again?"

Ben then realised something.

He raised an index finger before a purplish glow emerged from the tip. It was a weak glow that gradually appeared, a glow with the power of a dollar store flashlight with AA batteries, then vanished.

"Not enough. I'm really going to need Heatblast for this," Ben says.
Scan Complete.
A greenish-yellow light flashed over Sidon and Mipha while an automated voice spoke those words. These were the first words that the trio would hear. When they turned to the source of the voice, they would notice that the light and voice originated from a watch-like construct.
The one who wielded it - Ben Tennyson.
"New alien huh? Sweet! Wonder what this guy can do- but now's not a good time. Oh, speaking of time," Ben turns to Deadpool, "it's 2:15pm, back at my home anyways. We're dealing with time-related issues so I doubt this is accurate."
Ben would approach Sidon, Mipha and the Hero Link.

"Sorry if that startled you. The Omnitrix tends to do that a lot these days... gets a little annoying sometimes," Ben says to the trio, before preparing to shake their hands. "My name's Ben, Ben Tennyson."

@Gwazi Magnum @Bomb @Mason Moretti @Klutzy Ninja Kitty
Deadpool simply slapped his hand against Ben's shoulder before stating "You can call me Deadpool kid".

Though the crowd seemed to be growing, as the others were quickly getting distracted by the others appearing. A lot of people to make an impression on. He approached some of the others, and when Ben mentioned the time Deadpool looked at his own invisible watch and said "And in my time it's half past butt fuck nowhere, and several hours past chimichanga time".

And then turning his attention to the new comers he fake blused before exclaiming "Aw shucks! Are we building a fan club!? Please, no pictures! Actually, take all the pictures!".

@Crow @Bomb @Mason Moretti @Klutzy Ninja Kitty
Blaze nodded, and followed close behind Johnny as he strolled towards the leftmost structure.

View attachment 134032

"Well I must say, it's good to meet someone so proactive as you, Johnny Cage. With your help, we should make it out of this mess in no time at all. The Sol Emeralds and I thank you," she said with a respectful bow of her head. Turning the other way and raising her voice, she shouted "Sonic, I'm leaving to investigate the nearby ruins! Stay safe!"

@The Myrmidon @york @thatguyinthestore

@Yang Lee @Yun Lee @Lissamel @Voidwarrior @Takumi @Blue_Light​
"Heh, no problem, Blaze and, uh, Sol Emeralds," Johnny shot back with a nod of his own head, "Though I'd say we're even since you actually seem to know what's going on with this magic stuff. Me, I'm just used to breaking into stuff and bad guys always do stuff like having structures or puzzles open doors."
Sonic's ears suddenly perked up upon the mention of the ruins. He was honestly getting awfully bored at this point. Standing in an endless void with virtually nothing to do does get tedious after a bit, after all.

"Hey sorry to cut things short guys, but I'm getting bored just standing here and talking. You two can come with, if ya want." Sonic would look down at Wheatley and shrug. "Well I mean it's not like you don't really have a choice in the matter, little guy." Sonic would run over to Blaze and Johnny after saying this, managing to catch up with the duo in a matter of seconds.


"You really thought that I'd miss an invitation to party like this?" The blue rodent mused before looking up at Johnny with a slight brow quirk. "Oh and I see you've been making some friends." Sonic said before facing Johnny as he continued to run backwards. "Name's Sonic!" He said before extending a hand to the actor.

@The Myrmidon @Archmage Jeremiah @Yun Lee @Yang Lee @anyoneelse

Cage cocked a brow at the blue creature before smirking with a nod. Seemed like he was some sort of speedster guy along with a cocky attitude to counter Blaze's. For some reason, Johnny was feeling a weird sense of deja vu from the two of them.

"Nice to meet ya, kid. Name's Johnny Cage, and you definitely don't want to miss a party when I'm around," He then looked between the two of them with a curious expression, "So are you a cat like her or something? Actually, now that I think about it, where in the realms are you two from?"

@thatguyinthestore @Archmage Jeremiah @Yun Lee @Yang Lee @anyone else
Alexandra Kalomoira AKA the Huntress

Alexandra was doing a raid on a San Diego Cartel Vault. Her usual routine was to discover where they kept their cash supplies, where they did their money laundering. She then went all out wrecking their facilities and taking their ill earned cash supply. This was not a typical raid. Her victim here was a main drug cartel and this was not her home territory.

She was fairly deep into the money laundering operation when she ran into the legendary Circe, who had a hard almost angry grin on her face.

"The time has come daughter of Aides to suffer for befouling my operations here. "
The ancient sorceress fired off the spell she had prepared for her enemy. Alexandra didn't waist any time trying to foul the sorceress up, firing a Taser bolt from her hand crossbow. The effect of the electricity was telling, indeed screwing up the powerful spell of Circe. It exploded in a spectacular purple firework that started to encompass both of them, the energy of the Taser bolt spreading over the sorceress as well. Alexandra was in her own way, rather acrobatic, getting one more bolt out as the light of the spell went white hot.

In the broiling white miasma of the fouled spell, there was no up, no down, simply round and round every which way. At one point, at the full nauseating strength of the first spell, it was as if a second spell went off. As such, she felt like she was hurled through a second spell, finally landing with a loud thud not far from Kara.


@LuckycoolHawk9 @Minerva

Giorno's polite smirk faltered as Selene delivered her blunt comment. It was more than the rudeness that made Giorno defensive. The boss furrowed his brow towards the woman, countering her malicious smile with a stone-eyed stare. "...Ah, well, I wanted to be polite. It's rude to start a conversation with a flat question."


This woman...she gives off an air of raw power. It feels too familiar, like someone I should know...

Is she a Stand user?

Giorno carried himself with his own air of humble confidence, backed with an unbreakable ambition. His movements and his speech were that of someone who knew he could take on any form of danger and come out successful. Yet he doesn't act like it's mindless bravado or showboating; his resolve makes this ambition fact. He certainly never picked up this attitude from this mother, of all people.

This woman...is something like that. Just from that one phrase alone. In fact, she might even be the source of this attack. Before he could make any assumptions, Giorno would have to gather more info about the situations.

Turning to Dorian, Giorno put his polite smile once again, nodding. "I see. I'm not the only victim to this attack, then? If that's true, then we're all in the same situation," Giorno mused, rubbing his chin in thought. If these people were real and not apart of the supposed elaborate Stand attack this is, then Giorno wouldn't be the only one to experience the bright light? Seemingly ignoring Dorian's question of where he was from, Giorno decided to ask questions. "If you don't mind me asking, did any of you receive a letter before being brought here? Like, a physical piece of paper? I have an idea of where this incident may have come from."

"If not, then that makes this whole thing much more bizarre."

Speaking of bizarre...

Giorno's eyes widened as he was speaking to the group, immediatly turning around at the first word escaping from his underboss' mouth.


Giorno's expression almost instantaneously lightened, becoming a bright smile at the appearance of his most trusted ally. Guido Mista and Giorno Giovanna go way back since the beginning of Giorno's involvement with Passione. The red-hatted gunman was among the first of Bruno's squad to align himself with Giorno, and he showed more friendship then most. Guido was among the few who survived the final conflict towards Diavolo; and since then, he's been Giorno's top assassin and underboss, and his most reliable friend.

As cautious as the boss usually was, he didn't stop to consider why Mista was here. He was just happy that he was here.


"Mista, calm down! How did you end up here?" Giorno questioned, resting a hand on Mista's shoulders as he calmed his ally down. The question regarding a potential Stand attack left his rubbing his chin again. "That's what I've been trying to figure out...though, I believe I have an idea of what happened. I was in my office when the lett--" Giorno paused. Mista would be first to recognize this as Giorno realizing something important. Looking back to the group, he would walk over to Mista and whisper into his ear.

"...Listen. I'm glad you're here, of all people. Whether or not this is a Stand attack, theres a bigger issue at hand. We'll go over it later."

"And, as for these people..."

Giorno looked back to the colorful group of individuals gathered before him and Mista. He noticed the varied clothing among them; one of them looked like some kind of old European wizard, another one looked like some kind of superhero, and one of them even looked like some kind of ninja. As for the woman...she's hardly wearing anything. Isn't she cold...?

Giorno rose his voice, as if he was talking to the group as a whole.


"I believe that they are trustworthy people, considering that they are all in the same situation, and conspiring against one another would only lead to them sinking the boat they stand on."

"Am I correct?"

@Kaykay @penguin055 @Atomyk @LuckycoolHawk9 @Josh M @Jeremi @Gummi Bunnies @york @RightStructure

"Vailed points aside, You are wrong. Trust is only for oneself in events like theses. "

Selene's honest cut into the air like knife into butter. Not looking at the you mob boss, Selene casually leered back to him.

"If you honestly think you can trust anyone here, you're either a naïve fool, or just honorable to a fault. I'm going to guess latter than the former."

The Black Queen stood up, wrapping her cloak around herself, she stared at the two stand users. Smirking, Selene quickly entered and exited the young man's mind. For brief second, Selene was caught off guard. She found something in his mind that in all honest worried her. However, no time for that.

"Don Giorno Giovanna, is it? At your age? As Italy is one of my oldest stomping grounds, this intrigues me. Either the Italian are desperate, or my gut feeling is correct. You're just that powerful."

"I certainly hope not."

Seisa turned her head for a moment while still holding the lamp.

"I believe in your ability to judge others' character."

She didn't seem too interested in actually asserting her trustworthiness, or lack thereof. Though at least she didn't seem combative or anything.

While Seisa hardly minded being ignored given she'd already done the same to them earlier, she didn't exactly want fire thrown anywhere near her direction by some unknown when she was already lighting it herself.


"Thank you for your assistance, though it is completely unnecessary at this point."

@CrunchyCHEEZIT @penguin055 @Atomyk @LuckycoolHawk9 @Josh M @Jeremi @Gummi Bunnies @york @RightStructure​

Selene could feel the power of this one as well. Challenging like, Selene looked at the girl.

"Unnecessary? If you're as powerful as think you are, than prove that you don't need my help next time. You took too much time, so I stepped in."

These people had to learn at some point what Selene knew from the start. Survival was a game, and Selene was the Queen of survival.

@CrunchyCHEEZIT @penguin055 @Atomyk @Kaykay @Jeremi @Gummi Bunnies @york @RightStructure​
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