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Two shields would rise up from the ground. One stood between Ocelot and Shiki. Another stood between Ocelot and Doppo. These shields were trained to stand within the sights of the multiple guns. They would stretch and curve to do their best to stop bullets from reaching their targets.

At the same time, heavy shackles would appear around Shiki's wrists. The chains would lead from his wrists to the floor beneath him. Once they took hold, they would tighten in attempt to restrict Shiki's movement. Mason wished for Shiki's knife to spill no blood, but unfortunately the "core" of the aura construct sat right next to Shiki's wrist, within easy reach of the knife.

A fourth construct would appear as well. This solution was more difficult to come up with. A mass of aura energy surrounded Clarissa's blade and covered it to form a sort of "scabbard" which dulled the longsword's edge. From this scabbard sprouted a long tendril which wrapped itself around Clarissa's shoulder, pulling with a hard jerk in an attempt to drag the longsword away from Shiki's neck.

Assuming all four constructs functioned properly, none of the four "allies" would be able to hurt each other as long as Mason stood strong.

Unfortunately, Mason was reaching close to his limit. Four different constructs reached the limit of what his concentration can hold into existence. Anything more would fizzle out of existence almost immediately, or be created at the cost of fizzling one of the other constructs. This, unfortunately, left Mason open to attacks. He hoped that his friends and allies would be there to protect him if such a need arose.​



Glaring back at Mason with a suddenly inhuman look, Shiki's entire being would exude a particularly strange aura. One that was rather hostile, to put it lightly. There was no indication that he was even capable of exuding this kind of aura just mere seconds ago, but now, it was as though he was a completely different person. It was hard to say what was the exact trigger behind it all, between the remarks of Ocelot and Leia, the argument between Doppo and Ocelot, the gun that was pointed in Shiki's very own face, or the sword pointed at his throat.

But one thing was evident. He wanted to "kill" this fight. All this fighting. All this arguing. Even if it meant he had to kill anyone who stood in the way of the goal he wanted to achieve.

And he wasn't going to let anyone... anyone...

"Don't interfere."

A low, practically dead voice rung out from his mouth, as though he were gazing right through Mason. Without even removing him from his line of sight, Shiki easily enough killed his own shackles, drawing his knife with one swift movement, as fast as sound itself. From an outsider's point of view, it was almost as though the shackles had been destroyed to their very core by the sonic boom itself, though it was more an effect than a cause.

Freeing himself from the binds as quickly as he was contained in the first place, Shiki turned his full attention to Mason when Ocelot and Carissa seemed to drop out of the picture. In obscuring the other targets from his point of view, Mason had all but exposed purely himself to Shiki's attention. As Ilona had warned, Mason had made a mistake. He crossed with someone as powerful as a god.

A God of Death.

And he had gone mad once again.


"Get out of my way. Everything about this... is better off dead."

@Mason Moretti @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @york
Robin stepped forward. He straightened his tie in a firm manner. He was far from the coward who had been at Gilgamesh, and far from the quiet scientist who had worked under Aaron. Here, he was ready to exert his power in a firm manner, similar to that he did as a tactician in combat. Show that he lead the UN, and had a firm hand on what supported him. He cleared his throat and turned towards Kieran.

"Fine then, you want my honest opinion, Captain-Commander? At this point, my hands are tied as Ritsuko has the support of the General Assembly and, due to some stipulations added to the Directives, I can't interfere with their commands without the approval of a Permanent Security Council member. If I had my way, she would be in a cell somewhere, removed from this debate so that you lot can settle your accounts on your own as you appear to wish to have complete freedom from the U.N. Her removal and my abstaining from your internal politics would satisfy that desire, no?"

He laughed a small bit, and shook his head. "Then again, it's funny that you wish for this freedom. Remember that your status as a legal Non-Governmental Organization is decided by the U.N., and if you continue to drive this wedge between yourself and the General Assembly, then neither I, nor the Security Council, will be able to save you. Think long and hard before you respond to me, because if you continue acting hostile towards myself and the rest of the U.N. for Ritsuko's actions, I will not hesitate in joining the voices calling for your ability to act without oversight to be recalled." He stood firmly forward. "I support your mission, and everything it stands for. I am one of your most vocal supporters at the moment, however, that does not mean my views can change."
Ritsuko practically scoffed at Robin, the young man finally deciding to speak up for himself after a long period of reticence, and now, this was the result that they'd all gotten? A small part of her almost hoped for something more, or something else entirely, but of course, in this pessimistic world she lived in, she had to always be ready for these kinds of accounts.

She had to prepare the means that would surely acquire the end she was looking for.

"Me? In a cell? For what crime though? Have you ever asked yourself that? Is it perhaps because I disagreed with you?" The woman inquired almost mockingly, "I have the support of the General Assembly as you say. More than that, I hardly think I acted out of my jurisdiction, nor did I do anything morally bankrupt. This was something Naegi and I agreed on, after all. I don't care what you think, Captain-Commander Kieran. This is the way that has successfully kept the UN afloat, and it was in the best interests of the Coalition as well. And I hardly understand the fuss about me. I did no such morally bankrupt thing like dragging an unwilling girl from where she wanted to be, as might I remind you, Ilona voluntarily came with me to the UN headquarters of her own volition. Because she knew what the right thing to do was. Even if she didn't mean it, she still killed three people. That's something that I can't let happen again. And if that's something that you'd simply stand idly by over, then in that case, if you want a reason that's just as good as any..."

Before finishing her sentence, Ritsuko would take her hand out of her pocket, producing a rather peculiar item that she'd point straight at Robin.

A pistol.


"Secretary-General Robin Aquilus, I'm formally requesting that you step down as the acting leader of the United Nations, for I am personally deeming you unfit for duty, and your continued negligence is liable to cost the UN its integrity as a competent, strong, centralized force."

@The Tactician @Crow @Minerva @UN Peeps

Kieran threw up his hands and snorted as his eyes bore holes into the United Nations leader.


"Hands are tied? Absolutely... bonkers! The fact that you apparently have no power is blowing the Captain-Commander's mind! My mind! You sit there and talk and talk about having our back, when even Makoto can see that you wish to use us like a pack of puppets! He is sitting there--" Kieran pointed to Makoto, who was groaning and getting to his feet. "Sitting there, so stubbornly against what I'm saying because he knows we're under your thumb! We need you... We need your resources and your money. We need to write you reports and tell you every single detail down to what we wipe our asses with!"

"K-Kieran, listen to what he's saying..."

"Yeah." Kieran was nodding, now stabbing a finger Robin's way. "Yeah, he's threatening me. Reminding me of our place, just like he and his organization do every day. His support doesn't mean squat when the rest of the UN breathes down our necks. You're scared of what they'll do, Makoto... so am I... and that is why Robin's attitude sickens me! You'll sit there, Robin, on your high horse and act like you can do no wrong. You oppose Ritsuko, the Foundation's methods, the UN's Directives, and yet you're the leader. You wash your hands of it all while the rest of your group does the dirty work. And if, somehow, you're not two-faced...? You better take a damn good luck at your United Nations and wonder how it's seemed to get so out of touch with you."

"Jeez, with the yelling..." Junko sighed, casually flipping her hair. She could only really give Robin's words a shrug.


"Seriously, dude? Why are you allowing a group to contain people if you oppose them? Are you, like... lying to me? Or did it happen right under your nose? I guess maybe the doctors could have lied to me..." Junko groaned, burying her head in her hands. "Why is everything soooo loud?"


"Weird... You act like you're not in the same boat about being out of touch. Half the Coalition is against you and under Ritsuko's thumb, while you drive away the people who want to help you. Seems like a recipe for disaster from being out of touch if I've ever seen one... And the reason why the U.N. is fucked is because of a man named Kenjiro, and the powers the General Assembly took once his reign came to an end."

Shizuo calmly responded as he finally managed to dig out another cigarette and light up. He blew a puff of smoke out before sighing.

"Then again, you probably know Kenjiro better than I do... And what sort of trouble he got up to with his powers, when no one could stop him. Either way, I can't really tell anything with you any more, Commander."

"You talk about how you need us, how you need our cash and support... and we would give you that support if you would just fucking take it. We don't want control of you, at least not the Security Council. Up till now, you guys have done pretty alright by us. It's the General Assembly and Ritsuko who want control of you..."

"As for Robin's power... Do you want him to control everybody like a dictator in the U.N.? Do you really want to trust one man with that much power? Likewise, if you just spit in his face and act like he's the Anti-Christ incarnate, why shouldn't he just cut you off? If you don't want the oversight this partnership brings, then don't whine about it, just leave it. Robin can't just give you money and let you run around like cowboys in the wild west or something..."

"Like he said, he would have Ritsuko in a cell somewhere if the fucking General Assembly would let him. Do you want him to just tell them to fuck off and make the whole thing into a dictatorship? The Foundation's in trouble after this little reveal and is looking at a downgrade some time soon. Whether by Robin's hand or my foot up their ass, you can count on that happening..."

Shizuo leaned back and took another inhale of his cancer stick before shrugging.

"I really don't know anymore, do you want him to step in and put a stop to this or do you want him to stay out? Maybe I'm talking out of my ass, but you're the one who's really wishy-washy about this... And this debate too, it's pretty much just a waste of our time. You haven't convinced any one new to join your side nor has the other one, hell, you lost me. How about we just focus on cleaning this mess up first, resolving the problem we have with Umbrella and anyone else attacking us? Shouldn't we deal with that problem first since it won't matter who wins this debate if we're all shot in the head and Ilona is captured again?"

The bartender closed his eyes, thinking for a moment, before once again shrugging.

"No new evidence, no new theories or arguments... There's no point to this at all. How about we just put a pin in it for now because honestly, it's only serving to get people like Ocelot, Shiki, and Leia to threaten beatings or murder for anyone not siding with their groups. If that's how things are going to be done around here, then we might as well kiss our asses goodbye."

With that, he stood up and stretched, still smoking that same cancer stick as if nothing was bothering him about the situation.


"Really thought this gig with the U.N. would be different... But I see both it and the Coalition are just a bunch of trouble..."



Glaring back at Mason with a suddenly inhuman look, Shiki's entire being would exude a particularly strange aura. One that was rather hostile, to put it lightly. There was no indication that he was even capable of exuding this kind of aura just mere seconds ago, but now, it was as though he was a completely different person. It was hard to say what was the exact trigger behind it all, between the remarks of Ocelot and Leia, the argument between Doppo and Ocelot, the gun that was pointed in Shiki's very own face, or the sword pointed at his throat.

But one thing was evident. He wanted to "kill" this fight. All this fighting. All this arguing. Even if it meant he had to kill anyone who stood in the way of the goal he wanted to achieve.

And he wasn't going to let anyone... anyone...

"Don't interfere."

A low, practically dead voice rung out from his mouth, as though he were gazing right through Mason. Without even removing him from his line of sight, Shiki easily enough killed his own shackles, drawing his knife with one swift movement, as fast as sound itself. From an outsider's point of view, it was almost as though the shackles had been destroyed to their very core by the sonic boom itself, though it was more an effect than a cause.

Freeing himself from the binds as quickly as he was contained in the first place, Shiki turned his full attention to Mason when Ocelot and Carissa seemed to drop out of the picture. In obscuring the other targets from his point of view, Mason had all but exposed purely himself to Shiki's attention. As Ilona had warned, Mason had made a mistake. He crossed with someone as powerful as a god.

A God of Death.

And he had gone mad once again.


"Get out of my way. Everything about this... is better off dead."

@Mason Moretti @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @york

Ritsuko practically scoffed at Robin, the young man finally deciding to speak up for himself after a long period of reticence, and now, this was the result that they'd all gotten? A small part of her almost hoped for something more, or something else entirely, but of course, in this pessimistic world she lived in, she had to always be ready for these kinds of accounts.

She had to prepare the means that would surely acquire the end she was looking for.

"Me? In a cell? For what crime though? Have you ever asked yourself that? Is it perhaps because I disagreed with you?" The woman inquired almost mockingly, "I have the support of the General Assembly as you say. More than that, I hardly think I acted out of my jurisdiction, nor did I do anything morally bankrupt. This was something Naegi and I agreed on, after all. I don't care what you think, Captain-Commander Kieran. This is the way that has successfully kept the UN afloat, and it was in the best interests of the Coalition as well. And I hardly understand the fuss about me. I did no such morally bankrupt thing like dragging an unwilling girl from where she wanted to be, as might I remind you, Ilona voluntarily came with me to the UN headquarters of her own volition. Because she knew what the right thing to do was. Even if she didn't mean it, she still killed three people. That's something that I can't let happen again. And if that's something that you'd simply stand idly by over, then in that case, if you want a reason that's just as good as any..."

Before finishing her sentence, Ritsuko would take her hand out of her pocket, producing a rather peculiar item that she'd point straight at Robin.

A pistol.


"Secretary-General Robin Aquilus, I'm formally requesting that you step down as the acting leader of the United Nations, for I am personally deeming you unfit for duty, and your continued negligence is liable to cost the UN its integrity as a competent, strong, centralized force."

@The Tactician @Crow @Minerva @UN Peeps

Speaking of the U.N. being trouble, case in point.

"Sorry, but the Peacekeepers have something to said about that."


When Shizuo had dropped his cigarette and began speaking, it wasn't clear. However, as Ritsuko drew her pistol and began to threaten Robin with it, he was already on the move to intercept her. Surprisingly, there almost seemed to be a resigned expression to Shizuo's actions as he reached out and made to clock the woman hard and take her down in one punch.

He was honestly getting tired of shenanigans like this, and whether the doctor went down or dropped her gun or somehow dodged his attack, he was about to make it clear.

"As a Peacekeeper, it's my job to keep the peace, Vice Secretary-General. Pulling a gun in a high-stakes situation like this, threatening the leader of the U.N... Yeah, even if you were Coalition, I wouldn't let that shit fly. Consider this your retirement!"

@The Tactician @Crow @Minerva @UN Peeps


Glaring back at Mason with a suddenly inhuman look, Shiki's entire being would exude a particularly strange aura. One that was rather hostile, to put it lightly. There was no indication that he was even capable of exuding this kind of aura just mere seconds ago, but now, it was as though he was a completely different person. It was hard to say what was the exact trigger behind it all, between the remarks of Ocelot and Leia, the argument between Doppo and Ocelot, the gun that was pointed in Shiki's very own face, or the sword pointed at his throat.

But one thing was evident. He wanted to "kill" this fight. All this fighting. All this arguing. Even if it meant he had to kill anyone who stood in the way of the goal he wanted to achieve.

And he wasn't going to let anyone... anyone...

"Don't interfere."
Saber Alter had enough. After her contribution, she had walked calmly away towards the fallen Wolfpack, rifling in their belongings for a very particular tool. One that she suspected each had in store, for situations to turn to their advantage. Which was why when the kid turned crazy....Again, she was the only one to take advantage of it all as he focused on Mason to the exclusion of all.

By subjecting Shiki to the anti-power gas grenades, letting them explode around him. And in that mist, engineered by their enemies as it did with everyone else, Shiki would be reduced back to a de-powered state.

She on the other hand, would not.

And with a kick of iron'd boot, she'd aim to dislocate his kneecap, her intent to send him down to a stumbling position as she grabbed the back of his head and slammed it down into the ground to knock him out. Following that, if successful within the field she then went for the most practical solution. Twice now he had flared up among people- Even Ilona had not, the subject of everyone's desire. So it was with practicality and a matter of fact methodology that Saber Alter proceeded to show mercy.

And rather then killing him as she might have done, she instead broke all his fingers. Good luck holding a knife that way. Or moving with his leg the way now.

"How utterly annoying." She said dryly, with the air of a woman who had just swatted a fly.

@Atomyk @Verite @The Tactician @Crow @Hospes @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Nater Taters @Mason Moretti @Gummi Bunnies @Everyone​
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"Just doing a favor for the one who controls the blood... I'm sure that no one wants to miss out on hearing such banters go on and on..."

Again with that vague saying, Add's smile curled up in a way that appeared... demonic. Left with his five Dynamos, the esper didn't seem to move from his spot, even when the opportunity for momentary safety was offered to him.


"Hm... so now that I believe it's just you and me... I'm sure we can keep this our little secret..."

As Add happened to coo these words out, his chest crystal began to radiate with a strange aura, the five Dynamos revolving around the crazed esper. What exactly was he planning now?



"... El is the source of energy from my world... and with Dark El... it originated due to a conflict in the distant past... The Dark El corrupts whoever comes in contact with it... when you absorb it... I took it into my body when I... didn't want to die in battle... and now... I... I usually get guided by those other entity in my head... my phantom... it sometimes takes over... but I learned to... control it... for a period of time..."


With that said, Elesis would take notice of Add's Dynamo being present, but didn't see it charging up electricity... What was Add doing with this one Dynamo?

@Crow @The Tactician @Atomyk @Verite @ppl x-x​



Glaring back at Mason with a suddenly inhuman look, Shiki's entire being would exude a particularly strange aura. One that was rather hostile, to put it lightly. There was no indication that he was even capable of exuding this kind of aura just mere seconds ago, but now, it was as though he was a completely different person. It was hard to say what was the exact trigger behind it all, between the remarks of Ocelot and Leia, the argument between Doppo and Ocelot, the gun that was pointed in Shiki's very own face, or the sword pointed at his throat.

But one thing was evident. He wanted to "kill" this fight. All this fighting. All this arguing. Even if it meant he had to kill anyone who stood in the way of the goal he wanted to achieve.

And he wasn't going to let anyone... anyone...

"Don't interfere."

A low, practically dead voice rung out from his mouth, as though he were gazing right through Mason. Without even removing him from his line of sight, Shiki easily enough killed his own shackles, drawing his knife with one swift movement, as fast as sound itself. From an outsider's point of view, it was almost as though the shackles had been destroyed to their very core by the sonic boom itself, though it was more an effect than a cause.

Freeing himself from the binds as quickly as he was contained in the first place, Shiki turned his full attention to Mason when Ocelot and Carissa seemed to drop out of the picture. In obscuring the other targets from his point of view, Mason had all but exposed purely himself to Shiki's attention. As Ilona had warned, Mason had made a mistake. He crossed with someone as powerful as a god.

A God of Death.

And he had gone mad once again.


"Get out of my way. Everything about this... is better off dead."

@Mason Moretti @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @york

Ritsuko practically scoffed at Robin, the young man finally deciding to speak up for himself after a long period of reticence, and now, this was the result that they'd all gotten? A small part of her almost hoped for something more, or something else entirely, but of course, in this pessimistic world she lived in, she had to always be ready for these kinds of accounts.

She had to prepare the means that would surely acquire the end she was looking for.

"Me? In a cell? For what crime though? Have you ever asked yourself that? Is it perhaps because I disagreed with you?" The woman inquired almost mockingly, "I have the support of the General Assembly as you say. More than that, I hardly think I acted out of my jurisdiction, nor did I do anything morally bankrupt. This was something Naegi and I agreed on, after all. I don't care what you think, Captain-Commander Kieran. This is the way that has successfully kept the UN afloat, and it was in the best interests of the Coalition as well. And I hardly understand the fuss about me. I did no such morally bankrupt thing like dragging an unwilling girl from where she wanted to be, as might I remind you, Ilona voluntarily came with me to the UN headquarters of her own volition. Because she knew what the right thing to do was. Even if she didn't mean it, she still killed three people. That's something that I can't let happen again. And if that's something that you'd simply stand idly by over, then in that case, if you want a reason that's just as good as any..."

Before finishing her sentence, Ritsuko would take her hand out of her pocket, producing a rather peculiar item that she'd point straight at Robin.

A pistol.


"Secretary-General Robin Aquilus, I'm formally requesting that you step down as the acting leader of the United Nations, for I am personally deeming you unfit for duty, and your continued negligence is liable to cost the UN its integrity as a competent, strong, centralized force."

@The Tactician @Crow @Minerva @UN Peeps


Oh dear, what to do? A two-pronged situation!

Kido had to think quick. Using some spare shurikens he took from the comatose Genji's pockets, he swung a handful of them at Add's Dynamo, hoping to make it go ka-chow before it did anything. The materials Genji uses were pretty advanced and futuristic, so they should slice pretty hard. Some were aimed right in front of the Dynamo's shooting line.

@Gummi Bunnies


"Weird... You act like you're not in the same boat about being out of touch. Half the Coalition is against you and under Ritsuko's thumb, while you drive away the people who want to help you. Seems like a recipe for disaster from being out of touch if I've ever seen one... And the reason why the U.N. is fucked is because of a man named Kenjiro, and the powers the General Assembly took once his reign came to an end."

Shizuo calmly responded as he finally managed to dig out another cigarette and light up. He blew a puff of smoke out before sighing.

"Then again, you probably know Kenjiro better than I do... And what sort of trouble he got up to with his powers, when no one could stop him. Either way, I can't really tell anything with you any more, Commander."

"You talk about how you need us, how you need our cash and support... and we would give you that support if you would just fucking take it. We don't want control of you, at least not the Security Council. Up till now, you guys have done pretty alright by us. It's the General Assembly and Ritsuko who want control of you..."

"As for Robin's power... Do you want him to control everybody like a dictator in the U.N.? Do you really want to trust one man with that much power? Likewise, if you just spit in his face and act like he's the Anti-Christ incarnate, why shouldn't he just cut you off? If you don't want the oversight this partnership brings, then don't whine about it, just leave it. Robin can't just give you money and let you run around like cowboys in the wild west or something..."

"Like he said, he would have Ritsuko in a cell somewhere if the fucking General Assembly would let him. Do you want him to just tell them to fuck off and make the whole thing into a dictatorship? The Foundation's in trouble after this little reveal and is looking at a downgrade some time soon. Whether by Robin's hand or my foot up their ass, you can count on that happening..."

Shizuo leaned back and took another inhale of his cancer stick before shrugging.

"I really don't know anymore, do you want him to step in and put a stop to this or do you want him to stay out? Maybe I'm talking out of my ass, but you're the one who's really wishy-washy about this... And this debate too, it's pretty much just a waste of our time. You haven't convinced any one new to join your side nor has the other one, hell, you lost me. How about we just focus on cleaning this mess up first, resolving the problem we have with Umbrella and anyone else attacking us? Shouldn't we deal with that problem first since it won't matter who wins this debate if we're all shot in the head and Ilona is captured again?"

The bartender closed his eyes, thinking for a moment, before once again shrugging.

"No new evidence, no new theories or arguments... There's no point to this at all. How about we just put a pin in it for now because honestly, it's only serving to get people like Ocelot, Shiki, and Leia to threaten beatings or murder for anyone not siding with their groups. If that's how things are going to be done around here, then we might as well kiss our asses goodbye."

With that, he stood up and stretched, still smoking that same cancer stick as if nothing was bothering him about the situation.


"Really thought this gig with the U.N. would be different... But I see both it and the Coalition are just a bunch of trouble..."

Speaking of the U.N. being trouble, case in point.

"Sorry, but the Peacekeepers have something to said about that."


When Shizuo had dropped his cigarette and began speaking, it wasn't clear. However, as Ritsuko drew her pistol and began to threaten Robin with it, he was already on the move to intercept her. Surprisingly, there almost seemed to be a resigned expression to Shizuo's actions as he reached out and made to clock the woman hard and take her down in one punch.

He was honestly getting tired of shenanigans like this, and whether the doctor went down or dropped her gun or somehow dodged his attack, he was about to make it clear.

"As a Peacekeeper, it's my job to keep the peace, Vice Secretary-General. Pulling a gun in a high-stakes situation like this, threatening the leader of the U.N... Yeah, even if you were Coalition, I wouldn't let that shit fly. Consider this your retirement!"

@The Tactician @Crow @Minerva @UN Peeps

Then he turned to Ritsuko.


"If you wish to get past Boss..." Kido tips his glasses, "you will have to get past me. You're going to need more than just a gun though."

Unsheathing Genji's blade, he performed a two-pronged attack with Shizuo.

Meanwhile, Madoka was trying to protect Elesis.


"This day just gets worse and worse. I'm not sure if I can hold it off for too long. Elesis, stay behind me."

Should Elesis doubt her, Madoka would say, "do not doubt me, for I am a Producer. But not just any Producer..."

@Gummi Bunnies @The Tactician @Minerva @Verite
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"Weird... You act like you're not in the same boat about being out of touch. Half the Coalition is against you and under Ritsuko's thumb, while you drive away the people who want to help you. Seems like a recipe for disaster from being out of touch if I've ever seen one... And the reason why the U.N. is fucked is because of a man named Kenjiro, and the powers the General Assembly took once his reign came to an end."

Shizuo calmly responded as he finally managed to dig out another cigarette and light up. He blew a puff of smoke out before sighing.

"Then again, you probably know Kenjiro better than I do... And what sort of trouble he got up to with his powers, when no one could stop him. Either way, I can't really tell anything with you any more, Commander."

"You talk about how you need us, how you need our cash and support... and we would give you that support if you would just fucking take it. We don't want control of you, at least not the Security Council. Up till now, you guys have done pretty alright by us. It's the General Assembly and Ritsuko who want control of you..."

"As for Robin's power... Do you want him to control everybody like a dictator in the U.N.? Do you really want to trust one man with that much power? Likewise, if you just spit in his face and act like he's the Anti-Christ incarnate, why shouldn't he just cut you off? If you don't want the oversight this partnership brings, then don't whine about it, just leave it. Robin can't just give you money and let you run around like cowboys in the wild west or something..."

"Like he said, he would have Ritsuko in a cell somewhere if the fucking General Assembly would let him. Do you want him to just tell them to fuck off and make the whole thing into a dictatorship? The Foundation's in trouble after this little reveal and is looking at a downgrade some time soon. Whether by Robin's hand or my foot up their ass, you can count on that happening..."

Shizuo leaned back and took another inhale of his cancer stick before shrugging.

"I really don't know anymore, do you want him to step in and put a stop to this or do you want him to stay out? Maybe I'm talking out of my ass, but you're the one who's really wishy-washy about this... And this debate too, it's pretty much just a waste of our time. You haven't convinced any one new to join your side nor has the other one, hell, you lost me. How about we just focus on cleaning this mess up first, resolving the problem we have with Umbrella and anyone else attacking us? Shouldn't we deal with that problem first since it won't matter who wins this debate if we're all shot in the head and Ilona is captured again?"

The bartender closed his eyes, thinking for a moment, before once again shrugging.

"No new evidence, no new theories or arguments... There's no point to this at all. How about we just put a pin in it for now because honestly, it's only serving to get people like Ocelot, Shiki, and Leia to threaten beatings or murder for anyone not siding with their groups. If that's how things are going to be done around here, then we might as well kiss our asses goodbye."

With that, he stood up and stretched, still smoking that same cancer stick as if nothing was bothering him about the situation.


"Really thought this gig with the U.N. would be different... But I see both it and the Coalition are just a bunch of trouble..."

Speaking of the U.N. being trouble, case in point.

"Sorry, but the Peacekeepers have something to said about that."


When Shizuo had dropped his cigarette and began speaking, it wasn't clear. However, as Ritsuko drew her pistol and began to threaten Robin with it, he was already on the move to intercept her. Surprisingly, there almost seemed to be a resigned expression to Shizuo's actions as he reached out and made to clock the woman hard and take her down in one punch.

He was honestly getting tired of shenanigans like this, and whether the doctor went down or dropped her gun or somehow dodged his attack, he was about to make it clear.

"As a Peacekeeper, it's my job to keep the peace, Vice Secretary-General. Pulling a gun in a high-stakes situation like this, threatening the leader of the U.N... Yeah, even if you were Coalition, I wouldn't let that shit fly. Consider this your retirement!"

@The Tactician @Crow @Minerva @UN Peeps
"How about both of you calm down?" Bekka replied stepping between Ritsuko and Shizuo. "I think all of us need to take a step back before somebody gets hurt."

Saber Alter had enough. After her contribution, she had walked calmly away towards the fallen Wolfpack, rifling in their belongings for a very particular tool. One that she suspected each had in store, for situations to turn to their advantage. Which was why when the kid turned crazy....Again, she was the only one to take advantage of it all as he focused on Mason to the exclusion of all.

By subjecting Shiki to the anti-power gas grenades, letting them explode around him. And in that mist, engineered by their enemies as it did with everyone else, Shiki would be reduced back to a de-powered state.

She on the other hand, would not.

And with a kick of iron'd boot, she'd aim to dislocate his kneecap, her intent to send him down to a stumbling position as she grabbed the back of his head and slammed it down into the ground to knock him out. Following that, if successful within the field she then went for the most practical solution. Twice now he had flared up among people- Even Ilona had not, the subject of everyone's desire. So it was with practicality and a matter of fact methodology that Saber Alter proceeded to show mercy.

And rather then killing him as she might have done, she instead broke all his fingers. Good luck holding a knife that way. Or moving with his leg the way now.

"How utterly annoying." She said dryly, with the air of a woman who had just swatted a fly.

@Atomyk @Verite @The Tactician @Crow @Hospes @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Nater Taters @Mason Moretti @Gummi Bunnies @Everyone​
Before any real damage could be done, both Shiki and Saber Alter would be swept off their feet by a heavy gust of wind, before falling to the ground the same winds holding them in their place, as well as dispersing the gas from the grenades at the same time.


"Stop." Her voice was authoritative like a mom scolding her children. "Is this how we're going to act? Trying to cripple each other? Both of you need to stand down. Now."

@Verite @Atomyk @The Tactician @Crow @Minerva

"I don't want a damn thing but for his words to match what his organization practices. This isn't about me... hell, it isn't even about this Ilona debate. Ritsuko has only concerned me now that she wants Ilona... If she is behind the UN's heavy hand that's loomed over us since the Arch Demon's demise, then I'll be on her case, but I thought such things were on Robin's plate."

Sighing, Makoto tried to butt into the discussion. "... The Coalition was vulnerable. We needed the the money and resources the UN provides. We have received your support, and have been thankful."

"But threatening to disband us if we don't meet every demand? Controlling our decisions even before Ritsuko waltzed in here?"


"Kieran, you..." Flexing his hands, Makoto looked away from the pair of them. "He has a point, but he is sabotaging a valuable support chain, like both you and Robin have threatened. I wanted to avoid that by going with what Ritsuko has said, as... as has been established, she has the authority in this unique situation to make calls. I did believe in the UN..." He turned to eye Robin nearby. "I don't understand... We've gone back and forth whether or not Ritsuko has any say, and now that we seem to have come to the conclusion she has, what right do either of you have to lock her up? What crime has Ritsuko committed? Please don't tell me yet again she has overstepped herself, for if you do, I will consider this conversation over."

Kieran was only staring at Shizuo, his arms crossed. "You sure turned pacifist suddenly. If it's a problem we're getting nowhere, you are free to leave the headquarters. Thankfully, the transporters are still working."

@The Tactician @Minerva @Verite

  • Useful
Reactions: Jeremi
Speaking of the U.N. being trouble, case in point.

"Sorry, but the Peacekeepers have something to said about that."


When Shizuo had dropped his cigarette and began speaking, it wasn't clear. However, as Ritsuko drew her pistol and began to threaten Robin with it, he was already on the move to intercept her. Surprisingly, there almost seemed to be a resigned expression to Shizuo's actions as he reached out and made to clock the woman hard and take her down in one punch.

He was honestly getting tired of shenanigans like this, and whether the doctor went down or dropped her gun or somehow dodged his attack, he was about to make it clear.

"As a Peacekeeper, it's my job to keep the peace, Vice Secretary-General. Pulling a gun in a high-stakes situation like this, threatening the leader of the U.N... Yeah, even if you were Coalition, I wouldn't let that shit fly. Consider this your retirement!"

@The Tactician @Crow @Minerva @UN Peeps

Then he turned to Ritsuko.


"If you wish to get past Boss..." Kido tips his glasses, "you will have to get past me. You're going to need more than just a gun though."

Unsheathing Genji's blade, he performed a two-pronged attack with Shizuo.

Meanwhile, Madoka was trying to protect Elesis.


"This day just gets worse and worse. I'm not sure if I can hold it off for too long. Elesis, stay behind me."

Should Elesis doubt her, Madoka would say, "do not doubt me, for I am a Producer. But not just any Producer..."

@Gummi Bunnies @The Tactician @Minerva @Verite

Just before Shizuo's fist and Kido's attack would connect with Ritsuko, something quite peculiar would happen. The sound of a warning gunshot would ring throughout the room as a bullet headed straight for the ceiling, and then at the ground between Ritsuko, Bekka, and the others. However, of course, it wasn't Ritsuko who would pull the trigger on Shizuo and Kido. It was...


"What is defined as peace is written by the victors, as is history, Heiwajima, Kido. In the same sense that you would consider yourself a keeper of the peace... Perhaps one could say that I'm just a troublemaker then. I never did like to aim to misbehave, but I'm afraid I can't let you harm Ms. Akagi..."

Revolver Ocelot, who had snaked his way around the barrier Mason put up to separate him from Doppo, held his two guns up in the air, one still with a warm chamber from just firing a shot.

"After all, it's a person's job to protect their benefactors no matter what."

Standing a considerable distance from Shizuo and Kido, while Ritsuko would also back away from them, Ocelot kept his gaze fixated on the two of them, letting what he had said sink in, before deciding to nail it in deeper.

"Just as you want to protect who you truly work for, I must do my part as well."

But... That didn't make any sense. Unless there had been some foul play all this time, which there most certainly was.

Ocelot spoke as if to say... that Ritsuko was the one he truly worked for, and by extension, that he was a member of the United Nations. Not the Coalition, all this time.


"O-Ocelot, you... Your cover! You just exposed--!"

"I would much rather appreciate a thanks, Ms. Akagi, but I suppose a soldier has to get used to thankless jobs," the man mused nonchalantly, as though nothing of consequence had been revealed, "I've already gathered all the intel that could be found from the Coalition. Certainly a lot of digging. But I think I've found quite enough that the mission should end now. Wouldn't you agree?"


"Right... Well, I doubt that the news of the Coalition covering up a girl's suicide within their very own confines would shake their resolve, among other things I've discovered, but then, people like to gloss over the Multiverse Hotel Incident, don't they? Especially when most of it is redacted from the public library."


"O-Ocelot! What's... the meaning of this?!" Kyoko could only exclaim, shocked and angry at whatever game the soldier was trying to pull at. But it was no prank.

"As always, Commander Kirigiri, you're naive and green. You really should have stayed gone. This sort of work doesn't suit you," Ocelot spoke, "You don't even realize how dirty your own Coalition became while you were gone, or why the United Nations, or at least a higher-up like Ritsuko Akagi, would need to orchestrate a top secret, long-term infiltration mission to extract information from the Coalition that they'd been trying to cover up. Face it already. You've been played. Rused. And now that the jig's up, I'll have to ask you all nicely."


"Stay away from her."

@Crow @The Tactician @Minerva @Everybody
Saber Alter had enough. After her contribution, she had walked calmly away towards the fallen Wolfpack, rifling in their belongings for a very particular tool. One that she suspected each had in store, for situations to turn to their advantage. Which was why when the kid turned crazy....Again, she was the only one to take advantage of it all as he focused on Mason to the exclusion of all.

By subjecting Shiki to the anti-power gas grenades, letting them explode around him. And in that mist, engineered by their enemies as it did with everyone else, Shiki would be reduced back to a de-powered state.

She on the other hand, would not.

And with a kick of iron'd boot, she'd aim to dislocate his kneecap, her intent to send him down to a stumbling position as she grabbed the back of his head and slammed it down into the ground to knock him out. Following that, if successful within the field she then went for the most practical solution. Twice now he had flared up among people- Even Ilona had not, the subject of everyone's desire. So it was with practicality and a matter of fact methodology that Saber Alter proceeded to show mercy.

And rather then killing him as she might have done, she instead broke all his fingers. Good luck holding a knife that way. Or moving with his leg the way now.

"How utterly annoying." She said dryly, with the air of a woman who had just swatted a fly.

@Atomyk @Verite @The Tactician @Crow @Hospes @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Nater Taters @Mason Moretti @Gummi Bunnies @Everyone​
Before any real damage could be done, both Shiki and Saber Alter would be swept off their feet by a heavy gust of wind, before falling to the ground the same winds holding them in their place, as well as dispersing the gas from the grenades at the same time.


"Stop." Her voice was authoritative like a mom scolding her children. "Is this how we're going to act? Trying to cripple each other? Both of you need to stand down. Now."

@Verite @Atomyk @The Tactician @Crow @Minerva

When Saber would unleash the gas and attempt to move in on Shiki's position, she would find that in that instant, he had disappeared, as though swept away into the air with the gas! Saber would have perhaps at least two seconds to ascertain what the young man's position might have been, which was... right behind her!


Shiki had cut through the air with his knife, as though "killing" the effects of the mist as much as he could while in the midst of it. It wasn't to last for long the more he was inside it, but if it was enough to dispatch of the enemy, then it'd be worth it. In the air behind Saber, he swung his arm without hesitation, ready to inflict a killing slice, like any slice would be thanks to his Mystic Eyes, upon her, before something else would interfere.

Before he knew it, he and Saber were rendered trapped by Lois's power. Shiki struggled like a cage animal, gritting his teeth with labored grunts, as he tried to move past the winds, futile as it may have been. So he immediately tried the next best thing; observing the currents with his Mystic Eyes. However, it was too much immediate use of the Mystic Eyes. They strained on Shiki's very brain, and the moment he attempted to process the winds as something to "kill," he let out a pained groan, a headache comparable to an earthquake assaulting his being as he clenched his eyes shut.

"No, you... don't under...stand... It all... needs to die! For good!"

@Jeremi @Ringmaster @Mason Moretti @york @Klutzy Ninja Kitty

  • Thank You
Reactions: Mason Moretti
Before any real damage could be done, both Shiki and Saber Alter would be swept off their feet by a heavy gust of wind, before falling to the ground the same winds holding them in their place.


"Stop." Her voice was authoritative like a mom scolding her children. "Is this how we're going to act? Trying to cripple each other? Both of you need to stand down. Now."
The floor cracked beneath Saber's feet at the attack, the false King rising slowly to her feet through strength and stubborn will alone. Regarding Lois, she scrutinized the cyborg and hummed quietly in thought. This one she recalled had been level-headed enough that her master had approached her for help. For that much at least, she stayed her hand.

Otherwise, a little Hellfire introduced into the winds would have done all her work for her, if she wanted lethal means.
Shiki had cut through the air with his knife, as though "killing" the effects of the mist as much as he could while in the midst of it. It wasn't to last for long the more he was inside it, but if it was enough to dispatch of the enemy, then it'd be worth it. In the air behind Saber, he swung his arm without hesitation, ready to inflict a killing slice, like any slice would be thanks to his Mystic Eyes, upon her, before something else would interfere.

Before he knew it, he and Saber were rendered trapped by Lois's power. Shiki struggled like a cage animal, gritting his teeth with labored grunts, as he tried to move past the winds, futile as it may have been. So he immediately tried the next best thing; observing the currents with his Mystic Eyes. However, it was too much immediate use of the Mystic Eyes. They strained on Shiki's very brain, and the moment he attempted to process the winds as something to "kill," he let out a pained groan, a headache comparable to an earthquake assaulting his being as he clenched his eyes shut.

"No, you... don't under...stand... It all... needs to die! For good!"
The look of sheer disdain was enough reply for him, before she addressed Lois.

"My methods would have crippled...Long enough to keep him down to be healed and kept safely away from the crowd."
"O-Ocelot! What's... the meaning of this?!" Kyoko could only exclaim, shocked and angry at whatever game the soldier was trying to pull at. But it was no prank.

"As always, Commander Kirigiri, you're naive and green. You really should have stayed gone. This sort of work doesn't suit you," Ocelot spoke, "You don't even realize how dirty your own Coalition became while you were gone, or why the United Nations, or at least a higher-up like Ritsuko Akagi, would need to orchestrate a top secret, long-term infiltration mission to extract information from the Coalition that they'd been trying to cover up. Face it already. You've been played. Rused. And now that the jig's up, I'll have to ask you all nicely."


"Stay away from her."
She glanced over at the current movements of the people around and smirked mirthlessly.

"Though it seems you now have more problems to deal with at hand."

Saber Alter directed her words to the following.

"In the absence of my Master, I revert to his first allegiance.... M.E.U. leaders. Do we withdraw or do we intervene?"

In her hand, Excalibur Fake flashed into appearance. The atmosphere already groaning under the weight as she stabbed her blade into the ground as a method to fight the winds, leaning on it to conserve her strength.

@Jeremi @Atomyk @Verite @Mason Moretti @york @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @The Tactician @Minerva @Bomb @Gummi Bunnies @Crow @Everyone​
  • Useful
Reactions: Mason Moretti
The floor cracked beneath Saber's feet at the attack, the false King rising slowly to her feet through strength and stubborn will alone. Regarding Lois, she scrutinized the cyborg and hummed quietly in thought. This one she recalled had been level-headed enough that her master had approached her for help. For that much at least, she stayed her hand.

Otherwise, a little Hellfire introduced into the winds would have done all her work for her, if she wanted lethal means.

The look of sheer disdain was enough reply for him, before she addressed Lois.

"My methods would have crippled...Long enough to keep him down to be healed and kept safely away from the crowd."

She glanced over at the current movements of the people around and smirked mirthlessly.

"Though it seems you now have more problems to deal with at hand."

Saber Alter directed her words to the following.

"In the absence of my Master, I revert to his first allegiance.... M.E.U. leaders. Do we withdraw or do we intervene?"

In her hand, Excalibur Fake flashed into appearance. The atmosphere already groaning under the weight as she stabbed her blade into the ground as a method to fight the winds, leaning on it to conserve her strength.

@Jeremi @Atomyk @Verite @Mason Moretti @york @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @The Tactician @Minerva @Bomb @Gummi Bunnies @Crow @Everyone​

Zatanna had been watching the proceedings quietly from the sidelines, but Saber's question got her to respond. "Neither...right now the M.E.U. are staying out of this debacle. The Ilona situation is one thing, but whatever this is going on right now is between the U.N. and the Coalition. If we step in it's just going to end up becoming worse."

Lois meanwhile would look at both Shiki and Saber. "I do not want to keep neither of you trapped in my winds for any longer than I have to. Have we called down enough so that I can with a good conscience let you both go?"

Zatanna had been watching the proceedings quietly from the sidelines, but Saber's question got her to respond. "Neither...right now the M.E.U. are staying out of this debacle. The Ilona situation is one thing, but whatever this is going on right now is between the U.N. and the Coalition. If we step in it's just going to end up becoming worse."

Lois meanwhile would look at both Shiki and Saber. "I do not want to keep neither of you trapped in my winds for any longer than I have to. Have we called down enough so that I can with a good conscience let you both go?"

"My Masters superior officers have spoken- I will not intervene further, save to repel an attack upon them.." Saber Alter replied to Lois and if the winds were dispelled as followed, she'd take her place protectively near the M.E.U. leaders, sword still active and placing herself in between them and the situation.

Though if not all were grouped around the same area, sans that she'd just remain by Zatanna, prepared to deflect any projectile her way before asking in a low intonation.

"What would the result of this scandal mean for our faction? Will we withdraw from the field? If this goes to blows, I do not see Lady Morrigan or others intervening for one side or the other. Not when it may mean embroiling the entirety of the coven in their mess."


Just before Shizuo's fist and Kido's attack would connect with Ritsuko, something quite peculiar would happen. The sound of a warning gunshot would ring throughout the room as a bullet headed straight for the ceiling, and then at the ground between Ritsuko, Bekka, and the others. However, of course, it wasn't Ritsuko who would pull the trigger on Shizuo and Kido. It was...


"What is defined as peace is written by the victors, as is history, Heiwajima, Kido. In the same sense that you would consider yourself a keeper of the peace... Perhaps one could say that I'm just a troublemaker then. I never did like to aim to misbehave, but I'm afraid I can't let you harm Ms. Akagi..."

Revolver Ocelot, who had snaked his way around the barrier Mason put up to separate him from Doppo, held his two guns up in the air, one still with a warm chamber from just firing a shot.

"After all, it's a person's job to protect their benefactors no matter what."

Standing a considerable distance from Shizuo and Kido, while Ritsuko would also back away from them, Ocelot kept his gaze fixated on the two of them, letting what he had said sink in, before deciding to nail it in deeper.

"Just as you want to protect who you truly work for, I must do my part as well."

But... That didn't make any sense. Unless there had been some foul play all this time, which there most certainly was.

Ocelot spoke as if to say... that Ritsuko was the one he truly worked for, and by extension, that he was a member of the United Nations. Not the Coalition, all this time.


"O-Ocelot, you... Your cover! You just exposed--!"

"I would much rather appreciate a thanks, Ms. Akagi, but I suppose a soldier has to get used to thankless jobs," the man mused nonchalantly, as though nothing of consequence had been revealed, "I've already gathered all the intel that could be found from the Coalition. Certainly a lot of digging. But I think I've found quite enough that the mission should end now. Wouldn't you agree?"


"Right... Well, I doubt that the news of the Coalition covering up a girl's suicide within their very own confines would shake their resolve, among other things I've discovered, but then, people like to gloss over the Multiverse Hotel Incident, don't they? Especially when most of it is redacted from the public library."


"O-Ocelot! What's... the meaning of this?!" Kyoko could only exclaim, shocked and angry at whatever game the soldier was trying to pull at. But it was no prank.

"As always, Commander Kirigiri, you're naive and green. You really should have stayed gone. This sort of work doesn't suit you," Ocelot spoke, "You don't even realize how dirty your own Coalition became while you were gone, or why the United Nations, or at least a higher-up like Ritsuko Akagi, would need to orchestrate a top secret, long-term infiltration mission to extract information from the Coalition that they'd been trying to cover up. Face it already. You've been played. Rused. And now that the jig's up, I'll have to ask you all nicely."


"Stay away from her."

@Crow @The Tactician @Minerva @Everybody


When Saber would unleash the gas and attempt to move in on Shiki's position, she would find that in that instant, he had disappeared, as though swept away into the air with the gas! Saber would have perhaps at least two seconds to ascertain what the young man's position might have been, which was... right behind her!


Shiki had cut through the air with his knife, as though "killing" the effects of the mist as much as he could while in the midst of it. It wasn't to last for long the more he was inside it, but if it was enough to dispatch of the enemy, then it'd be worth it. In the air behind Saber, he swung his arm without hesitation, ready to inflict a killing slice, like any slice would be thanks to his Mystic Eyes, upon her, before something else would interfere.

Before he knew it, he and Saber were rendered trapped by Lois's power. Shiki struggled like a cage animal, gritting his teeth with labored grunts, as he tried to move past the winds, futile as it may have been. So he immediately tried the next best thing; observing the currents with his Mystic Eyes. However, it was too much immediate use of the Mystic Eyes. They strained on Shiki's very brain, and the moment he attempted to process the winds as something to "kill," he let out a pained groan, a headache comparable to an earthquake assaulting his being as he clenched his eyes shut.

"No, you... don't under...stand... It all... needs to die! For good!"

@Jeremi @Ringmaster @Mason Moretti @york @Klutzy Ninja Kitty




Kido would be shocked by the occurence.

"Mason was right to suspect you. Your actions did indeed make little sense. If only someone else had seen the implications...

... it's too late for all that now. I have a lot of questions, and hopefully they can be answered in time to come."

He briefly turns to Kyoko, with a serious face.

"Kyoko Kirigiri, I will not forgive you if you perish on this day!"

Turning back to his opponents, he grins.

"Shizuo, I'm counting on you for the first hit. I, on the other hand, have a good plan. Well, it's actually mediocre but..."

Kido was preparing something. His next few words would be most enthusiastic, and remniscent of a role call.

Mostly because it was.


The most legitimate businessman in the cosmos!


Because every marching band needs a flagbearer... or something...


"Elesis! Are you fit to fight?" Madoka says as she gets into formation, pulling Elesis along with her and interrupting the role call.


Acting from the heart.


The big guy.
For you.


Well, what can I say?


The Tactician. And your boss.


Probably bites.


Let the light shine.

"And Mason!"

The one who united them a- wait, what?

"Mason's a little occupied right now, and so are we, apparently!" Kido grins. "Snake yourself out of this, Ocelot! Because we are..."


@Takumi @Crow @Mason Moretti @Nater Taters @Sen @Takumi @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Minerva

@Verite @The Tactician

@Gummi Bunnies
  • Bucket of Rainbows
Reactions: Mason Moretti
"My Masters superior officers have spoken- I will not intervene further, save to repel an attack upon them.." Saber Alter replied to Lois and if the winds were dispelled as followed, she'd take her place protectively near the M.E.U. leaders, sword still active and placing herself in between them and the situation.

Though if not all were grouped around the same area, sans that she'd just remain by Zatanna, prepared to deflect any projectile her way before asking in a low intonation.

"What would the result of this scandal mean for our faction? Will we withdraw from the field? If this goes to blows, I do not see Lady Morrigan or others intervening for one side or the other. Not when it may mean embroiling the entirety of the coven in their mess."


Lois nodded and let the winds calm down around Saber to let her go. Shiki however would still be trapped for now.

"Like I said. This right now isn't about Ilona." Zatanna replied looking over the debacle. "I hope the Coven will stand with me regarding this. We're here to help Ilona, not to waver through bureaucratic red tape."

@Ringmaster @Verite


Kido would be shocked by the occurence.

"Mason was right to suspect you. Your actions did indeed make little sense. If only someone else had seen the implications...

... it's too late for all that now. I have a lot of questions, and hopefully they can be answered in time to come."

He briefly turns to Kyoko, with a serious face.

"Kyoko Kirigiri, I will not forgive you if you perish on this day!"

Turning back to his opponents, he grins.

"Shizuo, I'm counting on you for the first hit. I, on the other hand, have a good plan. Well, it's actually mediocre but..."

Kido was preparing something. His next few words would be most enthusiastic, and remniscent of a role call.

Mostly because it was.


The most legitimate businessman in the cosmos!


Because every marching band needs a flagbearer... or something...


"Elesis! Are you fit to fight?" Madoka says as she gets into formation, pulling Elesis along with her and interrupting the role call.


Acting from the heart.


The big guy.
For you.


Well, what can I say?


The Tactician. And your boss.


Probably bites.


Let the light shine.

"And Mason!"

The one who united them a- wait, what?

"Mason's a little occupied right now, and so are we, apparently!" Kido grins. "Snake yourself out of this, Ocelot! Because we are..."


@Takumi @Crow @Mason Moretti @Nater Taters @Sen @Takumi @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Minerva

@Verite @The Tactician

@Gummi Bunnies

"I may just be an ordinary but handsome actor, but you know, I have another job to handle." He winked, "My loyalties lie where they lie." He reloaded his handgun with a slight frown, moving to stand near his allies. "You want to protect your boss, I want to protect mine. We've reached a nice impasse."

"Alright, I'll fight by your side. Hope I can at least help a little."


@Takumi @Crow @Mason Moretti @Nater Taters @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Minerva

@Verite @The Tactician
  • Thank You
Reactions: Mason Moretti
Lois nodded and let the winds calm down around Saber to let her go. Shiki however would still be trapped for now.

"Like I said. This right now isn't about Ilona." Zatanna replied looking over the debacle. "I hope the Coven will stand with me regarding this. We're here to help Ilona, not to waver through bureaucratic red tape."

@Ringmaster @Verite
Her memories of Saber were mostly of battle and war. Right now, that was exactly what the atmosphere felt like. Tense enough to cut through, when frustration and violence mingled in an electrified atmosphere. The scales would tip one way or another...And anyone caught up in it, would drag others with them. One would throw a punch, in retaliation. Another would shoot...And that would be all it took before an organization became a mob and the blood began to spill. That was an appropriate word....Mob.

Lady Zatanna was correct. This was no longer about Ilona anymore.

Saber Alter didn't care much, to be frank. There was a perfectly good suggestion from Dr. Lelonda which Saber expanded upon, one that would have been perfect for the situation. Instead, now it was down to what authority people wished to keep in front of everyone.

And when people realized that crowns were merely dead lumps of rock, that was when iron came into play. So she couldn't afford to falter, not at this point. Thoughts of morality, of law...Or even good and evil no longer came into play. This was survival, the end of all secrets.

Camelot burns tonight and for the second time, Saber would experience it firsthand as she prepared herself quietly for anyone coming her way with intent to harm Zatanna or the others under her care.

@Jeremi @Atomyk @Verite @Everyone​
  • Like
Reactions: Mason Moretti

Just before Shizuo's fist and Kido's attack would connect with Ritsuko, something quite peculiar would happen. The sound of a warning gunshot would ring throughout the room as a bullet headed straight for the ceiling, and then at the ground between Ritsuko, Bekka, and the others. However, of course, it wasn't Ritsuko who would pull the trigger on Shizuo and Kido. It was...


"What is defined as peace is written by the victors, as is history, Heiwajima, Kido. In the same sense that you would consider yourself a keeper of the peace... Perhaps one could say that I'm just a troublemaker then. I never did like to aim to misbehave, but I'm afraid I can't let you harm Ms. Akagi..."

Revolver Ocelot, who had snaked his way around the barrier Mason put up to separate him from Doppo, held his two guns up in the air, one still with a warm chamber from just firing a shot.

"After all, it's a person's job to protect their benefactors no matter what."

Standing a considerable distance from Shizuo and Kido, while Ritsuko would also back away from them, Ocelot kept his gaze fixated on the two of them, letting what he had said sink in, before deciding to nail it in deeper.

"Just as you want to protect who you truly work for, I must do my part as well."

But... That didn't make any sense. Unless there had been some foul play all this time, which there most certainly was.

Ocelot spoke as if to say... that Ritsuko was the one he truly worked for, and by extension, that he was a member of the United Nations. Not the Coalition, all this time.


"O-Ocelot, you... Your cover! You just exposed--!"

"I would much rather appreciate a thanks, Ms. Akagi, but I suppose a soldier has to get used to thankless jobs," the man mused nonchalantly, as though nothing of consequence had been revealed, "I've already gathered all the intel that could be found from the Coalition. Certainly a lot of digging. But I think I've found quite enough that the mission should end now. Wouldn't you agree?"


"Right... Well, I doubt that the news of the Coalition covering up a girl's suicide within their very own confines would shake their resolve, among other things I've discovered, but then, people like to gloss over the Multiverse Hotel Incident, don't they? Especially when most of it is redacted from the public library."


"O-Ocelot! What's... the meaning of this?!" Kyoko could only exclaim, shocked and angry at whatever game the soldier was trying to pull at. But it was no prank.

"As always, Commander Kirigiri, you're naive and green. You really should have stayed gone. This sort of work doesn't suit you," Ocelot spoke, "You don't even realize how dirty your own Coalition became while you were gone, or why the United Nations, or at least a higher-up like Ritsuko Akagi, would need to orchestrate a top secret, long-term infiltration mission to extract information from the Coalition that they'd been trying to cover up. Face it already. You've been played. Rused. And now that the jig's up, I'll have to ask you all nicely."


"Stay away from her."

@Crow @The Tactician @Minerva @Everybody


When Saber would unleash the gas and attempt to move in on Shiki's position, she would find that in that instant, he had disappeared, as though swept away into the air with the gas! Saber would have perhaps at least two seconds to ascertain what the young man's position might have been, which was... right behind her!


Shiki had cut through the air with his knife, as though "killing" the effects of the mist as much as he could while in the midst of it. It wasn't to last for long the more he was inside it, but if it was enough to dispatch of the enemy, then it'd be worth it. In the air behind Saber, he swung his arm without hesitation, ready to inflict a killing slice, like any slice would be thanks to his Mystic Eyes, upon her, before something else would interfere.

Before he knew it, he and Saber were rendered trapped by Lois's power. Shiki struggled like a cage animal, gritting his teeth with labored grunts, as he tried to move past the winds, futile as it may have been. So he immediately tried the next best thing; observing the currents with his Mystic Eyes. However, it was too much immediate use of the Mystic Eyes. They strained on Shiki's very brain, and the moment he attempted to process the winds as something to "kill," he let out a pained groan, a headache comparable to an earthquake assaulting his being as he clenched his eyes shut.

"No, you... don't under...stand... It all... needs to die! For good!"

@Jeremi @Ringmaster @Mason Moretti @york @Klutzy Ninja Kitty

"I had a feeling it was you." Lang glared at Ocelot, teeth bared. "Your desperate insistance on justice for the three dead that Ilona 'killed,' your eagerness to keep us all divided into pairs...You were right after all Mason, he was suspicious."

He looked at everyone else. "I'm glad all this dirty laundry between these two factions us finally being aired," he growled. "We've moved on from Ilona being a proxy for the REAL issue here, so that's a start. I suggest we all put our weapons away and settle this like adults. We've lost plenty of our own today, no need to lose more, especially over this."

@Verite @Atomyk @Mason Moretti @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Ringmaster @Jeremi @The Tactician @Minerva @Sen @Crow @Gummi Bunnies @Takumi @Nater Taters
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Stiles watched as the spy was revealed and he decided to ask the question that no one was daring to ask. " So, what exactly did you find out about the Coalition? You can't just say you spied and not tell us anything," he said, not liking the idea that he was being lied too.

Scott watched, not certain what to ask.

@Verite @Everybody
"You're not exactly helping your case here."

He said dryly before cracking his neck to the side and stretching briefly. Lucifer, in his line of work was used to the other kinds of nut jobs, the ones that acted quite normally right up to the point where they hauled off and smashed someone with a poker for blowing their nose noisily. But then you had the different sort. Those in two minds, but instead of them being in conflict, they were in competition. Demons on both shoulders, egging one another on to see what would happen, like a child pulling wings off butterflies.

Add seemed to be that sort of dodgy bloke, like the other crazies he had met in his time. Throughout this entire conversation, he smiled in a cheerful chirpy sort of way. His attitude could be best described as a cheeky kind of rascal who made a dodgy living selling gold watches that go green after a week. And he appeared to be convinced, utterly convinced, that he never did anything really wrong.

And it was believable right up until you looked hard into those cheeky, smiling eyes, and saw, deep down, the demons looking back. It was hard for the average field agent to deal with people like that. They expected people, when heavily outnumbered, to give in or try to deal or at least just stop moving. They didn't expect people to kill for a five- dollar watch or a lark. But that was life and it seemed things were moving fast regardless. Hands in his pockets, he tilted his head to the side and said clearly.

"We'll be heading down to the cells now. Temporary, till we get you sorted out....Afterwards? Depending on good behavior, or if your story checks out, we'll let you back out and I'll even buy you dinner. Resisting arrest.... Well, its not something you want to do."

He shrugged.

"So what's it going to be, Mr. Add?"

@Gummi Bunnies

"Oh really?"

Add gave out another grin of his, maybe he wasn't listening to what Lucifer had to say. Any sane person that was being given this offer would've taken it to save them the trouble of a mob after their heads, but Add? He wasn't too concerned about that due to his lack of any sanity... and that he had some sort of fail safe if it does become too much for him.


Whether Lucifer expected this happening or not, a focused spark of electricity was shot out from two of the Dynamos that Add had present with him, aiming for the man's head in an attempt to knock him out with the fatal amounts of electricity the weapons could dish out. In a way, Add was disregarding the words that were being told to him, that he was going along with just resisting arrest at this very moment.


"How about we have some fun instead? And then you can look towards putting me in that lonely cell. Kekekekeke!"

Leaping into the air and using the other two Dynamos as a hoverboard of some sort, Add began to rip open a time rift, but it wasn't for an escape as something seemed to be generating from it. Guess this esper wasn't going to come along quietly to be put in a cell after all.

Oh dear, what to do? A two-pronged situation!

Kido had to think quick. Using some spare shurikens he took from the comatose Genji's pockets, he swung a handful of them at Add's Dynamo, hoping to make it go ka-chow before it did anything. The materials Genji uses were pretty advanced and futuristic, so they should slice pretty hard. Some were aimed right in front of the Dynamo's shooting line.

@Gummi Bunnies


Just at that moment, Elesis had stopped talking altogether, and in an instant, she had leapt over and deflected the shurikens away with her sword. All of a sudden, Elesis had returned to how she was acting when she first got involved in this incident, that she was under the control of Add once more, probably to go and protect his lone Dynamo from being harmed in this case. Speaking of it, the one Dynamo that Add had sent out to this area did nothing in terms of attack preparation. It was only... there. Either way, Elesis wasn't going to let anyone harm it, given that she was back into use as Add's human weapon.

@Crow @everybody lol​
Fighting. It was nonsense. Politics, personal grudges, ego, and selfishness made for nothing but trouble. Quietly, Wanda watched. She had to admit, she was with Kieran, to a point. However. This had to end. Raising her hand, it started to glow as energy swarmed around her like bugs to a light.


Suddenly, everyone, all the fighting, it stopped. everyone felt pulled to different corners.

"This is going no where. Ilona has the right to live the life she wants. No reason I see to make her atone when she's more than willing to atone herself. Let her make her own path. Of course she needs guidance, but she knows that. She has a right to a life. She has a right to pursue happiness. "

"And the multiverse has a right to live without fear of destruction, dear."

Wynne's words cut in the air as she planted her beliefs firm.

"The rights of one should never come before the safety of all. What you're promoting is dangerous. and selfish. I see people here who think they're better than this dissuasion, better than the political meat of this matter. "Just end it" they call for, or they just say nothing. If you think what I'm saying is injustice, I rather you call me out than hide your feelings. No one likes politics, I'll be the first to admit it. However, this girl can sadly not be trusted. If that makes me the villain, I'll ware that badge with honor and poise. I am not backing down to this is solved. We need to but the idealism away, and see with clear eyes. ."

@Verite @Atomyk @Mason Moretti @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Ringmaster @Jeremi @The Tactician @Minerva @Sen @Crow @Gummi Bunnies @Takumi @Nater Taters @Yun Lee
Cheza kept a hold on Mason's hand during most of the in-fighting. But, when Shiki would point out Mason specifically she stood in front of him prospectively.

"No, you're wrong." she called, standing firmly between them and staring Shiki down. Her voice quivered slightly, but that was the only indication of how this situation made her felt. Sad, stressed, worried.

When Shiki's attention was taken from Mason she relaxed slightly.

By that time, Toboe had returned to her and Mason's sides protectively. He still looked like a bloodied mess but the look on his face was grave. From where he gad went to get patched up, he could hear pretty much everything that had been going on.



Kido would be shocked by the occurence.

"Mason was right to suspect you. Your actions did indeed make little sense. If only someone else had seen the implications...

... it's too late for all that now. I have a lot of questions, and hopefully they can be answered in time to come."

He briefly turns to Kyoko, with a serious face.

"Kyoko Kirigiri, I will not forgive you if you perish on this day!"

Turning back to his opponents, he grins.

"Shizuo, I'm counting on you for the first hit. I, on the other hand, have a good plan. Well, it's actually mediocre but..."

Kido was preparing something. His next few words would be most enthusiastic, and remniscent of a role call.

Mostly because it was.


The most legitimate businessman in the cosmos!


Because every marching band needs a flagbearer... or something...


"Elesis! Are you fit to fight?" Madoka says as she gets into formation, pulling Elesis along with her and interrupting the role call.


Acting from the heart.


The big guy.
For you.


Well, what can I say?


The Tactician. And your boss.


Probably bites.


Let the light shine.

"And Mason!"

The one who united them a- wait, what?

"Mason's a little occupied right now, and so are we, apparently!" Kido grins. "Snake yourself out of this, Ocelot! Because we are..."


@Takumi @Crow @Mason Moretti @Nater Taters @Sen @Takumi @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Minerva

@Verite @The Tactician

@Gummi Bunnies

Toboe gave a tilt of his head to the Producer siblings when they called to him. He didn't say anything for a moment but was slightly confused.

Fighting. It was nonsense. Politics, personal grudges, ego, and selfishness made for nothing but trouble. Quietly, Wanda watched. She had to admit, she was with Kieran, to a point. However. This had to end. Raising her hand, it started to glow as energy swarmed around her like bugs to a light.


Suddenly, everyone, all the fighting, it stopped. everyone felt pulled to different corners.

"This is going no where. Ilona has the right to live the life she wants. No reason I see to make her atone when she's more than willing to atone herself. Let her make her own path. Of course she needs guidance, but she knows that. She has a right to a life. She has a right to pursue happiness. "

"And the multiverse has a right to live without fear of destruction, dear."

Wynne's words cut in the air as she planted her beliefs firm.

"The rights of one should never come before the safety of all. What you're promoting is dangerous. and selfish. I see people here who think they're better than this dissuasion, better than the political meat of this matter. "Just end it" they call for, or they just say nothing. If you think what I'm saying is injustice, I rather you call me out than hide your feelings. No one likes politics, I'll be the first to admit it. However, this girl can sadly not be trusted. If that makes me the villain, I'll ware that badge with honor and poise. I am not backing down to this is solved. We need to but the idealism away, and see with clear eyes. ."

@Verite @Atomyk @Mason Moretti @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Ringmaster @Jeremi @The Tactician @Minerva @Sen @Crow @Gummi Bunnies @Takumi @Nater Taters @Yun Lee

"This whole fight and debate doesn't seem to really be about Ilona and the multiverse anymore. It seems to mostly be about political leaders butting heads and whatnot if anything. Call me neive if you want but that's just how it seems and just...all of this in-fighting due to conflicting beliefs and opinions has gotten out of hand at this point without any solutions and will only shed blood at this point if it keeps up." Toboe responded to Wynne bluntly, face blank for the most part as he listened to those around them speak.

@Crow @Mason Moretti @Nater Taters @Sen @Josh M @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Minerva @Verite @The Tactician @Gummi Bunnies
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"Everyone! Stop fighting! This is what our enemy wants; to destroy each other!"

Zidane also took out his thief sword and stood in front of Ilona, ready to defend her and himself if needed.

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