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"Right. Right. No problem at all, Miss Ilona."

Shiki had initially blinked in surprise when Ilona would seem to react so strongly to his words, even going far enough as to take his hands into hers, but the young man recovered quickly enough. He was unable to resist the urge to hug her, taking her into his arms like a caring older brother or so, wanting to hush her cries as he nodded, smiling genuinely.

And in the midst of the soft moment, Doppo simply spoke again...

"... So this means you'd choose to go with the UN, right?"

"So it seems," Carissa commented on the side.

Ritsuko would stifle a humorless chuckle at Junko's last remark, the woman instead opting to produce a cigarette from her pocket and light it up for a brief moment. She dearly needed a smoke after all this. In-fighting and in-fighting, moral high grounds, and no progress to be made because people were uncomfortable with the idea of doing anything to possibly inconvenience a cute girl. After having a puff, she'd take the cigarette out of her mouth, exhaling for a moment, before speaking.

"Hmph. You're telling me," she said, seeming to let herself into the middle of whatever exchange Junko was starting up with Robin, the dear leader not seeming to be able to find his words, "Mother always told me a woman's touch is what you need if you want something to be perfect. Perhaps you should let that mousy Tsunemori girl replace you someday, Aquilus," Ritsuko would remark with a somewhat caustic and flippant, yet also nonchalant, tone.

On the other hand, Ocelot would almost seem to chuckle at Leia's words, his arms crossed and shoulders vibrating as he let out his small laugh. "That's what I keep saying. Truly, it's almost as if the smallest bit of inconvenience puts people in a giant loop with no exit," he remarked, adding onto the girl's harsh words, "It's quite a melancholic day when someone who isn't even a member of the Coalition, who can't even understand just a little bit of the true gravity of the situation, fancies himself the one to lead us all out of our hole. In fact, I question why these people who aren't tied to any organization are even here, they're impeding on business that isn't theirs," he continued, eyeing the likes of Erron, Sakuya, Remilia, and others.

Shiki himself, meanwhile, was ready to say something to Ilona, to comfort her, to help her, but not before taking notice of others who had rather unsavory things to say.


"E-Excuse me? I'm... not exactly sure what my status has to do with anything. It's not like it should affect the bearing of my word, should it?" Shiki asked, rendered somewhat uncomfortable at Leia's and Ocelot's words. And then, turning to Junko finally, he pursed his lips and furrowed his brow.


"Do I know you from somewhere?"

On the other hand, while Shiki seemed more confused towards the biting remarks headed his way, and towards the group as a whole, not everyone seemed to be naive enough as to let that slide, notably Doppo, who gave the two offenders a hard glare.


"Watch it, Rolando, Ocelot. I don't take bad-mouthing one's own organization very lightly. " Doppo spoke warningly, resisting the urge to ball his hand into a fist, though the man still visibly trembled in anger, "So keep quiet, or so help me..."

"But tell me this; am I wrong? During this entire ordeal, everyone, Coalition, UN, or otherwise, have been acting like bumbling idiots, butting heads over a problem they'd been complicating far more than necessary. The boy over there may have said pretty words, but in the end, it did nothing to progress or nail in the one simple truth that everyone seems to be forgetting; Ilona's power is dangerous, and she must be contained and regulated if we are to protect the integrity of life within the multiverse. I don't know what I'd rather put into all your heads first, that fact or a bullet. I wonder which will travel further if I shoot it from a gun."

"That's enough!"


Drawing what appeared to be an ordinary slip of paper from his pocket, Doppo would use his power, and before everyone, the slip of paper would glow a blinding green light, before it had practically morphed form into what appeared to be a handgun, which the man would use to point straight at Ocelot, gritting his teeth in anger.

"Who the hell do you think you are, speaking as you please to the people you'd consider allies?!"


In the blink of an eye, Ocelot would draw his own twin revolvers out, pointing them straight at Doppo in return.

"Don't ever presume things about who I would and wouldn't consider allies. As far as I care, most of the people here are as competent as that bumbling Ellis buffoon who spilled coffee on me. Undisciplined, the lot of you," the other man spoke, keeping his voice leveled as though he were still perfectly calm at this moment.


The two men were at an impasse, aiming weapons at each other, but not attacking. At least, not yet. But tensions were clearly running high in the room. And they were only going to get higher from there.


"H-Hey! Uh, excuse me!" Shiki called out, rather alarmed, as he'd walk over to Ocelot from the side, completely vulnerable and exposed, at least from an outsider's point of view, "Okay, okay, I think we all just need to calm down here. It was one thing to say whatever you pleased, but even if I just chalk it up to you being stressed in the moment or whatever, let's not get too carried away with infighting or--"


In less than a second, Ocelot turned his right arm to Shiki's direction, his second revolver aimed straight at the boy's forehead, causing him to stop in his tracks.

"Are you talking down towards me now, boy? You have no grasp of the scenario, do you? Always presuming and rambling on about the irrelevant topics, and thinking to act morally superior in the process."


Shiki, practically frozen in place, hardly moved a muscle. Not even to change facial expressions, let alone physically move. However, after a brief moment, he'd speak, eyes narrower than ever.


"Don't point that thing at me. Or you'll regret it."

He moved his hand to grab a hold of his knife, but before he could even pull it out, his hand gripped firmly on the hilt, Carissa would suddenly draw her longsword, named Curtana, and hold it out, the blade stopping just a few inches short from Shiki's throat as the MEU representative sneered.

"And you plan to put an end to threats by acting out on your own threats? Don't be ridiculous."


The impasse grew more and more, as predicted, as did the tension. And it was only going to grow more and more. There was no cooling off after this point.

The civil war that had been brewing began to slowly, yet surely, heat up...

@Kaykay @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Atomyk @Jeremi @Josh M @The Tactician @Mason Moretti @york @Debate


It was nice to have a short break, to feel as if she were no longer in hell even if it only lasted for a moment. Shiki's words shook Ilona from her nightmare, and his hug brought her more comfort than she had felt in a while. She tucked her head against his chest and didn't move, quieting her cries after a moment. Something about his aura felt familiar. Maybe it was because he was similar to her parents in their shared experiences. Ilona really wasn't sure. The only thing she was certain of was that the moment had ended far too soon. The hellfire of her problems quickly blazed again.

It all happened so fast. Too fast. She could hardly grasp onto a moment of peace without nasty words being thrown between Ocelot and Doppo. Things had spiraled out of control into physical violence at last. Or at least, it was on the verge of turning physical with all the weapons being pointed around at different people. Ilona cringed at the sight, placing a hand over her mouth. She couldn't help but feel guilt tugging at her heart, wondering if this had happened because of her wholehearted agreement to Shiki's words. Before she had said anything, it had just been arguing. But now it was more than that.

Oh Sun, what should I do? If you cannot give me answers, at least give me the bravery to do what needs to be done. I should say something to them. I will say something to them.

Ilona took a deep breath before charging into the midst of the tussle, or at least as close to it as she could be. The girl then held out her arms. "STOP THIS!" she called out, keeping her head held high. Her eyes were puffy and red from crying while her arms trembled, but the young woman stood as firmly as she could. For a moment, she side-glanced to Shiki, smiling softly. "I didn't respond when you offered it at the time, but I want you to know that, yes, I would've very much enjoyed to go with you back to your manor to meet your friends. I'm certain it would've been fun, crowded or not. Thank you for helping me realize what I wanted. It's given me enough courage to say what I have to say..."


Ilona glanced back at the others, raising her voice so they would hear her. "Point your weapons not at one another! If anything, point your weapons at me. I am the the source of your qualms." She swallowed, dropping her arms after a moment. "And I know you heard what I said, but do not worry over it. Do what you wish to do with me and I shall accept it. Especially if it prevents blood from being shed here. I don't wish for anyone to die over me. So lock me away, execute me, or do what you need to do. I will happily give up everything for my friends."

I know my parents would say the same. They would give up their lives for those who matter to them. That's what being selfless is about. I want to be selfless like they are, not selfish.

Although, I'm very afraid...

Let me be brave.

Let me be brave.

@Kaykay @Verite @Atomyk @Jeremi @Josh M @The Tactician @Mason Moretti @york @Debate​
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"Oh, Carissa, I do hope you don't plan that I join you in... whatever all this is turning out to be," Morrigan said idly, crossing her arms. Though she gave off an air of disinterest, the observant could see she was poised and ready for something.

"So be it, huh... There's only one way of talking I bet everyone understands!" Leia's voice rang out confidently as she held out her hands. In them flashed a rod of light, dissipating as a physical weapon appeared in her hand. "Don't even try to talk, Ilona! No one's listening! That's why drastic measures have to be taken!"

"Leia!" Makoto cried, stepping between her and the others, his hands held out at his sides. "This isn't like you! Stop!"


Flipping her weapon in the air, it slammed into Makoto's side, knocking him aside. "Umbrella only got me pumped up!" she yelled, running at Ocelot and twirling her staff in the air.


Before she could even attempt an attack on the man, something pink wrapped around her arm, pulling her roughly to the side and causing Leia to stumble to the ground. As she grumbled and looked up at Ocelot's defender, she found Lalonde's scarf wrapped tightly around her arm.

"Dear, do as your friend said and stop this at once."

However, it was then that an axe flew through the air, cutting through the scarf and flying in a wide arc to return to Kieran's hand. The mother pulled the rest of her scarf toward herself, glaring at the Captain-Commander for pulling such a stunt.


"No, something tells me this is what everyone wanted, right? Maybe the UN representatives would like to drive us Coalition members into the ground?"

@Kaykay @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Verite @Jeremi @Josh M @The Tactician @Mason Moretti @york @Debate
Scott paused, watching as the debate turned heated. This wasn't right- this wasn't right- what the heck was happening? " What are you all doing? Killing and hurting each other does nothing to help anything. It doesn't get us any closer to the possible traitor, to deciding what to do with Ilona, to just help those already injured. This isn't right," he said.

Stiles had taken note of how everyone was starting to go violent. It seemed so sudden, so desperate, so full of despair and hatred, so full of destruction. Death, destruction and despair. " Everyone stop. This is what is supposed to happen. This is the destruction oft the base, the despair from being desperate and death will follow, the trifecta that Cosmo kept seeing," he said, hoping that they heard him.

@Kaykay @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Verite @Jeremi @Josh M @The Tactician @Mason Moretti @york @Debate

"Yes... I... am fine..."

Elesis looked up to see that the two producers had stepped up towards her. For now, she didn't feel any attempts on Add's part to try and manipulate her actions again, like a weapon under his control... Until Add realized what was going on, Elesis readied herself mentally for when that manipulation would occur once again.



"That's good to hear, Elesis," Madoka says. "And brother, please keep your business card. I'm exercising self-control, and you should too."


"Just had to ask nicely, sister, yeesh," Kido shrugs as he keeps his business card in his pocket, before popping a question, "say Elesis, what are you doing with Add, even? I knew something was up with that guy ever since I saw him on the Normandy... but... when did he pick you up?"

@Gummi Bunnies
It was getting bad, like really bad. Artyom stood to his feet and watched the scuffle descend into all out madness, why was this happening? Did anyone listen to what Shiki had said, the words had struck a note in the young ranger, but Arty wasn't sure how he could help, he was....helpless, it was like The Metro had consumed all these people, turning them into...something that was far scarier than any mutant.

Artyom shuffled over to Train, looking uncertain at the standoff ahead of him

"W-what should we do?" He asked

@Klutzy Ninja Kitty
"Oh, Carissa, I do hope you don't plan that I join you in... whatever all this is turning out to be," Morrigan said idly, crossing her arms. Though she gave off an air of disinterest, the observant could see she was poised and ready for something.

"So be it, huh... There's only one way of talking I bet everyone understands!" Leia's voice rang out confidently as she held out her hands. In them flashed a rod of light, dissipating as a physical weapon appeared in her hand. "Don't even try to talk, Ilona! No one's listening! That's why drastic measures have to be taken!"

"Leia!" Makoto cried, stepping between her and the others, his hands held out at his sides. "This isn't like you! Stop!"


Flipping her weapon in the air, it slammed into Makoto's side, knocking him aside. "Umbrella only got me pumped up!" she yelled, running at Ocelot and twirling her staff in the air.


Before she could even attempt an attack on the man, something pink wrapped around her arm, pulling her roughly to the side and causing Leia to stumble to the ground. As she grumbled and looked up at Ocelot's defender, she found Lalonde's scarf wrapped tightly around her arm.

"Dear, do as your friend said and stop this at once."

However, it was then that an axe flew through the air, cutting through the scarf and flying in a wide arc to return to Kieran's hand. The mother pulled the rest of her scarf toward herself, glaring at the Captain-Commander for pulling such a stunt.


"No, something tells me this is what everyone wanted, right? Maybe the UN representatives would like to drive us Coalition members into the ground?"

@Kaykay @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Verite @Jeremi @Josh M @The Tactician @Mason Moretti @york @Debate

"How about you all just shut the fuck up, sit down, calm down, and discuss this like fucking adults?"

Shizuo's voice called out, his cigarettes snapped in half as he glared at the whole lot of them.

"Don't even fucking blame this on us, Kieran. You're the ones fighting among yourselves and letting Ritsuko run the show on one side. Me, Lang, and Robin are staying the fuck out of this and I'd say the rest of the U.N. members should as well, so you all can just figure this shit out for yourselves if you're so devoted to keeping us out of your business. Oh, and Lalonde's got the right idea, stepping in to stop you all from resorting to fists... But then again, if I did that, you would just get pissy again."

@Kaykay @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Verite @Jeremi @Josh M @The Tactician @Mason Moretti @york @Debate
A short time after Deoxys' words echoed in her mind, Ilona simply rested her eyes on the floor with a dejected expression--staring at it as if nothing in the world mattered anymore except for that very floor under her toes. She scanned her eyes over the cracks, dirt, and other feet that were scattered about on the floor, using it as a medium to tune out the voices she so desperately craved to be rid of. And, for a time, her plan seemed to work. The voices around her began to fade and meld into one another, canceling out any recognizable words. If anything, the girl felt as if she were standing underwater. Only did Ilona finally break from this soundless aura when she would hear a familiar voice scream out, causing her to flinch.

Ilona glanced up afterwards, blinking a couple times as if waking from a dream. She tucked a lock of hair away from her face and stiffened her shoulders defensively, seeing that it was Shiki would had spoken out. Immediately, her heart sank into the depths of her stomach and her spine ran cold. This reaction was all due to the fact their last conversation hadn't ended in such a pleasant manner. She hadn't really a chance to assess this, however, as Shiki immediately jumped into the argument--calling the others out on their many flaws. Ilona lowered her head again, squeezing her eyes closed for another moment when Doppo retaliated, striking at Shiki's passionate exclamation.

Doppo's words only made Ilona feel more sick. In a way, this individual was the most right out of anyone who had spoken yet. Admittedly, Ilona didn't know what she wanted. She didn't know at all. The many voices, opinions, and viewpoints in the room made it stifling and difficult to think. She hadn't a clue what was right, what would make the others happy, and what would make herself happy. And the despair Doppo spoke of, Ilona could feel it already gripping her like a leech ready to drain away any trace of joy she held inside herself. That man was right.

So how could Shiki or anyone else stand up to his words?

What would his response be?

It was a simple response. He suggested that they let her be. Ilona glanced back up, still feeling rather uncertain. His words were a nice thought, surely they were, but as Doppo had stated, there was a chance Ilona didn't really know what to do. Even if she followed her heart, what if she still couldn't make up her mind? Her thoughts were whirlwind, entirely unsettled.

While in this state of confusion, Ilona couldn't help but let out a small gasp when Shiki would actually dress her individually, even bowing to her apologetically. She tried to get in a word, but found herself tongue-tied when he looked her in the eyes, and caught off guard by the many words that came rolling from his mouth. She couldn't even bring herself to answer any of his questions at first, instead distracted by the fact what he had to say actually trigged a physical response in her.

Her heart was racing.

Especially after hearing seven little words she was unsure if anyone had ever even said to her before.

"You've had a hard life, haven't you?"

It actually amazed the princess to hear someone speak to her in a way none of the others had. He knew she felt alone. Confused. Lost. And he resonated with her more than many others in the room had thus far. In all honesty, he seemed to genuinely understand her. Maybe Wanda, Lalonde, Mason, and some of the others understood her a bit as well, but none of the others seemed so genuine. Ilona couldn't help but feel regret for ever having mistrusted him in the first place. It wasn't a lie; he was on her side.

Finally, after what felt like ages, Ilona had a window to speak after Shiki, Mason, Leia, even Ruby had finished with what they had to say. But what would she say?

No words came out at first. Ilona's shoulders shook and she dropped her head, fresh tears slipping from her blue eyes. She stood there and cried, the flow of tears seeming to last for ages. But Ilona wasn't upset, no, not really. Her tears were of relief, as if his words had lifted a bit of weight off her shoulders. After a moment, when she had reined in her emotions a little, Ilona bowed her head to Shiki, also offering an apology--instead of answering his questions or speaking to the latter three individuals.


"I-I'm sorry too!" she exclaimed, her voice going an octave higher. Without thinking, she reached out and grabbed his hands, cupping them between hers while her head was still bowed. She refrained from lifting her head up again to look at him. Tears still fell from her eyes, but she continued to speak. "I-I never should've said what I did back at the holding cells. I know you're on my side, clearly you are. I--"

"...what I really want is--"

"You understand, so you already know--because it's the same thing you want. I want... to live my life, an ordinary life. But most importantly, I just wanted... someone to say what you have said. Because everything you've said is true. I want to live, not die. I want to be happy. I don't want to be alone anymore or run forever. I don't want to be afraid anymore. I don't want to be in this room anymore, hearing these people throw their words, guilt trips, and demands at me. I wish to feel like I belong somewhere, a place where those I care for will not look at me not as if I'm a monster with powers or even a princess. So... thank you. Thank you, Sir Shiki."

Ilona gritted her teeth, fighting back more tears with the blink of her eyes. There were so many more things she could've said, but at this moment in time she couldn't exactly find the right words.

"Th-Thank you..."

"Thank you."

@Kaykay @Verite @Atomyk @Jeremi @Josh M @Mason Moretti @york @Debate​
Zidane had finally caught up with what was happening with the others.


"Hey, no worries. We all are afraid of something at some point of our lives. That's why we have friends, don't we?" ZIdane said, having some memories of what happened to him at Pandemonium.

@Klutzy Ninja Kitty @SHITPOST AWAY​

"Right. Right. No problem at all, Miss Ilona."

Shiki had initially blinked in surprise when Ilona would seem to react so strongly to his words, even going far enough as to take his hands into hers, but the young man recovered quickly enough. He was unable to resist the urge to hug her, taking her into his arms like a caring older brother or so, wanting to hush her cries as he nodded, smiling genuinely.

And in the midst of the soft moment, Doppo simply spoke again...

"... So this means you'd choose to go with the UN, right?"

"So it seems," Carissa commented on the side.

Ritsuko would stifle a humorless chuckle at Junko's last remark, the woman instead opting to produce a cigarette from her pocket and light it up for a brief moment. She dearly needed a smoke after all this. In-fighting and in-fighting, moral high grounds, and no progress to be made because people were uncomfortable with the idea of doing anything to possibly inconvenience a cute girl. After having a puff, she'd take the cigarette out of her mouth, exhaling for a moment, before speaking.

"Hmph. You're telling me," she said, seeming to let herself into the middle of whatever exchange Junko was starting up with Robin, the dear leader not seeming to be able to find his words, "Mother always told me a woman's touch is what you need if you want something to be perfect. Perhaps you should let that mousy Tsunemori girl replace you someday, Aquilus," Ritsuko would remark with a somewhat caustic and flippant, yet also nonchalant, tone.

On the other hand, Ocelot would almost seem to chuckle at Leia's words, his arms crossed and shoulders vibrating as he let out his small laugh. "That's what I keep saying. Truly, it's almost as if the smallest bit of inconvenience puts people in a giant loop with no exit," he remarked, adding onto the girl's harsh words, "It's quite a melancholic day when someone who isn't even a member of the Coalition, who can't even understand just a little bit of the true gravity of the situation, fancies himself the one to lead us all out of our hole. In fact, I question why these people who aren't tied to any organization are even here, they're impeding on business that isn't theirs," he continued, eyeing the likes of Erron, Sakuya, Remilia, and others.

Shiki himself, meanwhile, was ready to say something to Ilona, to comfort her, to help her, but not before taking notice of others who had rather unsavory things to say.


"E-Excuse me? I'm... not exactly sure what my status has to do with anything. It's not like it should affect the bearing of my word, should it?" Shiki asked, rendered somewhat uncomfortable at Leia's and Ocelot's words. And then, turning to Junko finally, he pursed his lips and furrowed his brow.


"Do I know you from somewhere?"

On the other hand, while Shiki seemed more confused towards the biting remarks headed his way, and towards the group as a whole, not everyone seemed to be naive enough as to let that slide, notably Doppo, who gave the two offenders a hard glare.


"Watch it, Rolando, Ocelot. I don't take bad-mouthing one's own organization very lightly. " Doppo spoke warningly, resisting the urge to ball his hand into a fist, though the man still visibly trembled in anger, "So keep quiet, or so help me..."

"But tell me this; am I wrong? During this entire ordeal, everyone, Coalition, UN, or otherwise, have been acting like bumbling idiots, butting heads over a problem they'd been complicating far more than necessary. The boy over there may have said pretty words, but in the end, it did nothing to progress or nail in the one simple truth that everyone seems to be forgetting; Ilona's power is dangerous, and she must be contained and regulated if we are to protect the integrity of life within the multiverse. I don't know what I'd rather put into all your heads first, that fact or a bullet. I wonder which will travel further if I shoot it from a gun."

"That's enough!"


Drawing what appeared to be an ordinary slip of paper from his pocket, Doppo would use his power, and before everyone, the slip of paper would glow a blinding green light, before it had practically morphed form into what appeared to be a handgun, which the man would use to point straight at Ocelot, gritting his teeth in anger.

"Who the hell do you think you are, speaking as you please to the people you'd consider allies?!"


In the blink of an eye, Ocelot would draw his own twin revolvers out, pointing them straight at Doppo in return.

"Don't ever presume things about who I would and wouldn't consider allies. As far as I care, most of the people here are as competent as that bumbling Ellis buffoon who spilled coffee on me. Undisciplined, the lot of you," the other man spoke, keeping his voice leveled as though he were still perfectly calm at this moment.


The two men were at an impasse, aiming weapons at each other, but not attacking. At least, not yet. But tensions were clearly running high in the room. And they were only going to get higher from there.


"H-Hey! Uh, excuse me!" Shiki called out, rather alarmed, as he'd walk over to Ocelot from the side, completely vulnerable and exposed, at least from an outsider's point of view, "Okay, okay, I think we all just need to calm down here. It was one thing to say whatever you pleased, but even if I just chalk it up to you being stressed in the moment or whatever, let's not get too carried away with infighting or--"


In less than a second, Ocelot turned his right arm to Shiki's direction, his second revolver aimed straight at the boy's forehead, causing him to stop in his tracks.

"Are you talking down towards me now, boy? You have no grasp of the scenario, do you? Always presuming and rambling on about the irrelevant topics, and thinking to act morally superior in the process."


Shiki, practically frozen in place, hardly moved a muscle. Not even to change facial expressions, let alone physically move. However, after a brief moment, he'd speak, eyes narrower than ever.


"Don't point that thing at me. Or you'll regret it."

He moved his hand to grab a hold of his knife, but before he could even pull it out, his hand gripped firmly on the hilt, Carissa would suddenly draw her longsword, named Curtana, and hold it out, the blade stopping just a few inches short from Shiki's throat as the MEU representative sneered.

"And you plan to put an end to threats by acting out on your own threats? Don't be ridiculous."


The impasse grew more and more, as predicted, as did the tension. And it was only going to grow more and more. There was no cooling off after this point.

The civil war that had been brewing began to slowly, yet surely, heat up...

@Kaykay @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Atomyk @Jeremi @Josh M @The Tactician @Mason Moretti @york @Debate


The last thing Mason wanted was bloodshed between people who are supposed to be allies. A somewhat unique Mexican Standoff arose between Doppo, Ocelot, Shiki, and Clarissa. Taking out problems one at a time would yield at least one person failing to be saved. With that in mind, Mason hatched a plan to deal with all four targets at once. Mason, his necklace attached and powers activated, planned to create multiple objects from his aura at once.

Two shields would rise up from the ground. One stood between Ocelot and Shiki. Another stood between Ocelot and Doppo. These shields were trained to stand within the sights of the multiple guns. They would stretch and curve to do their best to stop bullets from reaching their targets.

At the same time, heavy shackles would appear around Shiki's wrists. The chains would lead from his wrists to the floor beneath him. Once they took hold, they would tighten in attempt to restrict Shiki's movement. Mason wished for Shiki's knife to spill no blood, but unfortunately the "core" of the aura construct sat right next to Shiki's wrist, within easy reach of the knife.

A fourth construct would appear as well. This solution was more difficult to come up with. A mass of aura energy surrounded Clarissa's blade and covered it to form a sort of "scabbard" which dulled the longsword's edge. From this scabbard sprouted a long tendril which wrapped itself around Clarissa's shoulder, pulling with a hard jerk in an attempt to drag the longsword away from Shiki's neck.

Assuming all four constructs functioned properly, none of the four "allies" would be able to hurt each other as long as Mason stood strong.

Unfortunately, Mason was reaching close to his limit. Four different constructs reached the limit of what his concentration can hold into existence. Anything more would fizzle out of existence almost immediately, or be created at the cost of fizzling one of the other constructs. This, unfortunately, left Mason open to attacks. He hoped that his friends and allies would be there to protect him if such a need arose.

#Debate #Not Colored B/C Mobile

Aura Inventory: Shield(X2), Shackles, Honedge Scabbard
Aura Power: Dropped to 40%
Equip: Four Eyes' Mask

@Kaykay @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Atomyk @Jeremi @Josh M @The Tactician @Mason Moretti @york @Verite @Crow @Nater Taters @Minerva
"You'd be surprised how much I understand the power of blood." Lucifer replied amiably in response to the insanity. And with the most disarming smile, he tilted his head and added. "But to attribute all to it reveals a lack of understanding for a great, many things in our universe and others. Blood is a conduit of life...Without it, many things could not live. We place a deal of prestige upon purity of it and even form attachments because of it. But blood alone doesn't make a man....I never believed it then. I certainly don't believe it now."

Walking around him, he continued and paused for Add to keep walking with him, otherwise they remained in that hallway together as he said idly.

"You say the Institute- A criminal organization dedicated to their own goal doesn't have any stake in seeing two of the current authorities come to blows. In addition to this skepticism, I return that we have no proof, save your word only. Not only as their agent, but also considering the fact that a spy usually reports to someone higher...Not exactly a candidate for representation."

Hands clasped behind his back, the Priest despite his increasingly battle-scarred clothing since this began held himself with an air of authority, an impassive figure in black passing the observations of one who sees all paths.

"Moreover- That much is abundantly clear and returning to it does nothing but muddle the issue regarding your innocence in these affairs. Its not outside the realm of reason that you could have done those things. And who would think to look for a traitor, locked among the others in that illusion?"

He turned to face him.

"However....I believe in the law. I believe we are held accountable for our own sins and that retribution, slowly but surely comes to all. Whether to lay our current situation at your feet or not....Some might say yes, if only due to circumstances. Me? There will be due process. Which includes protecting you from mob justice, once this news gets out properly. Which is why I brought you here. Away from everyone."

And speaking bluntly, he spoke.

"I'd like you to let you rest in one of the cells for now. While I speak to others quietly and we get this all sorted out. Those who find out and speak against you, will see your cooperation. Those who are your master, if your story checks out will reveal it to those who need to know. And we need not fight more than what this group has already accomplished against themselves. Its more than just."

He shrugged.

"The alternative is revealing it to everyone and letting their mob mentality take over."

@Gummi Bunnies

"Ah... I see... I see... so what you're saying is.. .that I should lay low or the chaos that we have on our hands becomes more than needed?"

While he said so, Add clearly didn't seem to put much mind into Lucifer's words, not really saying if he agreed or disagreed on this stance that the latter was showing to him. The esper only glanced over to one of his Dynamos.


"... you heard that, I'm sure you did. I suppose this is what you meant, right? Kekeke... Listen to all of the things you wanted to hear."

As if he were forgetting that Lucifer was present, the esper sent over one of his Dynamos back to where the others were currently busy building tension amongst themselves.


"That's good to hear, Elesis," Madoka says. "And brother, please keep your business card. I'm exercising self-control, and you should too."


"Just had to ask nicely, sister, yeesh," Kido shrugs as he keeps his business card in his pocket, before popping a question, "say Elesis, what are you doing with Add, even? I knew something was up with that guy ever since I saw him on the Normandy... but... when did he pick you up?"

@Gummi Bunnies

"Add... he told me that we were going to... solve my condition... I'm... not sure when this was... but he took me to where the demons... of my world were trying to revive their deity through the use of Dark El... He... He still has that piece of Dark El on him... he said that he was going... to dispose of it with the help... of the UN... but... I don't know... what he plans... with it... the Dark El is what... made me... like this... my condition..."

Elesis would say this, going on and on with what she had to say before she would be cut off by Add's control. Again, none of this happened yet. Before the fallen knight could say more, she noticed that one of Add's Dynamos was lurking around by itself...

@Crow @everybody


And there Winter stood, admiring just how lacking in order these people were until sav can make a real post with her.

Meanwhile, Weiss let out a shuddering breath at first. She hadn't wanted to kill SPECTRE, but in some situations? It was simply a requirement that you don't show mercy. This just happened to be one of them. So as the group moved on, she tried to keep it from her mind. Not that killing someone is something that you can ever forget easily... or at all, for that matter. But hey, the debate was a good distraction. Or it would have been, if this were the very last thing she cared to hear right now. Even she could see the bigger picture right now, and this debate wasn't going to get them anywhere. So it was with an undeniable reluctance that she spoke up... Or, well, started to, up until she noticed Ruby's expression and the way she kept giving her nervous side glances. And so she sighed, reasoning to try a different approach than she'd been about to go for.

"For once, I must agree. Now is simply not the time to fight amongst ourselves!" There was undoubted truth to the statement, even though Weiss was more than willing to to go at the throat of just about any of these people right now. "Whatever is decided upon must be agreed to unanimously. We all saw what those... Umbrella degenerates could accomplish, what they did accomplish, the last time we were up in arms about the situation. If we continue as we are, then none of us will be able to defend Ilona, regardless of what decision she-" Quickly, she caught and corrected herself, "-we all make."

...Yeah, she wasn't too good at this. Hopefully she hadn't messed up too badly.

@york @Debate​
A short time after Deoxys' words echoed in her mind, Ilona simply rested her eyes on the floor with a dejected expression--staring at it as if nothing in the world mattered anymore except for that very floor under her toes. She scanned her eyes over the cracks, dirt, and other feet that were scattered about on the floor, using it as a medium to tune out the voices she so desperately craved to be rid of. And, for a time, her plan seemed to work. The voices around her began to fade and meld into one another, canceling out any recognizable words. If anything, the girl felt as if she were standing underwater. Only did Ilona finally break from this soundless aura when she would hear a familiar voice scream out, causing her to flinch.

Ilona glanced up afterwards, blinking a couple times as if waking from a dream. She tucked a lock of hair away from her face and stiffened her shoulders defensively, seeing that it was Shiki would had spoken out. Immediately, her heart sank into the depths of her stomach and her spine ran cold. This reaction was all due to the fact their last conversation hadn't ended in such a pleasant manner. She hadn't really a chance to assess this, however, as Shiki immediately jumped into the argument--calling the others out on their many flaws. Ilona lowered her head again, squeezing her eyes closed for another moment when Doppo retaliated, striking at Shiki's passionate exclamation.

Doppo's words only made Ilona feel more sick. In a way, this individual was the most right out of anyone who had spoken yet. Admittedly, Ilona didn't know what she wanted. She didn't know at all. The many voices, opinions, and viewpoints in the room made it stifling and difficult to think. She hadn't a clue what was right, what would make the others happy, and what would make herself happy. And the despair Doppo spoke of, Ilona could feel it already gripping her like a leech ready to drain away any trace of joy she held inside herself. That man was right.

So how could Shiki or anyone else stand up to his words?

What would his response be?

It was a simple response. He suggested that they let her be. Ilona glanced back up, still feeling rather uncertain. His words were a nice thought, surely they were, but as Doppo had stated, there was a chance Ilona didn't really know what to do. Even if she followed her heart, what if she still couldn't make up her mind? Her thoughts were whirlwind, entirely unsettled.

While in this state of confusion, Ilona couldn't help but let out a small gasp when Shiki would actually dress her individually, even bowing to her apologetically. She tried to get in a word, but found herself tongue-tied when he looked her in the eyes, and caught off guard by the many words that came rolling from his mouth. She couldn't even bring herself to answer any of his questions at first, instead distracted by the fact what he had to say actually trigged a physical response in her.

Her heart was racing.

Especially after hearing seven little words she was unsure if anyone had ever even said to her before.

"You've had a hard life, haven't you?"

It actually amazed the princess to hear someone speak to her in a way none of the others had. He knew she felt alone. Confused. Lost. And he resonated with her more than many others in the room had thus far. In all honesty, he seemed to genuinely understand her. Maybe Wanda, Lalonde, Mason, and some of the others understood her a bit as well, but none of the others seemed so genuine. Ilona couldn't help but feel regret for ever having mistrusted him in the first place. It wasn't a lie; he was on her side.

Finally, after what felt like ages, Ilona had a window to speak after Shiki, Mason, Leia, even Ruby had finished with what they had to say. But what would she say?

No words came out at first. Ilona's shoulders shook and she dropped her head, fresh tears slipping from her blue eyes. She stood there and cried, the flow of tears seeming to last for ages. But Ilona wasn't upset, no, not really. Her tears were of relief, as if his words had lifted a bit of weight off her shoulders. After a moment, when she had reined in her emotions a little, Ilona bowed her head to Shiki, also offering an apology--instead of answering his questions or speaking to the latter three individuals.


"I-I'm sorry too!" she exclaimed, her voice going an octave higher. Without thinking, she reached out and grabbed his hands, cupping them between hers while her head was still bowed. She refrained from lifting her head up again to look at him. Tears still fell from her eyes, but she continued to speak. "I-I never should've said what I did back at the holding cells. I know you're on my side, clearly you are. I--"

"...what I really want is--"

"You understand, so you already know--because it's the same thing you want. I want... to live my life, an ordinary life. But most importantly, I just wanted... someone to say what you have said. Because everything you've said is true. I want to live, not die. I want to be happy. I don't want to be alone anymore or run forever. I don't want to be afraid anymore. I don't want to be in this room anymore, hearing these people throw their words, guilt trips, and demands at me. I wish to feel like I belong somewhere, a place where those I care for will not look at me not as if I'm a monster with powers or even a princess. So... thank you. Thank you, Sir Shiki."

Ilona gritted her teeth, fighting back more tears with the blink of her eyes. There were so many more things she could've said, but at this moment in time she couldn't exactly find the right words.

"Th-Thank you..."

"Thank you."

@Kaykay @Verite @Atomyk @Jeremi @Josh M @Mason Moretti @york @Debate​

"Right. Right. No problem at all, Miss Ilona."

Shiki had initially blinked in surprise when Ilona would seem to react so strongly to his words, even going far enough as to take his hands into hers, but the young man recovered quickly enough. He was unable to resist the urge to hug her, taking her into his arms like a caring older brother or so, wanting to hush her cries as he nodded, smiling genuinely.

And in the midst of the soft moment, Doppo simply spoke again...

"... So this means you'd choose to go with the UN, right?"

"So it seems," Carissa commented on the side.

Ritsuko would stifle a humorless chuckle at Junko's last remark, the woman instead opting to produce a cigarette from her pocket and light it up for a brief moment. She dearly needed a smoke after all this. In-fighting and in-fighting, moral high grounds, and no progress to be made because people were uncomfortable with the idea of doing anything to possibly inconvenience a cute girl. After having a puff, she'd take the cigarette out of her mouth, exhaling for a moment, before speaking.

"Hmph. You're telling me," she said, seeming to let herself into the middle of whatever exchange Junko was starting up with Robin, the dear leader not seeming to be able to find his words, "Mother always told me a woman's touch is what you need if you want something to be perfect. Perhaps you should let that mousy Tsunemori girl replace you someday, Aquilus," Ritsuko would remark with a somewhat caustic and flippant, yet also nonchalant, tone.

On the other hand, Ocelot would almost seem to chuckle at Leia's words, his arms crossed and shoulders vibrating as he let out his small laugh. "That's what I keep saying. Truly, it's almost as if the smallest bit of inconvenience puts people in a giant loop with no exit," he remarked, adding onto the girl's harsh words, "It's quite a melancholic day when someone who isn't even a member of the Coalition, who can't even understand just a little bit of the true gravity of the situation, fancies himself the one to lead us all out of our hole. In fact, I question why these people who aren't tied to any organization are even here, they're impeding on business that isn't theirs," he continued, eyeing the likes of Erron, Sakuya, Remilia, and others.

Shiki himself, meanwhile, was ready to say something to Ilona, to comfort her, to help her, but not before taking notice of others who had rather unsavory things to say.


"E-Excuse me? I'm... not exactly sure what my status has to do with anything. It's not like it should affect the bearing of my word, should it?" Shiki asked, rendered somewhat uncomfortable at Leia's and Ocelot's words. And then, turning to Junko finally, he pursed his lips and furrowed his brow.


"Do I know you from somewhere?"

On the other hand, while Shiki seemed more confused towards the biting remarks headed his way, and towards the group as a whole, not everyone seemed to be naive enough as to let that slide, notably Doppo, who gave the two offenders a hard glare.


"Watch it, Rolando, Ocelot. I don't take bad-mouthing one's own organization very lightly. " Doppo spoke warningly, resisting the urge to ball his hand into a fist, though the man still visibly trembled in anger, "So keep quiet, or so help me..."

"But tell me this; am I wrong? During this entire ordeal, everyone, Coalition, UN, or otherwise, have been acting like bumbling idiots, butting heads over a problem they'd been complicating far more than necessary. The boy over there may have said pretty words, but in the end, it did nothing to progress or nail in the one simple truth that everyone seems to be forgetting; Ilona's power is dangerous, and she must be contained and regulated if we are to protect the integrity of life within the multiverse. I don't know what I'd rather put into all your heads first, that fact or a bullet. I wonder which will travel further if I shoot it from a gun."

"That's enough!"


Drawing what appeared to be an ordinary slip of paper from his pocket, Doppo would use his power, and before everyone, the slip of paper would glow a blinding green light, before it had practically morphed form into what appeared to be a handgun, which the man would use to point straight at Ocelot, gritting his teeth in anger.

"Who the hell do you think you are, speaking as you please to the people you'd consider allies?!"


In the blink of an eye, Ocelot would draw his own twin revolvers out, pointing them straight at Doppo in return.

"Don't ever presume things about who I would and wouldn't consider allies. As far as I care, most of the people here are as competent as that bumbling Ellis buffoon who spilled coffee on me. Undisciplined, the lot of you," the other man spoke, keeping his voice leveled as though he were still perfectly calm at this moment.


The two men were at an impasse, aiming weapons at each other, but not attacking. At least, not yet. But tensions were clearly running high in the room. And they were only going to get higher from there.


"H-Hey! Uh, excuse me!" Shiki called out, rather alarmed, as he'd walk over to Ocelot from the side, completely vulnerable and exposed, at least from an outsider's point of view, "Okay, okay, I think we all just need to calm down here. It was one thing to say whatever you pleased, but even if I just chalk it up to you being stressed in the moment or whatever, let's not get too carried away with infighting or--"


In less than a second, Ocelot turned his right arm to Shiki's direction, his second revolver aimed straight at the boy's forehead, causing him to stop in his tracks.

"Are you talking down towards me now, boy? You have no grasp of the scenario, do you? Always presuming and rambling on about the irrelevant topics, and thinking to act morally superior in the process."


Shiki, practically frozen in place, hardly moved a muscle. Not even to change facial expressions, let alone physically move. However, after a brief moment, he'd speak, eyes narrower than ever.


"Don't point that thing at me. Or you'll regret it."

He moved his hand to grab a hold of his knife, but before he could even pull it out, his hand gripped firmly on the hilt, Carissa would suddenly draw her longsword, named Curtana, and hold it out, the blade stopping just a few inches short from Shiki's throat as the MEU representative sneered.

"And you plan to put an end to threats by acting out on your own threats? Don't be ridiculous."


The impasse grew more and more, as predicted, as did the tension. And it was only going to grow more and more. There was no cooling off after this point.

The civil war that had been brewing began to slowly, yet surely, heat up...

@Kaykay @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Atomyk @Jeremi @Josh M @The Tactician @Mason Moretti @york @Debate


It was nice to have a short break, to feel as if she were no longer in hell even if it only lasted for a moment. Shiki's words shook Ilona from her nightmare, and his hug brought her more comfort than she had felt in a while. She tucked her head against his chest and didn't move, quieting her cries after a moment. Something about his aura felt familiar. Maybe it was because he was similar to her parents in their shared experiences. Ilona really wasn't sure. The only thing she was certain of was that the moment had ended far too soon. The hellfire of her problems quickly blazed again.

It all happened so fast. Too fast. She could hardly grasp onto a moment of peace without nasty words being thrown between Ocelot and Doppo. Things had spiraled out of control into physical violence at last. Or at least, it was on the verge of turning physical with all the weapons being pointed around at different people. Ilona cringed at the sight, placing a hand over her mouth. She couldn't help but feel guilt tugging at her heart, wondering if this had happened because of her wholehearted agreement to Shiki's words. Before she had said anything, it had just been arguing. But now it was more than that.

Oh Sun, what should I do? If you cannot give me answers, at least give me the bravery to do what needs to be done. I should say something to them. I will say something to them.

Ilona took a deep breath before charging into the midst of the tussle, or at least as close to it as she could be. The girl then held out her arms. "STOP THIS!" she called out, keeping her head held high. Her eyes were puffy and red from crying while her arms trembled, but the young woman stood as firmly as she could. For a moment, she side-glanced to Shiki, smiling softly. "I didn't respond when you offered it at the time, but I want you to know that, yes, I would've very much enjoyed to go with you back to your manor to meet your friends. I'm certain it would've been fun, crowded or not. Thank you for helping me realize what I wanted. It's given me enough courage to say what I have to say..."


Ilona glanced back at the others, raising her voice so they would hear her. "Point your weapons not at one another! If anything, point your weapons at me. I am the the source of your qualms." She swallowed, dropping her arms after a moment. "And I know you heard what I said, but do not worry over it. Do what you wish to do with me and I shall accept it. Especially if it prevents blood from being shed here. I don't wish for anyone to die over me. So lock me away, execute me, or do what you need to do. I will happily give up everything for my friends."

I know my parents would say the same. They would give up their lives for those who matter to them. That's what being selfless is about. I want to be selfless like they are, not selfish.

Although, I'm very afraid...

Let me be brave.

Let me be brave.

@Kaykay @Verite @Atomyk @Jeremi @Josh M @The Tactician @Mason Moretti @york @Debate​
"Oh, Carissa, I do hope you don't plan that I join you in... whatever all this is turning out to be," Morrigan said idly, crossing her arms. Though she gave off an air of disinterest, the observant could see she was poised and ready for something.

"So be it, huh... There's only one way of talking I bet everyone understands!" Leia's voice rang out confidently as she held out her hands. In them flashed a rod of light, dissipating as a physical weapon appeared in her hand. "Don't even try to talk, Ilona! No one's listening! That's why drastic measures have to be taken!"

"Leia!" Makoto cried, stepping between her and the others, his hands held out at his sides. "This isn't like you! Stop!"


Flipping her weapon in the air, it slammed into Makoto's side, knocking him aside. "Umbrella only got me pumped up!" she yelled, running at Ocelot and twirling her staff in the air.


Before she could even attempt an attack on the man, something pink wrapped around her arm, pulling her roughly to the side and causing Leia to stumble to the ground. As she grumbled and looked up at Ocelot's defender, she found Lalonde's scarf wrapped tightly around her arm.

"Dear, do as your friend said and stop this at once."

However, it was then that an axe flew through the air, cutting through the scarf and flying in a wide arc to return to Kieran's hand. The mother pulled the rest of her scarf toward herself, glaring at the Captain-Commander for pulling such a stunt.


"No, something tells me this is what everyone wanted, right? Maybe the UN representatives would like to drive us Coalition members into the ground?"

@Kaykay @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Verite @Jeremi @Josh M @The Tactician @Mason Moretti @york @Debate
The last thing Mason wanted was bloodshed between people who are supposed to be allies. A somewhat unique Mexican Standoff arose between Doppo, Ocelot, Shiki, and Clarissa. Taking out problems one at a time would yield at least one person failing to be saved. With that in mind, Mason hatched a plan to deal with all four targets at once. Mason, his necklace attached and powers activated, planned to create multiple objects from his aura at once.

Two shields would rise up from the ground. One stood between Ocelot and Shiki. Another stood between Ocelot and Doppo. These shields were trained to stand within the sights of the multiple guns. They would stretch and curve to do their best to stop bullets from reaching their targets.

At the same time, heavy shackles would appear around Shiki's wrists. The chains would lead from his wrists to the floor beneath him. Once they took hold, they would tighten in attempt to restrict Shiki's movement. Mason wished for Shiki's knife to spill no blood, but unfortunately the "core" of the aura construct sat right next to Shiki's wrist, within easy reach of the knife.

A fourth construct would appear as well. This solution was more difficult to come up with. A mass of aura energy surrounded Clarissa's blade and covered it to form a sort of "scabbard" which dulled the longsword's edge. From this scabbard sprouted a long tendril which wrapped itself around Clarissa's shoulder, pulling with a hard jerk in an attempt to drag the longsword away from Shiki's neck.

Assuming all four constructs functioned properly, none of the four "allies" would be able to hurt each other as long as Mason stood strong.

Unfortunately, Mason was reaching close to his limit. Four different constructs reached the limit of what his concentration can hold into existence. Anything more would fizzle out of existence almost immediately, or be created at the cost of fizzling one of the other constructs. This, unfortunately, left Mason open to attacks. He hoped that his friends and allies would be there to protect him if such a need arose.

#Debate #Not Colored B/C Mobile

Aura Inventory: Shield(X2), Shackles, Honedge Scabbard
Aura Power: Dropped to 40%
Equip: Four Eyes' Mask

@Kaykay @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Atomyk @Jeremi @Josh M @The Tactician @Mason Moretti @york @Verite @Crow @Nater Taters @Minerva
Ruby Rose
@Kaykay @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Verite @Jeremi @Josh M @The Tactician @Mason Moretti @Atomyk


Ruby stood there for a while, at some point having idly drawn her scythe as she watched the arguing unfold, in front of her.

At first, it looked like Shiki's words had done the trick, alot better than her own words did.

However, that wasn't enough. Whoever had killed Jill, ultimately began to divide the coalition, slowly, subtly, until it all emerged, right here, right now.


"Divide them, Tear them apart.
Sever their trust; it will strangle their hearts.

Inside them, plant seeds of doubt.
Hope will be smothered, they'll turn on each other..."


With weapons pointed at each other, she wasn't sure if even Mason's barriers would hold them back.

However, even with all the tention in this room, for once... Ruby put way her scythe, trying to get across the message that she would refuse to join in this.

Instead, she stepped protectively in front of Ilona, a determined look showing clearly on her face.

"NO!" She shouted suddenly.

It was apparent that she was saying this, not just in response to the notion of Ilona being executed, but also, in objection to the tensions in the room, the notions of unneccessary violence.

"I know we're at a disagreement... I know what we risk with Ilona around, but..." She paused, seeming to gather herself up again before she continued.

"We won't solve anything by fighting like this..." She said.

It looked like Ruby was incredibly focused on protecting Ilona, just incase someone did try and hurt, or even kill her at some point... She had been too late to stop Elsa, Ilona's own mother from being killed, but she wouldn't let history repeat itself again, not if she could help it. There was this intense look in her eyes as she stood between Ilona and the others, clearly not intending to back down, at least not willingly.


Train Heartnet could feel beads of sweat begin to form on his forehead as the arguing only escalated. While he was a skilled man when it came to fighting physically, all of this verbal drama really was throwing him for a loop. He had managed to get in a word earlier, but it seemed as if so many topics were being tossed about that his own voice held little value on the grand scale of words that had been said in the room so far. He would simply stare at Arty when his friend would approach, appearing lost.


"Arty I-- This is really a mess," Train began, flexing his fingers at his sides. His hands were itching to move to the gun he kept at his side, but he wasn't sure if he wanted to step in and make things any worse. "I honestly don't know what to do. But if this breaks out into violence, I just want you to know that I'm on your side. So don't fire at me," he said, meaning his statement to be a joke. It was difficult for his words to seem joking, however, with how serious the tone in the room had become.

Meanwhile, the pressure of standing in the middle of everyone and trying to speak caused Ilona's knees to buckle. Before anyone could react, however, Leia's voice belted out. The princess widened her eyes, shaking her head rapidly. "But I have to say something! This is about me so I need to get their attention please don't--" Ilona cut herself off, shocked as she saw the young woman jump forward to attack--relieved to see when Lalonde would stop her attack from hitting anyone. The relief would quickly be washed away, however, when Kieran would almost encourage these antics to continue.

"No, this isn't right! Not at all! We can't fight each other! This is WRONG!" Ilona screamed, her voice going hoarse towards the end of her words. She breathed heavily after yelling, suddenly feeling helpless. Her chest felt weighted, especially knowing that Leia may have been right about one thing: people were so worked up that it was likely words weren't reaching them anymore. While Ilona hated the fighting, if actions were the only way to truly reach them, perhaps even she should draw a weapon.

Hoping to make some kind of statement, she then summoned a rather large spear of lightning in her hands, the weapon of energy crackling and sizzling in her grasp. She roughly jabbed her weapon into the ground, creating a rush of static that anyone standing near her could feel. It was likely, however, that few would even have a chance to react to Ilona's display when suddenly Mason would take the matter of this conflict into his own hands and subdue the conflict at hand.


"M-Mason," Ilona would gasp, stepping close to him. The young woman was so startled that she couldn't even find it in her to use the proper "sir" title she always did with everyone. "I fear you may have made a bad decision." The princess trembled fearfully, her body shaking so hard that it was visible to those looking at her. "Some of these people... are as powerful as gods... I fear holding them back against their wills may only cause this situation to get worse."

After speaking, it was then that Ilona realized Ruby had stepped in front of her. "M-Miss Ruby," Ilona said. "Th-Thank you, but I fear putting your weapon away at this time may not be the best call." Ilona's shaking had grown so bad that the tremors were even able to be heard in her voice. "Keep it out, at least to protect yourself if fighting breaks out. I-I have a feeling something bad is about to happen," she added, tightening her grip on the spear she was holding.

@Kaykay @Atomyk @Jeremi @Josh M @The Tactician @Mason Moretti @york @Verite @Crow @Nater Taters @Minerva @Debate / Fight?​
"Ah... I see... I see... so what you're saying is.. .that I should lay low or the chaos that we have on our hands becomes more than needed?"

While he said so, Add clearly didn't seem to put much mind into Lucifer's words, not really saying if he agreed or disagreed on this stance that the latter was showing to him. The esper only glanced over to one of his Dynamos.


"... you heard that, I'm sure you did. I suppose this is what you meant, right? Kekeke... Listen to all of the things you wanted to hear."

As if he were forgetting that Lucifer was present, the esper sent over one of his Dynamos back to where the others were currently busy building tension amongst themselves.

He looked at the Dynamo, curious at first before glancing at Add.

"What do you mean?"

@Gummi Bunnies

"Add... he told me that we were going to... solve my condition... I'm... not sure when this was... but he took me to where the demons... of my world were trying to revive their deity through the use of Dark El... He... He still has that piece of Dark El on him... he said that he was going... to dispose of it with the help... of the UN... but... I don't know... what he plans... with it... the Dark El is what... made me... like this... my condition..."

Elesis would say this, going on and on with what she had to say before she would be cut off by Add's control. Again, none of this happened yet. Before the fallen knight could say more, she noticed that one of Add's Dynamos was lurking around by itself...

@Crow @everybody


"Your condition, I see? Why do I have a hunch that Add was lying about aiding you..."


"You know Add, except you don't," Kido comments, "I don't either. That guy has lots of secrets to hide."

"Dark El? I have not heard of it. I've heard of Dark Energon, Darkness Energy, but... Elesis, what does this 'Dark El' do beyond turning you into what you are today?"

But then, one of Add's little weapons appeared.

"Sister, do what you do best, I, on the other hand, will do what I do best."

Should the Dynamo blast at them or charge at them, they scattered, with Madoka carrying Elesis and going one direction, and Kido rolling towards another.

"Hey, Shizuo," Kido speaks to his fellow UN member, "I'm going to need your help for a bit. You see that thing over there?"

He points to Add's dynamo, or at least he tries to if it was hiding well.

"Step one of the plan..." Kido unsheathes his katana unironically, preparing to fight, "grab the nearest vending machine. Or Stop sign. Or traffic light. Or even me. The Coalition's got their own issues, we've got ours. Also, after we're done with destroying that thing, could you help me grab the Tales lady over there? Kind of forgot which one she's from, I don't think I've played the game much to remember... but yeah, the energetic one with the hat."

Kido points to Leia.

"Trust me on this, big guy. I know what I'm doing."

@The Tactician @Crow @Gummi Bunnies @Minerva @Takumi @Atomyk

"Your condition, I see? Why do I have a hunch that Add was lying about aiding you..."


"You know Add, except you don't," Kido comments, "I don't either. That guy has lots of secrets to hide."

"Dark El? I have not heard of it. I've heard of Dark Energon, Darkness Energy, but... Elesis, what does this 'Dark El' do beyond turning you into what you are today?"

But then, one of Add's little weapons appeared.

"Sister, do what you do best, I, on the other hand, will do what I do best."

Should the Dynamo blast at them or charge at them, they scattered, with Madoka carrying Elesis and going one direction, and Kido rolling towards another.

"Hey, Shizuo," Kido speaks to his fellow UN member, "I'm going to need your help for a bit. You see that thing over there?"

He points to Add's dynamo, or at least he tries to if it was hiding well.

"Step one of the plan..." Kido unsheathes his katana unironically, preparing to fight, "grab the nearest vending machine. Or Stop sign. Or traffic light. Or even me. The Coalition's got their own issues, we've got ours. Also, after we're done with destroying that thing, could you help me grab the Tales lady over there? Kind of forgot which one she's from, I don't think I've played the game much to remember... but yeah, the energetic one with the hat."

Kido points to Leia.

"Trust me on this, big guy. I know what I'm doing."

@The Tactician @Crow @Gummi Bunnies @Minerva @Takumi @Atomyk

"Just cool your ass down. I don't know you well enough to trust you, and the priest is handling this just fine right now, so just put your sword back."

Shizuo responded with a bored expression, having to dig through his pockets once again for a new cigarette after Kieran's bitching pissed him off again and caused him to snap the last one. However, one hand did reach over to some fallen debris and pick it up, ready to throw it at the Dynamo just in case.

@The Tactician @Crow @Gummi Bunnies @Minerva @Takumi @Atomyk
Robin stepped forward. He straightened his tie in a firm manner. He was far from the coward who had been at Gilgamesh, and far from the quiet scientist who had worked under Aaron. Here, he was ready to exert his power in a firm manner, similar to that he did as a tactician in combat. Show that he lead the UN, and had a firm hand on what supported him. He cleared his throat and turned towards Kieran.

"Fine then, you want my honest opinion, Captain-Commander? At this point, my hands are tied as Ritsuko has the support of the General Assembly and, due to some stipulations added to the Directives, I can't interfere with their commands without the approval of a Permanent Security Council member. If I had my way, she would be in a cell somewhere, removed from this debate so that you lot can settle your accounts on your own as you appear to wish to have complete freedom from the U.N. Her removal and my abstaining from your internal politics would satisfy that desire, no?"

He laughed a small bit, and shook his head. "Then again, it's funny that you wish for this freedom. Remember that your status as a legal Non-Governmental Organization is decided by the U.N., and if you continue to drive this wedge between yourself and the General Assembly, then neither I, nor the Security Council, will be able to save you. Think long and hard before you respond to me, because if you continue acting hostile towards myself and the rest of the U.N. for Ritsuko's actions, I will not hesitate in joining the voices calling for your ability to act without oversight to be recalled." He stood firmly forward. "I support your mission, and everything it stands for. I am one of your most vocal supporters at the moment, however, that does not mean my views can change."

Robin then sighed and turned to Junko. He sighed deeply. "As for you, Miss Enoshima, I have only a few words to say to you. I'm sorry about what happened, I truly am. If I had the chance at the moment, I would investigate the Foundation and their methods to ensure a case like yours does not occur again. However, do not take that to mean that I do not support their cause. On the contrary, I believe it is necessary in some instances to guard the multiverse with extreme measures.... Though not to the same extent as they do. I do not condone their forced imprisonment of you, yet I know that the reasons for their actions were just. I only believe they acted upon those reasons in the wrong manner, in a manner that I perhaps can correct once this emergency is finished with." He nodded again. "I do not support the Global Occult Coalition either. In fact, I support them even less than the Foundation. They have a policy of killing that which they don't understand. In fact, due to some actions in my past, I think they may even wish for my death." He cleared his throat and stepped back.

"That's all I wanted to say. If only my aides were here. They're... Better speakers than I am." He looked down at the ground. "Now, as for my vote? I will be abstaining from the vote for now."

@Atomyk @Verite @Anybody @Everybody

"Just cool your ass down. I don't know you well enough to trust you, and the priest is handling this just fine right now, so just put your sword back."

Shizuo responded with a bored expression, having to dig through his pockets once again for a new cigarette after Kieran's bitching pissed him off again and caused him to snap the last one. However, one hand did reach over to some fallen debris and pick it up, ready to throw it at the Dynamo just in case.

@The Tactician @Crow @Gummi Bunnies @Minerva @Takumi @Atomyk


"If you say so, bud," Kido sheathes the silvery-green futuristic blade. "I kinda thought you had a short temper, but you seem better at keeping your cool than me depending on the situation. Maybe I'm just panic-prone, huh?"

@The Tactician @Gummi Bunnies @Atomyk @Takumi

"If you say so, bud," Kido sheathes the silvery-green futuristic blade. "I kinda thought you had a short temper, but you seem better at keeping your cool than me depending on the situation. Maybe I'm just panic-prone, huh?"

@The Tactician @Gummi Bunnies @Atomyk @Takumi

"I do have a short temper. I just don't go flying off the handle the way you think I do," Shizuo sighed before relaxing and closing his eyes, "There's no point when I know I can just pop the asshole's weapon with a rock and take it out. Plus this debate is just a giant circlejerk of two angry sides where nothing changes... I'm just sitting it out so I can avoid getting pissed off, because it's not worth it."

@The Tactician @Gummi Bunnies @Atomyk @Takumi
Kieran threw up his hands and snorted as his eyes bore holes into the United Nations leader.


"Hands are tied? Absolutely... bonkers! The fact that you apparently have no power is blowing the Captain-Commander's mind! My mind! You sit there and talk and talk about having our back, when even Makoto can see that you wish to use us like a pack of puppets! He is sitting there--" Kieran pointed to Makoto, who was groaning and getting to his feet. "Sitting there, so stubbornly against what I'm saying because he knows we're under your thumb! We need you... We need your resources and your money. We need to write you reports and tell you every single detail down to what we wipe our asses with!"

"K-Kieran, listen to what he's saying..."

"Yeah." Kieran was nodding, now stabbing a finger Robin's way. "Yeah, he's threatening me. Reminding me of our place, just like he and his organization do every day. His support doesn't mean squat when the rest of the UN breathes down our necks. You're scared of what they'll do, Makoto... so am I... and that is why Robin's attitude sickens me! You'll sit there, Robin, on your high horse and act like you can do no wrong. You oppose Ritsuko, the Foundation's methods, the UN's Directives, and yet you're the leader. You wash your hands of it all while the rest of your group does the dirty work. And if, somehow, you're not two-faced...? You better take a damn good luck at your United Nations and wonder how it's seemed to get so out of touch with you."

"Jeez, with the yelling..." Junko sighed, casually flipping her hair. She could only really give Robin's words a shrug.


"Seriously, dude? Why are you allowing a group to contain people if you oppose them? Are you, like... lying to me? Or did it happen right under your nose? I guess maybe the doctors could have lied to me..." Junko groaned, burying her head in her hands. "Why is everything soooo loud?"


He looked at the Dynamo, curious at first before glancing at Add.

"What do you mean?"

@Gummi Bunnies

"Just doing a favor for the one who controls the blood... I'm sure that no one wants to miss out on hearing such banters go on and on..."

Again with that vague saying, Add's smile curled up in a way that appeared... demonic. Left with his five Dynamos, the esper didn't seem to move from his spot, even when the opportunity for momentary safety was offered to him.


"Hm... so now that I believe it's just you and me... I'm sure we can keep this our little secret..."

As Add happened to coo these words out, his chest crystal began to radiate with a strange aura, the five Dynamos revolving around the crazed esper. What exactly was he planning now?


"Your condition, I see? Why do I have a hunch that Add was lying about aiding you..."


"You know Add, except you don't," Kido comments, "I don't either. That guy has lots of secrets to hide."

"Dark El? I have not heard of it. I've heard of Dark Energon, Darkness Energy, but... Elesis, what does this 'Dark El' do beyond turning you into what you are today?"

But then, one of Add's little weapons appeared.

"Sister, do what you do best, I, on the other hand, will do what I do best."

Should the Dynamo blast at them or charge at them, they scattered, with Madoka carrying Elesis and going one direction, and Kido rolling towards another.

"Hey, Shizuo," Kido speaks to his fellow UN member, "I'm going to need your help for a bit. You see that thing over there?"

He points to Add's dynamo, or at least he tries to if it was hiding well.

"Step one of the plan..." Kido unsheathes his katana unironically, preparing to fight, "grab the nearest vending machine. Or Stop sign. Or traffic light. Or even me. The Coalition's got their own issues, we've got ours. Also, after we're done with destroying that thing, could you help me grab the Tales lady over there? Kind of forgot which one she's from, I don't think I've played the game much to remember... but yeah, the energetic one with the hat."

Kido points to Leia.

"Trust me on this, big guy. I know what I'm doing."

@The Tactician @Crow @Gummi Bunnies @Minerva @Takumi @Atomyk

"... El is the source of energy from my world... and with Dark El... it originated due to a conflict in the distant past... The Dark El corrupts whoever comes in contact with it... when you absorb it... I took it into my body when I... didn't want to die in battle... and now... I... I usually get guided by those other entity in my head... my phantom... it sometimes takes over... but I learned to... control it... for a period of time..."


With that said, Elesis would take notice of Add's Dynamo being present, but didn't see it charging up electricity... What was Add doing with this one Dynamo?

@Crow @The Tactician @Atomyk @Verite @ppl x-x​

"Just doing a favor for the one who controls the blood... I'm sure that no one wants to miss out on hearing such banters go on and on..."

Again with that vague saying, Add's smile curled up in a way that appeared... demonic. Left with his five Dynamos, the esper didn't seem to move from his spot, even when the opportunity for momentary safety was offered to him.


"Hm... so now that I believe it's just you and me... I'm sure we can keep this our little secret..."

As Add happened to coo these words out, his chest crystal began to radiate with a strange aura, the five Dynamos revolving around the crazed esper. What exactly was he planning now?
"You're not exactly helping your case here."

He said dryly before cracking his neck to the side and stretching briefly. Lucifer, in his line of work was used to the other kinds of nut jobs, the ones that acted quite normally right up to the point where they hauled off and smashed someone with a poker for blowing their nose noisily. But then you had the different sort. Those in two minds, but instead of them being in conflict, they were in competition. Demons on both shoulders, egging one another on to see what would happen, like a child pulling wings off butterflies.

Add seemed to be that sort of dodgy bloke, like the other crazies he had met in his time. Throughout this entire conversation, he smiled in a cheerful chirpy sort of way. His attitude could be best described as a cheeky kind of rascal who made a dodgy living selling gold watches that go green after a week. And he appeared to be convinced, utterly convinced, that he never did anything really wrong.

And it was believable right up until you looked hard into those cheeky, smiling eyes, and saw, deep down, the demons looking back. It was hard for the average field agent to deal with people like that. They expected people, when heavily outnumbered, to give in or try to deal or at least just stop moving. They didn't expect people to kill for a five- dollar watch or a lark. But that was life and it seemed things were moving fast regardless. Hands in his pockets, he tilted his head to the side and said clearly.

"We'll be heading down to the cells now. Temporary, till we get you sorted out....Afterwards? Depending on good behavior, or if your story checks out, we'll let you back out and I'll even buy you dinner. Resisting arrest.... Well, its not something you want to do."

He shrugged.

"So what's it going to be, Mr. Add?"

@Gummi Bunnies
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