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Carissa nodded to Lucifer when he would bow to her, and then gestured towards Zatanna's unconscious form close by. Morrigan was present as well, also seeming a bit out of it for the time being. "She's unharmed, as far as I can tell. Only knocked out from the gas we encountered when lost in Silent Earth earlier," the princess answered, placing a hand on her hip, grumbling to herself in something of an irritable manner, "If only I could get through to Knight Leader, those Umbrella goons shall truly rue the day they messed with me."
"That mist is terrifying in its implications. Imagine it used on worlds of conflict, it'd cripple our magus support and metahuman divisions."

He said as he stepped inside. Zatanna he checked first, for personal reasons as he pressed his fingers gently on her pulse before heaving a quiet sigh of relief. Thank god she was alright. He had few friends as it was, the magician was one of them. Counting the various folks in the cell, he moved on to Morrigan in turn, doing the pulse test again.

There was something niggling at his mind and hopefully, this might confirm some things.

"Did either of you hear anything about Ilona in this place?"
While this happened, the iron panels on the other side of the wall softly let out a hissing sound, as though the cell doors weren't the only thing the console had opened...
Hmm? He flicked his gaze towards the noise, spinning lightly on his feet as he frowned. A moment later, he asked hopefully over his shoulder at Lady Carissa.

"Would that be the exit the guards left by?"

@Jeremi @Verite @Nater Taters @Crow @Mason Moretti @Holding Room 2​
Makoto nodded once all the guards were dead. "Looks like we weren't sitting on much here. I'll help Jude take Leia to the opposite end of the hall while the rest of you go to the second holding room. Kyoko might need help!"

With that, Makoto moved to support Leia alongside Jude.

@Gummi Bunnies @Bomb @Josh M @CrunchyCHEEZIT @darnerdemons @Verite @The Tactician @First Holding Room
Carissa nodded to Lucifer when he would bow to her, and then gestured towards Zatanna's unconscious form close by. Morrigan was present as well, also seeming a bit out of it for the time being. "She's unharmed, as far as I can tell. Only knocked out from the gas we encountered when lost in Silent Earth earlier," the princess answered, placing a hand on her hip, grumbling to herself in something of an irritable manner, "If only I could get through to Knight Leader, those Umbrella goons shall truly rue the day they messed with me."

In any case, it seemed that at least the cells managed to open after the bantering with the two agents. For the record, it was Mason's guess that got the job done.


"Yes, good job," Kyoko said in response to Mason's question, though it seemed that her mind was on other things at the moment, given their situation. Not that she was known for giving most people special positive attention to begin with. Clearing her throat, she would continue talking once the doors would easily enough open.

"If Umbrella really is behind all this... I guess they really did outlive a multidimensional Arch Demon. As tough as a cockroach, and just as disgusting while we're at it," Kyoko spoke.

As the doors opened, Ritsuko took a breath. "Thanks for the help, though... For the record, this won't change my stance on Ilona if you were hoping for something like that."

"I wouldn't dream of it."

"Is this... really the time for this, you two?" Uhura, on the other hand, would ask, having come to just a few moments prior, as demonstrated when seen rubbing her temple.

While this happened, the iron panels on the other side of the wall softly let out a hissing sound, as though the cell doors weren't the only thing the console had opened...

@Jeremi @Ringmaster @Nater Taters @Crow @Mason Moretti @Holding Room 2

Mason turned towards the iron panel which slowly slid open. He held his sword at the ready, prepared for a wave of enhanced undead to slowly shuffle their way through the door, as zombies do.​
"Did I really dial nine?"

In contrast, Lucifers tone would be nothing but polite and intrigued. He wasn't in this for his own glory and certainly would be bemused at Mason's line of thoughts or reason for his annoyance. Reaching over to the pad, he continued as he re-dialed after waiting if Mason's attempt worked on the door.

"Typically, most people associate their codes with names, families- You need only look at bank cards for example for most thieves. A number pad works easily because its a format universal for most worlds and 'hello shell' is an expression hardly anyone would think to associate with a password. Easy to recall for these enhanced zombies I'd theorize. Fingers crossed, no?"

Now then.... 435-574-3555.

About to thank Mason for catching that, he paused and peered curiously at him before asking.

"Are you alright? Don't worry, we'll get out of this safe."

He completely misinterpreted his mood. Satisfied he had done his duty, he turned to the cell and spoke to Carrisa.

"Lady Carrisa, is Zatanna safe?"

@Verite @Jeremi @Mason Moretti @Nater Taters @Crow @Holding Room 2

"Actually, buddy, (I don't know your name,) I'm feeling kinda nervous. If this is the exit the guards left by, that means guards await us ahead. I think we're in for a fight."

@Holding Room 2
*I don't feel like writing my Inventory stuff, nothing has changed*

@Crow @Jeremi @Mason Moretti @Nater Taters @Ringmaster @Verite


Bekka would be successful in her efforts to tear out the door, leaving no need to mess with the control panel further. "I, uh... I would say that the earlier attacks on the door probably weakened the foundation enough for Bekka to pull it off! Good job, everybody!" Whether that was true or not, Kieran wanted people to believe it.

The storage room would contain everyone's lost items and equipment... as well as a variety of weaponry for those who had not been armed to begin with. It seems this was where the guards supplied themselves.

@Jeremi @Crow @Takumi @Hospes @Sen @Kaykay @Gummi Bunnies @Crimson Spartan @LuckycoolHawk9 @york @dark @Archwar @Bomb @Chewy Rabbits @Mason Moretti @Storage Room
Kieran hefted a two-handed axe into his hands. He smiled down at the weapon as, enjoying the familiar weight such a weapon offered him.

"Now, you all can assist the others with the holding cells, or establish a rendezvous point at the door at the opposite end of the prison hall. We'll all need to secure that door at some point anyway."

@Jeremi @Crow @Takumi @Hospes @Sen @Kaykay @Gummi Bunnies @Crimson Spartan @LuckycoolHawk9 @york @dark @Archwar @Bomb @Chewy Rabbits @Mason Moretti @Storage Room
The door at the end of the hall was clear of guards or obstacles, though it required a key card that the group didn't have. "No panel here... looks more secure as well. We may have to wait and see if the others find a card... in the meantime, let's establish a defense here in case something decides to come through the door."

@Jeremi @Takumi @Hospes @Crimson Spartan @LuckycoolHawk9 @york @dark @Archwar @Chewy Rabbits @Kaykay @Rendezvous Point

@Jeremi @Takumi @Hospes @Crimson Spartan @LuckycoolHawk9 @Atomyk @dark @Archwar @Chewy Rabbits @Kaykay
@Rendezvous Point I guess

Ruby Rose

As soon as the door to the storage room was blown open, quiet literally... Ruby rushed in, even with her weakened semblance, she was pretty dang fast. Soon enough, she put on her backpack, clipped on that mysterious metal suitcase, and tenderly grabbed her secret cookie stash, and finally... Her crescent rose.


"Oooh! My little sweet heart! ... I missed you so much..." She cooed, crading her precious weapon as if it were her very own child

In a way... That snyper scythe was... Actually. She made it after all, during her time at Signal academy, and it has certainly served her well over the years.

Now fully armed with her arsenal, Ruby was as cheerfull as ever, though she knew she would have to give her aura time to recover, so, she turned to head to the Rendezvous point presumably established, but just before she left, she turned to Weiss.

"Meetchya at the renda-voo place... Or whatever!" She called... Well, Ruby still needed some dire english lessons, oh well.

Unless Weiss stopped her, she was off.


Zwei was just sorta panting in Weiss's arms, clearly content with where he was for now... Looks like he had turned out the situation around him, at least for the moment.

(I guess this counts as a Zwei shitpost : |)

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"Knowing the people at the meeting, we should probably choose the one that leads to the most noise."


"I hope nothing happened to them, I would hate to come to a fight."

"I think something's coming from over there, it could be them, or the other group," Madoka predicts, "let us go."


Mason looked at Lucifer quizzically. "How the hell did you get those numbers from 'hello shell'? I got a bit of a different answer..." Mason used his aura to form images of the words floating in the air in order to illustrate his point.
View attachment 118758

"Now, if you spend too much time reading leet-speak on the Internet, (which I doubt you do, sir,) you might be able to make the numbers '4-3-1-1-0-5-4-3-1-1'." Mason added the numbers to his demonstration.
View attachment 118759

"However... That's a bit of a stretch. A lowercase 'e' doesn't match up with the number '3' and an uppercase 'L' can't really be mistaken as a '1'. I'm not satisfied with that answer. Things make a lot more sense when you turn things around. If you rotate the words 'HELLO SHELL' one-hundred-and-eighty degrees, you get... this." Mason manipulated his aura shapes to turn the phrase upside down, resulting in a different view. He changed the numbers around to match.
View attachment 118761

"7-7-3-4-5-0-7-7-3-4" Mason turned to Kyoko and smiled. "Like my detective work, Kirigiri? It may be possible that those sevens could be ones, but I'm pretty confident in my answer. At least it has the same amount of numbers as there are letters in 'hello shell'."

Mason enters the code and reabsorbs the aura he used to create the floating letters and numbers in order to save his energy.

@Holding Room 2
Aura Inventory: Floating Numbers,
Aura Power: 90%->80%->90%
Pocket Inv:
Aura Guide, Tool Belt

@Crow @Jeremi @Mason Moretti @Nater Taters @Ringmaster @Verite
Carissa nodded to Lucifer when he would bow to her, and then gestured towards Zatanna's unconscious form close by. Morrigan was present as well, also seeming a bit out of it for the time being. "She's unharmed, as far as I can tell. Only knocked out from the gas we encountered when lost in Silent Earth earlier," the princess answered, placing a hand on her hip, grumbling to herself in something of an irritable manner, "If only I could get through to Knight Leader, those Umbrella goons shall truly rue the day they messed with me."

In any case, it seemed that at least the cells managed to open after the bantering with the two agents. For the record, it was Mason's guess that got the job done.


"Yes, good job," Kyoko said in response to Mason's question, though it seemed that her mind was on other things at the moment, given their situation. Not that she was known for giving most people special positive attention to begin with. Clearing her throat, she would continue talking once the doors would easily enough open.

"If Umbrella really is behind all this... I guess they really did outlive a multidimensional Arch Demon. As tough as a cockroach, and just as disgusting while we're at it," Kyoko spoke.

As the doors opened, Ritsuko took a breath. "Thanks for the help, though... For the record, this won't change my stance on Ilona if you were hoping for something like that."

"I wouldn't dream of it."

"Is this... really the time for this, you two?" Uhura, on the other hand, would ask, having come to just a few moments prior, as demonstrated when seen rubbing her temple.

While this happened, the iron panels on the other side of the wall softly let out a hissing sound, as though the cell doors weren't the only thing the console had opened...

@Jeremi @Ringmaster @Nater Taters @Crow @Mason Moretti @Holding Room 2


"Hey, Ms Kirigiri, isn't that upside-down numbers thing the same thing as the trick about- mmph!"

A familiar figure covers Kido's mouth. Accompanying her was good old Zen.


"Brother, I would reccomend that you do not complete your sentence," Madoka frowns, then smiles. "Also, here's your stuff. Really though, what's with that Wallpaper? Please tell me she's aware of that."

Kido hugs his sister. "Yeah, about that, don't tell Mirei, OK?"

"I probably may or may not. Wait, why aren't you surprised? Could it-"

"We have the same lock pattern. That's how I changed your ringtone," Kido winks

"So you know. Nevertheless, let us proceed."

"Hold on a second," Kido points out, "this still feels a little too easy. Are all the mooks at the big bad's three-hour long speech ceremony about world domination or something? That could explain the... umm... lack of staff."

@Jeremi @Verite @Nater Taters @Crow @Mason Moretti @Ringmaster @Sen @Holding Room 2
"That mist is terrifying in its implications. Imagine it used on worlds of conflict, it'd cripple our magus support and metahuman divisions."

He said as he stepped inside. Zatanna he checked first, for personal reasons as he pressed his fingers gently on her pulse before heaving a quiet sigh of relief. Thank god she was alright. He had few friends as it was, the magician was one of them. Counting the various folks in the cell, he moved on to Morrigan in turn, doing the pulse test again.

There was something niggling at his mind and hopefully, this might confirm some things.

"Did either of you hear anything about Ilona in this place?"

Hmm? He flicked his gaze towards the noise, spinning lightly on his feet as he frowned. A moment later, he asked hopefully over his shoulder at Lady Carissa.

"Would that be the exit the guards left by?"

@Jeremi @Verite @Nater Taters @Crow @Mason Moretti @Holding Room 2​

"I think something's coming from over there, it could be them, or the other group," Madoka predicts, "let us go."



"Hey, Ms Kirigiri, isn't that upside-down numbers thing the same thing as the trick about- mmph!"

A familiar figure covers Kido's mouth. Accompanying her was good old Zen.


"Brother, I would reccomend that you do not complete your sentence," Madoka frowns, then smiles. "Also, here's your stuff. Really though, what's with that Wallpaper? Please tell me she's aware of that."

Kido hugs his sister. "Yeah, about that, don't tell Mirei, OK?"

"I probably may or may not. Wait, why aren't you surprised? Could it-"

"We have the same lock pattern. That's how I changed your ringtone," Kido winks

"So you know. Nevertheless, let us proceed."

"Hold on a second," Kido points out, "this still feels a little too easy. Are all the mooks at the big bad's three-hour long speech ceremony about world domination or something? That could explain the... umm... lack of staff."

@Jeremi @Verite @Nater Taters @Crow @Mason Moretti @Ringmaster @Sen @Holding Room 2
"I haven't," Carissa would say in response to Lucifer's first question, shaking her head briefly as the young woman would cross her arms thoughtfully, "Though... It does make me wonder, I suppose. If the party responsible for abducting Ilona are the same as those who abducted us, why would we be taken along for the ride? Ilona's plenty enough, considering her power... unless... there's some ulterior motive I can't quite fathom just yet."

As the iron panels continued to hiss, ever so slightly opening up over time, they would slowly reveal a considerable amount of space, presumably an additional part of the room they all stood in that was previously locked. Opening up from the top to the bottom, a massive logo was painted on the wall.

The symbol of the Umbrella Corporation.


Ritsuko's expression darkened when everyone's suspicions were confirmed, but said nothing.

Still, that wasn't the end of it. By the time the rest of the panels opened up, the sight of a number of ghastly looking creatures would greet you all, grotesque zombie monsters standing there eagerly, as though they had been aware of your presence for some time and had been waiting all this time for the opportunity to strike.



Crimson Heads. A deadly mutation of the ordinary zombie, stronger, faster, and more vicious than the normal kind. Chains were cuffed around their arms, the bolts on the walls suggesting that they were previously stuck there until they had presumably broken free by themselves. Growling softly, they took a moment to simply stare at the group while the iron panels opened up, watching, waiting...

Kyoko held her breath, instinctively taking a step back. She had no way of protecting herself from those kinds of creatures, though Len, ever so loyal to Shiki's command to protect her, stood in front of her, ready for anything. The young woman, perhaps out of instinct herself, thought about what they were doing here. Was this some sort of trap laid out by people who would try to prematurely free the prisoners? Did something go wrong with the process of freeing them? She couldn't know for sure.

And... Once the time came, so did they. With blood-curdling screams, they lunged forward when the path was clear, lunging and clawing at the group!

@Crow @Nater Taters @Ringmaster @Jeremi @Mason Moretti @Sen @Holding Room 2
"I haven't," Carissa would say in response to Lucifer's first question, shaking her head briefly as the young woman would cross her arms thoughtfully, "Though... It does make me wonder, I suppose. If the party responsible for abducting Ilona are the same as those who abducted us, why would we be taken along for the ride? Ilona's plenty enough, considering her power... unless... there's some ulterior motive I can't quite fathom just yet."

As the iron panels continued to hiss, ever so slightly opening up over time, they would slowly reveal a considerable amount of space, presumably an additional part of the room they all stood in that was previously locked. Opening up from the top to the bottom, a massive logo was painted on the wall.

The symbol of the Umbrella Corporation.


Ritsuko's expression darkened when everyone's suspicions were confirmed, but said nothing.

Still, that wasn't the end of it. By the time the rest of the panels opened up, the sight of a number of ghastly looking creatures would greet you all, grotesque zombie monsters standing there eagerly, as though they had been aware of your presence for some time and had been waiting all this time for the opportunity to strike.



Crimson Heads. A deadly mutation of the ordinary zombie, stronger, faster, and more vicious than the normal kind. Chains were cuffed around their arms, the bolts on the walls suggesting that they were previously stuck there until they had presumably broken free by themselves. Growling softly, they took a moment to simply stare at the group while the iron panels opened up, watching, waiting...

Kyoko held her breath, instinctively taking a step back. She had no way of protecting herself from those kinds of creatures, though Len, ever so loyal to Shiki's command to protect her, stood in front of her, ready for anything. The young woman, perhaps out of instinct herself, thought about what they were doing here. Was this some sort of trap laid out by people who would try to prematurely free the prisoners? Did something go wrong with the process of freeing them? She couldn't know for sure.

And... Once the time came, so did they. With blood-curdling screams, they lunged forward when the path was clear, lunging and clawing at the group!

@Crow @Nater Taters @Ringmaster @Jeremi @Mason Moretti @Sen @Holding Room 2
"Kirigiri, stand back!" Mason cries, standing between Kyoko and the wave of zombies. He knew something was suspicious about this room, but now was not the time for I-Told-You-So's. Now was the time for action. "Head out of this room and across the hall! There should be weapons in that storage room for you to use! I'll hold things off here."

And with that, Mason springs into action. An aura of royal purple flares to life and surrounds both him and his blade. With a flurry of swipes, Mason charges at the first Crimson Head in his line of sight. Once a blow connects, he darts back to observe the damage done. The result is... less than admirable. The beast is barely scratched while his aura claymore has been chipped.

At this point, Mason is faced with a choice. Either he takes the route of strategy and focuses on minimizing damage, or he goes in guns...

His heart, pouring additional aura into the blade, restoring and strengthening, makes the decision for him. With an extra kick behind the weapon's power, Mason charges back towards the beast, guns blazing. With two quick swipes, he severs the arms off a single Crimson Head and proceeds to thrust the tip of his sword cleanly through its abdomen. A forceful kick removes the vermine from his blade, and he goes for a complete kill with a slice at the neck, removing the head.

Mason's heart has gone wild.

Mason is in a frenzy
@Holding Room 2
Aura Inventory: Claymore

Aura Power: 90%->75%
Pocket Inventory: Aura Guide, Tool Belt

@Crow @Nater Taters @Ringmaster @Jeremi @Mason Moretti @Sen @Verite
"I haven't," Carissa would say in response to Lucifer's first question, shaking her head briefly as the young woman would cross her arms thoughtfully, "Though... It does make me wonder, I suppose. If the party responsible for abducting Ilona are the same as those who abducted us, why would we be taken along for the ride? Ilona's plenty enough, considering her power... unless... there's some ulterior motive I can't quite fathom just yet."

As the iron panels continued to hiss, ever so slightly opening up over time, they would slowly reveal a considerable amount of space, presumably an additional part of the room they all stood in that was previously locked. Opening up from the top to the bottom, a massive logo was painted on the wall.

The symbol of the Umbrella Corporation.


Ritsuko's expression darkened when everyone's suspicions were confirmed, but said nothing.

Still, that wasn't the end of it. By the time the rest of the panels opened up, the sight of a number of ghastly looking creatures would greet you all, grotesque zombie monsters standing there eagerly, as though they had been aware of your presence for some time and had been waiting all this time for the opportunity to strike.



Crimson Heads. A deadly mutation of the ordinary zombie, stronger, faster, and more vicious than the normal kind. Chains were cuffed around their arms, the bolts on the walls suggesting that they were previously stuck there until they had presumably broken free by themselves. Growling softly, they took a moment to simply stare at the group while the iron panels opened up, watching, waiting...

Kyoko held her breath, instinctively taking a step back. She had no way of protecting herself from those kinds of creatures, though Len, ever so loyal to Shiki's command to protect her, stood in front of her, ready for anything. The young woman, perhaps out of instinct herself, thought about what they were doing here. Was this some sort of trap laid out by people who would try to prematurely free the prisoners? Did something go wrong with the process of freeing them? She couldn't know for sure.

And... Once the time came, so did they. With blood-curdling screams, they lunged forward when the path was clear, lunging and clawing at the group!

@Crow @Nater Taters @Ringmaster @Jeremi @Mason Moretti @Sen @Holding Room 2


"Me and my big mouth," Kido sighs as the horde of zombies begins to strike. He aimed a pistol at a raging zombie, striking with six bullets before running out, to follow up with Mason's berserking strikes.


"Zen, stand back and hold this for me, feel free to utilise it," Madoka then walks towards the zombie after handing Zen a Rocket-Propelled Grenade Launcher. "I AM PRODUCER, PROTECTOR OF LITTLE GIRLS! LAND A HAND ON THESE- wait, wrong scenario. Let's just skip to the main event."

Madoka displays her martial art feats by blowing a few kicks and chops at a different zombie, with her shoe-covered feet and her long sleeves.

"Oh right! I almost forgot that I had powers."

"Your timing is inappropriate, brother," Madoka says as she continues to confront the Crimson Head, "wait, what?"

Kido begins to chant some things as a purple light surrounds him.

"Everyday, no matter what..."

Kido seemed to be unleashing some sort of purple-hued power.

@Crow @Nater Taters @Ringmaster @Jeremi @Mason Moretti @Sen @Verite @Holding Room 2
"I haven't," Carissa would say in response to Lucifer's first question, shaking her head briefly as the young woman would cross her arms thoughtfully, "Though... It does make me wonder, I suppose. If the party responsible for abducting Ilona are the same as those who abducted us, why would we be taken along for the ride? Ilona's plenty enough, considering her power... unless... there's some ulterior motive I can't quite fathom just yet."

As the iron panels continued to hiss, ever so slightly opening up over time, they would slowly reveal a considerable amount of space, presumably an additional part of the room they all stood in that was previously locked. Opening up from the top to the bottom, a massive logo was painted on the wall.

The symbol of the Umbrella Corporation.


Ritsuko's expression darkened when everyone's suspicions were confirmed, but said nothing.

Still, that wasn't the end of it. By the time the rest of the panels opened up, the sight of a number of ghastly looking creatures would greet you all, grotesque zombie monsters standing there eagerly, as though they had been aware of your presence for some time and had been waiting all this time for the opportunity to strike.



Crimson Heads. A deadly mutation of the ordinary zombie, stronger, faster, and more vicious than the normal kind. Chains were cuffed around their arms, the bolts on the walls suggesting that they were previously stuck there until they had presumably broken free by themselves. Growling softly, they took a moment to simply stare at the group while the iron panels opened up, watching, waiting...

Kyoko held her breath, instinctively taking a step back. She had no way of protecting herself from those kinds of creatures, though Len, ever so loyal to Shiki's command to protect her, stood in front of her, ready for anything. The young woman, perhaps out of instinct herself, thought about what they were doing here. Was this some sort of trap laid out by people who would try to prematurely free the prisoners? Did something go wrong with the process of freeing them? She couldn't know for sure.

And... Once the time came, so did they. With blood-curdling screams, they lunged forward when the path was clear, lunging and clawing at the group!

@Crow @Nater Taters @Ringmaster @Jeremi @Mason Moretti @Sen @Holding Room 2
"Kirigiri, stand back!" Mason cries, standing between Kyoko and the wave of zombies. He knew something was suspicious about this room, but now was not the time for I-Told-You-So's. Now was the time for action. "Head out of this room and across the hall! There should be weapons in that storage room for you to use! I'll hold things off here."

And with that, Mason springs into action. An aura of royal purple flares to life and surrounds both him and his blade. With a flurry of swipes, Mason charges at the first Crimson Head in his line of sight. Once a blow connects, he darts back to observe the damage done. The result is... less than admirable. The beast is barely scratched while his aura claymore has been chipped.

At this point, Mason is faced with a choice. Either he takes the route of strategy and focuses on minimizing damage, or he goes in guns...

His heart, pouring additional aura into the blade, restoring and strengthening, makes the decision for him. With an extra kick behind the weapon's power, Mason charges back towards the beast, guns blazing. With two quick swipes, he severs the arms off a single Crimson Head and proceeds to thrust the tip of his sword cleanly through its abdomen. A forceful kick removes the vermine from his blade, and he goes for a complete kill with a slice at the neck, removing the head.

Mason's heart has gone wild.

Mason is in a frenzy
@Holding Room 2
Aura Inventory: Claymore

Aura Power: 90%->75%
Pocket Inventory: Aura Guide, Tool Belt

@Crow @Nater Taters @Ringmaster @Jeremi @Mason Moretti @Sen @Verite
"Der'mo!" Artyom managed to get out as he stumbled away from the Crimson Head onslaught. Great, now what. Artyom overheard Mason and raced in the storage room, he noticed his gear on the far side of the room, he quickly retrieved his weapons and returned to the holding room his group was in. It seemed like Mason was already busy dismembering one of the Crimson Heads. Not to be outdone, Artyom went to work blasting the Crimson Heads into little bits with his Duplet shotgun
"I haven't," Carissa would say in response to Lucifer's first question, shaking her head briefly as the young woman would cross her arms thoughtfully, "Though... It does make me wonder, I suppose. If the party responsible for abducting Ilona are the same as those who abducted us, why would we be taken along for the ride? Ilona's plenty enough, considering her power... unless... there's some ulterior motive I can't quite fathom just yet."

As the iron panels continued to hiss, ever so slightly opening up over time, they would slowly reveal a considerable amount of space, presumably an additional part of the room they all stood in that was previously locked. Opening up from the top to the bottom, a massive logo was painted on the wall.

The symbol of the Umbrella Corporation.


Ritsuko's expression darkened when everyone's suspicions were confirmed, but said nothing.

Still, that wasn't the end of it. By the time the rest of the panels opened up, the sight of a number of ghastly looking creatures would greet you all, grotesque zombie monsters standing there eagerly, as though they had been aware of your presence for some time and had been waiting all this time for the opportunity to strike.



Crimson Heads. A deadly mutation of the ordinary zombie, stronger, faster, and more vicious than the normal kind. Chains were cuffed around their arms, the bolts on the walls suggesting that they were previously stuck there until they had presumably broken free by themselves. Growling softly, they took a moment to simply stare at the group while the iron panels opened up, watching, waiting...

Kyoko held her breath, instinctively taking a step back. She had no way of protecting herself from those kinds of creatures, though Len, ever so loyal to Shiki's command to protect her, stood in front of her, ready for anything. The young woman, perhaps out of instinct herself, thought about what they were doing here. Was this some sort of trap laid out by people who would try to prematurely free the prisoners? Did something go wrong with the process of freeing them? She couldn't know for sure.

And... Once the time came, so did they. With blood-curdling screams, they lunged forward when the path was clear, lunging and clawing at the group!

@Crow @Nater Taters @Ringmaster @Jeremi @Mason Moretti @Sen @Holding Room 2

"Stay back everyone!" Due to the tight spaces Lois didn't dare to use the full brunt of her powers so that no one on their side would be swept away by the winds. Instead she'd take aim on one of the nearest Crimson Heads and attempt the same trick she had done with the zombie guard not too long ago.

@Verite @Crow @Nater Taters @Ringmaster @Jeremi @Mason Moretti @Sen @Holding Room 2
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"Kirigiri, stand back!" Mason cries, standing between Kyoko and the wave of zombies. He knew something was suspicious about this room, but now was not the time for I-Told-You-So's. Now was the time for action. "Head out of this room and across the hall! There should be weapons in that storage room for you to use! I'll hold things off here."

And with that, Mason springs into action. An aura of royal purple flares to life and surrounds both him and his blade. With a flurry of swipes, Mason charges at the first Crimson Head in his line of sight. Once a blow connects, he darts back to observe the damage done. The result is... less than admirable. The beast is barely scratched while his aura claymore has been chipped.

At this point, Mason is faced with a choice. Either he takes the route of strategy and focuses on minimizing damage, or he goes in guns...

His heart, pouring additional aura into the blade, restoring and strengthening, makes the decision for him. With an extra kick behind the weapon's power, Mason charges back towards the beast, guns blazing. With two quick swipes, he severs the arms off a single Crimson Head and proceeds to thrust the tip of his sword cleanly through its abdomen. A forceful kick removes the vermine from his blade, and he goes for a complete kill with a slice at the neck, removing the head.

Mason's heart has gone wild.

Mason is in a frenzy
@Holding Room 2
Aura Inventory: Claymore

Aura Power: 90%->75%
Pocket Inventory: Aura Guide, Tool Belt

@Crow @Nater Taters @Ringmaster @Jeremi @Mason Moretti @Sen @Verite

"Me and my big mouth," Kido sighs as the horde of zombies begins to strike. He aimed a pistol at a raging zombie, striking with six bullets before running out, to follow up with Mason's berserking strikes.


"Zen, stand back and hold this for me, feel free to utilise it," Madoka then walks towards the zombie after handing Zen a Rocket-Propelled Grenade Launcher. "I AM PRODUCER, PROTECTOR OF LITTLE GIRLS! LAND A HAND ON THESE- wait, wrong scenario. Let's just skip to the main event."

Madoka displays her martial art feats by blowing a few kicks and chops at a different zombie, with her shoe-covered feet and her long sleeves.

"Oh right! I almost forgot that I had powers."

"Your timing is inappropriate, brother," Madoka says as she continues to confront the Crimson Head, "wait, what?"

Kido begins to chant some things as a purple light surrounds him.

"Everyday, no matter what..."

Kido seemed to be unleashing some sort of purple-hued power.

@Crow @Nater Taters @Ringmaster @Jeremi @Mason Moretti @Sen @Verite @Holding Room 2
"Der'mo!" Artyom managed to get out as he stumbled away from the Crimson Head onslaught. Great, now what. Artyom overheard Mason and raced in the storage room, he noticed his gear on the far side of the room, he quickly retrieved his weapons and returned to the holding room his group was in. It seemed like Mason was already busy dismembering on of the Crimson Heads. Not to be outdone, Artyom went work blasting the Crimson Heads into little bits with his Duplet shotgun

"Stay back everyone!" Due to the tight spaces Lois didn't dare to use the full brunt of her powers so that no one on their side would be swept away by the winds. Instead she'd take aim on one of the nearest Crimson Heads and attempt the same trick she had done with the zombie guard not too long ago.

@Verite @Crow @Nater Taters @Ringmaster @Jeremi @Mason Moretti @Sen @Holding Room 2


Despite Mason's request, Kyoko would stand where she was, behind the others. It wasn't that she was too paralyzed with fear or any sort of the thing. She had seen far more than Crimson Heads during her time as a leader of the Coalition, and everything in between during her period of absence, to warrant running away from. The detective was never much of a fighter. Her battles involved competitions of the mind.

Except for that one time she was forced into a scuffle with that man with the hockey mask and machete, but hardly anyone was present to help her, so it was do or die in that case.

Outnumbered and outgunned by the group, the Crimson Heads, one by one, would manage to be picked off and killed without too much of a mess, blood splatters aside. They were tougher than, say, the zombie guarding the door, as one could perhaps assume that these were the real security forces, but they were no match for the combined power of the group.

With that, Kyoko would take a relieved breath, brushing aside some stray hair.


"Fighting's never been my forte, but it looks like you managed to make up for it," Kyoko remarked to the group, specifically Mason, before walking over and helping the unconscious Commander Shepard, who was thankfully not dressed in her standard N7 Armor, or the task would have been that much more difficult.

"Good work, team. But we're not out of the woods just yet. We should get going. Hopefully, the others have also finished recovering the others and the items, so we should rendezvous," she remarked, moving out of the room, the likes of Ritsuko and Uhura following, with Carissa as well, the MEU representative holding along Zatanna.

"Zatanna... Are you alright? Speak to me."



Meanwhile, Len, remarkably strong despite her size, managed to hold up Paladin Danse by herself.

She steered clear of Kido after what he said though.

@Crow @Jeremi @Nater Taters @Ringmaster @Atomyk @Mason Moretti @Holding Room 2 @Rendezvous
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"Me and my big mouth," Kido sighs as the horde of zombies begins to strike. He aimed a pistol at a raging zombie, striking with six bullets before running out, to follow up with Mason's berserking strikes.


"Zen, stand back and hold this for me, feel free to utilise it," Madoka then walks towards the zombie after handing Zen a Rocket-Propelled Grenade Launcher. "I AM PRODUCER, PROTECTOR OF LITTLE GIRLS! LAND A HAND ON THESE- wait, wrong scenario. Let's just skip to the main event."

Madoka displays her martial art feats by blowing a few kicks and chops at a different zombie, with her shoe-covered feet and her long sleeves.

"Oh right! I almost forgot that I had powers."

"Your timing is inappropriate, brother," Madoka says as she continues to confront the Crimson Head, "wait, what?"

Kido begins to chant some things as a purple light surrounds him.

"Everyday, no matter what..."

Kido seemed to be unleashing some sort of purple-hued power.

@Crow @Nater Taters @Ringmaster @Jeremi @Mason Moretti @Sen @Verite @Holding Room 2


"Madoka PD-ssi. I really shouldn't use this in a space like this-"
He could only stare at her as she leapt into the fray, lashing out at the zombies. So, she was one of those women. At least he hadn't been punched in the head yet. Somehow, he had a feeling that Madoka and Jaehee would probably be good friends if they had the chance to meet. Since he wasn't much of a fighter himself, he could only pull out the handgun he had taken earlier and fire shots aimed specifically at the zombie's head or chest area.

@Verite @Crow @Jeremi @Nater Taters @Ringmaster @Atomyk @Mason Moretti @Holding Room


Despite Mason's request, Kyoko would stand where she was, behind the others. It wasn't that she was too paralyzed with fear or any sort of the thing. She had seen far more than Crimson Heads during her time as a leader of the Coalition, and everything in between during her period of absence, to warrant running away from. The detective was never much of a fighter. Her battles involved competitions of the mind.

Except for that one time she was forced into a scuffle with that man with the hockey mask and machete, but hardly anyone was present to help her, so it was do or die in that case.

Outnumbered and outgunned by the group, the Crimson Heads, one by one, would manage to be picked off and killed without too much of a mess, blood splatters aside. They were tougher than, say, the zombie guarding the door, as one could perhaps assume that these were the real security forces, but they were no match for the combined power of the group.

With that, Kyoko would take a relieved breath, brushing aside some stray hair.


"Fighting's never been my forte, but it looks like you managed to make up for it," Kyoko remarked to the group, specifically Mason, before walking over and helping the unconscious Commander Shepard, who was thankfully not dressed in her standard N7 Armor, or the task would have been that much more difficult.

"Good work, team. But we're not out of the woods just yet. We should get going. Hopefully, the others have also finished recovering the others and the items, so we should rendezvous," she remarked, moving out of the room, the likes of Ritsuko and Uhura following, with Carissa as well, the MEU representative holding along Zatanna.

"Zatanna... Are you alright? Speak to me."



Meanwhile, Len, remarkably strong despite her size, managed to hold up Paladin Danse by herself.

She steered clear of Kido after what he said though.

@Crow @Jeremi @Nater Taters @Ringmaster @Atomyk @Mason Moretti @Holding Room 2 @Rendezvous

Zatanna stirred to Carissa's voice before letting out a groan. "Ugh...I'm alive if that's what you're asking." She clutched her head. "How long was I out? Is everyone else okay?"

@Crow @Jeremi @Nater Taters @Ringmaster @Atomyk @Mason Moretti @Holding Room 2 @Rendezvous
Zatanna stirred to Carissa's voice before letting out a groan. "Ugh...I'm alive if that's what you're asking." She clutched her head. "How long was I out? Is everyone else okay?"
"To varying degrees."

Assisting Morrigan, Lucifer would be frowning in thought as he went back to the fight. As an experiment, he had used the activated baton on the Crimsons in an attempt to test its limits. Just to see what sort of effect it had on nullifying 'naturalized' abilities. Explaining a bit more he added.

"We more or less seem to have been held in minimal security. Either we've been really lucky....Or we're just distracting ourselves while Ilona is their first priority."

@Crow @Jeremi @Nater Taters @Verite @Atomyk @Mason Moretti @Holding Room 2 @Rendezvous​


Despite Mason's request, Kyoko would stand where she was, behind the others. It wasn't that she was too paralyzed with fear or any sort of the thing. She had seen far more than Crimson Heads during her time as a leader of the Coalition, and everything in between during her period of absence, to warrant running away from. The detective was never much of a fighter. Her battles involved competitions of the mind.

Except for that one time she was forced into a scuffle with that man with the hockey mask and machete, but hardly anyone was present to help her, so it was do or die in that case.

Outnumbered and outgunned by the group, the Crimson Heads, one by one, would manage to be picked off and killed without too much of a mess, blood splatters aside. They were tougher than, say, the zombie guarding the door, as one could perhaps assume that these were the real security forces, but they were no match for the combined power of the group.

With that, Kyoko would take a relieved breath, brushing aside some stray hair.


"Fighting's never been my forte, but it looks like you managed to make up for it," Kyoko remarked to the group, specifically Mason, before walking over and helping the unconscious Commander Shepard, who was thankfully not dressed in her standard N7 Armor, or the task would have been that much more difficult.

"Good work, team. But we're not out of the woods just yet. We should get going. Hopefully, the others have also finished recovering the others and the items, so we should rendezvous," she remarked, moving out of the room, the likes of Ritsuko and Uhura following, with Carissa as well, the MEU representative holding along Zatanna.

"Zatanna... Are you alright? Speak to me."



Meanwhile, Len, remarkably strong despite her size, managed to hold up Paladin Danse by herself.

She steered clear of Kido after what he said though.

@Crow @Jeremi @Nater Taters @Ringmaster @Atomyk @Mason Moretti @Holding Room 2 @Rendezvous

"To varying degrees."

Assisting Morrigan, Lucifer would be frowning in thought as he went back to the fight. As an experiment, he had used the activated baton on the Crimsons in an attempt to test its limits. Just to see what sort of effect it had on nullifying 'naturalized' abilities. Explaining a bit more he added.

"We more or less seem to have been held in minimal security. Either we've been really lucky....Or we're just distracting ourselves while Ilona is their first priority."

@Crow @Jeremi @Nater Taters @Verite @Atomyk @Mason Moretti @Holding Room 2 @Rendezvous​


"What? That's it? Didn't even get to pull the big guns. What's going on here?"

What Lucifer said would blow the child-like one's mind.

"Of course!" Kido smacked his palm on his forehead, "it all makes sense. So the more guards and more powerful the guards we encounter, the closer we are to our goal, right?"


"Mason, you claim to possess the ability to sense life force, is that true?" Madoka says, "is it possible for you to sense whatever life force the undead possess? A heavier concentration would imply the presence of Illona."

@Crow @Jeremi @Nater Taters @Verite @Atomyk @Mason Moretti @Ringmaster @Sen @Holding Room 2 @Rendezvous
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"To varying degrees."

Assisting Morrigan, Lucifer would be frowning in thought as he went back to the fight. As an experiment, he had used the activated baton on the Crimsons in an attempt to test its limits. Just to see what sort of effect it had on nullifying 'naturalized' abilities. Explaining a bit more he added.

"We more or less seem to have been held in minimal security. Either we've been really lucky....Or we're just distracting ourselves while Ilona is their first priority."

@Crow @Jeremi @Nater Taters @Verite @Atomyk @Mason Moretti @Holding Room 2 @Rendezvous​
"Mason, you claim to possess the ability to sense life force, is that true?" Madoka says, "is it possible for you to sense whatever life force the undead possess? A heavier concentration would imply the presence of Illona."

"With how quickly they were dealt with, I agree. They're probably all around Ilona."

He sighed. "Poor girl, she doesn't deserve all of this."


"Even if Mason-ssi's claims are true, what if it doesn't work?" Zen recalled the mist from earlier, "Everyone hasn't been their best since we came to Silent Earth. Of course, I haven't changed," he chuckled lightheartedly. "But I'm just a man." He handed Madoka back the grenade launcher as he spoke, folding his arms after.

@Verite @Crow @Jeremi @Nater Taters @Ringmaster @Atomyk @Mason Moretti @Holding Room 2​

"Now, now, it was just a bit of teasing, milady. If you trifle with everyone with something bad to say about you, the battles will never end." Sakuya decided to step in before Black's lack of self-preservation and Remilia's lack of self-restraint got them into too big of a mess to back out of.

After seeming to think about it for a moment, Remilia just shrugged and flapped her wings to get herself a little in the air. Might as well stretch her wings, at least.

"Well, you're a fun plaything anyway, standing up to me like you did. Even if it worked like a bug against bug spray. I'm weaker than normal right now, but I'm still pretty strong though, okay?"

WIth a huff, she began to walk towards Holding Room 2 to help out with whatever was needed there. Sakuya turned to Black and the others, gesturing as if to say "Let's go."

@Crimson Spartan @Chewy Rabbits @Mason Moretti @Ringmaster @Jeremi @Crow @Nater Taters @Verite @Holding Room 2​
"Trust me...i'm well aware of your strength....after all you dented that door and probably would've gotten through it if you had kept goin'......It's just in my nature to tease someone when I can....Even if they're vastly stronger then me....." Black stated following the two towards holding room 2. Even in the face of danger including at one point dealing with an Elder God Black's snarky attitude knew no limits. Even being snarky and amoral Black did have one positive trait that being his loyalty. So long as the pay was good he'd stay loyal to Remilia no matter what...

@Kaykay @Chewy Rabbits @Mason Moretti @Ringmaster @Jeremi @Crow @Nater Taters @Verite @Holding Room 2

"What? That's it? Didn't even get to pull the big guns. What's going on here?"

What Lucifer said would blow the child-like one's mind.

"Of course!" Kido smacked his palm on his forehead, "it all makes sense. So the more guards and more powerful the guards we encounter, the closer we are to our goal, right?"


"Mason, you claim to possess the ability to sense life force, is that true?" Madoka says, "is it possible for you to sense whatever life force the undead possess? A heavier concentration would imply the presence of Illona."

@Crow @Jeremi @Nater Taters @Verite @Atomyk @Mason Moretti @Ringmaster @Sen @Holding Room 2 @Rendezvous


"With how quickly they were dealt with, I agree. They're probably all around Ilona."

He sighed. "Poor girl, she doesn't deserve all of this."


"Even if Mason-ssi's claims are true, what if it doesn't work?" Zen recalled the mist from earlier, "Everyone hasn't been their best since we came to Silent Earth. Of course, I haven't changed," he chuckled lightheartedly. "But I'm just a man." He handed Madoka back the grenade launcher as he spoke, folding his arms after.

@Verite @Crow @Jeremi @Nater Taters @Ringmaster @Atomyk @Mason Moretti @Holding Room 2​

Madoka's question drifts through the air and meanders into Mason's ears. It takes him a short while to process it as most of his focus is directed at the blood-red monstrosity in front of him. Eventually, the gears turn and click into place in Mason's mind.

With Mason's power boosted by this frenzy, he could easily search the auras of every being in the Umbrella facility. It wouldn't be difficult to find Ilona herself, as her aura burns brighter than not only the zombies, but brighter than normal humans as well. He could tell where Ilona was, but he couldn't open a portal to her location. Even powered up, Mason can not teleport to a location he doesn't know or can't see, or at least, not by choice. The World's Heart, his necklace, might have taken him there regardless, but his focus at hand was carnage.

And that carnage drove him to twist Madoka's comments into a reversed meaning. Rather than find Ilona by searching for zombies, searching for Ilona would allow him to find an even bigger battle, a bigger opportunity for carnage, because of great number of zombies guarding her.

Responding to Madoka, he says, "These undead... Their life force is different. If the aura of a human is a lightbulb, then these beings are worth less than a single unlit match. I can find more aura inside the dogs people brought along than these useless undead. Their auras are tiny, but..." Mason takes a moment to cleave another Crimson Head in two, then continues, "But they're extremely satisfying to snuff out.

"You're right, Madoka. I can feel a large cluster of zombies and Ilona standing two floors above us. They're definitely not going light on security around her. Hopefully this battle won't wear you all out."
Despite Mason saying that, he was the one tiring himself out. The longer he stayed in this frenzied state, the more aura he burns through. This state can't be sustained because the auras of the undead are far too little to absorb and compensate for the massive amounts he burns through to kill them.

Along with that, periodically through his fight, the royal purple aura that surrounded him would give way to a quick flash of electric blue. It might even go unnoticed by the group, but Mason's view, if he saw the state he was in from an outside angle, would have a big issue with this shift.

Mason is in a frenzy
@Holding Room 2
Aura Inventory:
Aura Power: 75%->65%
Pocket Inventory: Aura Guide, Tool Belt

@Chewy Rabbits @Crimson Spartan @Crow @Jeremi @Kaykay @Mason Moretti @Nater Taters @Ringmaster @Verite
Soft, blue eyes cracked open slowly. Where...Where was he? Bradley lifted his head and inspected the area, his eyes aching, wanting to be closed again. One minute he was getting a drink for him and Zen, the next he's waking up on the ground, dizzy and uncoordinated. It took him a few seconds, but he was soon on his feet, arm resting on the wall, keeping himself steady while his body was hunched over. "Zen...?" He called out weakly, taking a step forward. "Ze-Zen?" He asked again, voice growing louder.

The smell of blood was apparent in the air, but where was it coming from? The boy had no idea - He had been in the slaughterhouse of his home back at the farm enough times to be able to pick that smell out from a gaseous fume of them, but he never quite got used to it. When he rounded a corner, however, the source was obvious. His eyes widened and he took a step back, staring at the mutilated corpses lying on the ground. "Wh-what the..." Holding back vomit, he looked straight ahead, trying to power through the bodies. His feet sloshed around, disgusting squelching noises filling the silence. With each step, he could feel his appetite diminishing more and more.


A few minutes after he exited that battlefield, he could hear some voices and, before he knew it, he heard Zen's distinctive voice. His spirits immediately soared and he started picking up his pace. "Zen!" He exclaimed loudly, the man coming into sight. "Ze-Zen, there ya are!"

@Sen (( Sorry it's kinda bad. It'll get better, I promise. ))​
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