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Although most of the actions and words said or done by the others didn't have an effect on Zinnia, seeing Catbug return from the dead was enough to perk her up for a moment. Her eyes widened as she watched the little creature fly off the podium, and Zinnia was overcome with a sense of relief. The regent may not have worked well on dead humans, but at least it had worked well enough to revive one of their companions. It was a great thing to see, even if he wasn't one of her closest friends. She had risked her life to save Catbug from Jason the first time, and also had enjoyed playing with the little guy when they went swimming in the pool together. She did care about his well-being.

If Catbug being revived would've been the only thing to happen in the room, perhaps Zinnia would've finally relaxed. For a moment, the tension in her shoulders loosened and her breathing finally slowed down. Because of this, she was actually able to focus enough to return her attention to the trial and see what was going on. Paying attention to the trial, however, turned out not to be a good decision for her. As Jude said, she probably should've rested and say this one out.

Hearing Tommy's cries about Jason beating him up, killing his family, and being a horrendous monster, were too much for Zinnia to bear in her stressed out anxious state which seemed to be triggered by the undead man.

"He's a goddamn monster that deserves to be six feet under! Not laying on your goddamn table!"

Zinnia covered her ears, feeling her heart start to race again. "S-Stop, just shut up."

"He killed my family! You fucker!"

Zinnia pressed her hands tighter against her head. "No, no, no, no! Just stop it, I don't need to hear about this..."

"Let me go! This guy wants to dolly Jason up and cut him open like some kind of science fair project! He's a mass murderer who's ruined thousands of lives!"

"SHUT UUUUUP!" Zinnia howled, a scream erupting from her lips a second later. It was loud and piercing, enough to catch the attention of those around her.

Despite her lack of energy, after screaming, Zinnia hopped to her feet and dashed as far away from the podiums as she could get. But, like all of the other trials they had been in, Zinnia found herself unable to leave the area. She would run as fast as she could, and yet at some point her body always froze up and walked back against her will. Regardless, she continued to try for a few moments until she was entirely out of breath--acting like a panicked cat who wanted to escape being rained on.

Once she had given up, Zinnia marched up to one of the podiums and began to punch it, beating it up until her knuckles began to turn red. Afterwards, she dropped to her knees and vomited in front of herself. Embarrassed after having acted this way, and having vomited, she shrunk down and tried to hide herself behind the podium.

I-I just want... to get out of here...

@Chewy Rabbits @Atomyk @The Tactician @Josh M @LuckycoolHawk9 @Yun Lee @york @Jeremi @Everyone
Without a moment's hesitation, Jack was by Zinnia's side. He knelt down and sighed before placing a hand on her back, trying to bring some comfort to her. "Did Doctor Mathis not provide you with any sort of medicine, Zinnia?" It seemed that was the only reason she could be sick, though her screaming also worried him. Perhaps it was the thought of Jason once again upsetting and tormenting her?

@Chewy Rabbits @Atomyk @The Tactician @Josh M @LuckycoolHawk9 @Yun Lee @york @Jeremi @Everyone​

Truth be told, Herbert saw this entire trial to be a waste of his time. He cared very little for how a copycat of that hockey mask wearing brute had perished. He couldn't even use Roy's corpse in his experiments given that the little bear had gone and absconded with it. But as Lapis approached him and held out Catbug's body, Herbert gently took it from her and laid it atop his podium.

"It's as I said before. Whether this creatures survives or continues to decay within your hands matters very little to me. But I'm no idiot, I see the chance for a beneficial success and I take it. This creature is something I've never laid my eyes on before. It has the body of a feline and the wings reminiscent of a ladybug. Imagine all the things we could learn from this."

Herbert held up a hand and motioned for Lapis to take a step back from him however.

"You're free to do whatever you please. Though if all your simple mind can think of is to immediately resort to violence...Well then, I don't think it's me you should be concerned with." Herbert murmured as he reached into his pocket and drew out a syringe filled with Reagent.


Opening up Catbug's wings, Herbert injected the needle into Catbug's back. Pressing his finger down onto the plunger, the liquid seeped into Catbug's corpse. Pulling it out once the syringe was emptied, Herbert rolled up his sleeve to look at his watch while jotting down some notes.

"40% increase in Reagent due to unknown biology. Unsure of what complications this might have on the creature's cadaver. Waiting to see for any signs of life.."

Continually looking back and forth between his watch and Catbug, Herbert frowned. What was going on here? He had re-animated cats before and it hadn't nearly taken this long. Of course bugs were far too small and pointless for him to re-animate. But if he had done so? Perhaps he'd be able to get a better reading if he had done so. Re-loading his syringe with another doseage of Reagent, Herbert injected it into Catbug's back.

"50% increase in Reagent. Hopefully, we start to see some signs that life has returned.."

Moments that would have felt like a eternity passed between Herbert and Lapis until he saw Catbug's wings began to flutter. Soon his legs began to twitch and he slowly sat up as he stared blankly at Lapis.


Reaching out to pet Catbug atop the head, Herbert flashed it a smile. He couldn't have cared one bit that everyone might have been rejoicing at Catbug's return. Herbert was absolutely delighted that his Reagent had worked on a creature that seemed absolutely out of this world! "Welcome back to life, creature.." The scientist said softly but he blinked as Catbug hissed at him. The creature's eyes narrowed as he extended his claws and turned and scratched Herbert across the face. Stinging but not surprising. Animals weren't big fans of Herbert in the first place.


Fluttering his wings, Catbug flew off from the podium and away from Lapis and Herbert. Wiping at the blood dripping down from his face, Herbert scowled. "Well, there's your pet. Hope you're thrilled."

@Gummi Bunnies
Oh damn... He must've gotten hit hard if he was only waking up just now. Sledge stumbled back up to his feet covering his face with his hand. It was a wonder that nothing was broken despite the beating he took against Jason. He shook his head and saw that a trial was currently going on... but he caught eye of that weird cat thing near that one guy. Shaking his head he looked at Catbug before speaking... "Oi.... Ya talk right...? Can you tell me what the hell is going on...?"

@Chewy Rabbits @Gummi Bunnies

Lapis only stood there in surprise upon seeing Catbug actually... sit up right before her very eyes. She had honestly though that something outright wrong would occur to Catbug once Herbert had applied the Reagent into him... but that didn't mean that there was something wrong that could be pointed out by appearances alone. The surprise that was on her face was short-lived as Catbug flew off, away from her...

Gritting her teeth in the terrible feeling that something did go wrong, Lapis felt compelled to go after the little one, somewhat being unaware to the fact that Sledge was approaching them from the side. Just for a moment... she had to make sure that Catbug was fine... and if not, she would have to figure something out.

"... C-Catbug... you... y-you alright?"

@Chewy Rabbits @Crimson Spartan
Wanda looked at the book. Wanda took a minute, a look of distain on her face.

"First and most importantly, this book is clearly wrong. I know magic better than anyone here and this book is, to put it nicely, inaccurate." The blood on the symbol obscured it's true meaning all you. I have stated it's not satanic in nature. That being said, I'm going to foot down and says this book is a false flag. If we put any faith in that dollar store gibberish of a book, we're going to get nowhere.

@Atomyk @Yun Lee @Chewy Rabbits @The Tactician @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @york @Jeremi @BarrenThin @C.T. @Jeremi @york.
"That Jack claims the book says something, even if it's wrong, about the symbol. Surely there's a picture of it in there or he wouldn't know that, right? The book may be wrong, but if it has the symbol in it, that's all it needs. Anyone can copy a picture, even if they don't understand the meaning of it. Anyone who saw the book could have drawn the symbol to incriminate someone knowledgeable about junk like this or to distract from real evidence. Or is there some reason anyone couldn't just draw a picture from a book?"
"Good point! That would mean, paradoxically...Daniel Cain and Doc Hayward-no. That gunshot to the shoulder makes Hayward look suspect. So! Mr. Cain! I'd like to hear what you were doing at the time of the murder!!"
@Atomyk @Chewy Rabbits @Josh M @The Tactician @LuckycoolHawk9 @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @york @Jeremi
"If that's the case, they're all suspect by virtue of being here. Cain and West were both near the library, the Doctor has a gun, Bullet has blood on her hands, Tommy has a machete. This line of reasoning is just going to lead us in circles."

With that, Chikage took a brief pause to collect her thoughts, crossing her arms, before speaking up again.

"I doubt it was Hayward, as his reason for incrimination does not seem lethal. A bullet to the shoulder will not cause death. Or using that reverse logic of Honda's, he's actually the most suspicious, but that won't get us anywhere. Tommy was found in the library so he must have been there first, Cain chased him to the library, with Hayward following, and Bullet says she was last. So either Tommy was the killer, or one of the others had killed him then left and come back. And I don't see any reason to come back to the crime scene, so personally I'd question this Tommy a lot of you seem to keep defending."

She noticed Catbug seemed to have healed somehow. Healed, not revived. She'd believe Jude had made a mistake in his diagnosis on Catbug's condition any day of the week over necromancy, so there was no way Catbug had actually been dead at any point, of course. If things were that convenient, just reviving the murder victim and asking him directly about things would certainly have been something they'd done by now.

Still, the particulars of that didn't seem to matter as a certain bit of tension eased from her body, even if she couldn't completely loosen up given the circumstances.

@Chewy Rabbits @Atomyk @The Tactician @Josh M @LuckycoolHawk9 @Yun Lee @york @Jeremi
  • Love
Reactions: Chewy Rabbits
"Why does it fuckin' matter, huh?!" Bullet screamed across the circle. "You think this is funny? Being a suspect in the murder of some asshole?! I don't even-- I'm only here for Rachel. I don't give a crap about any of this. I don't gotta talk to any of you! Why don't you come over here and get a bullet in your greasy ass--"

Detective Holder, in the podium next to Bullet, suddenly lashed out by grabbing the girl by her collar. She let out a curse and beat at his arm, but he didn't let go.


"You think you're tough shit?" he asked, leaning his face in toward hers for an intense stare. "You think you can beat your chest like a man and get what you want? You wanna act like a man, I will treat you like a man. Make no mistake about it, I will sweep the floor with your little, baby, butch, bitch ass right in front of everyone here. You feel me?" Holder let go, shoving Bullet away, who stumbled against the side of her podium.

Bullet stared at the detective as he turned away from her, crossing his arms. "Yeah... whatever, po-po." Holder turned his head slightly, scoffing in an amused manner. "Got any donuts, po-po?"

"You don't let up, do you? Sorry, this body's a temple."

"A smoke, then."

Holder stared. "... You're pretty unforgettable, Bullet." Shaking his head, Holder reached into his jacket pocket and pulled out a cigarette to hand to Bullet. She took it quickly, igniting it with a lighter from her pocket. She took one long drag, glancing warily at Holder, who was looking at her with a kind of amused smirk.

"You wanna hear?" she asked, training her gaze on Honda instead. "Then listen up. As I was runnin' in, I hear a gun go off. Wasn't stopping me, so I kept going. Son of a bitch was staggering around like he was drunk, so I... yeah, I'll admit it, I went at him. Grabbed a fire extinguisher off the wall and hit him across the head with it. Guess the lame-o mask he still had on kept it from doing much, but he landed pretty hard against the bookcase where you guys found him. Saw someone lurking with a machete around the corner, so I booked it..."

"Okay..." Victoria looked annoyed. "And where did the fire extinguisher go? How did you get the blood on your hands?"

"Well, fuck... I put it back when that announcement came on. The last time your bear announced a body, I watched someone get executed for it."

"Executed? Hold up, are you shitting me--"

Bullet continued, running over Holder's words. "But then I was comin' back and I slipped and caught myself with my hands... in the blood. I fucked up, okay? Was worried my hit was what killed him."

Diana crossed her arms and spoke up.


"But then what did do it? It doesn't seem like he was attacked with just two different weapons. Sounds like just about every suspect hurt him in some manner here. How are we supposed to guess...? Wait, maybe the last one to hit him?" Bullet glowered at that, but said nothing. "Well, can we assume Bullet was last then? But she didn't see anybody but someone holding a machete... You think it was... Tommy, then Herbert, then Dan, then the doctor, then Bullet?"

Jude was sighing, placing a hand on the nearest podium to steady himself. "You're not helpless," he said to Zinnia, sounding as drained as he looked. It had been a long few days. "Neither am I. Allow Jack... and myself, and everyone here... the honor of protecting you. Monokuma wants us to be scared, but we need to be like Monomi said. Our bonds will eventually save us from this nightmare." Jude tried to give Zinnia a smile, but unfortunately the outbursts around her were causing her to be set off. She ran to the edge of the morgue, panicking and vomiting. Jude watched as Jack went to her, and decided he would give her space for the moment.

Turning around to the group, Jude said, "The cut along the victim's head was likely what led to his death. However, I guess we don't know how Monokuma defines it. There's the potential for a second blow to have ruptured something, causing Roy a more immediate death. It's hard to say with the resources we have."

@Kaykay @Crimson Spartan @Minerva @LuckycoolHawk9 @The Tactician @Yun Lee @Gummi Bunnies @Jeremi @Josh M @C.T. @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @york @ClassTrial
"Why does it fuckin' matter, huh?!" Bullet screamed across the circle. "You think this is funny? Being a suspect in the murder of some asshole?! I don't even-- I'm only here for Rachel. I don't give a crap about any of this. I don't gotta talk to any of you! Why don't you come over here and get a bullet in your greasy ass--"

Detective Holder, in the podium next to Bullet, suddenly lashed out by grabbing the girl by her collar. She let out a curse and beat at his arm, but he didn't let go.


"You think you're tough shit?" he asked, leaning his face in toward hers for an intense stare. "You think you can beat your chest like a man and get what you want? You wanna act like a man, I will treat you like a man. Make no mistake about it, I will sweep the floor with your little, baby, butch, bitch ass right in front of everyone here. You feel me?" Holder let go, shoving Bullet away, who stumbled against the side of her podium.

Bullet stared at the detective as he turned away from her, crossing his arms. "Yeah... whatever, po-po." Holder turned his head slightly, scoffing in an amused manner. "Got any donuts, po-po?"

"You don't let up, do you? Sorry, this body's a temple."

"A smoke, then."

Holder stared. "... You're pretty unforgettable, Bullet." Shaking his head, Holder reached into his jacket pocket and pulled out a cigarette to hand to Bullet. She took it quickly, igniting it with a lighter from her pocket. She took one long drag, glancing warily at Holder, who was looking at her with a kind of amused smirk.

"You wanna hear?" she asked, training her gaze on Honda instead. "Then listen up. As I was runnin' in, I hear a gun go off. Wasn't stopping me, so I kept going. Son of a bitch was staggering around like he was drunk, so I... yeah, I'll admit it, I went at him. Grabbed a fire extinguisher off the wall and hit him across the head with it. Guess the lame-o mask he still had on kept it from doing much, but he landed pretty hard against the bookcase where you guys found him. Saw someone lurking with a machete around the corner, so I booked it..."

"Okay..." Victoria looked annoyed. "And where did the fire extinguisher go? How did you get the blood on your hands?"

"Well, fuck... I put it back when that announcement came on. The last time your bear announced a body, I watched someone get executed for it."

"Executed? Hold up, are you shitting me--"

Bullet continued, running over Holder's words. "But then I was comin' back and I slipped and caught myself with my hands... in the blood. I fucked up, okay? Was worried my hit was what killed him."

Diana crossed her arms and spoke up.


"But then what did do it? It doesn't seem like he was attacked with just two different weapons. Sounds like just about every suspect hurt him in some manner here. How are we supposed to guess...? Wait, maybe the last one to hit him?" Bullet glowered at that, but said nothing. "Well, can we assume Bullet was last then? But she didn't see anybody but someone holding a machete... You think it was... Tommy, then Herbert, then Dan, then the doctor, then Bullet?"

Jude was sighing, placing a hand on the nearest podium to steady himself. "You're not helpless," he said to Zinnia, sounding as drained as he looked. It had been a long few days. "Neither am I. Allow Jack... and myself, and everyone here... the honor of protecting you. Monokuma wants us to be scared, but we need to be like Monomi said. Our bonds will eventually save us from this nightmare." Jude tried to give Zinnia a smile, but unfortunately the outbursts around her were causing her to be set off. She ran to the edge of the morgue, panicking and vomiting. Jude watched as Jack went to her, and decided he would give her space for the moment.

Turning around to the group, Jude said, "The cut along the victim's head was likely what led to his death. However, I guess we don't know how Monokuma defines it. There's the potential for a second blow to have ruptured something, causing Roy a more immediate death. It's hard to say with the resources we have."

@Kaykay @Crimson Spartan @Minerva @LuckycoolHawk9 @The Tactician @Yun Lee @Gummi Bunnies @Jeremi @Josh M @C.T. @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @york @ClassTrial
Honda listened to Bullet's story, trying to piece things together. "Did you happen to see anyone else in the library? That's the same for every suspect! Does anyone remember seeing other suspects in the library?"
@Atomyk @Josh M @Chewy Rabbits @The Tactician @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Gummi Bunnies @Kaykay @ClassTrial
  • Useful
Reactions: Takumi
Oh damn... He must've gotten hit hard if he was only waking up just now. Sledge stumbled back up to his feet covering his face with his hand. It was a wonder that nothing was broken despite the beating he took against Jason. He shook his head and saw that a trial was currently going on... but he caught eye of that weird cat thing near that one guy. Shaking his head he looked at Catbug before speaking... "Oi.... Ya talk right...? Can you tell me what the hell is going on...?"
Catbug touched upon the ground as Sledge addressed him. Having shown signs of an aggressive nature that might have seemed alien to the creature, Catbug's formerly pale skin tone began to take on a different color. Likely due to an unexpected side effect with the Reagent. The complexion changed until it became a blood red and his wings became dark blue. Fluttering his wings, Catbug didn't turn to face Sledge as he spoke. His voice sounded like it surprisingly had a bit more menace to it as he hissed out.

"Yeah, I can talk. Probably better than you can too."

Snickering, Catbug turned to face Sledge as he looked up at the gas-mask wearing soldier.


"It seems we're holding some kind of trial to figure out who killed the man who killed me. Matters very little to me of course. What's dead is dead..." Noting the hypocrisy of his statement given that Herbert had brought him back from the dead-albeit with some very odd side effects due to Catbug's alien biology - he added on. "Well, except for me of course."
Gritting her teeth in the terrible feeling that something did go wrong, Lapis felt compelled to go after the little one, somewhat being unaware to the fact that Sledge was approaching them from the side. Just for a moment... she had to make sure that Catbug was fine... and if not, she would have to figure something out.

"... C-Catbug... you... y-you alright?"
"Seems their's no way out of here. Figures. Stuck with a bunch of idiots pointing fingers every which way."

Given the child-like voice Catbug was using, it was quite difficult to take this new shift in attitude seriously. But as Lapis called out to him, Catbug turned and hissed at her. Extending his claws, Catbug's wings flared up as he glared at the bounty hunter who had only wanted what was best for the creature.


"Am I alright? I don't know, Lapis. How do you think I would feel? Pulled back from the cold hands of death and punted into the warm embrace of the living? Honestly, I can't say which one is worse! At least when I was dead, I didn't have to hear all this bickering!"

@Gummi Bunnies @Crimson Spartan
Without a moment's hesitation, Jack was by Zinnia's side. He knelt down and sighed before placing a hand on her back, trying to bring some comfort to her. "Did Doctor Mathis not provide you with any sort of medicine, Zinnia?" It seemed that was the only reason she could be sick, though her screaming also worried him. Perhaps it was the thought of Jason once again upsetting and tormenting her?

@Chewy Rabbits @Atomyk @The Tactician @Josh M @LuckycoolHawk9 @Yun Lee @york @Jeremi @Everyone​
"Why does it fuckin' matter, huh?!" Bullet screamed across the circle. "You think this is funny? Being a suspect in the murder of some asshole?! I don't even-- I'm only here for Rachel. I don't give a crap about any of this. I don't gotta talk to any of you! Why don't you come over here and get a bullet in your greasy ass--"

Detective Holder, in the podium next to Bullet, suddenly lashed out by grabbing the girl by her collar. She let out a curse and beat at his arm, but he didn't let go.


"You think you're tough shit?" he asked, leaning his face in toward hers for an intense stare. "You think you can beat your chest like a man and get what you want? You wanna act like a man, I will treat you like a man. Make no mistake about it, I will sweep the floor with your little, baby, butch, bitch ass right in front of everyone here. You feel me?" Holder let go, shoving Bullet away, who stumbled against the side of her podium.

Bullet stared at the detective as he turned away from her, crossing his arms. "Yeah... whatever, po-po." Holder turned his head slightly, scoffing in an amused manner. "Got any donuts, po-po?"

"You don't let up, do you? Sorry, this body's a temple."

"A smoke, then."

Holder stared. "... You're pretty unforgettable, Bullet." Shaking his head, Holder reached into his jacket pocket and pulled out a cigarette to hand to Bullet. She took it quickly, igniting it with a lighter from her pocket. She took one long drag, glancing warily at Holder, who was looking at her with a kind of amused smirk.

"You wanna hear?" she asked, training her gaze on Honda instead. "Then listen up. As I was runnin' in, I hear a gun go off. Wasn't stopping me, so I kept going. Son of a bitch was staggering around like he was drunk, so I... yeah, I'll admit it, I went at him. Grabbed a fire extinguisher off the wall and hit him across the head with it. Guess the lame-o mask he still had on kept it from doing much, but he landed pretty hard against the bookcase where you guys found him. Saw someone lurking with a machete around the corner, so I booked it..."

"Okay..." Victoria looked annoyed. "And where did the fire extinguisher go? How did you get the blood on your hands?"

"Well, fuck... I put it back when that announcement came on. The last time your bear announced a body, I watched someone get executed for it."

"Executed? Hold up, are you shitting me--"

Bullet continued, running over Holder's words. "But then I was comin' back and I slipped and caught myself with my hands... in the blood. I fucked up, okay? Was worried my hit was what killed him."

Diana crossed her arms and spoke up.


"But then what did do it? It doesn't seem like he was attacked with just two different weapons. Sounds like just about every suspect hurt him in some manner here. How are we supposed to guess...? Wait, maybe the last one to hit him?" Bullet glowered at that, but said nothing. "Well, can we assume Bullet was last then? But she didn't see anybody but someone holding a machete... You think it was... Tommy, then Herbert, then Dan, then the doctor, then Bullet?"

Jude was sighing, placing a hand on the nearest podium to steady himself. "You're not helpless," he said to Zinnia, sounding as drained as he looked. It had been a long few days. "Neither am I. Allow Jack... and myself, and everyone here... the honor of protecting you. Monokuma wants us to be scared, but we need to be like Monomi said. Our bonds will eventually save us from this nightmare." Jude tried to give Zinnia a smile, but unfortunately the outbursts around her were causing her to be set off. She ran to the edge of the morgue, panicking and vomiting. Jude watched as Jack went to her, and decided he would give her space for the moment.

Turning around to the group, Jude said, "The cut along the victim's head was likely what led to his death. However, I guess we don't know how Monokuma defines it. There's the potential for a second blow to have ruptured something, causing Roy a more immediate death. It's hard to say with the resources we have."

@Kaykay @Crimson Spartan @Minerva @LuckycoolHawk9 @The Tactician @Yun Lee @Gummi Bunnies @Jeremi @Josh M @C.T. @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @york @ClassTrial



Very little response came from Zinnia in reply to Jude and Jack. In fact, she didn't even reply to Jude's words at all. He spoke encouraging words that were kind of him to say, but right now the young woman just didn't believe in them. A hazy film seemed to coat her eyes as she finally said something at least in reply to what Jack had to say. "I don't think medicine will help any... will help any..." She trailed off, failing to produce a proper sentence. "Mm ugh."


Zinnia fell over on her side, actually fainting. Whether it was due to her own stress, anxiety, exhaustion, or a mix of the three, it was difficult to say. But at least, for now, maybe she could rest her mind and wouldn't have to deal with listening to the trial. She clearly didn't have it in her right now to hear the others talk about Jason or their situation. It was better this way.​
Catbug touched upon the ground as Sledge addressed him. Having shown signs of an aggressive nature that might have seemed alien to the creature, Catbug's formerly pale skin tone began to take on a different color. Likely due to an unexpected side effect with the Reagent. The complexion changed until it became a blood red and his wings became dark blue. Fluttering his wings, Catbug didn't turn to face Sledge as he spoke. His voice sounded like it surprisingly had a bit more menace to it as he hissed out.

"Yeah, I can talk. Probably better than you can too."

Snickering, Catbug turned to face Sledge as he looked up at the gas-mask wearing soldier.


"It seems we're holding some kind of trial to figure out who killed the man who killed me. Matters very little to me of course. What's dead is dead..." Noting the hypocrisy of his statement given that Herbert had brought him back from the dead-albeit with some very odd side effects due to Catbug's alien biology - he added on. "Well, except for me of course."

"Seems their's no way out of here. Figures. Stuck with a bunch of idiots pointing fingers every which way."

Given the child-like voice Catbug was using, it was quite difficult to take this new shift in attitude seriously. But as Lapis called out to him, Catbug turned and hissed at her. Extending his claws, Catbug's wings flared up as he glared at the bounty hunter who had only wanted what was best for the creature.


"Am I alright? I don't know, Lapis. How do you think I would feel? Pulled back from the cold hands of death and punted into the warm embrace of the living? Honestly, I can't say which one is worse! At least when I was dead, I didn't have to hear all this bickering!"

@Gummi Bunnies @Crimson Spartan
Sledge merely folded his arms as he stared down at the creature before it turned it's attention to Lapis. Whatever the hell happened to the little guy apparently wasn't good. Perhaps the little fellow would be better off dead... Well Sledge didn't need to focus on that little shit right now anyways. Considering the murder from what he could currently hear Sledge simply adjusted his mask as he looked over the suspects.

@Chewy Rabbits @Gummi Bunnies
Continued from here.

Holder seemed to consider these suggestions, but really, who could say where the spray paint came from? The real question was where it had gone, which Holder doubted the killer would keep it on their person. Moving away from the conversation, the detective found a trash bin by the exit of the library. He looked through it haphazardly for a moment, but ended up with nothing for his efforts. "Come on, you," he muttered, looking around himself. So the killer had sense not to dump the paint in the garbage, but that didn't mean it was going to be hard to find. There was no time to leave the library from making the symbol until the others had arrived, meaning...

Holder nodded, walking over to a nearby bookcase. He ran his hand along the spines of the books as he passed them, stopping once he found one sticking out oddly. Morse subtle than the mess the killer had left with the ritual books, but just enough askew to be suspicious. He pulled out the books, looking behind them to find the item he sought. "Bingo." It was with grin that Holder took hold of the spray paint can, just in time for an announcement to echo across the campus.

"Talk about fright night! You guys ready for a chilling class trial? Forensics team and guests, please come to the morgue!"


The guests this time around heading on in to the morgue after the group were the detective, Stephen Holder, as well as Herbert West, his assistant Dan, Doc Hayward, and two attending for a second time now, Bullet and Tommy. Both Bullet and Tommy had been cleaned up since they had been encountered in the library, though Tommy still looked terrible. Jefferson's body had been removed from the room, leaving empty space for the eventual podiums.

Once everyone had arrived, the ground began to rumble as it smoothly gave way in the shape of a circle. Rising up from the hole was the familiar ring of podiums rose from ground, just enough for everyone present. Monokuma hopped on to a nearby medical examiner's table on wheels and lounged on it lazily.


Monokuma yawned as he looked upon the newcomers. "So I guess I have to explain it again, huh? You're here because you are suspected in murdering someone! Everyone will tear at each other to determine who did the slaying, while the one who really did do it tries to confuse everyone else! If the majority votes for the wrong person... well, consider that a win! Upupu..."

Holder stared at the podiums like they were eyesores. His eyes moved in a circle, counting all the podiums up.


"This is, ah... This is a little much, don't you think, hombre?"

"Don't bother." Bullet shrugged, taking a place next to the detective. She leaned over the front of the podium, looking glum. "Okay... seriously? What the fuck. Why am I here a second time? I'm not a killer, fuck."

"Then I guess you're just naturally in the wrong place at the wrong time?" Victoria said, shooting Bullet a glare from across the ring. She hadn't forgotten the harsh words shared between Bullet and herself the day before. "By the way, are you guys going to yell at me if I accuse Tommy again?"

"Let's just give it time," Jude said, trying to sound reassuring. "At least we have more evidence this time than last... I think."


"No complaining now! The clues are just right-- not too hot and not too cold!" Monokuma seemed to be shivering with anticipation. "But this morgue... Brr! Isn't it chilling? Think about all the dead bodies that passed through here... how do you think they died? Stabbing? Disease? Drowning? Burned alive? Asphyxiation? The possibilities are tantalizing!"

"U-Uhh..." Jude slowly raised a hand. "I was wondering... what do you do with the bodies for these trials?"

Monokuma looked to Jude, tilting his head to the side slightly. There was silence for a few moments, until Monokuma lifted his arms into the air.

"It's time to start the trial!"



Case #2: Roy Burns
During the previous trial, Victoria and the principal, Sigma Klim, came under suspicion for having positive connections to Mark Jefferson. As Max had died just before she could relay info about Jefferson to the group, this was seen as the motive for her murder. Bullet tried to hide her previous friendship with Max, but it came out that she used to be Max's friend and was even once in love with her. Bullet held a grudge, which was seen as suspicious, but Klim ended up mixing up his testimony and was voted guilty.

It turned out the group was right, Klim willing to kill to protect the secrets of Jefferson and the school. He had killed Max and attempted to make it seem as if it was suicide, using his influence and resources to assist him. Jude asked Klim what secret he was hiding before he was executed, but Klim took the secret to the grave. McGucket was made the new principal of the school and the group retired to a motel for the night.

In the morning, having arrived to the esteemed Miskatonic University, the group decided to split up to check three separate sections of the school. Namely, the medical wing where the medical students were trying to make a name for themselves, the morgue where Mark Jefferson's body was being examined, and the reception area.

At the reception, the group encountered a detective by the name of Stephen Holder, who revealed that he had been assigned to the missing girls case. They also encountered Bullet again, who explained she had come to the university as one of the missing girls, Anna, went there after graduating from Blackwell.

Having been stalking the group for quite some time, Jason Voorhees had lurked in the shadows while the group had explored Blackwell, choosing to bide his time and wait for a better chance to strike. However, he hadn't been the only one following the group. Tommy Jarvis had decided to keep up with the group as best as he could. Feeling some sense of responsibility for Jason continuing to be around, Tommy wanted to spare the group the agony of another encounter with him and wanted to finish him off himself. After coming face to face with the undead serial killer, this task proved easier said than done for Tommy.

Inside the hospital wing, Zinnia, Jack, and others ran into the duo of Herbert West and Daniel Cain, two medical students who had their own views on the group. Herbert believed them to be government stooges who simply wanted to steal the secrets to his Reagent: a serum that would restore the dead back to life. Dan thought much of the same, but still managed to keep up a much kinder front for Zinnia and Jack in particular.

Lapis Lazuli was far more keen on seeing what West was up to and followed him to the autopsy room. After explaining that she wasn't here to steal his work nor that was she interested in the Reagent, Jason made his move. Having easily disposed of Tommy, Jason stormed in practically unhindered. That was of course until Herbert's cadavers began to rise and attacked the killer. Ripping chunks of his rotten flesh off and devouring it by the handful, Jason disposed of them one by one.

The last undead survived its brief battle with Jason, only to enter into a new one with Zinnia and Jack. The re-animated corpse nearly strangled Zinnia only to be attacked by Jack. Tearing a chunk out of Jack's shoulder, the cadaver resumed its attack on Zinnia. All the while, Jason was struggling to stay on his own two feet as he was set upon by the combined efforts of Lapis, Sledge, and Darv. All of whom wanted Jason dead. Herbert on the other hand saw how strong Jason was and wanted to capture the mass murderer to study him.

It wasn't meant to be however, as upon getting his own machete digging through his skull, Jason ripped it out and took his leave, leaving a knocked out Sledge and an injured Lapis in his wake.

But Jason wasn't the only killer stalking the halls of Miskatonic. Having been on the lamb to escape from the police after barely surviving his battle with Tommy Jarvis, crazed paramedic-turned-serial-killer Roy Burns had tracked down Tommy's last whereabouts to the general area around Miskatonic. He entered the building, ending up attacking those who had checked out the morgue.

Getting a glass mug smashed over his head, getting clawed on his face/ankle, and even suffering a bruised knee, Roy had underestimated those he'd been facing. Ranging from the martial arts expert in Chikage to the illustrious leader Kyoko, the group showed that they were more than a match for the serial killer. Tanking through a cut to the arm and a swift backhand, Kyoko stood her ground and drove off the killer with Doc Hayward, Bullet, and Dan in hot pursuit of him.

In the end both killers had been chased off... but at the loss of Catbug, though it seemed Herbert had plans for him.

The group discovered the dead body of Roy in the library, with it unclear who killed him. The group weren't too keen on solving the murder of a killer, but Monokuma told them that they had no choice. A ritualistic symbol had been found under the body in spray paint, with the body sporting a large number of wounds from both a gun and a bladed weapon.

Unrelated to the murder, Holder let a group investigate Anna's dorm room, discovering that she posed for model shots for an unknown photographer. They also learned that she had worked at the Oh Deer Diner and was a visitor to the Three Eyed Jack's Casino.

With that out of the way, Monokuma called everyone to the morgue for their third trial...
The Evidence

Those suspected in the murder of the serial killer...

- Chased after the victim into the library
- Found with blood on her hands

Daniel Cain
- Herbert West's assistant
- Was around the library the time of the murder

Doc Hayward
- Chased after the victim into the library
- Was found with a loaded gun

Herbert West
- Was experimenting on the undead
- Was around the library the time of the murder

Tommy Jarvis
- Was around the library the time of the murder
- Was found beat up, bloodied, and holding a machete


Roy was found in the library, slumped against a bookcase with his mask ripped off and a gash across his forehead. There was also a gunshot wound in his shoulder. A ritualistic symbol was painted below the victim's body. The symbol is Satanic in origin and the symbol was painted with spray paint, found hidden behind a few books in the bookcase.

Tommy was found by the body, hurt, covered in blood, and carrying a machete. Doc Hayward was found with a loaded gun. Bullet was found with blood on her hands.

@C.T. @Yang Lee @Kaykay @Chewy Rabbits @Minerva @DapperDogman @Yun Lee @BarrenThin @Krieg @The Tactician @york @Verite @Gummi Bunnies @LuckycoolHawk9 @Crow @Jeremi @ShiroKiyoshi @Josh M @Crimson Spartan @Hospes @CrunchyCHEEZIT @Periodically Incorrect @DBZ7 @Nater Taters @Takumi @Klutzy Ninja Kitty
Rant woke up on a podium once again. He held his head as he sensed a headache coming. When he finally started paying attention to the words he was hearing he figured out its cause. With a groan he threw himself off the podium stage and randomly flipped the bird to everyone before yawning. He then noticed what he was doing and despite not caring he didn't know why he was doing it. Thus he let his hand flop to his side as he scratched his head and took a seat in front of his podium.

He looked from left to right gathering little information, but making judgements based on faces and body language. Rant finally settled on Daniel's face who instinctively made him think of the word "idiot". He then presumed to think of the man as sketchy before raising his hand and speaking. He spoke through a yawn for the first couple words, but after that he was able to open his eyes wider than a paperclip's edge and speak clearly.

"It was that idiot Doc... oh, wait. Too many. I meant the young one, not Jude, the other guy." Rant kept going trying to guess Daniel's name, but he could only tell he was a doctor. "So, yeah, it was him (Daniel)." Rant finally just pointed at him before he climbed up and curled into a ball on the podium stage again. He closed his eyes, but he was still awake. Couldn't go back to sleep now.

@C.T. @Yang Lee @Kaykay @Chewy Rabbits @Minerva @DapperDogman @Yun Lee @BarrenThin @Krieg @The Tactician @york @Verite @Gummi Bunnies @LuckycoolHawk9 @Crow @Jeremi @ShiroKiyoshi @Josh M @Crimson Spartan @Hospes @CrunchyCHEEZIT @Periodically Incorrect @DBZ7 @Nater Taters @Takumi @Klutzy Ninja Kitty
"Uh, well..." Bullet pausedfor a moment to think it over. "Shit, I definitely saw the doctor guy, but I didn't think much of him at the time because he was running away. Besides him, I only saw someone with a machete. You know, I think there may have been some confusion about who was who..."

@Kaykay @Crimson Spartan @Minerva @LuckycoolHawk9 @The Tactician @Yun Lee @Gummi Bunnies @Jeremi @Josh M @C.T. @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @york @ClassTrial

"Doesn't sound like the only confusion we're havin' right now." Poison replied with a heavy sigh as she crossed her arms. "I mean what's even the deal with this one, did this Roy guy have any beef with anyone? Or was this just somethin' of a gonna kill this guy before he kills me type of deal?"

"Speaking of machetes! There were two of them, right? If what Jack Frost is getting at what I think he's getting at...perhaps Roy had gotten attacks from two different weapons!!"
@Atomyk @york @Chewy Rabbits @The Tactician @Josh M @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Jeremi @LuckycoolHawk9
Oh damn... He must've gotten hit hard if he was only waking up just now. Sledge stumbled back up to his feet covering his face with his hand. It was a wonder that nothing was broken despite the beating he took against Jason. He shook his head and saw that a trial was currently going on... but he caught eye of that weird cat thing near that one guy. Shaking his head he looked at Catbug before speaking... "Oi.... Ya talk right...? Can you tell me what the hell is going on...?"

@Chewy Rabbits @Gummi Bunnies
"Why does it fuckin' matter, huh?!" Bullet screamed across the circle. "You think this is funny? Being a suspect in the murder of some asshole?! I don't even-- I'm only here for Rachel. I don't give a crap about any of this. I don't gotta talk to any of you! Why don't you come over here and get a bullet in your greasy ass--"

Detective Holder, in the podium next to Bullet, suddenly lashed out by grabbing the girl by her collar. She let out a curse and beat at his arm, but he didn't let go.


"You think you're tough shit?" he asked, leaning his face in toward hers for an intense stare. "You think you can beat your chest like a man and get what you want? You wanna act like a man, I will treat you like a man. Make no mistake about it, I will sweep the floor with your little, baby, butch, bitch ass right in front of everyone here. You feel me?" Holder let go, shoving Bullet away, who stumbled against the side of her podium.

Bullet stared at the detective as he turned away from her, crossing his arms. "Yeah... whatever, po-po." Holder turned his head slightly, scoffing in an amused manner. "Got any donuts, po-po?"

"You don't let up, do you? Sorry, this body's a temple."

"A smoke, then."

Holder stared. "... You're pretty unforgettable, Bullet." Shaking his head, Holder reached into his jacket pocket and pulled out a cigarette to hand to Bullet. She took it quickly, igniting it with a lighter from her pocket. She took one long drag, glancing warily at Holder, who was looking at her with a kind of amused smirk.

"You wanna hear?" she asked, training her gaze on Honda instead. "Then listen up. As I was runnin' in, I hear a gun go off. Wasn't stopping me, so I kept going. Son of a bitch was staggering around like he was drunk, so I... yeah, I'll admit it, I went at him. Grabbed a fire extinguisher off the wall and hit him across the head with it. Guess the lame-o mask he still had on kept it from doing much, but he landed pretty hard against the bookcase where you guys found him. Saw someone lurking with a machete around the corner, so I booked it..."

"Okay..." Victoria looked annoyed. "And where did the fire extinguisher go? How did you get the blood on your hands?"

"Well, fuck... I put it back when that announcement came on. The last time your bear announced a body, I watched someone get executed for it."

"Executed? Hold up, are you shitting me--"

Bullet continued, running over Holder's words. "But then I was comin' back and I slipped and caught myself with my hands... in the blood. I fucked up, okay? Was worried my hit was what killed him."

Diana crossed her arms and spoke up.


"But then what did do it? It doesn't seem like he was attacked with just two different weapons. Sounds like just about every suspect hurt him in some manner here. How are we supposed to guess...? Wait, maybe the last one to hit him?" Bullet glowered at that, but said nothing. "Well, can we assume Bullet was last then? But she didn't see anybody but someone holding a machete... You think it was... Tommy, then Herbert, then Dan, then the doctor, then Bullet?"

Jude was sighing, placing a hand on the nearest podium to steady himself. "You're not helpless," he said to Zinnia, sounding as drained as he looked. It had been a long few days. "Neither am I. Allow Jack... and myself, and everyone here... the honor of protecting you. Monokuma wants us to be scared, but we need to be like Monomi said. Our bonds will eventually save us from this nightmare." Jude tried to give Zinnia a smile, but unfortunately the outbursts around her were causing her to be set off. She ran to the edge of the morgue, panicking and vomiting. Jude watched as Jack went to her, and decided he would give her space for the moment.

Turning around to the group, Jude said, "The cut along the victim's head was likely what led to his death. However, I guess we don't know how Monokuma defines it. There's the potential for a second blow to have ruptured something, causing Roy a more immediate death. It's hard to say with the resources we have."

@Kaykay @Crimson Spartan @Minerva @LuckycoolHawk9 @The Tactician @Yun Lee @Gummi Bunnies @Jeremi @Josh M @C.T. @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @york @ClassTrial
"Uh, well..." Bullet pausedfor a moment to think it over. "Shit, I definitely saw the doctor guy, but I didn't think much of him at the time because he was running away. Besides him, I only saw someone with a machete. You know, I think there may have been some confusion about who was who..."

@Kaykay @Crimson Spartan @Minerva @LuckycoolHawk9 @The Tactician @Yun Lee @Gummi Bunnies @Jeremi @Josh M @C.T. @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @york @ClassTrial
Rant woke up on a podium once again. He held his head as he sensed a headache coming. When he finally started paying attention to the words he was hearing he figured out its cause. With a groan he threw himself off the podium stage and randomly flipped the bird to everyone before yawning. He then noticed what he was doing and despite not caring he didn't know why he was doing it. Thus he let his hand flop to his side as he scratched his head and took a seat in front of his podium.

He looked from left to right gathering little information, but making judgements based on faces and body language. Rant finally settled on Daniel's face who instinctively made him think of the word "idiot". He then presumed to think of the man as sketchy before raising his hand and speaking. He spoke through a yawn for the first couple words, but after that he was able to open his eyes wider than a paperclip's edge and speak clearly.

"It was that idiot Doc... oh, wait. Too many. I meant the young one, not Jude, the other guy." Rant kept going trying to guess Daniel's name, but he could only tell he was a doctor. "So, yeah, it was him (Daniel)." Rant finally just pointed at him before he climbed up and curled into a ball on the podium stage again. He closed his eyes, but he was still awake. Couldn't go back to sleep now.

@C.T. @Yang Lee @Kaykay @Chewy Rabbits @Minerva @DapperDogman @Yun Lee @BarrenThin @Krieg @The Tactician @york @Verite @Gummi Bunnies @LuckycoolHawk9 @Crow @Jeremi @ShiroKiyoshi @Josh M @Crimson Spartan @Hospes @CrunchyCHEEZIT @Periodically Incorrect @DBZ7 @Nater Taters @Takumi @Klutzy Ninja Kitty
"Doesn't sound like the only confusion we're havin' right now." Poison replied with a heavy sigh as she crossed her arms. "I mean what's even the deal with this one, did this Roy guy have any beef with anyone? Or was this just somethin' of a gonna kill this guy before he kills me type of deal?"

Jack Frost
@Kaykay @Crimson Spartan @Minerva @LuckycoolHawk9 @The Tactician @Yun Lee @Gummi Bunnies @Jeremi @Josh M @C.T. @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Atomyk @ClassTrial

Jack Frost blinked suddenly... From what he could gather, it seemed like Bullet had knocked down Roy, but whoever was in there with her, with the machete must have dealt the finishing blows, however... Looking at the machete that Tommy was carrying, he noticed that it looked juuust a little different from the machete Jason was carrying, which meant that it was much more likely for the machete to in question to be Roy's... Hmm... But he wondered if a fire extinguisher alone would be able to cause someone like Roy to drop his machete, he might have been been shot by Hayward, which ended up causing him to drop his weapon in pain. Then, presumably, the true killer had picked it up at some point during the whole incident, and as Bullet was running, the true killer must have used the Machete to finish him off... Hmm, but what he had to wonder was if Bullet had been in the library before the gunshot went off, or sometime after....

"Hey... Bullet? Where were you when that gunshot went off?" He asked her tentatively.

As harmless as this question was, it was apparant that it was meant to clarify a few things... At least when he was trying to piece together what may have happened in that library...

Once again, Tarlotte found she had fallen behind in the happenings. Feeling rather put off and unnerved by the trial, she(surprisingly) stuck to the sidelines, trying to avoid falling back into her longing for Sojiro. She really didn't want to be here, and was getting more and more upset and fed up with it all by the minute. The evidence and suspects were lost to her, the female being too caught up in her own thoughts and worries for really taking everything in. Besides... She had always struggled with paying attention, anyways.

It was while the others investigated that she considered how to get back to Sojiro, and moreso, just what technique she would use to beat that dumb little bear and his little rabbit friend senseless. Although, now, the rabbit seemed much less annoying... Maybe she'd save the whole beating for the bear.

Or she'd kill all the damn rodents in sight to make up for it.​
Bullet looked to Jack Frost and shrugged.

"I was in the hall outside the library. I was there just after the gun went off."

@york @ClassTrial
Jack Frost
@Kaykay @Crimson Spartan @Minerva @LuckycoolHawk9 @The Tactician @Yun Lee @Gummi Bunnies @Jeremi @Josh M @C.T. @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Atomyk @ClassTrial

Jack Frost blinked suddenly... From what he could gather, it seemed like Bullet had knocked down Roy, but whoever was in there with her, with the machete must have dealt the finishing blows, however... Looking at the machete that Tommy was carrying, he noticed that it looked juuust a little different from the machete Jason was carrying, which meant that it was much more likely for the machete to in question to be Roy's... Hmm... But he wondered if a fire extinguisher alone would be able to cause someone like Roy to drop his machete, he might have been been shot by Hayward, which ended up causing him to drop his weapon in pain. Then, presumably, the true killer had picked it up at some point during the whole incident, and as Bullet was running, the true killer must have used the Machete to finish him off... Hmm, but what he had to wonder was if Bullet had been in the library before the gunshot went off, or sometime after....

"Hey... Bullet? Where were you when that gunshot went off?" He asked her tentatively.

As harmless as this question was, it was apparant that it was meant to clarify a few things... At least when he was trying to piece together what may have happened in that library...

Bullet looked to Jack Frost and shrugged.

"I was in the hall outside the library. I was there just after the gun went off."

@york @ClassTrial
"So...going off Bullet's testimony, Roy was shot before Bullet got there, she hit him with the hydrant...is there a chance that the hydrant knocked Roy's mask off? If so, the murderer would be able to cut him then! But then...when would they find the time to plant the Satanic book and make the spray paint design?"
@Atomyk @Chewy Rabbits @Josh M @york @Jeremi @The Tactician @ShiroKiyoshi @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Crimson Spartan @Gummi Bunnies
Once again, Tarlotte found she had fallen behind in the happenings. Feeling rather put off and unnerved by the trial, she(surprisingly) stuck to the sidelines, trying to avoid falling back into her longing for Sojiro. She really didn't want to be here, and was getting more and more upset and fed up with it all by the minute. The evidence and suspects were lost to her, the female being too caught up in her own thoughts and worries for really taking everything in. Besides... She had always struggled with paying attention, anyways.

It was while the others investigated that she considered how to get back to Sojiro, and moreso, just what technique she would use to beat that dumb little bear and his little rabbit friend senseless. Although, now, the rabbit seemed much less annoying... Maybe she'd save the whole beating for the bear.

Or she'd kill all the damn rodents in sight to make up for it.​

Nono was more of an evidence finder kind of person than a debater.


"Speaking sucks Morikubo's life energy into the abyss... Morikubo will just be here, like a squirrel..."

With that, she withdrew into the underside of her podium, opening her ears for the debate in case she was ready to be the jury once again.

@Hospes @Minerva @ClassTrial​
Catbug touched upon the ground as Sledge addressed him. Having shown signs of an aggressive nature that might have seemed alien to the creature, Catbug's formerly pale skin tone began to take on a different color. Likely due to an unexpected side effect with the Reagent. The complexion changed until it became a blood red and his wings became dark blue. Fluttering his wings, Catbug didn't turn to face Sledge as he spoke. His voice sounded like it surprisingly had a bit more menace to it as he hissed out.

"Yeah, I can talk. Probably better than you can too."

Snickering, Catbug turned to face Sledge as he looked up at the gas-mask wearing soldier.


"It seems we're holding some kind of trial to figure out who killed the man who killed me. Matters very little to me of course. What's dead is dead..." Noting the hypocrisy of his statement given that Herbert had brought him back from the dead-albeit with some very odd side effects due to Catbug's alien biology - he added on. "Well, except for me of course."

"Seems their's no way out of here. Figures. Stuck with a bunch of idiots pointing fingers every which way."

Given the child-like voice Catbug was using, it was quite difficult to take this new shift in attitude seriously. But as Lapis called out to him, Catbug turned and hissed at her. Extending his claws, Catbug's wings flared up as he glared at the bounty hunter who had only wanted what was best for the creature.


"Am I alright? I don't know, Lapis. How do you think I would feel? Pulled back from the cold hands of death and punted into the warm embrace of the living? Honestly, I can't say which one is worse! At least when I was dead, I didn't have to hear all this bickering!"

@Gummi Bunnies @Crimson Spartan
Sledge merely folded his arms as he stared down at the creature before it turned it's attention to Lapis. Whatever the hell happened to the little guy apparently wasn't good. Perhaps the little fellow would be better off dead... Well Sledge didn't need to focus on that little shit right now anyways. Considering the murder from what he could currently hear Sledge simply adjusted his mask as he looked over the suspects.

@Chewy Rabbits @Gummi Bunnies

Lapis stared in silence as Catbug appeared as if he were a completely different person. Where was that lovable and adorable Catbug that she met shortly before arriving here? Where was that Catbug that wanted to be friends with her so badly when she didn't want to? She remembered trying to distance herself away from the little one, going as far as trying to block him from her mind. However... it was the opposite now.

Lapis wanted to make up for that standoffish attitude, wanting to be friends with Catbug after his reanimation. Now... now it was Catbug wanting to be left alone, having an attitude similar to Lapis's earlier stance towards others. He had died once... and she did as well, way before any of this. She let her hand fall from it's position, returning to her side as if she had never offered her hand out in the first place. Void of emotion, Lapis stared blankly at Catbug.

"... guess you made yourself a home in death, huh? So to be around again, it's a burden..."

... when it were a miracle for me.

@Chewy Rabbits
"Why does it fuckin' matter, huh?!" Bullet screamed across the circle. "You think this is funny? Being a suspect in the murder of some asshole?! I don't even-- I'm only here for Rachel. I don't give a crap about any of this. I don't gotta talk to any of you! Why don't you come over here and get a bullet in your greasy ass--"

Detective Holder, in the podium next to Bullet, suddenly lashed out by grabbing the girl by her collar. She let out a curse and beat at his arm, but he didn't let go.


"You think you're tough shit?" he asked, leaning his face in toward hers for an intense stare. "You think you can beat your chest like a man and get what you want? You wanna act like a man, I will treat you like a man. Make no mistake about it, I will sweep the floor with your little, baby, butch, bitch ass right in front of everyone here. You feel me?" Holder let go, shoving Bullet away, who stumbled against the side of her podium.

Bullet stared at the detective as he turned away from her, crossing his arms. "Yeah... whatever, po-po." Holder turned his head slightly, scoffing in an amused manner. "Got any donuts, po-po?"

"You don't let up, do you? Sorry, this body's a temple."

"A smoke, then."

Holder stared. "... You're pretty unforgettable, Bullet." Shaking his head, Holder reached into his jacket pocket and pulled out a cigarette to hand to Bullet. She took it quickly, igniting it with a lighter from her pocket. She took one long drag, glancing warily at Holder, who was looking at her with a kind of amused smirk.

"You wanna hear?" she asked, training her gaze on Honda instead. "Then listen up. As I was runnin' in, I hear a gun go off. Wasn't stopping me, so I kept going. Son of a bitch was staggering around like he was drunk, so I... yeah, I'll admit it, I went at him. Grabbed a fire extinguisher off the wall and hit him across the head with it. Guess the lame-o mask he still had on kept it from doing much, but he landed pretty hard against the bookcase where you guys found him. Saw someone lurking with a machete around the corner, so I booked it..."

"Okay..." Victoria looked annoyed. "And where did the fire extinguisher go? How did you get the blood on your hands?"

"Well, fuck... I put it back when that announcement came on. The last time your bear announced a body, I watched someone get executed for it."

"Executed? Hold up, are you shitting me--"

Bullet continued, running over Holder's words. "But then I was comin' back and I slipped and caught myself with my hands... in the blood. I fucked up, okay? Was worried my hit was what killed him."

Diana crossed her arms and spoke up.


"But then what did do it? It doesn't seem like he was attacked with just two different weapons. Sounds like just about every suspect hurt him in some manner here. How are we supposed to guess...? Wait, maybe the last one to hit him?" Bullet glowered at that, but said nothing. "Well, can we assume Bullet was last then? But she didn't see anybody but someone holding a machete... You think it was... Tommy, then Herbert, then Dan, then the doctor, then Bullet?"

Jude was sighing, placing a hand on the nearest podium to steady himself. "You're not helpless," he said to Zinnia, sounding as drained as he looked. It had been a long few days. "Neither am I. Allow Jack... and myself, and everyone here... the honor of protecting you. Monokuma wants us to be scared, but we need to be like Monomi said. Our bonds will eventually save us from this nightmare." Jude tried to give Zinnia a smile, but unfortunately the outbursts around her were causing her to be set off. She ran to the edge of the morgue, panicking and vomiting. Jude watched as Jack went to her, and decided he would give her space for the moment.

Turning around to the group, Jude said, "The cut along the victim's head was likely what led to his death. However, I guess we don't know how Monokuma defines it. There's the potential for a second blow to have ruptured something, causing Roy a more immediate death. It's hard to say with the resources we have."

@Kaykay @Crimson Spartan @Minerva @LuckycoolHawk9 @The Tactician @Yun Lee @Gummi Bunnies @Jeremi @Josh M @C.T. @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @york @ClassTrial
"So you were actually here second, after whoever's machete you saw. If we're mixing up people, we only have to find out who has possessed a machete. So? Who would have had one?"
"Seems their's no way out of here. Figures. Stuck with a bunch of idiots pointing fingers every which way."

Given the child-like voice Catbug was using, it was quite difficult to take this new shift in attitude seriously. But as Lapis called out to him, Catbug turned and hissed at her. Extending his claws, Catbug's wings flared up as he glared at the bounty hunter who had only wanted what was best for the creature.


"Am I alright? I don't know, Lapis. How do you think I would feel? Pulled back from the cold hands of death and punted into the warm embrace of the living? Honestly, I can't say which one is worse! At least when I was dead, I didn't have to hear all this bickering!"
Chikage gave the creature an ice-cold glare, her previous relief replaced by confusion and disbelief. Was this how the thing acted? No, it wasn't like it'd died a long time ago, its personality was fresh in their minds. This was akin to a kid throwing a temper tantrum over recovering of all things. She wanted to say she'd expected better from him, but given his overall childishness a taste of pain changing him like this was only to be expected. Unfortunately for the thing, they didn't have time to waste on a child's ingratitude.

The jujutsuka had two words for their companion's own good.

"Shut up."
"So...going off Bullet's testimony, Roy was shot before Bullet got there, she hit him with the hydrant...is there a chance that the hydrant knocked Roy's mask off? If so, the murderer would be able to cut him then! But then...when would they find the time to plant the Satanic book and make the spray paint design?"
@Atomyk @Chewy Rabbits @Josh M @york @Jeremi @The Tactician @ShiroKiyoshi @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Crimson Spartan @Gummi Bunnies
"When did everyone hear the gunshots? The shot was not lethal and must have been made while Roy was still alive, or else Hayward had no reason to shoot."

The information might have been given earlier, but if it had, she'd missed it.

"And if Hayward was around the symbol was either drawn by him or drawn in between Bullet leaving and the gunshot."

@Atomyk @Chewy Rabbits @Josh M @york @Jeremi @The Tactician @ShiroKiyoshi @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Crimson Spartan @Gummi Bunnies

Lapis stared in silence as Catbug appeared as if he were a completely different person. Where was that lovable and adorable Catbug that she met shortly before arriving here? Where was that Catbug that wanted to be friends with her so badly when she didn't want to? She remembered trying to distance herself away from the little one, going as far as trying to block him from her mind. However... it was the opposite now.

Lapis wanted to make up for that standoffish attitude, wanting to be friends with Catbug after his reanimation. Now... now it was Catbug wanting to be left alone, having an attitude similar to Lapis's earlier stance towards others. He had died once... and she did as well, way before any of this. She let her hand fall from it's position, returning to her side as if she had never offered her hand out in the first place. Void of emotion, Lapis stared blankly at Catbug.

"... guess you made yourself a home in death, huh? So to be around again, it's a burden..."

Catbug said nothing as Lapis simply stared at him. She didn't have a damn clue what he was feeling! He had done his best to protect Kyoko from Roy and all it ended up earning him was a one way trip to the pearly gates. Or so it seemed that way at first. Pretty cut and dry, you die you go on to wherever you go after that. But Catbug didn't have anywhere to go. It was just darkness as far as the eye could see. As if a light had been snuffed out.

But now the light had returned and Catbug could see clearly now. Or so his Reagent-influenced mind thought anyway.

"If you call darkness a home, sure."

Not saying another word Catbug laid down on the floor and hesitated before closing his eyes. Their was that familiar darkness again.

"It's not Catbug, not anymore. Call me Bugcat."

@Crimson Spartan @Kaykay @Gummi Bunnies
"Doesn't sound like the only confusion we're havin' right now." Poison replied with a heavy sigh as she crossed her arms. "I mean what's even the deal with this one, did this Roy guy have any beef with anyone? Or was this just somethin' of a gonna kill this guy before he kills me type of deal?"

"For whatever weight it might hold, I do believe that Jarvis boy has a past with our victim here. Being stalked and almost murdered by him perchance." Herbert added in response to Poison's query as he narrowed his eyes and glanced over at Tommy who growled and shook his fist in Herbert's direction. "Why don't you stuff it up your ass, Doc? How do we know you didn't just kill Roy because you couldn't get the real deal? You couldn't get your hands on Jason so you settled for the next best thing!"

Dan stepped in between Tommy and Herbert as he propped a hand on each of their chests.

"Alright that's enough of that you two! We're not going to get anywhere if you keep fighting!"

"Quit defending him! How's about that huh? What if you're just trying to play the goalkeeper because you don't want blame put on you? I think that weird rat thing's onto something! What if you killed Roy?" Tommy snapped as he shoved a finger in Dan's face only for it to be slapped aside. "Yeah?! What would I have to gain from killing him? I don't have motive to hold a grudge against him like you and I sure as heck don't share Herbert's interest in dead bodies. So, where is it then smart guy? What's my reasoning?"

"...Killers don't need a motive. Jason doesn't have one."

"Jason this, Jason that.." Dan muttered only for Tommy to grab him by the collar and hurl him over his shoulder. Smashing Dan to the floor, Tommy began to let loose a series of blows at his face. "Admit it! ADMIT THAT YOU KILLED HIM!"

@york @ShiroKiyoshi @Kaykay @Atomyk @Yun Lee
  • Bucket of Rainbows
Reactions: Midnight Maiden
Once again, Tarlotte found she had fallen behind in the happenings. Feeling rather put off and unnerved by the trial, she(surprisingly) stuck to the sidelines, trying to avoid falling back into her longing for Sojiro. She really didn't want to be here, and was getting more and more upset and fed up with it all by the minute. The evidence and suspects were lost to her, the female being too caught up in her own thoughts and worries for really taking everything in. Besides... She had always struggled with paying attention, anyways.

It was while the others investigated that she considered how to get back to Sojiro, and moreso, just what technique she would use to beat that dumb little bear and his little rabbit friend senseless. Although, now, the rabbit seemed much less annoying... Maybe she'd save the whole beating for the bear.

Or she'd kill all the damn rodents in sight to make up for it.​
Bullet looked to Jack Frost and shrugged.

"I was in the hall outside the library. I was there just after the gun went off."

@york @ClassTrial
"So...going off Bullet's testimony, Roy was shot before Bullet got there, she hit him with the hydrant...is there a chance that the hydrant knocked Roy's mask off? If so, the murderer would be able to cut him then! But then...when would they find the time to plant the Satanic book and make the spray paint design?"
@Atomyk @Chewy Rabbits @Josh M @york @Jeremi @The Tactician @ShiroKiyoshi @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Crimson Spartan @Gummi Bunnies
"So you were actually here second, after whoever's machete you saw. If we're mixing up people, we only have to find out who has possessed a machete. So? Who would have had one?"

Chikage gave the creature an ice-cold glare, her previous relief replaced by confusion and disbelief. Was this how the thing acted? No, it wasn't like it'd died a long time ago, its personality was fresh in their minds. This was akin to a kid throwing a temper tantrum over recovering of all things. She wanted to say she'd expected better from him, but given his overall childishness a taste of pain changing him like this was only to be expected. Unfortunately for the thing, they didn't have time to waste on a child's ingratitude.

The jujutsuka had two words for their companion's own good.

"Shut up."

"When did everyone hear the gunshots? The shot was not lethal and must have been made while Roy was still alive, or else Hayward had no reason to shoot."

The information might have been given earlier, but if it had, she'd missed it.

"And if Hayward was around the symbol was either drawn by him or drawn in between Bullet leaving and the gunshot."

@Atomyk @Chewy Rabbits @Josh M @york @Jeremi @The Tactician @ShiroKiyoshi @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Crimson Spartan @Gummi Bunnies

Jack Frost
[USER=12937]@Atomyk[/USER] @Chewy Rabbits @Josh M @Kaykay @Jeremi @The Tactician @ShiroKiyoshi @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Crimson Spartan @Gummi Bunnies
Jack Frost nodded... It was very possible that Roy had dropped his machete long before she had come into the room, hmm, which left him with yet another question... He turned to Doc Hayward this time.

"So... Doc, why were you running from the library?" He asked curiously.

It seemed like the most plausible thing that happened was that Roy had dropped his weapon as a result of the Doc's gun being fired into his arm... But, what reason would we have to flee the scene?

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