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It was at this point that Mystique prepared to fire an electric crossbow bolt at the Big Daddy. Since the Big Daddy was at least partly machine, she wondered what effect an electric-based attack would have on it.

Hopefully this attack and the attacks of the others would put a stop to the Big Daddy. Since Handsome Jack had repurposed the Big Daddies, she was doubtful shapeshifting into a Little Sister would work.

Symmetra as well would target her weapon against it. Despite the danger the Big Daddy's possessed it was still outnumbered. Gregor's attack in particular would be the coup de grâce. With the Big Daddy laying dead Symmetra would go and help up Spider-Woman.

"If you need you can lean on me." She replied with a comforting smile.


After a quick trek through the winding corridors they'd finally be standing in front of the elevator that would lead them straight to Jack. It was quite clear however that not everyone would fit inside it in one go.

"I believe I have a solution." Much like when they escaped the Fontaine Department store Symmetra would place her teleporter on the ground. "I and two more will go up first before I place my second teleporter to let everyone else up. Are you all okay with this?"

Jesse bit back a curse as the blast that set fire to the ship's side knocked them about, causing his hold on his cigarette to loosen and him to lose the bud. Taking hold of the railing with a white knuckle grip to hang on, the preacher began to shout to Eggman, "Dammit, we need set down or get out here!"

@DapperDogman @Jeremi

"It will hold!" Eggman shouted. "Just a little further." The crew was busy setting out the fires while their own artillery fired towards Rapture.

"Eggman! You're going to get us all killed!" The Monarch shouted.

"It. Will. Hold!" He repeated as the airship steered hard right to avoid the brunt of the artillery fire.

@The Tactician @DapperDogman
Carol moved along without further comment, ignoring the barbed comments of Caira and the dirty, pointed glances of the others. She refused to dwell on the matter, focusing on the task at hand and stepping alongside Soldier: 76 to lead the group up the stairs. A dead Splicer awaited them, and Carol idly poked at the body with her rifle, just to make sure they were dead. She then looked over the railing and spotted a living Splicer who thankfully had yet to notice the group.

Carol lifted her rifle over the railing and aimed it down below, the Splicer in her sights. She had her finger on the trigger, but she found herself hesitating. After a moment, she sighed and lowered the weapon. She did not imagine the others would like her shooting at targets without comment.

"We have a live one below," she said in a low voice.

@LuckycoolHawk9 @Sen @Hana @Crimson Spartan @Crow @Yun Lee @Takumi @Ryu Keiko @Josh M @BarrenThin @CrunchyCHEEZIT @Jeremi @Krieg @LittleWonders
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Symmetra as well would target her weapon against it. Despite the danger the Big Daddy's possessed it was still outnumbered. Gregor's attack in particular would be the coup de grâce. With the Big Daddy laying dead Symmetra would go and help up Spider-Woman.

"If you need you can lean on me." She replied with a comforting smile.


After a quick trek through the winding corridors they'd finally be standing in front of the elevator that would lead them straight to Jack. It was quite clear however that not everyone would fit inside it in one go.

"I believe I have a solution." Much like when they escaped the Fontaine Department store Symmetra would place her teleporter on the ground. "I and two more will go up first before I place my second teleporter to let everyone else up. Are you all okay with this?"

"It will hold!" Eggman shouted. "Just a little further." The crew was busy setting out the fires while their own artillery fired towards Rapture.

"Eggman! You're going to get us all killed!" The Monarch shouted.

"It. Will. Hold!" He repeated as the airship steered hard right to avoid the brunt of the artillery fire.

@The Tactician @DapperDogman
"Dammit, you'd better right, else I'll need to have some words with ya up in heaven!" The preacher yelled as he struggled to hold down the chicken from earlier.​
Symmetra as well would target her weapon against it. Despite the danger the Big Daddy's possessed it was still outnumbered. Gregor's attack in particular would be the coup de grâce. With the Big Daddy laying dead Symmetra would go and help up Spider-Woman.

"If you need you can lean on me." She replied with a comforting smile.


After a quick trek through the winding corridors they'd finally be standing in front of the elevator that would lead them straight to Jack. It was quite clear however that not everyone would fit inside it in one go.

"I believe I have a solution." Much like when they escaped the Fontaine Department store Symmetra would place her teleporter on the ground. "I and two more will go up first before I place my second teleporter to let everyone else up. Are you all okay with this?"

Still recovering a little from the high-speed punch that the Big Daddy had given her before, Gwen silently followed Symmetra and the others until they would stop before the inconveniently small elevator, before their de facto guide would offer a suggestion. Nodding, Gwen would volunteer to be a part of the first group.


"Hi, uh, yeah, that sounds good. I'll go with you. Any other takers?"

@york @Jeremi @Xx420BLAZEITxX @Indolent @Ringmaster @Takumi @Gummi Bunnies @T.O.M. @Kaykay @C.T.
Still recovering a little from the high-speed punch that the Big Daddy had given her before, Gwen silently followed Symmetra and the others until they would stop before the inconveniently small elevator, before their de facto guide would offer a suggestion. Nodding, Gwen would volunteer to be a part of the first group.


"Hi, uh, yeah, that sounds good. I'll go with you. Any other takers?"

@york @Jeremi @Xx420BLAZEITxX @Indolent @Ringmaster @Takumi @Gummi Bunnies @T.O.M. @Kaykay @C.T.

Spider-Woman and whoever else decided to join Symmetra would enter the elevator. Pressing the button again the door would close on them and the group down bellow would have to wait for them to reach the top.

Soon enough however the teleporter bellow wake to life and allow the rest to follow.


They would find Symmetra and Spider-Woman waiting for them inside a large and wide room.

"Oh look boys. The Freedom Fighters are here." From behind the huge structure in the middle of the room Handsome Jack would emerge. Flanked by Bonebreaker and Armaggon.

"You know I have to admire how far into depravity you guys have decided to go. I raised Rapture from the fucking sea! I saved all these poor people! Yet here you are. Trying to kill me. Isn't that super scummy boys?"

"Yeah, boss you're just doing everyone a public service." Bonebreaker replied with a grin.

"Sure...If you say so." Armaggon replied.

"So what's it gonna be people?" Jack replied to the gathered group. "Did you come here to give me a pat on the back, or do I have to make examples of you all?"

Carol moved along without further comment, ignoring the barbed comments of Caira and the dirty, pointed glances of the others. She refused to dwell on the matter, focusing on the task at hand and stepping alongside Soldier: 76 to lead the group up the stairs. A dead Splicer awaited them, and Carol idly poked at the body with her rifle, just to make sure they were dead. She then looked over the railing and spotted a living Splicer who thankfully had yet to notice the group.

Carol lifted her rifle over the railing and aimed it down below, the Splicer in her sights. She had her finger on the trigger, but she found herself hesitating. After a moment, she sighed and lowered the weapon. She did not imagine the others would like her shooting at targets without comment.

"We have a live one below," she said in a low voice.

@LuckycoolHawk9 @Sen @Hana @Crimson Spartan @Crow @Yun Lee @Takumi @Ryu Keiko @Josh M @BarrenThin @CrunchyCHEEZIT @Jeremi @Krieg @LittleWonders

Caira was about to come and investigate when the supposed Splicer body on the floor sprung to life and grabbed unto her from behind.

The commotion would alert the Splicer in the cell who would attempt to escape the cell only to bump face first into the door making him fall right on his back. Despite not being able to get out the Splicer would instead start shooting wildly around from inside the cell upwards towards the group.

"Dammit, you'd better right, else I'll need to have some words with ya up in heaven!" The preacher yelled as he struggled to hold down the chicken from earlier.​

Speaking of Heaven. The ship would make a steep ascent to avoid the artillery coming their way.

"If this doesn't kill us, I swear I'm going to kill you!" Monarch shouted to Eggman.

@The Tactician @DapperDogman

Spider-Woman and whoever else decided to join Symmetra would enter the elevator. Pressing the button again the door would close on them and the group down bellow would have to wait for them to reach the top.

Soon enough however the teleporter bellow wake to life and allow the rest to follow.


They would find Symmetra and Spider-Woman waiting for them inside a large and wide room.

"Oh look boys. The Freedom Fighters are here." From behind the huge structure in the middle of the room Handsome Jack would emerge. Flanked by Bonebreaker and Armaggon.

"You know I have to admire how far into depravity you guys have decided to go. I raised Rapture from the fucking sea! I saved all these poor people! Yet here you are. Trying to kill me. Isn't that super scummy boys?"

"Yeah, boss you're just doing everyone a public service." Bonebreaker replied with a grin.

"Sure...If you say so." Armaggon replied.

"So what's it gonna be people?" Jack replied to the gathered group. "Did you come here to give me a pat on the back, or do I have to make examples of you all?"
"And just what are YOU hoping to accomplish using Rapture to wage war against some other city in the clouds? What are you hoping to accomplish with any of this?" Mystique asked. "All we've seen so far is one tyrant being replaced with another."

Spider-Woman and whoever else decided to join Symmetra would enter the elevator. Pressing the button again the door would close on them and the group down bellow would have to wait for them to reach the top.

Soon enough however the teleporter bellow wake to life and allow the rest to follow.


They would find Symmetra and Spider-Woman waiting for them inside a large and wide room.

"Oh look boys. The Freedom Fighters are here." From behind the huge structure in the middle of the room Handsome Jack would emerge. Flanked by Bonebreaker and Armaggon.

"You know I have to admire how far into depravity you guys have decided to go. I raised Rapture from the fucking sea! I saved all these poor people! Yet here you are. Trying to kill me. Isn't that super scummy boys?"

"Yeah, boss you're just doing everyone a public service." Bonebreaker replied with a grin.

"Sure...If you say so." Armaggon replied.

"So what's it gonna be people?" Jack replied to the gathered group. "Did you come here to give me a pat on the back, or do I have to make examples of you all?"

"And just what are YOU hoping to accomplish using Rapture to wage war against some other city in the clouds? What are you hoping to accomplish with any of this?" Mystique asked. "All we've seen so far is one tyrant being replaced with another."


"No use reasoning with this kinda nut. It's fine with me though. Saves us all some breath. Though I'll just say, dude... I think your definition of what's scummy is pretty damn skewed," Gwen said, popping her knuckles, preparing for the final battle. Stepping forward before the enemies that were in her way, the hero wasn't in a joking mood.

"Before we get started though... Tell me one thing, Jack. If you think you're such a big hero, then why aren't you down there in town helping the Little Sisters? Why are you letting the chaos in the city just happen, despite all the potential casualties we're gonna have?! In what delusional world are you the good guy in this scenario?!"

@york @Chris Lang @Xx420BLAZEITxX @Indolent @Ringmaster @Jeremi @Takumi @Gummi Bunnies @T.O.M. @Kaykay @C.T.

Or at least, that would have been her usual reaction to a Big Daddy going into roaring Angry Hulk mode...if she had not been given a heroic pep-talk on what exactly the nature of hero meant. You only need to have faith in yourself...and a trick or two. You don't need powers. Especially when you're rocking the scene with some KICK-ASS BLADES OF PURE, SILVER, IN-YO-FACE SHINING STEEL!


And then she swung, aiming to slice off one or both of his lower limbs if she was lucky.


@york @Jeremi @Xx420BLAZEITxX @Indolent @Ringmaster @Chris Lang @Takumi @Verite @T.O.M. @Kaykay @Gummi Bunnies
A throaty growl escaped my lips, accentuated with the rough jostling of my skull as I hefted the power-sword into sight. The energetic blade furiously roared to life as I swept it before myself in a flourish, my posture already shifting into combat ready stance. Most confrontations were typically like Owlman's seemingly forte: all bets off, no bars hold direct confrontation that usually saw either side dead within mere minutes. This was what I faced most the time though I favored opting for the subterfuge, the tactical approach. Times and times again it seemed the former was the language and conduct of the survivors whereas the latter was somewhat a foreign concept. I sorely missed my crew, my friends.

All extraneous thoughts were filtered out from that point on, my body mechanically moving forth as if I'd experienced this before. My right arm hefted the blade high as I took advantage of the Big Daddy's distraction via Owlman, pushing in closer and closer just until--


I swiped my blade diagonally, connecting where the armor at its waist began and exiting the shoulder opposite, my aim being that to cleanly bisect one of Rapture's guardians. My blade would deftly render its armor asunder just as easily as it would the flesh beneath for it wreaked havoc upon matter due to the inherent nature of the disruptive field encasing the blade. Under my breath as I did so were four simple words: "My apologies, needs must."

@Assault Crew
Houston hopped down from where the destroyed turret previously was. "Alright, Let's get a move on." He said, running to keep with the crew heading towards the Special Exibit.

The loud sounds of rubble could be heard from the front of the group, judging from the groans from the creature, It had to be another Big Daddy.

Houston tried to get a shot in on the hulking Big Daddy but found that difficult as he was stuck behind the assault team, unable to get a clear shot. "Move! Get out of the way!" He shouted, Shoving Samael and Gregor to the side, once gaining a clean sight of the Big Daddy, Houston took out his Bernetti and shot a full clip at the Big Daddy's exposed legs.

@Verite @Indolent @york @Ringmaster @Chris Lang @Takumi @C.T @Gummi Bunnies @T.O.M. @Kaykay @Jeremi @Assault group

No hesitation as soon as the Big Daddy began to attack the others, Nier would rush in with his sword ready. As the others were doing their attempts to bring down this threat, Nier readied his blade for a precise stab at the Big Daddy.

@york @Jeremi @Xx420BLAZEITxX @Indolent @Ringmaster @Chris Lang @Takumi @Verite @T.O.M. @Kaykay @C.T.
Like with before, the explosives thrown by Owlman did little to substantially damage the Big Daddy, but it certainly worked at getting his attention, the monster seeming to only get angrier at Owlman's attacks. Not only was its armor substantial enough to withstand Owlman's bombs, but also Gwenpool's swords, a noticeable SHNNK sound ringing out as they would do little more than cause a dent, as well as Houston's bullets, though the pressure from the impact of the bullets would be enough to push him away from the others, the enemy stumbling back a few steps, threatening to almost give to his knees as well from the rapid firing of the bullets.

He was on his way to grab Gwenpool in order to use her as sort of shield, but before he could do so, Nier and Gregor would bombard him with their own blades, Gregor's energy sword being enough to pierce through the armor, though before he could complete his entire cut, the Big Daddy, reacting quickly to the pain, would move its arm from Gwen and slam it into Gregor's body, effectively shoving him away into the nearby wall, and deflecting Nier's blade with its drill. Before it could counterattack though, Gwen would swing forward, attempting to get the drop on him.

"I got this, guys! No worries! I'm sure he'll get a real kick outta--"



Powered by fury and wrath, the Big Daddy punched Gwen right in the face out of the air, sending her crashing into the wall behind.

If you slow it down, you can pinpoint the precise moment where she regretted her actions.

That said, without missing a beat, the Big Daddy would divert its attention immediately back to Nier, whom it would thrust its drill right at!

@york @Jeremi @Xx420BLAZEITxX @Indolent @Ringmaster @Chris Lang @Takumi @Gummi Bunnies @T.O.M. @Kaykay @C.T.


Nier knew this was bad as soon as his sword was deflected and soon he saw the Big Daddy's drill going for him. Blocking a blow like that wasn't a wise choice, so he immediately backed up. By doing that, he dropped to the ground, trying to roll on the ground away from that drill.

@york @Jeremi @Xx420BLAZEITxX @Indolent @Ringmaster @Chris Lang @Takumi @Verite @T.O.M. @Kaykay @C.T.
In my forty plus years, I've survived scores of battles with entities that had no reason to pick a fight with me to superhuman warriors that would snap me in two at the slightest provocation, and with ease too. Hard knocks, gunshot wounds, exhaustion, and more, were the norm of my trade. That being said, I can say with certainty that being slammed into a wall of stone (so I decided it was) by a rather enraged superhuman diver was arguably up there in my long list of injuries. The pain wracked across my body as a whole as I was driven into the wall at a bizarre angle, my shoulder meeting it head on rather than my body flat. In a single instant, my shoulder was dislocated, the ribs beneath cracked, and perhaps there was a fracture in the upper arm. I surmised at the battle's end that it was not but at the time I'd thought so. My body followed suit and suffered less than my right side had. Regardless, it was an incredibly hellacious ordeal, one where I found myself in a heap against the ground after slumping downwards. My head was in a slight haze, the sheer shock twofold from the slap and the wall wreaking havoc on my senses momentary.

I groped my hand around for my power sword that I'd dropped the second I made first contact with the wall, fingers digging into the ground for purchase whilst ignoring the agony my shoulder barraged me with. I caught breaths in between heavy heaving, tears swelling to break free as I fought them back down. I could not remain where I was, standing still in the midst of combat was to invite death; I'd have to move despite the condition I found myself in. I'd have to try to end this affair before it progressed any further with the deep-sea mutant within this tiny hallway. My fingers latched onto the familiar metal of my power-sword, pulling it in close and gripping around firmer in a death grip, before I hefted myself upward with my left arm. A sharp intake of breath and a hazardous jostling of my throbbing skull, I eked a peek toward the rampaging Big Daddy. It was moving to assail the man known as Nier, who'd rendered assistance with his own sword in conjunction with my attack. My attack that failed to complete in entirety and served to only enrage it farther. I truly could not let this go on any further. I would attempt to end this despite the condition I found myself in, the risks I would take upon myself. It was here and then I focused the entirety of my being in the following action, clearing my mind of the slowly dissipating cloudiness, ignoring the pain wracking across from my right side and back.

Thus I invoked another aspect of my psyker heritage, an ability I rarely utilized. Less so than the Will. I reached out for a mind within it, looking to grasp firmly its position and thereby its head's and from there I would perform the utmost use of my warp-granted talents. Through the warp, I would constrict and crush both its brain and eyes, rupturing the blood vessels within as to cause immense hemorrhaging such that death would not be long even for a superhuman entity like the Big Daddy. The effort would be so intense I am still unsure whether I momentarily blacked out in the endeavor.

@Assault Group @Verite
It was at this point that Mystique prepared to fire an electric crossbow bolt at the Big Daddy. Since the Big Daddy was at least partly machine, she wondered what effect an electric-based attack would have on it.

Hopefully this attack and the attacks of the others would put a stop to the Big Daddy. Since Handsome Jack had repurposed the Big Daddies, she was doubtful shapeshifting into a Little Sister would work.

Symmetra as well would target her weapon against it. Despite the danger the Big Daddy's possessed it was still outnumbered. Gregor's attack in particular would be the coup de grâce. With the Big Daddy laying dead Symmetra would go and help up Spider-Woman.

"If you need you can lean on me." She replied with a comforting smile.


After a quick trek through the winding corridors they'd finally be standing in front of the elevator that would lead them straight to Jack. It was quite clear however that not everyone would fit inside it in one go.

"I believe I have a solution." Much like when they escaped the Fontaine Department store Symmetra would place her teleporter on the ground. "I and two more will go up first before I place my second teleporter to let everyone else up. Are you all okay with this?"

Still recovering a little from the high-speed punch that the Big Daddy had given her before, Gwen silently followed Symmetra and the others until they would stop before the inconveniently small elevator, before their de facto guide would offer a suggestion. Nodding, Gwen would volunteer to be a part of the first group.


"Hi, uh, yeah, that sounds good. I'll go with you. Any other takers?"

@york @Jeremi @Xx420BLAZEITxX @Indolent @Ringmaster @Takumi @Gummi Bunnies @T.O.M. @Kaykay @C.T.

Spider-Woman and whoever else decided to join Symmetra would enter the elevator. Pressing the button again the door would close on them and the group down bellow would have to wait for them to reach the top.

Soon enough however the teleporter bellow wake to life and allow the rest to follow.


They would find Symmetra and Spider-Woman waiting for them inside a large and wide room.

"Oh look boys. The Freedom Fighters are here." From behind the huge structure in the middle of the room Handsome Jack would emerge. Flanked by Bonebreaker and Armaggon.

"You know I have to admire how far into depravity you guys have decided to go. I raised Rapture from the fucking sea! I saved all these poor people! Yet here you are. Trying to kill me. Isn't that super scummy boys?"

"Yeah, boss you're just doing everyone a public service." Bonebreaker replied with a grin.

"Sure...If you say so." Armaggon replied.

"So what's it gonna be people?" Jack replied to the gathered group. "Did you come here to give me a pat on the back, or do I have to make examples of you all?"

"And just what are YOU hoping to accomplish using Rapture to wage war against some other city in the clouds? What are you hoping to accomplish with any of this?" Mystique asked. "All we've seen so far is one tyrant being replaced with another."


"No use reasoning with this kinda nut. It's fine with me though. Saves us all some breath. Though I'll just say, dude... I think your definition of what's scummy is pretty damn skewed," Gwen said, popping her knuckles, preparing for the final battle. Stepping forward before the enemies that were in her way, the hero wasn't in a joking mood.

"Before we get started though... Tell me one thing, Jack. If you think you're such a big hero, then why aren't you down there in town helping the Little Sisters? Why are you letting the chaos in the city just happen, despite all the potential casualties we're gonna have?! In what delusional world are you the good guy in this scenario?!"

@york @Chris Lang @Xx420BLAZEITxX @Indolent @Ringmaster @Jeremi @Takumi @Gummi Bunnies @T.O.M. @Kaykay @C.T.
@Jeremi @Verite @Xx420BLAZEITxX @Indolent @Ringmaster @Chris Lang @Takumi @Gummi Bunnies @T.O.M. @Kaykay @C.T.


Owlman had a devilish smile on his face as he produced an Owlrang from his toolbelt... It was clear he wasn't here to congratulate Jack on his endeavors... Quite the contrary actually, he was here to "fold" him, as Ultraman once said... Once and for all. While he had his owlrang out, he slowly moved his otehr hand towards his toolbelt, intending to find a good place to grapple to as soon as the fighting began.

"And just what are YOU hoping to accomplish using Rapture to wage war against some other city in the clouds? What are you hoping to accomplish with any of this?" Mystique asked. "All we've seen so far is one tyrant being replaced with another."

"What does it look like I'm trying to accomplish! I'm saving this fucking planet from itself!" Handsome Jack exclaimed annoyed. "And with two floating cities on top of the Splicers and everything else I'm going to make that possible! Like I can see it being confusing for someone like you, but if you're confused I can try and say it with shorter words next time, okay kiddo?"


"No use reasoning with this kinda nut. It's fine with me though. Saves us all some breath. Though I'll just say, dude... I think your definition of what's scummy is pretty damn skewed," Gwen said, popping her knuckles, preparing for the final battle. Stepping forward before the enemies that were in her way, the hero wasn't in a joking mood.

"Before we get started though... Tell me one thing, Jack. If you think you're such a big hero, then why aren't you down there in town helping the Little Sisters? Why are you letting the chaos in the city just happen, despite all the potential casualties we're gonna have?! In what delusional world are you the good guy in this scenario?!"

@york @Chris Lang @Xx420BLAZEITxX @Indolent @Ringmaster @Jeremi @Takumi @Gummi Bunnies @T.O.M. @Kaykay @C.T.

"Oh God you again." He rolled his eyes at Gwen. "Does the term expandable sound in anyway familiar to you? I need the Little Sisters and the slugs inside of them to power the city and to give my poor junkies their fix. Not only am I the good guy I'm the really good guy! And alright let's flip the script a bit. Why are you the good guys? Huh? You come into my city and start causing a mess. THEN you join forces with a group of degenerates that tried to undermine what I've been trying to accomplish here for over a year. Yet you somehow have the balls to ask ME how I'M the good guy in this scenario?! Get your head outta your ass."

@Jeremi @Verite @Xx420BLAZEITxX @Indolent @Ringmaster @Chris Lang @Takumi @Gummi Bunnies @T.O.M. @Kaykay @C.T.


Owlman had a devilish smile on his face as he produced an Owlrang from his toolbelt... It was clear he wasn't here to congratulate Jack on his endeavors... Quite the contrary actually, he was here to "fold" him, as Ultraman once said... Once and for all. While he had his owlrang out, he slowly moved his otehr hand towards his toolbelt, intending to find a good place to grapple to as soon as the fighting began.

Jack would notice Owlman's hands moving and decided to say something he had wanted to say for some time now. "Hey hey! Hands where I can see them! Look your fetish to try and grapple unto things is cute, in a sick sort of way, but as you might have noticed there's really no place to climb now is there? Maybe you'll get to finally use it when I throw you through this fucking window."

Jack sighed and scratch his neck with the gun he was holding. "So do you guys have any other dumbass questions, or can I kill you now? I'm really busy guy after all."

"What does it look like I'm trying to accomplish! I'm saving this fucking planet from itself!" Handsome Jack exclaimed annoyed. "And with two floating cities on top of the Splicers and everything else I'm going to make that possible! Like I can see it being confusing for someone like you, but if you're confused I can try and say it with shorter words next time, okay kiddo?"

"Oh God you again." He rolled his eyes at Gwen. "Does the term expandable sound in anyway familiar to you? I need the Little Sisters and the slugs inside of them to power the city and to give my poor junkies their fix. Not only am I the good guy I'm the really good guy! And alright let's flip the script a bit. Why are you the good guys? Huh? You come into my city and start causing a mess. THEN you join forces with a group of degenerates that tried to undermine what I've been trying to accomplish here for over a year. Yet you somehow have the balls to ask ME how I'M the good guy in this scenario?! Get your head outta your ass."

Jack would notice Owlman's hands moving and decided to say something he had wanted to say for some time now. "Hey hey! Hands where I can see them! Look your fetish to try and grapple unto things is cute, in a sick sort of way, but as you might have noticed there's really no place to climb now is there? Maybe you'll get to finally use it when I throw you through this fucking window."

Jack sighed and scratch his neck with the gun he was holding. "So do you guys have any other dumbass questions, or can I kill you now? I'm really busy guy after all."

"No further questions." Mystique said. "All I see is a loud, vulgar, egotistical fool who is trying to make it appear as if he is doing this for the right reasons, but is doing a poor job of it. I don't think you are doing this out of concern for the lives of others after all: you're doing it just for the attention."

"It's obvious to ALL of us that you have an overly high opinion of yourself. Why else would you be calling yourself something like Handsome Jack? Beneath all the foul language and boasting is an insecure little boy. And it's time someone gave that little boy a spanking."

@york @Chris Lang @Xx420BLAZEITxX @Indolent @Ringmaster @Verite @Takumi @Gummi Bunnies @T.O.M. @Kaykay @C.T.
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Spider-Woman and whoever else decided to join Symmetra would enter the elevator. Pressing the button again the door would close on them and the group down bellow would have to wait for them to reach the top.

Soon enough however the teleporter bellow wake to life and allow the rest to follow.


They would find Symmetra and Spider-Woman waiting for them inside a large and wide room.

"Oh look boys. The Freedom Fighters are here." From behind the huge structure in the middle of the room Handsome Jack would emerge. Flanked by Bonebreaker and Armaggon.

"You know I have to admire how far into depravity you guys have decided to go. I raised Rapture from the fucking sea! I saved all these poor people! Yet here you are. Trying to kill me. Isn't that super scummy boys?"

"Yeah, boss you're just doing everyone a public service." Bonebreaker replied with a grin.

"Sure...If you say so." Armaggon replied.

"So what's it gonna be people?" Jack replied to the gathered group. "Did you come here to give me a pat on the back, or do I have to make examples of you all?"

Caira was about to come and investigate when the supposed Splicer body on the floor sprung to life and grabbed unto her from behind.

The commotion would alert the Splicer in the cell who would attempt to escape the cell only to bump face first into the door making him fall right on his back. Despite not being able to get out the Splicer would instead start shooting wildly around from inside the cell upwards towards the group.

Speaking of Heaven. The ship would make a steep ascent to avoid the artillery coming their way.

"If this doesn't kill us, I swear I'm going to kill you!" Monarch shouted to Eggman.

@The Tactician @DapperDogman
"And just what are YOU hoping to accomplish using Rapture to wage war against some other city in the clouds? What are you hoping to accomplish with any of this?" Mystique asked. "All we've seen so far is one tyrant being replaced with another."


"No use reasoning with this kinda nut. It's fine with me though. Saves us all some breath. Though I'll just say, dude... I think your definition of what's scummy is pretty damn skewed," Gwen said, popping her knuckles, preparing for the final battle. Stepping forward before the enemies that were in her way, the hero wasn't in a joking mood.

"Before we get started though... Tell me one thing, Jack. If you think you're such a big hero, then why aren't you down there in town helping the Little Sisters? Why are you letting the chaos in the city just happen, despite all the potential casualties we're gonna have?! In what delusional world are you the good guy in this scenario?!"

@york @Chris Lang @Xx420BLAZEITxX @Indolent @Ringmaster @Jeremi @Takumi @Gummi Bunnies @T.O.M. @Kaykay @C.T.
@Jeremi @Verite @Xx420BLAZEITxX @Indolent @Ringmaster @Chris Lang @Takumi @Gummi Bunnies @T.O.M. @Kaykay @C.T.


Owlman had a devilish smile on his face as he produced an Owlrang from his toolbelt... It was clear he wasn't here to congratulate Jack on his endeavors... Quite the contrary actually, he was here to "fold" him, as Ultraman once said... Once and for all. While he had his owlrang out, he slowly moved his otehr hand towards his toolbelt, intending to find a good place to grapple to as soon as the fighting began.

"What does it look like I'm trying to accomplish! I'm saving this fucking planet from itself!" Handsome Jack exclaimed annoyed. "And with two floating cities on top of the Splicers and everything else I'm going to make that possible! Like I can see it being confusing for someone like you, but if you're confused I can try and say it with shorter words next time, okay kiddo?"

"Oh God you again." He rolled his eyes at Gwen. "Does the term expandable sound in anyway familiar to you? I need the Little Sisters and the slugs inside of them to power the city and to give my poor junkies their fix. Not only am I the good guy I'm the really good guy! And alright let's flip the script a bit. Why are you the good guys? Huh? You come into my city and start causing a mess. THEN you join forces with a group of degenerates that tried to undermine what I've been trying to accomplish here for over a year. Yet you somehow have the balls to ask ME how I'M the good guy in this scenario?! Get your head outta your ass."

Jack would notice Owlman's hands moving and decided to say something he had wanted to say for some time now. "Hey hey! Hands where I can see them! Look your fetish to try and grapple unto things is cute, in a sick sort of way, but as you might have noticed there's really no place to climb now is there? Maybe you'll get to finally use it when I throw you through this fucking window."

Jack sighed and scratch his neck with the gun he was holding. "So do you guys have any other dumbass questions, or can I kill you now? I'm really busy guy after all."

"No further questions." Mystique said. "All I see is a loud, vulgar, egotistical fool who is trying to make it appear as if he is doing this for the right reasons, but is doing a poor job of it. I don't think you are doing this out of concern for the lives of others after all: you're doing it just for the attention."

"It's obvious to ALL of us that you have an overly high opinion of yourself. Why else would you be calling yourself something like Handsome Jack? Beneath all the foul language and boasting is an insecure little boy. And it's time someone gave that little boy a spanking."

@york @Chris Lang @Xx420BLAZEITxX @Indolent @Ringmaster @Verite @Takumi @Gummi Bunnies @T.O.M. @Kaykay @C.T.
"We don't need to hear any more of your words, you're a lost cause."

Nier had an intense glare at the man, getting himself into a stance while wielding the Beastlord with his two hands.


"As an old friend would put it if she were here, you're just a little whiny bitch that we can take out of the picture."

Awaiting for all hell to break loose, the huntsman had a firm determination to defeat Handsome Jack. Everybody suffered all kinds of ways because of this man, and Nier wasn't going to hesitate getting rid of him for good.

@york @Chris Lang @Xx420BLAZEITxX @Indolent @Ringmaster @Verite @Takumi @Chris Lang @T.O.M. @Kaykay @C.T.
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Reactions: Chris Lang

Spider-Woman and whoever else decided to join Symmetra would enter the elevator. Pressing the button again the door would close on them and the group down bellow would have to wait for them to reach the top.

Soon enough however the teleporter bellow wake to life and allow the rest to follow.


They would find Symmetra and Spider-Woman waiting for them inside a large and wide room.

"Oh look boys. The Freedom Fighters are here." From behind the huge structure in the middle of the room Handsome Jack would emerge. Flanked by Bonebreaker and Armaggon.

"You know I have to admire how far into depravity you guys have decided to go. I raised Rapture from the fucking sea! I saved all these poor people! Yet here you are. Trying to kill me. Isn't that super scummy boys?"

"Yeah, boss you're just doing everyone a public service." Bonebreaker replied with a grin.

"Sure...If you say so." Armaggon replied.

"So what's it gonna be people?" Jack replied to the gathered group. "Did you come here to give me a pat on the back, or do I have to make examples of you all?"

Caira was about to come and investigate when the supposed Splicer body on the floor sprung to life and grabbed unto her from behind.

The commotion would alert the Splicer in the cell who would attempt to escape the cell only to bump face first into the door making him fall right on his back. Despite not being able to get out the Splicer would instead start shooting wildly around from inside the cell upwards towards the group.

Speaking of Heaven. The ship would make a steep ascent to avoid the artillery coming their way.

"If this doesn't kill us, I swear I'm going to kill you!" Monarch shouted to Eggman.

@The Tactician @DapperDogman
Jesse would focus solely on maintaining his grip on the railing, not desiring to be flung to the floor as the airship jerked about and shook as it adjusted course and was blasted by more artillery.​
"What does it look like I'm trying to accomplish! I'm saving this fucking planet from itself!" Handsome Jack exclaimed annoyed. "And with two floating cities on top of the Splicers and everything else I'm going to make that possible! Like I can see it being confusing for someone like you, but if you're confused I can try and say it with shorter words next time, okay kiddo?"

"Oh God you again." He rolled his eyes at Gwen. "Does the term expandable sound in anyway familiar to you? I need the Little Sisters and the slugs inside of them to power the city and to give my poor junkies their fix. Not only am I the good guy I'm the really good guy! And alright let's flip the script a bit. Why are you the good guys? Huh? You come into my city and start causing a mess. THEN you join forces with a group of degenerates that tried to undermine what I've been trying to accomplish here for over a year. Yet you somehow have the balls to ask ME how I'M the good guy in this scenario?! Get your head outta your ass."

Jack would notice Owlman's hands moving and decided to say something he had wanted to say for some time now. "Hey hey! Hands where I can see them! Look your fetish to try and grapple unto things is cute, in a sick sort of way, but as you might have noticed there's really no place to climb now is there? Maybe you'll get to finally use it when I throw you through this fucking window."

Jack sighed and scratch his neck with the gun he was holding. "So do you guys have any other dumbass questions, or can I kill you now? I'm really busy guy after all."

"No further questions." Mystique said. "All I see is a loud, vulgar, egotistical fool who is trying to make it appear as if he is doing this for the right reasons, but is doing a poor job of it. I don't think you are doing this out of concern for the lives of others after all: you're doing it just for the attention."

"I mean, it's obvious to ALL of us that you have an overly high opinion of yourself. Why else would you be calling yourself something like Handsome Jack? Beneath all the foul language and boasting is an insecure little boy. And it's time someone gave that little boy a spanking."

@york @Chris Lang @Xx420BLAZEITxX @Indolent @Ringmaster @Verite @Takumi @Gummi Bunnies @T.O.M. @Kaykay @C.T.
"We don't need to hear any more of your words, you're a lost cause."

Nier had an intense glare at the man, getting himself into a stance while wielding the Beastlord with his two hands.


"As an old friend would put it if she were here, you're just a little whiny bitch that we can take out of the picture."

Awaiting for all hell to break loose, the huntsman had a firm determination to defeat Handsome Jack. Everybody suffered all kinds of ways because of this man, and Nier wasn't going to hesitate getting rid of him for good.

@york @Chris Lang @Xx420BLAZEITxX @Indolent @Ringmaster @Verite @Takumi @Chris Lang @T.O.M. @Kaykay @C.T.
@Jeremi @Chris Lang @Xx420BLAZEITxX @Indolent @Ringmaster @Verite @Takumi @Gummi Bunnies @T.O.M. @Kaykay @C.T.

Owlman couldn't help but laugh at Jack's point of view on all of this... He was saving this planet from itself... It was a hopeless fantasy that would never truly come to be. His laugh carried on and on, it was enough to context Batman the time Harley told him she wanted to settle down with the Joker. Then, finally, the booming laughter stopped abruptly as Owlman has a deadpan look on his face.


"You're a fool." He said, his tone taking on a more deathly one.

"Take it from someone who knows... It won't work." He added, and suddenly, he smirked again.

It was apparant that he wasn't making a move to grapple away now, but instead... He was going to face Jack and his cronies head on... To him, this wasn't about taking back the city, but more of a matter of a score he wanted to settle... For botching his plans, for trying to flip the script... And hell, just for being plain ignorant... No-one knew better than Owlman, that no world was truly safe from itself... As long as man still existed upon it. The only surefire way to save this world from itself... Was to destroy it, and Owlman had no interest in doing that. He stared into Jack's eyes almost mockingly, waiting for his next move... It was time to settle this, man to man... Or at least, this is how he intended to go about it.

Jack sighed and scratch his neck with the gun he was holding. "So do you guys have any other dumbass questions, or can I kill you now? I'm really busy guy after all."
"Nope! Time to die~"

Without waiting an instant longer than she needed to, Samael didn't give the self-proclaimed good guy a chance to even move the gun from his neck. Her foot hit the ground hard, propelling her at a high speed directly at Jack with her scythe out. Landing on her left foot, she pivoted and swung her whole body around with the scythe in an attempt to reap the man's torso.


"Can you deal with this villain, Mr. Good Guy?!"

@york @Chris Lang @Xx420BLAZEITxX @Indolent @Ringmaster @Verite @Takumi @Chris Lang @T.O.M. @Gummi Bunnies @Jeremi @C.T.
Jesse would focus solely on maintaining his grip on the railing, not desiring to be flung to the floor as the airship jerked about and shook as it adjusted course and was blasted by more artillery.​
"This entire day has been one amazing event after the next" Jacob mutters, holding onto one of the bars of the railing with what seemed to be a practiced grip "You might wanna adjust your hand" he says, showing Jesse how to better hold the railing "Reduces the strain on the wrist, helps you maintain a grip longer" he explains, smiling slightly

"Not much longer now, and we'll have our hands at his throat"

@The Tactician
Carol did not miss a beat, moving her rifle to one hand and pulling out her knife with the other. She practically jumped to life just as the Splicer did, plunging the bladed instrument into the back of the attacker's head. She then fell back, covering her head as the Splicer below started firing off bullets. Fearing her ability to fire off an accurate shot considering the circumstances, Carol dropped down below the railing for cover.

"Someone needs to get on that!" she exclaimed.

@LuckycoolHawk9 @Sen @Hana @Crimson Spartan @Crow @Yun Lee @Takumi @Ryu Keiko @Josh M @BarrenThin @CrunchyCHEEZIT @Jeremi @Krieg @LittleWonders
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Reactions: Takumi and Jeremi
Carol did not miss a beat, moving her rifle to one hand and pulling out her knife with the other. She practically jumped to life just as the Splicer did, plunging the bladed instrument into the back of the attacker's head. She then fell back, covering her head as the Splicer below started firing off bullets. Fearing her ability to fire off an accurate shot considering the circumstances, Carol dropped down below the railing for cover.

"Someone needs to get on that!" she exclaimed.

@LuckycoolHawk9 @Sen @Hana @Crimson Spartan @Crow @Yun Lee @Takumi @Ryu Keiko @Josh M @BarrenThin @CrunchyCHEEZIT @Jeremi @Krieg @LittleWonders

Spider-Woman and whoever else decided to join Symmetra would enter the elevator. Pressing the button again the door would close on them and the group down bellow would have to wait for them to reach the top.

Soon enough however the teleporter bellow wake to life and allow the rest to follow.


They would find Symmetra and Spider-Woman waiting for them inside a large and wide room.

"Oh look boys. The Freedom Fighters are here." From behind the huge structure in the middle of the room Handsome Jack would emerge. Flanked by Bonebreaker and Armaggon.

"You know I have to admire how far into depravity you guys have decided to go. I raised Rapture from the fucking sea! I saved all these poor people! Yet here you are. Trying to kill me. Isn't that super scummy boys?"

"Yeah, boss you're just doing everyone a public service." Bonebreaker replied with a grin.

"Sure...If you say so." Armaggon replied.

"So what's it gonna be people?" Jack replied to the gathered group. "Did you come here to give me a pat on the back, or do I have to make examples of you all?"

Caira was about to come and investigate when the supposed Splicer body on the floor sprung to life and grabbed unto her from behind.

The commotion would alert the Splicer in the cell who would attempt to escape the cell only to bump face first into the door making him fall right on his back. Despite not being able to get out the Splicer would instead start shooting wildly around from inside the cell upwards towards the group.

Speaking of Heaven. The ship would make a steep ascent to avoid the artillery coming their way.

"If this doesn't kill us, I swear I'm going to kill you!" Monarch shouted to Eggman.

@The Tactician @DapperDogman

Soldier: 76 would grunt, quickly ducking behind the railing as the two splicers rose to life. "Goddamn...jack-in-the-boxes.." he grumbled, surveying the room. A quick second of tactical thought passed, and the soldier popped up from his position, snapping his aim to the door.

"Suppressing fire."


The bullets from the cell were met with bright-blue pulse munitions, possibly hitting the Splicer, due to the accuracy of the weapon and its user.

@LuckycoolHawk9 @Sen @Hana @Crimson Spartan @Crow @Yun Lee @Takumi @Ryu Keiko @Josh M @BarrenThin @Atomyk @Jeremi @Krieg@LittleWonders
"Oh God you again." He rolled his eyes at Gwen. "Does the term expandable sound in anyway familiar to you? I need the Little Sisters and the slugs inside of them to power the city and to give my poor junkies their fix. Not only am I the good guy I'm the really good guy! And alright let's flip the script a bit. Why are you the good guys? Huh? You come into my city and start causing a mess. THEN you join forces with a group of degenerates that tried to undermine what I've been trying to accomplish here for over a year. Yet you somehow have the balls to ask ME how I'M the good guy in this scenario?! Get your head outta your ass."


"Believe me, bucko, if you could take your delusion goggles off, you should be able to see that it was a mess long before we, the clean-up crew, came along," Gwen replied to Jack, continuing to stand upright and defiantly against him, "You didn't save this city for the benefit of others! You came to rule it with an iron fist like a tyrant. That's no way to live for the people here!"

"That's why, Jack, I gotta say you're being impeached!"

When Samael would leap right into the action, deciding for everyone that the conversation was now over, Gwen would decide to give Samael cover (as much as Samael personally had always creeped her out a bit), springing into the air and shooting some web balls straight at Bonebreaker's face to blind him, and then just as quickly switching to Armaggon, shooting a string of web right at him. With the assumption that he would be too heavy for her to pull him towards her, she ended up pulling herself towards him, zipping over his way with her leg stuck out, hoping to send a powerful kick his way!

@york @Chris Lang @Xx420BLAZEITxX @Indolent @Ringmaster @Kaykay @Takumi @Chris Lang @T.O.M. @Gummi Bunnies @Jeremi @C.T.
Handsome Jack was ready with another hilarious quip when suddenly.

"Nope! Time to die~"

Without waiting an instant longer than she needed to, Samael didn't give the self-proclaimed good guy a chance to even move the gun from his neck. Her foot hit the ground hard, propelling her at a high speed directly at Jack with her scythe out. Landing on her left foot, she pivoted and swung her whole body around with the scythe in an attempt to reap the man's torso.


"Can you deal with this villain, Mr. Good Guy?!"

@york @Chris Lang @Xx420BLAZEITxX @Indolent @Ringmaster @Verite @Takumi @Chris Lang @T.O.M. @Gummi Bunnies @Jeremi @C.T.
He couldn't and the head of Handsome Jack would be neatly split from his body...and scatter into one's and zero's...what?


"Believe me, bucko, if you could take your delusion goggles off, you should be able to see that it was a mess long before we, the clean-up crew, came along," Gwen replied to Jack, continuing to stand upright and defiantly against him, "You didn't save this city for the benefit of others! You came to rule it with an iron fist like a tyrant. That's no way to live for the people here!"

"That's why, Jack, I gotta say you're being impeached!"

When Samael would leap right into the action, deciding for everyone that the conversation was now over, Gwen would decide to give Samael cover (as much as Samael personally had always creeped her out a bit), springing into the air and shooting some web balls straight at Bonebreaker's face to blind him, and then just as quickly switching to Armaggon, shooting a string of web right at him. With the assumption that he would be too heavy for her to pull him towards her, she ended up pulling herself towards him, zipping over his way with her leg stuck out, hoping to send a powerful kick his way!

@york @Chris Lang @Xx420BLAZEITxX @Indolent @Ringmaster @Kaykay @Takumi @Chris Lang @T.O.M. @Gummi Bunnies @Jeremi @C.T.

Bonebreaker would flip open a bullet proof shield to block the webbing coming his way before he opened fire at the group.


"Better luck next time girlie!"

Armaggon meanwhile would be not as lucky as Spider-Woman gave him a swift kick in the gut. The problem there was that she was now at mouth distance as Armaggon tried to take a good chunck out of her with his teeth.

As they were fighting they would hear Jack talking. "Wow, you really are a rude bitch." Jack would appear from behind a column. "I was just trying to have a nice chat with you guys."

Another Jack would emerge from the shadows. "And you just went straight for the jugular." When all was said and done there was now ten Jacks among them. "Well guess it's time to call it a night." All of them readied their hand cannon towards the group. "You can all fuck off." And with that they opened fire against the group.​

Carol did not miss a beat, moving her rifle to one hand and pulling out her knife with the other. She practically jumped to life just as the Splicer did, plunging the bladed instrument into the back of the attacker's head. She then fell back, covering her head as the Splicer below started firing off bullets. Fearing her ability to fire off an accurate shot considering the circumstances, Carol dropped down below the railing for cover.

"Someone needs to get on that!" she exclaimed.

@LuckycoolHawk9 @Sen @Hana @Crimson Spartan @Crow @Yun Lee @Takumi @Ryu Keiko @Josh M @BarrenThin @CrunchyCHEEZIT @Jeremi @Krieg @LittleWonders

Soldier: 76 would grunt, quickly ducking behind the railing as the two splicers rose to life. "Goddamn...jack-in-the-boxes.." he grumbled, surveying the room. A quick second of tactical thought passed, and the soldier popped up from his position, snapping his aim to the door.

"Suppressing fire."


The bullets from the cell were met with bright-blue pulse munitions, possibly hitting the Splicer, due to the accuracy of the weapon and its user.

@LuckycoolHawk9 @Sen @Hana @Crimson Spartan @Crow @Yun Lee @Takumi @Ryu Keiko @Josh M @BarrenThin @Atomyk @Jeremi @Krieg@LittleWonders

The one inside the cell would die from the gunfire and Carol had helped Caira who was gasping for air. "T-thanks." Calming down she'd look around the area. "Anyone see the Little Sisters?"

@LuckycoolHawk9 @Sen @Hana @Crimson Spartan @Crow @Yun Lee @Takumi @Ryu Keiko @Josh M @BarrenThin @Atomyk @CrunchyCHEEZIT @Krieg@LittleWonders

Jesse would focus solely on maintaining his grip on the railing, not desiring to be flung to the floor as the airship jerked about and shook as it adjusted course and was blasted by more artillery.​
"This entire day has been one amazing event after the next" Jacob mutters, holding onto one of the bars of the railing with what seemed to be a practiced grip "You might wanna adjust your hand" he says, showing Jesse how to better hold the railing "Reduces the strain on the wrist, helps you maintain a grip longer" he explains, smiling slightly

"Not much longer now, and we'll have our hands at his throat"

@The Tactician
When it had just risen higher the airship would now be at a sharp descent towards the tower. Another direct hit and another fire broke out. Just a little longer though...

"On second thought I don't want to go home anymore! This is so not worth it!" Funerella shouted.

@DapperDogman @The Tactician
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Handsome Jack was ready with another hilarious quip when suddenly.

He couldn't and the head of Handsome Jack would be neatly split from his body...and scatter into one's and zero's...what?

Bonebreaker would flip open a bullet proof shield to block the webbing coming his way before he opened fire at the group.


"Better luck next time girlie!"

Armaggon meanwhile would be not as lucky as Spider-Woman gave him a swift kick in the gut. The problem there was that she was now at mouth distance as Armaggon tried to take a good chunck out of her with his teeth.

As they were fighting they would hear Jack talking. "Wow, you really are a rude bitch." Jack would appear from behind a column. "I was just trying to have a nice chat with you guys."

Another Jack would emerge from the shadows. "And you just went straight for the jugular." When all was said and done there was now ten Jacks among them. "Well guess it's time to call it a night." All of them readied their hand cannon towards the group. "You can all fuck off." And with that they opened fire against the group.​

The one inside the cell would die from the gunfire and Carol had helped Caira who was gasping for air. "T-thanks." Calming down she'd look around the area. "Anyone see the Little Sisters?"

@LuckycoolHawk9 @Sen @Hana @Crimson Spartan @Crow @Yun Lee @Takumi @Ryu Keiko @Josh M @BarrenThin @Atomyk @CrunchyCHEEZIT @Krieg@LittleWonders

When it had just risen higher the airship would now be at a sharp descent towards the tower. Another direct hit and another fire broke out. Just a little longer though...

"On second thought I don't want to go home anymore! This is so not worth it!" Funerella shouted.

@DapperDogman @The Tactician
"Thanks," Jesse responded as he did as Jacob had shown him. As the the ship began to go down (whether to crash in flames or land a boarding party), the preacher steeled his nerves as he yelled back at Funerella, "Too late to turn back now! Just hang on!"
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