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"No. Where I am from, humans usually fear my kind. Since I've started working with Lucifer, it's only been recently that humans have bothered approaching me before we ended up here. He is more accustomed to dealing with these sorts of things than me myself." the Claymore replied simply.

As Spider Gwen landed nearby and said all she needed, she'd get a brief glance from the woman before the blonde returned her gaze to Samael.

At the mentioning of her name, the Claymore's eyes moved to Lucifer and Spider Gwen calmly and she gave a slight nod of her head before returning to Samael once more.

@Ringmaster @CCC Kouhai @Josh M @T.O.M. @Kaykay @C.T. @Verite
"Your kind?"

The woman's physiology didn't resemble that of an angel's or demon's, as far as Samael could tell. That left human, but it seemed that was not so where she came from. Maybe she was one of those weird kinds of humans, the type with a bunch of nanomachines in their blood stream and stuff, though she'd only met one of them before. Then again, he was a little awkward when it came to talking to humans too, so if they were the same that kind of made sense.

"Well, anyway, that works out just fine then. I'm not human either, so I guess there's no reason to be afraid, right?"
"I...well I refused to be just an extra. I wanted to stand out in the crowds. It is why I got this bright costume. But it is more than that too. I...well I read the stories. And even when they were just stories, I enjoyed them nevertheless. I idolize many of them. They are...larger than life, you know? Fighting the battles most of us never could. And I wanted to try. Punisher does it, after all."
"Eh, is that so? ...Well, that attitude is what makes you humans interesting, I guess."

She added a thanks at the end at Winslow's request.​
While the man didn't speak, his gestures came out loud and clear. "Your voice box is damaged?" That's why he had that electronic tinge in his voice when he spoke. "Perhaps I could take a look? If you are fine with it that is."

@Kaykay @T.O.M.
"Yup, that's about what he said. Though, he's a funny one, isn't he? Calling his own thoughts a lie, hehe."

She giggled to herself, fully aware she was the only one who could actually "hear" him for now.

@Jeremi @Takumi @T.O.M. @C.T.
He cared not for the hoboes who died the death they deserved. When he looked at the new group of people and gave the Rayna a strange look. Extending his arms wide as he held the cane at middle height and his hat in the other hand, he extended her a rather loud greeting, "Reyna! I almost miss your brash leadership and headstrong, ignorant attitude...almost. I thought you left because the debt police was after you, but it seems that you just decided to stay with the homeless...well some of them anyway...actually no, you're the only one that looks like a hobo...and smell like one too...but it's nice to see you again old friend!"

@Vertie @Minerva @Others
Reyna would turn to face the speaker? "And I almost miss your batshit crazy ass Marquis! Though I got to admit I'm glad to meet a friendly face...even if it's your face."

The sniping aside, Reyna knew of the robots skills and they would be needed for what was coming.

@Verite @Minerva @Yang Lee

"Your kind?"

The woman's physiology didn't resemble that of an angel's or demon's, as far as Samael could tell. That left human, but it seemed that was not so where she came from. Maybe she was one of those weird kinds of humans, the type with a bunch of nanomachines in their blood stream and stuff, though she'd only met one of them before. Then again, he was a little awkward when it came to talking to humans too, so if they were the same that kind of made sense.

"Well, anyway, that works out just fine then. I'm not human either, so I guess there's no reason to be afraid, right?"

"Eh, is that so? ...Well, that attitude is what makes you humans interesting, I guess."

She added a thanks at the end at Winslow's request.​

"Yup, that's about what he said. Though, he's a funny one, isn't he? Calling his own thoughts a lie, hehe."

She giggled to herself, fully aware she was the only one who could actually "hear" him for now.

@Jeremi @Takumi @T.O.M. @C.T.

Symmetra cocked her eyebrow at the girl. "Yes well...that is something alright."
While the man didn't speak, his gestures came out loud and clear. "Your voice box is damaged?" That's why he had that electronic tinge in his voice when he spoke. "Perhaps I could take a look? If you are fine with it that is."

@Kaykay @T.O.M.

"Well come on then." The police man would lead them outside where there were more police waiting and...was that a police car that was hovering in the air?


They seemed a tad anachronistic to the setting. Perhaps this was more of the doctors doing?

He'd shuffle them inside the back of the car before getting in the back.

Bridgette would take the time to lean over and whisper softly to Jesse. "You were going to see the doctor and the monarch right? Maybe this is your chance?"​

@DapperDogman @The Tactician
The preacher would squirm a little as they were all stuffed into the backseat. It was strange to be stuck a police vehicle and for once not actually be in any sort of trouble, or at least not guilty of anything he was aware of. "Didn't think it would be with a police escort though," The preacher whispered back before smiling apologetically, "Sorry for gettin' you tied up in this business. Same to you, Jacob," He shot the same smile to the English gangster before leaning back to relax in his seat, "Hopefully this won't take too trouble."

@DapperDogman @Jeremi
"Yup, that's about what he said. Though, he's a funny one, isn't he? Calling his own thoughts a lie, hehe."

She giggled to herself, fully aware she was the only one who could actually "hear" him for now.
Winslow was hesitant to hand over the vocoder to someone that he hadn't worked up some level of trust with. Samael was one of those few people. She had been with Winslow from the beginning and there wasn't anything that the composer wouldn't have done for the angel. Though, needless to say she still had certain traits about her that Winslow doubted he'd ever fully understand. Wada was another with how kind she'd been to him despite his affliction and his grim appearance.

Yet, neither of them could help him on a permanent basis. They could be supportive of him, agree to be his friends. But neither Samael or Wada could heal his face or repair his vocal chords. The fact that he heard his natural voice in his thoughts was relieving but it also brought a sharp tinge of sadness upon the composer. For he knew that no matter how hard he tried, he'd never get back what he'd lost. All that was left for him was to get through this and protect Samael and defeat Swan. Then he could finally rest.

Which is why Winslow finally relented and held out the box towards Symmetra. All he could to was to rely on the generosity of someone who had asked him.

@Kaykay @C.T. @Jeremi
Reyna would turn to face the speaker? "And I almost miss your batshit crazy ass Marquis! Though I got to admit I'm glad to meet a friendly face...even if it's your face."

The sniping aside, Reyna knew of the robots skills and they would be needed for what was coming.

@Verite @Minerva @Yang Lee

Symmetra cocked her eyebrow at the girl. "Yes well...that is something alright."

Praetor Reyna leaned against the doorway. She watched the conversations going on. She had heard Ocelot talk about the Coalition with the MEU Agents that had been with them. It sounded interesting, she had to admit. But, her heart lay with the XII Legion and Camp Jupiter.

Anyway, Reyna looked up. She turned to the main Reyna. "Hey, did the engineers from Minerva's Den ever radio back in?" She asked. "Because I'm not noticing anything from there." She straightened the spear on her back.

@Jeremi @Verite @Anyone
The preacher would squirm a little as they were all stuffed into the backseat. It was strange to be stuck a police vehicle and for once not actually be in any sort of trouble, or at least not guilty of anything he was aware of. "Didn't think it would be with a police escort though," The preacher whispered back before smiling apologetically, "Sorry for gettin' you tied up in this business. Same to you, Jacob," He shot the same smile to the English gangster before leaning back to relax in his seat, "Hopefully this won't take too trouble."

@DapperDogman @Jeremi

"No I mean...use your thing." She hissed a bit louder. "That sweet Southern drawl? The thing that got that big demon looking thing to crush it's own heart? You know...that thing?"

@The Tactician @DapperDogman

Winslow was hesitant to hand over the vocoder to someone that he hadn't worked up some level of trust with. Samael was one of those few people. She had been with Winslow from the beginning and there wasn't anything that the composer wouldn't have done for the angel. Though, needless to say she still had certain traits about her that Winslow doubted he'd ever fully understand. Wada was another with how kind she'd been to him despite his affliction and his grim appearance.

Yet, neither of them could help him on a permanent basis. They could be supportive of him, agree to be his friends. But neither Samael or Wada could heal his face or repair his vocal chords. The fact that he heard his natural voice in his thoughts was relieving but it also brought a sharp tinge of sadness upon the composer. For he knew that no matter how hard he tried, he'd never get back what he'd lost. All that was left for him was to get through this and protect Samael and defeat Swan. Then he could finally rest.

Which is why Winslow finally relented and held out the box towards Symmetra. All he could to was to rely on the generosity of someone who had asked him.

@Kaykay @C.T. @Jeremi

"Thank you for trusting me. I understand that it might have some sentimental value to you" She replied taking the box into her hands. "I will give it a look over, though I prefer to not be disturbed when I'm working. I will return it to you once I have fixed...then again I'll return it even if I can't." Having said that Symmetra would move to a nearby table to work and tinker in peace.

@Kaykay @T.O.M.

Praetor Reyna leaned against the doorway. She watched the conversations going on. She had heard Ocelot talk about the Coalition with the MEU Agents that had been with them. It sounded interesting, she had to admit. But, her heart lay with the XII Legion and Camp Jupiter.

Anyway, Reyna looked up. She turned to the main Reyna. "Hey, did the engineers from Minerva's Den ever radio back in?" She asked. "Because I'm not noticing anything from there." She straightened the spear on her back.

@Jeremi @Verite @Anyone
"No, they haven't." She replied to vanilla Reyna. "We'll get to that in a bit. Let's just let our guest chill for a little while longer before we get back to work."

@Verite @Yang Lee @Minerva @Chris Lang
"No I mean...use your thing." She hissed a bit louder. "That sweet Southern drawl? The thing that got that big demon looking thing to crush it's own heart? You know...that thing?"

@The Tactician @DapperDogman

"Thank you for trusting me. I understand that it might have some sentimental value to you" She replied taking the box into her hands. "I will give it a look over, though I prefer to not be disturbed when I'm working. I will return it to you once I have fixed...then again I'll return it even if I can't." Having said that Symmetra would move to a nearby table to work and tinker in peace.

@Kaykay @T.O.M.

"No, they haven't." She replied to vanilla Reyna. "We'll get to that in a bit. Let's just let our guest chill for a little while longer before we get back to work."

@Verite @Yang Lee @Minerva @Chris Lang
"Oh," The preacher realized what the woman meant, remembering that he had an easy out in this situation. Nodding to her before turning towards the front, he leaned forward to speak clearly to the driver up front.

"Maybe we should give that report in person to the monarch and doctor?"
"Oh," The preacher realized what the woman meant, remembering that he had an easy out in this situation. Nodding to her before turning towards the front, he leaned forward to speak clearly to the driver up front.

"Maybe we should give that report in person to the monarch and doctor?"

"Huh...yeah I guess you're right." The police man said doing a sharp u-turn in the sky. "Leaves me less paperwork too for that matter..."

The Comstock house would soon enough come into view.


And it was quite looming to say the least. The place seemed to have perpetual lightning storm surrounding it.

Police car would land near the entrance and let the trio out. "You three have a good day now you hear?" And with a friendly wave the police man left them to their own devices. Something that was also peculiar about the place was, despite it being rather warm outside...


Snow was falling from the clouds surrounding the massive mansion. "Last time I was here it didn't end so well." Jesse realized that this was probably going to be a common theme with Bridgette. "Stay alert, who knows what there's waiting for us."​

@The Tactician @DapperDogman
"Huh...yeah I guess you're right." The police man said doing a sharp u-turn in the sky. "Leaves me less paperwork too for that matter..."

The Comstock house would soon enough come into view.


And it was quite looming to say the least. The place seemed to have perpetual lightning storm surrounding it.

Police car would land near the entrance and let the trio out. "You three have a good day now you hear?" And with a friendly wave the police man left them to their own devices. Something that was also peculiar about the place was, despite it being rather warm outside...


Snow was falling from the clouds surrounding the massive mansion. "Last time I was here it didn't end so well." Jesse realized that this was probably going to be a common theme with Bridgette. "Stay alert, who knows what there's waiting for us."​

@The Tactician @DapperDogman
"Been here before, and you're expecting trouble again?" Jesse questioned as he checked his gun and shivered in the snow. How the hell did they make the weather go from clear and sunny to this something like this? "Best we don't wait out here, or else our fingers will be frozen to the triggers and without a way to pull."

@Jeremi @DapperDogman

Uh. Oh jeez. Uh.

"Um... Yeah, sure. Why not? C'mere, girl," Gwen said, opening her arms and taking her namesake into a nice little hug.


Hug get. +25 XP

"No, it's nothing like a bolter," I replied, still proffering her the projectile weapon. Though there was something I should share, "It holds fifteen rounds and there's only one magazine. Use it wisely."

"Well thanks then mister!" She smiled warmly, accepting the gun. Now she had 2, if temporarily.

Weapon get. +30 XP
"Eh, is that so? ...Well, that attitude is what makes you humans interesting, I guess."

She added a thanks at the end at Winslow's request.​
"Yeah! One of the things anyway. Don't forget opinionated, oh man. 3 humans in a room means 6 or so opinions. Etc."

@Verite @Indolent @Kaykay

"Been here before, and you're expecting trouble again?" Jesse questioned as he checked his gun and shivered in the snow. How the hell did they make the weather go from clear and sunny to this something like this? "Best we don't wait out here, or else our fingers will be frozen to the triggers and without a way to pull."

@Jeremi @DapperDogman

As they made their way towards the main entrance they would see a man and a woman standing in their.


"They came early." Said the man.

"I told you they would." Said the woman.

"But there was so much to see yet."

"Please, like that matters."

"You need to slow down and look around you."

"Life and death are the balance."

"It's not up to them."

"It could be."

And the back and forth would continue seemingly ignoring the actual trio.​

@The Tactician @DapperDogman
  • Useful
Reactions: Atomyk
Evie glanced up at Scott for a second, her eyes red from tears and some places on her face still a bit swollen from insect bites. For a time, she considered not responding to him again. But this man didn't seem like he had bad intentions. As she remembered, he even stayed calm and fair with a knife to his throat. She nodded softly, looking at the ground, and hated to show weakness like this... But what were her father's lessons worth if Jacob wasn't here to joke about them?

"Thank you..." she said softly with a dry, almost emotionless voice. "My brother's always been so careless and reckless... I've always thought he'd meet his end via his own mistakes..." She looked up at Scott again, frowning, and her eyes filled with hurt. "But this time... He was careful, he was planning everything out perfectly..." Another silence followed and Evie shook her head. "And because I didn't catch on fast enough, he died." Her last word left her lips in a suddenly higher pitch and with a sob. Knowing that her brother was dead is one thing, but hearing her say it herself just made her realize the harsh truth even more. She covered her face with her hands.

Scott looked at Evie and noticed that her eyes were red from the tears and were swollen too, neither of which was good. He wondered if she was going to ignore him, he hadn't done anything bad to either of the twins, just rash, quite honestly. He had stayed calm despite the knife to his throat, despite everything that had happened in the short amount of time. He hoped that she would talk to him, it might be better to relieve yourself of your feeling than to bottle them up... he should know that because he had done both too, quite honestly.

Her tone was devoid of all emotions, all empathy for people seemed to be gone. He noticed it, she had started off by telling him that her brother always been careless, he had seen that when he had the knife to his throat. He saw that her eyes were full of hurt, pain from watching her brother died too. " My mom once told me something a year or two ago, and it is some of the oldest and cheesiest advice you can get, but she told me that time will heal all wounds, and it might be possible to move on. She never said it was easy, but it was indeed possible. I honestly think the only thing is to keep going, help us, complete whatever secret thing the two you are doing, just do it for him," he said, as he looked at her and decided to add something. " It's okay to cry, it's actually healthier even if it makes you seem weak," he added.

"Huh...yeah I guess you're right." The police man said doing a sharp u-turn in the sky. "Leaves me less paperwork too for that matter..."

The Comstock house would soon enough come into view.


And it was quite looming to say the least. The place seemed to have perpetual lightning storm surrounding it.

Police car would land near the entrance and let the trio out. "You three have a good day now you hear?" And with a friendly wave the police man left them to their own devices. Something that was also peculiar about the place was, despite it being rather warm outside...


Snow was falling from the clouds surrounding the massive mansion. "Last time I was here it didn't end so well." Jesse realized that this was probably going to be a common theme with Bridgette. "Stay alert, who knows what there's waiting for us."​

@The Tactician @DapperDogman
"Someone's got an ego, and very, very deep coffers" Jacob mutters, looking at the huge statues with a visible amount of disgust. This was the type of thing he couldn't stand about men in power. So many of them had huge egos
"I'm sure whoever lives here thinks very highly of themselves"

He pauses for a long moment, before adding with a small chuckle "I bet they're some kind of religious nut, who thinks they know best for this entire floating city right?"

"Just like Starrick and his templars"

As they made their way towards the main entrance they would see a man and a woman standing in their.


"They came early." Said the man.

"I told you they would." Said the woman.

"But there was so much to see yet."

"Please, like that matters."

"You need to slow down and look around you."

"Life and death are the balance."

"It's not up to them."

"It could be."

And the back and forth would continue seemingly ignoring the actual trio.​

@The Tactician @DapperDogman

As they made their way towards the main entrance they would see a man and a woman standing in their.


"They came early." Said the man.

"I told you they would." Said the woman.

"But there was so much to see yet."

"Please, like that matters."

"You need to slow down and look around you."

"Life and death are the balance."

"It's not up to them."

"It could be."

And the back and forth would continue seemingly ignoring the actual trio.​

@The Tactician @DapperDogman
"Someone's got an ego, and very, very deep coffers" Jacob mutters, looking at the huge statues with a visible amount of disgust. This was the type of thing he couldn't stand about men in power. So many of them had huge egos
"I'm sure whoever lives here thinks very highly of themselves"

He pauses for a long moment, before adding with a small chuckle "I bet they're some kind of religious nut, who thinks they know best for this entire floating city right?"

"Just like Starrick and his templars"

"Apparently, the man who built it was someone named the False Prophet," explained Jesse so as to confirm Jacob's suspicions before looking between the twins and Bridgette. Apparently, they were dealing with nutters once again, and if there was one person who knew the crazies of Columbia, it was the bartender, "You know these two, Dewitt?"

@Jeremi @Dapprdogman
"Apparently, the man who built it was someone named the False Prophet," explained Jesse so as to confirm Jacob's suspicions before looking between the twins and Bridgette. Apparently, they were dealing with nutters once again, and if there was one person who knew the crazies of Columbia, it was the bartender, "You know these two, Dewitt?"

@Jeremi @Dapprdogman

Bridgette would sigh. "I do."

"Ms DeWitt and us are old friends."

"Acquaintances at best."


"Just came to see you back in action."

"You're early."

"Right on time."

"Weren't they supposed be four?"

"One took a plunge."

"Oh...I see."

"The Preacher did it."

"I thought it was the old lady?"

"Not now."

"Well the priest doing it was more exciting."


@DapperDogman @The Tactician
Bridgette would sigh. "I do."

"Ms DeWitt and us are old friends."

"Acquaintances at best."


"Just came to see you back in action."

"You're early."

"Right on time."

"Weren't they supposed be four?"

"One took a plunge."

"Oh...I see."

"The Preacher did it."

"I thought it was the old lady?"

"Not now."

"Well the priest doing it was more exciting."


@DapperDogman @The Tactician

"They always talk like this?"

Jesse could already feel a headache coming from listening to these two going back and forth, talking gibberish that only made sense to them. After a moment, he held his hand up to get the two to pause, "Alright, alright, y'all got something to say or are you just here to be creepin' on Miss Dewitt?"

@Jeremi @DapperDogman

"They always talk like this?"

Jesse could already feel a headache coming from listening to these two going back and forth, talking gibberish that only made sense to them. After a moment, he held his hand up to get the two to pause, "Alright, alright, y'all got something to say or are you just here to be creepin' on Miss Dewitt?"

@Jeremi @DapperDogman


"Rude of a man of the cloth don't you think?"

"Yes very much so. We're just here for moral support."

"Though I guess I know when we're not wanted."

A lighting bolt would illuminate the sky and when the trio looked back where the two mysterious people had stood, they would have vanished into thin air.

"They do that too." Bridgette deadpanned. "Come on."

@The Tactician @DapperDogman

"They always talk like this?"

Jesse could already feel a headache coming from listening to these two going back and forth, talking gibberish that only made sense to them. After a moment, he held his hand up to get the two to pause, "Alright, alright, y'all got something to say or are you just here to be creepin' on Miss Dewitt?"

@Jeremi @DapperDogman
"Not even me and Evie talked like that..."
Jacob pauses, thinking about his sister

"You two seem to be know it alls...You know how she's doing?"

Blinking, he'd notice the pair had vanished
"Thanks, Jesse" he murmurs, turning slightly to look out at the view of the floating city

@The Tactician

"Rude of a man of the cloth don't you think?"

"Yes very much so. We're just here for moral support."

"Though I guess I know when we're not wanted."

A lighting bolt would illuminate the sky and when the trio looked back where the two mysterious people had stood, they would have vanished into thin air.

"They do that too." Bridgette deadpanned. "Come on."

@The Tactician @DapperDogman
"Not even me and Evie talked like that..."
Jacob pauses, thinking about his sister

"You two seem to be know it alls...You know how she's doing?"

Blinking, he'd notice the pair had vanished
"Thanks, Jesse" he murmurs, turning slightly to look out at the view of the floating city

@The Tactician

"Sorry, but excluding the Lord, I'd rather not have anyone watching like a pet project or somethin'," Jesse replied before beginning to walk on, "Besides, if I'm right, this monarch and doctor duo might be able to help get us back down to Rapture."

@DapperDogman @Jeremi
He had learned what he could. To wit, several very important things.

First of all, that the communications were in the hands of their enemy. Second, that this city was in the throes of a mystical interference, like a dead zone of magical static preventing those within from calling out. Therefore, the only way out was via the way of Handsome Jack. If he could not be persuaded to assist, then well....He shook his head and removed such warlike thoughts. Now was time for the third priority as he remained by the stores of food and water, red eyes shining beneath the shadow of his hat brim as he looked for Gregor. Considering how he asked to talk to him, he doubted it was for any frivolous thing.

And so he leaned against the crates and waited with the patience of a statue.

@Indolent @C.T. @Takumi
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