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Bowling Cap Guy's actions were most sudden.


"Wha- what are you doing?" Djeeta was most shocked by the occurence as she covered her mouth, and had little clue what was going on. She seemed to be prepared to vomit. Wow. A decapicitated head couldn't drive her to that. Maybe she's immune to that when rage-fueled. Now that she has calmed down, poof.

@Morgue @Atomyk @Hospes @Ringmaster


"According to what Djeeta said, among her and Meteo's group, Mabel provided food items with various unnatural effects, which included gender alteration, love-at-first-sight, cowardice enhancement, and of course - constant rhyming."

Gran looks around to see if anyone has flinched. He then looks at Aran and nods, hoping he got the message.

"Before I point fingers, I want to ask Mabel about who acquired which food items." Gran then coughs a little as he ponders. "According to Djeeta, among the group are Zinnia and her pink friend, Kirby, Shinobu, Ararararararagi, Hatchin, Hideo and Wiruko, RGB, and of course, Meteo himself and Djeeta herself. Mabel, am I missing anyone who accompanied you down the Mine Shaft into the laboratory?"

@Atomyk @Hospes @The Silver Paladin @Gummi Bunnies @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Crow @Hospes @investigaton​
She-Hulk in hindsight was glad she did not go with Mabels group. "Huh...well I wonder if that would've forced them to rhyme on the dime in both spoken and written language." She replied.

"Ah ha! The Sensational She-Hulk, I knew it was you! My favorite gamma-irradiated green lawyer...well I think you're the only one of those I know but still my favorite. And yeah I was and yeah same! Murders aren't exactly the best reunion times unless it's like a funeral and you meet and you find a way to honor the deceased...speaking of which..." Gwen nervously chuckled. "Is Hank Pym alive in your dimension, by chance? Just curious." She explained.

"And ahhhhhhhh." She looked over at the flame sword on her back and just whistled super nonchalantly. "Yeah I dunno who could have done this completely nefarious deed. Poems. Ugh. Painful to the max."

@Jeremi @Atomyk

"The best damn lawyer on the East Coast! If you need any representation when we're done here just look up my firm and I'll fix it." The question about Hank Pym seemed to make her drop the cheerfulness for a bit. "Last I heard he merged with Ultron and flew into space. So yes and no?"

@Atomyk @Hospes @The Silver Paladin @Gummi Bunnies @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Crow @investigaton
The flaming sword would cauterize the wound as it was cut, but the cut would not look as clean or precise as the cut that decapitated Meteo. It seemed likely that Meteo was not killed with a flaming sword.

With that in mind, a look at other nearby blades would reveal a faintly glowing scalpel...

@Ringmaster @Crow @Investigation

Roman grinned around his cigar as he examined the wound. Well, well, well....Maybe this reverse con-man thing wasn't so difficult after all. Aloud, after taking a victory drag on his cigar he spoke to those in the morgue.

"The kid did not die from the sword. This test proves it. Which means we can safely discard it as our false clue.."

Feeling on a roll now, he continued.

"Which means the evidence that is pertinent lies in our illusory note and the marks.. Whoever our immediate killer is, I'll wager my hat that the killer is the same one who bumped off the first victim. Someone armed with a staff of Illusion and very strong to....Decapitate.....With....A scapel."

His voice trailed off, as his vivid imagination conjured up someone physically powerful enough to do that, with a weapon to obscure who they were.

"......I need a drink."

@Crow @Hospes @The Silver Paladin @Atomyk
She-Hulk in hindsight was glad she did not go with Mabels group. "Huh...well I wonder if that would've forced them to rhyme on the dime in both spoken and written language." She replied.
"Probably did, if what I saw was any indication. I fell in love with a talking comic...it's gone now, sadly. I could have been swimming in dollar bills. What a dream gone wrong--"
"The best damn lawyer on the East Coast! If you need any representation when we're done here just look up my firm and I'll fix it." The question about Hank Pym seemed to make her drop the cheerfulness for a bit. "Last I heard he merged with Ultron and flew into space. So yes and no?"


"So what you're saying is Hank Pym, super genius and scientist supreme when that one time Eternity or Loki disguised as Eternity told him he was just that, with Reed Richards being the explorer blah blah and Tony Stark being the engineer blah blah, that guy...merged with his worst creation. That...that he's a cyborg now. A uber-genius superhero cyborg scientist...in space."

"...That's so rad!" She grinned ear to ear. "Oh and I will definitely take you up on that offer! Moreso if I actually get accused here heh heh heh..."

@Jeremi @Hospes @Atomyk @others​
  • Love
Reactions: Midnight Maiden
Roman grinned around his cigar as he examined the wound. Well, well, well....Maybe this reverse con-man thing wasn't so difficult after all. Aloud, after taking a victory drag on his cigar he spoke to those in the morgue.

"The kid did not die from the sword. This test proves it. Which means we can safely discard it as our false clue.."

Feeling on a roll now, he continued.

"Which means the evidence that is pertinent lies in our illusory note and the marks.. Whoever our immediate killer is, I'll wager my hat that the killer is the same one who bumped off the first victim. Someone armed with a staff of Illusion and very strong to....Decapitate.....With....A scapel."

His voice trailed off, as his vivid imagination conjured up someone physically powerful enough to do that, with a weapon to obscure who they were.

"......I need a drink."

@Crow @Hospes @The Silver Paladin @Atomyk
Uncle listened his hand didn't seem to move from his chin this whole time. "Ah I see" He stated simply in thought. "Well I will inform you now Uncle had no idea what Jade had in her bag and apparently she had that cursed staff. Maybe that is why Uncle has had the willies every since we changed areas." He began. "One more thing if we are needing to look back at the past evidence this makes those past suspects where we should look if you dare say the sword isn't were are eyes should look. But are minds must think which seems to be the truth of the matter." He finished. "And I hate this but being my nieces lack of memory I am afraid we too are suspicious and therefore will accept whatever the punishment may be." Jade seemed to now look at her Uncle with a pout but also a bit of fear.

Uncle listened his hand didn't seem to move from his chin this whole time. "Ah I see" He stated simply in thought. "Well I will inform you now Uncle had no idea what Jade had in her bag and apparently she had that cursed staff. Maybe that is why Uncle has had the willies every since we changed areas." He began. "One more thing if we are needing to look back at the past evidence this makes those past suspects where we should look if you dare say the sword isn't were are eyes should look. But are minds must think which seems to be the truth of the matter." He finished. "And I hate this but being my nieces lack of memory I am afraid we too are suspicious and therefore will accept whatever the punishment may be." Jade seemed to now look at her Uncle with a pout but also a bit of fear.


"Who the hell are you?" : |

  • Bucket of Rainbows
Reactions: Takumi and Verite
Roman grinned around his cigar as he examined the wound. Well, well, well....Maybe this reverse con-man thing wasn't so difficult after all. Aloud, after taking a victory drag on his cigar he spoke to those in the morgue.

"The kid did not die from the sword. This test proves it. Which means we can safely discard it as our false clue.."

Feeling on a roll now, he continued.

"Which means the evidence that is pertinent lies in our illusory note and the marks.. Whoever our immediate killer is, I'll wager my hat that the killer is the same one who bumped off the first victim. Someone armed with a staff of Illusion and very strong to....Decapitate.....With....A scapel."

His voice trailed off, as his vivid imagination conjured up someone physically powerful enough to do that, with a weapon to obscure who they were.

"......I need a drink."

@Crow @Hospes @The Silver Paladin @Atomyk
"I've probably got some Whiskey left." Dean said.

"Who the hell are you?" : |

Uncle looked at him his hand moved from his chin. "I am Uncle" He replied. "Owner of Uncle's Rare Finds" He replied.

Jade sighed. "I'm um neince of Jackie which is Uncle's nephew." She replied as well.

Uncle put a hand up to silence Jade. "And like you we have been trying to learn who the murder is to put an end to the strength of the dark forces at work here." Uncle stated.

Roman was tempted at the mention of whiskey, but decided against it. Not now when he needed all his wits here in this place. He took a deep breath, pacing back and forth before finally speaking.

"Alright then. I'm Roman-the kid with the funny hat is Deets and you're the guy who was with the one with cave girl. Fine. So seeing how we're such good friends, lets presume none of us is going to grab an axe and chop the other up in their sleep."

He plucked his cigar from his mouth and used it to conduct his words.

"Instead, I wanna know who you think the killer is, among the people we've come to know."

@Crow @Raven @The Silver Paladin @Morgue​
Uncle gave a nod. "Well as of the moment I was thinking toward something with fire. But as we just decided that's out. I at this time am not completely sure but I did like another think Grim. But Jade seemed to have no need for that. But he has given me the willies just well... I don't like the idea of anything that makes Uncle think of bad chi." He explained with a sigh. "If I could find maybe a noot I could make my chi spell and we get perhaps an idea of what dark forces are at work and I can then try and make a locater spell." He said knowing how he usually approaches these things when he isn't sure unless farther research.
Jade nodded. "Yeah Uncle is a Chi wizard in his spare time a good one to be exact." She added.

@Ringmaster @Atomyk @Crimson Spartan @Archmage Jeremiah @C.T. @Many others
"Probably did, if what I saw was any indication. I fell in love with a talking comic...it's gone now, sadly. I could have been swimming in dollar bills. What a dream gone wrong--"



"So what you're saying is Hank Pym, super genius and scientist supreme when that one time Eternity or Loki disguised as Eternity told him he was just that, with Reed Richards being the explorer blah blah and Tony Stark being the engineer blah blah, that guy...merged with his worst creation. That...that he's a cyborg now. A uber-genius superhero cyborg scientist...in space."

"...That's so rad!" She grinned ear to ear. "Oh and I will definitely take you up on that offer! Moreso if I actually get accused here heh heh heh..."

@Jeremi @Hospes @Atomyk @others​

"Well if getting merged by your robotic homicidal son is rad then sure...yeah." After having said that she'd shift the focus back to the kill. "I know the people with the flame swords seem to be good targets, but it feels like the wound would be different considering you know. A sword that is literally on fire and all. Personally I'd pay more attention to that poem...not that I know if anyone here seems to be the type. But I think that would be a good first bet."

@Atomyk @Hospes @The Silver Paladin @Gummi Bunnies @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Crow @C.T. @investigation
The flaming sword would cauterize the wound as it was cut, but the cut would not look as clean or precise as the cut that decapitated Meteo. It seemed likely that Meteo was not killed with a flaming sword.

With that in mind, a look at other nearby blades would reveal a faintly glowing scalpel...

@Ringmaster @Crow @Investigation


"What!? Wiruko wouldn't ever think of doing that! Wiruko doesn't do bad things like that in her quota... because all Wiruko wants is data! If Wiruko went to hurt someone bad, then Wiruko would be in a no data fad, because all sorts of people make data as they stand. B-Besides... Wiruko saw Meteo as a friend... and Wiruko wouldn't ever make a friend's life end..."

The virus didn't like where this was going, having a child-like mentality before hugging her sleeping Catsune for comfort.


"... just take a deep breath, Wiruko. I don't think panicking is going to make this any better."

@Crow @Yun Lee @investigation​

"Well if getting merged by your robotic homicidal son is rad then sure...yeah." After having said that she'd shift the focus back to the kill. "I know the people with the flame swords seem to be good targets, but it feels like the wound would be different considering you know. A sword that is literally on fire and all. Personally I'd pay more attention to that poem...not that I know if anyone here seems to be the type. But I think that would be a good first bet."

@Atomyk @Hospes @The Silver Paladin @Gummi Bunnies @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Crow @C.T. @investigation

"Look!" Aran pointed at Wiruko. "She's still rhyming!" He lookedto the group, thenback to the virus. "Tell me, lass, are you still under the food effects? Your innocence depends on it!!"

@Gummi Bunnies @Crow @Jeremi @Raven @Ringmaster @The Silver Paladin @INVESTIGATION

Meteo eventually came out of the cornfield, upon a dirt pathway as in the distance, a lantern light approached revealing someone welcoming.

It was Max.

A friendly face at least in the shadows made things better, but there was still the disquieting nature of this world.

A full moon shone, its blue light illuminating all around them in its glow. Bright and ensuring both could see down the pathway, anything coming for them within reasonable distance.

The same could not be said for the field all around them.

@york @Bomb
"You..." Meteo said upon arriving upon Max. "You're in hell too?"

In his mind, the thought of his parents being here is much more greater, since Meteo saw Max's dead body, and if Max's... whatever is here, then...

I have to keep looking...

@york @Ringmaster
Max Caulfield
@Bomb @Ringmaster

Max had turned on her phone, remembering that thing for a change, and decided to try and text Warren as she walked... Though she froze when she noticed a somewhat familiar face, someone she remembered faintly from that room with the portal had walked right out of a nearby cornfield.


"Hell?" Max said, frowning a little, she looked puzzled.

It would appear that someone else who had come through the portal like her had also ended up here... But... How? Despite being glad about having more company, she had to wonder how he got here, and why both of them were here, not just that, but, well, she was a little confused why he was referring to this place as hell... It didn't quite feel like hell, more like some sort of purgatory, or afterlife? Maybe, that is if she had died at all in the first place...

"Wait... Do you remember how you got here?" She asked after a few moments.

Though, while waiting for an answer, she glanced at her phone to see if her text had gone through... She wasn't sure if they even had any service wherever they were, but, it would be good to know for certain...

"Look!" Aran pointed at Wiruko. "She's still rhyming!" He lookedto the group, thenback to the virus. "Tell me, lass, are you still under the food effects? Your innocence depends on it!!"

@Gummi Bunnies @Crow @Jeremi @Raven @Ringmaster @The Silver Paladin @INVESTIGATION


"Wiruko isn't sure. Wiruko feels like she's going to have a seizure..."

Wiruko was starting to panic despite hearing what Hideo said to her in order to calm down.


"Calm down Wiruko. I'm pretty sure you had nothing to do with this. Maybe the person responsible decided to put rhymes in the note to point the attention to you... you may be a sneaky and mischievous computer virus, Wiruko, but you're nothing like the killers we're possibly dealing with."

Upon hearing Hideo's words, Wiruko would cling onto him like an insecure child, and she was still holding her sleeping Catsune in the process.

@Yun Lee @Crow @Jeremi @Raven @Ringmaster @The Silver Paladin @INVESTIGATION​

"The mystery just refuses to stop developing, doesn't it?" Araragi sighed, running a hand through his face, somewhat exasperated. It seemed that, as Shinobu had warned earlier, the case was sapping away at his brain power. Too much thinking could drive an intellectual mind such as his insane, of course.

He was absolutely not conceited in the slightest.


"Still, even if the actual weapon might be this... scalpel that came out of nowhere, perhaps that only reinforces the point that our culprit is an extremely skilled swordsman. And really fast to boot. With that, I think that it still stands that the potential culprits include... Jack, Djeeta, and Gwen Poole, unless I'm missing anyone else?"


"Unless we have someone running around with Mystic Eyes around here."

Is anyone gonna spot this quirky reference that adds nothing? Probably not.



Back to the main story.


"Of course, if we're supposed to think about the note as well, then... I dunno, the boxer seems to think it might be Wiruko, because of the rhyme schemes. But... ah. Hideo, was it? I don't suppose that either of you happen to be notably skilled at blades, would you? Or have the ability to move fast enough to do such a gruesome thing before Meteo could do anything about it in resistance?"

But even so.

Even if not so.

The possibility that this was the work of multiple murderers was still out there. One could have easily written the note while the other did the actual murder, but with the revelation that it was the planted Sword of Flames that was the weapon, it seemed unlikely, at least in this very specific situation here.

@Crow @Ringmaster @Gummi Bunnies @The Tactician @C.T. @Hospes @The Silver Paladin @Investigation
Last edited:
"Still, even if the actual weapon might be this... scalpel that came out of nowhere, perhaps that only reinforces the point that our culprit is an extremely skilled swordsman. And really fast to boot. With that, I think that it still stands that the potential culprits include... Jack, Djeeta, and Gwen Poole, unless I'm missing anyone else?"
"Oh now now good buddy of mine I just met-" She remarked, sidling up and sweeping a comforting arm around his shoulders, "-let us not be too hasty and let us also examine that claim for a moment. I do get what you're saying. I mean I was trained in the ultimate holy way of the blade by the best of the best. The grandest teacher in a thousand miles."


"That said, you can rest assured I did not kill anyone."


"Except for Hank Pym, which was totally self-defense I promise. Believe in the me who believes in you! I mean look at this trustworthy face when I say I didn't kill this dude. Swearsies."


"Any further inquiries can go to my lawyer right over here." She gestured out with both hands to She-Hulk.

@Verite @Jeremi @Ringmaster @Hospes @The Tactician @Crow @Gummi Bunnies @The Silver Paladin @others


"Wiruko isn't sure. Wiruko feels like she's going to have a seizure..."

Wiruko was starting to panic despite hearing what Hideo said to her in order to calm down.


"Calm down Wiruko. I'm pretty sure you had nothing to do with this. Maybe the person responsible decided to put rhymes in the note to point the attention to you... you may be a sneaky and mischievous computer virus, Wiruko, but you're nothing like the killers we're possibly dealing with."

Upon hearing Hideo's words, Wiruko would cling onto him like an insecure child, and she was still holding her sleeping Catsune in the process.

@Yun Lee @Crow @Jeremi @Raven @Ringmaster @The Silver Paladin @INVESTIGATION​
Aran raised an eyebrow. "Still rhyming..." He suddenly got an idea (and wished a lightbulb would appear over his head. Stupid dream couldn't even do that for him.). "I need a pen and paper ASAP! We need to see if her writing comes out as rhymes!"

"The mystery just refuses to stop developing, doesn't it?" Araragi sighed, running a hand through his face, somewhat exasperated. It seemed that, as Shinobu had warned earlier, the case was sapping away at his brain power. Too much thinking could drive an intellectual mind such as his insane, of course.

He was absolutely not conceited in the slightest.


"Still, even if the actual weapon might be this... scalpel that came out of nowhere, perhaps that only reinforces the point that our culprit is an extremely skilled swordsman. And really fast to boot. With that, I think that it still stands that the potential culprits include... Jack, Djeeta, and Gwen Poole, unless I'm missing anyone else?"


"Unless we have someone running around with Mystic Eyes around here."

Is anyone gonna spot this quirky reference that adds nothing? Probably not.



Back to the main story.


"Of course, if we're supposed to think about the note as well, then... I dunno, the boxer seems to think it might be Wiruko, because of the rhyme schemes. But... ah. Hideo, was it? I don't suppose that either of you happen to be notably skilled at blades, would you? Or have the ability to move fast enough to do such a gruesome thing before Meteo could do anything about it in resistance?"

But even so.

Even if not so.

The possibility that this was the work of multiple murderers was still out there. One could have easily written the note while the other did the actual murder, but with the revelation that it was the planted Sword of Flames that was the weapon, it seemed unlikely, at least in this very specific situation here.

@Crow @Ringmaster @Gummi Bunnies @The Tactician @C.T. @Hospes @The Silver Paladin @Investigation
"Yes, lad, we have quite a few people under suspicion here. But remember-the fellow with the mask said we have multiple killers, and multiple folks faking evidence! I'm thinking out dynamic duo here is of the latter-but I'll only vote once Wiruko writes something down!"

@Atomyk @Gummi Bunnies @Verite @Crow @Hospes @C.T. @Jeremi @The Silver Paladin @Raven @Ringmaster @INVESTIGATION
"Oh now now good buddy of mine I just met-" She remarked, sidling up and sweeping a comforting arm around his shoulders, "-let us not be too hasty and let us also examine that claim for a moment. I do get what you're saying. I mean I was trained in the ultimate holy way of the blade by the best of the best. The grandest teacher in a thousand miles."


"That said, you can rest assured I did not kill anyone."


"Except for Hank Pym, which was totally self-defense I promise. Believe in the me who believes in you! I mean look at this trustworthy face when I say I didn't kill this dude. Swearsies."


"Any further inquiries can go to my lawyer right over here." She gestured out with both hands to She-Hulk.

@Verite @Jeremi @Ringmaster @Hospes @The Tactician @Crow @Gummi Bunnies @The Silver Paladin @others

"Wait..." She turned towards Gwen with a confused look. "You killed Hank Pym?"

@Verite @Jeremi @Ringmaster @Hospes @The Tactician @Crow @Gummi Bunnies @The Silver Paladin @others

"The mystery just refuses to stop developing, doesn't it?" Araragi sighed, running a hand through his face, somewhat exasperated. It seemed that, as Shinobu had warned earlier, the case was sapping away at his brain power. Too much thinking could drive an intellectual mind such as his insane, of course.

He was absolutely not conceited in the slightest.


"Still, even if the actual weapon might be this... scalpel that came out of nowhere, perhaps that only reinforces the point that our culprit is an extremely skilled swordsman. And really fast to boot. With that, I think that it still stands that the potential culprits include... Jack, Djeeta, and Gwen Poole, unless I'm missing anyone else?"


"Unless we have someone running around with Mystic Eyes around here."

Is anyone gonna spot this quirky reference that adds nothing? Probably not.



Back to the main story.


"Of course, if we're supposed to think about the note as well, then... I dunno, the boxer seems to think it might be Wiruko, because of the rhyme schemes. But... ah. Hideo, was it? I don't suppose that either of you happen to be notably skilled at blades, would you? Or have the ability to move fast enough to do such a gruesome thing before Meteo could do anything about it in resistance?"

But even so.

Even if not so.

The possibility that this was the work of multiple murderers was still out there. One could have easily written the note while the other did the actual murder, but with the revelation that it was the planted Sword of Flames that was the weapon, it seemed unlikely, at least in this very specific situation here.

@Crow @Ringmaster @Gummi Bunnies @The Tactician @C.T. @Hospes @The Silver Paladin @Investigation
"... Scapel? How does one use such a small knife to decapitate another?"

Jack was now the most confused suspect among the group, mostly because he didn't know how exactly they had found the scapel. However, that didn't mean he wouldn't question its validity as the murder weapon, "Perhaps you should consider the magic that causes its glow? Perhaps it will give further clues to how one could cut another's head clean from the neck without any difficulty, as even I could not do in one cut with such a small blade."
"Wait..." She turned towards Gwen with a confused look. "You killed Hank Pym?"
"Um...yes? The one from the cartoon. Head full of mousy brown hair, pacifistic scientist...kinda snuck up on me and freaked me out."

"The mystery just refuses to stop developing, doesn't it?" Araragi sighed, running a hand through his face, somewhat exasperated. It seemed that, as Shinobu had warned earlier, the case was sapping away at his brain power. Too much thinking could drive an intellectual mind such as his insane, of course.

He was absolutely not conceited in the slightest.


"Still, even if the actual weapon might be this... scalpel that came out of nowhere, perhaps that only reinforces the point that our culprit is an extremely skilled swordsman. And really fast to boot. With that, I think that it still stands that the potential culprits include... Jack, Djeeta, and Gwen Poole, unless I'm missing anyone else?"


"Unless we have someone running around with Mystic Eyes around here."

Is anyone gonna spot this quirky reference that adds nothing? Probably not.



Back to the main story.


"Of course, if we're supposed to think about the note as well, then... I dunno, the boxer seems to think it might be Wiruko, because of the rhyme schemes. But... ah. Hideo, was it? I don't suppose that either of you happen to be notably skilled at blades, would you? Or have the ability to move fast enough to do such a gruesome thing before Meteo could do anything about it in resistance?"

But even so.

Even if not so.

The possibility that this was the work of multiple murderers was still out there. One could have easily written the note while the other did the actual murder, but with the revelation that it was the planted Sword of Flames that was the weapon, it seemed unlikely, at least in this very specific situation here.

@Crow @Ringmaster @Gummi Bunnies @The Tactician @C.T. @Hospes @The Silver Paladin @Investigation

"It would take some time for the kill don't you think...? If a scalpel were the weapon no matter how skilled someone is i'd suspect it'd take more than one swing to decapitate the boy... This is what puzzles me as I couldn't see such a thing getting through someone's spinal cord for the decapitation easily...."
"... Scapel? How does one use such a small knife to decapitate another?"

Jack was now the most confused suspect among the group, mostly because he didn't know how exactly they had found the scapel. However, that didn't mean he wouldn't question its validity as the murder weapon, "Perhaps you should consider the magic that causes its glow? Perhaps it will give further clues to how one could cut another's head clean from the neck without any difficulty, as even I could not do in one cut with such a small blade."
"Ah... Could it possibly be enchanted...? If so then we would need to be looking at possible magic users as well..." Inigo spoke seeming to see where Jack was going with this... By this time he had recovered from being distraught earlier...

@Verite @Jeremi @Ringmaster @Hospes @The Tactician @Crow @Gummi Bunnies @The Silver Paladin @Yun Lee @Investigation
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