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"Cauterization involves heat." Dean said. "You get something hot enough, and it stops the bleeding when you cut. Like Lightsabers in Star Wars. A Flaming sword'd be perfect for that."
Okay, Aran hadno idea why his dream needed this stupid word. "So it was the fire sword?! Bah! This is more confusing thanthe first one!'
Mid-Chapter Update
"The Quick and the Led"

"...Haha, yeah - you're weird," Mabel commented to Gwen, seeming perfectly fine with her face being rubbed. "I like it!" Before she had the chance to say any more, something caught her attention - it seemed that the mashing of the buttons from Zinnia and Hideo had opened some sort of hidden compartment, where something could be seen glimmering. "The crystals!" the girl exclaimed, her face lighting up as she spoke.


Grabbing a nearby container she'd place the crystals inside and raised it in triumphant glee. "Bam - mission accomplished!" Mabel cheered with a wide grin. "C'mon, guys! Let's go find the others and get outta here." Though it took them some time to gather the others after dealing with their respective problems, the combined groups all soon made their way back up to the ruined church. The Hand Witch waved goodbye to her new friends, content that she got to hold the hand of one of the attractive men.


She would never wash that hand again.

When the group got outside the church, Mabel took notice of the unconscious Junko in Sam's arms. "Wait... who's that?"

She-Hulk answered for the others. "The cave group found her. I got to tell ya, she isn't looking too good. Neither is Pearl, for that matter."


"I'm fine. Really." The Crystal Gem quickly shook her head, holding her staff as a walking stick to keep herself steady. "I just need some time to recover. I was... caught by surprise." She grimaced in pain for a moment and held her head down in shame, as if she didn't think the others should have been seeing her in such a state.

She-Hulk wasn't about to argue with the Gem. "... Man, what are we going to do now?"

Mabel pondered it for a moment, looked down at the crystals before replying. "We should get her to the hospital." She didn't want anyone else to die, especially if they could do something to save her.

She-Hulk nodded. "With you one hundred percent on that, but how are we going to get to a hospital from the middle of nowhere?"


"Don't worry, we got it covered! We'll just use our feet! It's not that long after all! The fun-sized bro bros will have to wait just a little bit longer."

The two clones groaned from inside Mabel's sweater.

The majority of the group agreed and as She-Hulk took Junko from Sam and hoisted the girl into her arms, the trek into town and the hospital began. Once there, they got Junko committed with surprisingly little fuss considering the eclectic group that they were. As Junko was being looked over by a doctor the others settled down to wait on news about her they would realize something else...

Meteo was missing. Fearing the worst, the group would start a search. A shout from a nearby empty room brought them to fidning Meteo. Well, one part of him.

His head was laying on a night stand, next to an empty sleeping pill bottle filled with a note. Taking it out, the group would find a poem written on it.

Another victim for my feast is sleeping with the dead. Think carefully on where you walk, before you lose your head. I See all, an angel of death judging who to save. You'll find the body in the place before that final grave. 154.

"...Feast? Grave? What does that mean?"

She-Hulk had a grim look on her face as she responded. "We're in a hospital. Even a small one like this has a morgue."

Making their way downstairs they'd find the number 154 on one of the morgue drawer. According to the nearby record there wasn't supposed to be anyone in there. Inside of it, however, they would find the rest of Meteo's body laying inside. She-Hulk had a losing ones head pun, but decided against it figuring now was not the time.

"It's not like we can head back to the shack now under these conditions. To avoid missing something, we should conduct our investigation right now... and our vote as well."

@C.T. as GwenPool [Marvel Comics]
@DapperDogman as Sans [Undertale AU] and Ryner Lute [Legend of the Legendary Heroes]
@T.O.M. as Ougi Oshino and Kanbaru Suruga [Monogatari]
@Crow as Gran and Djeeta [Granblue Fantasy]
@Verite as Koyomi Araragi and Shinobu Oshino [Monogatari]
@Kaykay as Karen Araragi [Monogatari]
@X PRINCE JUSTIN X as Maleficent [Maleficent]
@Mighty Roman as Thor Odinson [Marvel]
@The Tactician as Samurai Jack [Samurai Jack]
@IntrusivePenDesperateSword as Clarence Irawn [Fallen London]
@CrunchyCHEEZIT as Alex Mercer [Prototype]
@CookieMonster as River Tam [Firefly] and Jessica Jones [Jessica Jones]
@Jeremi as Jennifer Walters aka She-Hulk [Marvel Comics]
@Atomyk as Pearl [Steven Universe]
@Gummi Bunnies as Hideo Kawamura and Will.CO21 "Wiruko" [Sentou Jousai Masurawo]
@Klutzy Ninja Kitty as Lorekeeper Zinnia and Aster the Whismur [Pokemon Omega Ruby/Alpha Sapphire]
@Melon as Hanzō Urushihara AKA Lucifer [Hataraku Maou-sama!]
@Crimson Spartan as Lon'qu [Fire Emblem Awakening/Murder Games] and Inigo [Fire Emblem Awakening]
@Schnee Corp Lawyer as Ciri [The Witcher]
@Krieg as Lena "Tracer" Oxton [Overwatch]
@LuckycoolHawk9 as Lincoln Campbell [Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D] and Thomas "Tommy" Merlyn [Arrow]
@Lissamel as RGB [The Property of Hate]
@The Silver Paladin as Sam Winchester and Dean Winchester [Supernatural]
@ResistingTheEnlightened as Duke Togo [Golgo 13] and Michaelangelo "Spike" Scarlatti [Flashpoint]
@Ringmaster as Roman Torchwick [RWBY]
@TheColourlessRainbow as Da'losen Lyison and Kepti [Original Characters]
@Cromartie Sarkissian as James 'Bucky' Barnes [MCU]
@Gwazi Magnum as Gilgamesh [Fate Series]
@Yang Lee as LeShawna [Total Drama]
@Raven as Uncle Chan and Jade Chan [Jackie Chan Adventures]
@Takumi as Michiko Malandro and Hana "Hatchin" Morenos [Michiko and Hatchin]
@Josh M as Enzo Amore and Colin "Big Cass" Cassady [WWE Kafabe]
@Mr.Scales ⚖ as Damon Salvatore [Vampire Diaries]
@Nater Taters as Kirby [Kirby Franchise]
@Gossamer as Cloud and Light [Original Characters]
@BarrenThin as Artorias [Dark Souls]
@Archmage Jeremiah as Grim and Mandy [The Grim Adventures of Billy and Mandy]
@york as Max Caulfield [Life is Strange] MURDERED! INNOCENT! DROWNED
@Yun Lee as Aran Ryan [Punch-Out!!!] INVESTIGATED! INNOCENT!
Kirby was quite surprised to find yet another person had bitten the dust, this time by decapitation. Kirby shuddered at the thought and listened in the investigation.
Uncle noded and thought. "Yes it just needs to hot enough of a blade and a skilled attacked." He replied. "One more thing the fake evidence might I remind had been recorded as the note if Uncle isn't mistaking." He finished. @Atomyk @ Evryone
Lincoln looked at Sam. " I hope a doctor hurries up here, I have a feeling that we are missing something important," he said, as he wasn't sure, but his gut was telling him that something had happened that the rest of the group wasn't here.

@The Silver Paladin

Tommy looked at all the chaos and the headless body that was there. So there was a headless body, a head, a catuerizing wound and a vanishing note. " Perhaps a different weapon was used and someone had a pet like mine. The wolgon of mine breathed fire when we faced the raptor," he added, as everyone was betting on the flame sword, when that could be the false piece of evidence. " Perhaps the struggle was the piece of evidence, we saw hand prints on Max too," he said.

Lincoln looked at Sam. " I hope a doctor hurries up here, I have a feeling that we are missing something important," he said, as he wasn't sure, but his gut was telling him that something had happened that the rest of the group wasn't here.

@The Silver Paladin

Tommy looked at all the chaos and the headless body that was there. So there was a headless body, a head, a catuerizing wound and a vanishing note. " Perhaps a different weapon was used and someone had a pet like mine. The wolgon of mine breathed fire when we faced the raptor," he added, as everyone was betting on the flame sword, when that could be the false piece of evidence. " Perhaps the struggle was the piece of evidence, we saw hand prints on Max too," he said.



"Me too." Sam said, calmly. He sat in the chair next to the window in the hospital room. "Dean went with the rest of the group, and so did your partner. I'll remain here if you want to go, fill you in on her condition when you get back." Sam looked down at his dad's journal trying to find ANY info on Gravity Falls that might be helpful.

There was a sharp prick and then quiet.

And when Mateo woke up, it was in a cornfield. Not the jolly, grampa's-ol'farm-cornfield with memories of stolen ears, watering hole swimming and banjo time around the fireplace, but rather something more sinister. If a scarecrow haunted this field, it certainly wouldn't sing for brains over the option of taking yours. Wind blew through the field and the ears swayed back and forth, as beneath it all a ticking noise echoed in the quiet before fading away, as though passing by a distance.

He had his Fire Sword still, which was a comfort. Platitudes are nice but when it comes to facing down what might be lurking in the darkness, you can't go wrong with fire and steel.

The only question was what he was going to do now.


The brothers tumbled into one another, punching and kicking each other as they squabbled before Max struck one on the head. Turning to attack, they recoiled at the light of the lantern before slowly, stepping back into the woods, eyes on her as they growled a promise.

"You shouldn't a'done that."

"We'll find ye."

"If the Beast dun find ye or yer friend first..."

And into shadows, they were gone.

@Bomb @york


"Me too." Sam said, calmly. He sat in the chair next to the window in the hospital room. "Dean went with the rest of the group, and so did your partner. I'll remain here if you want to go, fill you in on her condition when you get back." Sam looked down at his dad's journal trying to find ANY info on Gravity Falls that might be helpful.
"Whatcha reading slick?"

An arm swung itself over Sam's shoulder, Roman Torchwick making himself at home as he flipped a gloved hand at the pages...And raised an eyebrow.

"...Looks homemade, whatever it is. You one of the dorks who found the kid?"

He jerked a thumb back to Junko.

@The Silver Paladin

There was a sharp prick and then quiet.

And when Mateo woke up, it was in a cornfield. Not the jolly, grampa's-ol'farm-cornfield with memories of stolen ears, watering hole swimming and banjo time around the fireplace, but rather something more sinister. If a scarecrow haunted this field, it certainly wouldn't sing for brains over the option of taking yours. Wind blew through the field and the ears swayed back and forth, as beneath it all a ticking noise echoed in the quiet before fading away, as though passing by a distance.

He had his Fire Sword still, which was a comfort. Platitudes are nice but when it comes to facing down what might be lurking in the darkness, you can't go wrong with fire and steel.

The only question was what he was going to do now.


The brothers tumbled into one another, punching and kicking each other as they squabbled before Max struck one on the head. Turning to attack, they recoiled at the light of the lantern before slowly, stepping back into the woods, eyes on her as they growled a promise.

"You shouldn't a'done that."

"We'll find ye."

"If the Beast dun find ye or yer friend first..."

And into shadows, they were gone.

@Bomb @york


"Whatcha reading slick?"

An arm swung itself over Sam's shoulder, Roman Torchwick making himself at home as he flipped a gloved hand at the pages...And raised an eyebrow.

"...Looks homemade, whatever it is. You one of the dorks who found the kid?"

He jerked a thumb back to Junko.

@The Silver Paladin

Sam sort of gave Roman a look. "It's my dad's notebook. He was a Monster Hunter. I'm just looking through it to see if there's anything that can help us now." He said. When Roman mentioned Junko, Sam nodded, and his voice took on a more serious tone. "Yeah, I cleaned her wounds and did most of the stitches. She would have died had we not done anything."

There was a sharp prick and then quiet.

And when Mateo woke up, it was in a cornfield. Not the jolly, grampa's-ol'farm-cornfield with memories of stolen ears, watering hole swimming and banjo time around the fireplace, but rather something more sinister. If a scarecrow haunted this field, it certainly wouldn't sing for brains over the option of taking yours. Wind blew through the field and the ears swayed back and forth, as beneath it all a ticking noise echoed in the quiet before fading away, as though passing by a distance.

He had his Fire Sword still, which was a comfort. Platitudes are nice but when it comes to facing down what might be lurking in the darkness, you can't go wrong with fire and steel.

The only question was what he was going to do now.


The brothers tumbled into one another, punching and kicking each other as they squabbled before Max struck one on the head. Turning to attack, they recoiled at the light of the lantern before slowly, stepping back into the woods, eyes on her as they growled a promise.

"You shouldn't a'done that."

"We'll find ye."

"If the Beast dun find ye or yer friend first..."

And into shadows, they were gone.

@Bomb @york


"Whatcha reading slick?"

An arm swung itself over Sam's shoulder, Roman Torchwick making himself at home as he flipped a gloved hand at the pages...And raised an eyebrow.

"...Looks homemade, whatever it is. You one of the dorks who found the kid?"

He jerked a thumb back to Junko.

@The Silver Paladin
"W-where am I?" Meteo woke up in the middle of the cornfield, a dark one in fact.

"Am I... back in Heaven? Or is this Hell?"

Meteo looked around; there is nothing around but hostile winds and the gloom of the atmosphere. And it hit him.

I died... Murdered by... who?

Meteo tried to recall, who had killed him, but his memory of that moment was blurred, and all he felt was the ache around his neck.

"Ow..." Meteo said as he tried to rub it off.

But if this is Hell... then why am I here?

Meteo sat there, clenching onto the Sword of Flames that was nearby, and...

Your family is in here.

All of a sudden, that thought somehow surfaced in his mind, and immediately shot up.

That's right... I have to find them...

Meteo, with his desire rekindled, and not giving that thought a second thinkover, set out towards north of the cornfield, not knowing where to begin.


Sam sort of gave Roman a look. "It's my dad's notebook. He was a Monster Hunter. I'm just looking through it to see if there's anything that can help us now." He said. When Roman mentioned Junko, Sam nodded, and his voice took on a more serious tone. "Yeah, I cleaned her wounds and did most of the stitches. She would have died had we not done anything."
"Right. So, you didn't think it strange?"

He snatched the book from his hands, more interested now as he flipped through them before he continued.

"I mean, we had a reason to be there. Me, I didn't recall seeing her among our group the first time we came here. Did you?"

@The Silver Paladin
She-Hulk was concerned to see another among them killed, and in a rather gruesome way on top of that. "We shouldn't lose our heads at a time like this..." Realizing what she just said she'd look around awkwardly. "Sorry..."

"Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh so it's like Avengers Arena when Arcade finally took his level in badass and made his own Hunger Games like scenario...coolio. You know back then I totally had money bet on the last four being Nico Minoru, X-23, Darkhawk and Cammi. The comic wasn't that bad but I wouldn't say it's great either. Art was decent, had this more rough look to it...but I digress. I really don't know all you guys that much..." She paused and looked at She-Hulk. "Well, don't know most of you that much," She conceded with a grin "-so I guess I'm not really in a good position to be voting? Unless you guys like want to tell me all about yourselves?" :D

@Hospes @Atomyk @Jeremi @others​

Oh this girl! She-Hulk didn't remember her name but she recognized the costume. "I remember you! You were at the Christmas party weren't you? Would've liked meeting again under happier circumstances."

And she was breaking the 4th-wall too it seems. She-Hulk did that back in the day too, but the writer's not sure if he's going to do anything with it.

"So what we got is a decapitation possibly done by a flame sword. To add to the clues one of the killers seems to have a flair for the dramatic. I mean a poem? Who does that?"

@C.T. @Atomyk @Others
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"Right. So, you didn't think it strange?"

He snatched the book from his hands, more interested now as he flipped through them before he continued.

"I mean, we had a reason to be there. Me, I didn't recall seeing her among our group the first time we came here. Did you?"

@The Silver Paladin
Sam shook his head. "No, I didn't either. We just sort of entered the cave, followed some strange old lady, and there she was in a pool of blood." He glanced at the Heart Monitor next to Junko. "So, it was a team effort. Lincoln here provided the sewing needle and thread required for stitches, and we cleaned her wounds. It did strike me as odd, though, how she was just there."
The brothers tumbled into one another, punching and kicking each other as they squabbled before Max struck one on the head. Turning to attack, they recoiled at the light of the lantern before slowly, stepping back into the woods, eyes on her as they growled a promise.

"You shouldn't a'done that."

"We'll find ye."

"If the Beast dun find ye or yer friend first..."

And into shadows, they were gone.

Max Caulfield

Max eyed the lantern she had gripped tightly in her other hand, putting away her staff of Illusions, it was clear that those two weren't big fans of light... She'd keep that in mind as she watched Dum and Dee threaten to find her, before heading into the shadows... It wasn't certain if it was the andrenaline rush in the moment where she had, somehow, chased the two off, or just in the heat of the moment, but, what she said next seemed to surprise even her.


(Blagh, I saw this thing so many times >.> I had to)

She froze, seeming a bit put off by what she just told Dum and Dee, if they were still around that is... But after a while, she calmed down, looking at the paths in front of her one more time... Before she decided to try heading right, to the farmhouse... A building that provided potential shelter from the cold would be nice, and well, about the going left thing? She'd cross that bridge when she came to it.
Sam shook his head. "No, I didn't either. We just sort of entered the cave, followed some strange old lady, and there she was in a pool of blood." He glanced at the Heart Monitor next to Junko. "So, it was a team effort. Lincoln here provided the sewing needle and thread required for stitches, and we cleaned her wounds. It did strike me as odd, though, how she was just there."
"How very convenient. What kind of wound was it?"

He said, flipping through the pages delicately as his mind continued to race as flicking his gaze over, he added.

"I didn't think burn wounds bled all that well for a pool of blood."

@The Silver Paladin
"How very convenient. What kind of wound was it?"

He said, flipping through the pages delicately as his mind continued to race as flicking his gaze over, he added.

"I didn't think burn wounds bled all that well for a pool of blood."

@The Silver Paladin
Sam looked around. "She was bleeding a lot, some sort of puncture wound. That little girl with the Grim Reaper cauterized it with a familiar, nearly killed me in the process." Sam said.
Max Caulfield

Max eyed the lantern she had gripped tightly in her other hand, putting away her staff of Illusions, it was clear that those two weren't big fans of light... She'd keep that in mind as she watched Dum and Dee threaten to find her, before heading into the shadows... It wasn't certain if it was the andrenaline rush in the moment where she had, somehow, chased the two off, or just in the heat of the moment, but, what she said next seemed to surprise even her.


(Blagh, I saw this thing so many times >.> I had to)

She froze, seeming a bit put off by what she just told Dum and Dee, if they were still around that is... But after a while, she calmed down, looking at the paths in front of her one more time... Before she decided to try heading right, to the farmhouse... A building that provided potential shelter from the cold would be nice, and well, about the going left thing? She'd cross that bridge when she came to it.
"W-where am I?" Meteo woke up in the middle of the cornfield, a dark one in fact.

"Am I... back in Heaven? Or is this Hell?"

Meteo looked around; there is nothing around but hostile winds and the gloom of the atmosphere. And it hit him.

I died... Murdered by... who?

Meteo tried to recall, who had killed him, but his memory of that moment was blurred, and all he felt was the ache around his neck.

"Ow..." Meteo said as he tried to rub it off.

But if this is Hell... then why am I here?

Meteo sat there, clenching onto the Sword of Flames that was nearby, and...

Your family is in here.

All of a sudden, that thought somehow surfaced in his mind, and immediately shot up.

That's right... I have to find them...

Meteo, with his desire rekindled, and not giving that thought a second thinkover, set out towards north of the cornfield, not knowing where to begin.


Meteo eventually came out of the cornfield, upon a dirt pathway as in the distance, a lantern light approached revealing someone welcoming.

It was Max.

A friendly face at least in the shadows made things better, but there was still the disquieting nature of this world.

A full moon shone, its blue light illuminating all around them in its glow. Bright and ensuring both could see down the pathway, anything coming for them within reasonable distance.

The same could not be said for the field all around them.

@york @Bomb

Sam looked around. "She was bleeding a lot, some sort of puncture wound. That little girl with the Grim Reaper cauterized it with a familiar, nearly killed me in the process." Sam said.
Roman's hand paused on the Wendigo entry.

"....Interesting. So in other words, before anyone could check the wounds....She basically burned it beyond recognition?"

Hmmm....Clumsiness, uncaring or hiding evidence?

Hard to think, even harder to decide.

And that wasn't even taking into consideration that the girl wasn't some axe murderer in disguise.*

*Had he known of Evil Mabel in the caverns, he would have gone for a drink.

@The Silver Paladin
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Meteo eventually came out of the cornfield, upon a dirt pathway as in the distance, a lantern light approached revealing someone welcoming.

It was Max.

A friendly face at least in the shadows made things better, but there was still the disquieting nature of this world.

A full moon shone, its blue light illuminating all around them in its glow. Bright and ensuring both could see down the pathway, anything coming for them within reasonable distance.

The same could not be said for the field all around them.

@york @Bomb


Roman's hand paused on the Wendigo entry.

"....Interesting. So in other words, before anyone could check the wounds....She basically burned it beyond recognition?"

Hmmm....Clumsiness, uncaring or hiding evidence?

Hard to think, even harder to decide.

And that wasn't even taking into consideration that the girl wasn't some axe murderer in disguise.*

*Had he known of Evil Mabel in the caverns, he would have gone for a drink.

@The Silver Paladin

"Uh... Pretty much, yeah. But it stopped the bleeding on the front side. Made our job a lot easier." Sam turned his attention to the TV in the room, which had some Sitcom about family values or whatever on. "And as I said, it came without warning. I was checking to see if she was even alive, and then the fire ball just came. I barely had time to react."
"Uh... Pretty much, yeah. But it stopped the bleeding on the front side. Made our job a lot easier." Sam turned his attention to the TV in the room, which had some Sitcom about family values or whatever on. "And as I said, it came without warning. I was checking to see if she was even alive, and then the fire ball just came. I barely had time to react."
He waited patiently to see if Sam saw anything strange about that.

.....Besides the usual this kooky town had.

Finally, he sighed and closed the book as he slipped it under his arm and grabbed the remote.

Increasing the volume, he said thoughtfully.​

"Gonna borrow this real fast, I think I have an idea."

And off he left, to head to the morgue

He smelled a con.

@The Silver Paladin @Atomyk @Hospes @Whoever is in the Morgue with the body now.​
She-Hulk was concerned to see another among them killed, and in a rather gruesome way on top of that. "We shouldn't lose our heads at a time like this..." Realizing what she just said she'd look around awkwardly. "Sorry..."

Oh this girl! She-Hulk didn't remember her name but she recognized the costume. "I remember you! You were at the Christmas party weren't you? Would've liked meeting again under happier circumstances."

And she was breaking the 4th-wall too it seems. She-Hulk did that back in the day too, but the writer's not sure if he's going to do anything with it.

"So what we got is a decapitation possibly done by a flame sword. To add to the clues one of the killers seems to have a flair for the dramatic. I mean a poem? Who does that?"

@C.T. @Atomyk @Others
Djeeta may not be the brightest bulb, but she didn't forget too easily, especially in a scenario like this.


"Gran, I think I need to look at some things for a while, and I'll be back in a bit, but before I do..."

Djeeta whispers some things into Gran's ears, before heading to the mourge to see Meteo.

"I wish I knew more about you, Meteo... I wish I knew... I heard someone mention about this 'game' thing. I need a little more elaboration about this."

She looks at Roman's book.

"Or that."

@The Silver Paladin @Atomyk @Hospes @Ringmaster @Whoever is in the Morgue with the body now.


"So, regular-sized hands as opposed to the abnormal ones just now... Oh, and Ms She-Hulk, did the poetic note rhyme by any chance?"

It was somewhat obvious what he was hinting at.

@Jeremi @Atomyk @Hospes @The Silver Paladin @Gummi Bunnies @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @investigato​
Last edited:
"I wish I knew more about you, Meteo... I wish I knew... I heard someone mention about this 'game' thing. I need a little more elaboration about this."
"So, is this his weapon?"

Roman held up the sword, looking at it as he sought to find some form of on switch.

As it burst into flames, he took the opportunity to light up his cigar, holding the blade close as his usual rich, noxious smoke filled the air. Neo rested on a shelf nearby, ears twitching as she rested.

And then the first thing Roman did was bring the sword down on the wrist of the body, with a clumsy strike.

Seriously, what kind of barbarian used a sword?

@Morgue @Atomyk @Hospes
Djeeta may not be the brightest bulb, but she didn't forget too easily, especially in a scenario like this.


"Gran, I think I need to look at some things for a while, and I'll be back in a bit, but before I do..."

Djeeta whispers some things into Gran's ears, before heading to the mourge to see Meteo.

"I wish I knew more about you, Meteo... I wish I knew... I heard someone mention about this 'game' thing. I need a little more elaboration about this."

She looks at Roman's book.

"Or that."

@The Silver Paladin @Atomyk @Hospes @Ringmaster @Whoever is in the Morgue with the body now.


"So, regular-sized hands as opposed to the abnormal ones just now... Oh, and Ms She-Hulk, did the poetic note rhyme by any chance?"

It was somewhat obvious what he was hinting at.

@Jeremi @Atomyk @Hospes @The Silver Paladin @Gummi Bunnies @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @investigato​

"There was a few lines that rhymed yeah." She acknowledged. "Why? You have an idea of who could've written it?"

@Atomyk @Hospes @The Silver Paladin @Gummi Bunnies @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Crow @investigaton
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