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Zinnia just laughed her ass off. Glancing to Hideo with a grin, she slapped him hard on the back a few times. "You, sir, have good taste in adorable cat videos. I like it! How about you, crybaby?" she asked, glancing at Meteo.

"Whisss," Aster simply said, awkwardly stepping back after hearing her mother laugh heartily.

Zinnia was so amused she didn't notice when Kirby nudged her. Aster did, however, and simply shrugged. All of their possessions had been stolen, so it was sad to say they didn't have any food. Aster held up a berry she had found in one of the bushes earlier and offered it to Kirby. "Murrr?"

@Nater Taters @Gummi Bunnies @Bomb

"Maybe I should've left that laptop in the dumps-"

Before Hideo could finish that sentence, Zinnia's slaps to his back just happened to be enough to make this 24-year-old topple over to the ground. Yes... he was that frail for his age.


"... well, that was something."

Hideo mumbled as he slowly got back onto his feet. Today was just getting "better" and 'better.' Looking to his side, he saw that strange creature that Zinnia had with her... and Kirby. Yup, today was an interesting day for sure.

@Bomb @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Nater Taters

"Well, here you go, this is a cat video!"

Wiruko finished going through the video library on Hideo's laptop, and...

As this went on, Hideo couldn't help but feel mesmerized by the adorable cat. Hell, he sorta didn't realize that Zinnia had said something to him because cats are adorable... he didn't even notice the guy that was demanding where he was too. Cats were his first priority... because they are adorable.

@Bomb @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @CrunchyCHEEZIT
"... a cat going through a box?"

Meteo doesn't know where to go with this.

@Gummi Bunnies @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @CrunchyCHEEZIT

"Maybe I should've left that laptop in the dumps-"

Before Hideo could finish that sentence, Zinnia's slaps to his back just happened to be enough to make this 24-year-old topple over to the ground. Yes... he was that frail for his age.


"... well, that was something."

Hideo mumbled as he slowly got back onto his feet. Today was just getting "better" and 'better.' Looking to his side, he saw that strange creature that Zinnia had with her... and Kirby. Yup, today was an interesting day for sure.

@Bomb @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Nater Taters
Kirby looked and noticed some more of Zinnia's kind. Well, might well introduce himself to the newcomers.

"Hi!" Kirby said, walking over ans stopping in front of Hideo.

"But you are a lesbian. And a fujoshi. And a bunch of other stuff."


"Apparently, this is Oregon, a Western part of America. Which makes me wonder how Japanese people like me and him got here. And how we can communicate with someone like you."

Too meta for me.​


"She's your new little sister that Mother and Father adopted from Romania. Didn't Tsukihi-chan tell you about it, Karen-chan?"

At this point, Koyomi had pretty much accepted that there was no bright side to carrying an unconscious little girl by her legs, so he had ceased trying to come up with some excuse. With that said, he repositioned her so that he was carrying her in his arms, bridal style.

@Kaykay @T.O.M. @The Tactician @CrunchyCHEEZIT
Alex turned to face the man who spoke to him. An asian man, wearing some kind of robe and having a huge sword on his back. If he was any younger, Alex would have laughed and made fun of the man, but he isn't young nor is he in a good mood.

He's never in a good mood.

"Don't call me friend." Alex muttered, avoiding direct eye contact with the man. Once Jack got a good look of the mans face, he noticed that Alex was as pale as a ghost. Hazy red bags under his lifeless grey eyes, no warmth can be felt coming from him. he looked like either he hasn't slept for months, almost like a walking corpse.

"America, right. What state? What city? Is it near New York?" he suddenly asked Jack, extreme urgency and demand in his voice. He sounded like he was going to kill somebody if he doesn't get his answers.

@The Tactician @Hospes @Bomb @DapperDogman @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @ResistingTheEnlightened
Oh sh--

"OREGON?!" Alex suddenly snarled, clenching his fist and turning to punch something. He paused for a moment before groaning in exhaustion and rubbing his temples. Oregon is leaps and bounds beyond New York, there is no way he'd be able to get there fast enough. "I was so close to getting her back, so close.." he started muttering to himself, pacing back and forth and trying to process the situation. "No, I need to leave, now. It'd only be a couple days to fly, I can make it."

He took pause, again.

Alex didn't consider that he is being hunted by the United States Armed Forces at the moment, meaning that he'd be pursued by the feds if he tried to use public transport. Hell, he'd be pursued by anyone, everyone knows who he is. Everyone is always out to get him, that is how he kept himself on his toes.

Alex then turned and began walking off; not just walking off to think, he is legitimately trying to leave.

Fuck your Murder Games, Alex Mercer is busy.

@Kaykay @T.O.M. @The Tactician @Verite @Hospes @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Others

  • Bucket of Rainbows
Reactions: Midnight Maiden

..Okay, Wendy had to admit that this Jack dude was at least a little funny, if crazy weird. "Yeah, we've got court. But it sucks," she replied with a faint grin. "I guess it's just that nobody calls it a 'realm'. Just, y'know... The states. America. Whatever," she explained with a shrug. However, she couldn't help but raise a brow when Mercer asked a question of his own. "Again: Gravity Falls, Oregon. We need, like, a sign or something, huh?"

@The Tactician @CrunchyCHEEZIT
"Oh, I understand then, miss," His eyes closed gently as if in thought, his head nodding, "Though perhaps something should be done about the courts? Does your lord not have some say in its proceedings?"
"Not New York. Run down building, overpriced trinkets? Somewhere rural." Golgo commented to Alex and Jack. His eyes stayed fixated on Alex though, another demeanor that was strong. Reluctant. Distrustful. Golgo's eyes drifted to Jack as he slowly extended his hand toward him. "Dyūku Tōgō" He spoke his name in Japanese, as Jack (Wearing his kimono and all) looked to be from the area. He liked to work alone really, but the fact was that, until he finds his weapons, he would have to rely on the safety and sanction of others, albeit being proficient himself in combat, with or without a weapon.

@The Tactician @CrunchyCHEEZIT
His eyes opened as the man spoke to him, eyeing the hand for a man before nodding and shaking it, "I go by Jack as a wanderer, Tōgō."
He hated this place.

He hated these woods.

He hated those weirdass elf thingies and made sure to punt one of them in passing because he could. He hated the fact Melodic Cudgel had gone missing and he hated that his only company at the moment was Replacement Goldfish Neo and his Shoulder.

.... Its complicated.

Regardless, suffice it to say that for the thief and con artist slogging doggedly in the direction of the Mystery Shack from the woods, today would rank as one of his lowest points.

At least he still had his cigars and taking out a fresh one, he snipped it and pulled a lighter from his suit jacket. A few puffs later and he felt more human as he took a break on a log. Seeing an opportunity, Neo the Catsune left his shoulders, claiming the thiefs lap as she curled up. For her at least, all was right with the world.

The same could not be said for Roman Torchwick.

The smell of rich cigar smoke filled the air, Roman peering at his surroundings with a clinical air. Sunshine, trees, birds singing- Mother Nature in her glorious ways had saw fit to bestow her bountiful gifts on this place in particular.

For two lien, he'd burn it all to the ground.

As to the reason for Roman's bad mood, you'd have to take a few hours back.... Give or take.


(An hour or three back)

Waking groggily from his little bout of unconsciousness, Roman groaned aloud. One hand groping for Melodic Cudgel, the other would be seeking out something else- Aha.

And with a muffled curse under his breath he realized he lost his hat, the bowler cap as much a part of him as anything else of the image he so carefully cultivated. Classily dressed in a white tailored jacket and black slacks, Roman gave off the impression of a dandy. Someone used to wandering among the richer circles, with a smile on his face and a keen sense for the finer things in life. This was broadly true.

That his job happened to involve taking such things as his own, regardless of any la-dee-da concepts such as 'original ownership' was of trivial note.

Call him thief, call him liar- Call him enemy or friend, it didn't matter. He'd take your money either way, as well as anything else not nailed down. And maybe even those too. There had to be a market for secondhand nails somewhere. If anyone would know? It was him. Roman Torchwick had arrived.

Now where the hell was his hat?! Or his cane for that matter?

A sudden purring near his feet caused him to look down, the thief blinking in consternation as he mouthed aloud.

"What the fu-?"

It was holding his hat in his jaws and looking up at him like he was holding catnip. Irritably, Roman kneeled and tugged his hat out of the....Things jaws, jamming it on his head as he eyed the creature.


"Thanks. Now beat it, before I decide I want a muffler."

He rose and moved off the opposite direction to scout around, only to pause as he looked down and realized it was purring and curling around his legs.


Roman aimed a kick, but all it did was nimbly dodge before moving back in again. If anything, its purrs were suddenly louder.

"Do I look like your mother?! Beat it!"

He didn't have time to play Snow White and he stomped away to explore the surrounding area. For the next hour or so, he was immersed in cat hell. Every branch at eye-height held the cat, purring as it looked at him like he was all that and a bag of chips. An investigation by a stream almost had him knocked over as it leaped for his back and purred like a thunderstorm. He almost strangled it then and there, but it would always vanish before he could lay his hands on it. Finally, he had enough. He didn't need his cane to deal with some flea-bitten furball and he stormed his way into the clearing, champing at the bit as he looked around and bellowed.


He turned and bumped into something. It smelt like an odd mix of old spice and leather and moving his hand, Roman was greeting by a rumbling noise.
"That's my nipple."

Wha? Roman took a step back and looked up...And up.

It was a face combining the features of human and bull. All stacked upon a body that appeared to follow the same exercise plan as the Incredible Hulk and radiated an air that reminded Roman intensely of the jerk jocks back in high school. A feeling that would only intensify as the thing cracked its knuckles.
"Hamburger, eh? Medium rare, on the grill? Is that a crack at my race? Sir?"

Roman evaluated just how much he was screwed without his usual tools and flashed his most charming smile.

"I don't suppose you'd believe that I was actually talking about the...Gentleman with the horns over there."

He pointed to a place behind him. Turning around in confusion, the Manatour saw nothing.

Which coincidentally, was exactly what he saw when he looked back.


The forest erupted with the noise of the damned and the one doing the damning.

On the one hand, Roman Torchwick who was currently running with one hand keeping his hat in place, leaping over logs and using thick tree emplacements to slow down his pursuer.

And on the other, the Manatour who simply smashed his way through them all with a savage roar as words could be made out through the splintering of tree trunks as he bashed his way ever closer to the thief.


As Roman ran, the first thing he thought was 'whatever did I do to deserve this?' What followed after was an evaluation of his life choices and how he didn't expect to die by Steroid Poster Bull, on a world he didn't even know the name of. He couldn't even fight back, his usual tools gone. And in his pathway, he suddenly saw it again. The pink cat...Thing, looking at him oddly. For whatever reason, Roman snatched it on the run as he yelled.


The cat merely purred, unsure what the nice human was yelling about but it was holding her now! And rubbing her cheek against his own, it blinked as the human came to a stop.

Roman cursed with the vocabulary of a thief, stomping his foot as he roared to the heavens.


This looked like the end....And he turned around, a sinking feeling descending into his gut as the Manatour appeared and cracked his knuckles. That would have been the end of Torchwick, had he not been thinking ever to the end how to get out of this. And so, his fate was sealed as he threw the Cat at the Manatours face, yelling aloud.


The catsune's eyes flashed and in midair, it transformed.

And instead of maybe a few pounds of angry cat, the Manatour was met with several tons of angry T-Rex as it roared and slammed into him with the same speed that Roman flung it.

Roman blinked.

And stared.

And as he watched the fight, his hands automatically reached for a cigar, cutting it and lighting up the end with his lighter.

By the end of it, the Cat trotted back and looked up expectantly. Roman automatically knelt and began to pet its ears, finally chuckling as it purred.

"Not bad. You're persistent too. Maybe we can work this out. Hmmm..."

He checked briefly and nodded. Girl names....Hmmm....




There was only one name for her and he laughed, wondering what her namesake would think. And indicating his shoulder, Roman would coax her on as he grinned.

"C'mon Neo. We got folk to swindle."

And as she curled up around his neck and Roman hiked back, he grinned even wider.

Maybe this wouldn't be so bad after all.


He was wrong. (-_-)

The door to the Mystery Shack was open, Roman framed in the entrance as he took note of the various weirdos.

And promptly closed the door.


Not even once. He could always hitch hike.

"C'mon Neo, lets go-Neo?"

Be very afraid Roman Torchwick for your ensuing sanity.

Neo made friends with Mabel, purring up a storm as she coiled around her legs.

@Hospes @Mystery Shack @Blech, mobile so annoying.

Kirby took the berry and stared at for the longest time, well, it wasn't much, but it was still food. Kirby devoured the berry with gusto, delicious.

Kirby smiled and couldn't help but hug the Pokemon for the gift. It appeared Kirby had made a friend

"Maybe I should've left that laptop in the dumps-"

Before Hideo could finish that sentence, Zinnia's slaps to his back just happened to be enough to make this 24-year-old topple over to the ground. Yes... he was that frail for his age.


"... well, that was something."

Hideo mumbled as he slowly got back onto his feet. Today was just getting "better" and 'better.' Looking to his side, he saw that strange creature that Zinnia had with her... and Kirby. Yup, today was an interesting day for sure.

@Bomb @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Nater Taters
"... a cat going through a box?"

Meteo doesn't know where to go with this.

@Gummi Bunnies @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @CrunchyCHEEZIT


"Oh, ho!" Zinnia cried, wiggling her eyebrows "Someone doesn't have a pair of two steady legs to stand on. What's a matter? Can't take a friendly little pat on the back?" She whacked the fragile male on the back as soon as he stood up again, but grabbed him around the waist and hoisted him up straight so he wouldn't fall again. Her action seemed a bit wild, and clearly showing no respect for any personal boundaries he may have had.

After that, Zinnia deeply frowned when Meteo didn't seem to be amused by the video. She grabbed him up by his collar, as if threatening him. "It was funny! Laugh, darn you, laugh!" she exclaimed, before shoving him out of her grasp. She smiled the entire time, however, no threatening tone in her voice whatsoever.


Next, Zinnia's someone just touched Aster senses began to tingle. She whipped around and glanced to Kirby after he had hugged Aster, lifting a leg and planting it on top of his head as if using him for a footstool. "I hope nobody is bothering my little darling. Are you okay, dear Aster?"

The pokémon cried out a couple times, trying to assure her mother that Kirby meant no harm. Dang, Zinnia was wild. Surely, if she were a pokémon herself one of her signature moves would've been Play Rough.

@Gummi Bunnies @Bomb @Nater Taters
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Reactions: Nater Taters
"But you are a lesbian. And a fujoshi. And a bunch of other stuff."

"Oh yeah! I guess I am all of those things plus a bunch more!"

Kanbaru exclaimed without even a moment's notice. She had told Araragi Senpai quite a bit that one fateful day he came over to meet her! Apart from finding her in a less than mature state of dress(i.e nude), he learned so much about her! Clasping her hands together, she jumped from foot to foot. Yes, the things they talked about certainly varied.


@Kaykay @Verite @The Tactician @Crow
  • Bucket of Rainbows
Reactions: Jeremi
Oh sh--

"OREGON?!" Alex suddenly snarled, clenching his fist and turning to punch something. He paused for a moment before groaning in exhaustion and rubbing his temples. Oregon is leaps and bounds beyond New York, there is no way he'd be able to get there fast enough. "I was so close to getting her back, so close.." he started muttering to himself, pacing back and forth and trying to process the situation. "No, I need to leave, now. It'd only be a couple days to fly, I can make it."

He took pause, again.

Alex didn't consider that he is being hunted by the United States Armed Forces at the moment, meaning that he'd be pursued by the feds if he tried to use public transport. Hell, he'd be pursued by anyone, everyone knows who he is. Everyone is always out to get him, that is how he kept himself on his toes.

Alex then turned and began walking off; not just walking off to think, he is legitimately trying to leave.

Fuck your Murder Games, Alex Mercer is busy.

@Kaykay @T.O.M. @The Tactician @Verite @Hospes @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Others

Jack didn't make any attempt to stop the man, only sighing as he walked away from the group. He had little doubt that there was some point to them being brought here, however, it was not up to him keep the crossed man with the group. In fact, it would probably be best if he didn't as it may upset the others and only force a greater wedge between the two of them.​
"... a cat going through a box?"

Meteo doesn't know where to go with this.

@Gummi Bunnies @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @CrunchyCHEEZIT
Kirby looked and noticed some more of Zinnia's kind. Well, might well introduce himself to the newcomers.

"Hi!" Kirby said, walking over ans stopping in front of Hideo.
"Oh, ho!" Zinnia cried, wiggling her eyebrows "Someone doesn't have a pair of two steady legs to stand on. What's a matter? Can't take a friendly little pat on the back?" She whacked the fragile male on the back as soon as he stood up again, but grabbed him around the waist and hoisted him up straight so he wouldn't fall again. Her action seemed a bit wild, and clearly showing no respect for any personal boundaries he may have had.

After that, Zinnia deeply frowned when Meteo didn't seem to be amused by the video. She grabbed him up by his collar, as if threatening him. "It was funny! Laugh, darn you, laugh!" she exclaimed, before shoving him out of her grasp. She smiled the entire time, however, no threatening tone in her voice whatsoever.

Next, Zinnia's someone just touched Aster senses began to tingle. She whipped around at glanced to Kirby after he had hugged aster, lifting a leg and planting it on top of his head as if using him for a footstool. "I hope nobody is bothering my little darling. Are you okay, dear Aster?"

The pokémon cried out a couple times, trying to assure her mother that Kirby meant no harm. Dang, Zinnia was wild. Surely if she were a pokémon herself one of her signature moves would've been Play Rough.

@Gummi Bunnies @Bomb @Nater Taters

"Isn't it great? The kittycat is pretty cute and stuff~"

Wiruko smiled as if she were waiting for some sort of other reaction from Meteo. At the same time, it seemed that Hideo was still getting used to this crowd, being roughly patted on the back and kept standing due to Zinnia's... rather close grips.


"Uh... hi... pink... thing..."

Hideo wasn't sure what else to call Kirby, and boy did Zinnia was a rather rowdy person. If only he could take some way back to his apartment and sleep some more.

@Bomb @Nater Taters @Klutzy Ninja Kitty

"She's your new little sister that Mother and Father adopted from Romania. Didn't Tsukihi-chan tell you about it, Karen-chan?"

At this point, Koyomi had pretty much accepted that there was no bright side to carrying an unconscious little girl by her legs, so he had ceased trying to come up with some excuse. With that said, he repositioned her so that he was carrying her in his arms, bridal style.

@Kaykay @T.O.M. @The Tactician @CrunchyCHEEZIT

"We have a new little sister? Why didn't you tell me, Nii-chan? What's her name? When did mom and dad get a chance to go to Romania, anyway?"

Whether she was actually stupid enough to fall for that or was just playing along could be left to the imagination.

@T.O.M. @Verite @The Tactician @Crow
  • Love
Reactions: Chewy Rabbits


"Oh, ho!" Zinnia cried, wiggling her eyebrows "Someone doesn't have a pair of two steady legs to stand on. What's a matter? Can't take a friendly little pat on the back?" She whacked the fragile male on the back as soon as he stood up again, but grabbed him around the waist and hoisted him up straight so he wouldn't fall again. Her action seemed a bit wild, and clearly showing no respect for any personal boundaries he may have had.

After that, Zinnia deeply frowned when Meteo didn't seem to be amused by the video. She grabbed him up by his collar, as if threatening him. "It was funny! Laugh, darn you, laugh!" she exclaimed, before shoving him out of her grasp. She smiled the entire time, however, no threatening tone in her voice whatsoever.


Next, Zinnia's someone just touched Aster senses began to tingle. She whipped around and glanced to Kirby after he had hugged Aster, lifting a leg and planting it on top of his head as if using him for a footstool. "I hope nobody is bothering my little darling. Are you okay, dear Aster?"

The pokémon cried out a couple times, trying to assure her mother that Kirby meant no harm. Dang, Zinnia was wild. Surely, if she were a pokémon herself one of her signature moves would've been Play Rough.

@Gummi Bunnies @Bomb @Nater Taters

"Is... Is everything at ease here, Miss Zinnia?"

Jack is deeply concerned for the people that are being abused by his 'friend'.​

"Isn't it great? The kittycat is pretty cute and stuff~"

Wiruko smiled as if she were waiting for some sort of other reaction from Meteo. At the same time, it seemed that Hideo was still getting used to this crowd, being roughly patted on the back and kept standing due to Zinnia's... rather close grips.


"Uh... hi... pink... thing..."

Hideo wasn't sure what else to call Kirby, and boy did Zinnia was a rather rowdy person. If only he could take some way back to his apartment and sleep some more.

@Bomb @Nater Taters @Klutzy Ninja Kitty

Grinning, Zinnia gestured to the computer again. "Any more cat videos on it, Wiruko? Or any other kind of interesting secrets your friend has on his computer?" she asked, making air quotes with her fingers when she said the word other. Teasing Hideo was so much fun she had actually forgotten about her missing pokéballs for a moment.

"Is... Is everything at ease here, Miss Zinnia?"

Jack is deeply concerned for the people that are being abused by his 'friend'.​

"Oh suuuuuure, Jack!" Zinnia called, whirling to look at him--her tattered cloak slapping him in the face as she did. She quickly took her foot off Kirby's head, pretending she hadn't just stomped him. "Everything's good here. How about for you? I was just visiting with these rather interesting individuals," she told him, gesturing to Wiruko and the gang.

@Nater Taters @Gummi Bunnies @Bomb @The Tactician
Oh sh--

"OREGON?!" Alex suddenly snarled, clenching his fist and turning to punch something. He paused for a moment before groaning in exhaustion and rubbing his temples. Oregon is leaps and bounds beyond New York, there is no way he'd be able to get there fast enough. "I was so close to getting her back, so close.." he started muttering to himself, pacing back and forth and trying to process the situation. "No, I need to leave, now. It'd only be a couple days to fly, I can make it."

He took pause, again.

Alex didn't consider that he is being hunted by the United States Armed Forces at the moment, meaning that he'd be pursued by the feds if he tried to use public transport. Hell, he'd be pursued by anyone, everyone knows who he is. Everyone is always out to get him, that is how he kept himself on his toes.

Alex then turned and began walking off; not just walking off to think, he is legitimately trying to leave.

Fuck your Murder Games, Alex Mercer is busy.

@Kaykay @T.O.M. @The Tactician @Verite @Hospes @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Others

"Hey!" Aran pointed an angry finger at the deserter. "Who the hell are you, thinking you can just walk out of my dream?!"
  • Nice Execution!
Reactions: Midnight Maiden

"We have a new little sister? Why didn't you tell me, Nii-chan? What's her name? When did mom and dad get a chance to go to Romania, anyway?"

Whether she was actually stupid enough to fall for that or was just playing along could be left to the imagination.

@T.O.M. @Verite @The Tactician @Crow


That's my Karen-chan.

You're so dumb.


Ah, what a pleasant surprise, though maybe "surprise" would have been something of an overstatement, as this isn't the first time he'd tricked her, what with a certain earlier metaphor about groping when she wanted it and groping when she didn't want it.

"Shinobu. Shinobu Araragi!"

Actually, no. Saying it like that just left kind of a bad taste in his mouth. Like it sounded like he was married to her or something.

"Don't you remember? They went on that business trip, uhh... you know, a little while ago!"

God's in his heaven. All's right in the world.

Except for the part where Shinobu wasn't exactly a Romanian sounding name, but whatever. Romania was a country they associated with vampires, right? ... He should probably have been more subtle about it if that were the case.

Last edited:
  • Bucket of Rainbows
Reactions: Jeremi


"Oh, ho!" Zinnia cried, wiggling her eyebrows "Someone doesn't have a pair of two steady legs to stand on. What's a matter? Can't take a friendly little pat on the back?" She whacked the fragile male on the back as soon as he stood up again, but grabbed him around the waist and hoisted him up straight so he wouldn't fall again. Her action seemed a bit wild, and clearly showing no respect for any personal boundaries he may have had.

After that, Zinnia deeply frowned when Meteo didn't seem to be amused by the video. She grabbed him up by his collar, as if threatening him. "It was funny! Laugh, darn you, laugh!" she exclaimed, before shoving him out of her grasp. She smiled the entire time, however, no threatening tone in her voice whatsoever.


Next, Zinnia's someone just touched Aster senses began to tingle. She whipped around and glanced to Kirby after he had hugged Aster, lifting a leg and planting it on top of his head as if using him for a footstool. "I hope nobody is bothering my little darling. Are you okay, dear Aster?"

The pokémon cried out a couple times, trying to assure her mother that Kirby meant no harm. Dang, Zinnia was wild. Surely, if she were a pokémon herself one of her signature moves would've been Play Rough.

@Gummi Bunnies @Bomb @Nater Taters
Kirby had been minding his own business. That was until Zinnia used him as a damn foot stool. Kirby's smile vanished and was replaced by a scowl. He was The Star Warrior dammit, not a foot stool! He glared at Zinnia
Grinning, Zinnia gestured to the computer again. "Any more cat videos on it, Wiruko? Or any other kind of interesting secrets your friend has on his computer?" she asked, making air quotes with her fingers when she said the word other. Teasing Hideo was so much fun she had actually forgotten about her missing pokéballs for a moment.

"Oh suuuuuure, Jack!" Zinnia called, whirling to look at him--her tattered cloak slapping him in the face as she did. She quickly took her foot off Kirby's head, pretending she hadn't just stomped him. "Everything's good here. How about for you? I was just visiting with these rather interesting individuals," she told him, gesturing to Wiruko and the gang.

@Nater Taters @Gummi Bunnies @Bomb @The Tactician
and prepared to use his trademark ability to deal with this creature. He opened his mouth to inhale Zinnia, but when nothing happened he paused, what the...he opened wide again and inhaled with all his might, but nothing happened. He closed his mouth and his eyes went wide

This can't be! Kirby thought to himself, before emitting a ear splitting shriek of pure panic

"Yeeeeeeeeeeeee!" Was all he managed to get out

@Klutzy Ninja Kitty
@Gummi Bunnies
@The Tactician
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"Oh, ho!" Zinnia cried, wiggling her eyebrows "Someone doesn't have a pair of two steady legs to stand on. What's a matter? Can't take a friendly little pat on the back?" She whacked the fragile male on the back as soon as he stood up again, but grabbed him around the waist and hoisted him up straight so he wouldn't fall again. Her action seemed a bit wild, and clearly showing no respect for any personal boundaries he may have had.

After that, Zinnia deeply frowned when Meteo didn't seem to be amused by the video. She grabbed him up by his collar, as if threatening him. "It was funny! Laugh, darn you, laugh!" she exclaimed, before shoving him out of her grasp. She smiled the entire time, however, no threatening tone in her voice whatsoever.


Next, Zinnia's someone just touched Aster senses began to tingle. She whipped around and glanced to Kirby after he had hugged Aster, lifting a leg and planting it on top of his head as if using him for a footstool. "I hope nobody is bothering my little darling. Are you okay, dear Aster?"

The pokémon cried out a couple times, trying to assure her mother that Kirby meant no harm. Dang, Zinnia was wild. Surely, if she were a pokémon herself one of her signature moves would've been Play Rough.

@Gummi Bunnies @Bomb @Nater Taters

"Isn't it great? The kittycat is pretty cute and stuff~"

Wiruko smiled as if she were waiting for some sort of other reaction from Meteo. At the same time, it seemed that Hideo was still getting used to this crowd, being roughly patted on the back and kept standing due to Zinnia's... rather close grips.


"Uh... hi... pink... thing..."

Hideo wasn't sure what else to call Kirby, and boy did Zinnia was a rather rowdy person. If only he could take some way back to his apartment and sleep some more.

@Bomb @Nater Taters @Klutzy Ninja Kitty
"Funny?" Meteo asked.

Looks like he needs more convincing.

"Why are you watching me like that?" Meteo asked Wiruko who was smiling.

@Gummi Bunnies @Nater Taters @klutzy ninja kitten​

"Is... Is everything at ease here, Miss Zinnia?"

Jack is deeply concerned for the people that are being abused by his 'friend'.​
Grinning, Zinnia gestured to the computer again. "Any more cat videos on it, Wiruko? Or any other kind of interesting secrets your friend has on his computer?" she asked, making air quotes with her fingers when she said the word other. Teasing Hideo was so much fun she had actually forgotten about her missing pokéballs for a moment.

"Oh suuuuuure, Jack!" Zinnia called, whirling to look at him--her tattered cloak slapping him in the face as she did. She quickly took her foot off Kirby's head, pretending she hadn't just stomped him. "Everything's good here. How about for you? I was just visiting with these rather interesting individuals," she told him, gesturing to Wiruko and the gang.

@Nater Taters @Gummi Bunnies @Bomb @The Tactician

"Look! More cat videos!"

Hideo cringed when Wiruko said this, and only could watch as Wiruko revealed another cat video within his newly obtained laptop.


"... I need a drink right now."

More and more, Hideo was silently regretting everything up to this point, and was seeing that this was one of the reasons why he wasn't much of a "people" person.

@Bomb @The Tactician @Nater Taters @Klutzy Ninja Kitty
Grinning, Zinnia gestured to the computer again. "Any more cat videos on it, Wiruko? Or any other kind of interesting secrets your friend has on his computer?" she asked, making air quotes with her fingers when she said the word other. Teasing Hideo was so much fun she had actually forgotten about her missing pokéballs for a moment.

"Oh suuuuuure, Jack!" Zinnia called, whirling to look at him--her tattered cloak slapping him in the face as she did. She quickly took her foot off Kirby's head, pretending she hadn't just stomped him. "Everything's good here. How about for you? I was just visiting with these rather interesting individuals," she told him, gesturing to Wiruko and the gang.

@Nater Taters @Gummi Bunnies @Bomb @The Tactician
Jack sighed as a strand of hair was knocked free of the knot on the back of his head, courtesy of the slapping cloak. It seems she may be one of these Americans that our hostess is a member of with how excitable she is... "Really now? It seems you were being quite... forceful with them," He motioned to the small, pink creature as an example.
Kirby had been minding his own business. That was until Zinnia used him as a damn foot stool. Kirby's smile vanished and was replaced by a scowl. He was The Star Warrior dammit, not a foot stool! He glared at Zinnia

and prepared to use his trademark ability to deal with this creature. He opened his mouth to inhale Zinnia, but when nothing he paused, what the...he opened wide again and inhaled with all his might, but nothing happened. He closed his mouth and his eyes went wide

This can't be! Kirby thought to himself, before emitting a ear splitting shriek of pure panic

"Yeeeeeeeeeeeee!" Was all he managed to get out in

@Klutzy Ninja Kitty
@Gummi Bunnies
@The Tactician
Suddenly, Jack threw his hands over his ears, protecting himself from the painful drone. It seemed nothing today would be easy for him.

"Little one, please, quiet your tears! What is wrong?" Kneeling down to Kirby's level, he tried to yell over the shrieks, hoping that Kirby would hear him.​
Lincoln and Tommy's Introduction
Lincoln Campbell was no stranger to waking in strange places and taking a part in strange things. He had been on the run and even recruited by SHIELD after Skye convinced him to join and they became a thing. Sadly, he was not quite happy to be in this strange place because Daisy was being controlled by a mad man who wanted to do things. He looked around and blinked twice, before noticing that he reflexily struck his fingers together and no lighting came out of his hands. He tilted his head for a moment, clearly confused.

He was quiet as the red-head answered others questions about where they were.Apparently, this was Gravity Falls, Oregon. Hmm . .. what should he do? He guessed he should try to interact with others. Now, what would be a good ice-breaker? " Uh, hi. So, who are you guys?" He asked.

Tommy Merlyn should have been dead, he should have been in Heaven or wherever people went with when they died, but he was here. How was that possible? He was almost positive that he had been killed by some sharpnel back in the Glades. None of this made snese to him.

He noticed the other awkward man and tilted his head. " Tommy Merlyn and you would be?" He asked, clearly confused by the man.

" Lincoln," he simply replied.

@Hospes @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @ Nater Taters @Everyone else​
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