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'Oh yeah, yeah! Just getting some...erm advice. From a friend.' He decided not to explain. Only the magically blessed could see other magic stuff. Shazam always found it kind of sad that there was so much wonderful magic in the world, and that most people would die without glimpsing it even once. 'But thanks, I guess. Shame I kinda used all of it though. What's your name, anyway? Are you a soldier?'
She looked fit and combat-ready, but hardly what Billy imagined soldier looking like. She wasn't wearing any kind of uniform for a start.
He stood up, and tried to look as heroic as possible, smiling nervously.


Sarah looked down at her outfit, what she was wearing. Did it truly indicate to him, and to others, that she was a soldier? Or more likely it was the weapons, and the fact that she had handed him water in a canteen.

"I'm Sarah Connor. I was trained to be like a soldier, though I'm not enlisted in the army or anything like that," she responded, "I was trained to fight, to survive. So maybe I am like a soldier?" She would have told him how she received such training if she could remember... she tried but couldn't remember for some reason, what school or instruction she received these skills from?

She then turned the conversation towards him. "What about yourself, you must be some kind of heroic type, saving lives, like a super hero maybe?"

@Mighty Roman
Leah felt something on her belt. She reached down to grab it. And found it was her crossbow. She sighed in relief knowing she had that. She could defend herself from the killers now. She also felt her magic abilities return to her. She was glad.

Io was holding onto Morgan when she felt her phone in her pocket. She quickly reached for it. Nicaea was still there, everything was as it was, except for when she looked at pictures, she felt something was missing. But she couldn't remember what it was. She felt at ease knowing she had these things back. She felt a bit calmed down. She smiled softly at Morgan.

@The Tactician @anybody, I guess.

"Hmm..." Morgan quietly spent a few moments examining the body before feeling as she had found all she would find. While not certain of who to pick, Morgan had a few people in mind who could have done it.

However, for now, there was a little girl who needed to be found and given a hug. "Come on, we need to find DeeDee..." Returning the cute smile with one of her own, Morgan began to looked about the reason, trying to find her friend.

@Hospes @The Silver Paladin
Lucina had zoned out during the investigation, caught up in dark thoughts as she took a moment to close her eyes and calm down. She was no stranger to death, and has seen it on the battlefield and in her own castle at some point. She knew she had Parallel Falchion back from the familiar weight along her left hip. When Kyle asked to see weapons her eyes opened. Her look was saddened, and almost painted as she took a quick glance at the bodies.

She took Parallel Falchion out of it's sheath and held it up for Kyle to examine.

"I too, have my own Falchion back. But I can assure you that I would also never commit such an act." She said to the man, her grip on the sword's hilt tight from all of the emotions consuming her at the moment. Once Kyle was done examining the two identical swords she would return Parallel Falchion to it's sheath. Knowing that this was only the beginning of the body count, Lucina went to get a good portion of her brooding out of the way to clear her mind. So, she went to lean on one of the walls away from those investigating and the bodies, close her eyes and think for now; blocking out most of the noise around her.

@Atomyk @Crimson Spartan @Everyone else/anybody wanting to interact with Luci
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Another meatbag HK-47 didn't completely loathe! That must have been some kind of record. "Query: Your name, meatbag?" He'd probably still call him meatbag, but, still.

@Archmage Jeremiah
@Gen. Gwazi Senpai
"Ah, You call me Iskandar!" Iskander replied, about to ask the same in return. But then the witch interrupted.

-Chapter 1 Update-
"Tear Apart The Two That Are Close"
Continued from here.

He touches her with finality,
fingers lingering a moment too long,
as if to memorize the feel of her skin.

There are no words,
just urgent hands and
breaths begging for contact
with something a little more permanent.


By the time that the remaining groups from both the Forest and the Kakera Garden would return the Red Cloth and the Wedding Ring respectively, Beatrice simply had those two items disappear once she saw them. The treasure hunt game was now complete.

With the treasure hunt over with, the Golden Witch smiles with that fake innocence, waving Virgilia away with her Endless Magic. With the other Witch out of the way for now, Beatrice approached them with that smile, which was slowly turning into a condescending one.


"I applaud all of you for completely the rather minimal task. Now, you must be wondering about how this is a Murder Game when all you did is a simple child's game. Believe me on this statement..."

The Golden Witch couldn't really hold back another laugh, but then proclaims with the Red.


"The most boring part of this Murder Game is done and through with."

She was about to open her mouth to continue this Red Truth, but all of you happen to lose consciousness as another wave of golden butterflies consume your vision once more.


As if those events in the Golden Land never occurred, all of you would find yourselves in the same places that you were in within the mansion. Though, there's some things that were different than the last time they were here.

Significantly, everyone's belongings were back, and a little bit of their powers were returning to them. That's good, despite it only being a little bit. Maybe that was for doing Beatrice's treasure hunt from earlier. On a lesser note, those that were afflicted by curses from eating food earlier had been freed from said curses. However, those that lost an important memory in the Kakera Garden's sacrifice trials wouldn't come back until sometime later(until midround update for chapter two). Robin, Piper, and Li were present within the mansion by the time people were starting to find consciousness again in the mansion once more.

But hey, with your belongings back and a little bit of your power, you could finally make your way out of this Murder Game somehow!

Well... not now.

A bloodcurdling scream pierced throughout the mansion, and it was centered straight in the upstairs of the mansion. Knowing that this was a Murder Game now, this probably spelled bad news by the scream alone, but you didn't waste any time on rushing to the entry hall. From there, you see Shannon, standing at the edge of the doorway as she had a horrified look on her face.


"W-W... What is... this? W... W... Who would... ?"

With the maid literally freaking out at the sight of this, all of you would see that there was a traumatizing mess in the private quarters of Beatrice. Two bodies were found here, two dead bodies. The dead bodies of Ange and Mark. The little girl had a few stab wounds on her body littered at fatal spots. Mark, on the other hand, went off a much more gruesome way. His jaw was separated from his head and left right next to his resting head. There was a single stab wound to the chest. Clearly you couldn't get a good examination on what happened here, so coming over close to the scene to see the details could help determine the culprit responsible.

However, a strange feeling came from all of you, and it prompted you to check your envelopes that you still had with you. Something about the letter was completely different, as if the message was suddenly changed.

See what I mean by the most boring part of the Murder Game being over with? Now we have our first murder committed by the first chosen traitor! Be sure to write down on who you vote for on this envelope, either if you think that person to be the traitor or even my right hand Maestro, and listen up for the results coming from the detectives on that little walkie talkie radio. I can't wait to see the results afterwards, so don't bore me~

~Golden Witch Beatrice

OOC Note: Voting begins! Be sure to bold and underline your votes so I don't miss them.

~Cast List~

@Bomb as Plutia (Hyperdimension Neptunia) & Teemo (League of Legends)
@TheSpringwoodSlasher as Jason Voorhees (Friday The 13th) & Herbert West (Re-Animator)
@DapperDogman as Sakamaki Izayoi (Problem Children Are Coming From Another World Aren't They?)
@C.T. as Diarmuid Ua Duibhne (Fate/Zero)
@Atomyk as Kyle Hyde (Hotel Dusk/Last Window)
@BarrenThin as HK-47 (Star Wars)
@The Tactician as Morgan Tact (Fire Emblem/Murder Series)
@Crimson Spartan as Henry & Chrom (Fire Emblem)
@CCC Kouhai as Aya Drevis (Mad Father)
@Mighty Roman as Shazam (DC Comics)
@The Silver Paladin as Leah Cain (Diablo) & Io Nitta (Devil Survivor 2)
@Hazel-rah as Guillo (Baten Kaitos Origins)
@Verite as Enrico Pucci (Jojo's Bizarre Adventure)
@CrunchyCHEEZIT as Gordon Freeman (Half Life)
@Melon as Hermaeus Mora (The Elder Scrolls)
@Hospes as Deedee/Teresa Agnes (The Kill Order)
@Ozzie Chanter as Ashley "Ash" J. Williams (Evil Dead/Murder Series) & Veronica Sawyer (Heathers)
@york as Crono (Crono Trigger)
@Jeremi as Undyne (Undertale) & Zombina (Monster Musume)
@Cromartie Sarkissian as Majin/Fat Buu (Dragon Ball Z)
@Kaykay as Yuki Yuna (Yuki Yana Is A Hero) & Yuki Terumi/Hazama (BlazBlue)
@Klutzy Ninja Kitty as Ilona (Murder Series/OC)
@Gen. Gwazi Senpai as Gilgamesh & Iskander (Fate/Zero)
@FireDrake150 as Sorey & Mikleo (Tales of Zestiria)
@Shattered♦Secrets™ as Heather Gray (OC)
@Krieg as General Grievous (Star Wars)
@Archmage Jeremiah as Mettaton (Undertale)
@Unagi as Edward Kenway (Assassin's Creed)
@Salsacookies as Yellow Guy (Don't Hug Me I'm Scared)
@Mari as Sarah Connor (Terminator Genisys)
@Wedge Antilles as Jamie Madrox (X-Men)
@Lizzy as Lucina (Fire Emblem)

@Gummi Bunnies as Ange Ushiromiya (Umineko No Naku Koro Ni) MURDERED! INNOCENT! STABBED TO DEATH!
Appearing back where they started both Iskander and Gilgamesh felt a small amount of Mana return to them, even if a minor amount.

Gilgamesh found it was just enough to call back his Golden Clad armour and summon a single Gate of Babylon... Enough to fight back at least.
Iskander had now regained his sword, and seeing Gilgamesh use a Gate he suddenly thrusted his sword in the air, and a small aura began to surround him and the sword.


And the end of which, a Horse seemed to appear next to Iskander. "Ah, my army may still be locked away but at least I have you now Bucephalus" Iskander then said, petting the horse.
Though the two testing their new limits didn't last long, as then the blood curling scream showed up, and the two rushed over to see the commotion.

Gilgamesh only looked over the dead body silent for a moment before muttering "And now the Games begin..." before he went to investigate the body.

Meanwhile when Kyle asked everyone about their weapons Iskander simply pulled out his sword saying "This is my Blade... I suppose it would get the job done... But..." streaching his arms out to show off his big and muscular build "I by no means possess the finesse or stealth to use it in such a manner".


Gilgamesh meanwhile simply retorted "Hmph! What weapon don't I have!?" opening his Gate of Babylon for all to see, shoving out one weapon only to suck it back in and alternate with other weapons of a variety of types.
Of course there was one weapon in it he now lacked... Excalibur. It was a weak weapon anyway's, he didn't miss it.

Though while Gilgamesh was busy investigating the body, he noticed that Robin was now among them. So he decided to ask "Robin! You've been in these events even more than me. Any idea whose done this?".

@Atomyk @The Tactician @Everyone​

In complete honesty, Deedee felt very.. alone. Everyone else in the pavilion was chattering away with each other, and having Beatrice nearby automatically made the little five-year-old terrified. Not to mention, the whole situation was extremely frightening. Mark hadn't read the invitation to her, so she still didn't understand why she was here. What she was doing here. Why someone would be as horrible as to hold something called a 'Murder Game' - especially after what catastrophe her world had already gone through. She just, for now, assumed that this Beatrice woman was like the people of her village that had tortured her, and the men in green suits that had made her parents die. It made sense, right?

...Well, a lot of things going on around her didn't make sense to the girl.

Were all of these people here Immune, like her? Was this a special place for Immunes? What was the terrifying trick that Beatrice had done that she'd called 'magic'? Hell, the kid hardly knew what the normal things around her- the plants, books, buildings that weren't destroyed, and so much more -were. After all, the Sun Flares had hit the world when she was merely three years old, and they'd taken the majority of civilization down with it. Including most of the paper supply, so it wasn't like she'd even learned to read, either. Of course, the combination of all of this just left the child completely lost, alone, and scared.

But the tears had stopped. She seemed to have put the thoughts about the men in green suits aside, and was back to simply standing aside in silence, feeling alone but not wanting to pester the others. Trina had made her feel like she was very important, and welcomed, but she didn't have that same connection with anyone here just yet. No, the closest thing she had to that right now was her hero. Maybe she hadn't had much time to forge a bond with him like she had with Trina, but he was still treasured dearly by the child. Some kids had 'hero's, sure, like their parents or siblings or idols, but Deedee... She had a real hero. Someone who saved her and protected her at all costs, even risking his life to do so more than once. He, along with Trina, was the closest thing she'd had to family ever since hers had been killed and/or ran off. He truly was all the girl had left.

So when she spotted his corpse, fresh blood still covering him, and his jaw and head torn away from his body? It was like the child's very world had been crushed.


The child could practically feel her heart being ripped in half. It was like Mark had taken a large portion of her heart with him when he'd passed on with him. She wasn't even aware of it, but she'd scrambled over to Mark's corpse, sinking to her knees at his side and shaking him lightly, tears pouring down her face more intensely than ever. "Mark.. P-please wake up..." she whimpered, her seldom-used voice cracking with those words. Please, Mark.. Momma and pappa left, Ricky hates me, and Trina's gone, too.. I.. I don't want to lose you, too... "Please..."

But she knew Mark wasn't coming back. He wasn't waking up.

The Immune's small head sank down, coming to rest on Mark's arm... Where she stayed still, the only movement that came being result of the sobs violently wracking her body. Her tears were falling down rapidly onto Mark's arm, but the little girl hardly registered this. Hell, she barely even noticed the people investigating Mark's corpse around her. All that was getting through her head in that moment was the world-shattering reality of what had happen. Just like she'd had her family stolen from her those couple months ago, Mark had now been stolen from her, too. It wasn't fair. What had Mark done to deserve this? Sure, he was starting to have small bouts of insanity, but they were brief, and only directed at the bad men. But other than those brief episodes.. Mark was amazing. Kind, affectionate, brave, caring... Everything that a hero should be.

She didn't want to believe he was gone. Not in the slightest. No, she wanted to believe the exact opposite - but she knew from the pain in her heart, the tears in her eyes, and the lack of warmth from the arm her head rested on that he was gone. Her hero had fallen, and it was like she had fallen, with him. Like something inside of Deedee was now dead, too.

Unlike her last few little bouts of tears, this seemed like a full-out breakdown. Yes, that was a good word for it - this occurrence had broken Deedee. And it'd take a hell of a lot to fix her again, this time around...

@Eugh no one @Or people around Mark's body I guess​
Iskander once done showing his weapon easily noticed the girl he had talked to earlier now completely devastated by this man's death. Not shocking at all seeing how she seemed to get along with him earlier.
So he kneeled down next to her and said "Don't worry, you'll see him again. From what I know of these games, no one who dies is truly dead... It's just an odd way of moving to another room for later".

@Hospes @Bomb @Kaykay @york @The Tactician
-Chapter 1 Update-
"Tear Apart The Two That Are Close"
Continued from here.

He touches her with finality,
fingers lingering a moment too long,
as if to memorize the feel of her skin.

There are no words,
just urgent hands and
breaths begging for contact
with something a little more permanent.


By the time that the remaining groups from both the Forest and the Kakera Garden would return the Red Cloth and the Wedding Ring respectively, Beatrice simply had those two items disappear once she saw them. The treasure hunt game was now complete.

With the treasure hunt over with, the Golden Witch smiles with that fake innocence, waving Virgilia away with her Endless Magic. With the other Witch out of the way for now, Beatrice approached them with that smile, which was slowly turning into a condescending one.


"I applaud all of you for completely the rather minimal task. Now, you must be wondering about how this is a Murder Game when all you did is a simple child's game. Believe me on this statement..."

The Golden Witch couldn't really hold back another laugh, but then proclaims with the Red.


"The most boring part of this Murder Game is done and through with."

She was about to open her mouth to continue this Red Truth, but all of you happen to lose consciousness as another wave of golden butterflies consume your vision once more.


As if those events in the Golden Land never occurred, all of you would find yourselves in the same places that you were in within the mansion. Though, there's some things that were different than the last time they were here.

Significantly, everyone's belongings were back, and a little bit of their powers were returning to them. That's good, despite it only being a little bit. Maybe that was for doing Beatrice's treasure hunt from earlier. On a lesser note, those that were afflicted by curses from eating food earlier had been freed from said curses. However, those that lost an important memory in the Kakera Garden's sacrifice trials wouldn't come back until sometime later(until midround update for chapter two). Robin, Piper, and Li were present within the mansion by the time people were starting to find consciousness again in the mansion once more.

But hey, with your belongings back and a little bit of your power, you could finally make your way out of this Murder Game somehow!

Well... not now.

A bloodcurdling scream pierced throughout the mansion, and it was centered straight in the upstairs of the mansion. Knowing that this was a Murder Game now, this probably spelled bad news by the scream alone, but you didn't waste any time on rushing to the entry hall. From there, you see Shannon, standing at the edge of the doorway as she had a horrified look on her face.


"W-W... What is... this? W... W... Who would... ?"

With the maid literally freaking out at the sight of this, all of you would see that there was a traumatizing mess in the private quarters of Beatrice. Two bodies were found here, two dead bodies. The dead bodies of Ange and Mark. The little girl had a few stab wounds on her body littered at fatal spots. Mark, on the other hand, went off a much more gruesome way. His jaw was separated from his head and left right next to his resting head. There was a single stab wound to the chest. Clearly you couldn't get a good examination on what happened here, so coming over close to the scene to see the details could help determine the culprit responsible.

However, a strange feeling came from all of you, and it prompted you to check your envelopes that you still had with you. Something about the letter was completely different, as if the message was suddenly changed.

See what I mean by the most boring part of the Murder Game being over with? Now we have our first murder committed by the first chosen traitor! Be sure to write down on who you vote for on this envelope, either if you think that person to be the traitor or even my right hand Maestro, and listen up for the results coming from the detectives on that little walkie talkie radio. I can't wait to see the results afterwards, so don't bore me~

~Golden Witch Beatrice

OOC Note: Voting begins! Be sure to bold and underline your votes so I don't miss them.

~Cast List~

@Bomb as Plutia (Hyperdimension Neptunia) & Teemo (League of Legends)
@TheSpringwoodSlasher as Jason Voorhees (Friday The 13th) & Herbert West (Re-Animator)
@DapperDogman as Sakamaki Izayoi (Problem Children Are Coming From Another World Aren't They?)
@C.T. as Diarmuid Ua Duibhne (Fate/Zero)
@Atomyk as Kyle Hyde (Hotel Dusk/Last Window)
@BarrenThin as HK-47 (Star Wars)
@The Tactician as Morgan Tact (Fire Emblem/Murder Series)
@Crimson Spartan as Henry & Chrom (Fire Emblem)
@CCC Kouhai as Aya Drevis (Mad Father)
@Mighty Roman as Shazam (DC Comics)
@The Silver Paladin as Leah Cain (Diablo) & Io Nitta (Devil Survivor 2)
@Hazel-rah as Guillo (Baten Kaitos Origins)
@Verite as Enrico Pucci (Jojo's Bizarre Adventure)
@CrunchyCHEEZIT as Gordon Freeman (Half Life)
@Melon as Hermaeus Mora (The Elder Scrolls)
@Hospes as Deedee/Teresa Agnes (The Kill Order)
@Ozzie Chanter as Ashley "Ash" J. Williams (Evil Dead/Murder Series) & Veronica Sawyer (Heathers)
@york as Crono (Crono Trigger)
@Jeremi as Undyne (Undertale) & Zombina (Monster Musume)
@Cromartie Sarkissian as Majin/Fat Buu (Dragon Ball Z)
@Kaykay as Yuki Yuna (Yuki Yana Is A Hero) & Yuki Terumi/Hazama (BlazBlue)
@Klutzy Ninja Kitty as Ilona (Murder Series/OC)
@Gen. Gwazi Senpai as Gilgamesh & Iskander (Fate/Zero)
@FireDrake150 as Sorey & Mikleo (Tales of Zestiria)
@Shattered♦Secrets™ as Heather Gray (OC)
@Krieg as General Grievous (Star Wars)
@Archmage Jeremiah as Mettaton (Undertale)
@Unagi as Edward Kenway (Assassin's Creed)
@Salsacookies as Yellow Guy (Don't Hug Me I'm Scared)
@Mari as Sarah Connor (Terminator Genisys)
@Wedge Antilles as Jamie Madrox (X-Men)
@Lizzy as Lucina (Fire Emblem)

@Gummi Bunnies as Ange Ushiromiya (Umineko No Naku Koro Ni) MURDERED! INNOCENT! STABBED TO DEATH!

They had their powers back? Awesome!

The first thing Undyne did was conjure up one of her trusty spears and flail it around.


"Fufufu. Better not get in my way unless someone wants to end up as a pin cushion!"

Zombina too was glad the depression had left her and the fact that she once again had her trusty PP-2000 sub-machine guns in her hands once again.

"I'm so pissed I missed out on the fight! Whoever spiked that damn food is going to get my boot up their ass!" She also made a mental note to thank West for looking after her. It was quite nice to see a man, other than Loverboy from back home that is, who wasn't disgusted by her appearance...though she wasn't really sure if he was attracted to her in that way. At the thought of it she blushed slightly before gaining her composure once again.

Disorientation overtook Kyle Hyde's world. Whatever spell or trick Beatrice was performing, it felt like someone was taking out their anger on the ex-detective's gut. He tried to stay conscious despite the overwhelming odds, but what was one mundane man against a witch's power? If only tossing water on this one would work. Hell, Kyle would have put on a pair of ruby slippers if it meant getting out of this mess.

Damn. Guess there really is no place like home.


Kyle awoke to the thoughts of wizards and witches. He sat up quickly in confusion, only to find the pavilion had gotten a lot more crowded since he blacked out. What was everyone huddling around? Trying to blink away his lingering drowsiness, Kyle felt something in his pockets that he could have sworn he didn't have before. Reaching in, he found... My notebook? Did that woman slip it on me while I was out cold? At least he wouldn't have to ask Ilona for hers now.

Once Kyle got to his feet to check out what all the excitement was for, his heart fell.

Neither victim was very old. The little girl, though... that one was hard to look at. It never got any easier, especially not with kids. Being a detective, it came with the job, even if you weren't the guy working the case. He'd been out of the game for years now, but Kyle had to wonder if this was truly why he was here-- it was homicide, after all, with the suspects were laid out before him like some maddening riddle. He didn't have quite the amount of resources he would have liked, but Kyle was nonetheless at home in an investigation. Sniffing out what was hidden had always been his strong suit.

He started hastily scribbling in his notebook about the details of the case. The names of the two victims,the manners of death... I can't think of this as anything normal. I don't know what these people are capable of. He briefly checked the bodies for any other wounds, crouching down next to them to do so. It was more out of habit than anything. Kyle figured the others had already gathered all of the relevant info they could. He had to wonder, had Beatrice given the killer free reign to do whatever they wished?


"Listen, I know there's a lot of us, but you're all going to have to pay attention. It is extremely important that you all reveal what items you've received so we're all on the same page. This includes weapons. If you're innocent, you have nothing to hide, and..." A slight pause as Kyle looked up from his notebook. "I'll find out eventually anyway." With that, Kyle fished into his pockets and pulled out his pager. Aside from his notebook, it was the only item he had on him.

@CCC Kouhai
@Everyone pretty much yo

To Kyle's inquiries Zombina would show him his two guns. "That fine with you detective? Oh, since I'm a government official I guess we should be working together on this case, huh?"

She flashed a wide smile at the detective. "If you need anyone to crack some kneecaps I'm your gal!"

Undyne too would show Kyle her weapon...by sending crashing into the floor right next to him. "Ha! I got (some) of my powers back, and that means I can create my own spears...not like I actually need them or anything but feel like I'm getting my strength back too." Undyne replied flexing her arm against Kyle.

"If you want we can do a little arm wrestling to prove my point!"


Jason stared Kyle down as the detective looked him over. Jason had seen his type before, killed plenty of them too. They were all the same in his eyes. Only arrived long after he'd been stopped and were just as guilty in leading up to the circumstances of his mother's untimely demise. Where had they been to put the counselors who were too busy making love to watch him behind bars for neglectful behavior or something of the sort? The answer was nowhere and so Jason took them down with just a bit more anger than usual.

But he didn't show any overly aggressive nature towards Kyle behind an inquisitive nod of the head.

"The 'deal' between us as you put it is something I imagine you wouldn't understand. Or likely wouldn't approve of, believing it to be a concept that mortal men should not dare touch. But as you can see you've already been beaten to the punch in 'putting him down.' By a young boy no less armed with Jason's own machete. It just so happened that the morgue that received his corpse was the one I was working at. I wished to learn how to defeat death and with my Reagent that goal inches ever so closer. But how could I be expected to use the bodies of those that people would surely miss/not wish to see defiled, even if my intentions were to give them the life that they had lost. Jason's only family connections were a mother who died three years prior, and a father who vanished off the face of the Earth. Who would protest if I were to use him as a walking testing ground for my Reagent? I suppose you could say the survivors of his various rampages but he'd be out of their hair, not allowed to go where I could not see him, under constant surveillance. I may not look 'reputable' but I assure you, I take my work very seriously."

As for the looming warning that Kyle posed, if Jason were to overcome the Reagent and Herbert lost any and all control of him, the scientist sighed before glancing down at his various vials.

"I'm well aware of Mister Voorhees's past. It was something I kept in mind while choosing to use him as the subject for my Reagent. He no doubt hates being used as nothing more than a glorified lab rat and would like nothing more than to get back at me for putting him in such a state even if it allows him to walk among us yet again. But I've taken certain 'precautions' if you will against losing control of him and there's little he can do to protest. Beyond the occasional glare tossed my way but sticks and stones will break my bones, glares will never hurt me I suppose?"

He wouldn't go into detail what that was-mainly so Jason wouldn't overhear but he meant to overdose Jason on the Reagent. The last time Herbert had done that on one of his corpses, it destroyed the corpse causing them to literally fall to pieces/explode. If it seemed like Jason was a lost cause then he'd simply have to do such to him, no matter what the child or anyone else may have thought otherwise. There were always other potential subjects.

"On a more pragmatic note however, Jason acts nicely to help ward off any potential threats. For the most part anyhow." He'd say referring to how Lancer could have easily beaten Herbert to a pulp and Jason wouldn't have lifted a finger to help. "It's not exactly a warm comfort but I hope it's at least enough to sate whatever worries you may have at the moment."


"Oh thanks to looking after me by the way!" Zombina replied to West and gave him a friendly punch on the shoulder. "I was an absolute wreck!"

@TheSpringwoodSlasher @CCC Kouhai @Atomyk
HK presented his blaster and his pack to Kyle. If he looked in the bag, he would find many high powered explosives of a make he certainly wouldn't recognize.


HK didn't like that votes were coming his way. He didn't want to die, after all, and he wasn't responsible. So, he voted on Jason with Heather.

@Gummi Bunnies
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"Listen, I know there's a lot of us, but you're all going to have to pay attention. It is extremely important that you all reveal what items you've received so we're all on the same page. This includes weapons. If you're innocent, you have nothing to hide, and..." A slight pause as Kyle looked up from his notebook. "I'll find out eventually anyway." With that, Kyle fished into his pockets and pulled out his pager. Aside from his notebook, it was the only item he had on him.
The situation Lancer found himself in...was steadily improving. The ridiculous dancing was over, a slim bit of his power had returned to him: enough to dematerialize and rematerialize at will and...less so pleasing, his curse was active. Better however, both his Noble Phantasms were in hand. That and Gilgamesh seemed to be proven correct. This was indeed a Murder Game. Killers abound...that gave him a goal. He would defend the innocent and find these killers and show them why he had been selected to ascend to a Heroic Spirit status.

"Of course." He agreed amicably with Kyle, appearing out of thin air in front of the former detective. "I am Diarmuid. A portion of my power has returned to me, allowing me to disappear and reappear at will. Along with that, my cursed mark has come back as well." He rubbed the spot on his face with his thumb. "I don't like it but there's nothing I can do about it. The curse makes any woman without magical resistance fall in love with me." He sighed.

"More to the point..." He showed his twin weapons.


"These are both my weapons. Twin spears with magical effects. One leaves unhealable wounds with every strike, the other pierces through magic with every blow. So everyone understands. If we come to blows, it will be on fair terms. Even if any among you are murderers among the shadows, hiding like cowards. Fair is fair."

@Atomyk @pretty much everyone else​
The situation Lancer found himself in...was steadily improving. The ridiculous dancing was over, a slim bit of his power had returned to him: enough to dematerialize and rematerialize at will and...less so pleasing, his curse was active. Better however, both his Noble Phantasms were in hand. That and Gilgamesh seemed to be proven correct. This was indeed a Murder Game. Killers abound...that gave him a goal. He would defend the innocent and find these killers and show them why he had been selected to ascend to a Heroic Spirit status.

"Of course." He agreed amicably with Kyle, appearing out of thin air in front of the former detective. "I am Diarmuid. A portion of my power has returned to me, allowing me to disappear and reappear at will. Along with that, my cursed mark has come back as well." He rubbed the spot on his face with his thumb. "I don't like it but there's nothing I can do about it. The curse makes any woman without magical resistance fall in love with me." He sighed.

"More to the point..." He showed his twin weapons.


"These are both my weapons. Twin spears with magical effects. One leaves unhealable wounds with every strike, the other pierces through magic with every blow. So everyone understands. If we come to blows, it will be on fair terms. Even if any among you are murderers among the shadows, hiding like cowards. Fair is fair."

@Atomyk @pretty much everyone else​
Once Diarmuid announced his ability to disappear and re-appear both Iskander and Gilgamesh shot a glance at each other... The two forgot test that part out.

So simultaneously the two vanished from their respective locations, and reappeared behind Diarmund with Iskander than explaining "Ah, we are both Servants of the Holy Grail war like Diarmuid here... So we have that teleportation power too". Then noticing the horse Iskander summoned was now wandering the other room by itself, knocking over tables he then added on "Uh... as we're on about all our powers and not just weapons I can also use a Reality Marble. Ideally it takes me and other's to a desert plain, where I have them fight my entire army... But at the moment I can only utilize it to the point of bringing my horse here".

This was followed by Gilgamesh giving a shrug and saying "And I forgot, this Gold Armour is of the highest quality. It can resist the most powerful of weapons and magic". That being said it was technically a servant power, so it most likely wasn't that strong right now, not that Gilgamesh would admit it though.

However, once the two were done those quick explanations they quickly teleported out again, re-appearing in their earlier locations and continued to proceed with what they were currently doing.

@Atomyk @C.T.
Once Aya dropped her chainsaw down in front of him, Kyle paused in his note taking. A dumbfounded look crossed his face, the man looking between the mini chainsaw and the young child as if she'd sprouted multiple arms.


The hell am I looking at?

Looking toward Chrom and Henry, Kyle tried to compose himself, though he almost looked pained as he observed Chrom's sword. "I... I see. Thanks for that." These two looked like they hopped out of a Renaissance fair, though Kyle knew it was likely they were the real deal in some capacity. He couldn't help but give Henry a suspicious look, however. "You know, that's not the kind of thing most people would advertise about themselves around the scene of a crime. People like you get locked up and just waste valuable police resources. Try not to be so flippant around the death of a kid."

With that, Kyle turned back to Aya. Kind of a really weird kid, but weird kids weren't usually brats, Kyle had found. He obliged her by going over the details of the homicide he'd gathered from the others: "The girl's got multiple stab wounds and all of them were aimed for vital organs. Whoever did this knew just where to strike. The guy was only stabbed once, but... well, the bastard did a number on his jaw and cut it right from his head." Kyle briefly wondered if that was too much to tell a kid, but she did have a chainsaw on her person. Chances were high she was familiar with this sort of thing. "It's pretty clear that some kind of blade is our murder weapon-- must have been sharp to cleanly cut away the jaw like it did. In fact, the cut looks to be one of the cleanest cuts I've ever witnessed. It's perfect, to the point that it seems impossible to me."

Magic or mechanical? Kyle had no practical means of guessing at either, leaving him in the dark here. "Anyway, the killer got the drop on them, as it looks like neither had the opportunity to fight back. Must've been fast, so I think we can count out the pink fatso. Otherwise, your guess is as good as mine, kid."

@CCC Kouhai @Crimson Spartan
"Oh no sir that's not what I meant by it. I was just explaining why I don't use a blade."

"Henry why don't you go check on Lucina."

"Okay Chrom." Henry walks off still with that child like smile on his face.

"My apologies sir. Henry means well but with a lack of understanding what morals are it's a bit difficult for him." Chrom would explain to Kyle giving a reason of why Henry was like this. He would also Sheath Falchion during this time.

"I've seen fear many times. Often when I've had my own life at risk or the life of my assistant when one of my various 'projects' went awry. It can make people do an extraordinary amount of things. Even go as far as to pin the blame on the person they're 'oh-so' afraid of as you say you were around Mister Voorhees. It'd help prove to the child that he's nothing more than what you made him out to be. An undead monster with a penchant for slaying even children. But his behavior around said child has only undermined such thoughts and in an attempt to not only convince the girl but the others as well to raise their pitchforks and torches, figuratively speaking of course, by committing a murder that would give the reasoning you were looking for.." Herbert stated as his eyes narrowed at the possibility that his Reagent hadn't stopped Jason from possibly going out and doing all this.

"Before I accepted said invitation when Mister Voorhees was nothing more than a cold body on the slab, I calculated exactly how much of my Reagent was needed to keep Jason docile. 10% was too little and I nearly paid the price for my folly, 20% was reaching but it seemed to be enough to keep him under control. However much he may detest it for the only person Jason Voorhees truly listens to is his mother and despite all my effort, I'm not that. But, teleportation as far as I know would not disrupt the Reagent once it's already mixed in with Jason's coagulated blood and taken control of his systems through what remains of that brain of his. Call up whatever hocus-pocus magic that you may like but unless it completely re-writes human biology as we know it, my dosage would have been more than enough to keep Jason from committing such an act as this."

"How am I so sure you may be wondering? Frankly, uh..my green haired colleague? It's quite simple."


"As for that last comment of yours? If that was some kind of subtle threat on your part, I suggest you try harder to mask it next time. Could lead to giving the wrong impression if you skip up on the tone behind it.."

Jason supposed he should have felt something about West's continued attempts to ease the accusations away from the two of them. But in actuality West was most likely looking out for himself. For as most of the others seemed to see it, he was nothing more than West's attack dog. If Jason was taken down then it likely meant some hidden agenda on West's part and that would have brought the brunt of the accusations down upon him as well. Which wouldn't have been good, more so after that brief encounter with Lancer back in the woods.

Well, the accusations levied towards him by Hazama didn't exactly lessen Jason's growing desire to see Hazama get what Jason felt he had coming to him. But with the Reagent restricting him as it was, he'd just have to wait.

Both Herbert and Jason were taken aback by Aya's outburst. Adjusting his glasses, Herbert glanced briefly at Jason before looking back at Aya.


"Despite whatever I may think of myself in any other capacity, I'm not infallible. But I promise you child I'll do whatever I can to prove that Jason Voorhees was not behind this slaying. For you're right, Jason racked up quite the bodycount back from where he resides. But within that decaying husk of a man, you managed to find morals that I thought had faded away after he fled into the woods when he was only a child. I cannot pretend to act like I understand everything floating around in the space that is the head of Jason Voorhees but I suppose to him, a child like yourself invokes a sacred image. One to not be defiled or hurt in any meaningful way. Certainly not butchered in such a fashion like this. More work will have to be done in regards to the deceased man but from what I could see, he seemed rather close to one of the other children scattered among this vast and varied groups. Perhaps that would have afforded him some sort of sanctity from Jason's usual wrath. For would he kill that man knowing the reaction it would and has brought out of this child? I think not."

Again, Jason felt dirty agreeing with West but he had the nail on the head. Before he'd met his end at the hands of Tommy Jarvis, Jason treated children like any of his other victims. They were cruel sinners who'd never change their ways and deserved to die. But after some time to think it over, having plenty of that while decomposing six feet under, Jason came to the conclusion that the children who had picked on him for his gross deformities and severely diminished mental capacity were no crueler than any adults they might have picked this very behavior up from. They were impressionable, not likely understanding the depth of their actions. Like how Jason felt frightened as the children he only wished to make friends with while his mother worked as the camp's cook, treated him like a monster. Chasing him around, beating him up, and even going as far as to slip a potato sack over his head so they didn't have to 'look at his ugly face.'

But they were all innocent. They didn't mean to cause what they assumed was Jason's death. They likely had no idea that he would have been unable to swim. No, it was the counselors who were at fault, not the children. They should have been watching him like his mother had instructed them to. Yet they were too preoccupied pleasuring each other to pay any attention to Jason's plight. Hence, after his return to the land of the living Jason made sure to bring harm to no child. Even going as far as to protect one if the situation called for it. However rare said situations might have been of course.

He couldn't vocalize his own thoughts but watching the wreck that DeeDee appeared to be in earned a tilt of the head. For it was the only gesture that Jason felt would help get across how sympathetic he felt for her loss. Approaching her might have only frightened her even more. To see the body of someone close to her so brutally slain. Just as he had seen his mother's decapitation while living out in the woods.

However,at least there he tracked down and murdered the woman who killed his mother.Then continued to kill just to make her happy or so he thought his actions would in any case. Here, he very much doubted this child's capability to gain revenge. But then a twelve year old was responsible for putting him the ground for quite a lengthy amount of time so perhaps he was underestimating her.


"All I have on my person are my syringes and vials of Reagent." He'd then reach into his pocket and pulled out his pistol. "Also, I carry this around in case any experiment got too out of hand. But as you can see, nothing that'd allow for anything on this scale of depravity and to calm any possible nerves on if the victims were knocked out by my Reagent then I'll put that little theory in the ground by saying that my serum doesn't work that way. If anything it has the opposite effect. It makes one more alert, aware of their surroundings, no need to sleep and the like. Just so we're clear there." He'd explain before glancing over at Jason.

"He destroyed a bowl back in the kitchen and kept a shard on it but I doubt that even with Jason's monster-like strength, he could leave the bodies in such a state with a mere jagged piece of ceramic. As for the machete, well you said it yourself. The killer would have needed to be quick, able to catch the two victims off guard before they could react/fight back. Having done the autopsy on Jason's body when he was brought in to the morgue that I worked at, the police reports given on him showed that his kills always seemed to take more of a 'direct' approach and whatever 'stealth' that may have been involved was simply due to the fact that having grown up as a hermit in the woods of Crystal Lake, he knew the area better than any of his victims and so knew the perfect spots to jump on them. I'm unsure about the rest of you but I like to imagine that even a child would have a good enough reaction time to hear the lumbering 6'6 corpse who's body shudders with those deep breaths of his sneaking up on them. "

"That and well, his kills often seemed to be quite messy. Not at all possessing the certain kind of morbid 'finesse' that would be required for wounds such as these."

"...Right. 'Make blood come out of your ears and eye sockets,' I'll make sure to keep a mental note of that if those two pop up at any point."

@Gummi Bunnies @The Tactician @BarrenThin @Bomb @Kaykay @Verite @Atomyk @CCC Kouhai @Kaykay

"You might our 'wonderful' host like that once this is all over." Henry would speak a little darker than his usual child like speaking.


Lucina had zoned out during the investigation, caught up in dark thoughts as she took a moment to close her eyes and calm down. She was no stranger to death, and has seen it on the battlefield and in her own castle at some point. She knew she had Parallel Falchion back from the familiar weight along her left hip. When Kyle asked to see weapons her eyes opened. Her look was saddened, and almost painted as she took a quick glance at the bodies.

She took Parallel Falchion out of it's sheath and held it up for Kyle to examine.

"I too, have my own Falchion back. But I can assure you that I would also never commit such an act." She said to the man, her grip on the sword's hilt tight from all of the emotions consuming her at the moment. Once Kyle was done examining the two identical swords she would return Parallel Falchion to it's sheath. Knowing that this was only the beginning of the body count, Lucina went to get a good portion of her brooding out of the way to clear her mind. So, she went to lean on one of the walls away from those investigating and the bodies, close her eyes and think for now; blocking out most of the noise around her.

@Atomyk @Crimson Spartan @Everyone else/anybody wanting to interact with Luci
"Is everything okay Lucina? Chrom sent me to check on you." For once Henry wasn't smiling as he spoke to Lucina in order to check up on her.

@Lizzy @ThoseAround
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They had their powers back? Awesome!

The first thing Undyne did was conjure up one of her trusty spears and flail it around.


"Fufufu. Better not get in my way unless someone wants to end up as a pin cushion!"

Zombina too was glad the depression had left her and the fact that she once again had her trusty PP-2000 sub-machine guns in her hands once again.

"I'm so pissed I missed out on the fight! Whoever spiked that damn food is going to get my boot up their ass!" She also made a mental note to thank West for looking after her. It was quite nice to see a man, other than Loverboy from back home that is, who wasn't disgusted by her appearance...though she wasn't really sure if he was attracted to her in that way. At the thought of it she blushed slightly before gaining her composure once again.

To Kyle's inquiries Zombina would show him his two guns. "That fine with you detective? Oh, since I'm a government official I guess we should be working together on this case, huh?"

She flashed a wide smile at the detective. "If you need anyone to crack some kneecaps I'm your gal!"

Undyne too would show Kyle her weapon...by sending crashing into the floor right next to him. "Ha! I got (some) of my powers back, and that means I can create my own spears...not like I actually need them or anything but feel like I'm getting my strength back too." Undyne replied flexing her arm against Kyle.

"If you want we can do a little arm wrestling to prove my point!"

"Oh thanks to looking after me by the way!" Zombina replied to West and gave him a friendly punch on the shoulder. "I was an absolute wreck!"

@TheSpringwoodSlasher @CCC Kouhai @Atomyk
Zombina was at least close in that regard. West didn't give much thought or concern to the plight of the living. For they had nothing that Herbert desired. They were already up and about so what business did they have to interfere with his experiments and he with them? The only use he found from them was acquiring assistants to aid him in his work with his Reagent every now and again.

The dead made for such better company. They usually didn't talk much and thus didn't have the inclination to badmouth Herbert or his continued efforts to try and raise the dead. Oh, and not have his re-animated corpses try to rip him limb from limb of course. That was also very important.

But a creature like Zombina only came around every blue moon. None of the corpses he had re-animated possessed enough intelligence to speak complete sentences, being more like wild animals than former humans. But Zombina could hold a conversation, be depressed, consume regular food, and even wield firearms. She was the pinnacle of what Herbert hoped his efforts with the Reagent would eventually lead him to.

That said he was taken off guard by the punch and stumbled back. Recollecting himself, he'd rub the spot where he'd been punched and nodded. "No thanks are necessary. I'd have been a fool to let any danger fall upon you. I am glad to see you are in high spirits again. It was...Distressing to see you in such a sad state of affairs."

@CCC Kouhai @Jeremi @Atomyk
As it was some time after Shannon had left to go find Beatrice regarding this situation with the latest murders, another servant walked into the area, and didn't appear that shocked as the maid.


"... so this is the incident that Shannon told me about," the boy sighed as he stepped over to where the bodies were, not saying a single word to the others before calmly stating to the others,"... these wounds, I see the sign of broken bones within... whoever did this... was strong... or well-equipped."

Once Aya dropped her chainsaw down in front of him, Kyle paused in his note taking. A dumbfounded look crossed his face, the man looking between the mini chainsaw and the young child as if she'd sprouted multiple arms.


The hell am I looking at?

Aya noticed Kyle's expression towards her mini chainsaw as she would have explained, "Father used to show me how to cut wood with it, but Mother got mad at him for giving me something so dangerous... So, he hid it from me the whole time." Aya didn't know how this item followed her to the Witch's game, but she was glad that she had some sort of protection if things were bad.

She heard Hazama's point about not remembering the murder, but Aya knew that there was more to it. "Mister Hazama, that's a really good point, but please remember that the.. victims.. didn't die messy. According to Mister West, he said that Jason would leave his victims all messy, so how can we be so sure that he's the one to have done it?..."

Goodness, Aya doesn't need to remember the victims' deaths, but she had to face the fact that this was part of that Witch's game... Aya looked back at the envelope, reading it as it had changed. She would have turned to Kyle, giving him her envelope to show him. "Notice how it says 'traitor' and then it says 'right hand Maestro?' Does this mean that there's two bad guys here? The Maestro sounds like he or she is working alongside the Witch..." Her small finger also pointed at the word "detectives." She smiled softly as she noticed that maybe someone or a group of people had the chance to know who was innocent and who was not. "I hope they choose to investigate someone so we can definitely know who is innocent or guilty."

Aya then tried to memorize those who have stated their weapons, only to verbally rephrase what she had gathered to Kyle to make sure neither him nor her had missed anything said up to this point. She decided to only remember those who said that they had a bladed weapon of some sort.

"If I remember correctly, Jason has both a machete and a glass shard.... His machete could have stabbed his victims, but it wouldn't be clean...

Hazama has "ouroboros" which the tip is a bladed knife as well. Mister Hazama, you must be somewhat skillful with that, right? So, the knife can stab cleanly and effortlessly...

Chrom, Lucina, and Ishkander all have some sort of bladed sword which is the same as a knife...

Lancer and Undyne have spears... They could easily stab and use the tip to cut anything off...

and Leah has a crossbow, but can an arrow make those wounds?... Could it also be strong enough to separate-"

No. Aya couldn't bring herself to say it. What happened to the older male, Mark, was absolutely horrific, and she didn't really want to think about it. She calmed down quickly in order to continue what all she had memorized.

"Oh, uh... Gilgamesh has this gate of babylon which has countless weapons? Does this mean that he could summon them whenever he needed? There must be a variety of tools he could use...

Um, I also have a mini chainsaw so there's that too... But it stands with the same argument as to Jason's. I... I couldn't bring myself to do something as horrible as that... But, it's best for you all to know what I have as well, and I suppose if I did do something, the chainsaw wouldn't have made it clean..."

Aya knew she wasn't like her father. Her mother made sure to raise a child who was loving and cared for life. Even if her father did do many horrible things just for his experiments, Aya understood that it was wrong. So, she didn't even want to believe that she could have done something like this either.

Aya noticed that there was a lot of people who have bladed weapons, and she frowned softly. "There's a lot of us to choose from, but I believe that everyone hasn't stated what their weapons are..." She then remembered that there were some people who didn't necessarily have some sort of blade, but they still had a weapon.

"I don't think anyone could have taken someone's blade to do it, right?"

Goodness. This was a lot for Aya, but she knew that she had to help in some sort of way.

@Atomyk @TheSpringwoodSlasher @Kaykay @Jeremi @The Silver Paladin @Gummi Bunnies @The Tactician @Hospes @BarrenThin @Mari @EVERYONE, especially if you HAVEN'T stated what your weapon is

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As it was some time after Shannon had left to go find Beatrice regarding this situation with the latest murders, another servant walked into the area, and didn't appear that shocked as the maid.


"... so this is the incident that Shannon told me about," the boy sighed as he stepped over to where the bodies were, not saying a single word to the others before calmly stating to the others,"... these wounds, I see the sign of broken bones within... whoever did this... was strong... or well-equipped."

Mettaton's eyes bolted towards the boy who had come out into the foyer of the manor, inspecting the bodies for himself. The robot looked at him quizzically, surprised by how quickly her could pick out broken bones. "You're in contact with Shannon?" he asked while idly writing down some more notes, "Who are you?"

@Gummi Bunnies
"Ah, You call me Iskandar!" Iskander replied, about to ask the same in return. But then the witch interrupted.


Appearing back where they started both Iskander and Gilgamesh felt a small amount of Mana return to them, even if a minor amount.

Gilgamesh found it was just enough to call back his Golden Clad armour and summon a single Gate of Babylon... Enough to fight back at least.
Iskander had now regained his sword, and seeing Gilgamesh use a Gate he suddenly thrusted his sword in the air, and a small aura began to surround him and the sword.


And the end of which, a Horse seemed to appear next to Iskander. "Ah, my army may still be locked away but at least I have you now Bucephalus" Iskander then said, petting the horse.
Though the two testing their new limits didn't last long, as then the blood curling scream showed up, and the two rushed over to see the commotion.

Gilgamesh only looked over the dead body silent for a moment before muttering "And now the Games begin..." before he went to investigate the body.

Meanwhile when Kyle asked everyone about their weapons Iskander simply pulled out his sword saying "This is my Blade... I suppose it would get the job done... But..." streaching his arms out to show off his big and muscular build "I by no means possess the finesse or stealth to use it in such a manner".


Gilgamesh meanwhile simply retorted "Hmph! What weapon don't I have!?" opening his Gate of Babylon for all to see, shoving out one weapon only to suck it back in and alternate with other weapons of a variety of types.
Of course there was one weapon in it he now lacked... Excalibur. It was a weak weapon anyway's, he didn't miss it.

Though while Gilgamesh was busy investigating the body, he noticed that Robin was now among them. So he decided to ask "Robin! You've been in these events even more than me. Any idea whose done this?".

@Atomyk @The Tactician @Everyone​

Iskander once done showing his weapon easily noticed the girl he had talked to earlier now completely devastated by this man's death. Not shocking at all seeing how she seemed to get along with him earlier.
So he kneeled down next to her and said "Don't worry, you'll see him again. From what I know of these games, no one who dies is truly dead... It's just an odd way of moving to another room for later".

@Hospes @Bomb @Kaykay @york @The Tactician
As it was some time after Shannon had left to go find Beatrice regarding this situation with the latest murders, another servant walked into the area, and didn't appear that shocked as the maid.


"... so this is the incident that Shannon told me about," the boy sighed as he stepped over to where the bodies were, not saying a single word to the others before calmly stating to the others,"... these wounds, I see the sign of broken bones within... whoever did this... was strong... or well-equipped."


"Like the boy said, it seems the culprit is rather strong with some sort of stabbing implement. Notice how the jaw was removed, Gil, that's not an easy task for any man..."

Aya noticed Kyle's expression towards her mini chainsaw as she would have explained, "Father used to show me how to cut wood with it, but Mother got mad at him for giving me something so dangerous... So, he hid it from me the whole time." Aya didn't know how this item followed her to the Witch's game, but she was glad that she had some sort of protection if things were bad.

She heard Hazama's point about not remembering the murder, but Aya knew that there was more to it. "Mister Hazama, that's a really good point, but please remember that the.. victims.. didn't die messy. According to Mister West, he said that Jason would leave his victims all messy, so how can we be so sure that he's the one to have done it?..."

Goodness, Aya doesn't need to remember the victims' deaths, but she had to face the fact that this was part of that Witch's game... Aya looked back at the envelope, reading it as it had changed. She would have turned to Kyle, giving him her envelope to show him. "Notice how it says 'traitor' and then it says 'right hand Maestro?' Does this mean that there's two bad guys here? The Maestro sounds like he or she is working alongside the Witch..." Her small finger also pointed at the word "detectives." She smiled softly as she noticed that maybe someone or a group of people had the chance to know who was innocent and who was not. "I hope they choose to investigate someone so we can definitely know who is innocent or guilty."

Aya then tried to memorize those who have stated their weapons, only to verbally rephrase what she had gathered to Kyle to make sure neither him nor her had missed anything said up to this point. She decided to only remember those who said that they had a bladed weapon of some sort.

"If I remember correctly, Jason has both a machete and a glass shard.... His machete could have stabbed his victims, but it wouldn't be clean...

Hazama has "ouroboros" which the tip is a bladed knife as well. Mister Hazama, you must be somewhat skillful with that, right? So, the knife can stab cleanly and effortlessly...

Chrom, Lucina, and Ishkander all have some sort of bladed sword which is the same as a knife...

Lancer and Undyne have spears... They could easily stab and use the tip to cut anything off...

and Leah has a crossbow, but can an arrow make those wounds?... Could it also be strong enough to separate-"

No. Aya couldn't bring herself to say it. What happened to the older male, Mark, was absolutely horrific, and she didn't really want to think about it. She calmed down quickly in order to continue what all she had memorized.

"Oh, uh... Gilgamesh has this gate of babylon which has countless weapons? Does this mean that he could summon them whenever he needed? There must be a variety of tools he could use...

Um, I also have a mini chainsaw so there's that too... But it stands with the same argument as to Jason's. I... I couldn't bring myself to do something as horrible as that... But, it's best for you all to know what I have as well, and I suppose if I did do something, the chainsaw wouldn't have made it clean..."

Aya knew she wasn't like her father. Her mother made sure to raise a child who was loving and cared for life. Even if her father did do many horrible things just for his experiments, Aya understood that it was wrong. So, she didn't even want to believe that she could have done something like this either.

Aya noticed that there was a lot of people who have bladed weapons, and she frowned softly. "There's a lot of us to choose from, but I believe that everyone hasn't stated what their weapons are..." She then remembered that there were some people who didn't necessarily have some sort of blade, but they still had a weapon.

"I don't think anyone could have taken someone's blade to do it, right?"

Goodness. This was a lot for Aya, but she knew that she had to help in some sort of way.

@Atomyk @TheSpringwoodSlasher @Kaykay @Jeremi @The Silver Paladin @Gummi Bunnies @The Tactician @Hospes @BarrenThin @Mari @EVERYONE, especially if you HAVEN'T stated what your weapon is

HK listened with a faint disinterest. So much hassle over a couple meatbags. He knew Jason wasn't responsible, he was just covering his own ass. But, with all of this in mind (the tiny meatbag had certainly done her research) he had a far more likely candidate in mind. The droid shifted his vote to Gilgamesh. "Explanation: The meatbag iss the only person on the list that could really do this, being as he could retrieve any weapon. Not only that, but his supposed abilities to do things such as teleport would make killing by surprise effortless."

His head turned to the Servant. "A good takedown, if a needlessly brutal and indiscreet one." There was almost a hint of respect in his voice. He viewed the kill as tasteless, but certainly well executed.

@Archmage Jeremiah
@Gummi Bunnies
@Gen. Gwazi Senpai
@CCC Kouhai
Zombina was at least close in that regard. West didn't give much thought or concern to the plight of the living. For they had nothing that Herbert desired. They were already up and about so what business did they have to interfere with his experiments and he with them? The only use he found from them was acquiring assistants to aid him in his work with his Reagent every now and again.

The dead made for such better company. They usually didn't talk much and thus didn't have the inclination to badmouth Herbert or his continued efforts to try and raise the dead. Oh, and not have his re-animated corpses try to rip him limb from limb of course. That was also very important.

But a creature like Zombina only came around every blue moon. None of the corpses he had re-animated possessed enough intelligence to speak complete sentences, being more like wild animals than former humans. But Zombina could hold a conversation, be depressed, consume regular food, and even wield firearms. She was the pinnacle of what Herbert hoped his efforts with the Reagent would eventually lead him to.

That said he was taken off guard by the punch and stumbled back. Recollecting himself, he'd rub the spot where he'd been punched and nodded. "No thanks are necessary. I'd have been a fool to let any danger fall upon you. I am glad to see you are in high spirits again. It was...Distressing to see you in such a sad state of affairs."

@CCC Kouhai @Jeremi @Atomyk

"If you felt bad, how do you think I felt!" Zombina exclaimed. Still though...it fel nice the way he looked at her even if it was out of morbid curiosity and perfecting his serum. That's enough sappiness though. "We better get to shoot something soon to lift my spirits!"


Aya noticed Kyle's expression towards her mini chainsaw as she would have explained, "Father used to show me how to cut wood with it, but Mother got mad at him for giving me something so dangerous... So, he hid it from me the whole time." Aya didn't know how this item followed her to the Witch's game, but she was glad that she had some sort of protection if things were bad.

She heard Hazama's point about not remembering the murder, but Aya knew that there was more to it. "Mister Hazama, that's a really good point, but please remember that the.. victims.. didn't die messy. According to Mister West, he said that Jason would leave his victims all messy, so how can we be so sure that he's the one to have done it?..."

Goodness, Aya doesn't need to remember the victims' deaths, but she had to face the fact that this was part of that Witch's game... Aya looked back at the envelope, reading it as it had changed. She would have turned to Kyle, giving him her envelope to show him. "Notice how it says 'traitor' and then it says 'right hand Maestro?' Does this mean that there's two bad guys here? The Maestro sounds like he or she is working alongside the Witch..." Her small finger also pointed at the word "detectives." She smiled softly as she noticed that maybe someone or a group of people had the chance to know who was innocent and who was not. "I hope they choose to investigate someone so we can definitely know who is innocent or guilty."

Aya then tried to memorize those who have stated their weapons, only to verbally rephrase what she had gathered to Kyle to make sure neither him nor her had missed anything said up to this point. She decided to only remember those who said that they had a bladed weapon of some sort.

"If I remember correctly, Jason has both a machete and a glass shard.... His machete could have stabbed his victims, but it wouldn't be clean...

Hazama has "ouroboros" which the tip is a bladed knife as well. Mister Hazama, you must be somewhat skillful with that, right? So, the knife can stab cleanly and effortlessly...

Chrom, Lucina, and Ishkander all have some sort of bladed sword which is the same as a knife...

Lancer and Undyne have spears... They could easily stab and use the tip to cut anything off...

and Leah has a crossbow, but can an arrow make those wounds?... Could it also be strong enough to separate-"

No. Aya couldn't bring herself to say it. What happened to the older male, Mark, was absolutely horrific, and she didn't really want to think about it. She calmed down quickly in order to continue what all she had memorized.

"Oh, uh... Gilgamesh has this gate of babylon which has countless weapons? Does this mean that he could summon them whenever he needed? There must be a variety of tools he could use...

Um, I also have a mini chainsaw so there's that too... But it stands with the same argument as to Jason's. I... I couldn't bring myself to do something as horrible as that... But, it's best for you all to know what I have as well, and I suppose if I did do something, the chainsaw wouldn't have made it clean..."

Aya knew she wasn't like her father. Her mother made sure to raise a child who was loving and cared for life. Even if her father did do many horrible things just for his experiments, Aya understood that it was wrong. So, she didn't even want to believe that she could have done something like this either.

Aya noticed that there was a lot of people who have bladed weapons, and she frowned softly. "There's a lot of us to choose from, but I believe that everyone hasn't stated what their weapons are..." She then remembered that there were some people who didn't necessarily have some sort of blade, but they still had a weapon.

"I don't think anyone could have taken someone's blade to do it, right?"

Goodness. This was a lot for Aya, but she knew that she had to help in some sort of way.

@Atomyk @TheSpringwoodSlasher @Kaykay @Jeremi @The Silver Paladin @Gummi Bunnies @The Tactician @Hospes @BarrenThin @Mari @EVERYONE, especially if you HAVEN'T stated what your weapon is


"Hey, not bad kid! You're really using that noggin of yours to try and figure it out, huh?"

Undyne too ponder on what Aya had said and the state of the bodies. "Nobody's gonna slack off when I'm here! Everyone's going to give a 130% to figure this out or so help me we're taking fifty laps around the mansion!

...With a boulder on your shoulders!"

@Atomyk @TheSpringwoodSlasher @Kaykay @CCC Kouhai @The Silver Paladin @Gummi Bunnies @The Tactician @Hospes @BarrenThin
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Mettaton's eyes bolted towards the boy who had come out into the foyer of the manor, inspecting the bodies for himself. The robot looked at him quizzically, surprised by how quickly her could pick out broken bones. "You're in contact with Shannon?" he asked while idly writing down some more notes, "Who are you?"

@Gummi Bunnies

"My name is Kanon, and yes, I am in contact with Shannon, since she is my sister. I take it that Madam Beatrice has started her... game already."

Unlike Shannon who seemed like the shy ditz of a maid, Kanon appeared to be more of a calm and efficient butler.

@Archmage Jeremiah

Aya noticed Kyle's expression towards her mini chainsaw as she would have explained, "Father used to show me how to cut wood with it, but Mother got mad at him for giving me something so dangerous... So, he hid it from me the whole time." Aya didn't know how this item followed her to the Witch's game, but she was glad that she had some sort of protection if things were bad.

She heard Hazama's point about not remembering the murder, but Aya knew that there was more to it. "Mister Hazama, that's a really good point, but please remember that the.. victims.. didn't die messy. According to Mister West, he said that Jason would leave his victims all messy, so how can we be so sure that he's the one to have done it?..."

Goodness, Aya doesn't need to remember the victims' deaths, but she had to face the fact that this was part of that Witch's game... Aya looked back at the envelope, reading it as it had changed. She would have turned to Kyle, giving him her envelope to show him. "Notice how it says 'traitor' and then it says 'right hand Maestro?' Does this mean that there's two bad guys here? The Maestro sounds like he or she is working alongside the Witch..." Her small finger also pointed at the word "detectives." She smiled softly as she noticed that maybe someone or a group of people had the chance to know who was innocent and who was not. "I hope they choose to investigate someone so we can definitely know who is innocent or guilty."

Aya then tried to memorize those who have stated their weapons, only to verbally rephrase what she had gathered to Kyle to make sure neither him nor her had missed anything said up to this point. She decided to only remember those who said that they had a bladed weapon of some sort.

"If I remember correctly, Jason has both a machete and a glass shard.... His machete could have stabbed his victims, but it wouldn't be clean...

Hazama has "ouroboros" which the tip is a bladed knife as well. Mister Hazama, you must be somewhat skillful with that, right? So, the knife can stab cleanly and effortlessly...

Chrom, Lucina, and Ishkander all have some sort of bladed sword which is the same as a knife...

Lancer and Undyne have spears... They could easily stab and use the tip to cut anything off...

and Leah has a crossbow, but can an arrow make those wounds?... Could it also be strong enough to separate-"

No. Aya couldn't bring herself to say it. What happened to the older male, Mark, was absolutely horrific, and she didn't really want to think about it. She calmed down quickly in order to continue what all she had memorized.

"Oh, uh... Gilgamesh has this gate of babylon which has countless weapons? Does this mean that he could summon them whenever he needed? There must be a variety of tools he could use...

Um, I also have a mini chainsaw so there's that too... But it stands with the same argument as to Jason's. I... I couldn't bring myself to do something as horrible as that... But, it's best for you all to know what I have as well, and I suppose if I did do something, the chainsaw wouldn't have made it clean..."

Aya knew she wasn't like her father. Her mother made sure to raise a child who was loving and cared for life. Even if her father did do many horrible things just for his experiments, Aya understood that it was wrong. So, she didn't even want to believe that she could have done something like this either.

Aya noticed that there was a lot of people who have bladed weapons, and she frowned softly. "There's a lot of us to choose from, but I believe that everyone hasn't stated what their weapons are..." She then remembered that there were some people who didn't necessarily have some sort of blade, but they still had a weapon.

"I don't think anyone could have taken someone's blade to do it, right?"

Goodness. This was a lot for Aya, but she knew that she had to help in some sort of way.

@Atomyk @TheSpringwoodSlasher @Kaykay @Jeremi @The Silver Paladin @Gummi Bunnies @The Tactician @Hospes @BarrenThin @Mari @EVERYONE, especially if you HAVEN'T stated what your weapon is

"Umm... I kinda use a doll... so I can smack someone silly..." Plutia said. "But when I transform... I get a wayyyyy better weaponnn~"

"Here, I have a blowgun and my shrooms." Teemo showed his items to Aya. "But don't touch it! It can poison you!"

@CCC Kouhai @everyone else​
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Disorientation overtook Kyle Hyde's world. Whatever spell or trick Beatrice was performing, it felt like someone was taking out their anger on the ex-detective's gut. He tried to stay conscious despite the overwhelming odds, but what was one mundane man against a witch's power? If only tossing water on this one would work. Hell, Kyle would have put on a pair of ruby slippers if it meant getting out of this mess.

Damn. Guess there really is no place like home.


Kyle awoke to the thoughts of wizards and witches. He sat up quickly in confusion, only to find the pavilion had gotten a lot more crowded since he blacked out. What was everyone huddling around? Trying to blink away his lingering drowsiness, Kyle felt something in his pockets that he could have sworn he didn't have before. Reaching in, he found... My notebook? Did that woman slip it on me while I was out cold? At least he wouldn't have to ask Ilona for hers now.

Once Kyle got to his feet to check out what all the excitement was for, his heart fell.

Neither victim was very old. The little girl, though... that one was hard to look at. It never got any easier, especially not with kids. Being a detective, it came with the job, even if you weren't the guy working the case. He'd been out of the game for years now, but Kyle had to wonder if this was truly why he was here-- it was homicide, after all, with the suspects were laid out before him like some maddening riddle. He didn't have quite the amount of resources he would have liked, but Kyle was nonetheless at home in an investigation. Sniffing out what was hidden had always been his strong suit.

He started hastily scribbling in his notebook about the details of the case. The names of the two victims,the manners of death... I can't think of this as anything normal. I don't know what these people are capable of. He briefly checked the bodies for any other wounds, crouching down next to them to do so. It was more out of habit than anything. Kyle figured the others had already gathered all of the relevant info they could. He had to wonder, had Beatrice given the killer free reign to do whatever they wished?


"Listen, I know there's a lot of us, but you're all going to have to pay attention. It is extremely important that you all reveal what items you've received so we're all on the same page. This includes weapons. If you're innocent, you have nothing to hide, and..." A slight pause as Kyle looked up from his notebook. "I'll find out eventually anyway." With that, Kyle fished into his pockets and pulled out his pager. Aside from his notebook, it was the only item he had on him.

@CCC Kouhai
@Everyone pretty much yo

Plutia tried to hug Deedee to try and calm her down.

"There, there, we will find whoever did it... and I'll beat him up!"

If that didn't work, maybe a hug rating would suffice.

Even Yuna, with her undying optimism, wasn't sure what to do. She'd dealt with some breakdowns before, but she knew that girl, she knew the problem and she could fix it with her own hands. But this...this was impossible. She hardly knew the girl, she hardly knew the victim, she couldn't...

No, she could. If you try hard, you're likely to succeed, right? So there was one thing she could do, or try. She knelt by the young girl in silence, only able to offer her companionship at this time.

@Verite @Hospes @whoever lol​
@Hospes @Gummi Bunnies @Others

Crono stood still as everything shifted around him, he wasn't quite sure what to make of it... He was back at the mansion, but, he could feel his powers returning to him, though... It felt like he was a little low on mana, in hindsight... He should have brought a few elixirs with him. Though before he could even think of what to do next, the shrill scream caused his feet to carry himself towards the scene of the crime seemingly on their own, he covered his mouth with his hands upon realizing what had happened... It looked like this game had taken a rather dark turn, a really really dark one indeed... Seeing the pained look on Deedee's face, it didn't take long to realize the person who had just come to pass right in front of them was someone dear to her. Suddenly, he remembered seeing a similar scene play out before him, though the events that lead up to it might have been different than this time; even if it was just for a brief second, he almost thought he saw Yuka there, standing in DeeDee's place. Was he finally losing his mind? Or was his mind simply starting to draw parrallels on it's own? In that instance though, there was this aching feeling in his heart, followed by a sudden rush of determination. Slowly but surely, he approached Deedee, gently putting a hand on her shoulder, like he had done for Yuka many months ago, a faint sense of nostalgia washed over him slowly but surely as he attempted to comfort Deedee, even if he wasn't being very verbal about it...​

"Hmm..." Morgan quietly spent a few moments examining the body before feeling as she had found all she would find. While not certain of who to pick, Morgan had a few people in mind who could have done it.

However, for now, there was a little girl who needed to be found and given a hug. "Come on, we need to find DeeDee..." Returning the cute smile with one of her own, Morgan began to looked about the reason, trying to find her friend.

@Hospes @The Silver Paladin
Iskander once done showing his weapon easily noticed the girl he had talked to earlier now completely devastated by this man's death. Not shocking at all seeing how she seemed to get along with him earlier.
So he kneeled down next to her and said "Don't worry, you'll see him again. From what I know of these games, no one who dies is truly dead... It's just an odd way of moving to another room for later".

@Hospes @Bomb @Kaykay @york @The Tactician

Normally, Deedee would've gladly showed her possessions- that actually happened to not exist -, but right now, the child hardly even noticed the request for her to do so. In fact, she didn't seem to notice the people around her at all. All that was going through her mind was horror and sorrow like none other. Emptiness and sadness and... Pain. She'd already lost everything. Everything but Mark. Why? Why did he have to leave her, just like everyone else? She didn't know, but the event was absolutely unbearable. All she could do was sit there with her head rested on Mark's unmoving arm, tears flowing more intensely than ever.

Even as Plutia hugged her, no response came from Deedee. She was simply limp, unable to even resist. All she could do was cry, sobbing uncontrollably and sniffling on occasion. Even Plutia's words didn't reach her - like she was caught up in her own little world of pain and misery. The same went with Iskander's words, and the new presences joining around. Even Crono placing a hand on her shoulder hardly seemed to get through to the little girl.

@york @Kaykay @The Tactician @Bomb @Gen. Gwazi Senpai @Whoever​
"I am here. I am here. Its going to be fine. Its going to be fine."

It really wasn't, but young Ratohnhhake:ton didn't know that. He thought he could lift the debris off his mother as the hut burned around them, the burning heat and stinging smoke making it feel like they were inside the European hell that he knew nothing about. In vain the boy tried to lift the rubble off his mother, but she already knew her time had come.

"No my son. You must leave. Now."

She cradled her broken arm as she spoke, the effort clearing draining her. But she had to get her son out of this place before his fate joined hers.

"Not without you."

He struggled more, but she was right. He didn't care in the least. He was going to keep trying until the structure crumbled around them.

"It's too late for that."

She took his hand under the mound of beams that had them trapped, holding him for one last time, and then pushed his hands away, pushed him away.

"You must be strong, Ratohnhake:ton. You must be brave."

Her eyes were sad but held a fierce urgency as she said this. There wasn't much time, and she wanted to make it count. Ratohn didn't want to hear it though. Didn't want to hear the truth.

"Stop it, stop it."

She continued, ignoring his pleas, the words clearly being harder and harder to speak with each passing word.

"You will think yourself alone, but know that I will be at your side. Always, and forever."

The boy stared at her for a second, disbelieving not of her words but that he couldn't save her. He couldn't make it right.
It was over. The time was up. A strong arm swept the child up from behind and carried him off as his arms stretched towards his mother. Reaching.


The structure collapsed in a flaming heap as Kaniehtí:io watched her son leave.

"I love you."



Ratohnhake:ton walked into the room with the servant, his head held low, not looking at the others.​
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