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"Hmm, that's true enough. Even I am probably fated to die, eventually," Sakuya mused. "I suppose you didn't quite look the singing type," she said.

"Yes. It's probably about time to go."

"Then let's go beautiful" Black commented slipping in one last flirtatious line before he would turn to look for the bus. Otherwise he'd have to find another way to get them out of there.​
Soul smiles a little and walks over to her, ducking through the crowd "Sorry, had to get the old stitches replaced" he says with a small laugh "You know, the ones on my ch- you know the ones" he waves his hand, as if in dismissal "Anyway, how're those burns, Miss Rose?" he frowns slightly as he remembers how he'd let her get them, his face turning solemn for a moment, before he looked back to her, the mere sight of her making him smile a little "Hope they're not too bad..."

"In other news...I plan to ask about that guy's soul...because if we've got it, I'm so eating that damn thing...it's gonna be amazing! Like...I bet it'll taste so good!" he suddenly stops and taps his chin "What was it I...Oh right!" he suddenly produces his other hand from behind himself, holding a plate of cookies "I found these and knew you'd like to have them...I had to hide them from lots of folks...so yeah...hope you enjoy"

Ruby Rose

Ruby managed to smile, despite being covered in lotion here and there, and wrapped in bandages in places, she seemed to be alright, though she still hurt a little... She perked up a little as soon as she spotted Soul making his way towards her through the crowd. She nodded a little when he mentioned the stitches; it was a shame that he couldn't generate the same kind of aura that she could back on Remnant, but, as he mentioned her burns, she smiled a little "I'll be okay now! I mean, I'm returning to Remnant after all!" she said.... That's when a more curious expression crossed her face, but, before she could speak, the cookies he had just brought with him distracted her, she blinked for a moment before she smiled brightly.

Then, she dug in, starting to eat cookie after cookie despite her arms aching a little still when she moved them... "These are amazing! Where did you manaage to find them?!" she exclaimed between mouthfulls, somehow keeping from spitting out crumbs. Eventually, she finished, hiccuping a few times before she managed to regain her composure, that curious expression crossing her face once more "Um... So, now that we're supposed to be leaving... Are you going back to your world?" she asked.​
It was over.

The war was finally over.

Elsa had managed to survive until the end with everyone while aiding in the defeat of Wesker and Alternate Claire. The multiverse was safe from Akibahara's threat once and for all. So many lives would never again have to worry about the demon's torment. All was right once again.

But in truth, was everything really right?

Perhaps for the multiverse, all was right again, but in the world of Elsa, all was still not well. The queen was still stricken with a painful loneliness she could not quell. She knew Sophie wished for Elsa to join her and Ruby wherever they were going, but with such a heavy heart full of sad loneliness, the queen wasn't sure she could muster it. Could she really live with so much hurt and emptiness? Elsa just wasn't sure if she could.

The queen then made her way toward Molly, deciding to ask her friend what she should do.

"Molly, it's over, but I'm so lost. I have no idea what I can do anymore. I-- what would you do if you were me?" she gently asked, seeking advice totally unaware of what Elliot had commanded Molly to do.

@york @TheColourlessRainbow
Epilogue: A Heart that is Truly Frozen Part one.

Molly was moving at a decent speed, but she wished she wasn't moving at all. She wished she had managed to stop Elliot before he injected her, she wished she was able to kill him long before they reached the Arch Demon, she even wished that she was still dead, because the only alternative now was Elsa's death by her hand. When Molly saw Elsa, that's when she was forced to stop, then head towards her. Molly tried to speak, tried to muster the words of "Run Elsa." but it seemed the Parasite had control over more then motor functions, it was like the parasite wanted Molly to know she could nothing to stop what was coming. When Elsa asked her Question, Molly had control for only a second or two, and she regrettably jumped onto the opportunity of hugging Elsa. The hug was warm, and tight, Molly was holding onto Elsa like she never had before. This however only lasted for a minute.

"I think its time for you to be happy, its time for you to go to sleep..." mumbled Molly into Elsa's ear as her hand lunged the tip of her ice pick into Elsa's heart. Thus, the beginning of a new Molly, one who would forget Love, one who will obey Elliot's orders and live a life as a empty Slave.

@Klutzy Ninja Kitty
@Klutzy Ninja Kitty @TheColourlessRainbow

Sophie looked happy at first, seeing Elsa reunite with Molly as she finally found her in the crowd; the two really did share a deep bond, one that she was happy Elsa had found... It was always nice to have someone who you could go to in a situation like this, but... Then, something happened that chilled her to the core; it happened in an instant, the ice-pick flashed in the dim light, then, the blood. Her reaction was something she barely had to think about as she rushed forward, time nearly standing still for that one moment "Elsa..." she said, her cry catching in her throat as she tried to reach her... But... It was more or less obvious that she was going to be too late, but... She stubbornly kept running, no longer being in full control of her actions at that moment, she never stopped to have any second thoughts. She just wanted to stop the bleeding, somehow... The futility of such an goal in this very moment didn't occur to her, not yet anyways...​
[Then let us enjoy this moment between us for now, before we must part ways, my love.]

He wasn't sure how much longer they could stay like this, they both had lives and responsibilities to return to. But, he wanted to at least make his moments with his love, memorable.

[No matter what, my lady, never forget me, as I will never ever forget the wonderful, amazing woman I fell in love with.]


[I shall never forget you, even as me and my Master go through our seemingly endless cycle of rebirth I shall always remember you, my love. My dear Legolas.] She replied. She sounded somewhat sad at the mentioning of the cycle her and Link went through.

@Raven @Wedge Antilles @FireDrake150 @Everybody and anybody @Feels Squad
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"I, ahh, like I said..." Corvus started, his voice still sounding passive, yet almost a hint of annoyance at some plebeian like Makoto challenging his medical knowledge. "We aren't sure exactly, ah, why. Though, we, ah, believe there might be linked...to the interference we detected on our scanners. Most, ah, patients don't go through much brain activity in this state. But, ah, she is special, we detected an abnormal amount, ah, of it." the plague doctor theorized, his soft, tingly voice muffled underneath his mask, observing Mercy as she awaken upon her hospital bed.

The girl did virtually nothing, only blankly staring at Makoto's direction. Her body felt numb, her head dizzy, and she could still feel the pressure within her two eyeballs. What memories of she had of that horrid, Lovecraftian dream began to fade in details, although she could still remember the screaming, the faces of her loved ones, and the voice of the Mother. It would haunt her for this night, and every night to come, a constant reminder of her vanity, of her incapable nature.


Weakly, she rasped out, her voice barely able to keep up, deeply struggling to breath in and out, only coming off as weaken rasps. Against the advice of the doctor, Arya slowly raised her right hand, or more accurately, limply held the cast of a limb towards the direction of Cosmo and Makoto. Shockingly, Corvus did not act upon this negatively, too preoccupied scribbling down notes with a pen.

"Interesting...subject appears to recall a dream of some sorts." Corvus softly murmured to herself, mumbling mostly medical nonsense to himself. "Will look into future experiments with this She-Wolf concerning these 'screams' she recalls." Corvus concluded, looking at the band of vistors before softly coughing.

"Well, ah, I'd advise you say your farewells and wishes to the sub-...I mean, ah, apologies, Miss Stark within half an hour or so." Corvus elaborated, making a soft clap, two nurses entering the room. "We will begin surgery on the throat shortly, get that mask off of her, once the rest of our team is finished with the other wounded."

@Atomyk @Josh M @Coalition Peeps

Part I

Finally, things were done. The baddie named Akihabara was defeated. However, what exactly did the alternate egos contribute to the fight? Of course, they were the ones who sing and shit in order to distract Akihabara no, they did absolutely nothing seriously.

Ninja Nicki was somewhere probably injured over the battle against Alternate Claire.

Commander Barbie just finished killing the last Crossed zombie, stabbing it in the eye with her cane as she threw it to one of her soldiers. The soldier hesitated in finishing the job, but another soldier took the zambamboo and shot it multiple times with her rifle.

Harajuku Barbie was sitting against a bolder, painting her nails as she was watching the battle from afar.

Though, whatever happened to Roman Zolanski?

As Harajuku Barbie finished painting her nails, she sighed heavily, getting up from her spot. "So, I suppose we are done, aren't we?" She stretched out her body, wincing a bit as it was tense from having to sit in the same position for a long time. Barbie walked towards the place where Ninja Nicki was fighting Claire, seeing the ninja laying. Barbie placed her hand against the ninja's back, shaking her head in disappointment, "It's alright. The person who you were fighting against was really powerful. Don't be ashamed that you couldn't beat her... C'mon, we need to leave. I promise things will be back to normal as soon as we find Roman." She then moved her hand towards the ninja's neck as Barbie dug her nails into the skin which caused Ninja Nicki to disintegrate, leaving only the piece of blonde wig that was used to incarnate her. "For now, please rest..." Taking the piece, she placed it inside her pocket,

Barbie now walked over to the army who were celebrating over the defeat of the Crossed. Commander Barbie was standing beside one of the army tanks, saluting the army as their bodies disappeared, leaving strands of blonde hair on the floor. Commander would collect each and every piece, heading towards Barbie as she was smiling, "We did good today, huh? At least we were actually able to defend this part and leave the best for the rest."

"Yeah, hopefully that was enough.. as well as a way to show how sorry we are for Roman's shenanigans." She took the strands that Commander collected, "Well, you know what this means. I apologize for having to ask you to go back to our original form, bu-"

"It's fine. We need to hurry before our time is up. Who knows what will happen if things aren't settled..." Commander exposed her neck to Barbie, allowing her to do the same that she did with Ninja Nicki. "I-I'll settle this and have Roman surrender... I promise." With that, Commander also disintegrated, soon joining the other pieces of the wig.

"Agh, now where is that Roman?" Barbie called out Roman's name countless times, walking for hours to find her as she then heard sobbing. With curiosity as well as wanting to get things done with, Barbie ran towards the sobbing, cupping her mouth with her hands as if preventing from throwing up.

Roman Zolanski's legs were crushed underneath a boulder, blood leaking from his limbs as he continued to sob; however, this sobbing ceased once he caught sight of Barbie, keeping his expression in an angered state.


"The fuck ya' want, Pinkie? Ya' fucking glad to see me in dis state? Huh? Fuck my luck, 'ight?"

"N-No Roman... I'm sorry that this happened to you, but please... We need to leave here! I-I don't know if we should stay with the Coalition since we're not helpful at all... I mean, look at what you've done! Is this what you wanted?! What does it mean to be a traitor, huh? What exactly did you do while I was finding a way out?!"

"Fuck, Pinkie, calm your fucking silicon breasts down. Yeah, I was a fucking traitor, so what? Didn't you know that the fucking celebrity was going to get rid of me?! We made a deal with her! A FUCKING DEAL. We would give her our personalities just so she could fucking do her rapping and include us in her songs... We aren't just alter egos, god damn it! WE'RE FUCKING SPIRITS BOUND TO THAT FUCKING HELLHOLE. The day she made a contract with Young Money was the day that she needed our help... WE had to help her so WE could actually live with others. Once she's fucking done with you, she'll get rid of us. YOU know she will... Well, thanks to that fucking Akihabara, I was actually able to live outside of the annoying singer. All I had to do was kill some players, an-"

"You.. FIRE-TRUCKING DID WHAT..." With a swing of her hand, Barbie smacked Roman's cheek, disappointed in what the alter ego had done. "Why the hell would you do that?! Is that why none of them talked to me?! YOU damaged our image! What did you do, Roman. Who all did you kill..."

"Fuck, Barbie... You know that fucking hurt, bitch. I had to kill Kaku... Kalifa, Alice, and Legolas.. Hell, I wasn't the only one killing.. Though, no one really found out who I was until the end. I had to fucking play as Nicki Minaj in order to disguise myself. Hell, I doubt any of the fucking assholes even know anything about us..."

"That doesn't matter. If they don't know, then it should be alright since none of them will even encounter Nicki. Of course, the singer herself will soon get rid of us, but that's not her fault, Roman. We were in that hell hole for a reason, and that reason is because we chose to stay there. Please, let's just go home. If you manage to come with me, then I promise that I'll go back with you... I know you just don't want to be alone. You want someone to be there with you - you don't want to suffer by yourself. I'll be there beside you... Just please. I don't want to do this forcefully..."

"It's not like I have much of a fucking choice. My legs are fucking broken and bleeding. How the hell would I even get out of this situation myself? So, do what you fucking like. Let's get this shit over with."

"You're such a pain..." Barbie pinched the back of Roman's neck, causing his body to disintergrate, leaving a piece of wig as well. She was done and tired of him fooling around. The promises that she kept usually were never completed, but what people don't know won't hurt them, right? Barbie wanted her time with the celebrity as well as the small appreciation that Nicki's fans brought onto her. So, what's the worst that could happen if she didn't go with Roman like she promised? For all she cared, Roman should be punished for the murders that he committed.

Now, things were going to be done. With all the pieces of the wig collected, it finally came back together, and Barbie was able to wear the wig. With this, the female sat down, concentrating, as she searched for a connection with the celebrity back to the real world.


[spoili]Please, only stop at 5:46 or watch Part I of the video. Thank you. I couldn't cut the video like I planned to thanks to fucking Youtube. ;;cries[/spoili]

The life of a rapper was never what I wanted.

I wanted a normal family with my husband. I wanted to live a normal life... But poverty always made that dream difficult.

So, I became the celebrity known as Nicki Minaj.

This is my life now. I married a man who could barely tell me exactly what he felt. The "love" that we were supposedly feeling ended up being constant arguments and bruises throughout our bodies instead of embraces and kisses. Having to make albums and verses featured in other rapper's music was difficult to keep up especially while having all the relationship problems with him. This wasn't what I thought my future would be. Was this punishment for what I did as a teenager?

After one of the parties that Lil' Wayne was having, my husband and I got into another fight. Lil' Wayne would have taken care of it - he could have escorted my husband out of the business party. But, I wasn't going to have a man deal with the problems that I was personally having. Place personal shit out of your career, was what I always thought. This was something that a woman had to fucking settle. So, seeing that my husband wasn't going to cooperate, I decided to abandon him. I left. I got into our vehicle and fucking left.

I wasn't going to let him hurt me anymore.


WARNING: Video may contain language and suggestive themes.

Viewer discretion is advised.


All I could hear was the sound of sirens all around me. I felt my heart beat heavily against my chest as my hands were warm from the wreck. I felt alone. Is this what I deserved? I tried my best. I gave it my all in giving my family another way of life - a life away from poverty. I did all that I could to help my mother. All I wanted was for Caiah to go to college. Is this it? Is this how I'm going to die?

My baby with Aaron would have been sixteen by now.


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Ruby Rose

Ruby managed to smile, despite being covered in lotion here and there, and wrapped in bandages in places, she seemed to be alright, though she still hurt a little... She perked up a little as soon as she spotted Soul making his way towards her through the crowd. She nodded a little when he mentioned the stitches; it was a shame that he couldn't generate the same kind of aura that she could back on Remnant, but, as he mentioned her burns, she smiled a little "I'll be okay now! I mean, I'm returning to Remnant after all!" she said.... That's when a more curious expression crossed her face, but, before she could speak, the cookies he had just brought with him distracted her, she blinked for a moment before she smiled brightly.

Then, she dug in, starting to eat cookie after cookie despite her arms aching a little still when she moved them... "These are amazing! Where did you manaage to find them?!" she exclaimed between mouthfulls, somehow keeping from spitting out crumbs. Eventually, she finished, hiccuping a few times before she managed to regain her composure, that curious expression crossing her face once more "Um... So, now that we're supposed to be leaving... Are you going back to your world?" she asked.​

@Klutzy Ninja Kitty @TheColourlessRainbow

Sophie looked happy at first, seeing Elsa reunite with Molly as she finally found her in the crowd; the two really did share a deep bond, one that she was happy Elsa had found... It was always nice to have someone who you could go to in a situation like this, but... Then, something happened that chilled her to the core; it happened in an instant, the ice-pick flashed in the dim light, then, the blood. Her reaction was something she barely had to think about as she rushed forward, time nearly standing still for that one moment "Elsa..." she said, her cry catching in her throat as she tried to reach her... But... It was more or less obvious that she was going to be too late, but... She stubbornly kept running, no longer being in full control of her actions at that moment, she never stopped to have any second thoughts. She just wanted to stop the bleeding, somehow... The futility of such an goal in this very moment didn't occur to her, not yet anyways...​
Soul smiles a little, watching Ruby eat, and listening to her talk, as his eyes trailed Sophie for a moment "I just smelled something good, and found these nearby, so I took them, I know how you love sweet things, guess it makes sense, how else would you be so sweet?" he laughs gently, his eyes returning to Ruby for a moment, as she speaks, a look of thought coming over his face "Well...I'm not gonna lie...I doubt anyone back in my world will miss me that much...So...if you're cool with it, I'll come and study with you or something...as long as I can get back where I'm from should a Kishin awaken, I'm happy enough to do whatever"

His eyes moved back to Sophie, seeing her talking to her friend, the lady in blue "Well, in any case...Now that all these games are over, none of us are in danger, how does grabbing lunch sometime sound?" he smiles, blushing the tiniest bit "You know, some ice cream or something like that"


((Please note, these are not all in the same universe. That will be explained later.))

Jackson's Epilogue: Tempus et Universi Fugunt:

Ellis Island, New York, 1913

Paladin Jackson stood in the middle of a crowd of immigrants. He held his head down, and faced away from the lines. He wore a trench coat and fedora, much like a Private eye, not yet invented for the time. He was dressed like a 30's Private eye. Immigrants pushed against him, but Jackson still held fast. He gave the sadistic grin he always gave when he saw Riley. Jackson let the crowd push against him. The smelly immigrants, and dirty surroundings didn't faze Jackson in the least. He was awaiting a contact. A man who knew many things about the universe. The man approached Riley. they were dressed similarly. It had been three years since his "Good" self had shot him multiple times. Jackson had longer hair, to set himself apart from Riley. He visited Riley every so often, just to see how he was doing. Jackson held a Colt Revolver in his hand. The Contact handed Jackson a briefcase, and walked off. The exchange was wordless. Jackson grinned more at the

Jackson proceeded to walk into the flow of the crowd. A man finally stopped him. The man was an angry German immigrant, who mistook Jackson for his landlord, who the immigrant was trying to escape. Angry words were exchanged in perfectly good English, and Broken English. The Immigrant drew a weapon, and fired. Jackson fell into the abyss Riley had felt for teh first time fighting the Crossed.


Once again, Jackson pushed out of the barrier, and into life once again.

He had found a way, to push into a different location, and time at each death.

He pushed out of the void.

Washington Monument, DC, 2020

Jackson watched a crowd of tourists file into the elevator. He tipped the hat on the Security Uniform to cover his eyes. He had done away with the Trench coat and Fedora, as it would be too suspicious in this time. He now wore the Security Uniform of a National Park Service member. He clutched the taser tightly, and stepped into the elevator behind the crowd. He had one target: A High Ranking Politician. He used a non-lethal, and was a good shot to minimize civilian injury But, what did he care if innocents were hurt? He pulled out his taser, put the man in his sights, and fired. A woman screamed, and another security guard tased Jackson. Jackson closed his eyes, and let his body shut itself down. Jackson was letting himself die.

UN Building, New York, 2025

Jackson smiled. He walked into the Lobby of the UN Building. He looked at a woman. She smiled at him. Jackson wore a suit and tie. He straightened the tie a bit, and continued walking. He went to a straight face, until he reached the Security Council Room.

"Mr. Jackson. You're late." A man said. Jackson took his seat behind the 'America' Nameplate. He checked his watch, and drummed his fingers against the table.

The Palestinian and Israeli representatives were arguing, and the South Korean delegate was looking around the room. The other delegates were talking, and a fellow one was trying to talk to Jackson. Jackson blocked him out.

Jackson muttered "It's not time yet."

Then, the Secretary General stepped in. Jackson smiled. "It's time." He hit the button on his watch, and blew apart the explosive device he wore on him.

Beijing, China, October 23, 2077

Jackson stood with a Chinese General on a balcony, and surveyed the landscape. The Chinese General shouted orders at soldiers below, and the soldiers started running around like ants, doing various things. "Shall we?" The general said to Jackson in a thick Chinese Accent. Jackson smiled. "Yes. Let's do it." They walked into a control room, and the General typed some things into a terminal. "It's ready." The General said.

"Good." Jackson said pulling a pistol out. Jackson shot the General, causing him to fall to the ground with a thud. He pressed a button marked "Nuclear Launch."

It was the point of no return. Jackson had created his world. He stepped back onto the balcony, and stretched his arms out, letting the rain fall all over him. He laughed, and looked up.

"They have things like the Atom Bomb! So I think i'll stay where I am! Civilization! I'll stay right here!" He shouted one of his favorite songs from Galaxy News Radio. There was a glow in the distance, as the missiles took off. He drew the Pistol again, and shot himself.

Citadel, Capital Wasteland, 2079

Jackson awoke from his bed, and looked next to him. Riley was still sleeping. "I'm sorry, but I must do this, Doctor. to end your suffering." He said sarcastically, and in a mocking tone. This was the divergence point.

The point Riley either woke up, and risked becoming Jackson eventually, or he kept sleeping and died.

Of course, he would reawake from Death, but Jackson didn't remember that Riley knew about it.

Jackson pulled out his pistol, aimed it, and fired.

"This.... is my redemption." The man said softly.
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Stitch looked to Link before he left. "Stitch sorry." He replied.

Jake nodded and seemed to be a bit tried but smiled. "Well now to get that magical creature when I return." He commented.

"Cousin" Stitch replied with a light growl. "Together to get my cousin." Stitch then smiled when Jake sighed and nodded.

@Lizzy @Wedge Antilles @FireDrake150
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Epilogue; A Fate Worse Than Death; Part One

So... It's finally over, huh? a certain blonde mused to herself, chest heaving as she struggled to take a deep breath. Despite the fact that she was covered in blood- a mix of her own, and that of the zombies and Crossed she had mowed through -, all kinds of sore, scraped up fairly badly and littered with new gashes, abrasions, and small injuries, and generally struggling to pull herself together... The Siren wore a small, exhausted smile. It's finally over. With that thought, she let herself sink to the ground.

And maybe, for one moment.. One shining, brief moment, for the first time since her Claiming... Everything was okay.

But that never lasted. Not for this particular Caster. No matter how hard she fought for it.. Or how hard she tried to make up for all she'd done.. Or how much she pushed to make sure people stayed away from her for their safety... Things were never okay for Ridley Duchannes. There was always someone kicking her while she was down.. Threatening her with things worse than death, should she disobey the orders she was given... Telling her she would never be anything more than a worthless monster.

Even now, after having helped as much as she could to destroy this threat to the multiverse... Ridley knew the statement was true. She knew that, whether she'd been revived by some angel-boy or not, that in the end... She'd get what she deserved; A one-way ticket to rot in hell.

The girl, simply laying on the ground and still panting for breath, hardly minded this fate. After all, she was the only one to blame for what she'd done. She knew that. Sure, the curse had been what turned her into this.. Monster, but who else was there to blame for all the terrible things she'd done since then but herself? She'd nearly killed Ethan, had almost- and fully intended to -killed his father, had held a man captive in her room, done just what she'd ran away in attempt to avoid doing; hurt her cousin, and had hurt others just because Link hurt her.

Tch. Pathetic.

Where did it all get her, anyways? Those three years of letting herself become nothing more than a worthless pawn to these terrible creatures? Abraham.. Sarafine.. Silas.. And after that, Akibahara. Sure, she'd ended up betraying them all in the end.. But she paid a price every damn time. Wouldn't having let them just torture, kill, revive her and repeat without having obliged in the first place been better? That would've at least let her see if anyone truly cared about her.

Even so, whether it was the right thing or not.. She couldn't go back and change it, even if she wanted to. Right now, she needed to get the fuck out of the past, and start thinking about the present. The Siren was quite well aware of the fate that awaited her back home.. Very much so, at that. Despite Frank and Desmond insisting she didn't need punished, she knew it would happen. She'd come to terms with it. Maybe, deep down, she was even.. happy, with it, as deranged and appalling as it sounded. At least if she was being locked away and tormented... At least she wouldn't be able to hurt anyone anymore. That thought alone actually managed to bring a smile to Ridley's perfectly glossed cherry red lips.


This wasn't her usual sly and mischievous grin, either. This was a sincere smile. It held no trace of malcontent; if it held anything at all, it was probably relief. A joy she wanted to revel in for as long as she could before she'd have to face the problems and punishment she knew was waiting for her at home. Not home, she pointedly reminded herself. She had no home. She was an outcast. ..Back in the universe I came from.

After a moment, though, Ridley realized something. She had unattended business left here. People that were just as stubborn as she, that claimed to care about her. That, somehow sparked a feeling totally unfamiliar and foreign to her. A feeling she couldn't quite put her finger on. She knew it from somewhere.. But she couldn't place it. Was it affection? Love? Detest?

Hopefully it wasn't that last one.

Whatever she felt for them, and they felt for her.. It wasn't right. It was an emotion that she didn't deserve, and didn't belong; not when it put the two males at risk. She wanted to at least tell the pair that she did, in fact, care about them; that that was why she tried so desperately to push them away. But she didn't know if she could even do that.. Not when the encounter could potentially make her change her mind.

And so, there laid the broken Siren. Wasn't she so high and mighty, sitting there among corpses, her own blood and the blood of others spilled around her.


Nineteen moons.. Nineteen years...
Is this even the end of it?
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Wuya/Jack Spicer Epilogue:

Wuya watched as the demon finally fell. With a grin she took out the Yin-Yang Yoyo. "Yin-Yang Yoyo" She called and then grabbed Jack. Soon the two seemed to vanish for a bit. She looked and then looked to Jack. "Do you see it?" She asked Jack. Jack looking soon went wide eyed and nodded.


"Good" She replied. A rather dark smirk on her face. Jack looked treifiied yet amazed. (Basically he was Ramondo) "Yin-Yang Yoyo" She called next after taking the jar. The two arriving back. "Well my friends I now have what I was after for helping." She announced a dark grin still there. "Jack let's go get out the Tiger Claws."


Jack appeared sad but nodded. "Okay Wuya." He replied and began to dig. Soon pulling out the Tiger Claws. "Tiger Claws" He called. Then he let Wuya step through. "I hope she doesn't plan to use that soul." He commented with a sad looked. "Well bye guys. Hope all here stays just fine." He stated knowing what Wuya had planned then finally steeped through.


(who's soul you ask well that is for me to know and you maybe to find out one day)​
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"Then let's go beautiful" Black commented slipping in one last flirtatious line before he would turn to look for the bus. Otherwise he'd have to find another way to get them out of there.​
"I'm going to lose count if this keeps up," Sakuya smirked, finding and moving towards the bus. So this was the end of the journey, for now. "At least I didn't come out empty-handed for my efforts."
"I'm going to lose count if this keeps up," Sakuya smirked, finding and moving towards the bus. So this was the end of the journey, for now. "At least I didn't come out empty-handed for my efforts."
"Same could be said for me. Got a potential new job and you to look at. What more could this old cowboy ask for? Well more ammo but I could also learn to make my own on any downtime I get." Black said as he would walk towards the bus. He looked at it for a moment before he would let Sakuya get on first. He'd promptly follow her afterwards.​

Sepulchure steps forwards, onto the podium upon which Akibahara had stood, the tesseract gleaming before him
"Ah...at long last, this foul artifact will have some use that isn't bringing pain" he mutters, pulling off the device on his armor, and placing it on the cube before him
Something sparked through the air, and something arcs into the suit of the man holding it, a bolt of blue power, by the look of it "Ah...I can feel it restoring my form as I speak" he says with a loud laugh, placing the cube into the hole in the armor's chest, and feeling it sink into place, flush with the rest of his suit now
"Ah...this is a great feeling!"

The male flows a bright red, the air sparking and crackling with power, the leader of the undead army smiled as his body was once again made strong enough to contain the power he held"Ah...this is truly a feeling I missed...having all my power at my beck and call..." He laughs once more, happy to be back to how he was before his unfortunate demise at the archdemon's hands

Then it happens, a dark black fog starts to seep from the cube, enveloping the male, and leaving him speechless. After about 5 minutes, the fog retreats, leaving the empty suit of armor behind

"Well, that whole ordeal was quite the bother, wasn't it?"


"I mean, come on, that guy so ripped off my idea of feeding on the suffering and death of others, I've been doing it for years already!"

Calypso spreads his arms slowly, and vanishes into a red cloud before anyone had a chance to so much as give a witty remark

"Oh, and before I forget...Thank you for playing...This really was quite the learning experience for me!"

Epilogue; Unfinished Business; Part One

Teresa had been unable to hold back the grin that tugged at her pale lips when John White fell, with the combined efforts of her and the others. "Ya better stay dead this time, shuck-face," she remarked as the life slowly left him, placing her hands on her hips. With that, she had promptly taken to the air, trying to ignore the growing pain in her arms from the burns. Right now she needed to focus on Aki... Who seemed to be losing ground. The Reaper had only just gotten there in time to throw in one attack before the others had brought him down.

Damn shame. She wanted to make that demon pay. Pay for all the lives he had taken. Pay for taking Ash, and so many others. And, of course, there was the added incentive of needing Akibahara dead for her to fulfil her promise to Yuki.

But hey...


...It was done. It was all finally over; and a certain little Reaper was explicitly glad that that was the case. Because hey; even badass Glader girls needed a break sometimes. And it was high time that Teresa Agnes got hers. She'd endured her death, a murder game, dying again, defeating John White, becoming a Reaper, constantly offering help around Shibuya and assisting in the Reapers' Game, being merged with this weird alternate self of hers and gaining new scars, memories, enemies and friends from it, seeking out some of those friends, training a little Wolf Noise, and now, yet another death and murder game. Not even mentioning that she had to put up with Joshua's constant antics.

And somehow.. The eighteen-year-old was still standing. Err... Sitting. All she could really say was.. Dear Lord, am I glad this klunk's over. Maybe Teresa was finally catching a break. Maybe the Glader; Subject A1; The Betrayer, could get a happy ending after all. But that was a massive maybe; something felt.. Wrong. Maybe they weren't getting off so easy, after all...

Of course, Subject A1 had hardly any time for the thought to even form before that worry was confirmed by an unexpected and astonishing happening..: Revan's betrayal. The girl froze up, tensing visibly with wide, still faintly glowing blue eyes. What had just happened..? Or, rather, why? After a good few minutes of just staring, it really seemed to process; and Teresa acted on impulse.. Something she did a little too often. Immediately, the Glader got back up and started running, intending to tackle Revan..

....But he was gone.

"What the shuck was that shank doing?" she demanded, aimed at no one in particular. There they were, trying to stop all this pointless and despicable death and violence.. And this guy thought he could just kill someone because he felt like it? How was he any better than Aki himself, or any of the traitors?! Because in Teresa's mind.. He wasn't. And she didn't like that this man was getting away with it so easily. It was unjust, unfair, and just... Wrong.

She almost made a fuss about the matter.. But had a feeling that it wouldn't change the minds of the Coalition. So, with a huff of annoyance, she shook her head and turned away, gritting her teeth. So much for the Coalition bein' about justice, she thought, bitterly. Regardless.. For now, Teresa would have to let it slide. She had other matters to attend to; important ones. Like trying to avoid Joshua so he couldn't pick on her for being upset over his near-death experience.

Of course, at that exact moment, The Composer landed right in front of her. Great. At least one good thing would come of this... Something that made a smile come to Teresa's face.


"Yeah.. Guess so. Whaddya need, boss?" Somehow, within that minute, Teresa had cheered up, and lost all thoughts and worries about Joshua teasing her. She was walking out of here alive. She was getting Yuki back. She'd get to see William, Mal, Jen, and the crew again.. And soon enough, she'd get to go back to Shibuya- to the closest thing she had to a home - again. Back to Little Guy.

Things were finally looking up after all.

@Klutzy Ninja Kitty
He walked with a limp at his multiple injuries, but stood stood straight for her, as he held her hand tightly as ever as his eyes led up to hers with a smile, that is, until she said she would go.. She would go, he though. He stared now wuth a sad frown as his eyes trailed down to his feet, hand loosening slowly, full of sadness as he simply let out a single word... "O.. Oh.."


Bayonetta looked at her lover as they held hands. She didn't need to ask why he was at a loss for words, she fully understood. She should know, as she was feeling that way too, about their unavoidable departure, and separation. She would have liked to experience more with him, but the time and circumstance was in the way.

So, she whispered, "no more words for now". And she kissed him, hot and passionately on his lips. She then looked him in the eyes, she didn't know what to say after all. This was all so new to her.

Stitch looked to Link before he left. "Stitch sorry." He replied.

Jake nodded and seemed to be a bit tried but smiled. "Well now to get that magical creature when I return." He commented.

"Cousin" Stitch replied with a light growl. "Together to get my cousin." Stitch then smiled when Jake sighed and nodded.

@Lizzy @Wedge Antilles @FireDrake150

Link, still laying on the ground for now, patted Stitch's head.

"It's fine." He replied with a smile. He chuckled a bit at the conversation between Stitch and Jake. After he said his few farewells, along with Fi...then he'd be ready to actually board the Magic School Bus.

@Raven @Wedge Antilles @FireDrake150 @Everybody and anybody @Feels Squad
Bayonetta looked at her lover as they held hands. She didn't need to ask why he was at a loss for words, she fully understood. She should know, as she was feeling that way too, about their unavoidable departure, and separation. She would have liked to experience more with him, but the time and circumstance was in the way.

So, she whispered, "no more words for now". And she kissed him, hot and passionately on his lips. She then looked him in the eyes, she didn't know what to say after all. This was all so new to her.

Even at the kiss, his eyes would stay closed as an overwhelming sadness followed over him. "There.. There must be something.. Something we could do.. aI can't simply imagine just.. Coming and going like a withered rose.." His hand reach outward, eyes filled with gleam as he spoke lightly. "My darling.."

Even at the kiss, his eyes would stay closed as an overwhelming sadness followed over him. "There.. There must be something.. Something we could do.. aI can't simply imagine just.. Coming and going like a withered rose.." His hand reach outward, eyes filled with gleam as he spoke lightly. "My darling.."


Bayonetta was concerned for her lover now. "We must part, my love. I can not save my best friend with someone else tagging along, in my world it would not end well for both of us." She looked into his eyes. "If there is anything I can do to make you not feel so empty... just tell me. Or show me."

Bayonetta was concerned for her lover now. "We must part, my love. I can not save my best friend with someone else tagging along, in my world it would not end well for both of us." She looked into his eyes. "If there is anything I can do to make you not feel so empty... just tell me. Or show me."

Joshua would simply shake his head, once more, alone and broken. Sure, he was loved now, but once it was over, it was a fading memory, soon to be a falling chemistry. He simply stared at her, his head laid on her chest as he shrugged in defeat. "I don't know.. After you're gone, whatever happened between us.. I will simply become.." He didnt finish his words, but in his mind he spoke 'Addicted to a memory..' He kept his eyes down, speaking lightly "What.. Do you suggest?"

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Joshua would simply shake his head, once more, alone and broken. Sure, he was loved now, but once it was over, it was a fading memory, soon to be a falling chemistry. He simply stared at her, his head laid on her chest as he shrugged in defeat. "I don't know.. After you're gone, whatever happened between us.. I will simply become.." He didnt finish his words, but in his mind he spoke 'Addicted to a memory..' He kept his eyes down, speaking lightly "What.. Do you suggest?"


Bayonetta was in unfamiliar territory. However, she gave a short answer to Joshua, as she put her hand against his bandaged cheek. A short answer that made her seem more confident than she really was, an answer that was very appropriately spoken.

"Whatever your heart desires, while we still have this moment."

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