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She didn't look like she had the energy to try to ditch him and Desmond anymore. She just followed quietly, repeatedly trying to shove away those damn mortal feelings. >:(

When they got there.. Ridley got surprisingly sheepish for a girl who was always so cool and suave. "We.. We found this, in the bathroom, Chloe.." she started, voice practically a weak whisper as she held out Max's camera to the blue-haired girl. "I.. I-..." She was trying to say something, but it didn't seem to want to come out...

..I'm sorry. This is so wrong and I'm sorry.

@BarrenThin @TheBlueBurch @Thuro Pendragon
Chloe had been accompanying Lisa and Felix to wherever they had been heading but she paused upon seeing Max's camera held out towards her.


She silently took the camera and looked it over.

"Max loved this camera. Heh, used it whenever she could. Was always hella better photographer than I'd ever be. Thanks Rid. I'm going to find whoever did this and make them pay."

Then as Crusader walked over to give her comforting hug, Chloe didn't resist it as she just sort of breathed in and exhaled.

"Thanks Crus. But warm words aren't going to bring her back to me. Finding whoever took her and making them suffer will." She said darkly before continuing on after Felix.

edit because yikes I missed a lot when I snoozed.

After heading to the room where the trial would be held, Chloe tapped her forearm impatiently. All these guesses and theories about it being Legolas or the like weren't getting them the answers that Chloe really wanted. That whoever did that to Max was among them and possibly plotting other people to murder, other friends to take. So as the dragon guy and the little blue furball spoke up, so did Chloe.

"My detective skills aren't as good as Max's were but considering how the last kill went, it's not too far out of the realm of possibility that someone's being set up, last one was Nicki and in this case it might be Elf-Boy. So I guess what I'm trying to say is to think outside the box, maybe? I just want to find this creep.."

@Hospes @Jeremi @ShadowPrime @everyoneleseitseems​
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@Schnee Corp Lawyer @Mighty Roman @Mari @OrlandoBloomers

After a while of listening to the others speak, Joshua spoke up.

"As much as I enjoy a boring chat in the afterlife, I'm afraid I'm going to cut this short right now. Max and Bayonetta have games to play. So I hope you've said your goodbyes."

Josh stepped near Joseph and Alice.

"Close your eyes."

Bayonetta and Max would see Alice and Joseph suddenly vanish.

Joshua then waved a hand, making a new door magically appear in the room.

The door read Day 5.

He glanced back at the two.

"Okay, head through the door to get started."

Meanwhile, after vanishing, Alice and Joseph would open their eyes they would find themselves in a courtroom setting where the entire group was standing around. A black and white bear sat on a throne behind them.


Chloe had been accompanying Lisa and Felix to wherever they had been heading but she paused upon seeing Max's camera held out towards her.


She silently took the camera and looked it over.

"Max loved this camera. Heh, used it whenever she could. Was always hella better photographer than I'd ever be. Thanks Rid. I'm going to find whoever did this and make them pay."

Then as Crusader walked over to give her comforting hug, Chloe didn't resist it as she just sort of breathed in and exhaled.

"Thanks Crus. But warm words aren't going to bring her back to me. Finding whoever took her and making them suffer will." She said darkly before continuing on after Felix.

edit because yikes I missed a lot when I snoozed.

After heading to the room where the trial would be held, Chloe tapped her forearm impatiently. All these guesses and theories about it being Legolas or the like weren't getting them the answers that Chloe really wanted. That whoever did that to Max was among them and possibly plotting other people to murder, other friends to take. So as the dragon guy and the little blue furball spoke up, so did Chloe.

"My detective skills aren't as good as Max's were but considering how the last kill went, it's not too far out of the realm of possibility that someone's being set up, last one was Nicki and in this case it might be Elf-Boy. So I guess what I'm trying to say is to think outside the box, maybe? I just want to find this creep.."

@Hospes @Jeremi @ShadowPrime @everyoneleseitseems
"When she comes back or if she doesn't, maybe one of you can use a camera to capture the moment I kill the demon. It'd be very awesome, you can pin it on a living room or something! Me, standing over the corpses with a giant fucking gun and fires flaring in the background. It'd be awesome, seriously! Anyways I uh...am not a detective, so I'll defer to all you and vote when I hear a real bitchin idea."
"When she comes back or if she doesn't, maybe one of you can use a camera to capture the moment I kill the demon. It'd be very awesome, you can pin it on a living room or something! Me, standing over the corpses with a giant fucking gun and fires flaring in the background. It'd be awesome, seriously! Anyways I uh...am not a detective, so I'll defer to all you and vote when I hear a real bitchin idea."

Frank glared at the man. "... Boy, you need to calm the fuck down."

Chloe had been accompanying Lisa and Felix to wherever they had been heading but she paused upon seeing Max's camera held out towards her.


She silently took the camera and looked it over.

"Max loved this camera. Heh, used it whenever she could. Was always hella better photographer than I'd ever be. Thanks Rid. I'm going to find whoever did this and make them pay."

Then as Crusader walked over to give her comforting hug, Chloe didn't resist it as she just sort of breathed in and exhaled.

"Thanks Crus. But warm words aren't going to bring her back to me. Finding whoever took her and making them suffer will." She said darkly before continuing on after Felix.

edit because yikes I missed a lot when I snoozed.

After heading to the room where the trial would be held, Chloe tapped her forearm impatiently. All these guesses and theories about it being Legolas or the like weren't getting them the answers that Chloe really wanted. That whoever did that to Max was among them and possibly plotting other people to murder, other friends to take. So as the dragon guy and the little blue furball spoke up, so did Chloe.

"My detective skills aren't as good as Max's were but considering how the last kill went, it's not too far out of the realm of possibility that someone's being set up, last one was Nicki and in this case it might be Elf-Boy. So I guess what I'm trying to say is to think outside the box, maybe? I just want to find this creep.."

@Hospes @Jeremi @ShadowPrime @everyoneleseitseems​

After piling with her group into the elevator, Aqua made it to the courtroom area with the others. She listened to their theories, unsure what to think. Aqua was intelligent when it came to battle strategies and certain knowledge, but she wasn't exactly a detective. However, she didn't think it was Legolas who had killed anyone.

Although a few people had checked on Chloe herself, Aqua still moved over to see how she was doing. "I don't think it was Legolas," Aqua told her, shaking her head. "But I honestly don't know who else could've shot an arrow. They say Jon, but I don't know him well enough to assume anything..." Aqua paused. When Aqua told Legolas she had been an ex-traitor, he seemed okay with it. Was it because he was a traitor now? The master really hoped not.


"Anyhow, how are you holding up?" she asked Chloe, frowning. "We'll find whoever did this and stop them, I know we will. If there's anything I can do to help you, just say the word."

@Those around Chloe :3​
Maxine Caulfield was found dead in a dorm room. All the other dorm rooms were locked, and the door to the room she was fond in was broken in with an explosion. The dorm room was relatively clean and untouched beyond the broken door.

Max was found with a sword impaled in her stomach. Various cuts and bruises were found on her body, indicating a struggle occurred. Max also had red marks around her throat, about the size of a bag strap. Max's camera bag was open, and the camera was missing.

In the hallway outside the dorm, bloody footprints led from the woman's bathroom and to the dorm. They were accompanied by scuff marks that were somewhat cleaned away. The scuff marks could indicate something was dragged.

In the women's bathroom, there were trace amounts of blood on the floor and walls that someone had attempted to clean. A mirror in the bathroom was smashed, and Max's camera was found on the ground.

In the laundry room, a discarded red cloak was found, as well as a pair of bloody black gloves. A bloody baseball bat was also found here.

In the school store, the monomono prize machine was destroyed, and a large number of discarded prizes were discarded behind the store's counter. These included a baseball and baseball glove with no accompanying bat. A sword was missing from the display of weaponry.

In the data processing room, a secret compartment was open, which contained a large number of monocoins. These coins were known to be used to gain prizes from the vending machine in the school store. There was also a few arrows in here. The bow that was here was missing as well.

Bayonetta was found dead in the cafeteria, presumably killed during the announcement of the first kill. An arrow was embedded into the back of the head, and it is clear whoever shot it had strong experience with a bow.

Arrows were found littered in both the hallway and the incinerator room. A small piece of a bow was found burned here as well.



"I'm a fashion icon, you know. I actually have quite a bit of money. Assuming I can ever leave this place..."

A pause. "Oh, I think it's safe to assume there was more than one killer, right? Like... how the heck does one kill both of them at once?"


"I think Monokuma is implying that both murders had a distinct killer. What... Mr. Frank is saying, I think, is that two killers specifically killed the girl in the dorm outside of whoever killed the woman in the cafeteria."


"My, my! Sounds so complicated! Almost too complicated for you dummies to follow! I can see the gears in your heads already grinding to a halt!"

@BarrenThin @Verite @Jeremi
Kalifa spoke up, after listening to a few of the points made. "About the red cloak we found earlier ... is it naturally red or is it normally a different color?"

"It's important to keep in mind that assassins not only use their own tools, but anything the environment around them provides them." Kaku said. "So if this whole area provided the killers with a sword or a bow, we shouldn't automatically point suspicion at the ones who we normally see carrying swords and bows with them."

"It's reasonable to guess that the missing sword from the weaponry display is the murder weapon in Max's case." Kalifa said. "As for the second kill, it's clear that whoever did this has plenty of experience with archery, regardless of where the bow used in the murder came from."

"In that case, the most obvious suspects for that one would be Legolas and Jon Snow." Kaku said. "From what I've read of 'The Wall' in the Coalition data, 'The Wall' requires many of its defenders to be good with ranged attacks, as their duty is to defend the Seven Kingdoms south of the wall from invading forces north of it. But it's possible others in the Night's Watch are better at this than Jon Snow. As for Legolas, it's no big secret how skilled an archer he is."

"Still, there are other suspects to consider. Who else might be good at ranging, sniping, or archery?" Kalifa asked, to the crowd.

@Atomyk @york @Jeremi @TheBlueBurch @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Gummi Bunnies @Wedge Antilles @Krieg @Everybody
"Yeah, it'll look great on my mantle." She rolled her eyes at Felix's boasting. If something went right for Chloe, Felix would get punted away into a building or something before the fight even got underway. Then Chloe could take down Aki with Felix's big ass gun and stand ontop it's fiery corpse with Max at her side. Like Bruce Campbell from that Army of Darkness poster! Yeah, just like that.

As Aqua approached her however, Chloe looked away. "Man, I don't care who it was. I just want whoever did it to be pointed out as the traitor so I can dish out my own justice." She said uttering the last part in a hushed but angered tone towards Aqua. "As for how I'm doing? Well I stopped crying a while ago. All that's left is anger and the desire for revenge. I guess that's not good either but I'm not complaining. So all in all I guess not very well. But I know she'll come back. She has to.."

@Klutzy Ninja Kitty
"When she comes back or if she doesn't, maybe one of you can use a camera to capture the moment I kill the demon. It'd be very awesome, you can pin it on a living room or something! Me, standing over the corpses with a giant fucking gun and fires flaring in the background. It'd be awesome, seriously! Anyways I uh...am not a detective, so I'll defer to all you and vote when I hear a real bitchin idea."
"What makes you think YOU are going to be the one to do it?" Kalifa said. "In any case, you won't be able to do it until the rest of us soften him up for you. So don't give yourself TOO much credit."

@ShadowPrime @Everybody
Joshua decided to think more outside the box, both terms being very broad in a special ability or how they seem not who they be. They might've not had training in either or, but it could still be possible to use such weapons. "What if we're thinking wrong? What if these special abilities might be less than special.. What if they're human abilities, just augmented, trained harder, in order to make it more special? What if our assailant isn't good? As in, what if he or she has no training in sword arts? It could also explain how it'd be there first time, performing a murder is no easy task, and from the way they tried to handle the removal of evidence, our assailant is inexperienced in this type of situation. If our assailant has little to no training in mind, it would explain why there's so many potholes.. We're thinking of somebody who is already experienced in this. Let's think of people who are not. One thing is for sure though, whoever it was did know where to strike at the center of mass. Nevertheless, I think it'd have to be someone.. Who's not whom they seem. Such as Stitch - Simply using as an example - he would be inexperienced, scared even, to do such a thing, and in an attempt to cover the truth, would terribly try to hide it as well. I don't know, but it might as well be possible."
"I know how you feel. I've lost people important to me. I'm sure Max would be glad you stopped crying though. She wouldn't want you to cry, because you're right; she probably will come back. You just have to stay positive. I mean, Kaku and Kalifa came back, why not Max too?" Aqua said, smiling softly. "We can't give up hope, none of us can. The second we give up is the second Akibahara wins. I won't allow that."

"You know,"
Aqua began, "I used to be a traitor, but I was mind controlled. It was an awful experience. Sometimes I can... still hear his voice whisper in my ear, but I never listen. I can't stand to see anyone die, especially when they leave behind ones who love them." Aqua paused before adding, "Did you love her?"

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"Well, I'm guessing that this bloody baseball bat had to be used in Max's murder..." Lapis spoke up, holding out the base ball bat that she found in the laundry room.

"Well, I'm guessing that this bloody baseball bat had to be used in Max's murder..." Lapis spoke up, holding out the base ball bat that she found in the laundry room.

"I think by now that's obvious." Kalifa said. "It clearly wasn't used in the other murder."

"I'm an expert in swords myself," Kaku added. "And from what I've gathered, the first murder didn't have to be committed by a highly trained sword fighter. The bat might have been used to soften up the victim for the kill."

"The second murder, however, had to have been accomplished by a skilled ranger, sniper, or archer. Someone who can handle a bow very well. I don't think there's any getting around that one."

"I think by now that's obvious." Kalifa said. "It clearly wasn't used in the other murder."

"I'm an expert in swords myself," Kaku added. "And from what I've gathered, the first murder didn't have to be committed by a highly trained sword fighter. The bat might have been used to soften up the victim for the kill."

"The second murder, however, had to have been accomplished by a skilled ranger, sniper, or archer. Someone who can handle a bow very well. I don't think there's any getting around that one."


"You don't need to be skilled to shoot someone in the back of the head. I could do that, and I've only used a bow a few times."

@Chris Lang
@Schnee Corp Lawyer @Mighty Roman @Mari @OrlandoBloomers

After a while of listening to the others speak, Joshua spoke up.

"As much as I enjoy a boring chat in the afterlife, I'm afraid I'm going to cut this short right now. Max and Bayonetta have games to play. So I hope you've said your goodbyes."

Josh stepped near Joseph and Alice.

"Close your eyes."

Bayonetta and Max would see Alice and Joseph suddenly vanish.

Joshua then waved a hand, making a new door magically appear in the room.

The door read Day 5.

He glanced back at the two.

"Okay, head through the door to get started."

Meanwhile, after vanishing, Alice and Joseph would open their eyes they would find themselves in a courtroom setting where the entire group was standing around. A black and white bear sat on a throne behind them.


Alice was about to respond to Max when the composer spoke up again. She took a deep breath and nodded, and closed her eyes with only a bit of hesitance, with one last word shot over to Max as they disappeared.

"See you soon!"


They were back.

Alice's response was almost immediate. she snapped her fingers and the air behind her glowed, a half dozen dolls appearing in the air as she took a deep breath and felt the arcane strings connecting her puppets to her.

Connect, disperse, fear and hate and hate and joy and sadness locked away and compartmentalized, logic resuming its rightful place in the hierarchy of her mind, thoughts clear, grimoire secure in her arms, purpose obvious-


She frowned slightly as she looked at the ranks behind her. All nameless and faceless... A slow dread started to build in her stomach. No Shanghai or Hourai. If they hadn't vanished when she died... then were they still stuck in Gotham? She sagged slightly and shook her head. It was inevitable she supposed, that she would lose them eventually. But as close as she was to those two dolls, her first and most love daughters... in the end, they were still just dolls she supposed.

The loss hurt, but she was strong again, with her little ones beside her. She would shed no tears, at least not until Aki had paid for this transgression-


She let out a small squeak of surprise as, from which ever end of the room Archer was standing, a small pair of arms came flying in like a rocket to hug her. She looked down and...


She was alright!

Alice couldn't help but smile, a soft and serene display as she let out a breathless giggle and returned the hug. And for this, she supposed that just this once, a few tears were allowed


They spun once before Alice held Shanghai out at arms length, a baffled smile over taking her features as she shook her head. "I don't understand, why were you still here? And what about your sister, is she- Hourai!"

The red dressed doll floated a bit behind them, a valiant attempt at an unconcerned look on her face as she uncrossed one arm to shoot Alice a wave. The puppeteer rolled her eyes reaching over and giving Hourai a pat on the head, letting her hand rest there as she gently rubbed the dolls forehead with a thumb.

"You two did well to survive, even if I don't understand how you did. I am very proud."


Hourai tried. She tried so hard to remain aloof.

She failed miserably when Shanghai floated up behind her and suddenly shoved her into Alice for a hug before following up behind, and with that, the three were finally and truly reunited.

When the hug finally broke, Alice nodded and spent a few moments in silence, in a sense downloading all that Shanghai and Hourai had seen and heard in her absence and thus removing the need for anyone to do a recap for Alice. After a few moments, she frowned and nodded, her wrist communicator flicking open as she started scanning entries.

"Oh. I suppose I should say hello everyone." She said, finally deigning to acknowledge everyone's existence and acting aloof enough that she seemed to just assume everyone wouldn't pay any mind to her brief emotional breakdown over reuniting with two dolls. "But onto that which is important, after which I will ask any questions I assume you likely have. Miss Rose, you were here before correct? For a murder game in the past if I'm reading your entry correctly."

@york @TheBlueBurch since I assume might have some dead bae questions @Everyone else I suppose
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"Was there any indication of blunt force trauma on her body?"

@Gummi Bunnies
Kalifa nodded. "As a matter of fact, there was. If we were the melodramatic sort, we'd go like Franziska von Karma and her attorney acquaintances and say..."



"And then we'd present the Evidence." Kalifa smiled as she reviewed the evidence from Max's murder. "Here it is."

"Max was found with a sword impaled in her stomach. Various cuts and bruises were found on her body, indicating a struggle occurred. Max also had red marks around her throat, about the size of a bag strap. Max's camera bag was open, and the camera was missing.

In the hallway outside the dorm, bloody footprints led from the woman's bathroom and to the dorm. They were accompanied by scuff marks that were somewhat cleaned away. The scuff marks could indicate something was dragged.

In the women's bathroom, there were trace amounts of blood on the floor and walls that someone had attempted to clean. A mirror in the bathroom was smashed, and Max's camera was found on the ground.

In the laundry room, a discarded red cloak was found, as well as a pair of bloody black gloves. A bloody baseball bat was also found here.
Source: The Evidence

"But we're not hammy attorneys so we'll just discuss the evidence like normal people." Kalifa concluded.

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