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Abel stared at Soul for a moment, "You know, I can say that on the whole, it's usually me as the demon king who freaks people out during the first meeting. You're one of the exceptions. Why do you even have a soul, Soul?"

@york @Gummi Bunnies @Bomb @DapperDogman


Soul gave a small shrug, as if he hadn't just eaten it

@The Tactician
Um... Oh noes?! The cookie jar was gone! How did Red miss this?

"Shhhhh... We'll be there to... candy mountain soon... Charlie~... Candy mountain..." Lapis could be heard talking in her sleep, apparently cuddling the cookie jar as if it were a child.

Red wasn't sure what to do to respond to this, and thankfully he could just stay silent.

@The Tactician @york @DapperDogman @Bomb

(why am I still awake?)​
Ehh since it's night, Gnar just slept, cuddling up to himself.

In Gnar's Dream:

@The Tactician @york @Gummi Bunnies @DapperDogman
  • Bucket of Rainbows
Reactions: Khan of the Mardu
Riley stepped back. "Hitherto thou shalt come, but no further, as was previously said." He took a swig of the Nuka Cola Quantum. "Anyway, it's none of my business." He leaned against the wall, and drank some more.

"Come hither." The Burned Man looked at Riley, shaking his head toward the two "What is this.. Enclave, that you speak of. And the Brotherhood Of Steel? Are they still the same technology hungry dogs that they are?"
"Yes, one day, let's visit each other again, Shiki-kun!~~" Plutia happily said.



"Alright then. How could I say no? I'll visit when I can," he said, continuing to ruffle her hair affectionately like a child or a pet. In truth, he didn't exactly know how he'd travel through other worlds, even if this Murder Game was far from the first time he had ever traveled to another dimension, but hey, with the kind of world he lived in, perhaps anything was possible. Still, he could only tempt the Counter Force for so long before even the will of the Earth would be fed up with him, but until then, he'd make sure to keep his word.

Even if the next few months for him would probably be hell.

In the meantime, it looked like voting was just about over. Now to see the fate of whoever would be voted off...

Joshua stared at the him "The one who used another means to destroy a flag, or the one who destroyed it personally... Ulysses." The word rolled out finally, remembering the name. "Wherever we are.. Our differences must be put aside, in order to fend ourselves." His hand then spread towards Ulysses, somewhat reluctantly.
Ulysses slowly reached out and shook the hand "We have a lot more in common than you or I wish to admit...or acknowledge..." he says with a small nod, before giving a cough, blood dripping from his nose gently "Next time aim for the bridge of the nose" he suggest jokingly "Has more chance or breaking it"
"Assault!" Lapis cries out upon somewhat waking up, punching Abel right in the face by pure reflex and instinct. The next second after that, she realized what she did.

"...oh shit, I didn't mean to hit you like that... Er, totally an accident."

@The Tactician @DapperDogman @york @Bomb
To those around them, it would seem Lapis had punched him full-strength, looking to possibly break his nose. For Abel though, it more like a poke by the girl thanks to his Anti-All skill, "It's fine, Lapis. You were just doing what comes natural. Besides, it honestly felt more like a flick of the nose," he smiled at her, not at all upset by the reaction.

@DapperDogman @Bomb @york @Gummi Bunnies
"...Okay then, that just happened. I'm guessing that's not weird to do in your line of work?"​
"To become a Death Weapon, one has to hunt down 99 Kinshin Eggs and the soul of a witch...eating souls is pretty normal for me, yeah...your soul is pretty weird though...It's got those ears" he says, pointing to Abel's headgear
"To become a Death Weapon, one has to hunt down 99 Kinshin Eggs and the soul of a witch...eating souls is pretty normal for me, yeah...your soul is pretty weird though...It's got those ears" he says, pointing to Abel's headgear
"Oh, my headphones?" Abel took the gear off and examined them curiously, "Well, they are kind of distinctive to me... Being a hand-made gift from my brother and all, no one else has them."​
Ulysses slowly reached out and shook the hand "We have a lot more in common than you or I wish to admit...or acknowledge..." he says with a small nod, before giving a cough, blood dripping from his nose gently "Next time aim for the bridge of the nose" he suggest jokingly "Has more chance or breaking it"
A light curl of a smile crept under the bandages "Not my intention." It went back to a straight face, shaking the hand firmly. "Where are we either way?"
To those around them, it would seem Lapis had punched him full-strength, looking to possibly break his nose. For Abel though, it more like a poke by the girl thanks to his Anti-All skill, "It's fine, Lapis. You were just doing what comes natural. Besides, it honestly felt more like a flick of the nose," he smiled at her, not at all upset by the reaction.

@DapperDogman @Bomb @york @Gummi Bunnies
"Really? Weird, I thought I would knock you out by accident. No harm done, I suppose," Lapis blinked, looking surprised to see and hear that Abel wasn't at all harmed by her instinct attack. Though, she happened to catch onto the whole "soul" conversation.

"Geez... that's awfully weird. The whole death weapon thing. Then again... I'm considered to be a half-alive person... Soooo."

@The Tactician @DapperDogman @york @Bomb
"Oh, my headphones?" Abel took the gear off and examined them curiously, "Well, they are kind of distinctive to me... Being a hand-made gift from my brother and all, no one else has them."​
"Yeah...your soul wears them too..." he says with a small laugh "Pretty easy way to tell it's your soul...mine has my teeth" he says with a grin, showing them off
"Really? Weird, I thought I would knock you out by accident. No harm done, I suppose," Lapis blinked, looking surprised to see and hear that Abel wasn't at all harmed by her instinct attack. Though, she happened to catch onto the whole "soul" conversation.

"Geez... that's awfully weird. The whole death weapon thing. Then again... I'm considered to be a half-alive person... Soooo."

@The Tactician @DapperDogman @york @Bomb
"Yeah, level 99 and Anti-All tends to keep me standing in most cases," Abel offered as an explanation, seeing as it was the truth.
"Yeah...your soul wears them too..." he says with a small laugh "Pretty easy way to tell it's your soul...mine has my teeth" he says with a grin, showing them off
"...Shark Man, that's your new name," Abel declared with a smile, not meaning anything negative by the title.

@DapperDogman @Sandra @Bomb @york @Gummi Bunnies
"Well, considering that right now I have you in my clutches, a lot of stuff we could do comes to mind. Whether or not I'd enjoy it more than you, I can't really say but we'll cross that bridge when we come to it, okay Rid?" Chloe teased as she smiled seductively at the siren, as her fingers ran up and down Rid's back in a gentle rhythm. "Hells yeah! You better believe we have some common ground! That just makes you even hotter in my eyes, Rid."

As for the guy Chloe had assumed was just jealous, pff she couldn't care less! Not all dudes or girls had the charm to catch the eye of girls like Rid. Chloe just so happened to have that charm, she guessed. "Well, ya snooze ya lose? But, Rid? Now that I got you here in this sort of quasi-hug, you have anything you wanted to do..?" Chloe asked although it was clear what she had on her mind.

All the while the fact that Max was in the crowd of the fight that had now just ended due to Jon being fed up with this whacky shi-take and Nicki being Nicki failed to even register on Chloe's radar.

This looked as though it pleased Ridley greatly, to say the least. She had small doubts that she could have grinned any wider than she was at Chloe, now. These things were always so fun(or, more accurately, she made them out to be).. And it didn't really require anything from Ridley. All she had to do was be in the same room as someone, and they'd feel compelled to and attracted to her. Most people to a point of infatuation.. And it appeared Chloe was one of them. Others, well, with a little bit of an advance from Ridley.. They felt that infatuation, too.

Sometimes, the Siren wished she could turn this off. This.. This aura she had that made people feel so compelled to her. Most of the time? Ha. Never. After all, what did she lose from it? Nothing. All she did was gain. Sometimes the people she did things with regretted what they did with her.. Most of the time? Not so much.

All Ridley knew was she was loving this situation. Or, playing herself up to be.

"Heh.. Lots is comin' ta me, too. The question is.. Are we thinkin' the same, Dollface?" she mused, golden eyes glinting and expression turning sly.. Mischievous. "Oh, trust me, if you're thinkin' what I'm thinkin'.. I'd like ta hope you'll enjoy it as much as me," she replied. Very slowly, she moved her face closer to Chloe's.. Gold eyes glancing over Chloe with approval. "Oh, yeah? Well, I think ah'd have ta agree."

"Mm.. Well... I could think of a few things. But how about I show ya? That's better than tellin', in my.. experience..." the words slowly trailed off as Ridley's face came closer to Chloe's. For a moment, she lingered with her lips just a breath away from Chloe's.. Before finally closing the last of the distance, kissing the other girl more than eagerly.

Oh mai~ That lesbian action tho... And right in front of Joseph, Ace, Izana, and Cell. And, well, everyone else, at that.

@TheBlueBurch @Mighty Roman @FireDrake150 @Mari @Dinoteen @OrlandoBloomers @EVERYONEEEEEEEE​
This.. Pleased Ridley greatly, to say the least. She had high doubts that she could have grinned any wider than she was at Chloe, now. These things were always so fun.. And it didn't really require anything from Ridley. All she had to do was be in the same room as someone, and they'd feel compelled to and attracted to her. Most people to a point of infatuation.. And it appeared Chloe was one of them. Others, well, with a little bit of an advance from Ridley.. They felt that infatuation, too.

Sometimes, the Siren wished she could turn this off. This.. This aura she had that made people feel so compelled to her. Most of the time? Ha. Never. After all, what did she lose from it? Nothing. All she did was gain. Sometimes the people she did things with regretted what they did with her.. Most of the time? Not so much.

All Ridley knew was she was loving this situation.

"Heh.. Lots is comin' ta me, too. The question is.. Are we thinkin' the same, Dollface?" she mused, golden eyes glinting and expression turning sly.. Mischievous. "Oh, trust me, if you're thinkin' what I'm thinkin'.. I'd like ta hope you'll enjoy it as much as me," she replied. Very slowly, she moved her face closer to Chloe's.. Gold eyes glancing over Chloe with approval. "Oh, yeah? Well, I think ah'd have ta agree."

"Mm.. Well... I could think of a few things. But how about I show ya? That's better than tellin', in my.. experience..." the words slowly trailed off as Ridley's face came closer to Chloe's. For a moment, she lingered with her lips just a breath away from Chloe's.. Before finally closing the last of the distance, kissing the other girl more than eagerly.

Oh mai~ That lesbian action tho... And right in front of Joseph, Ace, Izana, and Cell. And, well, everyone else, at that.

@TheBlueBurch @Mighty Roman @FireDrake150 @Mari @Dinoteen @OrlandoBloomers @EVERYONEEEEEEEE​
"Yeah, level 99 and Anti-All tends to keep me standing in most cases," Abel offered as an explanation, seeing as it was the truth.

"...Shark Man, that's your new name," Abel declared with a smile, not meaning anything negative by the title.

@DapperDogman @Sandra @Bomb @york @Gummi Bunnies
"That explains it. I thought you were some sort of half-alive like me..." Lapis says with an interested look on her face.

@The Tactician @DapperDogman @york @Bomb @Sandra
"Come hither." The Burned Man looked at Riley, shaking his head toward the two "What is this.. Enclave, that you speak of. And the Brotherhood Of Steel? Are they still the same technology hungry dogs that they are?"

Riley walked towards the bandaged man. "I don't know of this Western Brotherhood of Steel, but in The Capital Wasteland, they wanted to give the people water. The Outcasts hoarded technology, and they were, well, cast out for it." Riley finished the bottle of Quantum. "The Enclave is the ruins of the Old American government. They wanted me, to poison the water. I destroyed the Modified FEV they gave me." Riley shifted his rifle. "The BoS now runs Project Purity, dedicated to giving free water to the people of the Wasteland. And I survived Ungodly amounts of radiation to get that too."

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