• So many newbies lately! Here is a very important PSA about one of our most vital content policies! Read it even if you are an ancient member!
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"Oh jeez, oh jeez, oh jeez, oh shiiiiiiit!" Shiki exclaimed when he was thrown.

See? He was right. He already regretted it.

To everyone else, you would all see a strange, small humanoid figure approaching the Arch Demon in the air.

Was it a bird? Was it a plane?

No, it was Shiki Tohno!

Because of his relatively small size, he was able to approach the monster unnoticed, even at his rapid speed. With his Mystic Eyes of Death Perception, he analyzed the monster's body, registering in the lines and points of death on him.

If he was up against the Arch Demon without using the Ultimate Nullifier, who knows how the Mystic Eyes would have registered him? If at all? What if his eyes would be unable to see Akibahara's lines of death? What if he would have been truly immortal?

But of course, that was the one thing that made all the difference in the world.

He was vulnerable here.

Even if it's a god... I'll kill it.

He was mortal here.

This one's for me!

He was going to die here.

This one's for the multiverse!

With that, he sliced through the arm of Arch Demon Akibahara, the entire limb falling off as he flew through the monster!


Sorta-not-really-accurate-representation :|

This is what it means to see death. These eyes, this power isn't something you can boast about like you do with everything else. Do you see your mistake, now, Arch Demon Akibahara? Life and death may be back to back, but they will never face each other. I'll show you. This is what it means to kill something.

The monster roared in pain, screeching a roar that could be heard throughout the entire battlefield.

"MOTHERFUCK, MY ARM. WHERE'D MY BIG DRAGON ARM GO?! AGHHHH!!" Akibahara screamed almost comically, reeling about in pain as parts of the realm began to be rained down upon with his blood.

In any case, he was vulnerable, more so than ever! Whatever you guys were all preparing to do, you should all do it quick and get your last hit into the Arch Demon!

Meanwhile, Shiki continued falling. Weeeee.

"Oh shit oh shit oh shit oh shit oh shiiiit!"

@Bomb @Wedge Antilles @Raven @FireDrake150 @Lizzy @Mari @Mighty Roman @ResistingTheEnlightened @AKI FIGHTAN CREW​
Bayonetta had built up enough power to execute another climax on the arch demon. It was not all offensives though, as the Umbran Witch was forced to elude many attacks at her as well. Much like this entire experience with the Coalition itself, sadly.


Then, she paused, to see, finally, the attacks were wearing on the arch demon. He was truly vulnerable now.


"Last call!", she said to the group that had been pounding on Akihabara with their attacks all this time. She then chanted a different chant from before:



With that chant, the demon Labolas manifested, and as Bayonetta mentioned earlier, perhaps it would take a beast to finally defeat the beast. Labolas was certainly not going to disappoint, chewing into Akibahara like he were a long awaited meal to a starving wild creature, biting and chewing heartily into the arch demon.


As her pet had its fill, Bayonetta herself had quite enough action, and exercise, for now. She was content to sit down now, and watch her pet satisfy its hunger. Though she would still adjust its direction if needed.​


"After all that, finally, my feet are starting to bloody ache. This little witch could use a sit down."

@Verite @FireDrake150 @Bomb @CrunchyCHEEZIT @Lizzy @Raven @Wedge Antilles @Mighty Roman
@Bomb @Wedge Antilles @Raven @Verite @Lizzy @Mari @Mighty Roman @ResistingTheEnlightened @AKI FIGHTAN CREW

Izana launches his flames into the stump of the Arch Demons former arm, not enough to cauterize it, however, but enough to de enough damage to create more blood loss over some time, before swooping down and catching Shiki on his back as gently as he can. "Careful there buddy. Can't have you splattering over the ground during a fight like this one, now can we?"
Bayonetta had built up enough power to execute another climax on the arch demon. It was not all offensives though, as the Umbran Witch was forced to elude many attacks at her as well. Much like this entire experience with the Coalition itself, sadly.


Then, she paused, to see, finally, the attacks were wearing on the arch demon. He was truly vulnerable now.


"Last call!", she said to the group that had been pounding on Akihabara with their attacks all this time. She then chanted a different chant from before:



With that chant, the demon Labolas manifested, and as Bayonetta mentioned earlier, perhaps it would take a beast to finally defeat the beast. Labolas was certainly not going to disappoint, chewing into Akibahara like he were a long awaited meal to a starving wild creature, biting and chewing heartily into the arch demon.


As her pet had its fill, Bayonetta herself had quite enough action, and exercise, for now. She was content to sit down now, and watch her pet satisfy its hunger. Though she would still adjust its direction if needed.​


"After all that, finally, my feet are starting to bloody ache. This little witch could use a sit down."

@Verite @FireDrake150 @Bomb @CrunchyCHEEZIT @Lizzy @Raven @Wedge Antilles @Mighty Roman

Legolas smiled as Izana was able to catch up to Shiki. He grabbed onto Shiki's hand to pull him up. "Good job, dragon", he said, as he got Shiki on board. "And good work in getting to the arch demon as well." He noticed Bayonetta had unleashed another dark beast onto Akibahara, so he was not sure he needed to fire any more arrows or lightning at this point.

He did, however, look around to try to find Link, or more specifically, Fi. Not finding her right away, he focused his thoughts towards her.

[Perhaps a little more and the arch demon will be finished. Do be careful, as the wounded beast may be the most dangerous.]

He took his own advice to heart, and fired another round of arrows into the demon's eyes.


And, he sent one more thought to her.

[I love you, my lady]

(OOC: good morning!)
Legolas smiled as Izana was able to catch up to Shiki. He grabbed onto Shiki's hand to pull him up. "Good job, dragon", he said, as he got Shiki on board. "And good work in getting to the arch demon as well." He noticed Bayonetta had unleashed another dark beast onto Akibahara, so he was not sure he needed to fire any more arrows or lightning at this point.

He did, however, look around to try to find Link, or more specifically, Fi. Not finding her right away, he focused his thoughts towards her.

[Perhaps a little more and the arch demon will be finished. Do be careful, as the wounded beast may be the most dangerous.]

He took his own advice to heart, and fired another round of arrows into the demon's eyes.


And, he sent one more thought to her.

[I love you, my lady]

(OOC: good morning Fi!)

@Lizzy @Raven @FireDrake150 @Mari @Verite
@Lizzy @Raven @FireDrake150 @Mari @Verite
Legolas smiled as Izana was able to catch up to Shiki. He grabbed onto Shiki's hand to pull him up. "Good job, dragon", he said, as he got Shiki on board. "And good work in getting to the arch demon as well." He noticed Bayonetta had unleashed another dark beast onto Akibahara, so he was not sure he needed to fire any more arrows or lightning at this point.

He did, however, look around to try to find Link, or more specifically, Fi. Not finding her right away, he focused his thoughts towards her.

[Perhaps a little more and the arch demon will be finished. Do be careful, as the wounded beast may be the most dangerous.]

He took his own advice to heart, and fired another round of arrows into the demon's eyes.


And, he sent one more thought to her.

[I love you, my lady]

(OOC: good morning!)
Legolas smiled as Izana was able to catch up to Shiki. He grabbed onto Shiki's hand to pull him up. "Good job, dragon", he said, as he got Shiki on board. "And good work in getting to the arch demon as well." He noticed Bayonetta had unleashed another dark beast onto Akibahara, so he was not sure he needed to fire any more arrows or lightning at this point.

He did, however, look around to try to find Link, or more specifically, Fi. Not finding her right away, he focused his thoughts towards her.

[Perhaps a little more and the arch demon will be finished. Do be careful, as the wounded beast may be the most dangerous.]

He took his own advice to heart, and fired another round of arrows into the demon's eyes.


And, he sent one more thought to her.

[I love you, my lady]

(OOC: good morning Fi!)

@Lizzy @Raven @FireDrake150 @Mari @Verite
@Lizzy @Raven @FireDrake150 @Mari @Verite
Izana nods and smiles a little. Thanks. My name is Izana though, Please make use of it? it's less awkward then dragon. Like me calling you Elf."

@Wedge Antilles.
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Legolas smiled as Izana was able to catch up to Shiki. He grabbed onto Shiki's hand to pull him up. "Good job, dragon", he said, as he got Shiki on board. "And good work in getting to the arch demon as well." He noticed Bayonetta had unleashed another dark beast onto Akibahara, so he was not sure he needed to fire any more arrows or lightning at this point.

He did, however, look around to try to find Link, or more specifically, Fi. Not finding her right away, he focused his thoughts towards her.

[Perhaps a little more and the arch demon will be finished. Do be careful, as the wounded beast may be the most dangerous.]

He took his own advice to heart, and fired another round of arrows into the demon's eyes.


And, he sent one more thought to her.

[I love you, my lady]

(OOC: good morning!)
Legolas smiled as Izana was able to catch up to Shiki. He grabbed onto Shiki's hand to pull him up. "Good job, dragon", he said, as he got Shiki on board. "And good work in getting to the arch demon as well." He noticed Bayonetta had unleashed another dark beast onto Akibahara, so he was not sure he needed to fire any more arrows or lightning at this point.

He did, however, look around to try to find Link, or more specifically, Fi. Not finding her right away, he focused his thoughts towards her.

[Perhaps a little more and the arch demon will be finished. Do be careful, as the wounded beast may be the most dangerous.]

He took his own advice to heart, and fired another round of arrows into the demon's eyes.


And, he sent one more thought to her.

[I love you, my lady]

(OOC: good morning Fi!)

@Lizzy @Raven @FireDrake150 @Mari @Verite
@Lizzy @Raven @FireDrake150 @Mari @Verite

Link felt like Shiki needed major respect for throwing himself at Akibahara. It was almost like the young elf himself getting flung out of a catapult. Twice. Kudos to you Shiki, kudos to you.

[I love you as well, dear Legolas.]

Link unsheathed his sword once more, rose it into the air and charged it before sending a horizontal Skyward Strike much more powerful than the others he's used so far at the beast. And just for good measure Fi set the blade on fire for the second Skyward Strike as revenge for getting Legolas killed.

Yes, she's registered that feeling too guys, so watch out if you guys ever see her again and you act like jerks.

And did Bayonetta call dibs on finishing Aki off?....Oh well it was better than Link going on Aki's back and using a Spin Attack to try and behead him like he may have thought of doing.

@Wedge Antilles @FireDrake150 @Raven @Mighty Roman @Mari @ResistingTheEnlightened @Verite @Aki fighters

(Good morning guys. And Fi returns the good morning to Legolas cause why not)
Jake witnessed the arm and Stitch happening to jump off grabbing on the Arch Demon's shoulder best he could. "Stitch hang in there" He hollered to the alien experiment.

Stitch fell but caught on the Arch Demon barely holding on.

Stay on:Odd

@Lizzy @Wedge Antilles @Verite @FireDrake150 @Others
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"... LAPIS, THAT WAS METAL AS ALL HELL!" Abel cheered as he continued to chuck spears of ice at John, keeping on his toes to keep dodging the rays.

@Hospes @Chris Lang @Wedge Antilles @Crimson Spartan @Kaykay @york @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Gummi Bunnies
@Anybody fighting John White​
"Pretty much the only time I'm going to say that ever!" Lapis exclaimed as she evaded or warped away from the rays.

@Hospes @Chris Lang @Wedge Antilles @Crimson Spartan @Kaykay @york @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @The Tactician
@Anybody fighting John White​
{Suggested music: "Fatal Fight" by Pierre Langer.}

"Oh jeez, oh jeez, oh jeez, oh shiiiiiiit!" Shiki exclaimed when he was thrown.

See? He was right. He already regretted it.

To everyone else, you would all see a strange, small humanoid figure approaching the Arch Demon in the air.

Was it a bird? Was it a plane?

No, it was Shiki Tohno!

Because of his relatively small size, he was able to approach the monster unnoticed, even at his rapid speed. With his Mystic Eyes of Death Perception, he analyzed the monster's body, registering in the lines and points of death on him.

If he was up against the Arch Demon without using the Ultimate Nullifier, who knows how the Mystic Eyes would have registered him? If at all? What if his eyes would be unable to see Akibahara's lines of death? What if he would have been truly immortal?

But of course, that was the one thing that made all the difference in the world.

He was vulnerable here.

Even if it's a god... I'll kill it.

He was mortal here.

This one's for me!

He was going to die here.

This one's for the multiverse!

With that, he sliced through the arm of Arch Demon Akibahara, the entire limb falling off as he flew through the monster!


Sorta-not-really-accurate-representation :|

This is what it means to see death. These eyes, this power isn't something you can boast about like you do with everything else. Do you see your mistake, now, Arch Demon Akibahara? Life and death may be back to back, but they will never face each other. I'll show you. This is what it means to kill something.

The monster roared in pain, screeching a roar that could be heard throughout the entire battlefield.

"MOTHERFUCK, MY ARM. WHERE'D MY BIG DRAGON ARM GO?! AGHHHH!!" Akibahara screamed almost comically, reeling about in pain as parts of the realm began to be rained down upon with his blood.

In any case, he was vulnerable, more so than ever! Whatever you guys were all preparing to do, you should all do it quick and get your last hit into the Arch Demon!

Meanwhile, Shiki continued falling. Weeeee.

"Oh shit oh shit oh shit oh shit oh shiiiit!"


Kalifa exclaimed, aiming the bubbles carefully at the Arch Demon's large and mostly exposed chest, to hit him and weaken him further.

Rob Lucci then moved in close to the Arch Demon and unleashed 'Finger Pistol Spots!" on it. A multiple barrage of Finger Pistol techniques modified so that ten Finger Pistol attacks at once happened. He then quickly followed it up with Shave/Soru to move back a few paces, and then a barrage of the Triple Sting attack (which combined the 'compressed air' techniques of the Tempest Kick' with the 'simulated bullet-shaped' attack of the Finger Pistol to create bullet-like air projectiles) at the Arch Demon's neck.

Blueno briefly rushed toward the Arch Demon's leg, and dared to touch it. "Revolving Door!". The power of the Door-Door fruit would temporarily cause the Arch Demon's leg to spin like a revolving door, most likely affecting the demon's balance. With that in mind, Blueno zipped out of the way using the Shave/Soru technique, as he did not wish to be anywhere near there.

OOC: Kaku's portion moved to the post below since it turns out it IS valid after all. (Yay!)
Last edited by a moderator:
Raven noticed that the Arch Demon was now missing an arm and the little blue ball she had seen managed to stay on. She felt it must be Stitch. Giving a nod she glanced wondering if those taking on John would have time to join. Unsure she got ready to throw one of the many dismantled Jack bots at the Arch Demon till she decided it was safe to allow her soul self near him.


Wuya looked to Jack. "Jackie I think were almost finished her. Do you have the Eye of Dashi?" She asked. Jack gave a nod. "Good use it on the demon. Also do you have the Wings of Tinabi and the Fist of Tebigong?" Jack nodded. "Give them to me." She called and Jack throw them Wuya catching the two. "Alright together." She called and she first said. "Wings of Tinabi." Pausing she grabbed Jack and quickly took them right at the Arch Demon near his face. She dropped Jack and flew straight at the ground as fast as she could. "Fist of Tebigong" She called just before hitting the ground at that same moment Jack could be heard. "Eye of Dashi" He yelled.

Wuya made at the Arch Demon's feet an earthquake to try and throw him off his feet for many other's attack including Jack's. Jack aimed the Eye of Dashi to shoot lightning directly at the Arch Demon's head.

@Verite @Wedge Antilles @Lizzy @Others
(Just trying for yet another post with Raven, Wuya and Jack)

Dice 1)
Earthquake works: Odd
Earthquake fails: Even

Dice 2)
Jack hits Aki in the face successful:Odd
Jack misses: Even

(If wuya fails Jack is ignored)
@Hospes @Chris Lang @Wedge Antilles @Crimson Spartan @Kaykay @york @Gummi Bunnies @The Tactician
@Anybody fighting John White

With his invincibility gone, the ferocious beast pounded the group with all he had to give. He barraged them with red lasers, bursts of explosive rock, earthquakes, fire, and lava he spat from his mouth. The compressed air from Kaku, however, managed to not only damage him, but also cool the lava and fire. He stumbled back from the attack just in time to be hit with Lapis' exploding crystals. With every explosion that hit him, chunks of rock flew off him. He cried in agony and swung at Lapis in frustration. Shots were then fired at his head, and spears of ice chucked at him as well. Joshua chuckled upon seeing the sight.


"How does it feel to be helpless, John? This time, when you die, you won't have Akibahara around to save you. This will be your final death. While I, along with many others, will continue to live and mock your memory," Josh said, flying into the air until he was even with John's face.


He raised a hand a fired a white laser at the beast, watching as John raised a hand to do the same--only firing a red beam. The two powers collided, struggling for dominance over the other.


"A-All of you are fools! Your failure to see my ways will someday be your downfall. Evolution is the way of the future. Humanity isn't strong enough to survive without change! Those strong enough to do so must evolve, while the rest die! It's simply the way of life! All of you are damning yourselves!"

"Sorry, but that isn't really the way I see it. Your opinion isn't a popular one at all. The only people who would even bother to agree with you are arch-demons bent on evil deeds. What does that tell you? I'm afraid your time has come to an end, old friend."

With a shout, Josh increased the power of his beam, causing it to defeat the red beam it was warring against. The composer's attack hit the beast's body, making a hole straight through his chest. The beast stumbled before falling back, his body of rock beginning to crumble into bits. The composer looked into the eyes of the beast as he began to perish--a smug glow on his face.

"You're done."

The crumbly bits of rock from the gigantic lava creature fell upon the group. As floated through the air, nearly so thick it became difficult to breathe. Joshua landed to the ground, thanking the others with a nod. A while light engulfed him, and when it faded he was back in his younger looking form.


"A job well done. It looks like one big bad wolf is taken down, two left to go. Let's keep up the good work so we can all finally end this war," he told them.​
@Hospes @Chris Lang

With his invincibility gone, the ferocious beast pounded the group with all he had to give. He barraged them with red lasers, bursts of explosive rock, earthquakes, fire, and lava he spat from his mouth. The compressed air from Kaku, however, managed to not only damage him, but also cool the lava and fire. He stumbled back from the attack just in time to be hit with Lapis' exploding crystals. With every explosion that hit him, chunks of rock flew off him. He cried in agony and swung at Lapis in frustration. Shots were then fired at his head, and spears of ice chucked at him as well. Joshua chuckled upon seeing the sight.


"How does it feel to be helpless, John? This time, when you die, you won't have Akibahara around to save you. This will be your final death. While I, along with many others, will continue to live and mock your memory," Josh said, flying into the air until he was even with John's face.


He raised a hand a fired a white laser at the beast, watching as John raised a hand to do the same--only firing a red beam. The two powers collided, struggling for dominance over the other.


"A-All of you are fools! Your failure to see my ways will someday be your downfall. Evolution is the way of the future. Humanity isn't strong enough to survive without change! Those strong enough to do so must evolve, while the rest die! It's simply the way of life! All of you are damning yourselves!"

"Sorry, but that isn't really the way I see it. Your opinion isn't a popular one at all. The only people who would even bother to agree with you are arch-demons bent on evil deeds. What does that tell you? I'm afraid your time has come to an end, old friend."

With a shout, Josh increased the power of his beam, causing it to defeat the red beam it was warring against. The composer's attack hit the beast's body, making a hole straight through his chest. The beast stumbled before falling back, his body of rock beginning to crumble into bits. The composer looked into the eyes of the beast as he began to perish--a smug glow on his face.

"You're done."

The crumbly bits of rock from the gigantic lava creature fell upon the group. As floated through the air, nearly so thick it became difficult to breathe. Joshua landed to the ground, thanking the others with a nod. A while light engulfed him, and when it faded he was back in his younger looking form.


"A job well done. It looks like one big bad wolf is taken down, two left to go. Let's keep up the good work so we can all finally end this war," he told them.​
And with that, Kaku wasted no time, and immediately went to finish off the Arch Demon.

Kaku arrived just in time to join in. He felt he still had enough energy for another Sky Slicer, so he proceeded to unleash his most devastating attack.


A huge, enormous amount of compressed air went flying at the Arch Demon, and was sure to do the Arch Demon significant damage in the demon's current state.

@Hospes @Chris Lang @Wedge Antilles @Crimson Spartan @Kaykay @york @Gummi Bunnies @The Tactician
@Anybody fighting John White

With his invincibility gone, the ferocious beast pounded the group with all he had to give. He barraged them with red lasers, bursts of explosive rock, earthquakes, fire, and lava he spat from his mouth. The compressed air from Kaku, however, managed to not only damage him, but also cool the lava and fire. He stumbled back from the attack just in time to be hit with Lapis' exploding crystals. With every explosion that hit him, chunks of rock flew off him. He cried in agony and swung at Lapis in frustration. Shots were then fired at his head, and spears of ice chucked at him as well. Joshua chuckled upon seeing the sight.


"How does it feel to be helpless, John? This time, when you die, you won't have Akibahara around to save you. This will be your final death. While I, along with many others, will continue to live and mock your memory," Josh said, flying into the air until he was even with John's face.


He raised a hand a fired a white laser at the beast, watching as John raised a hand to do the same--only firing a red beam. The two powers collided, struggling for dominance over the other.


"A-All of you are fools! Your failure to see my ways will someday be your downfall. Evolution is the way of the future. Humanity isn't strong enough to survive without change! Those strong enough to do so must evolve, while the rest die! It's simply the way of life! All of you are damning yourselves!"

"Sorry, but that isn't really the way I see it. Your opinion isn't a popular one at all. The only people who would even bother to agree with you are arch-demons bent on evil deeds. What does that tell you? I'm afraid your time has come to an end, old friend."

With a shout, Josh increased the power of his beam, causing it to defeat the red beam it was warring against. The composer's attack hit the beast's body, making a hole straight through his chest. The beast stumbled before falling back, his body of rock beginning to crumble into bits. The composer looked into the eyes of the beast as he began to perish--a smug glow on his face.

"You're done."

The crumbly bits of rock from the gigantic lava creature fell upon the group. As floated through the air, nearly so thick it became difficult to breathe. Joshua landed to the ground, thanking the others with a nod. A while light engulfed him, and when it faded he was back in his younger looking form.


"A job well done. It looks like one big bad wolf is taken down, two left to go. Let's keep up the good work so we can all finally end this war," he told them.​
"Good..." Lapis happened to say as she watched their opponent go down. While it appeared that a good number of them handled the fight with the other big bad, Lapis was determined to end Akibahara here and take that tongue of his as her prize. That was what she made her goal to be as she became a part of this by accident...

"C'mon Abel... let's just skip the other guy, the others got that one handled... we have the real opponent next..." Lapis said to him, taking a few steps towards the battle against the Arch Demon. However, she immediately collapsed out of exhaustion, a coughing fit that seemed much worse than last time... her scar expanding to where her entirety of her left cheek and left side of her neck was shattered apart like crystals...

"Dammit... this wasn't a part of the damn deal..." Lapis cursed, feeling that her dead body was finally starting to shatter apart completely. The blue butterflies still stayed by her, as if they had some sort of connection to her...

@The Tactician @Hospes @Chris Lang @Wedge Antilles @Crimson Spartan @Kaykay @york @Klutzy Ninja Kitty
@Anybody fighting John White​
"Good..." Lapis happened to say as she watched their opponent go down. While it appeared that a good number of them handled the fight with the other big bad, Lapis was determined to end Akibahara here and take that tongue of his as her prize. That was what she made her goal to be as she became a part of this by accident...

"C'mon Abel... let's just skip the other guy, the others got that one handled... we have the real opponent next..." Lapis said to him, taking a few steps towards the battle against the Arch Demon. However, she immediately collapsed out of exhaustion, a coughing fit that seemed much worse than last time... her scar expanding to where her entirety of her left cheek and left side of her neck was shattered apart like crystals...

"Dammit... this wasn't a part of the damn deal..." Lapis cursed, feeling that her dead body was finally starting to shatter apart completely. The blue butterflies still stayed by her, as if they had some sort of connection to her...

@The Tactician @Hospes @Chris Lang @Wedge Antilles @Crimson Spartan @Kaykay @york @Klutzy Ninja Kitty
@Anybody fighting John White​
"W-Wait, Lapis!" Abel panicked, his hand glowing green with the light of a Dia. He began trying to apply the healing spell with a shaking hand, doing whatever he could to help her, "J-Just hold on, L-Lapis! I'll... I'll figure something out!"​
River gazed, and stared at what she beheld. The future was cracking and splintering off around them, more than she could even cared to look at. This was the crux for the fate of the multiverse, the shatterpoint, the moment where it all ended one way or another.
A new dawn, or eternal darkness.
It was funny. Mal always liked to preach about shades of grey. How just because they were the bad guys, they weren't the worse guys like the Alliance. But as she looked around and saw the so called monsters and villains fighting alongside the so called angels and heroes, all she saw was people. That was all she ever saw, people.
But for the first time in her life, she couldn't see a person or even a remnant of one. When she looked at the demon, all she saw was a being that had had to long to ferment in its own filth. It was a diseased husk of what it could have been, and they were doing it and the universe a favor by killing it.
So she was going to go where she didn't want to, for the sake of those around her.
She was going deeper into its mind.
She was going to unmake it from the inside.

But not alone. There were others here. Her Brotherhood at her back. Desmond, Ezio, Lisa, others she couldn't reach, fighting the battle back at Serenity.
They were each here for her, for the battle, and for each other. That's what the difference was between the new Order and the old. They were a family. They could endure whatever came in the future as long as they had each other.
So she entered each of their minds, took them into her own.
Desmond, bitter and hard, but with a heart full of compassion.
Ezio, cocky, arrogant, but kind and wise when he needed to be.
Lisa, broken, sad, but with her father's inextinguishable spirit.

They were the guardians of freedom, and they were here to save it from those who would take it.


As one, they raised their hands at the Archdemon, piercing its foul mind and all that lay inside. There was simply one command, one thought, one action. It was what they were named for, and what they did to make the world a better place.

For things to change, sometimes people needed to die.

Sometimes people needed to die.


As one they spoke the word the word that would hopefully, finally, end this.


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"W-Wait, Lapis!" Abel panicked, his hand glowing green with the light of a Dia. He began trying to apply the healing spell with a shaking hand, doing whatever he could to help her, "J-Just hold on, L-Lapis! I'll... I'll figure something out!"​

"A-Abel... that's not going to help... you're just healing... a dead body... I'm not sure... if I'll... survive this one..." Lapis had that terrible feeling that she's made a mistake by extending this deal in the first place, and she knew that his healing attempts would fail anyways,"Look... I'm stupid... for taking the deal... from that voice in my head... again... I'm not afraid of dying... but... I'm afraid... of leaving you alone..."

Lapis let out another horrendous fit of coughing, to the point that she actually coughed out blood. Red blood. Crimson blood... with a hint of blue mixed in... The scar continued to shatter, the shattering effect extending down through her torso now... Even if she were in a dying state... she still wanted her share of the Akibahara beatdown...

Holding out her hand as if she were to prepare an attack towards the Arch Demon, the blue butterflies obeyed her inner command, fluttering around to craft a final crystal lance. While it appeared as if this wouldn't do much, Lapis also commanded the butterflies to shatter a few of her important crystals for the extra boost... only leaving one crystal left to sustain her life. It didn't matter to her anyways, she was going to shatter apart, but at least keep that crystal as a little memoir of herself. With the crystal lance boosted with her own sacrificed energy and the energy of the blue butterflies' magic, the supposed final attack from the Half-Alive was launched towards the weakened Arch Demon...

Once that was done, Lapis was now lying on the ground, the blue butterflies around her were beginning to disappear as the light in her eyes were dimming...

"If this is really it... Abel... just... kiss me... I want... I want to at least... have one last happy moment... please... I'm sorry... for being stupid..."

@The Tactician @Verite

"A-Abel... that's not going to help... you're just healing... a dead body... I'm not sure... if I'll... survive this one..." Lapis had that terrible feeling that she's made a mistake by extending this deal in the first place, and she knew that his healing attempts would fail anyways,"Look... I'm stupid... for taking the deal... from that voice in my head... again... I'm not afraid of dying... but... I'm afraid... of leaving you alone..."

Lapis let out another horrendous fit of coughing, to the point that she actually coughed out blood. Red blood. Crimson blood... with a hint of blue mixed in... The scar continued to shatter, the shattering effect extending down through her torso now... Even if she were in a dying state... she still wanted her share of the Akibahara beatdown...

Holding out her hand as if she were to prepare an attack towards the Arch Demon, the blue butterflies obeyed her inner command, fluttering around to craft a final crystal lance. While it appeared as if this wouldn't do much, Lapis also commanded the butterflies to shatter a few of her important crystals for the extra boost... only leaving one crystal left to sustain her life. It didn't matter to her anyways, she was going to shatter apart, but at least keep that crystal as a little memoir of herself. With the crystal lance boosted with her own sacrificed energy and the energy of the blue butterflies' magic, the supposed final attack from the Half-Alive was launched towards the weakened Arch Demon...

Once that was done, Lapis was now lying on the ground, the blue butterflies around her were beginning to disappear as the light in her eyes were dimming...

"If this is really it... Abel... just... kiss me... I want... I want to at least... have one last happy moment... please... I'm sorry... for being stupid..."

@The Tactician @Verite
"Lapis..." His voice began to break as he realized the reality of the situation. Lapis... She's going to die, and... I can't do anything. Even after gaining my powers and fighting evil at every turn possible... I'm still too weak. I'm as weak as the day the lockdown began, and Lapis is the one who is paying for it. A lone tear, glistening as it fell, weaved a path across his cheek as the end of the world descended upon Abel's hopes, "Please, Lapis... You don't have to say sorry... Not after everything I've put you through... Not after this..."

"I'm still too weak to save you... but I can give you what you want..." As he held her there, moving closer to grant her last request, he murmured a final whisper before the end, "And... I'm still sorry... For breaking your heart... And being a traitor..."​
@Hospes @Chris Lang @Wedge Antilles @Crimson Spartan @Kaykay @york @Gummi Bunnies @The Tactician
@Anybody fighting John White

With his invincibility gone, the ferocious beast pounded the group with all he had to give. He barraged them with red lasers, bursts of explosive rock, earthquakes, fire, and lava he spat from his mouth. The compressed air from Kaku, however, managed to not only damage him, but also cool the lava and fire. He stumbled back from the attack just in time to be hit with Lapis' exploding crystals. With every explosion that hit him, chunks of rock flew off him. He cried in agony and swung at Lapis in frustration. Shots were then fired at his head, and spears of ice chucked at him as well. Joshua chuckled upon seeing the sight.


"How does it feel to be helpless, John? This time, when you die, you won't have Akibahara around to save you. This will be your final death. While I, along with many others, will continue to live and mock your memory," Josh said, flying into the air until he was even with John's face.


He raised a hand a fired a white laser at the beast, watching as John raised a hand to do the same--only firing a red beam. The two powers collided, struggling for dominance over the other.


"A-All of you are fools! Your failure to see my ways will someday be your downfall. Evolution is the way of the future. Humanity isn't strong enough to survive without change! Those strong enough to do so must evolve, while the rest die! It's simply the way of life! All of you are damning yourselves!"

"Sorry, but that isn't really the way I see it. Your opinion isn't a popular one at all. The only people who would even bother to agree with you are arch-demons bent on evil deeds. What does that tell you? I'm afraid your time has come to an end, old friend."

With a shout, Josh increased the power of his beam, causing it to defeat the red beam it was warring against. The composer's attack hit the beast's body, making a hole straight through his chest. The beast stumbled before falling back, his body of rock beginning to crumble into bits. The composer looked into the eyes of the beast as he began to perish--a smug glow on his face.

"You're done."

The crumbly bits of rock from the gigantic lava creature fell upon the group. As floated through the air, nearly so thick it became difficult to breathe. Joshua landed to the ground, thanking the others with a nod. A while light engulfed him, and when it faded he was back in his younger looking form.


"A job well done. It looks like one big bad wolf is taken down, two left to go. Let's keep up the good work so we can all finally end this war," he told them.​
"It's about time," Sakuya sighed, relieved that the titan had finally fallen. "So now to take down the Arch Demon himself..."

She moved over to the Akibahara fight, knives held between her fingers.

"I do not hold a large grudge against you like many of these others seem to. I do not work for this 'Coalition' either. But you are in between me and my job, and you will be eliminated. But, if it's any consolation, you're worthy of getting my knives dirty. Your blood shall cover these knives. That is, if you bleed, demon."

One last attack. One more push, and the demon would fall. She could feel the end incoming.

"Inflation Square."

And so one last barrage of knives.

"I'm coming back, Ms. Remilia."

@Wedge Antilles @Crimson Spartan @Chris Lang @york @Gummi Bunnies @The Tactician @Verite

@Bomb @Raven @FireDrake150 @Lizzy @Mari @Mighty Roman @ResistingTheEnlightened @Kill aki yay
"Oh jeez, oh jeez, oh jeez, oh shiiiiiiit!" Shiki exclaimed when he was thrown.

See? He was right. He already regretted it.

To everyone else, you would all see a strange, small humanoid figure approaching the Arch Demon in the air.

Was it a bird? Was it a plane?

No, it was Shiki Tohno!

Because of his relatively small size, he was able to approach the monster unnoticed, even at his rapid speed. With his Mystic Eyes of Death Perception, he analyzed the monster's body, registering in the lines and points of death on him.

If he was up against the Arch Demon without using the Ultimate Nullifier, who knows how the Mystic Eyes would have registered him? If at all? What if his eyes would be unable to see Akibahara's lines of death? What if he would have been truly immortal?

But of course, that was the one thing that made all the difference in the world.

He was vulnerable here.

Even if it's a god... I'll kill it.

He was mortal here.

This one's for me!

He was going to die here.

This one's for the multiverse!

With that, he sliced through the arm of Arch Demon Akibahara, the entire limb falling off as he flew through the monster!


Sorta-not-really-accurate-representation :|

This is what it means to see death. These eyes, this power isn't something you can boast about like you do with everything else. Do you see your mistake, now, Arch Demon Akibahara? Life and death may be back to back, but they will never face each other. I'll show you. This is what it means to kill something.

The monster roared in pain, screeching a roar that could be heard throughout the entire battlefield.

"MOTHERFUCK, MY ARM. WHERE'D MY BIG DRAGON ARM GO?! AGHHHH!!" Akibahara screamed almost comically, reeling about in pain as parts of the realm began to be rained down upon with his blood.

In any case, he was vulnerable, more so than ever! Whatever you guys were all preparing to do, you should all do it quick and get your last hit into the Arch Demon!

Meanwhile, Shiki continued falling. Weeeee.

"Oh shit oh shit oh shit oh shit oh shiiiit!"

@Bomb @Wedge Antilles @Raven @FireDrake150 @Lizzy @Mari @Mighty Roman @ResistingTheEnlightened @AKI FIGHTAN CREW​
Iris Heart flew over to Shiki's position and caught him midair in a "Princess Hold" kind of style.

"That was cute. At how you reacted."


@Verite @Wedge Antilles @Raven @FireDrake150 @Lizzy @Mari @Mighty Roman @ResistingTheEnlightened @AKI FIGHTAN CREW
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"Lapis..." His voice began to break as he realized the reality of the situation. Lapis... She's going to die, and... I can't do anything. Even after gaining my powers and fighting evil at every turn possible... I'm still too weak. I'm as weak as the day the lockdown began, and Lapis is the one who is paying for it. A lone tear, glistening as it fell, weaved a path across his cheek as the end of the world descended upon Abel's hopes, "Please, Lapis... You don't have to say sorry... Not after everything I've put you through... Not after this..."

"I'm still too weak to save you... but I can give you what you want..." As he held her there, moving closer to grant her last request, he murmured a final whisper before the end, "And... I'm still sorry... For breaking your heart... And being a traitor..."​
Everything's starting to go dark... I can't even hear anything else other than... my own body shattering apart like glass... and... and Abel's voice...

Due to her apparent dying state, the links she had with Red and Abel broke immediately by her own will... she didn't want to cause them too much pain as the shattering process continued... By now, the shattering effect was starting to occur on her necks, she could feel it... it was almost time.

At least to save herself from some of the pain before it would become full blast... Lapis felt as if she were in a bliss once he gave her the final thing she wanted in her life: a kiss. A simple one. If she had an actual beating heart, she would've felt it jump at this moment. For once in her life, she didn't want to pull away, she wanted this to last forever... she really did. It didn't matter if Abel had made her go through rough times, she would always forgive him. She wasn't afraid of these things anymore.

Though, she wanted to say something... one last time... just before it would be over for her. The bounty hunter's face had gone teary-eyed, her eyes fighting to stay open and her breath had become shaky and weak...

"Abel.... I... lo...ve...yo-"

Rinato wasn't able to get the last words out as she wanted to, her voice was cut off as she fell limp to the ground, her eyes now closed as if she were peacefully asleep now. The shattering still continued, but it was obvious by how much the shattering effect had done to her... that she couldn't take it anymore and had passed on by the looks of things.

Despite this, the blue butterflies that were assisting her this entire time remained. It didn't make sense. Lapis was now dead like she was fated to be when she was first shot in the face. How come these butterflies were here? Their contractor was dead...

"How dreadful. She's overused my power... what a stupid girl."

A voice echoed out in the general area of Lapis's dead body. It appeared to come from a lone purple butterfly.

"See, this is what happens when you really spoil some girl like her with that kind of power! Now come on, fix things and make them better for crying out loud! Don't be a killjoy by letting her die."

Another voice echoed out, this time coming from a lone pink butterfly. Were these the voices that Lapis heard in her head from time to time? It didn't matter though, as one of them was bent on reviving Lapis. It was almost like these two strange butterflies did not pay any mind to Abel at all, not acknowledging his presence near the corpse of Lapis.

"... fine. I'll make another miracle for the incompetent girl so she could run off with a happy ending with her equally-as-incompetent lover."

The purple butterfly happened to sound annoyed for doing this, but of course, it might as well as the pink butterfly really wanted this to end off with a happy note. The surrounding blue butterflies gracefully surrounded Lapis's dead body, entering the corpse of the Half-Alive and mending the internal damage of the shattering. Abel would be able to see that the shattering effect was slowly disappearing, and while she did not receive a beating heart due to this miracle healing... this process had Lapis stir in her unconsciousness...

Before he would thank the strange butterfly entities... the purple and the pink butterflies were mysteriously gone without a trace or warning of doing so.

"... thank you... for everything... Abel-kun..." Lapis happened to mutter out in her unconsciousness, these words being her dying thoughts, giving off the impression that she thought she was still dying when she was actually miraculously revived by a mysterious force.

She's going to survive this after all.

@The Tactician
Everything's starting to go dark... I can't even hear anything else other than... my own body shattering apart like glass... and... and Abel's voice...

Due to her apparent dying state, the links she had with Red and Abel broke immediately by her own will... she didn't want to cause them too much pain as the shattering process continued... By now, the shattering effect was starting to occur on her necks, she could feel it... it was almost time.

At least to save herself from some of the pain before it would become full blast... Lapis felt as if she were in a bliss once he gave her the final thing she wanted in her life: a kiss. A simple one. If she had an actual beating heart, she would've felt it jump at this moment. For once in her life, she didn't want to pull away, she wanted this to last forever... she really did. It didn't matter if Abel had made her go through rough times, she would always forgive him. She wasn't afraid of these things anymore.

Though, she wanted to say something... one last time... just before it would be over for her. The bounty hunter's face had gone teary-eyed, her eyes fighting to stay open and her breath had become shaky and weak...

"Abel.... I... lo...ve...yo-"

Rinato wasn't able to get the last words out as she wanted to, her voice was cut off as she fell limp to the ground, her eyes now closed as if she were peacefully asleep now. The shattering still continued, but it was obvious by how much the shattering effect had done to her... that she couldn't take it anymore and had passed on by the looks of things.

Despite this, the blue butterflies that were assisting her this entire time remained. It didn't make sense. Lapis was now dead like she was fated to be when she was first shot in the face. How come these butterflies were here? Their contractor was dead...

"How dreadful. She's overused my power... what a stupid girl."

A voice echoed out in the general area of Lapis's dead body. It appeared to come from a lone purple butterfly.

"See, this is what happens when you really spoil some girl like her with that kind of power! Now come on, fix things and make them better for crying out loud! Don't be a killjoy by letting her die."

Another voice echoed out, this time coming from a lone pink butterfly. Were these the voices that Lapis heard in her head from time to time? It didn't matter though, as one of them was bent on reviving Lapis. It was almost like these two strange butterflies did not pay any mind to Abel at all, not acknowledging his presence near the corpse of Lapis.

"... fine. I'll make another miracle for the incompetent girl so she could run off with a happy ending with her equally-as-incompetent lover."

The purple butterfly happened to sound annoyed for doing this, but of course, it might as well as the pink butterfly really wanted this to end off with a happy note. The surrounding blue butterflies gracefully surrounded Lapis's dead body, entering the corpse of the Half-Alive and mending the internal damage of the shattering. Abel would be able to see that the shattering effect was slowly disappearing, and while she did not receive a beating heart due to this miracle healing... this process had Lapis stir in her unconsciousness...

Before he would thank the strange butterfly entities... the purple and the pink butterflies were mysteriously gone without a trace or warning of doing so.

"... thank you... for everything... Abel-kun..." Lapis happened to mutter out in her unconsciousness, these words being her dying thoughts, giving off the impression that she thought she was still dying when she was actually miraculously revived by a mysterious force.

She's going to survive this after all.

@The Tactician
Abel barely noticed the butterflies flying, his focus solely on the woman dying in his arms. As Lapis finally lost all strength and fell limp, he could no longer hold back his tears. "Dammit... Dammit... Dammit! Please, Lapis... Don't leave me alone..." His muttered pleads mixed with choked sobs, useless as he knew she wouldn't return without a miracle...

"Wait, Lapis?" His sobs ceased as the most beautiful voice spoke to him once again. Wait, the crack, i-it's disappearing! Sudden realization sparked to life and he soon hugged her close once again, tears of despair replaced with tears of joy, "Y-You're okay, you're okay!"​
Abel barely noticed the butterflies flying, his focus solely on the woman dying in his arms. As Lapis finally lost all strength and fell limp, he could no longer hold back his tears. "Dammit... Dammit... Dammit! Please, Lapis... Don't leave me alone..." His muttered pleads mixed with choked sobs, useless as he knew she wouldn't return without a miracle...

"Wait, Lapis?" His sobs ceased as the most beautiful voice spoke to him once again. Wait, the crack, i-it's disappearing! Sudden realization sparked to life and he soon hugged her close once again, tears of despair replaced with tears of joy, "Y-You're okay, you're okay!"​
"...w-what?" Lapis grumbled as she felt her consciousness coming back, her eyes opening up as if she were finally waking up from an eternal slumber. Though, she did have a thought that maybe Abel killed himself in order to be with her in death... but as soon as she saw the others still combating Akibahara in this final battle, she was rest assured that this was really a miracle that she was alive again.

"... y-yeah... I'm okay..." Lapis smiled as she found herself in a tight hug. Her scar was actually sealed up entirely, and the only trace of it left was a pretty little blue diamond-shaped birthmark on her cheek...​
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