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A sound of flesh being torn into could be heard from where Lapis stood...


The Half-Alive lazily eyed her line of vision to see that her crystal needle was lodged into her shoulder... and it was in there pretty deep. Still, despite the wound, no blood dared to come out... did she even have blood in herself at all? As if it were nothing more than a pesky splinter, Lapis plucked the crystal needle out of her shoulder, tossing it aside. Her shallow empty blue eyes stared straight at Vanitas as she clutched the Glistening Cleaver tightly.

"... Destroy... worlds?" Lapis repeated those words, chuckling a bit at the thought of that,"... that's... sad to hear... from... someone... sadly... misguided."

Once she concluded her last word, the bounty hunter sped ahead towards Vanitas, attempting a downwards slash with her blade aimed for him.

@Klutzy Ninja Kitty @ResistingTheEnlightened @Wedge Antilles @Lizzy @Schnee Corp Lawyer @anybody else i've missed​
Abel charged into the fray behind Lapis, Blitzkrieg activating as he darted about and offered commentary on what was occuring, "Coming in for the shot, rookie Kazuya 'Abel' Mineshigi is really on fire this season. Teaming up with his lover Lapis Lazuli, he flanks around Vanitas and aims a kick straight for his ass!" Just as he cheered in his faux-commentator voice, he aimed a kick right for the ass that belonged on the dark Keyblade wielder.

@Klutzy Ninja Kitty @ResistingTheEnlightened @Wedge Antilles @Lizzy @Schnee Corp Lawyer @Gummi Bunnies @anybody else i've missed

Vanitas chuckled and disappeared for a moment, moving so fast that he went invisible when Legolas arrow, Joshua's bullets, and Lapis' first shots came flying at him. When he dodged their attacks he rose a hand and caused them to stop in mid-air, floating for a moment.

"Wow, we aren't even going to chat first? Get to know each other a little? I've heard that your little group arrived here with Aqua but I really don't know all that much about you. Your friend Akibahara sounds like a swell guy though."

Vanitas moved quickly again, stopping behind Legolas. "He likes destroying worlds..."

Vanitas moved again, acting cocky and simply showing off his speed. This time, he stopped directly behind Joshua. "I like destroying worlds."

Vanitas moved a final time, stopping behind Lapis. "I think we'd get along great. Why don't you introduce me? My old master was a weak fool and I killed him. I could use a new master to learn under."

With a wave of his hand, Vanitas then turned around the attacks the group had sent out at him, and sent them straight back to their owners!

@Gummi Bunnies @ResistingTheEnlightened @Wedge Antilles
Whoa, random enemy appeared.


It's time to act accordingly... like a gentleman.


Max looked visibly uncomfortable when Bayonetta referenced the fight with the corrupted soul, rubbing the nape of her neck with one hand as she adjusted her camera bag strap with the other. "Can we not make this a smear campaign? Yeah, I can't fight, anyone with eyes could tell you that. I just wanna help people. I'm not sure how many lives you've saved doing that bullet spam thing of yours, but if I hadn't been around from the get-go... let's just say the afterlife would be hella more populated. The line to resurrect would be as long as the lines at Disneyworld."

She paused a moment, then dropped her voice to a petulant mutter as she rubbed her arm.

"And it's not like you give a shit who lives and who dies. I had to save Coco while you stood there and worried about how long it'd take you to resurrect. That thing pretty much ate her before I rewinded, and you watched and did nothing. The last thing the group needs is someone else who's only out for themselves."

Max really didn't want this to break down into petty bickering, but she didn't see the harm in pointing that out while they were pointing fingers.

She just shrugged at the rest of her argument. It was true that re-killing Bayonetta would make the traitors waste time and effort, but... were things really that cut-and-dry? Who knew what the murderers would do once they realized she was back? That might compel them to do something really drastic to get around the deck-stacking, and the thought of that was... scary. It was easy to sell cornered animals short, but in reality that was when they were the most dangerous.

She raised her eyebrows when Bayonetta approached Ridley, honestly not sure what she was expecting. Then she leaned in however and oh.

"W-well, umm, t-that's not..."

She made a futile effort to say something while the kiss was still ongoing, but the dry, raspy squeak that was her voice at that point wasn't exactly compelling, so she quickly gave up. She instead averted her gaze downwards, her shoulders sagging dejectedly as she took to scuffing the floor with her Converse shoes, looking for all the world like a kicked puppy. She must've been delusional. She wasn't cut from the same cloth as those two. She was never gonna be able to persuade either of them, and there was no point in even trying. Forget seduction, Max wasn't even that good at making friends. "Shy and nerdy" didn't exactly scream approachable, and it didn't scream sex appeal either-- she couldn't charm Ridley into picking her. Bayonetta obviously could.

"...Jeez. Sudden flashbacks to getting picked last for the soccer team in Junior High... haha..."



@Hospes @Mari @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @afterlife​
He grins and rolls his eyes "What am I trying to hint at? What on earth are you implying? I never said anything about you~" he leans a littler closer to the side of her head, still leaning on her arm gently "Why are you so embarrassed, huh? Is there someone you like or something? You seem so shy about the subject of romance~" he grins a little as he looks to Sophie for a moment, unsure of whether she was truly alright

He didn't want to let Ruby notice she might not have been the most happy of people, and so continues his assault of teasing and poking to make sure the young reaper didn't have to know, to help her stay happy

@Everyone headed to the Crossroads / Vanitas


Those who intended to go to the Crossroads and face Vanitas would see a masked figure standing at its center. Vanitas summoned a dark looking keyblade and gazed at the group in amusement. He idly swung the blade in his hand, as if not caring that he suddenly had company.


"What's this? No Master Aqua with you? I'm disappointed. I was hoping to get the chance to give her the beating she deserved, but I supposed I can make due with you pathetic losers if I must..."
Ruby Rose & Sophie
@Klutzy Ninja Kitty @DapperDogman @TheColourlessRainbow

Ruby flushed redder and redder, pouting the whole time as she tried to hide her actual reaction, her eyes darted around a little until they spotted Sophie for a moment, she seemed a bit down, but, before anything else could happen... Something within her suddenly clicked as she remembered they were supposed to be facing Vanitas "U-um... Can we continue this later? We're supposed to be fighting Vanitas right now!" she said quickly, grabbing Soul as she rushed off, latching onto Sophie's arm too as she started to drag her off. "U-um... Bye... Elsa... I'll talk to you soon... Okay?" She stammered, clearly having been caught off-guard as they headed towards the fissure to fight Vanitas.


They were dead. The man Desmond had called ally, and his novice, Lisa. She'd had such a bright future, so much hope next to her world worn father. Now it was gone. Extinguished just like their lives.
Ezio saw the corpses and walked over to them, intending to give the dead their last rites.
Desmond waved him away Lisa body. She was here on his orders. This was something he had to do himself. He knelt next to her body and performed his ancient consecration.

"I shouldn't have brought you here Lis. You were the only sane one out of my students. Now River is going to have to take care of the others all by herself when I'm gone." He stopped for a moment, tired. "You wouldn't have had it any other way though, would you?"

There nothing but silence.

"If I was Ezio, I'd avenge you. If I was Connor, I'd try to make justice out of your death. But I'm just me Lis. I'm going to try to make your death count for something."

He gently closed her eyes, ignoring the massive jolt of energy that flowed through him.

"I'm sorry Lisa."

In mortuum,

In death,

omnis peccatis dimitterantur,

all sins are forgiven,

si non obliviscantur,

if not forgotten,

requiescat in pace.

Rest in peace, lost soul.

Ezio's last words to Castle were much shorter, and much simpler. He knew the gruff older man wouldn't have wanted much, and Ezio respected those wishes, appreciated them even.

"You were like me, a killer. You gave into the darkness of your soul. But in the end, love saved some small piece of you. You have earned your rest Frank Castle. Requiescat in pace."

He closed his eyes and put the other mans hand's around his lightsaber, so maybe he could find peace in the afterlife, doing what he loved.​

Vanitas chuckled and disappeared for a moment, moving so fast that he went invisible when Legolas arrow, Joshua's bullets, and Lapis' first shots came flying at him. When he dodged their attacks he rose a hand and caused them to stop in mid-air, floating for a moment.

"Wow, we aren't even going to chat first? Get to know each other a little? I've heard that your little group arrived here with Aqua but I really don't know all that much about you. Your friend Akibahara sounds like a swell guy though."

Vanitas moved quickly again, stopping behind Legolas. "He likes destroying worlds..."

Vanitas moved again, acting cocky and simply showing off his speed. This time, he stopped directly behind Joshua. "I like destroying worlds."

Vanitas moved a final time, stopping behind Lapis. "I think we'd get along great. Why don't you introduce me? My old master was a weak fool and I killed him. I could use a new master to learn under."

With a wave of his hand, Vanitas then turned around the attacks the group had sent out at him, and sent them straight back to their owners!

@Gummi Bunnies @ResistingTheEnlightened @Wedge Antilles

Not possessing any shield or unnatural ability to dodge his own arrow redirected at him, Legolas tried his best to evade. His own arrow pierced his unarmored right arm, and he dropped in pain, leaving his bow in the ground.

Better I than someone I care about, he thought as he tried to fight off the pain, and reached for his long knife with his left hand.

@Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Lizzy @Gummi Bunnies @ResistingTheEnlightened @Chris Lang @Schnee Corp Lawyer
Ryu, obviously, was the last to make it to... Wherever the hell they were now... "God I'm so behind." he mumbled angrily. "I always tend to doze off right before the important stuff happens." He mumbled. "Guess I better start finding out what's happening and hopefully be of some use." He said as he began to walk off.

Riley returned to Elliot ad Jim with Shiki and Sakuya in tow. "We're here, and I brought help. Well, actually, They were the two knife fighters and they were injured, so I brought them here." Riley said to them. "You see anything?" He asked Jim. He disarmed his Pip-Boy, and put it on Elliot's wrist to check his condition.

@CrunchyCHEEZIT @TheColourlessRainbow @Verite @Kaykay
Raynor wouldn't reply to Riley for a few minutes, the armored figured staring blankly at something off in the distance. Jim turned around and pointed off into the direction of the Crossroads


Riley, Shiki and Sakuya got a fine view of the battle way off in the distance, with various distinct figures fighting in a dust cloud. Vanitas could be clearly seen, however. "Fight started a few minutes ago, I didn't run off to join in just yet. But..." Raynor uses the in-built zoom function of the power armors helmet "..those boys are gettin' torn apart down there"

@The Silver Paladin @Verite @TheColourlessRainbow @Kaykay
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Not possessing any shield or unnatural ability to dodge his own arrow redirected at him, Legolas tried his best to evade. His own arrow pierced his unarmored right arm, and he dropped in pain, leaving his bow in the ground.

Better I than someone I care about, he thought as he tried to fight off the pain, and reached for his long knife with his left hand.

@Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Lizzy @Gummi Bunnies @ResistingTheEnlightened @Chris Lang @Schnee Corp Lawyer

[Legolas is hurt, Master.] Fi said in worry.

' I'll do my best to protect him' Link thought as he stood near Legolas, almost like a shield....with it's own shield.

@Wedge Antilles @Gummi Bunnies @ResistingTheEnlightened @Chris Lang @Schnee Corp Lawyer @Klutzy Ninja Kitty
Raynor wouldn't reply to Riley for a few minutes, the armored figured staring blankly at something off in the distance. Jim turned around and pointed off into the direction of the Crossroads


Riley, Shiki and Sakuya got a fine view of the battle way off in the distance, with various distinct figures fighting in a dust cloud. Vanitas could be clearly seen, however. "Fight started a few minutes ago, I didn't run off to join in just yet. But..." Raynor uses the in-built zoom function of the power armors helmet "..those boys are gettin' torn apart down there"

@The Silver Paladin @Verite @TheColourlessRainbow @Kaykay

"Go, join them. I can handle it over here. Just try not to bring the battle over here." Riley checked Elliot's vitals. "You have better Power Armor, and a better Gauss Rifle than I do. Fend them off. I'll join you if I can." Riley turned to Shiki and Sakuya. "What can I give you?"

@Verite @Kaykay @TheColourlessRainbow
[Legolas is hurt, Master.] Fi said in worry.

' I'll do my best to protect him' Link thought as he stood near Legolas, almost like a shield....with it's own shield.

@Wedge Antilles @Gummi Bunnies @ResistingTheEnlightened @Chris Lang @Schnee Corp Lawyer @Klutzy Ninja Kitty

Legolas looked up to see Link shielding him. He smiled, then grimaced as he knew what he needed to do. He cut the arrow that pierced his bicep in half with his long knife, and then quickly pulled both pieces out, grunting in pain each time.

"Thank you Link," he said, still holding his knife, as he charged in to attack Vanitas up close with the blade.

@Lizzy @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Gummi Bunnies @Schnee Corp Lawyer @Chris Lang @ResistingTheEnlightened
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Legolas looked up to see Link shielding him. He smiled, then grimaced as he knew what he needed to do. He cut the arrow that pierced his bicep in half with his long knife, and then quickly pulled both pieces out, grunting in pain each time.

"Thank you Link," he said, still holding his knife, as he charged in to attack Vanitas up close with the blade.

@Lizzy @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Gummi Bunnies @Schnee Corp Lawyer @Chris Lang @ResistingTheEnlightened

"Anytime, Legolas." Link replied as he to charged in to attack their foe.

@Wedge Antilles @Gummi Bunnies @ResistingTheEnlightened @Chris Lang @Schnee Corp Lawyer @Klutzy Ninja Kitty
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"Go, join them. I can handle it over here. Just try not to bring the battle over here." Riley checked Elliot's vitals. "You have better Power Armor, and a better Gauss Rifle than I do. Fend them off. I'll join you if I can." Riley turned to Shiki and Sakuya. "What can I give you?"

@Verite @Kaykay @TheColourlessRainbow
Raynor gave Riley a hefty pat on the back (with a large power armored gauntlet, ouch) and nodded "Keep at it, doc. Ill draw away their attention". He gave Riley a smile, before the armor visor closed-- shielding Raynors face with a skull-pattern helmet. The marine turned and stomped off towards the Crossroads to join the fight

When Raynor arrived at the scene, he stood some ways away from the fight, standing behind it for the most part. He stood up on a rock and was mostly unseen by Vanitas-- but he could easily be spotted by his allies. Raynor smirked and tossed his gauss rifle on the barren ground; think its a good time to bring out the big boy. Reaching for the back of his armor, Raynor drew the godly MK 12 Commando Sniper Rifle, which proceeded to automatically unfold before him. It was an absolutely massive gun, almost 2 meters in length while fully extended.


Raynor lifted the massive sniper rifle up and took aim, the red-dot laser sights focusing down on the distracted Vanitas' head. He slowly peered into the scope and held his breath as time slowed down around him. Everything around Raynor went out of focus as the only thing he wanted to see was Vanitas' a blood pulp.

Jim rested his finger on the trigger...Maby this idea wasn't so pra--


The very sound of the rifle could be heard all the way back at the Fissure. It was distinct, roaring above the sound of combat.

Vanitas, unaware of Raynors presence, now had a gargantuan MK 12 penetration round flying at his head at an extremely lethal velocity. No matter how armored he was, if he didn't move, Vanitas would surely be dead.

@Lizzy @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Gummi Bunnies @Schnee Corp Lawyer @Chris Lang @ResistingTheEnlightened @Wedge Antilles
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Joshua quickly bit the dust. That is, he jumped down to the floor as the rounds began hitting the ground, sounding like thumps of rocks to the sand as a bullet grazed his leg and another hit his left arm "Gah!.. Son of a bitch." He stood up, Taking out the Light as he fired from it with his good arm "You may call me the Burned Man, for it is implied that God gave me the grace of burning the men who perform sin!" Joshua fired three rounds from the pistol, still looking at him directly.

@Klutzy Ninja Kitty
Acting as quickly as possible, Link jumped in front of whoever was closest enough for him to protect, thrusting his shield forward to throw the projectile back, the Master Sword gripped tightly in his right hand.

"Don't get your hopes up." He said with a glare.

@Wedge Antilles @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @crossroad peeps
Alice floated a bit behind the other two, watching their initial strikes with analytical eyes as she quietly summoned her usual cadre of dolls.

She'd rushed into most every fight so far, and last fight they had lost almost a dozen allies, some far hardier than the human, bounty hunter, and elf that had accompanied her. Not this time. Anger was to be put aside. Calculation, skill, and finesse were all she required. Hopefully.

"... projectile reflection. Presumably similar magic to what Aqua and her dark counterpart have shown off as well..."

There was always the toy she intended to unleash on the colossus earlier...

...no, not worth using that, not yet. Alice only had one of those dolls, and she didn't know if she'd need it for Akibahara. She simply gestured forward and nodded "squads one, two and three, strike from above. Squad's four and five, move for the flank from behind. Squad six, defensive positions. ignore spellcard safeties, as usual for these violent worlds."

The blank faced dolls gave lifeless nods before taking off into the sky, lances raised as nine of them came rocketing back down with wicked thrusts for the dark blade user as another six swirled around from behind, not attacking or doing much of anything for now.

Shanghai floated nearby Alice along with the three defensive dolls, a slightly worried look as she peered over her shield and glanced at her sister. Hourai just smirked at pat her on the shoulder before giving a soundless battle cry and charging into the fray herself, a much faster and skilled lance than her nameless counter parts as she swerved through the returned gun and bow fire and came flying in with a feint and stab, attempting to put Vanitas off balance for the other's fire

"Do not be afraid to shoot the dolls, Except the red one, please" Alice called out to her firearm and bow toting teammates as she gently fiddled with the rings on her fingers and kept her eyes on Vanitas

Just one more obstacle to be removed.

@Gummi Bunnies @ResistingTheEnlightened @Wedge Antilles @Klutzy Ninja Kitty
A sound of flesh being torn into could be heard from where Lapis stood...


The Half-Alive lazily eyed her line of vision to see that her crystal needle was lodged into her shoulder... and it was in there pretty deep. Still, despite the wound, no blood dared to come out... did she even have blood in herself at all? As if it were nothing more than a pesky splinter, Lapis plucked the crystal needle out of her shoulder, tossing it aside. Her shallow empty blue eyes stared straight at Vanitas as she clutched the Glistening Cleaver tightly.

"... Destroy... worlds?" Lapis repeated those words, chuckling a bit at the thought of that,"... that's... sad to hear... from... someone... sadly... misguided."

Once she concluded her last word, the bounty hunter sped ahead towards Vanitas, attempting a downwards slash with her blade aimed for him.

@Klutzy Ninja Kitty @ResistingTheEnlightened @Wedge Antilles @Lizzy @Schnee Corp Lawyer @anybody else i've missed​
Abel charged into the fray behind Lapis, Blitzkrieg activating as he darted about and offered commentary on what was occuring, "Coming in for the shot, rookie Kazuya 'Abel' Mineshigi is really on fire this season. Teaming up with his lover Lapis Lazuli, he flanks around Vanitas and aims a kick straight for his ass!" Just as he cheered in his faux-commentator voice, he aimed a kick right for the ass that belonged on the dark Keyblade wielder.

@Klutzy Ninja Kitty @ResistingTheEnlightened @Wedge Antilles @Lizzy @Schnee Corp Lawyer @Gummi Bunnies @anybody else i've missed
Whoa, random enemy appeared.


It's time to act accordingly... like a gentleman.

Not possessing any shield or unnatural ability to dodge his own arrow redirected at him, Legolas tried his best to evade. His own arrow pierced his unarmored right arm, and he dropped in pain, leaving his bow in the ground.

Better I than someone I care about, he thought as he tried to fight off the pain, and reached for his long knife with his left hand.

@Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Lizzy @Gummi Bunnies @ResistingTheEnlightened @Chris Lang @Schnee Corp Lawyer
Raynor gave Riley a hefty pat on the back (with a large power armored gauntlet, ouch) and nodded "Keep at it, doc. Ill draw away their attention". He gave Riley a smile, before the armor visor closed-- shielding Raynors face with a skull-pattern helmet. The marine turned and stomped off towards the Crossroads to join the fight

When Raynor arrived at the scene, he stood some ways away from the fight, standing behind it for the most part. He stood up on a rock and was mostly unseen by Vanitas-- but he could easily be spotted by his allies. Raynor smirked and tossed his gauss rifle on the barren ground; think its a good time to bring out the big boy. Reaching for the back of his armor, Raynor drew the godly MK 12 Commando Sniper Rifle, which proceeded to automatically unfold before him. It was an absolutely massive gun, almost 2 meters in length while fully extended.


Raynor lifted the massive sniper rifle up and took aim, the red-dot laser sights focusing down on the distracted Vanitas' head. He slowly peered into the scope and held his breath as time slowed down around him. Everything around Raynor went out of focus as the only thing he wanted to see was Vanitas' a blood pulp.

Jim rested his finger on the trigger...Maby this idea wasn't so pra--


The very sound of the rifle could be heard all the way back at the Fissure. It was distinct, roaring above the sound of combat.

Vanitas, unaware of Raynors presence, now had a gargantuan MK 12 penetration round flying at his head at an extremely lethal velocity. No matter how armored he was, if he didn't move, Vanitas would surely be dead.

@Lizzy @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Gummi Bunnies @Schnee Corp Lawyer @Chris Lang @ResistingTheEnlightened @Wedge Antilles

When Joshua fired the rounds, Vanitas ducked and dodged one, moved to the left and dodged another, however, failed to dodge the third one. The third bullet hit his helmet, cracking it slightly. "Well, that wasn't nice," Vanitas grumbled, "I just had my helmet polished. You'll pay for that." With a speedy move, Vanitas attempted to slash Joshua's side.

"You'd call me misguided? Well, that isn't kind. I think you should really look at things from my perspective. Darkness is power. People need power to rule over them," he said to Lapis, blocking with his keyblade when she struck at him. Vanitas then attempted to strike her as well, his own blade clashing against hers causing the two of them to be locked in a battle of blades for a moment.

Abel's ass kick hit managed to hit Vanitas while he was locked in combat with Lapis. Joshua would be proud. It flung him forward, causing him to stumble into her blade. The attack caused a long gash across his helmet. He grunted and jumped back, clutching his protective helmet. "Tell me, what did I ever do to you?" he complained at Abel, shaking his head.

It was then Vanitas found himself barged with thrusts from the lances of Alice's dolls. He grunted when he was hit by one of them, putting up a magical shield so he wouldn't be hit by the rest.

When Legolas and Link would come rushing forward, he would defend himself with his keyblade, trying his best to knock Legolas' knife out of his hand. "All of you are so brave. It's a shame you have to die. All of you are much more powerful than your cowardly friend Aqua..."

Thankfully, since he was moving around to attack Legolas and Link, he managed to dodge Raynor's attack without even really realizing it. "Ugh, more of you worms?" he complained, glancing up to see that Raynor had arrived. "As if I didn't have enough of you to deal with already..."

@Gummi Bunnies @ResistingTheEnlightened @Wedge Antilles @Schnee Corp Lawyer @CrunchyCHEEZIT
"Go, join them. I can handle it over here. Just try not to bring the battle over here." Riley checked Elliot's vitals. "You have better Power Armor, and a better Gauss Rifle than I do. Fend them off. I'll join you if I can." Riley turned to Shiki and Sakuya. "What can I give you?"

@Verite @Kaykay @TheColourlessRainbow
"Shiki has a few cuts, so I think...bandages? Something like that," Sakuya suggested, not knowing too much about how to treat wounds. She watched Raynor move towards the battle visible in the distance.
"Should I help? You're the medic, after all, and I think they could use some help."
"Shiki has a few cuts, so I think...bandages? Something like that," Sakuya suggested, not knowing too much about how to treat wounds. She watched Raynor move towards the battle visible in the distance.
"Should I help? You're the medic, after all, and I think they could use some help."

"Alright. Can you fight?" Was all Riley said. He took out some bandages, a cloth, and a bottle of Purified Water. "Feel free to fight. I can handle it here. I'll probably take Elliot here back to the Fissure. Treat him there after I treat Shiki here." He looked at Shiki. "You want to help me? Or do you want to fight?"

@Verite @TheColourlessRainbow

When Joshua fired the rounds, Vanitas ducked and dodged one, moved to the left and dodged another, however, failed to dodge the third one. The third bullet hit his helmet, cracking it slightly. "Well, that wasn't nice," Vanitas grumbled, "I just had my helmet polished. You'll pay for that." With a speedy move, Vanitas attempted to slash Joshua's side.

"You'd call me misguided? Well, that isn't kind. I think you should really look at things from my perspective. Darkness is power. People need power to rule over them," he said to Lapis, blocking with his keyblade when she struck at him. Vanitas then attempted to strike her as well, his own blade clashing against hers causing the two of them to be locked in a battle of blades for a moment.

Abel's ass kick hit managed to hit Vanitas while he was locked in combat with Lapis. Joshua would be proud. It flung him forward, causing him to stumble into her blade. The attack caused a long gash across his helmet. He grunted and jumped back, clutching his protective helmet. "Tell me, what did I ever do to you?" he complained at Abel, shaking his head.

It was then Vanitas found himself barged with thrusts from the lances of Alice's dolls. He grunted when he was hit by one of them, putting up a magical shield so he wouldn't be hit by the rest.

When Legolas and Link would come rushing forward, he would defend himself with his keyblade, trying his best to knock Legolas' knife out of his hand. "All of you are so brave. It's a shame you have to die. All of you are much more powerful than your cowardly friend Aqua..."

Thankfully, since he was moving around to attack Legolas and Link, he managed to dodge Raynor's attack without even really realizing it. "Ugh, more of you worms?" he complained, glancing up to see that Raynor had arrived. "As if I didn't have enough of you to deal with already..."

@Gummi Bunnies @ResistingTheEnlightened @Wedge Antilles @Schnee Corp Lawyer @CrunchyCHEEZIT
"Simple," Abel made a mocking gesture with his hands at the man, "You tried to hit my girlfriend. Guy's got to protect the girl he loves, ya know?" Before Vanitas could respond, the demon king was on him again, a vicious smirk on his face as a flash of crimson showed in his eyes, "And darkness isn't power, dumbass. This," His fist shot out in a powerful haymaker towards his gut, hoping to knock the wind out of him, "Is power!"

@Gummi Bunnies @ResistingTheEnlightened @Wedge Antilles @Schnee Corp Lawyer @CrunchyCHEEZIT @Klutzy Ninja Kitty
When Joshua fired the rounds, Vanitas ducked and dodged one, moved to the left and dodged another, however, failed to dodge the third one. The third bullet hit his helmet, cracking it slightly. "Well, that wasn't nice," Vanitas grumbled, "I just had my helmet polished. You'll pay for that." With a speedy move, Vanitas attempted to slash Joshua's side.

"You'd call me misguided? Well, that isn't kind. I think you should really look at things from my perspective. Darkness is power. People need power to rule over them," he said to Lapis, blocking with his keyblade when she struck at him. Vanitas then attempted to strike her as well, his own blade clashing against hers causing the two of them to be locked in a battle of blades for a moment.

Abel's ass kick hit managed to hit Vanitas while he was locked in combat with Lapis. Joshua would be proud. It flung him forward, causing him to stumble into her blade. The attack caused a long gash across his helmet. He grunted and jumped back, clutching his protective helmet. "Tell me, what did I ever do to you?" he complained at Abel, shaking his head.

It was then Vanitas found himself barged with thrusts from the lances of Alice's dolls. He grunted when he was hit by one of them, putting up a magical shield so he wouldn't be hit by the rest.

When Legolas and Link would come rushing forward, he would defend himself with his keyblade, trying his best to knock Legolas' knife out of his hand. "All of you are so brave. It's a shame you have to die. All of you are much more powerful than your cowardly friend Aqua..."

Thankfully, since he was moving around to attack Legolas and Link, he managed to dodge Raynor's attack without even really realizing it. "Ugh, more of you worms?" he complained, glancing up to see that Raynor had arrived. "As if I didn't have enough of you to deal with already..."

@Gummi Bunnies @ResistingTheEnlightened @Wedge Antilles @Schnee Corp Lawyer @CrunchyCHEEZIT

"You are... nothing like her." Legolas had his knife knocked from his weaker left hand, but quickly retrieved it, and he rushed in again to try to stab at Vanitas, hoping his defenses would be concentrated towards the more high powered attackers.

If nothing else, he hoped his renewed passion to fulfill his vow would be the difference here.

@Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Lizzy @Gummi Bunnies @Chris Lang @ResistingTheEnlightened @Schnee Corp Lawyer @CrunchyCHEEZIT
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