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Having actually not met anyone with a split personality, Sakuya was rather intrigued by it, until he stepped into her personal space. Again. Apparently, backing off multiple times wasn't enough to get the message across.
"W-well maybe it's about time you learned to," she said, this time taking a step forward in an attempt to push him back.

When he pointed out her lack of foresight, she was about to get mad, but something about his laugh threw her off this time. It didn't seem...insane? It didn't remind of her Flandre, at least. Though that relieved her, Shiki himself didn't seem so happy about it.

"What's wrong, is sounding normal something so terrible to you?" she asked, crossing her arms.

For perhaps the first time since awakening, Nanaya gave a brief scowl, as though flustered. For a flash, it seemed like any trace of his usual calm, cool-headed, condescending, and calculated self had been replaced by one that was more prone to emotions like embarrassment. The fact that he didn't feel like himself for a moment meant that Tohno was slowly coming back to his senses. Nanaya knew the return was inevitable, and that soon, he'd be sent back to sleep.

Ah, but what a pain. Who knew he'd have grown attached to existing once again?

Still, he attempted to maintain that composure of his that he liked to associate with. It was one thing he liked to say belonged to him and him alone. A trait that was unique to him, and not the faker.

"Tch. Very funny," Shiki grunted, crossing his arms, before a small idea would pop into his head.

"Tell you what; if you have any more pesky questions, I'll answer, provided you fix me up. It's the least you could do for causing it. And the tent. And the trouble."

Truly, he had no tact.

Normally, he'd feel comfortable enough to throw in a casual insult, maybe petty name-calling like "broad" or "wench," but alas, he wasn't feeling very comfortable at the moment, was he?

Well, probably serves him right.

Legolas saw Link in the distance as he approached the fissure. He was unsure of how to address the two, with their relationship, so he politely address the higher ranked. "Link," he said, "what have you seen of the bodies?" He remembered Frank as stoic and serious, while Lisa was... much less so, but still fiery in spirit. He hoped they would somehow return as others had.


"It appears that the cut wounds are about the size of the arrow left inside of Lisa." Link replied.

"As for Frank's missing arm...it could be possible that a sword was used to sever it." He added.

@Wedge Antilles
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Raynor stood guard like a sentry turret, fully armed and observing the landscape through the iron sights of his gauss rifle. Anything and everything that posed a threat to the wounded would be shot on sight-- was the typical order Raynor gave to his men during this kind of situation. Raynor looked down to Elliot, making sure he was still breathing. He kneeled down in his armor and held Elliots hand with a massive black gauntlet (gently of course) "Hold on tight, Elliot. If you bleed out now, im gonna kick your ass." his armor visor slid open to reveal Raynors face, who gave the smile of a truly trustworthy man. If Elliot did die, Raynor would indeed kick his ass in the afterlife for dying.

Ruby Rose & Sophie
@DapperDogman @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @TheColourlessRainbow

Ruby made a small squeaking sound, rubbing her cheek a bit as she blushed "Soooul... What are you trying to hint at?" she asked, looking a bit embarrassed to say the least as she mumbled those words... It seemed even someone like her can get embarrassed easily, but, she didn't entirely understand why she was feeling this way all of a sudden, or, at least, it seemed that way at first glance. She pouted a little when she noticed him holding back a laugh "H-hey! It's not supposed to be funny..." she added, crossing her arms a little. Sophie in the meanwhile caught what was going on out of the corner of her eye, but, she only smiled softly, giving them a bit of a side-glance before she resumed thinking, as quiet ever, she wasn't sure if she should step away for a moment...
He grins and rolls his eyes "What am I trying to hint at? What on earth are you implying? I never said anything about you~" he leans a littler closer to the side of her head, still leaning on her arm gently "Why are you so embarrassed, huh? Is there someone you like or something? You seem so shy about the subject of romance~" he grins a little as he looks to Sophie for a moment, unsure of whether she was truly alright

He didn't want to let Ruby notice she might not have been the most happy of people, and so continues his assault of teasing and poking to make sure the young reaper didn't have to know, to help her stay happy

For perhaps the first time since awakening, Nanaya gave a brief scowl, as though flustered. For a flash, it seemed like any trace of his usual calm, cool-headed, condescending, and calculated self had been replaced by one that was more prone to emotions like embarrassment. The fact that he didn't feel like himself for a moment meant that Tohno was slowly coming back to his senses. Nanaya knew the return was inevitable, and that soon, he'd be sent back to sleep.

Ah, but what a pain. Who knew he'd have grown attached to existing once again?

Still, he attempted to maintain that composure of his that he liked to associate with. It was one thing he liked to say belonged to him and him alone. A trait that was unique to him, and not the faker.

"Tch. Very funny," Shiki grunted, crossing his arms, before a small idea would pop into his head.

"Tell you what; if you have any more pesky questions, I'll answer, provided you fix me up. It's the least you could do for causing it. And the tent. And the trouble."

Truly, he had no tact.

Normally, he'd feel comfortable enough to throw in a casual insult, maybe petty name-calling like "broad" or "wench," but alas, he wasn't feeling very comfortable at the moment, was he?

Well, probably serves him right.

Riley stared for a second, and then nodded. He put on his own Power Armor to enhance his skills even a small bit. He ran his way to the Fissure. He stood in the tent town, deactivated his Power Armor, and picked up the Medical Supplies. "can someone come help assist me and Raynor? We found a wounded man in the field! We need help bringing him to town."

@Anybody willing to help Riley help Elliot.
"Still willing to make demands, even after losing the challenge?" Sakuya complained. Who made demands from a woman who'd just almost killed them? Apparently, the guy in front of her. He was as reasonable as her own mistress, perhaps even more so. "Geez. You know what, fine. I'll fix you up. But not the tent. I can't do that," she gave in. She didn't exactly like leaving people injured anyway, even if they might've deserved it. She actually wasn't sure if she could patch him up in the first place. She hadn't encountered a human for quite a while, and vampires tended to just regenerate their wounds. But it couldn't be too hard, could it? After all, he didn't seem too badly injured.

She was about to grab some of the medical supplies from her outfit when she remembered she'd given them to Riley to fix Junko. Funnily enough, throughout the fight Junko had been completely silent. Quite odd.

As she remembered, Riley came into the town, shouting. It was easy to hear him, given their tent was gone. She turned around and saw him picking up his medical supplies. "Oh, hey Riley! We nee- oh. You need them too," she interrupted herself, realizing Riley also planned to use them right away. She turned to Shiki. "Well, if you want me to patch you up, we're going to have to follow him around until I can use his supplies. My knives aren't very good at healing wounds."

@Verite @The Silver Paladin
"It appears that the cut wounds are about the size of the arrow left inside of Lisa." Link replied.

"As for Frank's missing arm...it could be possible that a sword was used to sever it." He added.

@Wedge Antilles

Legolas could not help but notice the irony in the state of the death, and the person he was talking to. Seemingly quite skilled with both the bow and the sword. He hated to do this, but, the heart could be the biggest detractor to the eye, he had experienced and witnessed several instances of such in the past.


He took a breath, put aside any personal attachments, and asked Link, firmly, "did you commit those murders?". He wasn't hoping to hear either an admittance or a denial, but he looked strongly at Link in the eye, and hoped to hear the truth.

Legolas could not help but notice the irony in the state of the death, and the person he was talking to. Seemingly quite skilled with both the bow and the sword. He hated to do this, but, the heart could be the biggest detractor to the eye, he had experienced and witnessed several instances of such in the past.


He took a breath, put aside any personal attachments, and asked Link, firmly, "did you commit those murders?". He wasn't hoping to hear either an admittance or a denial, but he looked strongly at Link in the eye, and hoped to hear the truth.

Kaku was still inspecting the body to see if the severed arm's wound had signs of cauterization, so Kalifa approached Legolas.

"Both you AND Link would be good suspects for the latest murders." Kalifa said. "Both of you are skilled with swords and with bows and arrows. But there's also our friend Jon Snow to consider as well. Have the agents truly cleared him?"

@Wedge Antilles @Lizzy @Krieg @Everyone investigating the murders.
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"Yes, I sing." Fi answered, smiling at Legolas.

Fi frowned at this and glanced to Link, who had been inside the tent with them, quiet.

[Master, I am returning to the Master Sword.] She told the Link telepathically.

"Legolas, I will return to my Master's sword for now." She informed with a slight bow, before returning to Link's sword as a blue light.

Link sighed. He wasn't sure what to do at the moment. Too much was happening at once. For now, he'd investigate the bodies.

@Wedge Antilles @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Raven @FireDrake150 @Everybody else idk
Yet again Stitch and Jake where quiet as if thinking and wondering the others options.

@FireDrake150 @Lizzy
(sorry I missed a lot I had to be at my grandparents for two days)
"Still willing to make demands, even after losing the challenge?" Sakuya complained. Who made demands from a woman who'd just almost killed them? Apparently, the guy in front of her. He was as reasonable as her own mistress, perhaps even more so. "Geez. You know what, fine. I'll fix you up. But not the tent. I can't do that," she gave in. She didn't exactly like leaving people injured anyway, even if they might've deserved it. She actually wasn't sure if she could patch him up in the first place. She hadn't encountered a human for quite a while, and vampires tended to just regenerate their wounds. But it couldn't be too hard, could it? After all, he didn't seem too badly injured.

She was about to grab some of the medical supplies from her outfit when she remembered she'd given them to Riley to fix Junko. Funnily enough, throughout the fight Junko had been completely silent. Quite odd.

As she remembered, Riley came into the town, shouting. It was easy to hear him, given their tent was gone. She turned around and saw him picking up his medical supplies. "Oh, hey Riley! We nee- oh. You need them too," she interrupted herself, realizing Riley also planned to use them right away. She turned to Shiki. "Well, if you want me to patch you up, we're going to have to follow him around until I can use his supplies. My knives aren't very good at healing wounds."

@Verite @The Silver Paladin
"yes, feel free to come with us. Raynor is already there, guarding. apparently it was a hit and run attack of some sort." Riley closed the case holding the supplies. "Lets go if you guys want. I could treat it really quickly here, and then head out if you want."

@Everyone headed to the Crossroads / Vanitas


Those who intended to go to the Crossroads and face Vanitas would see a masked figure standing at its center. Vanitas summoned a dark looking keyblade and gazed at the group in amusement. He idly swung the blade in his hand, as if not caring that he suddenly had company.


"What's this? No Master Aqua with you? I'm disappointed. I was hoping to get the chance to give her the beating she deserved, but I supposed I can make due with you pathetic losers if I must..."
@Everyone headed to the Crossroads / Vanitas


Those who intended to go to the Crossroads and face Vanitas would see a masked figure standing at its center. Vanitas summoned a dark looking keyblade and gazed at the group in amusement. He idly swung the blade in his hand, as if not caring that he suddenly had company.


"What's this? No Master Aqua with you? I'm disappointed. I was hoping to get the chance to give her the beating she deserved, but I supposed I can make due with you pathetic losers if I must..."
Joshua simply stared at the man, flipping the assault rifle on a three round burst as he pointed at Vanitas "Beat, our group will not be! For in the Face of God, shall you be delivered toward Hell! Prepare to meet the Devil!" And it was then that Joshua began firing careful shots at Vanitas chest and legs, one to try and kill him, and another to atleast making him immobile. "Don't make this hard on you, dog!"

@Klutzy Ninja Kitty
Legolas could not help but notice the irony in the state of the death, and the person he was talking to. Seemingly quite skilled with both the bow and the sword. He hated to do this, but, the heart could be the biggest detractor to the eye, he had experienced and witnessed several instances of such in the past.


He took a breath, put aside any personal attachments, and asked Link, firmly, "did you commit those murders?". He wasn't hoping to hear either an admittance or a denial, but he looked strongly at Link in the eye, and hoped to hear the truth.


Link stopped walking to stare Legolas in the eyes.

There was a concerned hum from the Master Sword, as if the thought of it's wielder killing innocents didn't sit well.

Really, it didn't.

"You don't seem to be looking for a simple no. So I will tell you this; I would never murder innocents of my own free will. I know that I could be a likely suspect to their deaths..." He paused, his brows furrowing as he tried to find the right words to continue. He had never really liked talking of things like this.

He couldn't find the words to express what he wanted to say. And that didn't sit well with him.

He turned to glance at Kalifa.

"You....make good points." Fi said from inside the Master Sword.

@Everyone headed to the Crossroads / Vanitas


Those who intended to go to the Crossroads and face Vanitas would see a masked figure standing at its center. Vanitas summoned a dark looking keyblade and gazed at the group in amusement. He idly swung the blade in his hand, as if not caring that he suddenly had company.


"What's this? No Master Aqua with you? I'm disappointed. I was hoping to get the chance to give her the beating she deserved, but I supposed I can make due with you pathetic losers if I must..."

Once Vanitas came to view, Link's gaze turned to one of determination.

As if picking up Link's change in emotions the Master Sword quieted.

Thishe teens drew his weapon wordlessly.

"Be careful Master, you too Legolas." Fi said.

@Wedge Antilles, @Chris Lang @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Crossroad peeps
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@Everyone headed to the Crossroads / Vanitas


Those who intended to go to the Crossroads and face Vanitas would see a masked figure standing at its center. Vanitas summoned a dark looking keyblade and gazed at the group in amusement. He idly swung the blade in his hand, as if not caring that he suddenly had company.


"What's this? No Master Aqua with you? I'm disappointed. I was hoping to get the chance to give her the beating she deserved, but I supposed I can make due with you pathetic losers if I must..."

"Heh, you have absolutely no idea on how long I've been waiting to get into a fight again..." the masked bounty hunter almost cracks a twisted smile. For some reason, her eyes turn to an eerie shade of blue... and yet her mark wasn't activated at all by the fact that the small portion of hair that would change color as well was not particularly in the same shade of blue as her eyes.

Taking a moment, she slowly pulled out her weapon, and as if she were slowly transitioning back to her "ruthless bounty hunter" stage... she ran her index and middle finger against the edge of her blade. Even if her fingers were probably cut open by this display... no blood was shed.

Without much warning from the fact that she was eerily carressing her blade, Lapis held up the Glistening Cleaver with one arm, aiming towards Vanitas. With a single push on the trigger, a single shot was sent towards the foe, the bullet instantly encased in crystallized material to where the bullet would becoming a speeding crystal needle.

~Lapis's "Glistening Cleaver" Ammo Status~
9 rounds loaded (70 rounds available for reload)

@Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Lizzy @ResistingTheEnlightened @Chris Lang @Wedge Antilles @The Tactician @anybody else​
Kaku was still inspecting the body to see if the severed arm's wound had signs of cauterization, so Kalifa approached Legolas.

"Both you AND Link would be good suspects for the latest murders." Kalifa said. "Both of you are skilled with swords and with bows and arrows. But there's also our friend Jon Snow to consider as well. Have the agents truly clearly him?"

@Wedge Antilles @Lizzy @Krieg @Everyone investigating the murders.

"I do not possess a sword, nor the strength or experience to sever a man's arm", Legolas shot back.

@Everyone headed to the Crossroads / Vanitas


Those who intended to go to the Crossroads and face Vanitas would see a masked figure standing at its center. Vanitas summoned a dark looking keyblade and gazed at the group in amusement. He idly swung the blade in his hand, as if not caring that he suddenly had company.


"What's this? No Master Aqua with you? I'm disappointed. I was hoping to get the chance to give her the beating she deserved, but I supposed I can make due with you pathetic losers if I must..."


Legolas fired an arrow at Vanitas' head. "You will have to go through us first!", he yelled out.

@Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Lizzy @Chris Lang
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Joshua simply stared at the man, flipping the assault rifle on a three round burst as he pointed at Vanitas "Beat, our group will not be! For in the Face of God, shall you be delivered toward Hell! Prepare to meet the Devil!" And it was then that Joshua began firing careful shots at Vanitas chest and legs, one to try and kill him, and another to atleast making him immobile. "Don't make this hard on you, dog!"

@Klutzy Ninja Kitty

"Heh, you have absolutely no idea on how long I've been waiting to get into a fight again..." the masked bounty hunter almost cracks a twisted smile. For some reason, her eyes turn to an eerie shade of blue... and yet her mark wasn't activated at all by the fact that the small portion of hair that would change color as well was not particularly in the same shade of blue as her eyes.

Taking a moment, she slowly pulled out her weapon, and as if she were slowly transitioning back to her "ruthless bounty hunter" stage... she ran her index and middle finger against the edge of her blade. Even if her fingers were probably cut open by this display... no blood was shed.

Without much warning from the fact that she was eerily carressing her blade, Lapis held up the Glistening Cleaver with one arm, aiming towards Vanitas. With a single push on the trigger, a single shot was sent towards the foe, the bullet instantly encased in crystallized material to where the bullet would becoming a speeding crystal needle.

~Lapis's "Glistening Cleaver" Ammo Status~
9 rounds loaded (70 rounds available for reload)

@Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Lizzy @ResistingTheEnlightened @Chris Lang @Wedge Antilles @The Tactician @anybody else​
"I do not possess a sword, nor the strength or experience to sever a man's arm", Legolas shot back.

Legolas fired an arrow at Vanitas' head. "You will have to go through us first!", he yelled out.

@Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Lizzy @Chris Lang


Vanitas chuckled and disappeared for a moment, moving so fast that he went invisible when Legolas arrow, Joshua's bullets, and Lapis' first shots came flying at him. When he dodged their attacks he rose a hand and caused them to stop in mid-air, floating for a moment.

"Wow, we aren't even going to chat first? Get to know each other a little? I've heard that your little group arrived here with Aqua but I really don't know all that much about you. Your friend Akibahara sounds like a swell guy though."

Vanitas moved quickly again, stopping behind Legolas. "He likes destroying worlds..."

Vanitas moved again, acting cocky and simply showing off his speed. This time, he stopped directly behind Joshua. "I like destroying worlds."

Vanitas moved a final time, stopping behind Lapis. "I think we'd get along great. Why don't you introduce me? My old master was a weak fool and I killed him. I could use a new master to learn under."

With a wave of his hand, Vanitas then turned around the attacks the group had sent out at him, and sent them straight back to their owners!

@Gummi Bunnies @ResistingTheEnlightened @Wedge Antilles
"Still willing to make demands, even after losing the challenge?" Sakuya complained. Who made demands from a woman who'd just almost killed them? Apparently, the guy in front of her. He was as reasonable as her own mistress, perhaps even more so. "Geez. You know what, fine. I'll fix you up. But not the tent. I can't do that," she gave in. She didn't exactly like leaving people injured anyway, even if they might've deserved it. She actually wasn't sure if she could patch him up in the first place. She hadn't encountered a human for quite a while, and vampires tended to just regenerate their wounds. But it couldn't be too hard, could it? After all, he didn't seem too badly injured.

She was about to grab some of the medical supplies from her outfit when she remembered she'd given them to Riley to fix Junko. Funnily enough, throughout the fight Junko had been completely silent. Quite odd.

As she remembered, Riley came into the town, shouting. It was easy to hear him, given their tent was gone. She turned around and saw him picking up his medical supplies. "Oh, hey Riley! We nee- oh. You need them too," she interrupted herself, realizing Riley also planned to use them right away. She turned to Shiki. "Well, if you want me to patch you up, we're going to have to follow him around until I can use his supplies. My knives aren't very good at healing wounds."

@Verite @The Silver Paladin
"My, what a pain. It looks like we are always getting hurt somewhere, eh? Very well, I can wait. I'm not particularly in any emergency or anything," the boy with cuts all over his body and clothes nonchalantly said with a shrug.

"For now, I suppose I shall go wherever you will go. Though if I'm not in the mind to release whoever is in need of relief permenantly..." He mumbled, tagging along.

@The Silver Paladin @Kaykay @CrunchyCHEEZIT @TheColourlessRainbow

Vanitas chuckled and disappeared for a moment, moving so fast that he went invisible when Legolas arrow, Joshua's bullets, and Lapis' first shots came flying at him. When he dodged their attacks he rose a hand and caused them to stop in mid-air, floating for a moment.

"Wow, we aren't even going to chat first? Get to know each other a little? I've heard that your little group arrived here with Aqua but I really don't know all that much about you. Your friend Akibahara sounds like a swell guy though."

Vanitas moved quickly again, stopping behind Legolas. "He likes destroying worlds..."

Vanitas moved again, acting cocky and simply showing off his speed. This time, he stopped directly behind Joshua. "I like destroying worlds."

Vanitas moved a final time, stopping behind Lapis. "I think we'd get along great. Why don't you introduce me? My old master was a weak fool and I killed him. I could use a new master to learn under."

With a wave of his hand, Vanitas then turned around the attacks the group had sent out at him, and sent them straight back to their owners!

@Gummi Bunnies @ResistingTheEnlightened @Wedge Antilles
Joshua quickly bit the dust. That is, he jumped down to the floor as the rounds began hitting the ground, sounding like thumps of rocks to the sand as a bullet grazed his leg and another hit his left arm "Gah!.. Son of a bitch." He stood up, Taking out the Light as he fired from it with his good arm "You may call me the Burned Man, for it is implied that God gave me the grace of burning the men who perform sin!" Joshua fired three rounds from the pistol, still looking at him directly.

@Klutzy Ninja Kitty
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Vanitas chuckled and disappeared for a moment, moving so fast that he went invisible when Legolas arrow, Joshua's bullets, and Lapis' first shots came flying at him. When he dodged their attacks he rose a hand and caused them to stop in mid-air, floating for a moment.

"Wow, we aren't even going to chat first? Get to know each other a little? I've heard that your little group arrived here with Aqua but I really don't know all that much about you. Your friend Akibahara sounds like a swell guy though."

Vanitas moved quickly again, stopping behind Legolas. "He likes destroying worlds..."

Vanitas moved again, acting cocky and simply showing off his speed. This time, he stopped directly behind Joshua. "I like destroying worlds."

Vanitas moved a final time, stopping behind Lapis. "I think we'd get along great. Why don't you introduce me? My old master was a weak fool and I killed him. I could use a new master to learn under."

With a wave of his hand, Vanitas then turned around the attacks the group had sent out at him, and sent them straight back to their owners!

@Gummi Bunnies @ResistingTheEnlightened @Wedge Antilles

Acting as quickly as possible, Link jumped in front of whoever was closest enough for him to protect, thrusting his shield forward to throw the projectile back, the Master Sword gripped tightly in his right hand.

"Don't get your hopes up." He said with a glare.

@Wedge Antilles @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @crossroad peeps

Vanitas chuckled and disappeared for a moment, moving so fast that he went invisible when Legolas arrow, Joshua's bullets, and Lapis' first shots came flying at him. When he dodged their attacks he rose a hand and caused them to stop in mid-air, floating for a moment.

"Wow, we aren't even going to chat first? Get to know each other a little? I've heard that your little group arrived here with Aqua but I really don't know all that much about you. Your friend Akibahara sounds like a swell guy though."

Vanitas moved quickly again, stopping behind Legolas. "He likes destroying worlds..."

Vanitas moved again, acting cocky and simply showing off his speed. This time, he stopped directly behind Joshua. "I like destroying worlds."

Vanitas moved a final time, stopping behind Lapis. "I think we'd get along great. Why don't you introduce me? My old master was a weak fool and I killed him. I could use a new master to learn under."

With a wave of his hand, Vanitas then turned around the attacks the group had sent out at him, and sent them straight back to their owners!

@Gummi Bunnies @ResistingTheEnlightened @Wedge Antilles
Alice floated a bit behind the other two, watching their initial strikes with analytical eyes as she quietly summoned her usual cadre of dolls.

She'd rushed into most every fight so far, and last fight they had lost almost a dozen allies, some far hardier than the human, bounty hunter, and elf that had accompanied her. Not this time. Anger was to be put aside. Calculation, skill, and finesse were all she required. Hopefully.

"... projectile reflection. Presumably similar magic to what Aqua and her dark counterpart have shown off as well..."

There was always the toy she intended to unleash on the colossus earlier...

...no, not worth using that, not yet. Alice only had one of those dolls, and she didn't know if she'd need it for Akibahara. She simply gestured forward and nodded "squads one, two and three, strike from above. Squad's four and five, move for the flank from behind. Squad six, defensive positions. ignore spellcard safeties, as usual for these violent worlds."

The blank faced dolls gave lifeless nods before taking off into the sky, lances raised as nine of them came rocketing back down with wicked thrusts for the dark blade user as another six swirled around from behind, not attacking or doing much of anything for now.

Shanghai floated nearby Alice along with the three defensive dolls, a slightly worried look as she peered over her shield and glanced at her sister. Hourai just smirked at pat her on the shoulder before giving a soundless battle cry and charging into the fray herself, a much faster and skilled lance than her nameless counter parts as she swerved through the returned gun and bow fire and came flying in with a feint and stab, attempting to put Vanitas off balance for the other's fire

"Do not be afraid to shoot the dolls, Except the red one, please" Alice called out to her firearm and bow toting teammates as she gently fiddled with the rings on her fingers and kept her eyes on Vanitas

Just one more obstacle to be removed.

@Gummi Bunnies @ResistingTheEnlightened @Wedge Antilles @Klutzy Ninja Kitty
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Vanitas chuckled and disappeared for a moment, moving so fast that he went invisible when Legolas arrow, Joshua's bullets, and Lapis' first shots came flying at him. When he dodged their attacks he rose a hand and caused them to stop in mid-air, floating for a moment.

"Wow, we aren't even going to chat first? Get to know each other a little? I've heard that your little group arrived here with Aqua but I really don't know all that much about you. Your friend Akibahara sounds like a swell guy though."

Vanitas moved quickly again, stopping behind Legolas. "He likes destroying worlds..."

Vanitas moved again, acting cocky and simply showing off his speed. This time, he stopped directly behind Joshua. "I like destroying worlds."

Vanitas moved a final time, stopping behind Lapis. "I think we'd get along great. Why don't you introduce me? My old master was a weak fool and I killed him. I could use a new master to learn under."

With a wave of his hand, Vanitas then turned around the attacks the group had sent out at him, and sent them straight back to their owners!

@Gummi Bunnies @ResistingTheEnlightened @Wedge Antilles
A sound of flesh being torn into could be heard from where Lapis stood...


The Half-Alive lazily eyed her line of vision to see that her crystal needle was lodged into her shoulder... and it was in there pretty deep. Still, despite the wound, no blood dared to come out... did she even have blood in herself at all? As if it were nothing more than a pesky splinter, Lapis plucked the crystal needle out of her shoulder, tossing it aside. Her shallow empty blue eyes stared straight at Vanitas as she clutched the Glistening Cleaver tightly.

"... Destroy... worlds?" Lapis repeated those words, chuckling a bit at the thought of that,"... that's... sad to hear... from... someone... sadly... misguided."

Once she concluded her last word, the bounty hunter sped ahead towards Vanitas, attempting a downwards slash with her blade aimed for him.

@Klutzy Ninja Kitty @ResistingTheEnlightened @Wedge Antilles @Lizzy @Schnee Corp Lawyer @anybody else i've missed​
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