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The Doctor went over to the towards while R2 went over to one of the monitors and plugged himself in using his scomp link.

"Bayonetta," the Doctor called out, staring at the the door, "what do you make of this?"

@Mari @ResistingTheEnlightened @Atomyk
"I believe it is a door that should be opened to learn what's on the other side of it. Bayonetta would agree on that, If only she would pay attention to monitors." He shrugged, turning his head toward Bayonetta as through the thick bandage wrap over his head did he wink at her, before looking back. "And what do you propose is on the other side, good doctor?" He said, waiting for a prompt showing of the camera in the cafeteria. Upon seeing the failed attempt, he eyed the new orders. "Could your robot input Access Files?"

@Atomyk @Mari @Emperor Palpachu
Riley went looking at the various shelves for anything interesting. "So, what's your name? You look like someone a friend of mine knows." Riley adjusted his lab coat while trying to make small talk.

@Chris Lang
Most of the books contained here are non-fiction and probably boring to most. You so notice an odd book on 'potential student profiles'...

"Byakuya, of the Togami line. However, I'm just a mere imitation of the real Byakuya... But I think you already knew that. I'm aware we're inside a simulation."

@The Silver Paladin @Chris Lang
Most of the books contained here are non-fiction and probably boring to most. You so notice an odd book on 'potential student profiles'...

"Byakuya, of the Togami line. However, I'm just a mere imitation of the real Byakuya... But I think you already knew that. I'm aware we're inside a simulation."

@The Silver Paladin @Chris Lang
"Yeah, yeah. I know. I know it's a simulation. Nice to meet you Byakuya." Riley adjusted his lab coat, and Grabbed the book on student profiles. "I could take a few of these to use for the Brotherhood." Riley remarked to himself.

@Chris Lang
"Right, let's go, Abel," Naoya grabbed his brother by his collar and dragged him through the door, "I'm guessing we're be questioned if we are traitors?"

Through all of this, Abel remained silent, worried for his lover.​
"Well... we'll cross that bridge when we get there," Chris shrugged, "In the meantime, just sit tight while we scan you. This might take a small while. Scanning for influence is a little harder than it sounds, even with the technology we have on hand here."

@The Tactician @Krieg
"Can you drag me to a bed?" He asks with a mock yawn "I'll come with" he mutters as he trudges behind her slowly "just try not to be too fast, eh?"

He tried to resist the urge to just break the bear in two for a good laugh, figuring he'd need the energy for dealing with Ruby's speed

Ruby Rose & Sophie
@DapperDogman @Meira @Cafeteria folk

Ruby giggled a little "Oh don't worry... I won't use my semblance this time!" then, she was off! Well sorta, since she had said she wouldn't use her semblance this time, she stuck with running, rather fast really, Sophie was breathing a bit heavily as she tried to keep up with the two, but, she managed it... Though, it really wasn't every day that she was running a marathon like she felt that she was doing as they headed to the Cafeteria to see what was in there.

"You will see the true force of a laundry bear's power."

@Verite @Bomb
Shiki sweatdropped and pulled Plutia towards him.

"... I think I read a report from the Church that mentioned you. Something about an immortal, all-knowing bear god... And I feel like I should hit myself for saying that."

@Bomb @Atomyk
"Well... we'll cross that bridge when we get there," Chris shrugged, "In the meantime, just sit tight while we scan you. This might take a small while. Scanning for influence is a little harder than it sounds, even with the technology we have on hand here."

@The Tactician @Krieg
Naoya shrugged at the response while he pulled out his laptop, "Then I'm going to play a game."

@Krieg @Verite


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"Okay, it's official. I must be on so many drugs right now. Not only was someone murdered with a fucking butt, but now there's a talking teddy bear? Jesus." She shook her head with something like defeat. "Okay; someone can shoot me now."


Ridley had been getting mad, too. "I've tried changing, okay? You act like I'm a clueless child. But I'm not. I'm a survivor. An' there may be clueless an' dumb Sirens, or Dark Casters.. But there's no dumb survivors." Not when all they- we -can do is survive. "You're so damn certain there's another option, Guns? I'll believe it when I damn see it. An' if you've seen so much darkness, you'd recognize that's all I am. You accuse me of convincing myself that's what I am; but it seems more like you 'n hoodie have convinced yourselves I'm not."

She didn't return the gaze, storming off for the Music Room with annoyance.

She didn't seem too pleased with Desmond and Frank's persistence. People are supposed to hate me. Maybe it was time to try a new tactic to attempt to make the two stay away. She just had to figure out what.

@BarrenThin @Atomyk
Frank followed her. "You want to see it? Then open your goddamn eyes! Look at me! Look at Desmond! We care about you, dammit! That's your other fucking option! You don't think you can change on your own? Then count on the people that think you can change to help you!"

@Thuro Pendragon


A girl awaits you inside the music room.


She sits casually in the corner of the room, playing a violin.

Your communicators flash, indicating that she is one of the data that needs to be destroyed.

@BarrenThin @Hospes


A girl awaits you inside the music room.


She sits casually in the corner of the room, playing a violin.

Your communicators flash, indicating that she is one of the data that needs to be destroyed.

@BarrenThin @Hospes

Frank looked at the girl. He paused. "I ain't killing a innocent. She better have done something to deserve a bullet." The old man drew his Deagle and shot her violin. "On your feet!"

  • Love
Reactions: Midnight Maiden
"Déjà vu Despair"

Soon after, all of your communicators would begin beeping, indicating that the Traitor voting time was finally over with. Naoya and Abel received the most votes, and as such, they were promptly transported back to the Coalition Headquarters to get checked out to see if they were Traitors or not. From there, Chris Redfield, a member of the Coalition and the brother of Claire Redfield, would contact you all some time after.


"Alright, we'll do a thorough investigation. Hopefully you guys made the right choice," he spoke, "In the meantime, just hang tight and stay safe. Alright, you guys? Especially you, Claire. Come back safely. Promise me."

"In any case, I have to go. Some stuff is going down over here, and I'll need to focus my attention on that. Good luck, everyone!" Chris said, and with that, communications had cut out.

In the meantime, as you would all make your way inside the Powers Technology Building, on your way to destroy the profiles of the Survivors that had opposed Bane alongside Batman, which were the true Divergent Catalyst. The massive computer you needed to enter would loom inside.

As expected, you would be confronted by the guards who had gunned down Lucy Heartfilia and Harry Hartland earlier at the computer.

Upon spotting you, the guards would point their guns at you immediately, ready to kill.

"There they are! Shoot 'em do--"


"What the hell was--AGHH!"

Suddenly, out of nowhere, a massive dog would appear and assault the guards, mowing them all down effortlessly. In a matter of seconds, the large group of armored men were knocked out by the massive dog, and shortly after, it would look at you, with a more docile look, as if to indicate it was on your side.


"Greetings, warriors. You do not know me, but I am Uatu, the Watcher," a voice suddenly spoke to all of you, as though whoever this Watcher was seemed to be some sort of telepath. Where he was though seemed to be a mystery, "Do not fret. I am here to aid you, as is Lockjaw here."


"He will be the one to create a portal that will lead you where you need to go. I shall explain more later, but there is little time right now. Akibahara's influence is growing, and there is little time to waste. But we will meet again. Fight well."


And as the Watcher spoke, the dog named Lockjaw would create a portal.


"Um, this seems kind of sketchy! I'll stay out here and hook the VR device to the computer, so that Felix, Soul, and Ulysses can join you guys!"

And with that, you would enter a new world once again.

The world of cyberspace. Another reality.

You hurtle through space, strange images and colours swiftly passing you by. Like a kaleidoscope is being directly broadcasted into your brain, these visions are rapid and mystifying, overlapping over each other to strike at your every sense. You feel as if your whole body is vibrating, experiencing sensations of all kinds. Thankfully, it doesn't last for a terribly long time, and the world around you eventually forms to that of an odd environment.


The first thing you all see is, well, what appears to be a stuffed teddy bear. He tilts his head slightly to the side, waiting for you all to pile in.


His mouth is set into a wide toothy grin-- Or, well, at least one side of his mouth is. He soon starts to move, rocking back and forth on his feet like he was a bored child. It is then that he raises his hands into the air and says, "Hiiii there! It's nice to meet you all!"

He pauses, maybe to let that sink in. His voice is high-pitched, almost squeaky. It's an appropriate voice for what appeared to be a talking teddy bear. After a moment, the expression on his face turns curious again. "Hmm... Some of you guys looks so confused... Your mouths are open like dumb salmon!"

Then, his expression turns nasty.


"What are you all doing?! The game's over! A bunch of losers already beat the game! So lame! None of them even died permanently! Virtual reality is really lame like that, don't you think? Oh, yeah, this is all virtual reality, if you weren't aware! Judging by the look of you guys, I bet you weren't."


"Is this that bear...?"

"..." The bear shakes his head. "A talking bear! And don't think I'm just some toy! I'm cute, soft, plush, and made of the finest technology! I'm much more than the average bear! I'm Monokuma!"


"Enough! We're here for the profile data! It has to be destroyed!"


"Really? That's fine by me! Just useless bits of data, in my opinion! They're just copies of the past players, lost and confused amidst this honored school. Much like the students when they weren't just data! Upupu!"

Brandishing his claws, Monokuma looks over the group.

"Hmm, some of you are familiar, yet different... What could you be doing here, anyway? Hmm? You know what? I think I smell a delicious smell in the air... the smell of traitors! Upupu... that's right, some of you have been naughty salmon, killing in another Murder Game! I won't stop you, in fact..."


"I've been a little bored since my game ended. I propose a new game... a mini Murder Game, if you will! I will put a Murder Game inside your Murder Game! Akibahara would be thrilled! Not all of the data you seek will just be hanging around. Some of it is locked far away... and only I have the key! Traitors, whoever you may be, you must make a kill that not only impresses me, but one you'll get away with! Survivors, well... if you don't guess a traitor in this round, I will never let you access all of the data! Upupu... ahahahaha!"



The crimson haired woman, Revya, closes the distance and punted the stuffed toy into the air with enough force to lift her own body off the ground. Monokuma flew into the air and exploded against the gym wall, leaving the room in silence.

No other Monokuma appeared. For now.

Your communicators would display the areas where the data would likely be.

First Floor_Cafeteria

First Floor_School Store

First Floor_Dressing Room

Second Floor_Indoor Pool

Second Floor_Library

Third Floor_Rec Room

Fourth Floor_Music Room

Fourth Floor_Data Processing Room

Fifth Floor_Greenhouse

@Atomyk as Claire Redfield [Resident Evil]
@FireDrake150 as Izana [Original Character] and Ace [Final Fantasy]
@Gummi Bunnies as Red [Pokemon] and Rinato Dormi [Original Character]
@BarrenThin as Lisa Castle and Frank Castle [Marvel Comics]
@The Tactician as Kazuya 'Abel' Mineshigi and Naoya 'Cain' Mineshigi[Devil Survivor]
@Verite as Shiki Tohno [Type-Moon]
@Krieg as Jon Snow [Game of Thrones]
@Bomb as Plutia [Hyperdimension Neptunia] and Gnar [League of Legends]
@Emperor Palpachu as R2-D2 [Star Wars] and The Doctor [Doctor Who]
@Mari as Bayonetta [Bayonetta]
@Klutzy Ninja Kitty as Aqua [Kingdom Hearts]
@Hospes as Teresa Agnes [Maze Runner] and Ridley Duchannes [The Caster Chronicles]
@york as Sophie [Cry of Fear] and Ruby Rose [RWBY]
@TheColourlessRainbow as The Charmed Ones [Charmed]
@DapperDogman as Soul 'Eater' Evans [Soul Eater] and Ulysses[Fallout]
@Proxymoron as Nicki Minaj [Real Life]
@Korra as Dante [Devil May Cry]
@MrDubWubs as Vi [League of Legends]
@Thuro Pendragon as Ezio Auditore and Desmond Miles [Assassin's Creed]
@Ryu Keiko as Ryu Keiko [Original Character]
@Josh M as Travis Touchdown [No More Heroes]
@Jenny as Margaery Tyrell and Loras Tyrell [Game of Thrones]
@Librarian Cat as Corvo Attano [Dishonored]
@Raven as Jake Long [American Dragon] and Stitch [Lilo and Stitch]
@TheBlueBurch as Chloe Price [Life is Strange]
@Jeremi as Storm and Crusader [Marvel Comics]
@SirDerpingtonIV as Nito [Dark Souls]
@Wedge Antilles as Legolas Greenleaf [The Lord of the Rings]
@Sandra as Sylveon and Umbreon [Pokemon]
@Dinoteen as Cell [Dragon Ball Z]
@OrlandoBloomers as Maxine Caulfield [Life is Strange]
@ShadowPrime as Felix [Red vs Blue]
@OrionsHammer as Belphegor [Dark Souls]
@Unlimited RP Works as Archer [Type-Moon]
@Meira as Revya [Soul Nomad & The World Eaters]
@FancyForrest as Wander [Shadow of the Colossus]
@The Silver Paladin as The Lone Wanderer/Riley [Fallout]
@Mtntopview as Frenzy [Transformers]
@Nater Taters as Booker DeWitt [Bioshock]
@ResistingTheEnlightened as Joshua Graham [Fallout]
@Lizzy as Link and Fi [Legend of Zelda]
@Black Cat as Sarutobi Hiruzen and Toad Sage Jiriaya [Naruto]
@Ivazel as Albert Wesker [Resident Evil]

The Dead
@Emperor Palpachu as Darth Vader - DIED! INNOCENT! GUNNED DOWN!
@Chris Lang as Kalifa and Kaku - MURDERED! INNOCENT! CRUSHED!
@Maddeline as Emily "Hunter" Grimes - DIED! INNOCENT! VAPORIZED!
@Mighty Roman as Joseph Aniphage - MURDERED! INNOCENT! SNAPPED NECK!
@Infinatis as Grail Trigadon and Specter Knight - DIED! INNOCENT! SQUASHED LIKE A BUG!
@M a r s as Lucy Heartfilia - DIED! INNOCENT! GUNNED DOWN!
@Banana Soiree as Harry Hart/Galahad - DIED! INNOCENT! GUNNED DOWN!
By the time that Lapis would re-awaken, she would see that she and Red, as much as the others, were now in this new place. Of course, without Naoya and Abel around due to the results of the votes. She wasn't exactly awake as most of the other votes came in, but she had a feeling that it was mostly towards them. While she felt betrayed inside that they were traitors in a way, possibly, Lapis had to remind herself that this wasn't truly their choice. Akibahara was the sole cause of it all. The confliction. The pain. The turmoil.

A big bad that we're pitted against. A big bad that has a huge bounty in most chances. I... I will ensure that the bounty is taken.

I will be getting an expensive tongue as my trophy.

"Red, let's get going. Stay close, and stay on guard. That goes to you too, Pikachu," Lapis would say to the ones nearest to her, that pokemon trainer and the mouse pokemon.

They would make way for the Greenhouse, located on the fifth floor. Start on the top, and work their way down.

@Atomyk @anybody in that area or wanting to tag along​
Shiki sweatdropped and pulled Plutia towards him.

"... I think I read a report from the Church that mentioned you. Something about an immortal, all-knowing bear god... And I feel like I should hit myself for saying that."

@Bomb @Atomyk
"Have you been abusing drugs? I am the laundry bear, not some bear god! Perhaps you could say I'm a bear pixie..."


"Tinker Bell has nothing on my soft plushy cuteness. I've haunted this clothing mountain for many years, and have grown my collection with the sacrifices of those who have disturbed me in the past. You shall be no exception!"

@Verite @Bomb
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Frank followed her. "You want to see it? Then open your goddamn eyes! Look at me! Look at Desmond! We care about you, dammit! That's your other fucking option! You don't think you can change on your own? Then count on the people that think you can change to help you!"

@Thuro Pendragon

Once again, being a master of concealing emotions came in handy; 'cause a lot of people like her probably would be breaking down. And, beneath the surface.. Maybe she was. But she wasn't letting her facade down again. Not when it had somehow made people like her; a mistake she wasn't risking making again. "Just.. Just shut up! You're making it hard to think!"


A girl awaits you inside the music room.


She sits casually in the corner of the room, playing a violin.

Your communicators flash, indicating that she is one of the data that needs to be destroyed.

@BarrenThin @Hospes

"Oh, great.."

@BarrenThin @Atomyk
By the time that Lapis would re-awaken, she would see that she and Red, as much as the others, were now in this new place. Of course, without Naoya and Abel around due to the results of the votes. She wasn't exactly awake as most of the other votes came in, but she had a feeling that it was mostly towards them. While she felt betrayed inside that they were traitors in a way, possibly, Lapis had to remind herself that this wasn't truly their choice. Akibahara was the sole cause of it all. The confliction. The pain. The turmoil.

A big bad that we're pitted against. A big bad that has a huge bounty in most chances. I... I will ensure that the bounty is taken.

I will be getting an expensive tongue as my trophy.

"Red, let's get going. Stay close, and stay on guard. That goes to you too, Pikachu," Lapis would say to the ones nearest to her, that pokemon trainer and the mouse pokemon.

They would make way for the Greenhouse, located on the fifth floor. Start on the top, and work their way down.

@Atomyk @anybody in that area or wanting to tag along​

The garden is a calm and relaxing place. The sky above may be artificial, but it feels like you've stepped out into fresh air regardless.

A man stands with his back to you, but he turns upon hearing you enter.


"And to who do I owe the pleasure of this encounter?"

Your communicator flashes, indicating that he is one of the data that needs to be destroyed.

@Gummi Bunnies
  • Like
Reactions: Klutzy Ninja Kitty
Once again, being a master of concealing emotions came in handy; 'cause a lot of people like her probably would be breaking down. And, beneath the surface.. Maybe she was. But she wasn't letting her facade down again. Not when it had somehow made people like her; a mistake she wasn't risking making again. "Just.. Just shut up! You're making it hard to think!"

"Oh, great.."

@BarrenThin @Atomyk

"This ain't over, kid. I care about you. I love people like you. When we're done here... I'm going to show you that."

  • Love
Reactions: dalecOoOoOoOoOper
"Having you been abusing drugs? I am the laundry bear, not some bear god! Perhaps you could say I'm a bear pixie..."


"Tinker Bell has nothing on my soft plushy cuteness. I've haunted this clothing mountain for many years, and have grown my collection with the sacrifices of those who have disturbed me in the past. You shall be no exception!"

@Verite @Bomb
"... I see."


"So what do I get in exchange for giving you some of my clothes anyway?"

@Bomb @Atomyk

Frank looked at the girl. He paused. "I ain't killing a innocent. She better have done something to deserve a bullet." The old man drew his Deagle and shot her violin. "On your feet!"


The violin rips out of the girl's hand, who quickly jumps into a standing position as a response. Sewing needles are held firmly in her hands.

"Can I assume you have sufficient reasoning for this aggression?"

@BarrenThin @Hospes
  • Bucket of Rainbows
Reactions: Midnight Maiden
"Having you been abusing drugs? I am the laundry bear, not some bear god! Perhaps you could say I'm a bear pixie..."


"Tinker Bell has nothing on my soft plushy cuteness. I've haunted this clothing mountain for many years, and have grown my collection with the sacrifices of those who have disturbed me in the past. You shall be no exception!"

@Verite @Bomb
"So you are... a ghost? But you're a teddy bear... wait, I knew you looked familiar!" Plutia said after she has been pulled back.

Screenshot 2015-06-05 14.25.27.png

...Yeah, that probably won't help.

Meanwhile, whilst these 3 people were talking, Gnar and the kittens are having a field day in the mountain.

@Atomyk @Verite
"Déjà vu Despair"

Soon after, all of your communicators would begin beeping, indicating that the Traitor voting time was finally over with. Naoya and Abel received the most votes, and as such, they were promptly transported back to the Coalition Headquarters to get checked out to see if they were Traitors or not. From there, Chris Redfield, a member of the Coalition and the brother of Claire Redfield, would contact you all some time after.


"Alright, we'll do a thorough investigation. Hopefully you guys made the right choice," he spoke, "In the meantime, just hang tight and stay safe. Alright, you guys? Especially you, Claire. Come back safely. Promise me."

"In any case, I have to go. Some stuff is going down over here, and I'll need to focus my attention on that. Good luck, everyone!" Chris said, and with that, communications had cut out.

In the meantime, as you would all make your way inside the Powers Technology Building, on your way to destroy the profiles of the Survivors that had opposed Bane alongside Batman, which were the true Divergent Catalyst. The massive computer you needed to enter would loom inside.

As expected, you would be confronted by the guards who had gunned down Lucy Heartfilia and Harry Hartland earlier at the computer.

Upon spotting you, the guards would point their guns at you immediately, ready to kill.

"There they are! Shoot 'em do--"


"What the hell was--AGHH!"

Suddenly, out of nowhere, a massive dog would appear and assault the guards, mowing them all down effortlessly. In a matter of seconds, the large group of armored men were knocked out by the massive dog, and shortly after, it would look at you, with a more docile look, as if to indicate it was on your side.


"Greetings, warriors. You do not know me, but I am Uatu, the Watcher," a voice suddenly spoke to all of you, as though whoever this Watcher was seemed to be some sort of telepath. Where he was though seemed to be a mystery, "Do not fret. I am here to aid you, as is Lockjaw here."


"He will be the one to create a portal that will lead you where you need to go. I shall explain more later, but there is little time right now. Akibahara's influence is growing, and there is little time to waste. But we will meet again. Fight well."


And as the Watcher spoke, the dog named Lockjaw would create a portal.


"Um, this seems kind of sketchy! I'll stay out here and hook the VR device to the computer, so that Felix, Soul, and Ulysses can join you guys!"

And with that, you would enter a new world once again.

The world of cyberspace. Another reality.

You hurtle through space, strange images and colours swiftly passing you by. Like a kaleidoscope is being directly broadcasted into your brain, these visions are rapid and mystifying, overlapping over each other to strike at your every sense. You feel as if your whole body is vibrating, experiencing sensations of all kinds. Thankfully, it doesn't last for a terribly long time, and the world around you eventually forms to that of an odd environment.


The first thing you all see is, well, what appears to be a stuffed teddy bear. He tilts his head slightly to the side, waiting for you all to pile in.


His mouth is set into a wide toothy grin-- Or, well, at least one side of his mouth is. He soon starts to move, rocking back and forth on his feet like he was a bored child. It is then that he raises his hands into the air and says, "Hiiii there! It's nice to meet you all!"

He pauses, maybe to let that sink in. His voice is high-pitched, almost squeaky. It's an appropriate voice for what appeared to be a talking teddy bear. After a moment, the expression on his face turns curious again. "Hmm... Some of you guys looks so confused... Your mouths are open like dumb salmon!"

Then, his expression turns nasty.


"What are you all doing?! The game's over! A bunch of losers already beat the game! So lame! None of them even died permanently! Virtual reality is really lame like that, don't you think? Oh, yeah, this is all virtual reality, if you weren't aware! Judging by the look of you guys, I bet you weren't."


"Is this that bear...?"

"..." The bear shakes his head. "A talking bear! And don't think I'm just some toy! I'm cute, soft, plush, and made of the finest technology! I'm much more than the average bear! I'm Monokuma!"


"Enough! We're here for the profile data! It has to be destroyed!"


"Really? That's fine by me! Just useless bits of data, in my opinion! They're just copies of the past players, lost and confused amidst this honored school. Much like the students when they weren't just data! Upupu!"

Brandishing his claws, Monokuma looks over the group.

"Hmm, some of you are familiar, yet different... What could you be doing here, anyway? Hmm? You know what? I think I smell a delicious smell in the air... the smell of traitors! Upupu... that's right, some of you have been naughty salmon, killing in another Murder Game! I won't stop you, in fact..."


"I've been a little bored since my game ended. I propose a new game... a mini Murder Game, if you will! I will put a Murder Game inside your Murder Game! Akibahara would be thrilled! Not all of the data you seek will just be hanging around. Some of it is locked far away... and only I have the key! Traitors, whoever you may be, you must make a kill that not only impresses me, but one you'll get away with! Survivors, well... if you don't guess a traitor in this round, I will never let you access all of the data! Upupu... ahahahaha!"



The crimson haired woman, Revya, closes the distance and punted the stuffed toy into the air with enough force to lift her own body off the ground. Monokuma flew into the air and exploded against the gym wall, leaving the room in silence.

No other Monokuma appeared. For now.

Your communicators would display the areas where the data would likely be.

First Floor_Cafeteria

First Floor_School Store

First Floor_Dressing Room

Second Floor_Indoor Pool

Second Floor_Library

Third Floor_Rec Room

Fourth Floor_Music Room

Fourth Floor_Data Processing Room

Fifth Floor_Greenhouse

@Atomyk as Claire Redfield [Resident Evil]
@FireDrake150 as Izana [Original Character] and Ace [Final Fantasy]
@Gummi Bunnies as Red [Pokemon] and Rinato Dormi [Original Character]
@BarrenThin as Lisa Castle and Frank Castle [Marvel Comics]
@The Tactician as Kazuya 'Abel' Mineshigi and Naoya 'Cain' Mineshigi[Devil Survivor]
@Verite as Shiki Tohno [Type-Moon]
@Krieg as Jon Snow [Game of Thrones]
@Bomb as Plutia [Hyperdimension Neptunia] and Gnar [League of Legends]
@Emperor Palpachu as R2-D2 [Star Wars] and The Doctor [Doctor Who]
@Mari as Bayonetta [Bayonetta]
@Klutzy Ninja Kitty as Aqua [Kingdom Hearts]
@Hospes as Teresa Agnes [Maze Runner] and Ridley Duchannes [The Caster Chronicles]
@york as Sophie [Cry of Fear] and Ruby Rose [RWBY]
@TheColourlessRainbow as The Charmed Ones [Charmed]
@DapperDogman as Soul 'Eater' Evans [Soul Eater] and Ulysses[Fallout]
@Proxymoron as Nicki Minaj [Real Life]
@Korra as Dante [Devil May Cry]
@MrDubWubs as Vi [League of Legends]
@Thuro Pendragon as Ezio Auditore and Desmond Miles [Assassin's Creed]
@Ryu Keiko as Ryu Keiko [Original Character]
@Josh M as Travis Touchdown [No More Heroes]
@Jenny as Margaery Tyrell and Loras Tyrell [Game of Thrones]
@Librarian Cat as Corvo Attano [Dishonored]
@Raven as Jake Long [American Dragon] and Stitch [Lilo and Stitch]
@TheBlueBurch as Chloe Price [Life is Strange]
@Jeremi as Storm and Crusader [Marvel Comics]
@SirDerpingtonIV as Nito [Dark Souls]
@Wedge Antilles as Legolas Greenleaf [The Lord of the Rings]
@Sandra as Sylveon and Umbreon [Pokemon]
@Dinoteen as Cell [Dragon Ball Z]
@OrlandoBloomers as Maxine Caulfield [Life is Strange]
@ShadowPrime as Felix [Red vs Blue]
@OrionsHammer as Belphegor [Dark Souls]
@Unlimited RP Works as Archer [Type-Moon]
@Meira as Revya [Soul Nomad & The World Eaters]
@FancyForrest as Wander [Shadow of the Colossus]
@The Silver Paladin as The Lone Wanderer/Riley [Fallout]
@Mtntopview as Frenzy [Transformers]
@Nater Taters as Booker DeWitt [Bioshock]
@ResistingTheEnlightened as Joshua Graham [Fallout]
@Lizzy as Link and Fi [Legend of Zelda]
@Black Cat as Sarutobi Hiruzen and Toad Sage Jiriaya [Naruto]
@Ivazel as Albert Wesker [Resident Evil]

The Dead
@Emperor Palpachu as Darth Vader - DIED! INNOCENT! GUNNED DOWN!
@Chris Lang as Kalifa and Kaku - MURDERED! INNOCENT! CRUSHED!
@Maddeline as Emily "Hunter" Grimes - DIED! INNOCENT! VAPORIZED!
@Mighty Roman as Joseph Aniphage - MURDERED! INNOCENT! SNAPPED NECK!
@Infinatis as Grail Trigadon and Specter Knight - DIED! INNOCENT! SQUASHED LIKE A BUG!
@M a r s as Lucy Heartfilia - DIED! INNOCENT! GUNNED DOWN!
@Banana Soiree as Harry Hart/Galahad - DIED! INNOCENT! GUNNED DOWN!

As they were presented with options to explore, Legolas turned to Aqua, who he was devoted to protecting, assisting, whatever it was she would need. He considered the options, and his companion so to speak.

"Might I suggest the fourth floor music room, my lady?", he asked, "As you seem to have a talent or interest in that subject."

@Klutzy Ninja Kitty
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