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Albert Wesker fiddled with his impromptu communications device before revealing himself to the group at Nick Fury's refugee camp. He'd appear as though he was teleporting just outside the group, then pull out a pair of sunglasses from his pocket with a smirk as he stopped.


"My name is Albert Wesker. You perhaps don't know me yet-- any of you," he said, "but after a bit of interior debate, I've decided it's in the best interest of my world that I help you to destroy this... Arch Demon, is it?"

@Refugee Camp Group
"Yes, sir. I assume these are Chitauri weapons. I found them in a weapons locker over in Stark Tower. Along with a note about them." He held out the weapons, laying them on the ground. "i don't have the slightest idea on how they work."
"What he said. Finding her is in our best interest, given that we do need Loki for something... and before you ask, we're with the whole Coalition group," Lapis nodded, brushes some of her hair off of her face.

@The Tactician @Bomb @Sandra @Verite @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @others​
Abel actually nodded, sparkling admiration in his eyes, "Dude, are you serious? You're now my favorite person in this world!"​

Fury blinked before chuckling at Abel's words. "I wasn't serious, you know." He then saw, ehem, Lapis and Abel being all kawaii desu and turned away. "I think I'll just leave the two of you alone," he said with a smirk, turning back to look at Riley when he spoke.

"At Stark Tower, eh? Well, we have some weapons experts who could probably take a look at them. I really appreciate you showing these to me. You should keep them. I would just appreciate if you'd let my people look at them first. We could learn a lot from them."
"Crusader, or if you prefer real names than Sarah." She had the introductory part wired into her brain now due to the numerous times she's had to done it in this place.
"I dunno if you caught back when we were busting you out or anything, but name's Chloe Price. Arcadia Bay's resident badass punk girl. Pleasure to meet ya." She'd say with a grin as she extended a hand out towards Elsa.

"You already know Cruss. Brown hair is the coolest girl I know named Max who can rewind time on a whim and also happens to be my favorite person in the world, and that tall dude with the cool as fuck jacket is Archer. We're a pretty awesome deal to be perfectly honest." She said with the smugest of smug looks on her face.

EDIT:[Most embarrassing typo ever.]

@OrlandoBloomers @Unlimited RP Works @Jeremi @Klutzy Ninja Kitty

@Unlimited RP Works @Jeremi @OrlandoBloomers @TheBlueBurch @Atomyk @Mari @The Silver Paladin @Hospes

"Ah, Sarah, Chloe, good to meet you then," Elsa said, shaking Chloe's hand when the woman offered it to her. "And Archer? Well, I'm certainly in your debt. Thank you for helping me get out of there... When this is over, maybe I will come with all of you. I need to leave this universe anyhow. I'm trying to get back home," she told them as they walked toward the supply tents.

When they arrived near the tents where Claire and co. were standing, Elsa froze up. She stopped walking, staring dead ahead with wide eyes as if there were a monster in front of her. Because, to the queen of ice, there was a beast in front of her.

"Claire?" Elsa questioned, her expresion hardening.

The queen didn't bother to look at Aqua yet, the injured girl in the woman's arms, even if Aqua's face was now colored blue a few shades lighter than her own hair. Aqua didn't shake as before, however. She had gotten past that stage and was more in the stage of... not really moving at all now.​
@Stark Tower

Within the ruined city stands a building that hard seems touched by this apocalyptic, alien infested world: Stark Tower. Those who approached it from above would be able to land on its outside deck. The rest had a long climb up a set of stairs from the bottom, and would arrive to the top with aching legs and feet. Once inside, you would see that the tower was fully operational.

It had electricity, air conditioning, running water and many other functional modern luxuries. Hell, all of the TVs even had working Netflix on them! This place was loaded and entirely functional, as if untouched by the disaster. It had been repaired by SHIELD, who had plans to move their refugees there. For now, however, the tower stands empty. It is a safe place to stay though, with many comfortable rooms to use.


Main deck
Bedroom wing
Dining room
Living room
Entertainment Center

Frigga was nowhere to be seen inside the tower. But the tower was very high up... perhaps they could use it as a lookout post to see if she was anywhere nearby?​
Booker looked over the area indifferently once they got to the tower. It would probably be best to investigate the rooms.

"Okay, we splitting up and searching the rooms or what?" He asked


@Any1 Around Joseph's Body

The pair would likely see some drag marks from when the body was taken and partly hidden, however they do not see much more than that. However, if the group didn't want the traitors to get away with the murder, it would be best to vote for who they thought one of them might be...
Ruby Rose & Sophie
@Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Theothers

Ruby and Sophie looked over the area, staying silent for a moment as the two seemed to be thinking, then Ruby spoke "Could it be Frank?" she asked, tilting her head a little. Sophie frowned "Well... He's a likely suspect... I suppose we'll vote for him." she said... And with that, they both cast their vote for Frank Castle. Though, Sophie got the distinct feeling if it was him, he definitely wasn't working alone... However, her attention quickly focused on finding Friga, she turned to Ruby "Where do you think she's gone..." she said, looking a little curious. Ruby answered immediately "Why the manhole of course! It's the least likely place to look... And... Gross..." she answered, scrunching her nose a little. Sophie just grabbed onto Ruby's arm. and then, the two were off to the manhole, heading down to see what they could find...
Fury blinked before chuckling at Abel's words. "I wasn't serious, you know." He then saw, ehem, Lapis and Abel being all kawaii desu and turned away. "I think I'll just leave the two of you alone," he said with a smirk, turning back to look at Riley when he spoke.

"At Stark Tower, eh? Well, we have some weapons experts who could probably take a look at them. I really appreciate you showing these to me. You should keep them. I would just appreciate if you'd let my people look at them first. We could learn a lot from them."

@Unlimited RP Works @Jeremi @OrlandoBloomers @TheBlueBurch @Atomyk @Mari @The Silver Paladin @Hospes

"Ah, Sarah, Chloe, good to meet you then," Elsa said, shaking Chloe's hand when the woman offered it to her. "And Archer? Well, I'm certainly in your debt. Thank you for helping me get out of there... When this is over, maybe I will come with all of you. I need to leave this universe anyhow. I'm trying to get back home," she told them as they walked toward the supply tents.

When they arrived near the tents where Claire and co. were standing, Elsa froze up. She stopped walking, staring dead ahead with wide eyes as if there were a monster in front of her. Because, to the queen of ice, there was a beast in front of her.

"Claire?" Elsa questioned, her expresion hardening.

The queen didn't bother to look at Aqua yet, the injured girl in the woman's arms, even if Aqua's face was now colored blue a few shades lighter than her own hair. Aqua didn't shake as before, however. She had gotten past that stage and was more in the stage of... not really moving at all now.​
"yes, sir. Take them t show them. I have to talk to yourt Ice Magic expert about something. I put a suit of armor that has life support in it, and I'm the only one to remove it. I'll be right back." He ran off to find the group he was with. "Wait! I need to remove the Power Armor first! IT would make it easier."

@Atomyk @Whomever was with Aqua and Elsa.
Coco giggled at Kalifa's description of Joshua. "Yeah, that'd be the one!" she chirped. "I don't really know much about the arch-demon though... all I know is Joshua wants to stop him. Josh says he's a really bad guy. He sounds scary," the child said with a shudder.

Meanwhile, Sho called out another name for the bingo boards.

"Kotomine! Yeah, I'm gonna be lazy and only call one this time," he said with a laugh. "But that's just because... someone is about to join us," he added with a grin.
"Everything we've heard about him indicates that to call him a really bad guy would be an understatement." Kaku replied, in as casual a tone as he could muster given the subject matter.

"We were briefed on the Arch Demon by current and former Marine Admirals, and then by Franziska von Karma and the Coalition." Kalifa replied. "But we still didn't know the full extent of his atrocities until your friend Joshua made us research the most infamous of those Murder Games so that we could pass his test."

"If Joshua wishes the Arch Demon stopped, we'll do everything in our power to put an end to him." Kaku said. "As soon as we find our way out of here."

He then took a look at the bingo card.


"No, there's no trace of Kotomine on this card. Whoever that may be." Kaku said.

Kalifa sighed. "We might as well pass the time."

She turned to Coco again. "Is there anything else you'd like to ask? Keep in mind, in my line of work, I usually don't answer many questions unless they come from my fellow agents or my superiors. Usually, I'm the one asking them."

@Klutzy Ninja Kitty
"Oh, where do you want it then?" Abel leaned forward, getting close to Lapis's cute face, "I can do it wherever you want me to... Anything for the gem of my eye!"​

Thank god I wear this mask to cover up my cheeks and majoirty of my face... or else this would be really embarrassing...

"... not the time either," Lapis decided to be a tease with this, a smirk on her face when she said that. Unless he could out-tease her if that was possible.

@The Tactician @Verite @Sandra @Bomb @Klutzy Ninja Kitty

Have fun dealing with Ridley flirting with you buddy 'cause it'll be happening a lot less than it does with other people 'cause Ridley displays affection through sass, attitude, and snark most commonly.
Booker looked over the area indifferently once they got to the tower. It would probably be best to investigate the rooms.

"Okay, we splitting up and searching the rooms or what?" He asked


"Prolly a good idea.. Though it doesn't seem that there's many people here, if any, 'side from us."

@BarrenThin @Nater Taters @Schnee Corp Lawyer @Lizzy @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Thuro Pendragon @HELICARRIER CREW​

Have fun dealing with Ridley flirting with you buddy 'cause it'll be happening a lot less than it does with other people 'cause Ridley displays affection through sass, attitude, and snark most commonly.

"Prolly a good idea.. Though it doesn't seem that there's many people here, if any, 'side from us."

@BarrenThin @Nater Taters @Schnee Corp Lawyer @Lizzy @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Thuro Pendragon @HELICARRIER CREW​
Booker nodded and looked around, noticing there wasn't a huge group here, but a very small one.

"Alright, I 'm headed to the garage, anyone who wants to join me is welcome." Booker said, wandering off to the garage

@Klutzy Ninja Kitty
Albert Wesker fiddled with his impromptu communications device before revealing himself to the group at Nick Fury's refugee camp. He'd appear as though he was teleporting just outside the group, then pull out a pair of sunglasses from his pocket with a smirk as he stopped.

"My name is Albert Wesker. You perhaps don't know me yet-- any of you," he said, "but after a bit of interior debate, I've decided it's in the best interest of my world that I help you to destroy this... Arch Demon, is it?"

@Refugee Camp Group
Fury blinked before chuckling at Abel's words. "I wasn't serious, you know." He then saw, ehem, Lapis and Abel being all kawaii desu and turned away. "I think I'll just leave the two of you alone," he said with a smirk, turning back to look at Riley when he spoke.

"At Stark Tower, eh? Well, we have some weapons experts who could probably take a look at them. I really appreciate you showing these to me. You should keep them. I would just appreciate if you'd let my people look at them first. We could learn a lot from them."

@Unlimited RP Works @Jeremi @OrlandoBloomers @TheBlueBurch @Atomyk @Mari @The Silver Paladin @Hospes

"Ah, Sarah, Chloe, good to meet you then," Elsa said, shaking Chloe's hand when the woman offered it to her. "And Archer? Well, I'm certainly in your debt. Thank you for helping me get out of there... When this is over, maybe I will come with all of you. I need to leave this universe anyhow. I'm trying to get back home," she told them as they walked toward the supply tents.

When they arrived near the tents where Claire and co. were standing, Elsa froze up. She stopped walking, staring dead ahead with wide eyes as if there were a monster in front of her. Because, to the queen of ice, there was a beast in front of her.

"Claire?" Elsa questioned, her expresion hardening.

The queen didn't bother to look at Aqua yet, the injured girl in the woman's arms, even if Aqua's face was now colored blue a few shades lighter than her own hair. Aqua didn't shake as before, however. She had gotten past that stage and was more in the stage of... not really moving at all now.​
If it wasn't for the fact that she'd been holding Aqua up, Claire herself probably would have fallen to the ground in shock. Albert Wesker himself had appeared, and Claire's stomach had flipped over itself in revulsion. He hadn't noticed her yet, and for all she knew, he might not recognise her. She was a decade older than he'd last seen her, but who really knew with the multiverse. Was he lying? Was he a different Wesker? Either way, Claire couldn't stand being near him, her body shaking from more than just the cold as she backed away with Aqua in her arms. They were going numb from the cold, and Claire made an effort to adjust her hold on the girl, but she ended up almost tripping over herself in the process. Claire couldn't keep the shivering out of her voice as she blankly managed to say, "W-What a-are you--"

But then another shock. The woman from the prison cell. The woman with the baby. The woman who controlled ice, and one Claire had doomed. The second blow hit her like a sack of bricks, and Claire really did drop Aqua this time, her body unable to move any longer. Not you, not both of you. Not--

Claire doubled over, her stomach feeling like it was going to explode. She closed her eyes so she wouldn't have to look at them any longer. Tears touched at the edges of her eyes, and the woman fell to the floor on her knees. She tried to pretend she wasn't here. She was anywhere but here, far away from Arch Demons or traitors or the past.

@Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Ivazel @Unlimited RP Works @Jeremi @OrlandoBloomers @TheBlueBurch @Mari @The Silver Paladin @Hospes
Last edited:
Thank god I wear this mask to cover up my cheeks and majoirty of my face... or else this would be really embarrassing...

"... not the time either," Lapis decided to be a tease with this, a smirk on her face when she said that. Unless he could out-tease her if that was possible.

@The Tactician @Verite @Sandra @Bomb @Klutzy Ninja Kitty

"Oh come on, Lapis... You know I dig you and that you make me smelt!" Oh boy, cheesy pick up lines ahoy. The smirk that radiated with playfulness exposed his intentions to tease, though if Cinato understood was to be seen, "Honestly, you're more precious to me than all the diamonds in the world!"

@Verite @Sandra @Bomb @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Gummi Bunnies
If it wasn't for the fact that she'd been holding Aqua up, Claire herself probably would have fallen to the ground in shock. Albert Wesker himself had appeared, and Claire's stomach had flipped over itself in revulsion. He hadn't noticed her yet, and for all she knew, he might not recognise her. She was a decade older than he'd last seen her, but who really knew with the multiverse. Was he lying? Was he a different Wesker? Either way, Claire couldn't stand being near him, her body shaking from more than just the cold as she back away with Aqua in her arms. They were going numb from the cold, and Claire made an effort to adjust her hold on the girl, but she ended up almost tripping over herself in the process. Claire couldn't keep the shivering out of her voice as she blankly managed to say, "W-What a-are you--"

But then another shock. The woman from the prison cell. The woman with the baby. The woman who controlled ice, and one Claire had doomed. The second blow hit her like a sack of bricks, and Claire really did drop Aqua this time, her body unable to move any longer. Not you, not both of you. Not--

Claire doubled over, her stomach feeling like it was going to explode. She closed her eyes so she wouldn't have to look at them any longer. Tears touched at the edges of her eyes, and the woman fell to the floor on her knees. She tried to pretend she wasn't here. She was anywhere but here, far away from Arch Demons or traitors or the past.

@Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Ivazel @Unlimited RP Works @Jeremi @OrlandoBloomers @TheBlueBurch @Mari @The Silver Paladin @Hospes
Riley ran over as quickly as he could. "Is everyone ok? Oh my God! What happened?" He knelt down to help Claire up. "Are you ok?" he asked. "We can't have another survivor taking a major hit." He pulled out several medicines from his inventory. "Let me just take the Power Armor/Life Support suit off of her." He pointed to Aqua. "I trained in medicine with my dad. I can help everyone after I get this power Armor of of her."

@Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Ivazel @Unlimited RP Works @Jeremi @OrlandoBloomers @TheBlueBurch @Mari @Hospes
"Don't sweat it, Elsa. If you hang with us, you'll get out of this shit and back to wherever the hell you're from. Sides, I've had to put up with a lot of assholes in my own world. Kinda pisses me off to see it happen to others." She started as she took a cigarette from her box and lit it before popping it in.

As Wesker just sort of showed up, Chloe snorted at the guy bringing out sunglasses inside an underground refugee camp. "Dork alert." She said without a hint of hesitation in her mouth. Yeah, the guy looked all business and maybe even a little intimidating. Still didn't make the whole sunglasses thing any less dorky. But then shit got super cereal real fast.

"You two..know eachother? Well this ought to go pretty quick-"Chloe paused as Claire just sort of had what Chloe could only interpret as a breakdown. Not that Chloe could blame her, having had her own breakdown earlier on and only being comforted by Max. But she didn't know Claire, she hadn't spoken to her like Max had. "Max, you're the talker, help her out!" Chloe prodded her friend on before making her way over to where Riley was fiddling around with Aqua.

"Well if you can't tell, Claire's kind of in a spot right now, so why don't you quit yapping and get the sick girl out of this armor, Einstein?!?"

@TheSilverPaladin @OrlandoBloomers @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Atomyk @Ivazel
Riley ran over as quickly as he could. "Is everyone ok? Oh my God! What happened?" He knelt down to help Claire up. "Are you ok?" he asked. "We can't have another survivor taking a major hit." He pulled out several medicines from his inventory. "Let me just take the Power Armor/Life Support suit off of her." He pointed to Aqua. "I trained in medicine with my dad. I can help everyone after I get this power Armor of of her."

@Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Ivazel @Unlimited RP Works @Jeremi @OrlandoBloomers @TheBlueBurch @Mari @Hospes
Bayonetta was unfamiliar with the ways most common in treating wounds and injuries. She had relied on magical means, and some others in healing herself or others. But, she was not above helping one of her fellow Coalition members. She helped in taking off the armor from Aqua, wondering if Riley would have such capability.

@The Silver Paladin @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Ivazel @Unlimited RP Works @Jeremi @OrlandoBloomers @TheBlueBurch @Hospes
If it wasn't for the fact that she'd been holding Aqua up, Claire herself probably would have fallen to the ground in shock. Albert Wesker himself had appeared, and Claire's stomach had flipped over itself in revulsion. He hadn't noticed her yet, and for all she knew, he might not recognise her. She was a decade older than he'd last seen her, but who really knew with the multiverse. Was he lying? Was he a different Wesker? Either way, Claire couldn't stand being near him, her body shaking from more than just the cold as she back away with Aqua in her arms. They were going numb from the cold, and Claire made an effort to adjust her hold on the girl, but she ended up almost tripping over herself in the process. Claire couldn't keep the shivering out of her voice as she blankly managed to say, "W-What a-are you--"

But then another shock. The woman from the prison cell. The woman with the baby. The woman who controlled ice, and one Claire had doomed. The second blow hit her like a sack of bricks, and Claire really did drop Aqua this time, her body unable to move any longer. Not you, not both of you. Not--

Claire doubled over, her stomach feeling like it was going to explode. She closed her eyes so she wouldn't have to look at them any longer. Tears touched at the edges of her eyes, and the woman fell to the floor on her knees. She tried to pretend she wasn't here. She was anywhere but here, far away from Arch Demons or traitors or the past.
He looked curiously upon the one he hadn't yet noticed, only to grin sadistically.


"What's wrong, Chris's little sister?" Then he'd chuckle to himself. "Don't worry; we're on the same side. For now."

He shot an annoyed look Chloe's way. "And I suppose blue hair is less of a statement?"
"Don't sweat it, Elsa. If you hang with us, you'll get out of this shit and back to wherever the hell you're from. Sides, I've had to put up with a lot of assholes in my own world. Kinda pisses me off to see it happen to others." She started as she took a cigarette from her box and lit it before popping it in.

As Wesker just sort of showed up, Chloe snorted at the guy bringing out sunglasses inside an underground refugee camp. "Dork alert." She said without a hint of hesitation in her mouth. Yeah, the guy looked all business and maybe even a little intimidating. Still didn't make the whole sunglasses thing any less dorky. But then shit got super cereal real fast.

"You two..know eachother? Well this ought to go pretty quick-"Chloe paused as Claire just sort of had what Chloe could only interpret as a breakdown. Not that Chloe could blame her, having had her own breakdown earlier on and only being comforted by Max. But she didn't know Claire, she hadn't spoken to her like Max had. "Max, you're the talker, help her out!" Chloe prodded her friend on before making her way over to where Riley was fiddling around with Aqua.

"Well if you can't tell, Claire's kind of in a spot right now, so why don't you quit yapping and get the sick girl out of this armor, Einstein?!?"

@TheSilverPaladin @OrlandoBloomers @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Atomyk @Ivazel
Bayonetta was unfamiliar with the ways most common in treating wounds and injuries. She had relied on magical means, and some others in healing herself or others. But, she was not above helping one of her fellow Coalition members. She helped in taking off the armor from Aqua, wondering if Riley would have such capability.

@The Silver Paladin @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Ivazel @Unlimited RP Works @Jeremi @OrlandoBloomers @TheBlueBurch @Hospes
"Thanks, Bayonetta." He tapped a few buttons on his Pip-Boy. "Alright, you just unattach the front part of the chest plate." He knelt down, and began taking it off. He put the armor back into his inventory, and stood up.

He looked curiously upon the one he hadn't yet noticed, only to grin sadistically.


"What's wrong, Chris's little sister?" Then he'd chuckle to himself. "Don't worry; we're on the same side. For now."

He shot an annoyed look Chloe's way. "And I suppose blue hair is less of a statement?"
He turned to Wesker, and straightened his Gauss Rifle. "In the Capital Wasteland, the Raiders probably would have gotten to you by now." He smirked. "They go for people like you. Cocky, arrogant, and think they're hot stuff. They go for them, because they think they're easy targets. They're almost always right." He put his hands up. "Just saying. I don't want to start anything."

He turned back to Bayonetta. "Thanks. Take something from my inventory." He reached out his wrist, which had his Pip-boy on it. "As a way of showing my gratitude."
"Thanks, Bayonetta." He tapped a few buttons on his Pip-Boy. "Alright, you just unattach the front part of the chest plate." He knelt down, and began taking it off. He put the armor back into his inventory, and stood up.

He turned to Wesker, and straightened his Gauss Rifle. "In the Capital Wasteland, the Raiders probably would have gotten to you by now." He smirked. "They go for people like you. Cocky, arrogant, and think they're hot stuff."

HE turned back to Bayonetta. "Thanks. Take something from my inventory." He reached out his wrist, which had his Pip-boy on it. "As a way of showing my gratitude."
"Not a problem, dear", Bayonetta said as she followed Riley's instruction. She did as asked, and when Ridley offered something, she smiled and shook her head slightly.


"Thank you dear, but that won't be necessary. I have more than enough to serve my purposes, and I would not want to take any of the capabilities of my allies. I surmise it would all be better in your capable hands, after all."

@The Silver Paladin @Atomyk @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Hospes @TheBlueBurch @OrlandoBloomers @Unlimited RP Works @Jeremi @Ivazel
Riley ran over as quickly as he could. "Is everyone ok? Oh my God! What happened?" He knelt down to help Claire up. "Are you ok?" he asked. "We can't have another survivor taking a major hit." He pulled out several medicines from his inventory. "Let me just take the Power Armor/Life Support suit off of her." He pointed to Aqua. "I trained in medicine with my dad. I can help everyone after I get this power Armor of of her."

@Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Ivazel @Unlimited RP Works @Jeremi @OrlandoBloomers @TheBlueBurch @Mari @Hospes
If it wasn't for the fact that she'd been holding Aqua up, Claire herself probably would have fallen to the ground in shock. Albert Wesker himself had appeared, and Claire's stomach had flipped over itself in revulsion. He hadn't noticed her yet, and for all she knew, he might not recognise her. She was a decade older than he'd last seen her, but who really knew with the multiverse. Was he lying? Was he a different Wesker? Either way, Claire couldn't stand being near him, her body shaking from more than just the cold as she back away with Aqua in her arms. They were going numb from the cold, and Claire made an effort to adjust her hold on the girl, but she ended up almost tripping over herself in the process. Claire couldn't keep the shivering out of her voice as she blankly managed to say, "W-What a-are you--"

But then another shock. The woman from the prison cell. The woman with the baby. The woman who controlled ice, and one Claire had doomed. The second blow hit her like a sack of bricks, and Claire really did drop Aqua this time, her body unable to move any longer. Not you, not both of you. Not--

Claire doubled over, her stomach feeling like it was going to explode. She closed her eyes so she wouldn't have to look at them any longer. Tears touched at the edges of her eyes, and the woman fell to the floor on her knees. She tried to pretend she wasn't here. She was anywhere but here, far away from Arch Demons or traitors or the past.

@Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Ivazel @Unlimited RP Works @Jeremi @OrlandoBloomers @TheBlueBurch @Mari @The Silver Paladin @Hospes
"Don't sweat it, Elsa. If you hang with us, you'll get out of this shit and back to wherever the hell you're from. Sides, I've had to put up with a lot of assholes in my own world. Kinda pisses me off to see it happen to others." She started as she took a cigarette from her box and lit it before popping it in.

As Wesker just sort of showed up, Chloe snorted at the guy bringing out sunglasses inside an underground refugee camp. "Dork alert." She said without a hint of hesitation in her mouth. Yeah, the guy looked all business and maybe even a little intimidating. Still didn't make the whole sunglasses thing any less dorky. But then shit got super cereal real fast.

"You two..know eachother? Well this ought to go pretty quick-"Chloe paused as Claire just sort of had what Chloe could only interpret as a breakdown. Not that Chloe could blame her, having had her own breakdown earlier on and only being comforted by Max. But she didn't know Claire, she hadn't spoken to her like Max had. "Max, you're the talker, help her out!" Chloe prodded her friend on before making her way over to where Riley was fiddling around with Aqua.

"Well if you can't tell, Claire's kind of in a spot right now, so why don't you quit yapping and get the sick girl out of this armor, Einstein?!?"

@TheSilverPaladin @OrlandoBloomers @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Atomyk @Ivazel
Bayonetta was unfamiliar with the ways most common in treating wounds and injuries. She had relied on magical means, and some others in healing herself or others. But, she was not above helping one of her fellow Coalition members. She helped in taking off the armor from Aqua, wondering if Riley would have such capability.

@The Silver Paladin @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Ivazel @Unlimited RP Works @Jeremi @OrlandoBloomers @TheBlueBurch @Hospes
He looked curiously upon the one he hadn't yet noticed, only to grin sadistically.


"What's wrong, Chris's little sister?" Then he'd chuckle to himself. "Don't worry; we're on the same side. For now."

He shot an annoyed look Chloe's way. "And I suppose blue hair is less of a statement?"

@Mari @Atomyk @Ivazel @Unlimited RP Works @Jeremi @OrlandoBloomers @TheBlueBurch @Mari @The Silver Paladin @Hospes

When Claire dropped Aqua, she hit the ground with a loud thump. Thanks to the armor, the keyblade master wasn't harmed from the fall--she didn't even notice she had fallen--but she still wasn't in good shape. Her face appeared to be coated in frost, creating a visible frost layer on her eyebrows and eyelashes.

Elsa stared down Claire with anger, her expression only letting up when the woman doubled over onto the ground. Still yet, the queen gave the woman a hard look. She had memories of Claire betraying them, leaving all of them trapped in Silent Hill to suffer in an enteral hell while she roamed free. But even before then, Claire had betrayed them--sure, it was a different Claire, but it still made Elsa despise them even more.

The queen turned bitter; icy words left her lips akin to the snow she could control.

"Ah, I take it the person you want me to help is right there? The girl with blue hair? I feel bad for her," Elsa began, "I feel bad for anyone who is a friend of Claire. It's quite a shame the only person who can heal this poor girl is the same person Claire screwed over in the past. Said person may be inclined to refrain from healing Claire's friend. After all, Claire killed many of said person's friends in Silent Hill and left her to rot there while she ran off to her own happy ending. Maybe it's time for Claire to know what it feels like to lose a comrade, and to not always get what she wants. I think that's a better alternative," the queen told the group, spouting a resentful, sour tone to match her acidic words.​
  • Nice Execution!
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"They go for people like you. Cocky, arrogant, and think they're hot stuff. They go for them, because they think they're easy targets. They're almost always right." He put his hands up. "Just saying. I don't want to start anything."
"Well, they'd be wrong as far as I'm concerned." He contributed(unhelpfully), sliding in as the group at large amassed. "Not that I'm starting anything either since God's representative got a little too confrontational. So little gang, didja miss me? Come on, no need to lie, regale me with tales of how sorely you missed me." He snickered in amusement.

@The Silver Paladin @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Ivazel @Unlimited RP Works @Jeremi @OrlandoBloomers @TheBlueBurch @whoever else
"Oh come on, Lapis... You know I dig you and that you make me smelt!" Oh boy, cheesy pick up lines ahoy. The smirk that radiated with playfulness exposed his intentions to tease, though if Cinato understood was to be seen, "Honestly, you're more precious to me than all the diamonds in the world!"

@Verite @Sandra @Bomb @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Gummi Bunnies
"Can't help it if I just happen to be lustrous diamond in the rough," Lapis shrugged, passively giving off another pun because they've already gone too deep with these.

It was that much that it seemed as if the pair was ignoring the other events going on in the refugee camp

@The Tactician @Verite @Bomb @Sandra @others​
  • Useful
Reactions: Klutzy Ninja Kitty
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