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The creature jumps from side to side, bouncing off the wall to avoid the attacks. The blade cuts at the beast, slowing it enough to get hit by the gunfire. It sputters to the ground, and then stands defiantly. From underneath it comes a dark aura of sorts that laps at your feet.

Soul would leap into Ulysses' hands "Dammit...What is that?" Ulysses frowns as he unleashes a shot from his Anti-Material rifle, aiming to dislodge some rubble and stun the beast

It seemed for a moment it wouldn't work, as only a little dust fell, then suddenly a small blast would dislodge the rubble as he'd planned, only a few rocks, but enough to make it have the intended effect if it worked

Soul would leap into Ulysses' hands "Dammit...What is that?" Ulysses frowns as he unleashes a shot from his Anti-Material rifle, aiming to dislodge some rubble and stun the beast

It seemed for a moment it wouldn't work, as only a little dust fell, then suddenly a small blast would dislodge the rubble as he'd planned, only a few rocks, but enough to make it have the intended effect if it worked


As the rubble would fall on the creature. the aura would lift off the ground and extend to the ceiling, plunging the tunnel into complete darkness. You could hear the creature screaming just before. You hear Kieran call out from somewhere, but he's unintelligible compared to the monster's cries.

Abel nodded at Nick, "Yep, she was prisoner at the Chitauri slave camp. We tried to bring her with us but... She just disappeared. You wouldn't have a scout who saw her, would ya?" It was then he realized what the man had, "Dude... Nice eyepatch."

@Gummi Bunnies @Bomb @Verite @Sandra @Klutzy Ninja Kitty
Riley looked at Nick. "When we went to Stark Tower where Jack... Iced a person, I found some of the weapons the aliens are using in a weapons Locker." He shrugged. "I took them because I thought they'd be useful. Would you like to see them?"
@Gummi Bunnies @Bomb @Sandra @The Tactician

"I would indeed. If she's anywhere close to this area, I should be able to find her pretty quick," Nick replied, a smile spreading on his face. He knew that if they had Loki's mother, they had his weak spot. "Thank you, perhaps you'd like to try it on?" Nick questioned Abel when he mentioned the eyepatch. It was hard to discern whether his comment was a threat or a tease, maybe it was even both!

After speaking to Abel, he glanced over at Riley. "Weapons? My, are these... chitauri weapons? Where did you find them exactly?" he questioned, moving closer to take a look.​

"Only thing I know is that she needs someone that's good with ice magic and that she doesn't have much time left." Crusader replied. "So let's hurry back before it's too late."


"It wasn't your fault you were getting stoned like in ye olden times."

Max returned uncertainly, her eyebrows creasing slightly as she gave a dejected sigh and took to scuffing the floor with her shoe. She still wasn't so sure, but she was a snooper and a follower, not so much a leader. The major decisions were better left to people a little more assertive than she was, more sure of themselves. Eventually she relented, giving an acquiescent shrug and a nod as she folded her arms and spoke again, directed at Elsa.

"Just... do me a favor and show Fury the bruises from where those rocks hit you? That so wasn't fair. It might sound dumb, but if Fury himself didn't know about it... it might earn you some pity points. I'm sure he'll wanna make up for his negligence."

She paused, then offered Elsa a small, bright smile.

"And if it gets that asshole of a guard fired... bonus."

Max gave a quick nod at that, straightening and shifting her weight to one foot.

"For sure. That's why I wanted to get out of here ASAP, before anyone could stop us. But if something gnarly does go down, Chloe's right... I'll just rewind to this moment and say so."

Being a human flux capacitor had its perks.

Unless anyone else had any objections, she made a "shall we?" motion and moved to head for the direction of the Supply Tent, where Fury and the others were presumably still gathered. Hopefully they didn't arrive to find everyone dead at the hands of the Tweedledicks.

@Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Unlimited RP Works @Jeremi @TheBlueBurch
@Unlimited RP Works @Jeremi @TheBlueBurch @OrlandoBloomers

"I see," Elsa replied. "Well, if anyone needs an ice magic expert, I'm the girl for it. Let's go help her." She nodded, agreeing with Chloe. "Yeah, I certainly do have a few bruises to show. Good idea," Elsa replied, smiling when Chloe did. "Rewind? Is that some kind of power you have?" she asked, curious. "Oh, where are my manners. I'm Elsa. Who might all of you be?" she asked.​
"I'm calm now. I was the one asking Christian Bandages to stand down but he just wouldn't. Can't fault me for the stubbornness of idiots. And yeah, I agreed to do just that! Send me out to fight and thin the fucking aliens's numbers. I've done it before and I can do it now."

"Then you leaving might be for the best," Nick agreed. "But if you do stay, you might need an escort, aka babysitter, to make sure you don't get into anymore trouble."

@Gummi Bunnies @Bomb @Sandra @The Tactician

"I would indeed. If she's anywhere close to this area, I should be able to find her pretty quick," Nick replied, a smile spreading on his face. He knew that if they had Loki's mother, they had his weak spot. "Thank you, perhaps you'd like to try it on?" Nick questioned Abel when he mentioned the eyepatch. It was hard to discern whether his comment was a threat or a tease, maybe it was even both!

After speaking to Abel, he glanced over at Riley. "Weapons? My, are these... chitauri weapons? Where did you find them exactly?" he questioned, moving closer to take a look.​

@Unlimited RP Works @Jeremi @TheBlueBurch @OrlandoBloomers

"I see," Elsa replied. "Well, if anyone needs an ice magic expert, I'm the girl for it. Let's go help her." She nodded, agreeing with Chloe. "Yeah, I certainly do have a few bruises to show. Good idea," Elsa replied, smiling when Chloe did. "Rewind? Is that some kind of power you have?" she asked, curious. "Oh, where are my manners. I'm Elsa. Who might all of you be?" she asked.​
"Yes, sir. I assume these are Chitauri weapons. I found them in a weapons locker over in Stark Tower. Along with a note about them." He held out the weapons, laying them on the ground. "i don't have the slightest idea on how they work."

@Gummi Bunnies @Bomb @Sandra @The Tactician

"I would indeed. If she's anywhere close to this area, I should be able to find her pretty quick," Nick replied, a smile spreading on his face. He knew that if they had Loki's mother, they had his weak spot. "Thank you, perhaps you'd like to try it on?" Nick questioned Abel when he mentioned the eyepatch. It was hard to discern whether his comment was a threat or a tease, maybe it was even both!

After speaking to Abel, he glanced over at Riley. "Weapons? My, are these... chitauri weapons? Where did you find them exactly?" he questioned, moving closer to take a look.​

@Unlimited RP Works @Jeremi @TheBlueBurch @OrlandoBloomers

"I see," Elsa replied. "Well, if anyone needs an ice magic expert, I'm the girl for it. Let's go help her." She nodded, agreeing with Chloe. "Yeah, I certainly do have a few bruises to show. Good idea," Elsa replied, smiling when Chloe did. "Rewind? Is that some kind of power you have?" she asked, curious. "Oh, where are my manners. I'm Elsa. Who might all of you be?" she asked.​

"Crusader, or if you prefer real names than Sarah." She had the introductory part wired into her brain now due to the numerous times she's had to done it in this place.

As the rubble would fall on the creature. the aura would lift off the ground and extend to the ceiling, plunging the tunnel into complete darkness. You could hear the creature screaming just before. You hear Kieran call out from somewhere, but he's unintelligible compared to the monster's cries.

Soul would grunt and start to channel his ability once more, his blade glowing blue again, hoping to illuminate the place a little
Ulysses would crouch down and place his hand on the floor, feeling the vibrations and trying his best to track the general direction of the beast

@Stark Tower

Within the ruined city stands a building that hard seems touched by this apocalyptic, alien infested world: Stark Tower. Those who approached it from above would be able to land on its outside deck. The rest had a long climb up a set of stairs from the bottom, and would arrive to the top with aching legs and feet. Once inside, you would see that the tower was fully operational.

It had electricity, air conditioning, running water and many other functional modern luxuries. Hell, all of the TVs even had working Netflix on them! This place was loaded and entirely functional, as if untouched by the disaster. It had been repaired by SHIELD, who had plans to move their refugees there. For now, however, the tower stands empty. It is a safe place to stay though, with many comfortable rooms to use.


Main deck
Bedroom wing
Dining room
Living room
Entertainment Center

Frigga was nowhere to be seen inside the tower. But the tower was very high up... perhaps they could use it as a lookout post to see if she was anywhere nearby?​
  • Useful
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"Oh, for a while, at least," Nick replied, folding his arms. "At least until you calm down. This place is a safe haven, not a war zone. I need everyone here to understand that. If people want to fight, they can do so outside. There are women, children and elders down here. Very few people are left after the chitauri war. I don't want to lessen that number at our own hands."

Nick glanced to Lapis. "Frigga? Are you talking about Loki's mother? The asguardian queen? I wasn't even aware that she had come to earth," he replied, raising an eyebrow. "You're saying she's been sighted?" he asked.​
Abel nodded at Nick, "Yep, she was prisoner at the Chitauri slave camp. We tried to bring her with us but... She just disappeared. You wouldn't have a scout who saw her, would ya?" It was then he realized what the man had, "Dude... Nice eyepatch."

@Gummi Bunnies @Bomb @Verite @Sandra @Klutzy Ninja Kitty
"What he said. Finding her is in our best interest, given that we do need Loki for something... and before you ask, we're with the whole Coalition group," Lapis nodded, brushes some of her hair off of her face.

@The Tactician @Bomb @Sandra @Verite @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @others​
@Gummi Bunnies @Bomb @Sandra @The Tactician

"I would indeed. If she's anywhere close to this area, I should be able to find her pretty quick," Nick replied, a smile spreading on his face. He knew that if they had Loki's mother, they had his weak spot. "Thank you, perhaps you'd like to try it on?" Nick questioned Abel when he mentioned the eyepatch. It was hard to discern whether his comment was a threat or a tease, maybe it was even both!

After speaking to Abel, he glanced over at Riley. "Weapons? My, are these... chitauri weapons? Where did you find them exactly?" he questioned, moving closer to take a look.​

@Unlimited RP Works @Jeremi @TheBlueBurch @OrlandoBloomers

"I see," Elsa replied. "Well, if anyone needs an ice magic expert, I'm the girl for it. Let's go help her." She nodded, agreeing with Chloe. "Yeah, I certainly do have a few bruises to show. Good idea," Elsa replied, smiling when Chloe did. "Rewind? Is that some kind of power you have?" she asked, curious. "Oh, where are my manners. I'm Elsa. Who might all of you be?" she asked.​

Abel actually nodded, sparkling admiration in his eyes, "Dude, are you serious? You're now my favorite person in this world!"​
  • Bucket of Rainbows
Reactions: Klutzy Ninja Kitty
Soul would grunt and start to channel his ability once more, his blade glowing blue again, hoping to illuminate the place a little
Ulysses would crouch down and place his hand on the floor, feeling the vibrations and trying his best to track the general direction of the beast


The light doesn't illuminate the darkness, and you feel as if you're moving through muddy water. Ulysses does feel the creature moving forward, taking small steps in his direction.

"What he said. Finding her is in our best interest, given that we do need Loki for something... and before you ask, we're with the whole Coalition group," Lapis nodded, brushes some of her hair off of her face.

@The Tactician @Bomb @Sandra @Verite @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @others​

"Oh wait, work, right," Abel sighed, his dream of an eyepatch put on hold.

Naoya shook his head at his brother's antics, "Why you're so excited for an eyepatch is beyond my understanding."

@Verite @Sandra @Bomb @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Gummi Bunnies
"I dunno if you caught back when we were busting you out or anything, but name's Chloe Price. Arcadia Bay's resident badass punk girl. Pleasure to meet ya." She'd say with a grin as she extended a hand out towards Elsa.

"You already know Cruss. Brown hair is the coolest girl I know named Max who can rewind time on a whim and also happens to be my favorite person in the world, and that tall dude with the cool as fuck jacket is Archer. We're a pretty awesome deal to be perfectly honest." She said with the smugest of smug looks on her face.

EDIT:[Most embarrassing typo ever.]

@OrlandoBloomers @Unlimited RP Works @Jeremi @Klutzy Ninja Kitty
Abel actually nodded, sparkling admiration in his eyes, "Dude, are you serious? You're now my favorite person in this world!"​
"Oh wait, work, right," Abel sighed, his dream of an eyepatch put on hold.

Naoya shook his head at his brother's antics, "Why you're so excited for an eyepatch is beyond my understanding."

@Verite @Sandra @Bomb @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Gummi Bunnies
"... you sound pretty damn adorable when excited like that..." Lapis said under her breath. Oh my...

@The Tactician @Sandra @Verite @Bomb @Klutzy Ninja Kitty
Ruby Rose & Sophie
@Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Anyone else

Sophie frowned, looking over at the half-hidden body... Almost anyone could have snapped Josephs neck, but, how many people would attempt to hide the body? Not to mention have done a poor job at it; she wasn't entirely sure, but, she had the feeling it could have been someone less experienced... Or perhaps, someone who was more experienced, but, had very little time to hide the evidence. Ruby in the meantime, wasn't sure what to make of it, but, she stepped closer, trying to see if there were any clues that could perhaps help them; maybe some drag marks, or an item or something like that...​

@Any1 Around Joseph's Body

The pair would likely see some drag marks from when the body was taken and partly hidden, however they do not see much more than that. However, if the group didn't want the traitors to get away with the murder, it would be best to vote for who they thought one of them might be...
"I can sound more adorable if you want, Lapis-chan!"


@Verite @Sandra @Bomb @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Gummi Bunnies
"... er... just... not here," Lapis can't believe that he just heard that. Goddamn her and her habits of talking to herself.

So our local bounty hunter has a soft side for cute things... that's something you don't see every day. It's also cute to hear that from you. Red thought, watching all of this with a small smile on his face.

"S-Shut it Red! Just who's side are you on?" Lapis blinked, and of course, only she would know what the Pokemon Trainer had on his mind.

@The Tactician @Verite @Sandra @Bomb @Klutzy Ninja Kitty
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"... er... just... not here," Lapis can't believe that he just heard that. Goddamn her and her habits of talking to herself.

So our local bounty hunter has a soft side for cute things... that's something you don't see every day. It's also cute to hear that from you. Red thought, watching all of this with a small smile on his face.

"S-Shut it Red! Just who's side are you on?" Lapis blinked, and of course, only she would know what the Pokemon Trainer had on his mind.

@The Tactician @Verite @Sandra @Bomb @Klutzy Ninja Kitty

"Oh, where do you want it then?" Abel leaned forward, getting close to Lapis's cute face, "I can do it wherever you want me to... Anything for the gem of my eye!"​

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