Murder Game III: Welcome to Silent Hill

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Sylvanas simply took her time to observe the buttons that were not already pressed.

Button B, the green one, with the letter C on it. Nothing immediately came to mind.

Button D, the purple one, with a crudely drawn heart on it. Perhaps it meant love? But what kind? Intimate? Family? She considered this one.

Button E, the orange one, which flickered. It yelled out "Dysfunctional" to her. She knew full well why.

Button F, the yellow one, and simply that. But its colour made her feel warm, as it reminded her of those luscious golden pastures in Quel'Thalas.

Button H, the one with the fish. It was mind-boggling.

But Button G...that's the one she wanted. It was reflective. The floor it would take her too would possibly reflect her perception of herself? Or Silent Hill's perception of herself? The curiosity burned the hottest for this one, and would surely be her first choice.


"... Well."
Confused and with no real purpose in mind, Shiki presses the power button to the computer. And holds it down. She's in a real BUTTON PRESSING mood today, okay?​

Claire - Elevator - Aiden/Shiki/York


This was hardly what Claire expected to walk into. She found herself walking into a pile of dirty clothes and grimacing. At least it was a usual kind of gross, and not the gore and experiments that Claire was finding so common lately. She stepped behind Aiden as he examined the computer, and found herself unable to really concentrate at what she was seeing. There was a sound from somewhere outside the room, and Claire had a sudden urge of dread.

Her stomach flipping, Claire grabbed Aiden by the shoulder. "I don't like this place," she said, her voice low and panicked, "We should get back into the elevator."
It had been so long now. So long, he nearly forgot who he was. Falling inside the darkness, he hunted for clues. He knew it couldn't be true. Grant Ward was still alive. He lasted so long in the shadows. Perhaps that's what the city did, it pushed the people into the never ending blackness, expecting them to fall inside Silent Hill hands. He didn't mind. He would go to the end of the hole if he had to, he would come down to the bottom of it, but he would see her. One. Last. Time. And he would do it without losing himself.

There it was. The darkness. Only the image of more blood along the pyramid headed man was there. More dead. So many of them. The city had already sucked a lot of people into it. The end was probably closer. Ward approached the creature carefully. He remembered that weird being from a necklace on a dead head.

"What you want?", Ward asked.

Realizing her attempts at hurting the pyramid dude were apparently useless, she jumped off him, ran over to Yang and knelt down. "Shit, shit, shit... Don't you fucking die again, I swear, I'll fucking kill you..." She put her hands under Yang's arms and dragged her backwards into the elevator (i guess), looking at the different kinds of buttons for anything that looked like it could help.

Unfortunately, nothing looked useful, so she just pressed the orange button for floor E.


// I have no idea what im doing
*Yang lays on the floor (where ever she is) still unconscious from the pain. The blood as slowed butis still leaking out from the cut. She twitches with pain every now and then*
@anyone cuz lost
Shirou was also lost and had no idea where the hell he was, and where everyone else was.

As he observed his surroundings, he would notice the unconscious Yang on the floor. Sent into mild alarm as he laid eyes upon the blood, he quickly made his way over to her, getting on his knees. "Hey, you alright?" He asked, before getting a better look at her, "Shoot, out cold. The second girl I have to fix up..."

Taking his scarf, he went ahead and looked over her body, before finding the origin of the wound and wrapping his scarf around it in an attempt to stop the bleeding.
*Yang would have laughed at what Ellie said if she were awake. It must have taken some time for Ellie to drag her all the way to the elevator due to Yang's weight, but eventually she did. Yang then sat against the elevator wall making a few mumbles and winced as Shirou wrapped his scarf around her leg. Her face showed pain and it looked more pale than usual. Luckily the scarf would reverse the pale of her face soon*
@Joellie @Verite
(@Crazy 8 Nate Me, Ellie, and Shirou are in the elveator. I'm passed out with a useless leg for while. The other two are attending to me)
Elsa caught Claudia glare at Ilona, putting her arms protectively around her daughter.
"What do you want? What is the ultimate price?" Elsa wanted to ask. She opened her mouth, trying hard to speak.
"What is it? What do you want? I have to ask her! Ugh, speak, Elsa! Let your voice be heard! Let it go."
How had she done it before? How had she spoken? Elsa remembered muttering something to Solaire when she had seen him earlier, but she wasn't sure how she was able to get the words out. Maybe it was... determination. Her will had been stronger in that moment. She just needed to find the strength again. But how?
Ilona. Maybe she could do it for her. If that woman wanted to do something to her daughter, Elsa needed to find out what it was. She needed to stop it. She needed to get her strength back.
Taking all the inner strength she possibly had, Elsa managed a few quiet, raspy words, "What is the ultimate price? I... never intended to be a part of this... I need to go home..."
Sophie was surprised to hear Elsa speak in response to what Claudia was saying, she had a distinct feeling whatever Claudia thought she was doing wasn't quite the vision she imagined it, but in either case, she didn't want to be a part of it. She stood beside Elsa, not saying a word yet, instead, she put a hand on her shoulder giving it a gentle squeeze to silently communicate that she had her back, she had stepped out of the elevator before it had moved from this floor in an effort to figure out exactly what in the world was going on here. One thing she did know was that she wasn't going to let Elsa's daughter get taken away from her so easily.
York scoffs as he walks "He uses Firefox" he mutters
This evil being used such inferior browsing did he manage to control anything with such slow, weak software?
He would have kicked the door open, and just choked the evil overlord, but anyone who uses Firefox deserves so much worse than death
He watches Shiki hit the power button and groans, trying to read what he can on the screen before the device powers down
"What if that was valuable info?!"

@That scrub that uses Firefox
Aiden walked to the computer and looked around. He looked at the computer reading into what was on the screen. "It's our story... we are nothing but a game to him. None of us are real. Just a reality created by a madman or a group of mad men. Maybe.... maybe we can end this nightmare here and now." He went to type something on the computer. When it went off he glared at him. "You idiot you turn it off just for something like that. We could of rewritten it and maybe none of us need to die." Aiden pressed the power button to turn it on again. "If we change the story maybe we change our fate."

..... The Spy and his two men looked around the room. The Spy heard shitting noises coming from the bathroom, and saw everything on the computer. T-that was them.... and he could see..... people.... posting their stories. What the fuck? He pulled out his revolver, took a lock-pick from one of his men, and approached the door. He began picking the lock. He was going to go inside, and he was going to fucking blow this guy's brains out. He has weapons now, and he was going to fucking annihlate everything Silent Hill through at him, including this.

@Zadok shadows
Ariel walked into the elevator.
"Should we go to Floor H?" The option really compelled her, since the fish had made questions arise for her. She couldn't help but think of going back to Floor B to see if the others needed help, but selfishness overcame this. No. She would go to Floor H.
Raven gave a smile. "Sure." Raven then pressed the button for floor H. "We can go to my second choice latter. And then yours if you have one."
Ariel and Raven pressed floor H. Almost immediately, the two saw everything in a scene of black-and-white, like a retro film, complete with grain sliding up and down the sequence. It was like an episode of The Twilight Zone. Ding! The twin doors slide open, but... you were infants! Ariel and Raven, magically were transformed into their 'baby selves.' Complete with diapers. You crawled out the elevator, defenseless, you could hear someone approaching. You can't see them, but footsteps are quite evident. What will you do?

Oh, I almost forgot: You're in a suburbanite house. It contains Middle Class couches, a plasma TV set, a bed, yada yada yada. Your typical yuppie house. Back to the options...

Option A.) Head back into the elevator as infants.

Option B.) Hide under the couch.

Option C.) Hide in a cabinet.

Option D.) Reveal yourself.

Option E.) Poop your diaper.

Taking all the inner strength she possibly had, Elsa managed a few quiet, raspy words, "What is the ultimate price? I... never intended to be a part of this... I need to go home..."
Claudia Wolf smiled eerily, extending her arms, "The ultimate price? Why? Your daughter, of course. IIona is the key to paradise, to unlock the endless bliss and to usher God's graces upon the vast expanses of all creation - your universe included. You're such a good mother, Elsa, why don't you suffer the child and bring upon something better for her?"
Sylvanas simply took her time to observe the buttons that were not already pressed.
Button B, the green one, with the letter C on it. Nothing immediately came to mind.
Button D, the purple one, with a crudely drawn heart on it. Perhaps it meant love? But what kind? Intimate? Family? She considered this one.
Button E, the orange one, which flickered. It yelled out "Dysfunctional" to her. She knew full well why.
Button F, the yellow one, and simply that. But its colour made her feel warm, as it reminded her of those luscious golden pastures in Quel'Thalas.
Button H, the one with the fish. It was mind-boggling.
But Button G...that's the one she wanted. It was reflective. The floor it would take her too would possibly reflect her perception of herself? Or Silent Hill's perception of herself? The curiosity burned the hottest for this one, and would surely be her first choice.
It appears Floor G has already been visited. However, you click it nevertheless. The elevator door closes for a second or two, emits a loud 'ding!' and opens up once again. You're back where you started.
"... Well."
Confused and with no real purpose in mind, Shiki presses the power button to the computer. And holds it down. She's in a real BUTTON PRESSING mood today, okay?
Claire - Elevator - Aiden/Shiki/York
This was hardly what Claire expected to walk into. She found herself walking into a pile of dirty clothes and grimacing. At least it was a usual kind of gross, and not the gore and experiments that Claire was finding so common lately. She stepped behind Aiden as he examined the computer, and found herself unable to really concentrate at what she was seeing. There was a sound from somewhere outside the room, and Claire had a sudden urge of dread.
Her stomach flipping, Claire grabbed Aiden by the shoulder. "I don't like this place," she said, her voice low and panicked, "We should get back into the elevator."
The computer flips off, followed by the loud flushing off a toilet as poop goes down into the sewers. You could hear him wash his hands. Very, very close to getting out...
Ariel and Raven pressed floor H. Almost immediately, the two saw everything in a scene of black-and-white, like a retro film, complete with grain sliding up and down the sequence. It was like an episode of The Twilight Zone. Ding! The twin doors slide open, but... you were infants! Ariel and Raven, magically were transformed into their 'baby selves.' Complete with diapers. You crawled out the elevator, defenseless, you could hear someone approaching. You can't see them, but footsteps are quite evident. What will you do?
Oh, I almost forgot: You're in a suburbanite house. It contains Middle Class couches, a plasma TV set, a bed, yada yada yada. Your typical yuppie house. Back to the options...
Option A.) Head back into the elevator as infants.
Option B.) Hide under the couch.
Option C.) Hide in a cabinet.
Option D.) Reveal yourself.
Option E.) Poop your diaper.

Raven heard the foot steps. She looked to Ariel. She felt scared. "Um.. A-Ariel..." She said sounding her sudden change in age. "I-I t-think w-we s-should h-hide...." Raven looked around hearing the foot steps sounding to get closer. She had completely forgotten that they had came in an elevator and hide under the couch letting herself hide as best she could in the shades in her now white cloak.

@aki @Xibilation
Aiden walked to the computer and looked around. He looked at the computer reading into what was on the screen. "It's our story... we are nothing but a game to him. None of us are real. Just a reality created by a madman or a group of mad men. Maybe.... maybe we can end this nightmare here and now." He went to type something on the computer. When it went off he glared at him. "You idiot you turn it off just for something like that. We could of rewritten it and maybe none of us need to die." Aiden pressed the power button to turn it on again. "If we change the story maybe we change our fate."
The computer screen shoots to life, revealing 'ASUS', the PC vendor who created this machine, followed by a 'The Evil Within' wallpaper. It appears he possesses an obscene sum of video games he hasn't beaten yet. There's too much to shuffle through, but I suppose you can try and surf the internet?
Claudia Wolf smiled eerily, extending her arms, "The ultimate price? Why? Your daughter, of course. IIona is the key to paradise, to unlock the endless bliss and to usher God's graces upon the vast expanses of all creation - your universe included. You're such a good mother, Elsa, why don't you suffer the child and bring upon something better for her?"

Elsa felt a little stronger for a moment when Sophia placed a hand on her shoulder, but upon hearing Claudia's true plans her heart sunk. "No," she replied hoarsely, holding her daughter close. She kissed the top of Ilona's head before glancing down at her. Ilona looked up at Elsa with fresh tears in her pretty blue eyes and touched mommy's face with one of her little hands. Elsa kissed the hand that touched her before shaking her head again. "I already lost one child before. I can't lose this one too. I never signed up for this. She deserves to live her life, not be a sacrifice. Especially not to a god whose treated me so poorly."
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