Murder Game III: Welcome to Silent Hill

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"Can't be too traumatizing" he mutters, flinging the doors open
He wasn't sure what to expect...skeletons, gore, had to be something of significance

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She knew it didn't actually happen, but she was pretty shaken up. When she thinks she can't see worse, she sees worse. She sat back down on the cart to curl up in a ball and cover her face with her knees.
It really did look like this was the end of the line. He chose to make sure the ride didn't continue.

"Hey, hey, come on. Get a hold of yourself. You need to be strong. This is all fake! It's not real!" Shirou said in an attempt to calm her down and get her back to her senses, scanning his environment for a place to go to. This could be very bad... whatever these things were, they seemed to deeply psychologically damage the poor girl. That guy must be the one she loved, and if that was so, it's no wonder why she was like that now, he deduced mentally.

If able, he grabbed her arm and began to make his way off the ride.

He breathed deeply, and raised the cleaver, looking deeply at his eyes "Terrible choice of words..." and be brought it down.
Moments later...
Matt breathes deeply walking out of the room as he began to find an exit. "I need a drop of the hard stuff..." Matt stopped for a moment and looked at the open air of the closed haunted house, a quicj chuckle escaped as he kept walking to find an exit. A pan of him walking away would note the legs poking out of the doorway and a massive amount of blood.
The exit is simple to find. The doors are open. It appears one of your cohorts discovered a key outta here.
Weird. You find a book, but it's unusual, given where you're at:


Written by:


Raven stared at the book. She smiled and picked it up. 'Well strange place for you hu.' She thought looking at the book. She went back over to the chairs and sat down opening the book and began to read. She made sure to listen to the others in case something happened but she wasn't sure how that would go for once she found a good book it wasn't wise to disturb her.
Shiki could only wonder what was going on as the wounds that were inflicted upon her were burnt to close them. Ow. This really hurt. Yet Shiki calmly used the barbed tentacles to make her way down the coaster and search for Ellie, uncaring of the scratches she got on her hand. "Yo! You okay?" It probably wasn't a good idea to call out with that freak kid hanging around, but Shiki would feel guilty if she didn't find Ellie somewhere.

Lucky you, Melody isn't around.
It really did look like this was the end of the line. He chose to make sure the ride didn't continue.
"Hey, hey, come on. Get a hold of yourself. You need to be strong. This is all fake! It's not real!" Shirou said in an attempt to calm her down and get her back to her senses, scanning his environment for a place to go to. This could be very bad... whatever these things were, they seemed to deeply psychologically damage the poor girl. That guy must be the one she loved, and if that was so, it's no wonder why she was like that now, he deduced mentally.
If able, he grabbed her arm and began to make his way off the ride.
Ariel tugged her arm out of his grasp and screamed some more, her whole body shaking with her sobs. She rolled over.

The exit is simple to find. The doors are open. It appears one of your cohorts discovered a key outta here.
He began walking out, noticing the exit as he held the cleaver. Matt came closer and closer, before finally...

"DETECTIVE SCUDDER IS BACK!" Kicking the exit doors open, he laughed with a bit of fun.
// Werez muh prize bihtch
"NO, NO, ERIC!" A screech tore its way out of Ariel's throat, and she immediately stood up. Tears were streaming down the face from the sight of Eric in so much pain, and she clutched her hands over her ears. Her throat clenched and her stomach throbbed. "Eric... Eric..." Of course, Ariel had been through a lot, so all of the grief and pain spilling out of her made her look quite delusional. Tear streaked face, mouth wide, face contorted in the emotional pain. She hardly paid attention to Bertha as an anamatronic, although it definitely didn't help that it was one of the scenes.
She knew it didn't actually happen, but she was pretty shaken up. When she thinks she can't see worse, she sees worse. She sat back down on the cart to curl up in a ball and cover her face with her knees.
It really did look like this was the end of the line. He chose to make sure the ride didn't continue.
"Hey, hey, come on. Get a hold of yourself. You need to be strong. This is all fake! It's not real!" Shirou said in an attempt to calm her down and get her back to her senses, scanning his environment for a place to go to. This could be very bad... whatever these things were, they seemed to deeply psychologically damage the poor girl. That guy must be the one she loved, and if that was so, it's no wonder why she was like that now, he deduced mentally.
If able, he grabbed her arm and began to make his way off the ride.
The swan doors opened, the ride officially ended. Or did it? A loud screaming voice echoed throughout the loudspeakers as you ran the fuck away from this sexually-themed nightmare, "FUCK HIM, ARIEL. DO IT. LET HIM RELEASE INSIDE YOU INSIDE YOU INSIDE YOU. ERIC IS DEAD ERIC IS DEAD. FUCK HIM ARIEL. DO IT. FUCK HIM." It was freakish. Enough to send shivers down your spine as Silent Hill, the bastard town, taunted the two out of the so-called "attraction."

But, why the hell not.

Do you decide to stay? Y/N? :)
"Can't be too traumatizing" he mutters, flinging the doors open
He wasn't sure what to expect...skeletons, gore, had to be something of significance

You open the door, revealing...


A cute little baby! ^_^

It appears to be merely a few months old. It resembles Raven and York.

It coos out, idly nibbling it's fingers with toothless gums. :3

Do you decide to take it? Y/N?​
Elsa disappeared from the terrible movie world, reappearing on the ground back where she had first started with Sophie and Lee. Her eyes were wide and full of torment before she squeezed them shut and covered her face with her hands. She sobbed silently, her body shaking as she actually had a light seizure. Being inside the TV had really screwed with the electrical activity in her brain. She couldn't reply back to Sophia at first, barely even noticing she had spoken to her. She just lied there on the ground, waiting for her body to calm down.
"Anna, I'm so sorry..."
Sophie noticed the state Elsa was in and put a hand on her shoulder "Hey... It's alright now... You're out." she said softly, she wondered if Elsa could even hear her right now...
Claire - Fortune House - Aiden/John/Raven/York

York and Raven stood next to each other, looking a little uncomfortable with the most recent vision. Claire had to agree with York that her worry over the previous visions coming true didn't seem quite so serious now. Still, she saw that York was blushing, and as cute as the scene was in that moment, Claire wasn't sure she enjoyed the implications. She managed a small smile however, for either way, this was a small moment of positivity amidst a sea of, well, shit.

John stepped forward and touched the orb as well, resulting in a vision that none within the group could figure out. The orb then turned orange, and Claire's stomach took a leap. "I'm... I'm not sure we should be near it any longer." Nothing good so far had occurred from touching stuff, so continuing to touch stuff seemed like a really stupid idea at this point.

But, of course, curiosity killed the cat. John couldn't resist the urge to touch the orb once again. Out from the orb burst a blinding orange light, rending Claire unable to see what was happening to John. She cried out and reached for the chair she'd been leaning against, almost stumbling over herself in the process. It was over in seconds, and Claire was thankful nothing immediately awful happened. In fact, as far as she could tell, nothing happened at all.

As York and Raven proceeded to search the Fortune House, Claire sighed to herself. "I'm feeling trapped in here," she muttered, turning to Aiden. "I need to get out of here and get some air. And, maybe, try and find Elsa and Shiki." She nodded to the others and gave them a small smile before moving to leave. "Be careful, guys."

Outside, Claire found herself looking up at the darkened sky. Her head hurt and she still felt slightly nauseous, but she wasn't about to let that stop her. "Ugh!" she groaned, spinning around in an attempt to find the park's entrance. Instead, what caught her eye was the roller coaster nearby. She thought she saw people... moving on top of the tracks, and a great rumbling was coming from its direction. Concerned, Claire made her way for the Mountain Coaster.
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The swan doors opened, the ride officially ended. Or did it? A loud screaming voice echoed throughout the loudspeakers as you ran the fuck away from this sexually-themed nightmare, "FUCK HIM, ARIEL. DO IT. LET HIM RELEASE INSIDE YOU INSIDE YOU INSIDE YOU. ERIC IS DEAD ERIC IS DEAD. FUCK HIM ARIEL. DO IT. FUCK HIM." It was freakish. Enough to send shivers down your spine as Silent Hill, the bastard town, taunted the two out of the so-called "attraction."
But, why the hell not.
Do you decide to stay? Y/N? :)
Ariel sobbed as she ran, eventually falling onto the concrete in front of the hellish ride. She curled up into another ball, but stopped crying. She just sat there. Shaking, but not crying.
Raven stared at the book. She smiled and picked it up. 'Well strange place for you hu.' She thought looking at the book. She went back over to the chairs and sat down opening the book and began to read. She made sure to listen to the others in case something happened but she wasn't sure how that would go for once she found a good book it wasn't wise to disturb her.
The book was approximately 734 pages long. It detailed notes about a massive war, genocide, the modernization of a society known as 'Noxus,' and the birth and rule of a dictator born out of a 'Katarina Eberhart' and an asshole whose name shall not be spoken.
He looks at the baby for a long moment before furrowing a brow "What are you doing in there?" he asks, taking the baby our
"Is this Elsa's?" he asks, remembering how she'd been pregnant...he didn't want to consider the resemblance to him and Raven that it had...he didn't want to think about Raven like that
He didn't want to...but he was...
'Gah...' he thinks 'Get your mind out of the gutter'

@Akibahara @Raven
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The swan doors opened, the ride officially ended. Or did it? A loud screaming voice echoed throughout the loudspeakers as you ran the fuck away from this sexually-themed nightmare, "FUCK HIM, ARIEL. DO IT. LET HIM RELEASE INSIDE YOU INSIDE YOU INSIDE YOU. ERIC IS DEAD ERIC IS DEAD. FUCK HIM ARIEL. DO IT. FUCK HIM." It was freakish. Enough to send shivers down your spine as Silent Hill, the bastard town, taunted the two out of the so-called "attraction."
But, why the hell not.
Do you decide to stay? Y/N? :)
"Geh! What the--?!" Shirou exclaimed, stepping back in great surprise as the voice startled him greatly. Still, he wasn't going to let this get to him. He had been through worse, right? Besides, he needed to be strong. Someone else was depending on him, whether she knew it or not. Well, that's what Shirou wanted to think anyway, so he'll think it.

Keeping an even firmer grip on Ariel's arm than last time, he attempted to drag her through the halls, hoping desperately that he'd find a way out of this mess. This was what it all was anyway; a great, big, giant mess. A mess that never seemed to end.

"Come on, just hang in there! I'll get you through this!" Shirou promised to Ariel, but he wasn't sure if he'd be able to follow up on that promise. Still, that wasn't going to stop him from trying anyway.

He began walking out, noticing the exit as he held the cleaver. Matt came closer and closer, before finally...
"DETECTIVE SCUDDER IS BACK!" Kicking the exit doors open, he laughed with a bit of fun.
// Werez muh prize bihtch
You're met by Pyramid Head who rapes ur but

There's nothing else for you to do. Ellie has the key to escape this hellhole. Do you head back into the area you started out from? Y/N?
Sophie noticed the state Elsa was in and put a hand on her shoulder "Hey... It's alright now... You're out." she said softly, she wondered if Elsa could even hear her right now...
@york @Crazy 8 Nate

It was true, Elsa couldn't hear Sophie at first. She couldn't hear anything, in fact, until she came out of her light seizure. Once her body did calm down, however, she flopped down like a rag doll. Elsa was completely out of steam. Breathing heavily as if she had just been suffocated, Elsa tried to reach for her bag and take out her notebook so she could reply to Sophia. She was able to write, but her handwriting was terrible from how shaky she was.

"Is it over?" she asked. Elsa reached inside her bag, looking for her bottle of pills next. She needed them! Badly now! Her hands shook has she tried to open the bottle, spilling them all over the ground. She whimpered and tried to quickly collect the pills off the dirty floor, wanting to put them back in the bottle. She didn't care if they were dirty, she would still need to use them.
You're met by Pyramid Head who rapes ur but

There's nothing else for you to do. Ellie has the key to escape this hellhole. Do you head back into the area you started out from? Y/N?
Matt nodded, walking toward the rollercoaster as he held the cleaver tightly. @Akibahara
@Somoene becyz
"Geh! What the--?!" Shirou exclaimed, stepping back in great surprise as the voice startled him greatly. Still, he wasn't going to let this get to him. He had been through worse, right? Besides, he needed to be strong. Someone else was depending on him, whether she knew it or not. Well, that's what Shirou wanted to think anyway, so he'll think it.
Keeping an even firmer grip on Ariel's arm than last time, he attempted to drag her through the halls, hoping desperately that he'd find a way out of this mess. This was what it all was anyway; a great, big, giant mess. A mess that never seemed to end.
"Come on, just hang in there! I'll get you through this!" Shirou promised to Ariel, but he wasn't sure if he'd be able to follow up on that promise. Still, that wasn't going to stop him from trying anyway.
Ariel didn't move to help you drag her. She just kind of lay like a limp rag-doll as you dragged her around. She wasn't crying anymore, though, besides her very noticeable shivering. As Shirou and Ariel turned a corner, she hit a jutting out nail with her thigh.

"Mother barnacles of Neptune!"

She felt the skin and flesh rip open, and soon enough, blood began to pool in the wound and pour down her thigh :)
The elderly maid simply nodded, "I see. Tell me about your sister." She took another sip of her green tea.
Well she is ambitious. Her na me is Ruby. *Yang sighs* and she worries me with how much trouble she gets in. Luckily she has friends to watch over her. She is probably getting worried sick as we speak...
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