Murder Game III: Welcome to Silent Hill

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God dammit, Ellie was actually starting to enjoy the ride :( But of course everything had to go wrong again, and that weird crap happened. The noise was loud and all around her, metal being bent and broken, wood snapping and other things she couldn't identify. And then there was some girl with... superpowers apparently, that didn't look like she was up to anything good.
There wasn't much she could do. Trapped in a cart up in the air, jumping out wasn't an option, and walking on the track wasn't one either. Especially in her condition. All Ellie could do was wait and see what happened.
Shiki (Who was totally right about not buckling in!)
"I'm not gonna be blamed for your own stupidity." Said the pot to the kettle.

Even Shiki was having a hard time keeping her balance in the car. Maybe it was a bad idea to stan- Oh shit. Suddenly they were flying through somewhere. A woman showed up It didn't look good. The woman's hand went up... An image of Fujino showed up in Shiki's mind. Unbuckling Ellie, she grabbed the woman and hopped to the next car before the current one was crumpled up. Telekinesis. She had lost her arm to someone like this... Shiki stared down the woman. Her only weapon was a wooden staff... Shiki didn't even have her eyes to rely on. One of her shoulders got ready to shrug off her jacket in case she needed it. A psychic ability like that... probably needed sight to aim it. "So what are you? A human, or a murderer?"

A question. Shiki made a quick glance behind them. If there was an escape route, even if it was some ways down... Well, it depended on the answer. If the thing in front of them was a monster who killed others... Still. Even then, Keeping Ellie safe would be a priority.
The demon-child, Melody, as I'd like to call her, idly walked toward the two, "I am... God." She flipped her wrist toward the right, sending the ENTIRE roller coaster train off the ledge. If you were still on it, well, uhm... well, you know what happens to a cockroach when you step on it, right? Anyway, yeah, that's you. If not, however, you stagger onto the wooden tracks. It rickets violently to the left and right, "Worship me." It's all Melody said, as tendrils began sprouting like weeds beneath the tracks below.


They're barbed-wire, like tentacles, and are charging toward you. What is your plan of action?

Option A.) Fight her?

Option B.) Try and snatch the key and jump down.

Option C.) Worship her.

Option D.) Kill yo'self.

Option E.) Fack dis. Jump off.
Elsa vanished into thin air. The TV set flickered on:
SCENE #27:
Arendelle Castle. The song 'Do you Wanna Build a Snowman' rings loudly via television speakers. Elsa is trapped, immobile, she could see through her eyes through Disney's Frozen film. She's done this before. A long time ago. But this was a movie. It appears in mid-sequence:
"--you wanna build a snowman?"

"Go away, Anna!"

"Okay, by--"

The scene rewinds on it's own. A green flashing "<<" signifies an unknown force is rewinding the film over and over and over again... Elsa is conscious, watching herself deny Anna repeatedly. She wasn't merely a character from the Frozen film. It dawned upon her (or maybe it didn't). She's a fictional character, nothing more than a digitally animated program created to relive scenes for a family feature. It happens again:
"--you wanna build a snowman?"

"Go away, Anna!"

"Okay, by--"


The movie rewinds.

@york @Crazy 8 Nate @Akibahara

As the trio was messed with the television, Elsa suddenly vanished into it. She couldn't do anything, suddenly immobile in some cinematic world where she repeatedly watched a scene from her past. It brought tears to her eyes, but she couldn't even move enough to wipe them away. She hated being unable to move--just like when she had been thrown in Hell--but what she hated the most was the scene before her. Elsa had always felt guilty about it. She denied her younger sister love so many times all because she had been too afraid to leave her room again and leave her icy world. Elsa had been afraid she might hurt someone again.

"Anna, I'm so sorry. I don't know why I'm seeing this... I don't have to see this memory to already know I wasn't a good sister. I failed, both as a daughter and a sister. It hurts, just stop it. I don't need to see it anymore. If I could do it over, you know I would have spent more time with you, Anna. I should have cherished you while I had you. I'm a fool."

Elsa continued to watch the scene rewind and play, wishing she could at least close her eyes so she could turn away when it became too much to handle. Although Elsa knew she would have done things differently if she could have, there was nothing she could do about it now. The queen so badly wanted to move on from this torment now that Anna was dead, but she was trapped by it. Silent Hill wouldn't allow her to stop thinking about it.
*I hesitated to touch the orb after it changed to a burning orange color. Should I touch it one more time? I mean, come in now...nothing bad has happened so far, right? I inhaled, and then exhaled. Here we go... I decided to touch the orb anyway.*
(( Oh god, please forgive me if it's something bad... ))
(( You decide! ))

John Wick touched the orb! A bright orange engulfed the room, blinding everyone within it! Mr. Wick feels someone or perhaps something tear into his very soul. Like, you know, Neo from the Matrix. He's merging with someone else. An entity, maybe? No, no, no. It wasn't an entity. It was a trio! Three souls, including his, shared one body. They transformed all at once, flipping through the 'selection screen' of who he can morph into...

CHARACTER 1#: John Wick transformed into this German-American guy. He appears to be wearing a chicken hat, skull canva, and has a signature 'thumbs up' expression. He didn't appear to possess any special abilities.

Character 2#: The man from the orb. It appears his soul was ripped from whatever universes he hailed from and now shares a body with John Wick. He's wearing a two-piece suit, his signature American red-white-and-blue mask and is proficient in martial arts. Though, sadly, not as proficient as John Wick.

Character 3#: Himself.

Matt groaned lightly, quickly getting up as he picked up the cleaver. Once he saw all the doors close, he began walking toward the only open door: The hideout of the inmate. He was bleeding from his head, due to the punch in his face and how he went through studs of wood. He walked slowly, his heavy footsteps made a hollow echoing sound across the house. "Don't hide coward... Come out!" He trudged forward, and into the doorway.

It appeared the man won't come out. He isn't armed. Yet. However, Feferi is right next to you. She's bleeding badly. What will you do? Hell, what do YOU do, Feferi?
"What the hell?" Sophie thought as she saw Elsa practically disappear in front of her, looking on the TV screen she watched as a video started playing, she could just faintly remember that movie... Some sort of animated classic; Frozen? Yeah, that was it, it was quite popular, even back in Sweden but she's never watched it herself, the chilling thing was that Elsa was in that movie too, then suddenly it hit her. The front of the movie case had Elsa on it, so either Elsa WAS part of that movie at least at some point or just looked remarkably like that character. She was growing more than a little worried though, looking around, trying to figure out if there was some way of bringing Elsa back into existance, or out of wherever she went if not into that TV set...
There doesn't appear to be anything specific. Maybe you can break the TV set?
Shiki (Coaster)

Shiki made the jump with Ellie onto the tracks, pushing the girl behind herself. She jerked her head back down the track, motioning for Ellie to run. "Go." When fighting something calling herself God, there was only one logical choice...​


No damnit, not that one. Shiki decides to Fight to give Ellie time to retreat. "That wasn't one of the choices, murderer." Shiki smashed the tracks in front of her with her foot, limiting the area the weeds attack from. She would then try to fend them off with the wooden staff.​
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I-I guess. *she rubs her head through her golden hair* I thought I died... or it felt like that. *she pinched her self to make sure it wasn't a dream*
It wasn't a dream.

The elderly lady smiled, cleaning the dishes, "Oh, you're dead, my dear. Sorry about that." She smiled, humming an unfamiliar tune, "Would you like some tea?"
As the trio was messed with the television, Elsa suddenly vanished into it. She couldn't do anything, suddenly immobile in some cinematic world where she repeatedly watched a scene from her past. It brought tears to her eyes, but she couldn't even move enough to wipe them away. She hated being unable to move--just like when she had been thrown in Hell--but what she hated the most was the scene before her. Elsa had always felt guilty about it. She denied her younger sister love so many times all because she had been too afraid to leave her room again and leave her icy world. Elsa had been afraid she might hurt someone again.
"Anna, I'm so sorry. I don't know why I'm seeing this... I don't have to see this memory to already know I wasn't a good sister. I failed, both as a daughter and a sister. It hurts, just stop it. I don't need to see it anymore. If I could do it over, you know I would have spent more time with you, Anna. I should have cherished you while I had you. I'm a fool."
Elsa continued to watch the scene rewind and play, wishing she could at least close her eyes so she could turn away when it became too much to handle. Although Elsa knew she would have done things differently if she could have, there was nothing she could do about it now. The queen so badly wanted to move on from this torment now that Anna was dead, but she was trapped by it. Silent Hill wouldn't allow her to stop thinking about it.
Do you want to build a snowman, Elsa? Y/N?
There doesn't appear to be anything specific. Maybe you can break the TV set?
Sophie frowned, sighing a little when she realized there wasn't anything specific to help her, but the thought did come to mind to break the TV set... She stood there, unsure what to do for a moment, and thinking about the consequences for a moment. Finally, she sighed hoping desperately that this would work and decided to break it, she backed a little before running towards it and kicking it as hard as she could; with any luck, the force of the impact should be enough to break it.
@ York
@Klutzy Ninja Kitty

"What the hell?" Lee said in a form of a question when he saw Elsa vanish into thin air. He watched the screen as the movie Frozen played, but seemed to be in a loop of the scene where the song Do you wanna build a snowman? was sung, Lee was helpless to do anything, and that pissed him off. "WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON?" he screamed to nobody in particular.
The offer still stands, however, do you decide to hop in the main attraction or do you continue your trek into the 'Employee's Only' area?
"Jesus... what happened to you, lady?" He asked, concerned. Taking his scarf, he went ahead and wrapped it around her. "It's not much, but it should do for now. Err, just who are you anyway? I'm Emiya. Shirou Emiya," he said, introducing himself.
"T-Thank you." She wrapped the scarf around her tighter. "I'm just Ariel." The amusement park attraction honked, and Ariel jumped backwards, eyes wide. She saw the cart, her chest rising up and down quickly from still being surprised. She furrowed her eyebrows. "What... What is this... Thing?" She was constantly surprised by human inventions daily. She turned to Shirou. "Should we go on it?"

It wasn't a dream.
The elderly lady smiled, cleaning the dishes, "Oh, you're dead, my dear. Sorry about that." She smiled, humming an unfamiliar tune, "Would you like some tea?"
I-I am!? *she begins to panic a bit and starts shaking as she looks around. She then realizes that there isn't much she can do about it, so she sits to take it all in* Y-yeah... I could really use some...
"T-Thank you." She wrapped the scarf around her tighter. "I'm just Ariel." The amusement park attraction honked, and Ariel jumped backwards, eyes wide. She saw the cart, her chest rising up and down quickly from still being surprised. She furrowed her eyebrows. "What... What is this... Thing?" She was constantly surprised by human inventions daily. She turned to Shirou. "Should we go on it?"
"..." He looked at it momentarily with a wary expression, before sighing. If this was the work of someone watching them, he may as well continue to play along with their little game for now.

"It certainly looks like they want us to," Shirou said, not having a clear idea on what he meant by "they." Walking over to it, he glanced at the woman beside her, "Well, Ariel, ladies first..." He said, helping her in.


It appeared the man won't come out. He isn't armed. Yet. However, Feferi is right next to you. She's bleeding badly. What will you do? Hell, what do YOU do, Feferi?
Unfortunate for Feferi, his adrenaline fueled by rage made Matt ignore him, as he walked into the doorway and saw the lunatic hiding under the table.
unnamed (25).jpg
"Any last words?"
Shiki (Coaster)

Shiki made the jump with Ellie onto the tracks, pushing the girl behind herself. She jerked her head back down the track, motioning for Ellie to run. "Go." When fighting something calling herself God, there was only one logical choice...


No damnit, not that one. Shiki decides to Fight to give Ellie time to retreat. "That wasn't one of the choices, murderer." Shiki smashed the tracks in front of her with her foot, limiting the area the weeds attack from. She would then try to fend them off with the wooden staff.
Melody flipped her wrist again, idly smacking the track piece in two, "YOU THOUGHT YOU COULD STOP ME, WHO HAS SEEN MAN CRAWL DOWN FROM THE TREES, WHO HAS SEEN EMPIRES RISE AND FALL, WHO SHALL LIVE LONG AFTER YOU HAVE ALL CRUMBLED INTO DUST, NOTHING BUT A MEMORY AND FOREVER AFTER?" Her voice bellowed in double-tones, as if a demon growled at Shiki. Shrink! Given your current powerless state, a barbwire tentacle impales you, lifting you off your feet, as gore spewed from your lips. You gave it a good shot, sweetheart. But not good enough to fight off THAT. However, it appears the demon-child is distracted...


... If she's willing, a certain someone with the alphabet beginning in 'E' could try and take the key.

Will you try and take the key Ellie? Y/N?
Sophie frowned, sighing a little when she realized there wasn't anything specific to help her, but the thought did come to mind to break the TV set... She stood there, unsure what to do for a moment, and thinking about the consequences for a moment. Finally, she sighed hoping desperately that this would work and decided to break it, she backed a little before running towards it and kicking it as hard as she could; with any luck, the force of the impact should be enough to break it.
The skin cracked. It doesn't break it, but it buzzes violently. Elsa is able to breath fresh air, oh, and your toes hurt.
Elsa glared at Akibahara. "Foo, what do you think?"
Elsa was surprised by the question. She wasn't sure if it was directed at her, or just part of the video again, but she answered what she obviously wished she could have. "Yes! Of course I will!"
Too bad. :)

You're in a loop. The scene replays again.

... You're never going to build a snowman ...​
I-I am!? *she begins to panic a bit and starts shaking as she looks around. She then realizes that there isn't much she can do about it, so she sits to take it all in* Y-yeah... I could really use some...
She smiles, setting up a cup of green tea, "Here, it's delicious, dear." She set the cup upon the table, "You know, there is a way you can get back. But... are you sure you want to return to Silent Hill?" The mystery maid sipped her tea, "... I heard it isn't pleasant."
The skin cracked. It doesn't break it, but it buzzes violently. Elsa is able to breath fresh air, oh, and your toes hurt.

Lee decided he needed to help one way or another. He grabbed a concrete slab and backed up, Lee took aim and hurled it right at the screen
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