Murder Game III: Welcome to Silent Hill

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After felling and waking up in a whole new night mare, Sebastian proceeded to have a violent flashback of sorts. The creature before him minded him the creatures from Ruvik's mind, from his evil within. It was disturbing to say the least and it made Sebastian freak. "Damn you! Not this time!" He shouted and wielded his fire axe as he attacked the creature.
Pop! Sebastian swung his fire-ax at the shadow, "SKREEEEEEEEEE!!!" Uh oh. BOOOOOM! A ridiculously long, slender appendage swung from the shadows, smashing Sebastian's fire-ax in two. It collapsed to the ground, broken. The creature stepped out of the shadows, revealing itself: It resembled a China Doll, crawling on four appendages like a spider as jagged teeth bore itself at Sebastian. Hey, lucky for everyone else, it hadn't noticed you yet! Riiiiip! ... But it did, however, notice him.


Sebastian cried out as HUGE jaws clammed onto his shoulder, tearing violently through bone and sinew, tossing him like a ragdoll to the right, straight into a sewer grating. Does everyone decide to A.) Save Seb B.) Run like hell.

@Raven @Zadok shadows @Akibahara @Atomyk @Caramon Zero @Salsacookies and @DapperDogman
Raven knew it was wrong to abandon a team mate but she didn't have her demonic powers. And she knew she wasn't here for him but a friend. 'Well sorry Azar but I need to help Dona.' She looked for a place to avoid sight and ran leaving the others behind. Her hood fell as she ran but she didn't care she just wanted out of there. Once she felt it was safe she stopped to catch her breath and her thoughts on her next move.
The cave resembles a set of jagged jaws: But you know what? Fuck that noise! There's treasure to be found, yeah? Anyway, it's dark, damp, and you're completely weaponless. You could hear little 'tap, tap, tap' noises flop inside the cave, echoing against the crystallized walls, as if someone or something dwelt inside it. Do you dare venture further? Y/N? Oh, and in the far distance, you swear you could see a brilliant golden glow illuminate deep within the cave. It's far, no doubt, but reachable.
What the...?
Something zipped past you: It was pale, lanky, but overwhelmingly tall....
@Cave ppl
With a gulp, he dared to venture forward to see what was inside. Shirou, curious about the mysterious light within, stepped toward it, wondering what the source of it was.

His heart began to race as he stepped further and further into the darkness. The boy could feel each heartbeat, the place deathly silent to him. His eyes widened in alarm once something had zipped past him, looking for where it might be.

If he found nothing, Shirou would hesitantly traverse forward towards where he believed he saw the glow.
@Akibahara @Raven @Salsacookies @Zadok shadows @DapperDogman and @Atomyk

Sebastian saw the huge monster and it not only snapped his axe in two, but flung him across the room after chewing on his shoulder. "" Sebastian said as he hit the wall and then stood up. He covered his one arm with his other and began to move around the room trying to avoid the creature.
I decide to distract the creature by grabbing the ax head and throwing at the thing. Afterwards, I decide it's probably best that I run off to some place to hide. I did my part in helping him, it's his turn to save himself
@Caramon Zero

(( Oops, I forgot to tag yah. Read my monster post. ))
Morgan stood up holding his head. Blood dripped down and he wipped his head with his hand. He grabbed his mask and tied it back on. "Ellie! Lee! What the hell happened?"
Aiden looked at them. He saw the blade of the broken fire axe and picked it up he got away to the other side of the room away from the group. Aiden threw it at the creature with enough strength for the blade to dig into the creatures back in an attempt to gain its attention. "Get him out of here. ill distract it." He threw the handle at the thing. "Hey ugly over here."
Claire - Mausoleum - Raven/Aiden/Sebastian/York/Torque

Claire's voice caught in her throat at the sight before her. Sebastian! she cried out inside her head. She'd only just met the detective, but the sight of the creature's jaws ripping into the man's shoulder caused Claire's heart to skip a beat. She brought a hand to her mouth, resisting the urge to scream. This is just like Raccoon City, she thought. This thing was no zombie, but it was monstrous, violent, and ready to kill her at a moment's notice.

She watched as Sebastian was thrown across the room. Still crouched, she took a step forward, but stopped once she saw Raven make a run for it. Damn it! No! She'd come to Silent Hill to save her brother, not this man she just met. Something at the back of her mind screamed at her to run, but Claire couldn't move her feet. Once she saw that everyone else had stayed to defend Sebastian, Claire found the strength to rise to her feet. Heeding Aiden's words, Claire ran to Sebastian and placed a hand on his shoulder. "Come on," she said, her voice low.
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I got quickly up on my feet, practically jumping. I have no clue what this thing is, but I have NEVERrun from a fight, and this won't be any different. "TAKE THIS YOU SPIDEY BITCH!!!" I then proceeded to kick the thing in the face hard.
Raven noticed two from the group in battle with the creature. She sighed. Then moved and even though she can't fly she helped by once one of the others kicked it she then swiftly moved and aimed at it's legs then watched it fall. She then moved before it could get back up.
Pop! Pop!

Twin attacks by Torque and Raven sent the spider-creature sprawling back, shrieking as SHRRIIIIIINK! it whipped out an appendage, catching Raven by the torso! You flew back, smashing into a brick wall, a bloody wound caking your abdomen. It wasn't long until the spider-monster screamed, vanishing into a ventilation shaft above. Ugh. That was a fuckin' mess. But bet your ass it'll return. In the meantime, you decide to further examine your surroundings:


It more or less, resembled a basement of sorts. A morgue, perhaps? I don't know. There's a few open metal grates nearby, three to be exact. Alternatively, a map is located in an adjacent room, which will you choose?
@Akibahara (more pics from The Evil Within, you want Sebastian to have "Vietnam Flashbacks" don't you you sick bastard)

Sebastian watched as the creature fled, it reminder him of the creature even more so. Getting a chance to look at the area it to reminded him of where he first met that foul creature way back on an old case. "This is madness..." Sebastian said. It was now that @Atomyk helped him up and they moved for the morgue. "These drawers might have something inside of them." He said as they begin to rummage through the three.
Aiden walks to the map to see if it shows where the grates lead. "We need to see if anything around here can be used as a weapon." He looked around to see if anything can be used to arm themselves. He was thinking about Sebastian and raven. They need to get them to safety, but there is no way he is going to die in this hole.
Raven felt the pain surged throw her but she stood. "Damn that demon." She looked at the others glad her body could handle the pain even with out her powers. She looked around and walked toward the others forgetting that her hood was now down. "Everyone else okay?"


@DapperDogman @Atomky @ Zadox Shadows
With the thing gone, I go to looking around the area. That guy with the torn shoulder said something's in the drawer, so I go over there and check them out
Claire - Mausoleum - Raven/Aiden/Sebastian/York/Torque

Relief flooded Claire and she let out a sigh. "We're all right," she said to Raven. That Raven had decided to run didn't bother Claire. She honestly hadn't blame the girl.

Claire looked Sebastian over and shook her head. "Stick close to us in case it comes back." She then followed him to the morgue. Claire made a disgusted noise at the sight of it. "This place is horrid," she mumbled, assisting Sebastian with searching the lockers.
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With a gulp, he dared to venture forward to see what was inside. Shirou, curious about the mysterious light within, stepped toward it, wondering what the source of it was.
His heart began to race as he stepped further and further into the darkness. The boy could feel each heartbeat, the place deathly silent to him. His eyes widened in alarm once something had zipped past him, looking for where it might be.
If he found nothing, Shirou would hesitantly traverse forward towards where he believed he saw the glow.
You traveled deeper into the cave. There was nothing special--a corpse here, a corpse there, perhaps even a severed head--but that, obviously, would NEVER catch your interest! Shirou cautiously paced toward the glow: You could see it now... it was a scepter of sorts. The sleek, golden shine illuminated the cave's interior as you approached it. That is, of course, until you feel extreme pressure on your shoulders. Crack! A gangly, hunched back creature smashed against your shoulder blades, sprawling you across the floor as it howled in pure rage...


It leapt back into the cave ceiling.

Do you venture forward? Y/N?​
@Akibahara (more pics from The Evil Within, you want Sebastian to have "Vietnam Flashbacks" don't you you sick bastard)
Sebastian watched as the creature fled, it reminder him of the creature even more so. Getting a chance to look at the area it to reminded him of where he first met that foul creature way back on an old case. "This is madness..." Sebastian said. It was now that @Atomyk helped him up and they moved for the morgue. "These drawers might have something inside of them." He said as they begin to rummage through the three.
Sebastian rummaged through the FIRST CAGE: You spotted a [SAWED-OFF SHOTGUN] with 8 shells in a case, 2 in the barrel, leaving 10 shells in total. It's an excellent weapon. It powerful, handy, but unfortunately bears a low-ammunition gage. So aim wisely when you equip your weapon!

After parting from Joel, Elsa made her way back to the billboard where she had left Solaire earlier. She realized now she had been gone from him for quite a while. If he was still there she would be surprised, pleasantly surprised. However, the only surprises Elsa seemed to get lately were bad ones, and sure enough when she arrived, Soliare was not there. Sighing sadly, Elsa walked over to the billboard and leaned against it before realizing a woman was there. She was a stranger to Elsa, but at least seeing her was better than having seen Emiya earlier--who reminded her of her dead son--and Joel--who had harassed her sister and was apparently friends with Ellie the bad egg from Murder: The Ties that Bind.

"Are you lost?" Elsa asked her, folding her arms and waiting for a response. She closed her eyes for a moment, realizing she was pretty tired. It had to have been the long trip to Silent Hill. Surely it wasn't anything else, she told herself.

You traveled deeper into the cave. There was nothing special--a corpse here, a corpse there, perhaps even a severed head--but that, obviously, would NEVER catch your interest! Shirou cautiously paced toward the glow: You could see it now... it was a scepter of sorts. The sleek, golden shine illuminated the cave's interior as you approached it. That is, of course, until you feel extreme pressure on your shoulders. Crack! A gangly, hunched back creature smashed against your shoulder blades, sprawling you across the floor as it howled in pure rage...

It leapt back into the cave ceiling.

Do you venture forward? Y/N?​
His heart raced once he saw the corpses, freezing for a minute as he had to process that. It was like in the Church's basement, only a little scarier this time around, it seemed.

There are corpses. There are corpses. There are corpses. There are corpses. There are corpses. He had to say it again and again to get it through his head. People died here. People lost their lives here. Get out of here. Get out.

Primal instinct told him to skedaddle, but he ignored it and pressed forward regardless, choosing to be brave for now... until the strange creature hit him and then retreated back to the ceiling.

"Guh!" He yelled out in a mixture of surprise and pain, immediately scrambling back up to his feet once he had registered he had been downed. Glancing back up, Shirou began to work his legs and run towards the scepter, his first thought being that he hoped to dear God that it would help him against whatever that strange monster was.

It's scary. It wants to kill me. It's after me. It wants to end my life, his jumbled brain thought all over the place as he attempted to get a hold of the scepter!
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