Murder Game III: Welcome to Silent Hill

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Claire - Mausoleum - Raven/Aiden/Sebastian/York/Torque

Claire joined the others in looking at the artifact. It honestly didn't look like anything special to her. It could have been a puzzle box, for all she knew. "I have no idea what that could be. And, well... Seb says he's dealt with the supernatural before, so I think he has a point here." She still wasn't sure if she believed Sebastian, but she couldn't deny that whatever was going on here was beyond her understanding. She could imagine Umbrella making a place like this, but the creature they encountered... it seemed pretty supernatural. There was also the fact that Raven kept referring to some sort of Azar... Whatever that was. Either way, a lot of this was beyond explanation.

"Please, let's just get out of here."
Elsa nodded at John when Sophia introduced him. "Ah, Sophia, John, it's nice to meet the two of you. I assume the two of you haven't come to Silent Hill for vacation?" she asked, teasing slightly. Anyone who wanted to come here for vacation was surely out of their right mind.

Sophia shrugged "Not really... By the way, did any of you see someone named Simon by any chance?" she asked curiously, she wanted to know if Simon had been here, after all Elsa did say this place was supposed to be Silent Hill... There were many places that might have been their "special place" but nothing has really stood out for her at the moment.
The creature leapt behind you, spiderwebbing the cave grounds as it howled, "GRAWWWGH!" You felt it rip against your ankles, heaving your small stature over it's shoulder, and toss you like a ragdoll. An audible 'craaaaack!' met your ears-- your shoulder blades were out of place, a few ribs broke, as did your left arm. It was awful! But no worries, the sceptre was next to you!
"GAUGH!" Shirou yelped in immense pain as he hit the wall. His breathing was ragged and at this rate, he could probably die of shock before the damn monster would murder him itself. But no... he had to live! He had to live because there were too many important things at stake here!

He did his best to repress the pain.

Pain is only of the mind. All it does is distract me, Shirou thought, almost robotically reaching for the scepter, hoping that it would do something!
Raven joined the others and looked at the box. "Yeah I agree we shouldn't mess with it. It's possible that like Satch it could be something of an evil nature. And besides it says someone has to give permission to use it." She then looked at the one Claire refereed to as Seb. "You've dealt with the supernatural?" She asked glad someone might be of some help with interpretation the symbols and incarnations that she had seen and maybe will see in the future.

"Yes I can read such things...sadly..." Sebastian said a she moved over and looked at the box. He looked at it from all sides without picking it up, for fear of what it might do, and read what he could see. "This is...odd..."
"GAUGH!" Shirou yelped in immense pain as he hit the wall. His breathing was ragged and at this rate, he could probably die of shock before the damn monster would murder him itself. But no... he had to live! He had to live because there were too many important things at stake here!
He did his best to repress the pain.
Pain is only of the mind. All it does is distract me, Shirou thought, almost robotically reaching for the scepter, hoping that it would do something!
This is the sceptre:


You're within arm's reach. Are you CERTAIN you want to grab it? Y/N?​
Sophia shrugged "Not really... By the way, did any of you see someone named Simon by any chance?" she asked curiously, she wanted to know if Simon had been here, after all Elsa did say this place was supposed to be Silent Hill... There were many places that might have been their "special place" but nothing has really stood out for her at the moment.
Elsa shook her head when Sophia asked her question. "I'm afraid not. I might have seen him though. What does he look like?" Elsa paused, thinking about what questions she could ask Sophia. "Have you seen a girl with long brown hair in two braids running around? Her name is Anna. Or have you seen a knight? He wears armor with the image of a sun on it. His name is Solaire." For some reason, she was doubtful Sophia had seen anyone she knew, but Elsa was trying to stay hopeful.
Aiden looked at the cube. "I don't know guys. I think it could be useful to have. Maybe we can use it for something ahead. Besides we can get rid of it at any time if necessary. I say tourge should hold on to it." He had a feeling that if this hell hole gave them this object then it must be useful in some way. He didn't care what the others said. For all he knew hey wanted to kill him. He had to stay on his toes.
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Raven looked at him curious. "Why do you say sadly?" She asked and forced herself to resist the erged to put up her hood for she felt she might no longer be welcome with this group. She looked carefully at the box as Sebastian moved it around. 'I wonder if the writing is Azrrath or demonic writing?'
Itachi Uchiha, Red
Itachi Stood. "They seem to of met there mortality..." He presumed them dead. "Or maybe they have found something i request..." He walked away soon finding himself at the Forest it contained many trees, and a cave. This wasn't anything he wasn't use to he briefly took his chances and walked threw. Finding himself with no Sharingan after closing his eyes and opening them he continued to walk to the cave. He had the thought of something hunting him like a rare deer. But he didn't care. "It would be foolish to enter the cave..." So, Itachi kneeled down and grabbed a hand full of (Dirt, Rocks, Grass , or all the above.) and threw it into the cave . He ran to the side of the cave and peeked in behind cover. "No...jutus..." he stated out loud but in a low enough tone for only his ears.

How Are Jutsu Made ?, Blue
Usually preformed with the correct handsigns.
What Are Jutsu?, Green
Move or skill the character can preform with desired chakra
Jutsu , Yellow
or Like:
usually done after correct handsigns.
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Aiden looked at the cube. "I don't know guys. I think it could be useful to have. Maybe we can use it for something ahead. Besides we can get rid of it at any time if necessary. I say tourge should hold on to it." He had a feeling that if this hell hole gave them this object then it must be useful in some way. He didn't care what the others said. For all he knew hey wanted to kill him. He had to stay on his toes.
(( You guys DO know what that box is, right? xD ))
@Raven and @Zadok shadows

"It's...old writing to say the least..." Sebastian said and then gave in to picking up the cube. The under belly gave him the piece of the mystery that he had read from the rest of the cube. He chuckled a little at what it had said. "This is some messed up crap so if one of you want to take it then be my guess, I'll stick with my gun." He said and then put it back down.
Elsa nodded at John when Sophia introduced him. "Ah, Sophia, John, it's nice to meet the two of you. I assume the two of you haven't come to Silent Hill for vacation?" she asked, teasing slightly. Anyone who wanted to come here for vacation was surely out of their right mind.

*I nodded slightly at Elsa. "Right... I'm here because of-" I hesitated when I was about to say why I'm here. I then said, "Personal matters..." I didn't exactly feel comfortable about saying why I'm here. Considering the fact I don't trust these two. Not yet anyway. Though, they seem rather friendly. Especially Elsa, but Sophia on the other hand, I'm not so sure. Though, I wouldn't blame her if she didn't feel comfortable here. You know, because two strangers are standing practically next to her.*

@Klutzy Ninja Kitty
Elsa shook her head when Sophia asked her question. "I'm afraid not. I might have seen him though. What does he look like?" Elsa paused, thinking about what questions she could ask Sophia. "Have you seen a girl with long brown hair in two braids running around? Her name is Anna. Or have you seen a knight? He wears armor with the image of a sun on it. His name is Solaire." For some reason, she was doubtful Sophia had seen anyone she knew, but Elsa was trying to stay hopeful.
Sophia shook her head sadly, but she in turn had a hopefull look in her eyes as she realized she might not have specified enough "Simon wears a dark grey hoody, black jeans, anc black running shoes... It shouldn't be hard to spot him if you do see him." she said, her hand falling upon the pocket which contained his phone.
((That's the puzzle box from Hellraiser...correct?))

York looks at the box and he frowns "Too ornate...things of that nature are oft used for sinister tempt people to use them" he explains "It's like a magnet for the curious, they can't resist gold artifacts" he shakes his head slowly and frowns "Don't toy with it too's likely dangerous"
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@Akibahara I am a very huge fan of the SCP foundation...but there are several cube like items in it so I get them confused, but they are all bad.
Prince Simba of the Pridelands

Walking...How long had he been walking? He couldn't remember. A bought of depression had caused him to leave the comfort of the jungle and the companionship of his two friends, Timon and Pumbaa. Surely it hadn't been that long, but then again, he had been wrong before. Perhaps the vibration that he had felt early had started to shake his memory. Ah! The vibration -- that he couldn't forget. The young lion looked down at his human hands. That had been the moment when he changed, but the moments right before he had forgotten.​
He could have swore that he had been in the jungle, but soon he found himself in the middle of a path, a strange and hard path with lines that he had never seen before. Once Simba had discovered that he had changed, he immediately tried to turn back, but a large cavern in the path blocked his way. Strange enough, Simba never remembered coming across the pit when he had made his way to this point, and yet... there it was and here he was.​
Funny-looking trees littered the path, with what looked like vines connecting them. They had no leaves and some of the vines had fallen; how they were not dead, he didn't know. He could also see smaller trees, but they were odd and mis-colored, having a blue or green top and a silver trunk. Simba cautiously made his way to one and with his new, strangly-shaped paws, he touched the green. It was cold and thin, but had he ran his fingers across it, the white lines rose. One flaked off at his touch and he immediately withdrew his hand. What was this place?​
A cold gust of wind suddenly blew through the fog and realizing the lack of fur, Simba quickly covered himself in his arms, touching the odd skin that he now had. Freezing was not pleasant and he slowly made his way to one of the caves. A strange thing of wood was blocking the entrance, but a gentle push forced it open. It didn't take long to find things to cover his new body.​
He was warm finally, happy to find new fur, but confused on why it was separated into different pieces and different colors. The fur on his torso was pink and hugged him tightly, but it covered him. Whatever it was was much, much softer than the fur on his legs and came up to his chin. Upon seeing his reflection in the standing water, he laughed at how much he looked like a strange turtle. The fur on his legs was not as warm or soft as the pink turtle shell, but they were blue came down to around his ankles.​
Simba remained in front of the standing water and examined himself. He looked the same, but still so different. His reddish-brown mane no longer covered his face, but stopped at his ears and trailed down to his check. His skin was still the same dark yellow, but his fur had been cut or shortened, or something. The young lion leaned closer to the water to examine his face, but slowly another face had taken his place.​
"Son, you have forgotten me."
The voice was silent, but still he jumped back from the face. His head shook and his body followed suit.​
"N-no. Father, I could never. I haven't!"
"Father, I-"
"Remember who you are."
As soon as the face had appeared, it vanished. Tears stung Simba's eyes. He hadn't forgotten. How could he? After what he had done. After he had killed his father, how could he forget? He was a murderer.​
Slowly the lion turned and made his way out of the cave, his mind swimming with emotion and thought. And that was when he heard them... voices. He may have changed in his appearance, but he could still hear. He turned in the direction and began to follow them.​
There they were, many of them. He wasn't sure what they were exactly, but they looked like him. Simba made his way to the herd and quietly observed them. All of them seemed to be misplaced and most of them seemed scared. He glanced over at what looked like a cliff and saw people staring at a flat piece of bark.​
Timon! He could have swore that one of the ladies had said his name. Did he know her? Did she know him? Quickly he made his way to her, stopping just before he touched her.​
"Timon? Did you say Timon?" Simba asked, his brown eyes full of hope. Maybe she would recognize him. Maybe.​
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Raven looked and just realized where she had seen some similar writing. "Your right it is old." She whispered under her breath the rest of her thought hoping no one could really hear her. "If only Azar taught me more of the ancient writings....Maybe I could figure out what powers the box might posses...In the name of Trigon...Why?" She looked at the others and said where she was sure they could hear her. "Since I didn't find a weapon and I'm not sure about my injury I think it would be wise for me to either stay with one of you or just follow close behind."
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