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Krauser grunted over the radio, seemingly busy for a moment. "What are you observing?" he asked Lucifer. "Two can fly. One's apparently a god and the other might as well be with that suit of his. Stars and stripes is as strong as they come and the fourth one can turn very small. Is that obvious enough?"


"Who ever said anything about sympathy--"

Steve cut himself off when Joshua ran at him with a speed the man didn't possess a moment before. He attempted to dance out of the way of the slash with a small jump to the right, but Joshua got his leg nonetheless. With an angry grunt, he continued his turn and spun in a circle so that he was in a position to possibly impact Joshua from behind and send him flying.

Jabbers was quick on the draw, but Steve completed one more spin for the Bullet Punch to impact only his shield. He threw his arm out to knock the Pokemon back.

It was then that one of Jaffar's daggers would have found their mark and stab into Steve, though this only earned a roar of anger from the supersoldier. He struck out at Jaffar with his shield at a force strong enough to break bones, but thankfully Lucio's shield protected Jaffar from the moment, bouncing off Cap's shield. The force staggered him backward, but this placed him at a distance from the other. When Schala's attack lightning began to dance around him, Steve made a run for an abandoned car, hiding behind it while the magic attack passed over.

"This is about your lives. Make this easier on yourselves and stand down!" he yelled from behind the car. "We don't want to kill a third party, but if you continue to fight, you put your lives in danger!" The car was slammed upward, where it was propelled through the air and toward Schala. Steve then ran tot he next car and slammed his shield into it, knocking it in Penny's direction. Steve then jumped backward, landing on the hood of a third car and tossing his shield expertly at Jaffar.

@The Myrmidon @Crimson Spartan @Takumi @Bomb @Hachiro Terra @Yang Lee @Mason Moretti @york @Darkseide

"Mind if I take a look at that gun of yours?" Tony asked Lucio, sounding a tad impressed. "Will just take a second." He began flying toward Lucio, but Jason's grappling weapon whipped around his leg and caused him to pause. Vaguely understanding what was happening, Iron Man then flew back toward the building but changed his momentum right before impact in an attempt to send Jason careening into the building.

With the hook still wrapped around his leg, Tony looked up to see Blake hurtling down from above. He leaned back in response so that a laser that emitted from his chest would fly up in Blake's direction. Iron Man then rotated his body forward so that the beam would fall and catch Setsuna as she jumped into the air.

@thatguyinthestore @Gummi Bunnies @Hospes @CrunchyCHEEZIT
Joshua rolled with the hit, knowing the others would be able to distract Rogers long enough for him to recover. His ears rang for a moment with the aching pain of the strike, but soon, he was on his feet once again... Just in time to grab at Jaffar to try and pull him out of the shield's way, "Duck!"

@The Myrmidon @Crimson Spartan @Takumi @Bomb @Hachiro Terra @Yang Lee @Mason Moretti @york @Darkseide
The first thing to reach Thor ended up being one that even caught him by surprise and quickly wiped the smug exterior off his face; Clark's sheer speed blitzing him through the nearest building where he landed on the other side of the ground. Though his godly durability made sure he ended up okay ultimately, that was not a blow that the God of Thunder took lightly, the blonde man wiping his face off as he stood his ground again.


"... Alright. Maybe this might be a mild challenge..." He muttered, clutching his trusty hammer tightly. As all the others who wished to challenge him seemed to follow suit, he prepared himself for battle again, quickly analyzing his surroundings and taking note of what the ideal strategy would be.

The god easily enough blocked every bullet that came his way from Shirou and Miku with his metal vambraces, as though he were able to see them coming decently well. For the moment, his main concern seemed to be Clark. Faster than a speeding bullet, he really was, but first, he needed to get these flies out of the way. Or so he'd believed. As Cagliostro's magic did its work, putting immense pressure on Thor, the god found himself hardly able to move. It was quite the sticky situation, but if this wasn't something he was able to handle, then he wouldn't be able to call himself mighty.

"I know not what black magic you possess, fiend, but by the power of Mjolnir..."

Mustering as much strength as he could to resist the Collapse spell, Thor raised his hammer and slammed it into the ground, creating another mighty shockwave that rocked the area around, once again with the intention of sending everyone on the ground off-balance and interfering with their focus.



But he was far from done yet.

"I will best you all!"

From the smokescreen he'd generated with the debris, Thor swooped in from the side at godly speeds, smashing his hammer into Clark's side and hoping to send his body flying straight at Shirou and Miku, before focusing his attention on Cagliostro next, as he'd generate lightning with his hammer and cast it, firing a bolt right at the alchemist!

@Josh M @Crow @Sen @Kaykay @Kaide` @ThorFight

Whether out of curiosity while examining his enemies or a deadpan way of realizing he was probably, to put it in crude terms, boned, Ant-Man could only silently purse his lips, before directing his attention first at Ada, the closest one to him. He raised an arm up, as though to wave at her.


"Hi, I'm Scott! Don't believe we've met, though... I guess you're supposed to know me as Ant-Man here. And before you ask, no, I didn't come up with that name, alright?"

When she had drawn her knife, however, his tone quickly changed, the man raising both arms defensively and backing away from her slowly.

"Alright, alright, look. I'm warning you right now, this doesn't have to end badly for any of us, 'cause let me tell ya, it'll really smart when you get me going. I mean, I'm a dangerous guy, y'know. And I'm clearly not beneath hurting a lady if I--Oh, son of a--!"

While the man seemed much more interested in talking, he was caught off guard when Domon went in without a word. The lucky first punch managed to connect and send him stumbling back, though he quickly recovered, raising his arms to block and evade Domon's flurry, bobbing his head around like a boxer. He waited for the right opportunity, and then...


Gathering his bearings quickly, Ant-Man countered a punch Domon would throw, grabbing his extended arm and turning around, before performing a shoulder throw and slamming the Gundam pilot into the ground! Feeling confidence well up with that brief display of close-quarters-combat, he looked upon the others who intended to fight with him, putting up his dukes and clenching his fists tightly like a street brawler.

"Oh, hell yeah, I'm the man. And it only took a woman to teach me how to do that. Alright! Who's next, huh? Who wants--"


Ant-Man stopped mid-sentence as Twisted Fate's cards exploded in front of him, sending his body flying a few feet away! Hitting the grass with a loud grunt, he gritted his teeth, shaking his head. "Ow... Goddammit," he grunted, looking up at Twisted Fate continuing to throw cards, Alice charging right at him, and Naomi pointing her gun at him. He wasn't used to being surrounded like this, but hey, if he was gonna prove his worth as an Avenger, he needed to show that this was a walk in the park!

Not that he exactly intended to be on the same level as Thor.


With that, scrambling to put what appeared to be a metal helmet on, Ant-Man quickly pressed what seemed to be a button in his hand, and with that, it was as though his body disappeared, practically disappearing within the blades of grass beneath everyone.

It was nigh impossible to ascertain where he had gone for everyone around, though his body didn't remain missing for very long, exactly.


An extremely minuscule figure hopped on top of Naomi's gun, and ran along its length, before then making its way onto the woman's shoulder, and leaping towards her face, where it delivered what felt like a hard hook punch toward her, knocking her a few feet away! With that, the man's body appeared once more, standing just a few inches away from where Naomi once was, looking before everyone.

"See? Told ya I'm a dangerous guy! But you didn't--Oh, shit," he began, before finding himself unable to even finish talking as Ali thrust his sword toward his groin and Alice began charging at him, prompting him to do the most logical thing.

Run away.

"Screw it all, I am so not cut out for being a real Avenger!" Ant-Man exclaimed as he turned tail, "And why are there civilians?! What kind of people are you to drag civilians into this place?!"

@Otto @Yun Lee @Archwar @Mason Moretti @Minerva @penguin055 @AntManFight
"NAOMI!!" Alice called out to her colleague in horror, then turned back to Ant-Man, teeth bared in the same way they'd been when she had tried to escape the observation room earlier.

"YOU COWARD!! GET BACK HERE AND FINISH WHAT YOU STARTED, YOU PUNY SPINELESS ANT!!!!" Nothing was more despicable than a coward. To hit someone, then run when in danger?! He was no better than the bug he paraded as!

And that bug deserved to be squashed.

Alice initiated ASURA-6's immobile form, lifting into the air to shoot Beams at the fleeing Ant-Man.

@Otto @Verite @Archwar @Mason Moretti @Minerva @penguin055 @AntManFight
Little Guy

@Bomb @Atomyk
@The Myrmidon @Crimson Spartan @Hachiro Terra @york @Darkseide @Takumi #CapFight

Navel hears Steve's words and offers a response, "Our lives are in danger if we don't fight! If you really want us to not get hurt, then stand down!"

Little Guy's sentence is punctuated by gunshots aimed at Steve and an expression on his face filled with melancholy and remorse for his actions. Both of these should be visible to Doremi.


"Huh? But...." Doremi was hesitant. Did she really know how to use her voice for support?


"I really don't know how... I'm so sorry..." Doremi said, not sure what she can do. Granted, she has access to Sing, but she might put her own allies to sleep in the process.

@Mason Moretti


Krauser grunted over the radio, seemingly busy for a moment. "What are you observing?" he asked Lucifer. "Two can fly. One's apparently a god and the other might as well be with that suit of his. Stars and stripes is as strong as they come and the fourth one can turn very small. Is that obvious enough?"


"Who ever said anything about sympathy--"

Steve cut himself off when Joshua ran at him with a speed the man didn't possess a moment before. He attempted to dance out of the way of the slash with a small jump to the right, but Joshua got his leg nonetheless. With an angry grunt, he continued his turn and spun in a circle so that he was in a position to possibly impact Joshua from behind and send him flying.

Jabbers was quick on the draw, but Steve completed one more spin for the Bullet Punch to impact only his shield. He threw his arm out to knock the Pokemon back.

It was then that one of Jaffar's daggers would have found their mark and stab into Steve, though this only earned a roar of anger from the supersoldier. He struck out at Jaffar with his shield at a force strong enough to break bones, but thankfully Lucio's shield protected Jaffar from the moment, bouncing off Cap's shield. The force staggered him backward, but this placed him at a distance from the other. When Schala's attack lightning began to dance around him, Steve made a run for an abandoned car, hiding behind it while the magic attack passed over.

"This is about your lives. Make this easier on yourselves and stand down!" he yelled from behind the car. "We don't want to kill a third party, but if you continue to fight, you put your lives in danger!" The car was slammed upward, where it was propelled through the air and toward Schala. Steve then ran tot he next car and slammed his shield into it, knocking it in Penny's direction. Steve then jumped backward, landing on the hood of a third car and tossing his shield expertly at Jaffar.

@The Myrmidon @Crimson Spartan @Takumi @Bomb @Hachiro Terra @Yang Lee @Mason Moretti @york @Darkseide

"Mind if I take a look at that gun of yours?" Tony asked Lucio, sounding a tad impressed. "Will just take a second." He began flying toward Lucio, but Jason's grappling weapon whipped around his leg and caused him to pause. Vaguely understanding what was happening, Iron Man then flew back toward the building but changed his momentum right before impact in an attempt to send Jason careening into the building.

With the hook still wrapped around his leg, Tony looked up to see Blake hurtling down from above. He leaned back in response so that a laser that emitted from his chest would fly up in Blake's direction. Iron Man then rotated his body forward so that the beam would fall and catch Setsuna as she jumped into the air.

@thatguyinthestore @Gummi Bunnies @Hospes @CrunchyCHEEZIT

"Mind if I take a look at that gun of yours?" Tony asked Lucio, sounding a tad impressed. "Will just take a second." He began flying toward Lucio, but Jason's grappling weapon whipped around his leg and caused him to pause. Vaguely understanding what was happening, Iron Man then flew back toward the building but changed his momentum right before impact in an attempt to send Jason careening into the building.

With the hook still wrapped around his leg, Tony looked up to see Blake hurtling down from above. He leaned back in response so that a laser that emitted from his chest would fly up in Blake's direction. Iron Man then rotated his body forward so that the beam would fall and catch Setsuna as she jumped into the air.

@thatguyinthestore @Gummi Bunnies @Hospes @CrunchyCHEEZIT
We'll shoot. Minor change of plans. Seeing the predicament that Blake was in with the laser shot off at him, Setsuna decided to cut off her assault in favor of assuring that the boy didn't, well, plummet to his death if he was hit. But it didn't entirely matter, for she received a beam of her own, slamming into her and sending her crashing back down with but a small cry. "Ah..!"

Landing with a thud, Setsuna remained downed for a few moments, wincing from the pain of the assault. But she still had eternal mana. Still had plenty of energy and strength, and hadn't taken an excessive amount of damage. And so she would continue to fight, climbing back to her feet with determination.


...After she made sure the others were okay.

@thatguyinthestore @Gummi Bunnies @Atomyk @CrunchyCHEEZIT @Tonyfight​
The first thing to reach Thor ended up being one that even caught him by surprise and quickly wiped the smug exterior off his face; Clark's sheer speed blitzing him through the nearest building where he landed on the other side of the ground. Though his godly durability made sure he ended up okay ultimately, that was not a blow that the God of Thunder took lightly, the blonde man wiping his face off as he stood his ground again.


"... Alright. Maybe this might be a mild challenge..." He muttered, clutching his trusty hammer tightly. As all the others who wished to challenge him seemed to follow suit, he prepared himself for battle again, quickly analyzing his surroundings and taking note of what the ideal strategy would be.

The god easily enough blocked every bullet that came his way from Shirou and Miku with his metal vambraces, as though he were able to see them coming decently well. For the moment, his main concern seemed to be Clark. Faster than a speeding bullet, he really was, but first, he needed to get these flies out of the way. Or so he'd believed. As Cagliostro's magic did its work, putting immense pressure on Thor, the god found himself hardly able to move. It was quite the sticky situation, but if this wasn't something he was able to handle, then he wouldn't be able to call himself mighty.

"I know not what black magic you possess, fiend, but by the power of Mjolnir..."

Mustering as much strength as he could to resist the Collapse spell, Thor raised his hammer and slammed it into the ground, creating another mighty shockwave that rocked the area around, once again with the intention of sending everyone on the ground off-balance and interfering with their focus.



But he was far from done yet.

"I will best you all!"

From the smokescreen he'd generated with the debris, Thor swooped in from the side at godly speeds, smashing his hammer into Clark's side and hoping to send his body flying straight at Shirou and Miku, before focusing his attention on Cagliostro next, as he'd generate lightning with his hammer and cast it, firing a bolt right at the alchemist!

@Josh M @Crow @Sen @Kaykay @Kaide` @ThorFight

Whether out of curiosity while examining his enemies or a deadpan way of realizing he was probably, to put it in crude terms, boned, Ant-Man could only silently purse his lips, before directing his attention first at Ada, the closest one to him. He raised an arm up, as though to wave at her.


"Hi, I'm Scott! Don't believe we've met, though... I guess you're supposed to know me as Ant-Man here. And before you ask, no, I didn't come up with that name, alright?"

When she had drawn her knife, however, his tone quickly changed, the man raising both arms defensively and backing away from her slowly.

"Alright, alright, look. I'm warning you right now, this doesn't have to end badly for any of us, 'cause let me tell ya, it'll really smart when you get me going. I mean, I'm a dangerous guy, y'know. And I'm clearly not beneath hurting a lady if I--Oh, son of a--!"

While the man seemed much more interested in talking, he was caught off guard when Domon went in without a word. The lucky first punch managed to connect and send him stumbling back, though he quickly recovered, raising his arms to block and evade Domon's flurry, bobbing his head around like a boxer. He waited for the right opportunity, and then...


Gathering his bearings quickly, Ant-Man countered a punch Domon would throw, grabbing his extended arm and turning around, before performing a shoulder throw and slamming the Gundam pilot into the ground! Feeling confidence well up with that brief display of close-quarters-combat, he looked upon the others who intended to fight with him, putting up his dukes and clenching his fists tightly like a street brawler.

"Oh, hell yeah, I'm the man. And it only took a woman to teach me how to do that. Alright! Who's next, huh? Who wants--"


Ant-Man stopped mid-sentence as Twisted Fate's cards exploded in front of him, sending his body flying a few feet away! Hitting the grass with a loud grunt, he gritted his teeth, shaking his head. "Ow... Goddammit," he grunted, looking up at Twisted Fate continuing to throw cards, Alice charging right at him, and Naomi pointing her gun at him. He wasn't used to being surrounded like this, but hey, if he was gonna prove his worth as an Avenger, he needed to show that this was a walk in the park!

Not that he exactly intended to be on the same level as Thor.


With that, scrambling to put what appeared to be a metal helmet on, Ant-Man quickly pressed what seemed to be a button in his hand, and with that, it was as though his body disappeared, practically disappearing within the blades of grass beneath everyone.

It was nigh impossible to ascertain where he had gone for everyone around, though his body didn't remain missing for very long, exactly.


An extremely minuscule figure hopped on top of Naomi's gun, and ran along its length, before then making its way onto the woman's shoulder, and leaping towards her face, where it delivered what felt like a hard hook punch toward her, knocking her a few feet away! With that, the man's body appeared once more, standing just a few inches away from where Naomi once was, looking before everyone.

"See? Told ya I'm a dangerous guy! But you didn't--Oh, shit," he began, before finding himself unable to even finish talking as Ali thrust his sword toward his groin and Alice began charging at him, prompting him to do the most logical thing.

Run away.

"Screw it all, I am so not cut out for being a real Avenger!" Ant-Man exclaimed as he turned tail, "And why are there civilians?! What kind of people are you to drag civilians into this place?!"

@Otto @Yun Lee @Archwar @Mason Moretti @Minerva @penguin055 @AntManFight

"Uh, what?" I asked as I have my second blank stare that day. The man changing size didn't shock me. I've seen far stranger things, but him running away so quickly after beating down so many grunts with his friends. Either he was a coward or he was running away for hit and run tactics.

And give his ability to change size, I wasn't going to risk it being the latter.

"Like I said, we're forced to do this," I yelled at the fleeing Ant-Man as I lifted my hand and brought it closer to my chest, curling the fingers into a fist. In front of Ant-Man, the wind began to pick up with enough force to push him and hopefully throw himself into Alice's beams.

@Otto @Yun Lee @Verite @Mason Moretti @Minerva @penguin055 @AntManFight
James Proudstar - Warpath

"Crap, crap, crap. Farm boy Kent was heading towards those two women... at that speed he could do a lot of damage. "

James jumped into full speed a leap towards where he hoped he could intercept Kent's flying body before it struck the two women, then roll with the landing the way Wolverine had taught him. Here goes, timing was everything and boy, this was going to hurt.

@Verite @Atomyk @fighting thor / antman
The first thing to reach Thor ended up being one that even caught him by surprise and quickly wiped the smug exterior off his face; Clark's sheer speed blitzing him through the nearest building where he landed on the other side of the ground. Though his godly durability made sure he ended up okay ultimately, that was not a blow that the God of Thunder took lightly, the blonde man wiping his face off as he stood his ground again.


"... Alright. Maybe this might be a mild challenge..." He muttered, clutching his trusty hammer tightly. As all the others who wished to challenge him seemed to follow suit, he prepared himself for battle again, quickly analyzing his surroundings and taking note of what the ideal strategy would be.

The god easily enough blocked every bullet that came his way from Shirou and Miku with his metal vambraces, as though he were able to see them coming decently well. For the moment, his main concern seemed to be Clark. Faster than a speeding bullet, he really was, but first, he needed to get these flies out of the way. Or so he'd believed. As Cagliostro's magic did its work, putting immense pressure on Thor, the god found himself hardly able to move. It was quite the sticky situation, but if this wasn't something he was able to handle, then he wouldn't be able to call himself mighty.

"I know not what black magic you possess, fiend, but by the power of Mjolnir..."

Mustering as much strength as he could to resist the Collapse spell, Thor raised his hammer and slammed it into the ground, creating another mighty shockwave that rocked the area around, once again with the intention of sending everyone on the ground off-balance and interfering with their focus.



But he was far from done yet.

"I will best you all!"

From the smokescreen he'd generated with the debris, Thor swooped in from the side at godly speeds, smashing his hammer into Clark's side and hoping to send his body flying straight at Shirou and Miku, before focusing his attention on Cagliostro next, as he'd generate lightning with his hammer and cast it, firing a bolt right at the alchemist!

@Josh M @Crow @Sen @Kaykay @Kaide` @ThorFight

Shirou clicked his tongue as Thor effortlessly blocked his bullets. Another freak who could shrug off bullets, huh? That was annoying. Seriously annoying. Inhuman monsters that defied reason.

Though, after taking over a Holy Relic, he had to say that he was the same.

Even as the ground quaked beneath him, Shirou seemed unhindered. His footing remained stable, not making any obvious visible effort to regain balance. As Clark came flying, he deftly stepped aside. If it was going to be this kind of battle, then he'd simply follow suit. This wasn't going to be a battle between humans. Shirou put away his pistol and stood up straight.


The second level of the Ewigkeit formula. Chains began to surround his body, focusing around his right arm.

And then he was gone.

With superhuman speed and strength, his fist flew forth towards the God of Thunder's face.

@Josh M @Crow @Sen @Verite @Kaide` @Gands

Krauser grunted over the radio, seemingly busy for a moment. "What are you observing?" he asked Lucifer. "Two can fly. One's apparently a god and the other might as well be with that suit of his. Stars and stripes is as strong as they come and the fourth one can turn very small. Is that obvious enough?"


"Who ever said anything about sympathy--"

Steve cut himself off when Joshua ran at him with a speed the man didn't possess a moment before. He attempted to dance out of the way of the slash with a small jump to the right, but Joshua got his leg nonetheless. With an angry grunt, he continued his turn and spun in a circle so that he was in a position to possibly impact Joshua from behind and send him flying.

Jabbers was quick on the draw, but Steve completed one more spin for the Bullet Punch to impact only his shield. He threw his arm out to knock the Pokemon back.

It was then that one of Jaffar's daggers would have found their mark and stab into Steve, though this only earned a roar of anger from the supersoldier. He struck out at Jaffar with his shield at a force strong enough to break bones, but thankfully Lucio's shield protected Jaffar from the moment, bouncing off Cap's shield. The force staggered him backward, but this placed him at a distance from the other. When Schala's attack lightning began to dance around him, Steve made a run for an abandoned car, hiding behind it while the magic attack passed over.

"This is about your lives. Make this easier on yourselves and stand down!" he yelled from behind the car. "We don't want to kill a third party, but if you continue to fight, you put your lives in danger!" The car was slammed upward, where it was propelled through the air and toward Schala. Steve then ran tot he next car and slammed his shield into it, knocking it in Penny's direction. Steve then jumped backward, landing on the hood of a third car and tossing his shield expertly at Jaffar.

@The Myrmidon @Crimson Spartan @Takumi @Bomb @Hachiro Terra @Yang Lee @Mason Moretti @york @Darkseide

"Mind if I take a look at that gun of yours?" Tony asked Lucio, sounding a tad impressed. "Will just take a second." He began flying toward Lucio, but Jason's grappling weapon whipped around his leg and caused him to pause. Vaguely understanding what was happening, Iron Man then flew back toward the building but changed his momentum right before impact in an attempt to send Jason careening into the building.

With the hook still wrapped around his leg, Tony looked up to see Blake hurtling down from above. He leaned back in response so that a laser that emitted from his chest would fly up in Blake's direction. Iron Man then rotated his body forward so that the beam would fall and catch Setsuna as she jumped into the air.

@thatguyinthestore @Gummi Bunnies @Hospes @CrunchyCHEEZIT

"Oh god."

Blake's eyes widened upon realizing that he was falling fast towards a laser beam. Would his hardlight sword do anything about that? Probably not, and he didn't want to take that risk at all.


"Tch... Battle protocol 1!"

He said this in a near heartbeat, letting go of his hardlight sword as it dissolved and reformed into a shield made out of that same energy. Positioning himself to press his feet onto the back of the shield, Blake fully intended to use this to reduce the blast of the laser beam coming at him and to more importantly drop onto Tony by using the hardlight shield almost like a blunt weapon. It was a rather reckless idea, but as parts of the beam grazed the side of his arm and cheek, Blake knew he had a decent shot with this since that beam was focused elsewhere...

He cringed to see Setsuna hurt, but with what he had at the moment, he'll have to check on her later.

2 minutes before lights out. .

@Atomyk @thatguyinthestore @Hospes @CrunchyCHEEZIT
Continued from here.

Mid-Chapter Update
"Shock and Fury"

After the group's time limit of a few hours was up, the Umbrella scientists gathered them together and ushered them into large, open elevators. They were given no more weapons than what they had taken from the armory and were only given radios that were to be used for receiving orders from their commander. That commander was a brute by the name of Jack Krauser, who greeted the crowd with a grunt.

Also accompanying them was SPECTRE, the Umbrella agent who had been present in the training facility, though he had just as little to say as Krauser. That left Annette to speak to the group, her voice raised to speak over the droning of the elevator.

"This is not a covert operation," she said, resolutely. "If we do not stop this assault here and now, we can not guarantee the protection of our assets, and that includes all of you now. Our enemy has armed men who will want to hurt you. They have superpowered individuals who will defy your expectations. People who can fly... people who have superhuman strength. Do you understand now why you're all so important? Many of you are capable of great miracles and feats, so use them for us and win this."

When Annette was finished, the moving platform shuddered to a stop. The group was deposited into a large area where multiple armored vehicles sat waiting. They were grouped into two of the vehicles that were to drive out side-by-side as Annette reminded them one last time that they had no choice in this matter, not if they wanted to live. Umbrella would shut down their bodies were they to disobey, making them easy to kill if needed. "If you attempt to leave the battle or attack on of our own, we will not hesitate to put you down."

The armored vehicles left any occupants besides the driver blind, so no one could gather what the situation was as the vehicles left the facility. They could hear sounds of distant explosions, so the fighting couldn't have been far away. This was soon proven correct when, after only a few minutes, the vehicles stopped and the group was ordered to get out.

They were ushered into the light, where a gray sky overlooked a broken and weary city landscape. Crumbling buildings stood all around, shaking with every crack of an explosion that echoed all around. Umbrella fighters were yelling, running past the group in what appeared to be organized retreats.

"Woah, now!" Adam exclaimed. "Is this a joke? The fuck are they running in the opposite direction for?!"

Krauser took his sweet time in responding, stepping out of the vehicle and fixing his gaze on the fighting going on at the end of the dilapidated road. "... They're pushing you guys up at to the front. Umbrella doesn't want to waste any more of their precious experiments on the fighting. It's you guys who are expendable, after all."

"Aren't you out of your goddamn mind, huh?"

Krauser looked back at Adam and snorted. "I follow orders. Now come on, before Umbrella decides you're not worth it."


"So this is where you'll drop us off..." Riesbyfe said, glaring at Krauser, "Whatever you force me to end up doing out there on the battlefield, on my honor as a knight, I promise you that I'll find a way to pay you back double, villain."

"Scary, scary," SPECTRE spoke sarcastically, before shoving Riesbyfe forward in order to get her moving. He did the same to everyone who also didn't move immediately, before the vehicle was successfully emptied out, "Now. Do your job. And if you live through it, then maybe we'll give you a pat on the head. Alright? Alright, let's go. Our enemy waits for no man."

"And who exactly is this enemy anyway? At least tell us their names."

"They, feisty woman, are known as S.H.I.E.L.D., and they've been a thorn in our side for far too long. You don't need to know any more than that, though, right? So get a move on."

With that, with the vehicle successfully emptied out, SPECTRE and Krauser led the charge, everyone else in unwilling tow behind. As the other Umbrella soldiers continued pulling out, what, or more specifically who, they were running from came into everyone's line of sight. Among who appeared to be agents of the organization they were dispatched to fight, evidently called "S.H.I.E.L.D.," four individuals with rather distinctive appearances were seen in the distance, finishing up a battle with any Umbrella agents who were foolhardy enough to not retreat with the rest of their pack, one being a man clad in an armored iron suit, another with almost medieval-esqe armor and a red cape, another with an odd red skin-tight suit, and another with a dark blue suit and a shield with a white star on it, adorned with the pattern of America's colors.

As the group drew near, the four individuals took notice of everyone, giving you all odd looks, as though they hadn't expected anyone like the group to show up.


The armored man's helmet opened up, revealing a mustached man underneath, who turned to his allies.


"Shakespeare in the park, anyone? These guys don't really scream evil megalomaniac bioterrorist if you ask me," he said, "Think we can reason with 'em? I think I could talk some of the ladies into dinner, at least."

"... Everywhere I go, it's like men always want something from me. How depressing..." Riesbyfe sighed, clearly not looking forward to this at all.

"Hold on, Tony."


The man in the blue suit held a more serious expression, gazing at everyone as though they were like wild animals. "Those get-ups and weapons... I think I know where they come from. That plan Umbrella had to reach through other dimensions to get their cronies must have actually worked," he uttered, clutching his shield tightly.

"This is bad. If they managed to pull off reaching their hands across dimensional planes, who knows what these people might be able to do?"


"... Cool. Great. Awesome. This isn't worrying at all," the man in the darker red suit said, pursing his lips slightly. It seemed that was all he had to contribute to the exchange.


The blonde man let out a hearty chuckle, in contrast quite amused by the appearance of the group, as though he were eager to do battle once more.

"Whatever the case, perhaps they will at least prove to be more of a challenge than what they've thrown at us before. I grow bored of ordinary humans and their laughable machines to do the fighting for them."

"... Thanks," the man named Tony shot back.

"Listen, hold on a minute! We don't--" Riesbyfe began, but by then, the blonde man raised his weapon, a hammer, and from there, thunder began to crackle.


"With the power of mighty Mjolnir, I, Mighty Thor, God of Thunder, shall be your opponent! Face us if you dare, or surrender now!"

On top of the man's words, the sounds of thunder and lightning quickly drowned out Riesbyfe's words as the winds in the air grew more and more powerful, almost as powerful as a tornado, before the man slammed his hammer into the ground, causing a massive shockwave that threatened to knock everyone off their feet if they weren't careful. There was no choice now but to fight.

// Tag @Atomyk to fight Iron Man and Captain America, and tag @Verite for Thor and Ant-Man.

@Minerva @Yun Lee @Sen @Jeremi @Takumi @Krieg @TheMythicThird @Gummi Bunnies @Crow @CCC Kouhai @Josh M @DBZ7 @penguin055 @Bomb @TheColourlessRainbow @Archwar @Hana @Crimson Spartan @thatguyinthestore @C.T. @The Myrmidon @LuckycoolHawk9 @CrunchyCHEEZIT @Cilin Hosan @MetalNova @Kaide` @Mason Moretti @Mami Tomoe @Vyzwx @Nater Taters @Verite @TheTechnologicVampire @york @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Hospes @Cromartie Sarkissian @Kaykay @Yang Lee @Otto @Gands @Darkseide @Hachiro Terra @Azuremoon

So this was that those people wanted them to fight.

Men in strange suits.

But he would see that they were powerful, and that they were going to be standing in the way of home for now.
He was not allowed to leave the battle, nor turn around and attack the ones who had brought him here. And worse, they had instantly been brought to the front to save their own men. They had said they could be tossed aside - they were powerful but not important enough for them. Alucard had time to worry about later, but for now, he turned to focus on man wielding lightning. His hammer seemed to be a conduit, he looked like someone from Leon Belmont's time. The sparks that flickered off from the hammer were powerful on its own, imagine being struck by one.
His eyes flickered to the side for a moment. Many seemed to be focusing on this hammer man's partner.

Then if so...


Following Road's words, Alucard summoned his spear, swiftly charging - flying - forward with it, its tip shining with energy
@Azuremoon @Hana @Verite @Thorfighters​

"I do not wish to fight these men, but it appears I have to." The princess clenched her hand into a fist at seeing the strangely dressed opponents, the Umbrella's own men running away from them. They didn't look like they were evil or had malicious intent, but they had to fight them? Such rotten men these people from Umbrella were, but Hakuei and her allies had no choice. It was either kill or be killed, and she had no intention of leaving her brother Hakuryuu without his older sister.

And they had powers that were more than just a bit worrisome. She noticed Alucard turning his attention to the blond with the hammer that crackled with lightning. Almost like a Djinn vessel, it can have an element to manipulate? The princess tsked, a bit worried at how early she was going to have to use Paimon. Alucard was powerful, but she didn't want to leave him to fight Thor on his own. He and Road, as well as Cagliostro, were comrades now.

"The Spirit of Maniacal Love and Chaos,
I order thine ancestors,
To use my Magoi to give me power.
Come Out, Paimon!"


Thank goodness I have trained for this moment. There had been a time when she still had trouble doing a full Djinn equip. Grabbing her spear in both hands, she surged upwards in the air to back Alucard up, sending a surge of wind to nip at his heels and speed up his attack. Afterwards, she raised her spear and summoned a succession of whirlwinds to attack both Thor and Ant-Man. In her full equip, her tornadoes were much more empowered, but she had yet to see if she had to use Magul Al-Hazard, a large whirlwind that was quite destructive.

Her Extreme Magic was out of the question - there were too many possible casualties and she didn't want that.

@Sen @Azuremoon @Verite

Last edited:
The first thing to reach Thor ended up being one that even caught him by surprise and quickly wiped the smug exterior off his face; Clark's sheer speed blitzing him through the nearest building where he landed on the other side of the ground. Though his godly durability made sure he ended up okay ultimately, that was not a blow that the God of Thunder took lightly, the blonde man wiping his face off as he stood his ground again.


"... Alright. Maybe this might be a mild challenge..." He muttered, clutching his trusty hammer tightly. As all the others who wished to challenge him seemed to follow suit, he prepared himself for battle again, quickly analyzing his surroundings and taking note of what the ideal strategy would be.

The god easily enough blocked every bullet that came his way from Shirou and Miku with his metal vambraces, as though he were able to see them coming decently well. For the moment, his main concern seemed to be Clark. Faster than a speeding bullet, he really was, but first, he needed to get these flies out of the way. Or so he'd believed. As Cagliostro's magic did its work, putting immense pressure on Thor, the god found himself hardly able to move. It was quite the sticky situation, but if this wasn't something he was able to handle, then he wouldn't be able to call himself mighty.

"I know not what black magic you possess, fiend, but by the power of Mjolnir..."

Mustering as much strength as he could to resist the Collapse spell, Thor raised his hammer and slammed it into the ground, creating another mighty shockwave that rocked the area around, once again with the intention of sending everyone on the ground off-balance and interfering with their focus.



But he was far from done yet.

"I will best you all!"

From the smokescreen he'd generated with the debris, Thor swooped in from the side at godly speeds, smashing his hammer into Clark's side and hoping to send his body flying straight at Shirou and Miku, before focusing his attention on Cagliostro next, as he'd generate lightning with his hammer and cast it, firing a bolt right at the alchemist!

@Josh M @Crow @Sen @Kaykay @Kaide` @ThorFight

Whether out of curiosity while examining his enemies or a deadpan way of realizing he was probably, to put it in crude terms, boned, Ant-Man could only silently purse his lips, before directing his attention first at Ada, the closest one to him. He raised an arm up, as though to wave at her.


"Hi, I'm Scott! Don't believe we've met, though... I guess you're supposed to know me as Ant-Man here. And before you ask, no, I didn't come up with that name, alright?"

When she had drawn her knife, however, his tone quickly changed, the man raising both arms defensively and backing away from her slowly.

"Alright, alright, look. I'm warning you right now, this doesn't have to end badly for any of us, 'cause let me tell ya, it'll really smart when you get me going. I mean, I'm a dangerous guy, y'know. And I'm clearly not beneath hurting a lady if I--Oh, son of a--!"

While the man seemed much more interested in talking, he was caught off guard when Domon went in without a word. The lucky first punch managed to connect and send him stumbling back, though he quickly recovered, raising his arms to block and evade Domon's flurry, bobbing his head around like a boxer. He waited for the right opportunity, and then...


Gathering his bearings quickly, Ant-Man countered a punch Domon would throw, grabbing his extended arm and turning around, before performing a shoulder throw and slamming the Gundam pilot into the ground! Feeling confidence well up with that brief display of close-quarters-combat, he looked upon the others who intended to fight with him, putting up his dukes and clenching his fists tightly like a street brawler.

"Oh, hell yeah, I'm the man. And it only took a woman to teach me how to do that. Alright! Who's next, huh? Who wants--"


Ant-Man stopped mid-sentence as Twisted Fate's cards exploded in front of him, sending his body flying a few feet away! Hitting the grass with a loud grunt, he gritted his teeth, shaking his head. "Ow... Goddammit," he grunted, looking up at Twisted Fate continuing to throw cards, Alice charging right at him, and Naomi pointing her gun at him. He wasn't used to being surrounded like this, but hey, if he was gonna prove his worth as an Avenger, he needed to show that this was a walk in the park!

Not that he exactly intended to be on the same level as Thor.


With that, scrambling to put what appeared to be a metal helmet on, Ant-Man quickly pressed what seemed to be a button in his hand, and with that, it was as though his body disappeared, practically disappearing within the blades of grass beneath everyone.

It was nigh impossible to ascertain where he had gone for everyone around, though his body didn't remain missing for very long, exactly.


An extremely minuscule figure hopped on top of Naomi's gun, and ran along its length, before then making its way onto the woman's shoulder, and leaping towards her face, where it delivered what felt like a hard hook punch toward her, knocking her a few feet away! With that, the man's body appeared once more, standing just a few inches away from where Naomi once was, looking before everyone.

"See? Told ya I'm a dangerous guy! But you didn't--Oh, shit," he began, before finding himself unable to even finish talking as Ali thrust his sword toward his groin and Alice began charging at him, prompting him to do the most logical thing.

Run away.

"Screw it all, I am so not cut out for being a real Avenger!" Ant-Man exclaimed as he turned tail, "And why are there civilians?! What kind of people are you to drag civilians into this place?!"

@Otto @Yun Lee @Archwar @Mason Moretti @Minerva @penguin055 @AntManFight
'Wow! Country-bumpkin isn't playing around!'

This internal dialogue spun through the Noah's head before a grin took over her expression-

She knew she'd sensed something extraordinary in him. Time to get on his good side. The amber eyes of the girl spun around the battlefield and examined her allies. Country-bumpkin needed immediate assistance, but she had a vocal obligation to Alley and little-Haku. Now though, she wanted to be on Clark's good side as well. Whatever. Worst case scenario, she might actually get shot through the skyscrape like a reverse meteorite. Finally, with an exhale of breath, the girl acted.

A white doorway, accented in black appeared beside her, and as soon as she saw Thor begin to go for Clark, she'd already entered it. Her job in any fight was to be a hassle for opponents and give her allies the most formidable trump card. She appeared by Clark, exactly five feet away, and without a wasted moment both of them flickered. The world around Clark would be melted down to a black sky accented with purple clouds and a checkered floor, and her voice would fill the void in the instant the Kryptonian was there.

"When you return, blondie will be right under you, hit him hard, Country-bumpkin."

Clark's visage should've vanished right as Thor swung his hammer.

Just like that Road returned to her original location, but... worse for ware. What was wrong with this world!? She stumbled back through her Door - her head pounding and a stream of blood trailing from a nostril, yet again. No rest for the support, though. Road fell back, and her parasol caught her and then carried her towards Alley and little-Haku again. Obviously, using Door wasn't an option yet. Maybe her body hadn't come accustom to drawing on the Ark from another universe yet. She felt if she did that again, it would render her unconscious. She'd have to do her best to stay close so she could draw her comrades into her 'Dream' without a 'Door'.

@Verite @Josh M @Sen @Hana @Welcome to the Thunderdome b****
Naomi Kimishima

@Kaide` @Yun Lee @Verite @Otto @Archwar @Minerva @penguin055 #AntFight #Girl Squad

Naomi collapsed to the ground and dropped her gun. Her hand flew to her face and she felt warm drops of blood. She took a deep breath and put all her focus into remaining calm.

She had seen blood at crime scenes plenty of times before. However, it had never been her own.

Blood, at a crime scene...

As she watched Ant-Man run off, she knew rhat she couldn't let him just get away. Fighting through the pain, she forces herself to grab the pistol and give chase.

As she followed, she notoced blood, whether her own drawn from the force of Scott's punch or Scott's blood drawn from ally attacks. She reached into her bag of forensic tricks and pulled out a bottle of luminol spray.

"Luminol... It reacts with iron in the blood. A dose of this, and even if he shrinks to his miniscule size again, he should be a glowing blue target." Naomi does her best to spray Ant-Man with Luminol, and hopes that there's enough blood to gain a reaction.

Or at the very least, that Ant-Man's suit has some components of iron.

"NAOMI!!" Alice called out to her colleague in horror, then turned back to Ant-Man, teeth bared in the same way they'd been when she had tried to escape the observation room earlier.

"YOU COWARD!! GET BACK HERE AND FINISH WHAT YOU STARTED, YOU PUNY SPINELESS ANT!!!!" Nothing was more despicable than a coward. To hit someone, then run when in danger?! He was no better than the bug he paraded as!

And that bug deserved to be squashed.

Alice initiated ASURA-6's immobile form, lifting into the air to shoot Beams at the fleeing Ant-Man.

@Otto @Verite @Archwar @Mason Moretti @Minerva @penguin055 @AntManFight
The first thing to reach Thor ended up being one that even caught him by surprise and quickly wiped the smug exterior off his face; Clark's sheer speed blitzing him through the nearest building where he landed on the other side of the ground. Though his godly durability made sure he ended up okay ultimately, that was not a blow that the God of Thunder took lightly, the blonde man wiping his face off as he stood his ground again.


"... Alright. Maybe this might be a mild challenge..." He muttered, clutching his trusty hammer tightly. As all the others who wished to challenge him seemed to follow suit, he prepared himself for battle again, quickly analyzing his surroundings and taking note of what the ideal strategy would be.

The god easily enough blocked every bullet that came his way from Shirou and Miku with his metal vambraces, as though he were able to see them coming decently well. For the moment, his main concern seemed to be Clark. Faster than a speeding bullet, he really was, but first, he needed to get these flies out of the way. Or so he'd believed. As Cagliostro's magic did its work, putting immense pressure on Thor, the god found himself hardly able to move. It was quite the sticky situation, but if this wasn't something he was able to handle, then he wouldn't be able to call himself mighty.

"I know not what black magic you possess, fiend, but by the power of Mjolnir..."

Mustering as much strength as he could to resist the Collapse spell, Thor raised his hammer and slammed it into the ground, creating another mighty shockwave that rocked the area around, once again with the intention of sending everyone on the ground off-balance and interfering with their focus.



But he was far from done yet.

"I will best you all!"

From the smokescreen he'd generated with the debris, Thor swooped in from the side at godly speeds, smashing his hammer into Clark's side and hoping to send his body flying straight at Shirou and Miku, before focusing his attention on Cagliostro next, as he'd generate lightning with his hammer and cast it, firing a bolt right at the alchemist!

@Josh M @Crow @Sen @Kaykay @Kaide` @ThorFight

Whether out of curiosity while examining his enemies or a deadpan way of realizing he was probably, to put it in crude terms, boned, Ant-Man could only silently purse his lips, before directing his attention first at Ada, the closest one to him. He raised an arm up, as though to wave at her.


"Hi, I'm Scott! Don't believe we've met, though... I guess you're supposed to know me as Ant-Man here. And before you ask, no, I didn't come up with that name, alright?"

When she had drawn her knife, however, his tone quickly changed, the man raising both arms defensively and backing away from her slowly.

"Alright, alright, look. I'm warning you right now, this doesn't have to end badly for any of us, 'cause let me tell ya, it'll really smart when you get me going. I mean, I'm a dangerous guy, y'know. And I'm clearly not beneath hurting a lady if I--Oh, son of a--!"

While the man seemed much more interested in talking, he was caught off guard when Domon went in without a word. The lucky first punch managed to connect and send him stumbling back, though he quickly recovered, raising his arms to block and evade Domon's flurry, bobbing his head around like a boxer. He waited for the right opportunity, and then...


Gathering his bearings quickly, Ant-Man countered a punch Domon would throw, grabbing his extended arm and turning around, before performing a shoulder throw and slamming the Gundam pilot into the ground! Feeling confidence well up with that brief display of close-quarters-combat, he looked upon the others who intended to fight with him, putting up his dukes and clenching his fists tightly like a street brawler.

"Oh, hell yeah, I'm the man. And it only took a woman to teach me how to do that. Alright! Who's next, huh? Who wants--"


Ant-Man stopped mid-sentence as Twisted Fate's cards exploded in front of him, sending his body flying a few feet away! Hitting the grass with a loud grunt, he gritted his teeth, shaking his head. "Ow... Goddammit," he grunted, looking up at Twisted Fate continuing to throw cards, Alice charging right at him, and Naomi pointing her gun at him. He wasn't used to being surrounded like this, but hey, if he was gonna prove his worth as an Avenger, he needed to show that this was a walk in the park!

Not that he exactly intended to be on the same level as Thor.


With that, scrambling to put what appeared to be a metal helmet on, Ant-Man quickly pressed what seemed to be a button in his hand, and with that, it was as though his body disappeared, practically disappearing within the blades of grass beneath everyone.

It was nigh impossible to ascertain where he had gone for everyone around, though his body didn't remain missing for very long, exactly.


An extremely minuscule figure hopped on top of Naomi's gun, and ran along its length, before then making its way onto the woman's shoulder, and leaping towards her face, where it delivered what felt like a hard hook punch toward her, knocking her a few feet away! With that, the man's body appeared once more, standing just a few inches away from where Naomi once was, looking before everyone.

"See? Told ya I'm a dangerous guy! But you didn't--Oh, shit," he began, before finding himself unable to even finish talking as Ali thrust his sword toward his groin and Alice began charging at him, prompting him to do the most logical thing.

Run away.

"Screw it all, I am so not cut out for being a real Avenger!" Ant-Man exclaimed as he turned tail, "And why are there civilians?! What kind of people are you to drag civilians into this place?!"

@Otto @Yun Lee @Archwar @Mason Moretti @Minerva @penguin055 @AntManFight
"Hmmph." Ada chuckled at herself. That outcome was quite unexpected. Seeing Ant-Man run off, Ada tucked the knife back into her shoe. She took the crossbow from off around her shoulders and loaded a bolt into it. She took aim near the fleeing Ant-Man, hoping to use it as a warning shot.

@LuckycoolHawk9 @Yun Lee @Mason Moretti @Archwar @Otto @Antmanfight
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The first thing to reach Thor ended up being one that even caught him by surprise and quickly wiped the smug exterior off his face; Clark's sheer speed blitzing him through the nearest building where he landed on the other side of the ground. Though his godly durability made sure he ended up okay ultimately, that was not a blow that the God of Thunder took lightly, the blonde man wiping his face off as he stood his ground again.


"... Alright. Maybe this might be a mild challenge..." He muttered, clutching his trusty hammer tightly. As all the others who wished to challenge him seemed to follow suit, he prepared himself for battle again, quickly analyzing his surroundings and taking note of what the ideal strategy would be.

The god easily enough blocked every bullet that came his way from Shirou and Miku with his metal vambraces, as though he were able to see them coming decently well. For the moment, his main concern seemed to be Clark. Faster than a speeding bullet, he really was, but first, he needed to get these flies out of the way. Or so he'd believed. As Cagliostro's magic did its work, putting immense pressure on Thor, the god found himself hardly able to move. It was quite the sticky situation, but if this wasn't something he was able to handle, then he wouldn't be able to call himself mighty.

"I know not what black magic you possess, fiend, but by the power of Mjolnir..."

Mustering as much strength as he could to resist the Collapse spell, Thor raised his hammer and slammed it into the ground, creating another mighty shockwave that rocked the area around, once again with the intention of sending everyone on the ground off-balance and interfering with their focus.



But he was far from done yet.

"I will best you all!"

From the smokescreen he'd generated with the debris, Thor swooped in from the side at godly speeds, smashing his hammer into Clark's side and hoping to send his body flying straight at Shirou and Miku, before focusing his attention on Cagliostro next, as he'd generate lightning with his hammer and cast it, firing a bolt right at the alchemist!

@Josh M @Crow @Sen @Kaykay @Kaide` @ThorFight

Shirou clicked his tongue as Thor effortlessly blocked his bullets. Another freak who could shrug off bullets, huh? That was annoying. Seriously annoying. Inhuman monsters that defied reason.

Though, after taking over a Holy Relic, he had to say that he was the same.

Even as the ground quaked beneath him, Shirou seemed unhindered. His footing remained stable, not making any obvious visible effort to regain balance. As Clark came flying, he deftly stepped aside. If it was going to be this kind of battle, then he'd simply follow suit. This wasn't going to be a battle between humans. Shirou put away his pistol and stood up straight.


The second level of the Ewigkeit formula. Chains began to surround his body, focusing around his right arm.

And then he was gone.

With superhuman speed and strength, his fist flew forth towards the God of Thunder's face.

@Josh M @Crow @Sen @Verite @Kaide` @Gands

"I do not wish to fight these men, but it appears I have to." The princess clenched her hand into a fist at seeing the strangely dressed opponents, the Umbrella's own men running away from them. They didn't look like they were evil or had malicious intent, but they had to fight them? Such rotten men these people from Umbrella were, but Hakuei and her allies had no choice. It was either kill or be killed, and she had no intention of leaving her brother Hakuryuu without his older sister.

And they had powers that were more than just a bit worrisome. She noticed Alucard turning his attention to the blond with the hammer that crackled with lightning. Almost like a Djinn vessel, it can have an element to manipulate? The princess tsked, a bit worried at how early she was going to have to use Paimon. Alucard was powerful, but she didn't want to leave him to fight Thor on his own. He and Road, as well as Cagliostro, were comrades now.

"The Spirit of Maniacal Love and Chaos,
I order thine ancestors,
To use my Magoi to give me power.
Come Out, Paimon!"


Thank goodness I have trained for this moment. There had been a time when she still had trouble doing a full Djinn equip. Grabbing her spear in both hands, she surged upwards in the air to back Alucard up, sending a surge of wind to nip at his heels and speed up his attack. Afterwards, she raised her spear and summoned a succession of whirlwinds to attack both Thor and Ant-Man. In her full equip, her tornadoes were much more empowered, but she had yet to see if she had to use Magul Al-Hazard, a large whirlwind that was quite destructive.

Her Extreme Magic was out of the question - there were too many possible casualties and she didn't want that.

@Sen @Azuremoon @Verite

'Wow! Country-bumpkin isn't playing around!'

This internal dialogue spun through the Noah's head before a grin took over her expression-

She knew she'd sensed something extraordinary in him. Time to get on his good side. The amber eyes of the girl spun around the battlefield and examined her allies. Country-bumpkin needed immediate assistance, but she had a vocal obligation to Alley and little-Haku. Now though, she wanted to be on Clark's good side as well. Whatever. Worst case scenario, she might actually get shot through the skyscrape like a reverse meteorite. Finally, with an exhale of breath, the girl acted.

A white doorway, accented in black appeared beside her, and as soon as she saw Thor begin to go for Clark, she'd already entered it. Her job in any fight was to be a hassle for opponents and give her allies the most formidable trump card. She appeared by Clark, exactly five feet away, and without a wasted moment both of them flickered. The world around Clark would be melted down to a black sky accented with purple clouds and a checkered floor, and her voice would fill the void in the instant the Kryptonian was there.

"When you return, blondie will be right under you, hit him hard, Country-bumpkin."

Clark's visage should've vanished right as Thor swung his hammer.

Just like that Road returned to her original location, but... worse for ware. What was wrong with this world!? She stumbled back through her Door - her head pounding and a stream of blood trailing from a nostril, yet again. No rest for the support, though. Road fell back, and her parasol caught her and then carried her towards Alley and little-Haku again. Obviously, using Door wasn't an option yet. Maybe her body hadn't come accustom to drawing on the Ark from another universe yet. She felt if she did that again, it would render her unconscious. She'd have to do her best to stay close so she could draw her comrades into her 'Dream' without a 'Door'.

@Verite @Josh M @Sen @Hana @Welcome to the Thunderdome b****


"It's called alchemy, highly advanced alchemy," Cagliostro speaks to Thor, "let's test this power of Mjolnir of yours... show me what you have!"

Cagliostro then proceeds to use Hakuei's whirlwinds as cover against Thor's lightning strike that was prepared to target her.

Afterwards, Cagliostro decides to analyse Thor's movements for a good time to strike hard and evade, possibly a good time to activate her signature attack as well...

@Verite @Josh M @Crow @Sen @Hana @Azuremoon @Kaykay @Kaide` @ThorFight
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Little Guy

@Bomb @Atomyk
@The Myrmidon @Crimson Spartan @Hachiro Terra @york @Darkseide @Takumi #CapFight

Navel hears Steve's words and offers a response, "Our lives are in danger if we don't fight! If you really want us to not get hurt, then stand down!"

Little Guy's sentence is punctuated by gunshots aimed at Steve and an expression on his face filled with melancholy and remorse for his actions. Both of these should be visible to Doremi.


"Please stop! There is no need to fight!" Doremi would cry out.

@The Myrmidon @Crimson Spartan @Hachiro Terra @york @Darkseide @Takumi @Mason Moretti
"This is about your lives. Make this easier on yourselves and stand down!" he yelled from behind the car. "We don't want to kill a third party, but if you continue to fight, you put your lives in danger!" The car was slammed upward, where it was propelled through the air and toward Schala. Steve then ran tot he next car and slammed his shield into it, knocking it in Penny's direction.​
Seeing a car flying at you is not something you really want to see at all. Especially when it's moving really fast. Right before it struck him, he'd vanish, then reappear where he had been standing. He'd turn to look at the wreckage of the car, then over to Steve.
"Are you serious? You're willingly attacking an unarmed person? I am not sending you a Christmas Card this year"​
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"Please stop! There is no need to fight!" Doremi would cry out.

@The Myrmidon @Crimson Spartan @Hachiro Terra @york @Darkseide @Takumi @Mason Moretti

Little Guy

@Atomyk @Bomb @Crimson Spartan @Darkseide @Hachiro Terra @The Myrmidon @Takumi @york

Navel sighed and lowered his weapon. He turned to Doremi and said, "You're right, Doremi. I don't eant to be fighting these people either. Right now we're in a warzone, but that doesn't make it right. Maybe we should just stop fighting..."

"Who ever said anything about sympathy--"

Steve cut himself off when Joshua ran at him with a speed the man didn't possess a moment before. He attempted to dance out of the way of the slash with a small jump to the right, but Joshua got his leg nonetheless. With an angry grunt, he continued his turn and spun in a circle so that he was in a position to possibly impact Joshua from behind and send him flying.

Jabbers was quick on the draw, but Steve completed one more spin for the Bullet Punch to impact only his shield. He threw his arm out to knock the Pokemon back.

It was then that one of Jaffar's daggers would have found their mark and stab into Steve, though this only earned a roar of anger from the supersoldier. He struck out at Jaffar with his shield at a force strong enough to break bones, but thankfully Lucio's shield protected Jaffar from the moment, bouncing off Cap's shield. The force staggered him backward, but this placed him at a distance from the other. When Schala's attack lightning began to dance around him, Steve made a run for an abandoned car, hiding behind it while the magic attack passed over.

"This is about your lives. Make this easier on yourselves and stand down!" he yelled from behind the car. "We don't want to kill a third party, but if you continue to fight, you put your lives in danger!" The car was slammed upward, where it was propelled through the air and toward Schala. Steve then ran tot he next car and slammed his shield into it, knocking it in Penny's direction. Steve then jumped backward, landing on the hood of a third car and tossing his shield expertly at Jaffar.

@The Myrmidon @Crimson Spartan @Takumi @Bomb @Hachiro Terra @Yang Lee @Mason Moretti @york @Darkseide
Schala Zeal
@The Myrmidon @Crimson Spartan @Takumi @Bomb @Hachiro Terra @Yang Lee @Mason Moretti @Atomyk @Darkseide
@Cap/Ironman Fight

Schala faltered at Cap's words... She so desperately wanted to cease fighting, to resolve things peacefully... But every time that thought entered her head, she felt a sharp pain from that rough area in her head that dastardly chip had been inserted.

As the supersoldier sent a car hurtling towards her... She hesitated for a moment, wondering if she should let this be the end of her... If she should just give up right here and now, rather than have to further endure the torment of continuing this fight.

However, at the last possible moment, she appeared to act out of instinct more than anything... Suddenly imbuing her own body with some sort of magical energy, and giving herself a short interval of "haste", allowing her to move out of the way in the nigh of time, just before that car would crush her.

The worst part about it all was that her opponent wanted them to stand down as well... And while she couldn't tell for certain if it was out of concern for them, it just made it all the harder to continue fighting.

She dropped her hands for just a brief moment, before another sharp pain in her head caused her to clutch it in pain...

"I... Can't..." She hissed softly between gritted teeth.

It was apparent that as much as she wanted to, Schala just couldn't stand down, at least not without that chip hindering her.

Part of her wanted to die... So this could all just come to an end... But yet, another part of her wanted to live... No matter what she had to do to stay alive.

Eventually... She conceded, raising her hands once again as she prepared another attack... This time, an icy breeze seemed to permeate the aire as she prepared for another area of effect attack.

Though once again, she would be left open as she cast her spell... If she was able to complete the process... A torrent of ice would rain down from the sky, roughly aimed at Cap.

Interestingly enough, it would cover about the same radius that her previous lightning attack did...​
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Twisted Fate wasn't too happy with being caged up like an animal again. For the entirety of the ride, he said nothing and his face was dark. When he was commanded to get out of the vehicle, he paused a moment and began foreseeing copious amounts of danger. During this brief moment of thinking, SPECTRE shoved him forward. He turned around and had an overwhelming desire to throw a bunch of wild cards at his face. Instead, he calmed himself and kept moving. Resistance meant instant death.

He was glad to see that some of their 'enemies' were somewhat reasonable. However, he was greatly disappointed when Thor ruined any chance of negotiation.


When the fight began, he prepared some cards. He yelled out so his 'enemies' could hear him over the all the noise.

"Listen, we ain't fightin' you guys because we want to. Remember that."

@Atomyk @Verite

He would speak to Jinx, Ali, and Kujou.

"Ali, lead the charge. Jinx and I will support you from afar. Kujou..."

There was a pause.

"Just stay out of it."

@MetalNova @Archwar @C.T.

"Aw, we just got started," I grumbled as we got shoved into a elevator and forced into two vans after a explanation that 'S.H.I.E.L.D' was attacking them. As the lady yapped on, I glared in hopes of melting her face off. As expected, it didn't work.

Once we were forced into the vans, we went on our way. Fate was silent and wore a grim expression to display his distaste for Umbrella. Me? I tormented the driver with puns. However, it diminished as the sounds of warfare grew closer and I steeled myself for war.

Ironic that I pledged to protect humanity after some time when I obtained my immortality and yet me and the others have slain humans and their mutated cousins because they were a threat. Now the skills I've collected over the years were now being used to further a shady corporation's goals.

When the vans stopped and we stepped out, I saw the grunts retreating and smiled. Umbrella must be losing the war then and in a act of desperation, pulled us from our homes. That's good. It meant I could tell the other side what's going on if I carefully tiptoed around my 'commanders' whose balls I shall soon grab and rip off.

Then four men came out and I raised a eyebrow at their outfit. They looked so familiar, like superheroes from old movies I used to watch. Oh well, whatever the case the lighting dude fancying himself after the Norse god of thunder sent a shockwave. I reflexively looked up and felt my very being tear apart, cloth, skin, and organs flaking away and being engulfed in a gray mist accompanied by a sizzle-crackle sound.

Another sizzle-crackle popped just a few feet above the shockwave itself and even when I was still reforming, I could feel my feet vibrate from the force. Wow, Thor was quite electrifying wasn't he?

I landed next to Fate who was already giving commands. I chuckled. He already saw himself as the leader of our little alliance? Couldn't disagree more! But given the chaos that was already happening, I nodded my head in respect and turned my head to observe the battle.

A lot of people were already fighting the men in red iron and blue uniform. That left the last one in a red suit and Thor who seemed ready to fight a woman wearing some questionable clothing and had six... beam swords?

Overkill much.

"Let's help out beam lady over there," I pointed and jumped into Ant Man's vision.


I smiled and bowed.

"Forgive us for fighting against you. If we don't, bad things happen to us," I told him, being only loud enough for him and the others in this fight to hear."And please, don't try to harm the black-haired girl," I threw my head to Kujou,"she's a civilian forced to fight against her well as are we. Now Mr. Red, let us fight."

The leather hissed as I pulled out my blades and bent my knees, holding my scimitar back while the straightsword was out front. Granted, this guy was likely to fight with powers rather than blades, but better to make him think I was just a regular swordsman.

@Otto @C.T. @MetalNova @Kaide` @Mason Moretti @Yang Lee @Crow @Verite @Tone 6th @Thor&Antman fight
The first thing to reach Thor ended up being one that even caught him by surprise and quickly wiped the smug exterior off his face; Clark's sheer speed blitzing him through the nearest building where he landed on the other side of the ground. Though his godly durability made sure he ended up okay ultimately, that was not a blow that the God of Thunder took lightly, the blonde man wiping his face off as he stood his ground again.


"... Alright. Maybe this might be a mild challenge..." He muttered, clutching his trusty hammer tightly. As all the others who wished to challenge him seemed to follow suit, he prepared himself for battle again, quickly analyzing his surroundings and taking note of what the ideal strategy would be.

The god easily enough blocked every bullet that came his way from Shirou and Miku with his metal vambraces, as though he were able to see them coming decently well. For the moment, his main concern seemed to be Clark. Faster than a speeding bullet, he really was, but first, he needed to get these flies out of the way. Or so he'd believed. As Cagliostro's magic did its work, putting immense pressure on Thor, the god found himself hardly able to move. It was quite the sticky situation, but if this wasn't something he was able to handle, then he wouldn't be able to call himself mighty.

"I know not what black magic you possess, fiend, but by the power of Mjolnir..."

Mustering as much strength as he could to resist the Collapse spell, Thor raised his hammer and slammed it into the ground, creating another mighty shockwave that rocked the area around, once again with the intention of sending everyone on the ground off-balance and interfering with their focus.



But he was far from done yet.

"I will best you all!"

From the smokescreen he'd generated with the debris, Thor swooped in from the side at godly speeds, smashing his hammer into Clark's side and hoping to send his body flying straight at Shirou and Miku, before focusing his attention on Cagliostro next, as he'd generate lightning with his hammer and cast it, firing a bolt right at the alchemist!

@Josh M @Crow @Sen @Kaykay @Kaide` @ThorFight

Whether out of curiosity while examining his enemies or a deadpan way of realizing he was probably, to put it in crude terms, boned, Ant-Man could only silently purse his lips, before directing his attention first at Ada, the closest one to him. He raised an arm up, as though to wave at her.


"Hi, I'm Scott! Don't believe we've met, though... I guess you're supposed to know me as Ant-Man here. And before you ask, no, I didn't come up with that name, alright?"

When she had drawn her knife, however, his tone quickly changed, the man raising both arms defensively and backing away from her slowly.

"Alright, alright, look. I'm warning you right now, this doesn't have to end badly for any of us, 'cause let me tell ya, it'll really smart when you get me going. I mean, I'm a dangerous guy, y'know. And I'm clearly not beneath hurting a lady if I--Oh, son of a--!"

While the man seemed much more interested in talking, he was caught off guard when Domon went in without a word. The lucky first punch managed to connect and send him stumbling back, though he quickly recovered, raising his arms to block and evade Domon's flurry, bobbing his head around like a boxer. He waited for the right opportunity, and then...


Gathering his bearings quickly, Ant-Man countered a punch Domon would throw, grabbing his extended arm and turning around, before performing a shoulder throw and slamming the Gundam pilot into the ground! Feeling confidence well up with that brief display of close-quarters-combat, he looked upon the others who intended to fight with him, putting up his dukes and clenching his fists tightly like a street brawler.

"Oh, hell yeah, I'm the man. And it only took a woman to teach me how to do that. Alright! Who's next, huh? Who wants--"


Ant-Man stopped mid-sentence as Twisted Fate's cards exploded in front of him, sending his body flying a few feet away! Hitting the grass with a loud grunt, he gritted his teeth, shaking his head. "Ow... Goddammit," he grunted, looking up at Twisted Fate continuing to throw cards, Alice charging right at him, and Naomi pointing her gun at him. He wasn't used to being surrounded like this, but hey, if he was gonna prove his worth as an Avenger, he needed to show that this was a walk in the park!

Not that he exactly intended to be on the same level as Thor.


With that, scrambling to put what appeared to be a metal helmet on, Ant-Man quickly pressed what seemed to be a button in his hand, and with that, it was as though his body disappeared, practically disappearing within the blades of grass beneath everyone.

It was nigh impossible to ascertain where he had gone for everyone around, though his body didn't remain missing for very long, exactly.


An extremely minuscule figure hopped on top of Naomi's gun, and ran along its length, before then making its way onto the woman's shoulder, and leaping towards her face, where it delivered what felt like a hard hook punch toward her, knocking her a few feet away! With that, the man's body appeared once more, standing just a few inches away from where Naomi once was, looking before everyone.

"See? Told ya I'm a dangerous guy! But you didn't--Oh, shit," he began, before finding himself unable to even finish talking as Ali thrust his sword toward his groin and Alice began charging at him, prompting him to do the most logical thing.

Run away.

"Screw it all, I am so not cut out for being a real Avenger!" Ant-Man exclaimed as he turned tail, "And why are there civilians?! What kind of people are you to drag civilians into this place?!"

@Otto @Yun Lee @Archwar @Mason Moretti @Minerva @penguin055 @Gands @AntManFight


"B-but..." Kujou stammered as Twisted Fate told her to stay back and Ali gave some protective words. It wasn't like she really wanted to fight. Rather, just the thought sent chills down her spine. But she didn't want to be useless, or worse, be a burden on everyone else. That would be no good. She definitely didn't want that. They'd been nice to her, so if she only stood around like this...

Before she could take action though, the man they seemed to be facing just took off! Kujou had no words. He'd just shrunk, and then turned back to normal. He seemed pretty strong. Why was he running away?

...I can't let him run. They'll kill me, and the nice card man, and the teacherly elder man...!

Raising her gun, she positioned herself just like she'd practiced. Her gun was raised so that the sights lined up with her field of view. Her feet were shoulder-width apart, her right behind the left. A lithe finger was pressed against the trigger, ready to pull it once she had a clear shot. Soon, at least as far as she could tell, the shot was lined up. All she had to do was pull the trigger, and with a thundering explosion a shell of metal would fly. Just pull it, pull it, hit him.


Her finger was stuck. In fact, her whole body seemed to be frozen. Even her breathing and blinking had stopped. Like a statue, Kujou stood there, almost like a picture from a textbook of shooting form.

Is it really okay? Can I shoot him? He'll die, won't he? Just because he can become small doesn't mean it's okay to shoot...I think?

"...Ah," Kujou shook from her statue-like state, her eyes widening a bit as she lowered the gun. She looked down at it, and then back up at the fleeing Ant Man.

She really couldn't do it after all. She really was useless.

@Otto @Archwar @Mason Moretti @Minerva @penguin055 @Gands @AntManFight @Verite
James Proudstar _ Warpath

Sailing through the air to intercept Kent he went. Poof, Kent disappeared through a magical doorway. James landed with a tumble, dusted himself off, He shook his head and started to follow wherever the two Umbrella guys went. No idea where Shev went and it was real crowded out here, a fellah could get hurt. Really, he didn't want to fight the big three anyway.

@Cromartie Sarkissian @Atomyk @peoplefightingthor
Zerberus then stopped. Everything was in slow motion. He thought to himself.....I would stop.....but my friends need me.... I will not give up. Zerberus then quickly teleport in the way of the car. A bright light came from him as he then points his Key-blade at car. Suddenly, mutliple chains sprung from the Key-blade, piercing right through the car. He lifts his blade, causing the car to be lifted in the air. The chains quickly began to ripped apart. Something was wrong with Zerberus. He was filled with...... Hatred. His weapon then glowed pink as he walked forward.

"I will not let you hurt my friends. If you do... I'll do everything in my power to destroy you!"
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