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Zerberus looks at the little girl for an answer.....he did feel like he was going to get a bad one though......
@Crow @Anyone
"Oh hush!" Senna exclaimed, childishly sticking her tongue out at Shirou. "I'm not being cold, it's just the truth!"
"Heh, whatever you say."

Shirou chuckled as she stuck her tongue out at him. Spirited kid.

"Don't eyeball me like that, I will kick your butt to the next galaxy over."

@Otto @Hospes
"Hey, you might actually be doing her a favor if you kick her out of this little cage, huh?" Shirou shrugged, a smirk on his face.

@Klutzy Ninja Kitty @C.T. @Hospes

Zerberus looks at the little girl for an answer.....he did feel like he was going to get a bad one though......
@Crow @Anyone

"Are you certain that your heart is one that can handle criticism? Are you certain that the words that will emerge from my mouth will not harm your soul?"

Cagliostro's voice was now rougher and had a 'cranky' feel.

@Hachiro Terra
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"Last I saw of her before ending up here, yes. She was doing fine, taking a moment to enjoy herself for once since war broke out." she replied. She missed the other, as well as the rest of their army. She made sure not to let her face betray her and give off a sad expression. The last thing she'd want is for those scientists to see her so down since waling up in this dumb cell, and she didn't want Joshua to be concerned.

@The Myrmidon @Verite @Mami Tomoe @Crow @Josh M @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @CrunchyCHEEZIT @Azuremoon @Mason Moretti @Hachiro Terra @Box Squad
"Always war... seems to be all there is right now, no matter where I go," Joshua sighed, recalling the present conflict in his own world. Pulling out a golden coin, the myrmidon rolled and flipped it between his coins to pass the time as he spoke, "The nation I've been working for has gone on a warpath, starting conflicts with old friends...Don't think I'll keep with them much longer."
Linda looked over at Ada. " So, how do you play the game you are doing with your hands?" She asked, looking over at her. She needed something to do in her spare time.

@Minerva @Nater Taters
"Cat's Cradle? You never played it as a child?" Ada said. She unwound the string from around her hands. "It's a simple game." She began retying the end of the string. "It just involves making shapes while not breaking it when we pass it between us."
James Proudstar - Warpath

Warpath simply stared at Palpatine for a moment. One hand reaching over to the Arkham Knight , lightly swatting the back of his armored head.

( To Palpatine ) " I am sorry sir, but I do not know much at all. We appear to have all been snatched up from our various worlds by these Scientists. ( points at the spot in the glass where the scientists can be seen most clearly. ) Perhaps you could try and reason with them ? Though personally, I am doubtful. "

His long arm, if the Arkham Knight hasn't at least looked this way, gently but insistently grabs up an armored arm and pulls him back.

" Arkham, please quit playing with that crazy woman and come meet this fellow over here. "

Palpatine, with his extensive skills of watching people, can see that Warpath by his body language was startled to see the older man.

@thatguyinthestore @Cromartie Sarkissian
"Hmm.." Sideous let out a sharp hum as he began to run through what Warpath had told him, reading between every line and analysing each verse "Perhaps you are correct. I always knew there was life beyond my universe...that there was something larger at work". Perhaps for the first time since his arrival, Palpatine was being totally honest; how blind must the Republic have been not to venture off into Wildspace before, and finally expand the boundaries of their Known Galaxy to their very limits. Then, and only then would they be able to truly comprehend the majesty that was Reality. It should have been done decades ago...centuries ago. How he had wished he had known the true size of his world before enacting the Grand Plan...

"I share your doubts too...The captors really take suggestions from the captives- and I speak from experience" Withdrawing himself from his thoughts, Sheev thrusted out a welcoming palm towards Warpath "I'm sorry- I didn't quite catch your name..."
Lucifer looked over at the two men when they posed him this question. " I honestly don't know how I got here. I just know that there was a flash of light and then I was here. Wouldn't be the first time something like this has happened to me. But hey, doesn't matter, I am actually kind of surprised they managed to capture so many of us. There's definitely something strange a foot," he said.

@Darkseide @TheColourlessRainbow

Linda looked over at the other woman. " Nope, I have never been shown this game as a kid. Then again, I didn't learn much about other cultures until after I got my job," she admitted, listening to what the woman was saying. It seemed simple enough to her.

@Nater Taters @Minerva
James Proudstar - Warpath

Watching Palpatine for a bit as he thought allowed James to get himself together. It appears that imagination really was more interesting than he figured. If he got back to his world, he was going to find Director George Lucas and smack him hard across the head. It appears that folks here seemed calmer now, that's good, he wanted to fly under the radar for now.

"You can call me James sir. I have an interesting question, somewhat philosophical. I feel at some point, our captors are going to require something more of us. Already it seems like folks are dividing into something like three groups. Those more morally inclined, those more neutral and those with a more self interested nature. Now, many aren't going to show their true nature just yet. As someone who borders on neutral and morally inclined, what would be your advise for our situation ? "

James was calm, watching a couple of the others, very much wanting to talk to Kent and happy that Arkham was calmer now. Interesting one of the loud girls fell on her ass trying to activate her powers to make a doorway. He fully understood the multiverse theory since the X-men have been down that path before. After a moment's hesitation, he held out his hand to the older man.

@Cromartie Sarkissian @thatguyinthestore
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To say Road was reluctant to answer this was... a bit of an understatement. The family of Noah had fought the Church for over a thousand years and for her to seem so unwilling to fight with her... it pissed Road off even more. But she folded.

"Well, cupcake, do you recall goth power-rangers from where you come from?" Road gestured towards the 'Arkham Knight' with her entire hand as her arm flung in his general direction and then back behind her, "Or those... things." This time, she merely nodded in the direction of the Pokemon. "I've traveled between alternate realities for a long time, and I've become quite accustom to it. When I showed up here, I should've just been-" she stopped. The affairs she'd abandoned were not important.

"I am certain they yanked each of us from a different time and reality. They could NOT have misdirected my Door otherwise... They didn't bring us all here... to talk to us."

Road's cheeks suddenly puffed, arms folded in front of her below her chest and she looked away, visibly showing her anger that the Knight had been resilient to her goading. The Kent fellow had been more subseptable, and that was something she was going to keep in mind...

@Josh_M @Verite

He raised one eyebrow. "No? How peculiar." Alucard appeared to be deep in thought. Members of the Church were definitely aware of him, but they generally left him alone due to his stance against his father. Though they were not of the same species, they were once united through their common goals. He couldn't quite understand why she did not seem to have a clue as to who he was, and why she was so surprised at the suggestion of him being allied to the Church.

Perhaps... "Have you heard of the Belmont family?" Alucard asked. Maybe she belonged to another Church. He did not know of another in his world that hunted creatures of the dark, and bore hatred against the king of the Vampires. But he had been slumbering for so long, a new organization may have been founded. "Trevor Belmont. Does this name mean anything to you?

However, words spoken by another young girl with spiked hair caught his attention. "...'Multiverse'?" he echoed, saying it slowly as if he was testing it. 'Yanked' from their own reality? What exactly did that mean? Was this not his world? That could answer many of his questions, but also created many more. Why? And how? And that foreboding presence... that feeling as though something bad could happen at any moment, it was too similar to that pull he felt that awoke him from his slumber. "You," he called out the girl. "Explain this."
"You don't need to call me "sir Kent". Just call me Clark. I'm not knight like you. I'm just some guy from Smallvile,Kansas."

Turning to Ries, the farm boy looked her eyes. She thought right, Clark was an earnest guy. His salt of the earth ways were clear to see as he stated his point.

"I might be just some guy, and you're a knight, but our goals are the same. We help people. I saw you need help, so I help. You'd do the same, right?"

Clark's eyes went back to demon before again focused on the holy knight.

She might have singled you out, but she's threat to everyone here. If this multiverse theory is right, she could find any of us at anytime. That's not good for anyone."

@Azuremoon @Josh M @Sen @Mami Tomoe @The Myrmidon @Takumi
"Road. Killing one to save a million isn't a fair trade. Either all life is equal, or none are. You said even a good man can turn evil? A bad man can be redeemed. If you and I took life of someone "evil", even to save millions of people, we're giving up on that person. I don't give up on people. Even if it might cause issues in the future."

In Clark's eye, the greater good is no excuse. You either protect all life, or none. Smirk now, Clark.

"It wouldn't be the first time i'd been called an alien or freak either. However, I apologies if I hurt your feelings."

@Verite @Azuremoon

Riesbyfe had been left to ponder Road's words. Her claims of the multiverse theory, one that she was no stranger to the concept of, were quite interesting, as were her words, but perhaps that explained some strange gaps in logic, such as the existence of someone like Alucard, and those strange little monsters that Road had mentioned before. However, perhaps more pressing than that, this all meant that if Road's words held true, then this situation was worse than they'd realized, enough that Ries had already lost much of the will to react to the fight Road had initially intended to pick with her.

Not only was Riesbyfe in a world not her own then, but so were all these other people, taken here deliberately, most likely by those enigmatic scientists. The knight could only furrow her brow. Attempting to make sense of this as she was wouldn't get her anywhere, as they had little facts to go off of. Waiting and seeing wasn't something Ries especially liked doing, but without her weapons, there was little to be done here.

Truly, like a rat in a cage.


"... Such a simple way to look at things, but I suppose aspiring champions of justice will always be needed. Those who are able to fight as well as they can dream, and not," Riesbyfe sighed in response to Clark as the woman crossed her arms. She had nothing to say when Clark later went on about the ethics of "killing" to Road, as Ries had no desire to debate about anything like that, especially considering their circumstances were wildly different, no doubt.

Admittedly however, she did raise an eyebrow when Clark mentioned being called some sort of "alien" or "freak," which was odd, as he seemed otherwise completely normal, hero of justice ideals aside. She'd have to inquire about that later at a more appropriate time, though whenever something like that would come wasn't something the knight would be able to predict.

Turning to Alucard with that, Riesbyfe tilted her head slightly. "Belmont... That name means nothing to me unfortunately, but with this multiverse theory come to light... If some black magic more powerful than what I could ever have conceived is at work here, then perhaps the reason I haven't heard that name is because it simply does not exist where I come from. In turn, I don't suppose terms such as True Ancestor or Dead Apostles mean anything to you then, Sir... Alucard?" She inquired, seeming to suddenly take a slightly more civil tone with him.

@Sen @Josh M @Azuremoon
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Zerberus did not like her tone of her voice and was now getting a little ticked off....he sighs

"Yes.....I can handle it.....it's now like there end of the world"
@Crow @Anyone
Lucifer looked over at the two men when they posed him this question. " I honestly don't know how I got here. I just know that there was a flash of light and then I was here. Wouldn't be the first time something like this has happened to me. But hey, doesn't matter, I am actually kind of surprised they managed to capture so many of us. There's definitely something strange a foot," he said.

Penny frowned

"I don't like being abducted. I also don't like the fact that there are so many of us, and from what I gather, none of us have any idea as to what is going on... If I get out of this alive, I am definitely throwing Quentin through a wall."​

He'd look to Eliot.​

"You and I shouldn't even be here, the others should... Maybe they drugged us to avoid this."
Definitely not in the best of moods​
Zerberus did not like her tone of her voice and was now getting a little ticked off....he sighs

"Yes.....I can handle it.....it's now like there end of the world"
@Crow @Anyone
"If you say so..."

Cagliostro begins.


"I cannot like it, or dislike it, for that matter," Cagliostro says, "it isn't anything that pleases me, or anything that displeases me. Let's just say that... it is akin to many, many other poems that have been written and forgotten. I've heard some say that a poem reflects its writer. This poem doesn't stand out from the pool of words and writings...

... to be forgotten in history is a greater failure than being heralded as 'good' or 'bad' and remembered for it, as people put it, but fear not, for it is a common fate, so don't take it to heart...

... maybe it does stand out in your eyes, or the eyes of others. As it stands now, it doesn't stand out to me. Maybe it wasn't too good of an idea to ask a cute, genius, beautiful alchemist about poetry, now was it?

Zerberus, was it? I was about to say one more thing, but who knows, diamonds can't be born without pressure."

Cagliostro's voice was reverted back to her cuter, more bubbly voice as she returned the sheet of paper to Zerberus


"You're welcome! I'm glad I could help out~! Teehee~!"

She skips away. If he were to ask of her name, she would respond...

"I'm the number one cutest, genius, beautiful alchemist, Cagliostro~! Don't forget that~!"

@Hachiro Terra
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Riesbyfe had been left to ponder Road's words. Her claims of the multiverse theory, one that she was no stranger to the concept of, were quite interesting, as were her words, but perhaps that explained some strange gaps in logic, such as the existence of someone like Alucard, and those strange little monsters that Road had mentioned before. However, perhaps more pressing than that, this all meant that if Road's words held true, then this situation was worse than they'd realized, enough that Ries had already lost much of the will to react to the fight Road had initially intended to pick with her.

Not only was Riesbyfe in a world not her own then, but so were all these other people, taken here deliberately, most likely by those enigmatic scientists. The knight could only furrow her brow. Attempting to make sense of this as she was wouldn't get her anywhere, as they had little facts to go off of. Waiting and seeing wasn't something Ries especially liked doing, but without her weapons, there was little to be done here.

Truly, like a rat in a cage.


"... Such a simple way to look at things, but I suppose aspiring champions of justice will always be needed. Those who are able to fight as well as they can dream, and not," Riesbyfe sighed in response to Clark as the woman crossed her arms. She had nothing to say when Clark later went on about the ethics of "killing" to Road, as Ries had no desire to debate about anything like that, especially considering their circumstances were wildly different, no doubt.

Admittedly however, she did raise an eyebrow when Clark mentioned being called some sort of "alien" or "freak," which was odd, as he seemed otherwise completely normal, hero of justice ideals aside. She'd have to inquire about that later at a more appropriate time, though whenever something like that would come wasn't something the knight would be able to predict.

Turning to Alucard with that, Riesbyfe tilted her head slightly. "Belmont... That name means nothing to me unfortunately, but with this multiverse theory come to light... If some black magic more powerful than what I could ever have conceived is at work here, then perhaps the reason I haven't heard that name is because it simply does not exist where I come from. In turn, I don't suppose terms such as True Ancestor or Dead Apostles mean anything to you then, Sir... Alucard?" She inquired, seeming to suddenly take a slightly more civil tone with him.

@Sen @Josh M @Azuremoon


"Yes, this 'multiverse theory' would provide answers for many of my questions." That he could admit. That uneasy feeling had not yet subsided. "No, I am afraid those terms are not familiar to me." He had read the Bible before, but if she was from another world, the contents would be different, he guessed. That Noah girl that had spoken earlier as well, he could only assume from what he knew where he came from.

"I may not know what your world is like, but I appreciate the existence of your Church. At least our worlds have something against vile creatures like demons that roam the world of men."

  • Qg4UkGN.png

    "My name is Doremi! It's nice to meet you!"

    Meanwhile there seems to be a glint from Jabber as he intensely stares at Little Guy.

    @Mason Moretti

    "Last I saw of her before ending up here, yes. She was doing fine, taking a moment to enjoy herself for once since war broke out." she replied. She missed the other, as well as the rest of their army. She made sure not to let her face betray her and give off a sad expression. The last thing she'd want is for those scientists to see her so down since waling up in this dumb cell, and she didn't want Joshua to be concerned.

    @The Myrmidon @Verite @Mami Tomoe @Crow @Josh M @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @CrunchyCHEEZIT @Azuremoon @Mason Moretti @Hachiro Terra @Box Squad


    "Are you certain that your heart is one that can handle criticism? Are you certain that the words that will emerge from my mouth will not harm your soul?"

    Cagliostro's voice was now rougher and had a 'cranky' feel.

    @Hachiro Terra

    "Always war... seems to be all there is right now, no matter where I go," Joshua sighed, recalling the present conflict in his own world. Pulling out a golden coin, the myrmidon rolled and flipped it between his coins to pass the time as he spoke, "The nation I've been working for has gone on a warpath, starting conflicts with old friends...Don't think I'll keep with them much longer."

    Zerberus did not like her tone of her voice and was now getting a little ticked off....he sighs

    "Yes.....I can handle it.....it's now like there end of the world"
    @Crow @Anyone
    "If you say so..."

    Cagliostro begins.


    "I cannot like it, or dislike it, for that matter," Cagliostro says, "it isn't anything that pleases me, or anything that displeases me. Let's just say that... it is akin to many, many other poems that have been written and forgotten. I've heard some say that a poem reflects its writer. This poem doesn't stand out from the pool of words and writings...

    ... to be forgotten in history is a greater failure than being heralded as 'good' or 'bad' and remembered for it, as people put it, but fear not, for it is a common fate, so don't take it to heart...

    ... maybe it does stand out in your eyes, or the eyes of others. As it stands now, it doesn't stand out to me. Maybe it wasn't too good of an idea to ask a cute, genius, beautiful alchemist about poetry, now was it?"

    Cagliostro's voice was reverted back to her cuter, more bubbly voice.


    "You're welcome! I'm glad I could help out~! Teehee~!"

    @Hachiro Terra

  • @Takumi @The Myrmidon @Hachiro Terra @Crow

    Naomi watched silently, observing the people around her. Princesses, alchemists, myrmidons and more surrounded her, making her think.

    "These are certainly things I'd never see in Portland," she thought to herself, "and some of these things seem entirely inpossible altogether. Is it possible that we're no longer even on the planet Earth? Well, I shouldn't completely remove that possibility, but I don't exactly have proof either."

    Her train of thought became derailed with Joshua's words. The traim finds itself a new set of rails as she asks Joshua, "What nation, exactly, are you working for?"

    Even as she is talking with Joshua and Azura, her eyes dart towards Zerberus every few seconds to make sure he doesn't cause too much trouble with the alchemist.

  • @Bomb

    Navel smiled and introduced himself, "I'm Inspector Navel. It's not the most popular name on the playground, but Dr. Kimishima calls me 'Little Guy'. I suppose whichever one you wish to use is alright by me."

    Navel's nerves stood on end with how long Jabber was staring at him. Eventually, his gaze falls upon Jabber, forcing him to acknowledge the Riolu. "I suppose you're a little guy as well. What's your name? And... If you don't mind me asking, what exactly are you two?"

  • @Takumi @The Myrmidon @Hachiro Terra @Crow

    Naomi watched silently, observing the people around her. Princesses, alchemists, myrmidons and more surrounded her, making her think.

    "These are certainly things I'd never see in Portland," she thought to herself, "and some of these things seem entirely inpossible altogether. Is it possible that we're no longer even on the planet Earth? Well, I shouldn't completely remove that possibility, but I don't exactly have proof either."

    Her train of thought became derailed with Joshua's words. The traim finds itself a new set of rails as she asks Joshua, "What nation, exactly, are you working for?"

    Even as she is talking with Joshua and Azura, her eyes dart towards Zerberus every few seconds to make sure he doesn't cause too much trouble with the alchemist.

  • @Bomb

    Navel smiled and introduced himself, "I'm Inspector Navel. It's not the most popular name on the playground, but Dr. Kimishima calls me 'Little Guy'. I suppose whichever one you wish to use is alright by me."

    Navel's nerves stood on end with how long Jabber was staring at him. Eventually, his gaze falls upon Jabber, forcing him to acknowledge the Riolu. "I suppose you're a little guy as well. What's your name? And... If you don't mind me asking, what exactly are you two?"
Jabber, noticing that Navel was talking to him, hid within the crowd of people again, not wanting to talk with him just yet.


"Was someone there?" Doremi would say, not catching Jabber in time. "Anyways, it's nice to meet you, Navel!"

@Mason Moretti
  • Thank You
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Jabber, noticing that Navel was talking to him, hid within the crowd of people again, not wanting to talk with him just yet.


"Was someone there?" Doremi would say, not catching Jabber in time. "Anyways, it's nice to meet you, Navel!"

@Mason Moretti
@Bomb #PokéSquad

"Huh? There was just somebody else here...

"Anyway, it is nice to meet you as well, Doremi. You're a great dancer and musician. I have a question, though, if you don't mind.



"Are you?"
@Bomb #PokéSquad

"Huh? There was just somebody else here...

"Anyway, it is nice to meet you as well, Doremi. You're a great dancer and musician. I have a question, though, if you don't mind.



"Are you?"

"Well... haven't you heard of a Pokemon before? I'm a Meloetta to be precise, but my name is Doremi. It's based on the musical scales!"

@Mason Moretti
  • Love
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"Well... haven't you heard of a Pokemon before? I'm a Meloetta to be precise, but my name is Doremi. It's based on the musical scales!"

@Mason Moretti
Little Guy

@Bomb #PokéSquad

One could almost hear the gears in Navel's head as they ground to a halt. "What is a Pokémon?" Navel thought to himself.

He wasn't one to jump to conclusions or concoct outlandish theories; his job dealt with simple, precise facts and figures. His job was to analyze evidence. However, there was definitely a speck of imagination that sat within his head.

From the Pokémon's mention of its own existence as common knowledge, Navel drew a conclusion.
"I think that we both must not come from the same place. With the collection of people here, it seems people are being brought from all over. The question is, all over what?

To answer your question, I've never heard of a Pokémon before. You Pokémon definitely seem interesting...

What's the chance that you've never heard of what a human is?"

He was surprised that someone like her was talking to him like this, but nevertheless it did not faze him. She did look strange, like a demon. Though there were no horns on her head, she gave off the aura of something otherworldly, and the strange marks on her forehead that were reminiscent of a crown did her no favours.

"I see. So even though we have similar names for locations, they are not the same place." He nodded at the knight of the Chuch. "Apologies. Perhaps we are not allies after all."

This girl seemed to know a lot as to what was happening, and from what he overhead earlier, it appeared she did this quite often - or had some sort of ability to move across the 'multiverse', whatever this meant. Alucard was suddenly a little bitter he had not known anything about this before, and he did not remember there were books about this subject. But it was definitely a thing mankind stumbled across often. Too supernatural... the dhampir glanced at the others littered about the containment. Or maybe he was wrong. Most of these people looked like normal men and women. Though they probably housed powers he had never seen before. Now he was curious. But he knew he had to keep his distance. Judging from the knight and the dark-skinned girl's reaction, contempt for vampires remained constant throughout these different... realms.


And he was wrong again. Where were these people from, exactly? Their worlds seemed so different from his. She certainly looked like a demon, but she was arguing otherwise. Controlling demons...? His eyes narrowed. Reminded him a lot of his father, who held command over the demons that resided in his domain. The castle was littered with them, and were always hostile whenever he returned home - to kill their master. He had a few familiars himself, but they would be useless here if they could not help them break out of their glassy cell.

"... A descendant of Noah? ... The son of Lamech?" Alucard asked, his curiosity hidden well. "Interesting, is that why you have command over demons? That is certainly a power that only those who wield dark magic can possess..."​
"Y-yes..." Road spoke in a benign tone, feeling the edges of curiosity biting at her mind. Just how different were there worlds? The roots at least had similarities. Excluding the country-boy, Clark, this woman - Ries - and the vampire... Alucard and Road herself all came from worlds with Vampires, a Holy Knighthood and Noah. It was no surprise to Road that it seemed that all who arrived in this room seemed to be dividing themselves. Even unconsciously.

Finally, Road sat up from the floor and tried desperately to whip away the blood from her ears with her wrists before standing quickly and tending to the final stream from her nose. Using Door was apparently a big no-no in here. All that remained now from the recoil was a headache. Road missed Lero. He'd have got her something sweet and some tea in such a situation.

"In my world, the children of Noah resented God for destroying humanity and waged against him by aligning with Satan and becoming the Fourteen Apostles. Our genes are recessive in all of humanity and we reincarnate to fight against the Holy every generation." Road's explanation was said in an almost friendly tone. It was clear Ries and Clark wern't going to bite... so... she might as well educate ignorance. "First though... we destroyed Satan, and used the black magic we obtained from this to turn the souls of dead, tortured mortals into 'Akuma'." The seemingly young girl's eyes flickered at Alucard. "From Akuma, came sub-species... such as your progenitor - Dracula. That boy had been so sweet in youth... shame he got rebellious and the Earl had to put him down. After Dracula's revolt, Vampire's became servants to the family of Noah. Hence my... emotion at your arrogant tone, before."

Might as well fill the holes in their history, right?
"Road. Killing one to save a million isn't a fair trade. Either all life is equal, or none are. You said even a good man can turn evil? A bad man can be redeemed. If you and I took life of someone "evil", even to save millions of people, we're giving up on that person. I don't give up on people. Even if it might cause issues in the future."

In Clark's eye, the greater good is no excuse. You either protect all life, or none. Smirk now, Clark.

"It wouldn't be the first time i'd been called an alien or freak either. However, I apologies if I hurt your feelings."

@Verite @Azuremoon
"Thanks, bumpkin, but when it comes to saving lives... it's more often then not someone saving others from me. So I doubt I'm in need of the lesson. Or I save my own... which is sufficient."

It was clear, had these two came from the same universe, it was likely that they would not be on the same side of things. and that was right. Even right now, Road wanted nothing more than for this being to drop his guard so she could pounce and infect him with the Akuma virus. Who knew what made him special, but it seemed nothing in this room frightened him, which was considerable, seeing as the very fabric of space-time had been torn asunder to bring him here.


A shrill laugh suddenly left the girl's form at that last part, and she looked at Clark with belittling eyes.

"Did you say hurt my feelings? That's adorably naive."


Once again, Road turned her attention to the tail end of what Ries and Alucard had been speaking of. Words like 'demons' and 'church' bite at her loose attention span, and the word, 'Belmont' sounded interesting too. How Alucard ended that though- "I appreciate the existence of your Church. At least our worlds have something against vile creatures like demons that roam the world of men."

A shame. For whatever reason the Nosferatu was a servant to the Church, it seemed, and that sickened her.

"So... I'm fraternizing with the enemy?" There was a tinge of... something in her words. Hesitation? Remorse? Something. "You might also appreciate that, in my world as well... the Church spear heads a vendetta against evil... and has won. That's the link that connects all four of our worlds... good... triumphs over...us."

Road couldn't bring herself to call her family 'evil'. They weren't.

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James Proudstar - Warpath

As he was talking with Palpatine, he watched carefully as one of the mouthy young women recovered from her mishap. She was loudly proclaiming her and hers as enemies of the Church, intimating that she was a villain. Playing a game, most weren't playing he noticed. Clearly Kent and he would likely be friends under different circumstances. The church lady ? he didn't know, the history of his folk and white church folks was mixed at best. She seemed to be on the level, even if from a different side of the tracks than he.

Clearly at least in his own mind, Palpatine was already Darth Sidious. Though even if the X-man believe that to be the case, even if the old man was evil at every level, it was too dangerous to ignore him and walk away, too dangerous to antagonize him and way too dangerous to let the old man get his hooks into the X-man.

" Do you think she is trying to draw others out into the open ? "
@Cromartie Sarkissian @thatguyinthestore
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